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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistemática isotópica de Os-Nd-Pb-Sr e geoquímica de elementos traço litófilos e siderófilos de basaltos da Província Magmática do Paraná / Os-Nd-Pb-Sr isotope systematics and lithophile and siderophile trace element geochemistry of basalts from Paraná Magmatic Province.

Eduardo Reis Viana Rocha Júnior 06 January 2011 (has links)
O objetivo primário deste estudo é aprimorar o conhecimento acerca das fontes do manto e dos mecanismos envolvidos na gênese dos basaltos da Província Magmática do Paraná, que constitui uma das maiores manifestações de basaltos continentais do mundo. Para tanto, foram determinadas as concentrações de terras raras (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb e Lu), outros elementos traço (Cs, Rb, Ba, U, Th, Ta, Hf, Co e Sc) e elementos altamente siderófilos (Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Pd e Re), juntamente com razões isotópicas dos sistemas Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Th-Pb e Re-Os em basaltos com alto-Ti (Paranapanema e Pitanga) que ocorrem no norte da PMP. Além disso, foram determinadas as concentrações de elementos altamente siderófilos e as razões isotópicas de 187Os/188Os amostras representativas de basaltos com baixo-Ti (Esmeralda) do sul da PMP. Os dados geoquímicos e as razões isotópicas de Sr, Nd e Pb obtidos são consistentes com dados da literatura, porém, refinam as variações (extremos) isotópicas dos magmas-tipo Paranapanema e Pitanga. Esses dados, juntamente com as concentrações de elementos altamente siderófilos e das razões isotópicas de Os, inéditas na literatura, sugerem que as fontes dos basaltos (astenosfera ou manto litosférico subcontinental) sofreram metassomatismo significativo, com a intrusão de veios piroxeníticos, relacionado a antigas subducções e/ou processos de delaminação. / The primary goal of this study is to improve the understanding about the mantle sources and the mechanisms involved in the basalt genesis from Paraná Magmatic Province (PMP), which is one of the largest known continental flood basalts of the world. Therefore, the concentrations of rare earths (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb and Lu), other trace elements (Cs, Rb, Ba, U, Th, Ta, Hf, Co and Sc) and highly siderophile elements (Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Pd and Re) were determined, along with isotope ratios regarding Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Th-Pb e Re-Os systematics in high-Ti basalts (Paranapanema and Pitanga) from northern PMP. In addition, the highly siderophile element concentrations, as well as 187Os/188Os isotope ratios, were measured in selected samples of low-Ti basalts (Esmeralda) from southern PMP. The geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope results of the present study are consistent with literature data, but refine the isotope variations (extreme) for the Paranapanema and Pitanga magma-types. These data, along with the concentrations of highly siderophile elements and Os isotope ratios suggest that the basalt mantle sources (asthenosphere or subcontinental lithospheric mantle) were affected by significant metasomatism (piroxenitic vein hybridization), related with old subduction and/or delamination processes.

Archéo-biogéochimie isotopique, reconstitutions des régimes alimentaires et des schémas de mobilité, et interactions bioculturelles. Les sépultures plurielles de la catacombe des Saints Pierre-et-Marcellin (Rome, Ier-IIIe s. ap. J.-C.) : Les sépultures plurielles de la région X de la catacombe des Saints Pierre-et-Marcellin (Rome, Ier-IIIe s. ap. J.-C.) / Isotopic archeo-biogeochemistry, reconstitution of diet and patterns of mobility, bio-cultural interactions : the plural burials of the region X of the catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus (Rome, 1st-3rd cent. AD) / Archeobiochimica isotopica, ricostituzione dei regimi alimentari e degli schemi di mobilità, e interazioni bio-culturali : le sepolture plurime della regione X della catacomba dei Santi Pietro e Marcellino (Roma, I-III sec. D. C.)

