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Κυκλώματα αριθμητικής υπολοίπων με χαμηλή κατανάλωση και ανοχή σε διακυμάνσεις παραμέτρωνΚουρέτας, Ιωάννης 01 October 2012 (has links)
Το αριθμητικό σύστημα υπολοίπων (RNS) έχει προταθεί ως ένας τρόπος για επιτάχυνση των αριθμητικών πράξεων του πολλαπλασιασμού και της πρόσθεσης. Ένα από τα σημαντικά πλεονεκτήματα της χρήσης του RNS είναι ότι οδηγεί σε κυκλώματα που έχουν το χαρακτηριστικό της χαμηλής κατανάλωσης.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα στην παρούσα διατριβή γίνεται μια αναλυτική μελέτη πάνω στην ταχύτητα διεξαγωγής της πράξης του πολλαπλασιασμού και της άθροισης. Ο λόγος που γίνεται αυτό είναι διότι οι εφαρμογές επεξεργασίας σήματος χρησιμοποιούν ιδιαιτέρως τις προαναφερθείσες πράξεις. Επίσης γίνεται μελέτη της ισχύος που καταναλώνεται κατά την επεξεργασία ενός σήματος με τη χρήση των προτεινόμενων αριθμητικών κυκλωμάτων. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δίνεται στη χρήση απλών αρχιτεκτονικών τις οποίες μπορούν τα εργαλεία σύνθεσης να διαχειριστούν καλύτερα παράγοντας βέλτιστα κυκλώματα.
Τέλος η διατριβή μελετά τα προβλήματα διακύμανσης των παραμέτρων του υλικού που αντιμετωπίζει η σύγχρονη τεχνολογία κατασκευής ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων. Συγκεκριμένα σε τεχνολογία μικρότερη των 90nm παρατηρείται το φαινόμενο ίδια στοιχεία κυκλώματος να συμπεριφέρονται με διαφορετικό τρόπο. Το φαινόμενο αυτό γίνεται σημαντικά πιο έντονο σε τεχνολογίες κάτω των 45nm. Η παρούσα διατριβή προτείνει λύσεις βασισμένες στην παραλληλία και την ανεξαρτησία των επεξεργαστικών πυρήνων που παρέχει το RNS, για να αντιμετωπίσει το συγκεκριμένο φαινόμενο. / The Residue Number System (RNS) has been proposed as a means to speed up the implementation of multiplication-addition intensive applications, commonly found in DSP. The main benefit of RNS is the inherent parallelism, which has been exploited to build efficient multiply-add structures, and more recently, to design low-power systems.
In particular, this dissertation deals with the delay complexity of the multiply-add operation (MAC). The reason for this is that DSP applications are MAC intensive and hence this dissertation proposes solutions to increase the speed of processing. Furthermore, the
study of the multiply-add operations is extended to power consumption matters. The dissertation focus on simple architectures such that EDA tools produce efficient in both power and delay, synthesized circuits.
Finally the dissertation deals with variability matters that came up as the vlsi technology shrinks below 90nm. Variability becomes unaffordable especially for the 45nm technology node. This dissertation proposes solutions based on parallelism and the independence of the RNS cores to derive variation-tolerant architectures.
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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The power consumption reduction in the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is important because applications in battery-powered embedded systems grows daily. Thus this work focuses on the application of techniques to reduce power in specific projects of FFT algorithms. The goal is
to achieve an architectural exploration in the FFT core, the decimation in time butterfly radix-2 and the efficient implementation of arithmetic operators in the internal structure of this butterfly. The techniques applied to the butterfly are aimed at reducing power consumption through
architectural exploration and data encryption. Five different butterfly topologies are shown, one of those, proposed in this work uses three real multipliers, and is based on the previous storage of the product of real and imaginary values of the twiddle factors. The advantage of
this topology is the possibility of using 4:2 adder compressors, which performs the sum of four operands simultaneously with reduced critical path. These adder compressors have XOR gates in the critical path, is proposed in this paper a new XOR gate circuit, which is based on the use of pass transistors logic. This new XOR gate circuit has been applied to adder compressors 3:2
and 4:2, which are applied to adders blocks of the butterflies. Digital circuits have been developed
in hardware description language and some in the electrical schematic level. Results of area, power consumption and cell count in the logic synthesis in 180nm at 100MHz and 20MHz with switching activity analysis for 10,000 random input vectors were obtained for this work.
