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A delay-efficient radiation-hard digital design approach using code word state preserving (cwsp) elementsNagpal, Charu 10 October 2008 (has links)
With the relentless shrinking of the minimum feature size of VLSI Integrated
Circuits (ICs), reduction in operating voltages and increase in operating frequencies,
VLSI circuits are becoming more vulnerable to radiation strikes. As a result, this
problem is now important not only for space and military electronics but also for
consumer ICs. Thus, the design of radiation-hardened circuits has received significant
attention in recent times.
This thesis addresses the radiation hardening issue for VLSI ICs. In particular,
circuit techniques are presented to protect against Single Event Transients (SETs).
Radiation hardening has long been an area of research for memories for space and
military ICs. In a memory, the stored state can ip as a result of a radiation strike.
Such bit reversals in case of memories are known as Single Event Upsets (SEUs).
With the feature sizes of VLSI ICs becoming smaller, radiation-induced glitches have
become a source of concern in combinational circuits also. In combinational circuits,
if a glitch due to a radiation event occurs at the time the circuit outputs are being
sampled, it could lead to the propagation of a faulty value. The current or voltage
glitches on the nodes of a combinational circuit are known as SETs. When an SET
occurring on a node of a logic network is propagated through the gates of the network
and is captured by a latch as a logic error, it is transformed to an SEU.
The approach presented in this thesis makes use of Code Word State Preserving
(CWSP) elements at each ip-op of the design, along with additional logic to trigger
a recomputation in case a SET induced error is detected. The combinational part of
the design is left unaltered. The CWSP element provides 100% SET protection for
glitch widths up to min{(Dmin-D1)/2, (Dmax-D2)/2}, where Dmin and Dmax are
the minimum and maximum circuit delay respectively. D1 and D2 are extra delays
associated with the proposed SET protection circuit. The CWSP circuit has two
inputs - the flip flop output signal and the same signal delayed by a quantity 6. In
case an SET error is detected at the end of a clock period i, then the computation is
repeated in clock period i+1, using the correct output value, which was captured by
the CWSP element in the ith clock period. Unlike previous approaches, the CWSP
element is i) in a secondary computational path and ii) the CWSP logic is designed to
minimally impact the critical delay path of the design. It was found through SPICE
simulations that the delay penalty of the proposed approach (averaged over several
designs) is less than 1%. Thus, the proposed technique is applicable for high-speed
designs, where the additional delay associated with the SET protection must be kept
at a minimum.
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A VERSATILE PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTION RF ASIC FOR SPACE-BASED RF SYSTEMSMcMahon, Michael, Rhoads, Albert, Winter, Frank, Pierson, Graham 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / A programmable RF ASIC is described which provides most of the RF functions within a next generation S-band transponder for space applications. The unique 18-contact LCC device can be programmed to perform a variety of RF and analog functions. This single space qualified high speed bipolar "function toolbox" is used in 39 locations throughout the transponder to provide a flexible radio architecture. The ASIC design process, internal electrical design, circuit application, space environment performance, and RF testing of the RF ASIC are described. This proprietary part provides a space-qualified solution for RF circuitry that can be applied to a variety of space application products.