Salesse, Kevin 17 December 2015 (has links)
Entre 2003 et 2010, dans la région centrale nommée X de la catacombe des Saints Pierre-et-Marcellin à Rome, a été découvert et en partie fouillé un ensemble de sépultures plurielles inédites (Ier-IIIe s. ap. J.-C.) contenant plusieurs centaines d’individus, lesquels ont été inhumés selon des pratiques funéraires singulières à la suite d’un épisode de surmortalité de nature probablement épidémique. Pour appréhender l’histoire de vie (alimentation et mobilité) de ces défunts et rediscuter sur la base d’éléments nouveaux certaines hypothèses préalablement établies, nous avons mené dans le cadre de ce travail une approche archéo-biogéochimique multi-proxy (14C, δ13C, δ15N, δ18O et 87Sr/86Sr) et multi-tissulaire (émail, os, cheveu) sur un échantillon de 130 individus issus de six différentes chambres. Nous avons dans un premier temps vérifié l’intégrité biochimique et isotopique des fractions minérales (phases carbonatées) et organiques (phases collagénique et kératinique) des échantillons à partir d’indicateurs classiques mesurés en routine (%Col, %C, %N, C/N, PCO2 et PCO2/Masse) et par spectroscopie IRTF (IRSF, CO3/PO4 et AmideI/PO4) et par une approche innovante consistant en des datations 14C sur couples collagène-apatite pour valider le signal isotopique des fractions minérales. Nos résultats mettent en évidence des différences extrêmes de préservation de toutes les phases. La trajectoire diagénétique des échantillons n’est toutefois pas aléatoire mais dépendante des conditions environnementales et taphonomiques différant entre les petites et les grandes chambres. En outre, nous avons pu démontrer qu’en dépit de fortes recristallisations et d’échanges isotopiques avec l’environnement sépulcral, les phases carbonatées possèdent un signal isotopique biogénique non altéré. Nous avons dans un second temps reconstruit les régimes alimentaires des individus en nous appuyant sur des référentiels de comparaisons robustes ainsi que divers modèles interprétatifs (mono-proxys versus multi-proxys ; qualitatifs versus quantitatifs), lesquels ont été dans certains cas adaptés au besoin de notre étude. D’une façon générale, nos résultats montrent que l’essentiel des individus a eu accès à un régime alimentaire type fondé sur la triade Céréales C3/Viande C3/Poisson marin. Ce régime alimentaire type n’est toutefois pas exclusif, certains individus (n = 13) ayant consommé de façon occasionnelle d’autres catégories de ressources tels que du poisson dulcicole ou des céréales C4. Nos résultats révèlent que les changements d’alimentation au cours de la vie sont relativement limités. Par ailleurs, cette population se singularise sur un plan strictement alimentaire au regard des autres populations contemporaines romaines pour lesquelles des valeurs isotopiques sont publiées. Nous avons dans un troisième temps étudié les schémas de mobilité des individus en nous fondant sur une approche rigoureuse de nos données et sur des référentiels de comparaison les plus exhaustifs possible ainsi qu’en tenant compte de biais ordinairement éludés (faits culturels, influence du climat et erreurs associées aux équations de conversion). Nos résultats mettent en lumière qu’a minima 23 % (n = 30) des individus étudiés sont migrants. Ces derniers ne se distinguent toutefois pas de par leur alimentation des résidents romains. Nous avons pu montrer en outre que ces migrants ont eu des trajectoires de vie complexes et hétérogènes et que trois schémas de mobilité distincts les caractérisent. Notre population ne se différencie pas en termes de taux de migrants des autres populations romaines pour lesquelles des données isotopiques sont disponibles. Elle se distingue en revanche par son cosmopolitisme avec des origines pour les migrants des plus diverses : Europe, Afrique, Arabie et Asie mineure [...]. / An assembly of unpublished complex plural burials (1st-3rd cent. AD.) was discovered and partially excavated, between 2003 and 2010 in the central region called X of the catacomb of Saints Peter and Marcellinus in Rome. It contains several hundred individuals which were buried according to uncommon funeral practices following a mortality episode of likely epidemic nature. To understand the life history (diet and mobility patterns) of these deceased and to discuss again certain assumptions previously established on the basis of new evidences, we have as part of this work conducted an archaeo-biogeochemical multi-proxy (14C, δ13C, δ15N, δ18O et 87Sr/86Sr) and multi-tissue (enamel, bones, hair) approach on a sub-sample of 130 individuals coming from six different chambers. At the outset, we tested the biochemical and isotopic integrity of mineral (carbonate phases) and organic fractions (collagen and keratin phases) samples from conventional indicators measured in routine (%Col, %C, %N, C/N, PCO2 et PCO2/Mass), by FTIR spectroscopy (IRSF, CO3/PO4 and AmideI/PO4) and by an innovative approach consisting of 14C dating on collagen-apatite to validate the isotopic signal of mineral fractions. Our results highlight extreme differences of preservation of all phases. Diagenetic trajectory of samples is however not random but dependent on environmental and taphonomical conditions which differ between small and large chambers. Furthermore, we have been able to demonstrate that, despite strong recrystallization and isotopic exchanges with the sepulchral