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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μελέτη αλγορίθμων ανάθεσης ραδιοπόρων και ελέγχου της ισχύος σε ασύρματα κυτταρικά δίκτυα

Παπαμιχαλοπούλου, Αντωνία 09 May 2012 (has links)
Στη παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία εξετάζεται η περίπτωση του διαμοιρασμού των διαθέσιμων πόρων ενός ασύρματου συστήματος επικοινωνίας στους χρήστες που εξυπηρετεί. Γίνεται η υπόθεση ότι το ασύρματο σύστημα κάνει χρήση της τεχνικής πολλαπλής πρόσβασης OFDMA, δηλαδή ότι χρησιμοποιεί έναν αριθμό ορθογώνιων υποφορέων τον οποίο αναθέτει στους χρήστες για τη μετάδοση της πληροφορίας. Η μελέτη εστιάζεται στην κάτω ζεύξη (downlink) του συστήματος OFDMA, δηλαδή στη μετάδοση δεδομένων από τον σταθμό βάσης της κυψέλης στους χρήστες – δέκτες. Οι διαθέσιμοι πόροι του συστήματος είναι οι ορθογώνιοι υποφορείς και η συνολική διαθέσιμη ισχύς στο σταθμό βάσης. Θεωρούμε ότι ο σταθμός βάσης έχει στη διάθεσή του τέλεια γνώση του καναλιού που τον συνδέει με κάθε χρήστη (channel state information – CSI) μέσω καναλιών ανάδρασης. Η πληροφορία κατάστασης του καναλιού χρησιμοποιείται από τον σταθμό βάσης για την κατανομή των πόρων προς τους χρήστες με χρήση κατάλληλων αλγορίθμων. Σκοπός της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη διαφορετικών σεναρίων κατανομής των πόρων που περιλαμβάνουν αλγορίθμους για την ανάθεση των υποφορέων και το διαμοιρασμό των κατάλληλων ποσοτήτων ισχύος στους υποφορείς. Ανάλογα με το στόχο και τις ανάγκες των χρηστών του συστήματος, καθώς και με το ποσό της διαθέσιμης πληροφορίας καναλιού στο σταθμό βάσης, χρησιμοποιούνται διαφορετικοί αλγόριθμοι. Το βασικό πλεονέκτημα της OFDMA τεχνικής πολλαπλής πρόσβασης, το οποίο εκμεταλλεύονται και αυτά τα σενάρια κατανομής είναι το γεγονός ότι ένα υποφέρον κακής ποιότητας για ένα χρήστη μπορεί να είναι καλής ποιότητας για έναν άλλο και επομένως να ανατεθεί κατάλληλα. Συγκεκριμένα, πραγματοποιήθηκε προσομοίωση ορισμένων σχημάτων κατανομής πόρων (τα στατικά σχήματα: Reuse-1, SFR, PFR και το δυναμικό σχήμα Prop.Alg.) αποσκοπώντας στον εντοπισμό εκείνου του σχήματος που παρουσιάζει τη καλύτερη απόδοση. Αυτό προέκυψε λαμβάνοντας ως μέτρο της απόδοσης την απόκριση κάθε σχήματος πάνω σε διάφορα μεγέθη όπως για παράδειγμα την ρυθμαπόδοση των χρηστών ως προς τον αριθμό των χρηστών στο άκρο της κυψέλης ή τη διεκπεραιωτικότητα του συστήματος ως προς τον συνολικό αριθμό των χρηστών που εξυπηρετούνται. / In this thesis examined the case of sharing the available resources of a wireless communication system that serves users. It is assumed that the wireless system makes use of the technique multiple access OFDMA, namely that uses a rectangular subform which instructs users to transmit information. The study focuses on the lower link (downlink) system OFDMA, namely data transmission from the base station of cell users - receivers. The available system resources are orthogonal subform and the total power available to the base station. We consider that the base station is available to perfect knowledge of the channel that connects to each user (channel state information - CSI) through feedback channel. The channel state information is used by the base station allocating resources to users using appropriate algorithms. The aim of this thesis is to study different scenarios of resource allocation algorithms include the award of subform, and sharing of appropriate amounts of power to the subform. Depending on the objective and the needs of system users and the amount of available information channel to the base station use different algorithms. The main advantage of OFDMA multiple access technique, which exploit these scenarios is the distribution that suffer a bad quality for a user may be good for one another and therefore be given properly. Specifically, a simulation of certain patterns of distribution of resources (static shapes: Reuse-1, SFR, PFR and the dynamic shape Prop.Alg.) To the identification of the shape that shows the best performance. This resulted in taking measure of the performance response of any shape on various sizes such as the throughput of users as to the number of users at the edge of the cell or throughput of the system to the total number of users served.