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An Innovative Radiation Hardened By Design Flip-FlopJanuary 2010 (has links)
abstract: Radiation hardening by design (RHBD) has become a necessary practice when creating circuits to operate within radiated environments. While employing RHBD techniques has tradeoffs between size, speed and power, novel designs help to minimize these penalties. Space radiation is the primary source of radiation errors in circuits and two types of single event effects, single event upsets (SEU), and single event transients (SET) are increasingly becoming a concern. While numerous methods currently exist to nullify SEUs and SETs, special consideration to the techniques of temporal hardening and interlocking are explored in this thesis. Temporal hardening mitigates both SETs and SEUs by spacing critical nodes through the use of delay elements, thus allowing collected charge to be removed. Interlocking creates redundant nodes to rectify charge collection on one single node. This thesis presents an innovative, temporally hardened D flip-flop (TFF). The TFF physical design is laid out in the 130 nm TSMC process in the form of an interleaved multi-bit cell and the circuitry necessary for the flip-flop to be hardened against SETs and SEUs is analyzed with simulations verifying these claims. Comparisons are made to an unhardened D flip-flop through speed, size, and power consumption depicting how the RHBD technique used increases all three over an unhardened flip-flop. Finally, the blocks from both the hardened and the unhardened flip-flops being placed in Synthesis and auto-place and route (APR) design flows are compared through size and speed to show the effects of using the high density multi-bit layout. Finally, the TFF presented in this thesis is compared to two other flip-flops, the majority voter temporal/DICE flip-flop (MTDFF) and the C-element temporal/DICE flip-flop (CTDFF). These circuits are built on the same 130 nm TSMC process as the TFF and then analyzed by the same methods through speed, size, and power consumption and compared to the TFF and unhardened flip-flops. Simulations are completed on the MTDFF and CTDFF to show their strengths against D node SETs and SEUs as well as their weakness against CLK node SETs. Results show that the TFF is faster and harder than both the MTDFF and CTDFF. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Electrical Engineering 2010
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Radiation Hardened Clock DesignJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: Clock generation and distribution are essential to CMOS microchips, providing synchronization to external devices and between internal sequential logic. Clocks in microprocessors are highly vulnerable to single event effects and designing reliable energy efficient clock networks for mission critical applications is a major challenge. This dissertation studies the basics of radiation hardening, essentials of clock design and impact of particle strikes on clocks in detail and presents design techniques for hardening complete clock systems in digital ICs.
Since the sequential elements play a key role in deciding the robustness of any clocking strategy, hardened-by-design implementations of triple-mode redundant (TMR) pulse clocked latches and physical design methodologies for using TMR master-slave flip-flops in application specific ICs (ASICs) are proposed. A novel temporal pulse clocked latch design for low power radiation hardened applications is also proposed. Techniques for designing custom RHBD clock distribution networks (clock spines) and ASIC clock trees for a radiation hardened microprocessor using standard CAD tools are presented. A framework for analyzing the vulnerabilities of clock trees in general, and study the parameters that contribute the most to the tree’s failure, including impact on controlled latches is provided. This is then used to design an integrated temporally redundant clock tree and pulse clocked flip-flop based clocking scheme that is robust to single event transients (SETs) and single event upsets (SEUs). Subsequently, designing robust clock delay lines for use in double data rate (DDRx) memory applications is studied in detail. Several modules of the proposed radiation hardened all-digital delay locked loop are designed and studied. Many of the circuits proposed in this entire body of work have been implemented and tested on a standard low-power 90-nm process. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2015
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Radiation Hardened Pulse Based D Flip Flop DesignJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT The D flip flop acts as a sequencing element while designing any pipelined system. Radiation Hardening by Design (RHBD) allows hardened circuits to be fabricated on commercially available CMOS manufacturing process. Recently, single event transients (SET's) have become as important as single event upset (SEU) in radiation hardened high speed digital designs. A novel temporal pulse based RHBD flip-flop design is presented. Temporally delayed pulses produced by a radiation hardened pulse generator design samples the data in three redundant pulse latches. The proposed RHBD flip-flop has been statistically designed and fabricated on 90 nm TSMC LP process. Detailed simulations of the flip-flop operation in both normal and radiation environments are presented. Spatial separation of critical nodes for the physical design of the flip-flop is carried out for mitigating multi-node charge collection upsets. The proposed flip-flop is also used in commercial CAD flows for high performance chip designs. The proposed flip-flop is used in the design and auto-place-route (APR) of an advanced encryption system and the metrics analyzed. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Electrical Engineering 2014
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Post-silicon Validation of Radiation Hardened Microprocessor, Embedded Flash and Test StructuresJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: Digital systems are essential to the technological advancements in space exploration. Microprocessor and flash memory are the essential parts of such a digital system. Space exploration requires a special class of radiation hardened microprocessors and flash memories, which are not functionally disrupted in the presence of radiation. The reference design ‘HERMES’ is a radiation-hardened microprocessor with performance comparable to commercially available designs. The reference design ‘eFlash’ is a prototype of soft-error hardened flash memory for configuring Xilinx FPGAs. These designs are manufactured using a foundry bulk CMOS 90-nm low standby power (LP) process. This thesis presents the post-silicon validation results of these designs. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Electrical Engineering 2016
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Post-silicon Validation of Radiation Hardened Microprocessor and SRAM arraysJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Digital systems are increasingly pervading in the everyday lives of humans. The security of these systems is a concern due to the sensitive data stored in them. The physically unclonable function (PUF) implemented on hardware provides a way to protect these systems. Static random-access memories (SRAMs) are designed and used as a strong PUF to generate random numbers unique to the manufactured integrated circuit (IC).