environment, carbonated phases have an unaltered biogenic isotopic signal. Secondly, we rebuilt the diets of individuals based on robust comparisons repositories and various interpretative models (mono-proxy versus multi-proxies; qualitative versus quantitative) which were, in some cases, adapted to the needs of our study. In general, our results show that most of the individuals had access to such a type diet based on the triad Cereals C3/Meat C3/Marine fish. This type diet would however not be exclusive, some individuals (n = 13) would have indeed occasionally consumed other resources such as freshwater fish or C4 cereals. Our results indicate that changes of diet during the life history are relatively limited. Besides, with regard to consumed food, this population is distinguished from other contemporary Roman populations for whom isotopic values are published. In the third place, we studied individual’s mobility patterns based on a rigorous approach to our data and on a comparison of the most comprehensive repositories as possible with taking into account the bias usually evaded (cultural facts, influence of climate and errors associated with conversion equations). Our results highlight that a minimum of 23% (n = 30) of the studied individuals are migrants. These, however, are not distinguished from Roman residents through their diet. We were able to show further that these migrants had complex and heterogeneous trajectories during their life within three distinct mobility patterns characterizing them. In terms of migrant’s rates, our population does not differ from other Roman populations for which the isotopic data are available. It differs however by its cosmopolitanism with origins for more diverse migrants: Europe, Africa, Arabia and Asia Minor [...]. / Tra il 2003 e il 2010, nella regione centrale chiamata X della catacomba dei Santi Pietro e Marcellino a Roma, è stato scoperto e parzialmente scavato un insieme di sepolture plurime inedite (I-III sec. D.C.) contenente diverse centinaia di individui, i quali sono stati inumati secondo le pratiche funerarie singolari in seguito ad un episodio di sovramortalità di natura probabilmente epidemica. Per comprendere la storia di vita (alimentazione e mobilità) di questi defunti e ridiscutere, sulla base di nuovi elementi, alcune ipotesi precedentemente formulate, abbiamo condotto, nel quadro di questo lavoro, un approccio archeo-biogeochimico multi-proxys (14C, δ13C, δ15N, δ18O e 87Sr/86Sr) e multi-tessuto (smalto, ossa, capelli) su un campione di 130 individui da sei stanze diverse. Abbiamo inizialmente verificato l'integrità biochimica e isotopica delle frazioni minerali (fasi carbonatiche) ed organiche (fasi collageniche e cheratiniche) dei campioni provenienti da indicatori classici misurati in routine (%Col, %C, %N, C/N, PCO2 e PCO2/Massa) e per spettroscopia FTIR (IRSF, CO3/PO4 e AmmideI/PO4) ed un approccio innovativo costituito da datazione 14C su coppie collagene-apatite per validare il segnale isotopico delle frazioni minerali. I nostri risultati mettono in evidenza delle differenze estreme di preservazione di tutte le fasi. La traiettoria diagenetica dei campioni non è però aleatoria, ma dipendente dalle condizioni ambientali e tafonomiche che differiscono tra camere piccole e grandi. Inoltre, abbiamo potuto dimostrare che nonostante delle forti ricristallizzazioni e degli scambi isotopici con l'ambiente sepolcrale, le fasi carbonatiche hanno un segnale isotopico biogenetico inalterato. Abbiamo in un secondo tempo ricostruito i regimi alimentari degli individui basandoci su riferimenti di confronto robusti e vari modelli interpretativi (mono-proxys versus multi-proxys, qualitativi versus quantitativi), i quali sono stati in alcuni casi, adattati alle esigenze del nostro studio. In generale, i nostri risultati mostrano che la maggior parte degli individui ha avuto accesso ad un regime alimentare tipo basato sulla triade Cereali C3/Carne C3/Pesci marini. Questo regime alimentare non è tuttavia esclusivo, avendo certi individui (n = 13) consumato casualmente altre categorie di risorse come il pesce dulciacquicolo o dei cereali C4. I nostri risultati indicano che i cambiamenti di alimentazione nel corso della vita sono relativamente limitati. Inoltre, questa popolazione si distingue da un piano strettamente alimentare rispetto alle altre popolazioni contemporanee romane per le quali dei valori isotopici sono pubblicati. Abbiamo in un terzo tempo studiato gli schemi di mobilità degli individui basandoci su un approccio rigoroso dei nostri dati e su riferimenti di confronto i più esaustivi possibile, e anche tenendo conto di punti di vista solitamente elusi (fatti culturali, influenza del clima e errori associati alle equazioni di conversione). I nostri risultati mettono in luce che a minima 23% (n = 30) degli individui studiati sono migranti. Questi ultimi, tuttavia, non si distinguono per la loro alimentazione dai residenti romani. Abbiamo potuto mostrare, inoltre, che questi migranti hanno avuto percorsi di vita complessi ed eterogenei e che tre schemi di mobilità distinti li caratterizzano. Nostra popolazione non si differenzia in termini di tasso di migranti da altre popolazioni romane per le quali sono disponibili dei dati isotopici. Essa si distingue tuttavia per il suo cosmopolitismo con delle origini per i migranti delle più diverse: Europa, Africa, Arabia e Asia Minore [...].