Self-optimization of Radio Resources on IEEE 802.11 Networks

García Villegas, Eduardo 18 February 2010 (has links)
Les xarxes d'àrea local sense fils (WLANs), principalment les basades en les diverses versions de les normes IEEE 802.11, i més concretament, aquelles operant en mode infraestructura (ús de punts d'accés o APs), són avui dia les tecnologies més populars per a l'accés ràdio de banda ampla a xarxes IP, ja sigui per a estendre petites xarxes LAN domèstiques (SOHO), o per a proporcionar accés d'Internet en espais públics. A més, amb l'arribada de productes amb el certificat Wi-Fi, els diferents fabricants de dispositius WLAN proporcionen un alt nivell d'interoperabilitat.No obstant això, la creixent densitat de punts d'accés WLAN ha començat a revelar els efectes negatius i les deficiències de les normes IEEE 802.11 inicials. Un dels factors clau del seu èxit, l'ús de la bandes de freqüència lliures (bandes ISM), és al mateix temps un dels seus grans inconvenients. Aquestes freqüències són de lliure accés al públic en general, i es defineixen dins d'una petita porció de l'espectre. En conseqüència, són generalment compartides entre diversos usuaris, dispositius de tecnologies diferents, etc.. A més, el control d'accés al medi definit per l'IEEE 802.11 (CSMA, o "escoltar abans de parlar") requereix una atenció especial a tots els problemes sorgits al voltant de les interferències.En aquest escenari, les xarxes WLAN IEEE no estan en condicions d'arribar a explotar tot el seu potencial. Malgrat aquest fet, unes polítiques intel·ligents sobre la gestió dels recursos ràdio (RRM) poden ajudar a reduir al mínim els efectes perjudicials de les interferències i d'una distribució desigual de la càrrega oferta. En aquesta tesi, es demostra que els mecanismes de RRM eficients són capaços de millorar notablement el rendiment d'una WLAN basada en l'IEEE 802.11.Aquesta tesi estudia la forma d'entendre els problemes de rendiment que són endèmics en les WLANs IEEE 802.11, així com les formes de minimitzar aquests efectes negatius per mitjà de la gestió de recursos ràdio. De fet, aquests problemes no són nous i han estat àmpliament estudiats des de l'aparició de xarxes de comunicacions mòbils, però les característiques particulars de les xarxes WLAN 802,11 requereixen nous enfocaments.Els mecanismes RRM en l'àmbit de les xarxes WLAN IEEE 802.11 són bàsicament destinats a reduir el grau de contenció i la interferència. Aquesta reducció es tradueix en una millor qualitat d'experiència (QoE), d'acord amb la percepció dels usuaris. Amb aquesta finalitat, RRM ha de proporcionar mecanismes eficients d'assignació de canals, algoritmes de selecció de modulació, control de potència i repartiment de càrrega. Atesa la naturalesa dinàmica de la propagació ràdio, i a causa de la mobilitat dels usuaris, els paràmetres que defineixen l'entorn sense fils varien amb el temps. Llavors, per tal de mantenir el rendiment en nivells acceptables, s'han de trobar mecanismes RRM que permetin una reconfiguració automàtica i dinàmica de la xarxa en resposta als canvis en el medi. En resum, podem construir el nostre escenari d'interès a partir de dispositius Wi-Fi intel·ligents capaços de cooperar, ja sigui de forma centralitzada o distribuïda, per tal de fer un millor ús dels minsos recursos ràdio.La nostra contribució als mecanismes RRM en xarxes WLAN s'inicia amb l'estudi i la caracterització de la interferència en l'àmbit particular de les xarxes IEEE 802.11. A continuació, desenvolupem un model de capacitat per a grans xarxes WLAN multi cel·la que té en compte tant l'efecte de la càrrega de la xarxa, com el de les interferències entre cel·les. El model també inclou l'efecte de l'adaptació automàtica de modulació que porten a terme molts dispositius. Aquestes estimacions de la capacitat són útils per a avaluar els beneficis d'un mecanisme RRM. Per exemple, aquestes estimacions són la base sobre la qual desenvolupem una innovadora solució per a la gestió de freqüències. Aquest mecanisme d'assignació de freqüències fa ús de tot l'espectre disponible (tant si es tracta de canals ISM solapats o no), ja que té en compte els efectes dels dos tipus d'interferència que trobem en xarxes IEEE 802.11: co-canal i per canal adjacent. Per tal de fer front a una distribució desigual de la càrrega, fet que es dóna típicament en els anomenats hotspots, es proposen dos mecanismes de