Digital systems are important to the technological improvements in space exploration. Space exploration requires radiation hardened microprocessors which minimize the functional disruptions in the presence of radiation. The design highly efficient radiation-hardened microprocessor for enabling spacecraft (HERMES) is a radiation-hardened microprocessor with performance comparable to the commercially available designs. These designs are manufactured using a foundry complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) 55-nm triple-well process. This thesis presents the post silicon validation results of the HERMES and the PUF mode of SRAM across process corners.
Chapter 1 gives an overview of the blocks implemented on the test chip 25. It also talks about the pre-silicon functional verification methodology used for the test chip. Chapter 2 discusses about the post silicon testing setup of test chip 25 and the validation of the setup. Chapter 3 describes the architecture and the test bench of the HERMES along with its testing results. Chapter 4 discusses the test bench and the perl scripts used to test the SRAM along with its testing results. Chapter 5 gives a summary of the post-silicon validation results of the HERMES and the PUF mode of SRAM. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Electrical Engineering 2017
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Conception sur mesure d'un FPGA durci aux radiations à base de mémoires magnétiques / Conception of a full custum radiation hardened FPGA based on the use of magnetic memoriesGonçalves, Olivier 19 June 2013 (has links)
Le but de la thèse a été de montrer que les cellules mémoires MRAM présentent de nombreux avantages pour une utilisation en tant que mémoire de configuration pour les architectures reconfigurables et en particulier les FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). Ce type de composant est programmable et permet de concevoir un circuit numérique simplement en programmant des cellules mémoires qui définissent sa fonctionnalité. Un FPGA est principalement constitué de cellules mémoires. C'est pourquoi elles déterminent en grande partie ses caractéristiques comme sa surface ou sa consommation et influencent ses performances comme sa rapidité. Les mémoires MRAM sont composées de Jonctions Tunnel Magnétiques (JTMs) qui stockent l'information sous la forme d'une aimantation. Une JTM est composée de trois couches : deux couches de matériaux ferromagnétiques séparées par une couche isolante. Une des deux couches ferromagnétiques a une aimantation fixée dans un certaine direction (couche de référence) tandis que l'autre peut voir son aimantation changer dans deux directions (couche de stockage). Ainsi, la propagation des électrons est changée suivant que les deux aimantations sont parallèles ou antiparallèles c'est-à-dire que la résistance électrique de la jonction change suivant l'orientation relative des aimantations. Elle est faible lorsque les aimantations sont parallèles et forte lorsqu'elles sont antiparallèles. L'écriture d'une JTM consiste donc à changer l'orientation de l'aimantation de la couche de stockage tandis que la lecture consiste à déterminer si l'on a une forte ou une faible résistance. Les atouts de la JTM font d'elle une bonne candidate pour être une mémoire dite universelle, bien que des efforts de recherche restent à accomplir. Cependant, elle a de nombreux avantages comme la non-volatilité, la rapidité et la faible consommation à l'écriture comparée à la mémoire Flash ainsi que la résistance aux radiations. Grâce à ces avantages, on peut déjà l'utiliser dans certaines applications et en particulier dans le domaine du spatial. En effet, l'utilisation dans ce domaine permet de tirer parti de tous les avantages de la JTM en raison du fait qu'elle est intrinsèquement immune aux radiations et non-volatile. Elle permet donc de réaliser un FPGA résistant aux radiations et avec une basse consommation et de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Le travail de la thèse s'est donc déroulé sur trois ans. La première année a d'abord été dédiée à l'état de l'art afin d'apprendre le fonctionnement des JTMs, l'architecture des FPGAs, les techniques de durcissement aux radiations et de basse consommation ainsi que le fonctionnement des outils utilisés en microélectronique. Au bout de la première année, un nouveau concept d'architecture de FPGA a été proposé. Les deuxième et troisième années ont été dédiées à la réalisation de cette innovation avec la recherche de la meilleure structure de circuit et la réalisation d'un circuit de base d'un FPGA ainsi que la conception puis la fabrication d'un démonstrateur. Le démonstrateur a été testé avec succès et a permis de prouver le concept. La nouvelle architecture de circuit de FPGA a permis de montrer que l'utilisation des mémoires MRAM comme mémoire de configuration de FPGA était avantageuse et en particulier pour les technologies futures. / The aim of the thesis was to show that MRAM memory has many advantages for use as a configuration memory for reconfigurable architectures and especially Field Programmable Gate-Arrays (FPGAs). This type of component is programmable and allows designing a digital circuit simply by programming memory