The electrical level simulations in an environment of mixed digital and analog signals were also performed to the evaluation of the compressors with new topology of XOR gate. Analyses show that 3:2 adder compressor has lower power consumption using the new XOR gate circuit.
However, the same conclusion was not achieve in relation to the 4:2 adder compressor which has a lower power consumption using the CMOS XOR gate. Butterfly structures evaluated uses a significant amount of arithmetic operators in their internal structures, so was used different design strategies for implementation. Initially was used the arithmetic operators of automatic synthesis tool (Cadence). After, used dedicated arithmetic operators (adder compressors with the new XOR gate circuit, RNS adders and array multipliers). The results show that butterflies have lower power consumption with the use of adder compressors in their internal structures. / A redução no consumo de potência na transformada rápida de Fourier (FFT) é importante pois sua aplicação cresce em sistemas embarcados movidos à bateria. Sendo assim este trabalho tem como foco a aplicação de técnicas de redução de potência para projetos específicos de algoritmos
da FFT. O objetivo é realizar uma exploração arquitetural no elemento central de cálculo da FFT, borboleta na base 2 com decimação no tempo, bem como a aplicação de operadores
aritméticos eficientes na estrutura interna desta borboleta. As técnicas aplicadas à borboleta têm por objetivo a redução do consumo de potência através de exploração arquitetural e codificação de dados. São apresentadas cinco diferentes topologias de borboleta, sendo uma destas, proposta no âmbito deste trabalho utilizando três multiplicadores reais é baseada no armazenamento prévio do produto dos valores real e imaginário dos coeficientes. A vantagem desta
topologia é a possibilidade do uso de somadores compressores 4:2, que realiza a soma simultânea de quatro operandos, com reduzido caminho crítico. Como estes somadores compressores
apresentam portas XOR no caminho crítico, é proposta neste trabalho uma nova porta XOR, que é baseada no uso de transistores de passagem. Esta nova porta lógica XOR foi aplicada em somadores compressores 3:2 e 4:2, que são aplicados nos blocos somadores das borboletas. Os circuitos digitais foram desenvolvidos em linguagem de descrição de hardware e alguns em esquemáticos de nível elétrico. Resultados de área, potência e contagem de células na síntese
lógica em 180nm a 100MHz e 20MHz com análise de atividade de chaveamento para 10.000 vetores aleatórios de entrada foram obtidos e simulações no nível elétrico em um ambiente de sinais digitais e analógicos misto também foram realizadas para a avaliação dos compressores com a nova topologia de porta XOR. As análises mostram que os somadores compressores 3:2 apresentam menor consumo de potência com o uso da nova porta XOR. Entretanto, o mesmo
não se observa em relação ao compressor 4:2 que apresenta um menor consumo de potência utilizando a porta XOR CMOS. Como as estruturas de borboleta avaliadas utilizam uma
quantidade significativa de operadores aritméticos nas suas estruturas internas, foram utilizadas diferentes estratégias de projeto para as suas implementações. Inicialmente foram utilizados os operadores aritméticos da ferramenta de síntese automática (Cadence). Após, foram utilizados operadores aritméticos dedicados (somadores compressores com a nova porta XOR, somadores RNS e multiplicadores array). Os resultados mostram que as borboletas apresentam menores
consumos de potência com o uso dos somadores compressores em suas estruturas.
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Složení a struktura společenstev larválních stádií motolic v modelových druzích sladkovodních plžů v eutrofních prostředích ve střední Evropě / Composition and structure of larval trematode communities in model freshwater pulmonate gastropods in eutrophic environments in Central EuropeSOLDÁNOVÁ, Miroslava January 2011 (has links)
This work applies advanced sampling (mark-release-recapture) and comparative approaches addressing the patterns in composition, structure and variability of larval trematode communities in three species of gastropod molluscs (Lymnaea stagnalis, Planorbarius corneus and Radix auricularia) at two nested scales of community organisation in typical Central European eutrophic environments. Hypothesis-testing with the application of null-model analyses, logistic regression modelling and multivariate randomisation techniques, revealed determinants of transmission rates, levels of infection and community structure in freshwater snail hosts in Central Europe and elucidated the mechanisms linking the spatial and temporal environmental variability with the action of complex community assembly rules in freshwater pulmonate snails.