repartiment de càrrega (un cop definit el concepte de càrrega): un enfocament distribuït gestionat per les estacions client, i un mecanisme de "cell breathing".Tots aquests mecanismes han de ser integrats en una arquitectura de gestió aglutinadora. En aquest sentit, s'han desenvolupat dues arquitectures de RRM: una arquitectura centralitzada, com a part del projecte UAMN, i un sistema distribuït. / WLANs, primarily the various versions of IEEE 802.11 standards, and more precisely, those operating in infrastructure mode, are nowadays the most popular technologies for providing broadband radio access to IP networks, whether to extend Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) network LANs or to provide Internet access in public places. Moreover, with the advent of Wi-Fi certified products, different competitive brands of WLAN devices are interoperable at a basic level of service.However, the increasing density of WLAN access points has started to reveal the negative effects and shortcomings of the original IEEE 802.11 standards. One of its key success factors, the use of unlicensed Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) frequency bands, is at the same time one of its major drawbacks. These frequencies are freely available to the general public. On the other hand, such frequencies are defined within a small portion of the spectrum and are usually shared among several users. Besides, the medium access defined by the IEEE 802.11 (CSMA, or "listen before talk") requires a special attention to all interference issues.In this scenario, IEEE WLANs are unable to exploit all their potential. However, intelligent radio resource management (RRM) policies could be applied to minimize the harmful effects of interference and an uneven load distribution. Throughout this dissertation, it is shown that efficient RRM mechanisms are able to improve notably the performance of a legacy IEEE WLAN.This thesis explores ways of understanding the performance issues that are endemic to IEEE 802.11 WLANs, as well as ways of minimizing these negative effects by means of radio resource management. In fact, these problems are not new and have been studied extensively since the advent of mobile communications networks, but the particular characteristics of the 802.11 WLANs require new approaches.RRM mechanisms in the field of IEEE 802.11 WLANs are basically intended to reduce contention and interference. This reduction is translated into an improved Quality of Experience (QoE), as perceived by the users. To this end, RRM should provide efficient channel allocation mechanisms, modulation selection algorithms, power control and load balancing. Given the dynamic nature of radio propagation, and due to user mobility, the parameters that define the wireless environment vary in time. Therefore, in order to maintain the required performance, we should find mechanisms that allow a dynamic and automatic reconfiguration of the network in response to the changes in the environment. To sum up, we build our scenario of interest with intelligent Wi-Fi devices capable of cooperating either in a centralized or a distributed manner, in order to make a better use of the shared and scarce radio resources.Our contribution to RRM on WLANs starts with the study and characterization of interference in the particular field of IEEE 802.11 networks. Following, we develop a capacity model for large WLAN deployments that takes both the effect of carried traffic and inter-cell interference into account. The model also includes the effect of rate adaptation. These capacity estimations are useful to evaluate the benefits of a RRM mechanism, for example, it was used as the metric observed by a frequency management approach. This frequency assignment mechanism makes use of all the available spectrum (overlapping and non-overlapping ISM channels), since it takes the effects of both co-channel and adjacent-channel interference into account. In order to cope with the uneven load distribution usually found on hot-spots, two load balancing mechanisms are proposed after defining the concept of load: a client-driven approach, and a cell-breathing mechanism. All these mechanisms need to be integrated into a single architecture. In this regard, two radio resource management architectures are developed: a centralized architecture, as part of the UAMN project, and a distributed scheme.