Petrologic Insights into Basaltic Magma Genesis beneath East Antarctica

Li, Yuyu, M.S. 12 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Li, Hf and Os Isotope Systematics of Azores Basalts and A New Microwave Digestion Method for Os Isotopic Analysis

Yu, Huimin 05 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The Petrogenesis Of The Station Creek Igneous Complex And Associated Volcanics, Northern New England Orogen

Tang, Eng Hoo Joseph January 2004 (has links)
The Station Creek Igneous Complex (SCIC) is one of the largest Middle-Late Triassic plutonic bodies in the northern New England Orogen of Eastern Australia. The igneous complex comprises of five plutons - the Woonga Granodiorite (237 Ma), Woolooga Granodiorite (234 Ma), Rush Creek Granodiorites (231 Ma) and Gibraltar Quartz Monzodiorite and Mount Mucki Diorite (227 Ma respectively), emplaced as high-level or epizonal bodies within the Devonian-Carboniferous subduction complex that resulted from a westward subduction along the east Australian margin. Composition of the SCIC ranges from monzogabbro to monzogranite, and includes diorite, monzodiorite, quartz monzodiorite and granodiorite. The SCIC has the typical I-type granitoid mineralogy, geochemistry and isotopic compositions. Its geochemistry is characteristics of continental arc magma, and has a depleted-upper mantle signature with up to 14 wt% supracrustal components (87Sr/86Srinitial = 0.70312 to 0.70391; Nd = +1.35 to +4.9; high CaO, Sr, MgO; and low Ni, Cr, Ba, Rb, Zr, Nb, Ga and Y). The SCIC (SiO2 47%-76%) has similar Nd and Sr isotopic values to island-arc and continentalised island-arc basalts, which suggests major involvement of upper mantle sourced melts in its petrogenesis. SCIC comprises of two geochemical groups - the Woolooga-Rush Greek Granodiorite group (W-RC) and the Mount Mucki Diorite-Gibraltar Quartz Monzodiorite group (MMD-GQM). The W-RC Group is high-potassium, calc-alkalic and metaluminous, whereas the MMD-GQM Group is medium to high potassium, transitional calc-alkalic to tholeiitic and metaluminous. The two geochemical groups of the SCIC magmas are generated from at least two distinct sources - an isotopically evolved Neoproterozoic mantle-derived source with greater supracrustal component (10-14 wt%), and an isotopically primitive mafic source with upper mantle affinity. Petrogenetic modeling using both major and trace elements established that the variations within respective geochemical group resulted from fractional crystallisation of clinopyroxene, amphibole and plagioclase from mafic magma, and late fractionation of alkalic and albitic plagioclase in the more evolved magma. Volcanic rocks associated with SCIC are the North Arm Volcanics (232 Ma), and the Neara Volcanics (241-242 Ma) of the Toogoolawah Group. The major and trace element geochemistry of the North Arm Volcanics is similar to the SCIC, suggesting possible co-magmatic relationship between the SCIC and the volcanic rock. The age of the North Arm Volcanics matches the age of the fractionated Rush Creek Granodiorite, and xenoliths of the pluton are found within epiclastic flows of the volcanic unit. The Neara Volcanics (87Sr/86Sr= 0.70152-0.70330, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51253-0.51259) differs isotopically from the SCIC, indicating a source region within the HIMU mantle reservoir (commonly associated with contaminated upper mantle by altered oceanic crust). The Neara Volcanics is not co-magmatic to the SCIC and is derived from partial melting upper-mantle with additional components from the subducting oceanic plate. The high levels emplacement of an isotopically primitive mantle-derived magma of the SCIC suggest periods of extension during the waning stage of convergence associated with the Hunter Bowen Orogeny in the northern New England Orogen. The geochemical change between 237 to 227 Ma from a depleted-mantle source with diminishing crustal components, to depleted-mantle fractionate, reflects a fundamental change in the source region that can be related to the tectonic styles. The decreasing amount of supracrustal component suggests either thinning of the subduction complex due to crustal attenuation, leading to the late Triassic extension that enables mantle melts to reach subcrustal levels.

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