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Program för frekvensanalys / Program for Frequency AnalysisRodesten, Stephan January 2017 (has links)
Denna rapport täcker arbetsprocessen bakom att skapa en spektrumanalysator. Läsaren kommer att få läsa om den valda metoden men även alternativa metoder. Utöver detta kommer även de teoretiska delarna bakom varje moment att undersökas samt jämföras med potentiella alternativa lösningar. Projektet har utförts på uppdrag av KA Automation. Syftet med projektet var att skapa en basplattform för analys av ljudfrekvenser. Målet med detta var att kunna identifiera ljudegenskaper i form av frekvenserna hos exempelvis servomotorer i vattenpumpar. Tanken var att i ett senare utvecklingsskede kunna identifiera om och när nya frekvenser dykt upp i ljudprofilen vilket i sådana fall kan resultera i att motorn är i behov av service. Basplattformen är uppbyggd med hjälp av C# och ljudbehandlingsbiblioteket NAudio. Från resultatet kan slutsatsen dras att detta program kan analysera ljud och visa de olika frekvensernas styrka och därmed är en lämplig basplattform för vidareutveckling. / This report will cover the work process behind creating a spectrum analyzer. The reader will be able to read about the chosen method but also the alternative methods. Apart from this the theoretical parts behind every moment will also be covered and compared to potential alternative solutions. The project has been carried out on behalf of KA Automation. The purpose of the project was to create a base for analyzing sound frequencies. The goal was to be able to identify sound properties in the form of frequencies in servo motors in for example water pumps. The idea was to be able to in a later development stage be able to identify when new frequencies have entered the audio profile which might result in the motor to be in need of service. The base is created with the help of C# and the sound library NAudio. From the result one can conclude that this program can analyze sound and display the magnitude of its frequency components and is therefore a suitable base for future development.
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Low-Power, Low-Cost, & High-Performance Digital Designs: Multi-bit Signed Multiplier design using 32nm CMOS TechnologyBoppana, N V Vijaya Krishna 26 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Esta tese de doutorado visa investigar determinados aspectos estéticos e estruturais presentes em produções artísticas que abordam a temática da identidade trans, num atravessamento com questões de raça e classe social. As reflexões teórico-críticas de intelectuais como Paul Preciado e bell hooks fundamentam a discussão acerca dos sistemas de opressão que atuam sobre o convívio dos corpos considerados dissidentes no imaginário de construção, mas também de sua circulação nas cidades. Para isso, esta tese toma um conjunto heterogêneo de figuras monstruosas como a sereia, o anão e o fantasma para questionar as definições de humanidade e a experiência artístico-sensível do exílio através da vivência no processo laboratorial de criação realizado pelo Projeto Genus Radix (numa iniciativa do Museu Nacional Centro de Artes Reina Sofía). No itinerário que atravessou essa pesquisa e esse pesquisador - Argentina, Brasil e Espanha -, atua a metáfora do monstro como um disparador de questões vinculadas à arte e à vida, que instiga a reflexão sobre uma humanidade por vir. As reverberações das histórias dos personagens conceituais e reais elencados nesta pesquisa visam delinear e ressaltar especificidades que corroboram para a construção de uma narrativa estética e/ou performática que suscita a sobrevivência de novas formas de vida num espaço comum. / [es] Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo investigar ciertos aspectos estéticos y estructurales presentes en las producciones artísticas que abordan el tema de la identidad trans, en un cruce con cuestiones de raza y clase social. Las reflexiones teórico-críticas de intelectuales como Paul Preciado y Bell Hooks basan la discusión sobre los sistemas de opresión que actúan ante a la relación de los cuerpos disidentes en el imaginario de las ciudades. Para ello, esta tesis toma un conjunto heterogéneo de “figuras monstruosas” como la sirena, el enano y el fantasma para cuestionar las definiciones de humanidad y la experiencia artístico-sensible del exilio a través del experimentado en el proceso de creación llevado a cabo por el laboratorio del Proyecto Genus Radix (en una iniciativa del Museo Nacional Centro de Artes Reina Sofía). En el itinerario de la investigación y del investigador - Argentina, Brasil y España-, actúa la metáfora del monstruo como detonante de cuestiones relacionadas con el arte y la vida que señalan una humanidad por venir. Las reverberaciones de las historias de los personajes conceptuales y reales enumerados en esta investigación tienen como objetivo delinear y resaltar especificidades que corroboran la construcción de una narrativa estética y / o performance que promueve la supervivencia de nuevas formas de vida en un espacio común.
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