Radio Network Planning and Resource Optimization : Mathematical Models and Algorithms for UMTS, WLANs, and Ad Hoc Networks

Siomina, Iana January 2007 (has links)
The tremendous popularity of wireless technologies during the last decade has created a considerable expansion of wireless networks both in size and use. This fact, together with a great variety of mobile devices and numerous di®erent services that are becoming increasingly resourcedemanding, have attracted the attention of many researchers into the area of radio resource planning and optimization. Due to network complexity, these tasks require intelligent, automated approaches that are able to deal with many factors in order to enable design of high capacity networks with a high service quality at the lowest possible cost. This is a perfect application of optimization theory. In this thesis, mathematical optimization is considered as the main approach to designing and improving the performance of wireless networks such as Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) and ad hoc networks. Due to different underlying access technologies, the optimization goals, design parameters and system limitations vary by network type. Therefore, the goals of the presented work are to identify a relevant optimization problem for each type of network, to model the problem and to apply the optimization approach in order to facilitate wireless network planning and improve radio resource utilization. The optimization problems addressed in this thesis, in the context of UMTS networks, focus on minimizing the total amount of pilot power which, from the modeling point of view, is not just an amount of power consumed by a certain type of control signal, but also an indicator of the interference level in the network and means of controlling cell coverage. The presented models and algorithms enable °exible coverage planning and optimization of pilot power and radio base station antenna confiration in large networks. For WLANs, in the First part of the study, the access point placement and the channel assignment problems are considered jointly to maximize net user throughput and minimize co- and adjacent channel interference and contention. The second part of the study addresses the contention issue and involves, among the other decisions, optimization of access point transmit power. Due to the dynamic and infrastructureless nature of ad hoc networks, static resource planning is less suitable for this type of network. Two algorithmic frameworks which enable dynamic topology control for power-efficient broadcasting in stationary and mobile networks are presented. In both frameworks, the performance of the presented algorithms is studied by simulations.

Topologie et dimensionnement d'un réseau ad hoc maritime couplé avec un réseau satellitaire / Topology and dimensioning of a maritime MANET coupled with a satellite network

Kessab, Achraf 03 February 2017 (has links)
Afin de garantir un MANET totalement connecté, nous proposons un outil analytique permettant d´estimer les rayons de couverture requis. Ensuite, nous étudions les communications multi-sauts et nous proposons plusieurs protocoles de routage pour améliorer les délais de communications. Puis, nous nous focalisons sur la contribution du réseau satellite en menant une étude comparative qualifiant les besoins en stations hybrides "HS" ainsi qu’une stratégie d´accès à ces passerelles satellite. Dans un deuxième temps, nous traitons l’ occurrence du dépassement des ressources radio et le dimensionnement de ces dernières de façon à optimiser la bande passante allouée au réseau. Nous dérivons un modèle analytique en utilisant des résultats issus de la géométrie aléatoire, permettant de prévoir la quantité de ressources radio requises par les noeuds actifs sous une certaine qualité de service "QoS" et plusieurs configurations d´antennes MIMO. Nous considérons tout d´abord un système d´accès centralisé où toutes les communications sont effectuées par l’ intermédiaire des noeuds chargés de la gestion des ressources radio. Ensuite, nous traitons le cas d´un système d´accès distribué sous le protocole d´accès Aloha où les nœuds sont autorisés à accéder à la bande passante partagée aléatoirement et uniformément. Les simulations et les résultats numériques permettent d´évaluer les performances en termes de bande passante requise, de capacité globale et de rayons de couverture. / In the first part of this thesis, we tackle the initialization of the network in this hierarchical context. We propose a statistical model enabling a network designer to perceive the requirements in terms of equipments, channel bandwidth, antenna configurations, antenna radiation pattern, achievable data rates for instance. In order to guarantee fully connected MANET, we introduce an analytical tool to estimate the required inter-staff-ships and inter-shipmasters coverage radii. Then we study the multi-hop end-to-end communications and we propose several routing protocols to enhance the delays. Afterwards, we focus on the contribution of the satellite backhaul with a comparative study qualifying the needs in Hybrid Stations “HSs” and a strategy to access to these gateways. In a second part, we emphasis on the radio resource outage occurrence and the dimensioning matter to optimize the allocated bandwidth to the network. We investigate stochastic geometry tools to provide an analytical model enabling to foresee the amount of required radio resources by the active nodes with a certain Quality of Service “QoS” and several Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs “MIMO” antenna configurations in the maritime context. We consider first the centralized access scheme where all communications are performed via the shipmasters that are in charge of the radio resource management. Then we focus on the distributed access scheme with Aloha Medium Access Control “MAC” protocol where nodes are authorized to access to the shared bandwidth arbitrarily and unilaterally. Simulation and numerical results are provided to evaluate the performances in terms of required bandwidth, aggregate capacity.