cells that define its functionality. An FPGA is thus mainly composed of memory cells. That is why they largely determine its characteristics as its surface or power consumption and affect its performance as its speed. MRAM memories are composed of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (JTMs) which store information in the form of a magnetization. A JTM is composed of three layers: two layers of ferromagnetic material separated by an insulating layer. One of the two ferromagnetic layers has a magnetization pinned in a fixed direction (reference layer) while the other one can have its magnetization switched between two directions (storage layer). Thus, the propagation of the electrons is changed depending on whether the two magnetizations are parallel or antiparallel that is to say that the electrical resistance of the junction changes according to the orientation of the magnetizations. It is low when the magnetizations are parallel and high when antiparallel. Writing a JTM consists in changing the orientation of the magnetization of the storage layer while reading consists in determining if the resistance is high or low. The advantages of the JTM make it a good candidate to be used as a universal memory although research efforts are still needed. However, it has many advantages such as non-volatility, fast and low power consumption compared to writing to Flash memory as well as resistance to radiation. With these advantages, we may already use it in some applications and in particular in the field of space. Indeed, its use in this area allows taking advantage of all of the benefits of JTM due to the fact that it is intrinsically immune to radiation and non-volatile. It therefore enables to make a radiation hardened and low power FPGA with new functionalities. The work of this thesis is held over three years. The first year was dedicated to the state of the art in order to learn the mechanisms of JTMs, the architecture of FPGAs, radiation hardening and low power consumption techniques as well as the operation of the tools used in microelectronics. After the first year, a new FPGA architecture concept was proposed. The second and third years were devoted to the realization of this innovation with the search for the best circuit structure and the realization of an elementary component of a FPGA and the design and manufacture of a demonstrator. The demonstrator has been successfully tested and proved the new concept. The new circuit architecture of FPGA has shown that the use of MRAM cells as configuration memories for FPGAs was particularly advantageous for future technologies.
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Analysis and Design of Radiation-Hardened Phase-Locked Loop / 放射線耐性を持つPLLの解析と設計Kim, Sinnyoung 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第18413号 / 情博第528号 / 新制||情||93(附属図書館) / 31271 / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科通信情報システム専攻 / (主査)教授 小野寺 秀俊, 教授 守倉 正博, 教授 佐藤 高史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DFAM
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An Evaluation of Soft Processors as a Reliable Computing PlatformGardiner, Michael Robert 01 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This study evaluates the benefits and limitations of soft processors operating in a radiation-hardened FPGA, focusing primarily on the performance and reliability of these systems. FPGAs designs for four popular soft processors, the MicroBlaze, LEON3, Cortex-M0 DesignStart, and OpenRISC 1200 are developed for a Virtex-5 FPGA. The performance of these soft processor designs is then compared on ten widely-used benchmark programs. Benchmarking results indicate that the MicroBlaze has the best integer performance of the soft processors, with at least 2.23X better performance on average than the other three processors. However, the LEON3 has the best floating-point performance, with benchmark scores 8.9X higher on average than its competitors.The soft processors' performance is also compared against estimated benchmark scores for a radiation-hardened processor, the RAD750. We find the average performance of the RAD750 to be 2.58X better than the best soft processor scores on each benchmark, although the best soft processor scores were higher on two benchmarks. The soft processors' inability to compete with the performance of the decade-old RAD750 illustrates the substantial performance gap between hard and soft processor architectures. Although soft processors are not capable of competing with rad-hard processors in performance, the flexibility they provide nevertheless makes them a desirable option for space systems where speed is not the key issue.Fault injection experiments are also completed on three of the soft processors to evaluate their configuration memory sensitivity. Our results demonstrate that the MicroBlaze is less sensitive than the LEON3 and the Cortex-M0 DesignStart, but that the LEON3 has lower sensitivity per FPGA slice than the other processors. A combined metric for soft processor performance and configuration sensitivity is then developed to aid future researchers in evaluating the trade-offs between these two distinct processor attributes.
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