ILDELANO FERREIRA E SILVA 12 June 2002 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho descreve uma ferramenta de simulação esenvolvida para analisar o gerenciamento dos recursos de rádio e parâmetros de QoS (Quality of Service) dos sistemas móveis celulares. Pela natureza de um sistema real de telefonia celular, é extremamente difícil que as variáveis de saída de um simulador sejam derivadas de um conjunto real de funções. Isso se deve à grande quantidade de parâmetros que devem ser considerados no comportamento da mobilidade, nas condições de tráfego, nas características geográficas e morfológicas da região, na modelagem complexa do canal rádio propagação móvel, entre outras. Visando a desenvolver uma ferramenta de simulação próxima da realidade, adotam-se modelos de propagação, de mobilidade e de tráfego que sejam satisfatoriamente adequados ao caso real. A contribuição deste trabalho é oferecer uma ferramenta de simulação flexível, aqui adequada ao sistema norte-americano TDMA (IS-136), que possibilite ao usuário, além de analisar a capacidade do sistema,também avaliar novos algoritmos de controle de potência, novas estratégias de handoff, novos esquemas de alocação de canal e modelos de propagação. A ferramenta será validada seguindo o processo de um projeto real de telefonia celular e ao final, será aplicada a um sistema celular com sobreposição macro-células/micro-células, analisando-se algumas estratégias de handoff dedicadas a esses sistemas. / [en] This work describes a simulation tool, which was developed to analyze the radio resources and QoS (Quality of Service) parameters in mobile systems. Because of the complex characteristics of an actual cellular network, it is extremely difficult having the outputs of the simulator being derived from a real set of functions, due to the large amount of parameters that have to be considered such as the mobility behavior, the traffic conditions, the geographic and morphologic characteristics of the region, the complex modeling of mobile radio propagation channel, and so on. In order to develop a simulation tool as near as possible to the reality, models that are satisfactorily adequate to the real case have been considered. So, propagation, mobility and traffic models were adapted from the IS-136 American system. The contribution of this work is to offer a flexible simulation tool that allows the user, in addition to analyzing the capacity of the system, to evaluate new algorithms of power control, handoff strategies, channel allocation schemes and propagation models. The tool will be validated following the process of a real project of cellular telephony and at the end, it will be applied to a cellular system with overlapped macro- cells/micro-cells, and some handoff strategies dedicated to those systems will be analyzed.


TALLES ALEXANDRE CAMILO 16 May 2003 (has links)
[pt] Com o crescimento da utilização das redes celulares para a transmissão de dados, as operadoras de telefonia móvel estão enfrentando um aumento dramático na utilização do recurso rádio para suprir esta nova necessidade. Com isto, estão sendo obrigadas a migrarem para novas tecnologias que propiciem uma alta eficiência espectral, permitindo assim uma melhor utilização do espectro disponível. Este trabalho descreve uma ferramenta de simulação desenvolvida para analisar o gerenciamento dos recursos de rádio, além de propor um novo algoritmo de alocação de canais de dados para sistemas móveis pessoais, permitindo a transmissão de voz e dados sobre a mesma interface aérea. É sabido que é extremamente difícil levar em conta todos os parâmetros que devem ser considerados em um sistema móvel real. Procurou-se então adotar os mais conhecidos modelos de propagação, de mobilidade e de tráfego de voz e de dados disponíveis na literatura, de forma a tentar aproximar a ferramenta de simulação o máximo possível do caso real. A contribuição deste trabalho é oferecer uma ferramenta de simulação para as redes GSM/HSCSD que permita a otimização da eficiência no uso do espectro disponível para transmissão. Esta ferramenta possibilita ao usuário, além de analisar a capacidade do sistema, o controle de potência e estratégias de handover, avaliar novos algoritmos de alocação de canal para o tráfego de voz e dados em conjunto. Ao final desta dissertação serão apresentados os resultados obtidos com a utilização de um novo algoritmo de alocação de canais para o tráfego de dados, além de realizar algumas outras simulações buscando maximizar a eficiência espectral do sistema utilizando deste novo algoritmo. / [en] Due to the increasing use of cellular networks for data transmission, mobile telephone operators are facing a dramatic raise in using radio resources to supply their demand. As a result, they are being forced to migrate to new technologies that provide high spectral efficiency, allowing an optimized use of available spectrum. This work describes the development of an advanced tool to analyze the operator management of radio transmission for personal mobile systems. The model was built considering well-known propagation, mobility, voice and data traffic for transmission assumptions, in order to approximate the developed tool to the real world mobile systems. The simulation tool is suited for GSM/HSCSD networks allowing engineers to optimize the efficient use of the available spectrum. It also permits the evaluation of system capacity as well as the analysis of power control and handover strategies. Another application exploited in this work is the investigation of resource allocation algorithms. A new algorithm for resource allocation in integrated voice and data environments was proposed and its performance was evaluated using the simulation tool.

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