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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Applying Human Factors and the Resident Assessment Instrument - Home Care: An Examination of Failure Modes, Causes, Effects and Recommendations in the Home Care Environment

Griffin, Melissa Corinne 31 December 2010 (has links)
Several analytical techniques including use case diagrams, process flow diagrams (PFDs), hierarchical task analysis (HTA), failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), systematic human error reduction and prediction approach (SHERPA), hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP), heuristics, the Safe Living Guide and the Resident Assessment Instrument – Home Care (RAI-HC) are applied to data obtained from two pilot home visits to determine whether common failure modes, causes, effects and recommendations are yielded by the techniques. The time required to apply each analytical technique to processes uncovered from the pilot data was measured and outputs of the techniques were reviewed for commonality. Of the tools considered, SHERPA was found to return the most failure modes, effects and recommendations, while FMEA was the only human factors tool to yield causes. Additionally, FMEA and SHERPA provided a means of ranking potential failure modes based on severity and probability.

Applying Human Factors and the Resident Assessment Instrument - Home Care: An Examination of Failure Modes, Causes, Effects and Recommendations in the Home Care Environment

Griffin, Melissa Corinne 31 December 2010 (has links)
Several analytical techniques including use case diagrams, process flow diagrams (PFDs), hierarchical task analysis (HTA), failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), systematic human error reduction and prediction approach (SHERPA), hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP), heuristics, the Safe Living Guide and the Resident Assessment Instrument – Home Care (RAI-HC) are applied to data obtained from two pilot home visits to determine whether common failure modes, causes, effects and recommendations are yielded by the techniques. The time required to apply each analytical technique to processes uncovered from the pilot data was measured and outputs of the techniques were reviewed for commonality. Of the tools considered, SHERPA was found to return the most failure modes, effects and recommendations, while FMEA was the only human factors tool to yield causes. Additionally, FMEA and SHERPA provided a means of ranking potential failure modes based on severity and probability.

Language ecology and language planning in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand.

Oupra, Simmee January 2009 (has links)
'Language Ecology and Language Planning in Chiang Rai, Thailand' had three main aims: to study the language ecology and sub-ecologies of Chiang Rai province, to study the factors and forces that affect the language ecology, and to study language plans and language policies in Chiang Rai. This study employed two main frameworks: theoretical and methodological framework. The theoretical construct is based on a parameter rich linguistic theory, Ecolinguistics, where concepts and parameters from linguistics and non-linguistics disciplines are employed. The parameter rich theory assists immensely in the understanding of language as it believes that language is interconnected with the world and the world with language. The study was conducted using ethnography as the methodological framework due to it allowing a wide array of data collection methods which include document studies, observation, participant observation, recorded and unrecorded interviews, personal communications and field notes. Moreover, ethnography provided an opportunity to reflect on the researcher's multiple identities and in varying degrees as insider and outsider. Data collection was conducted in Chiang Rai and six villages in three districts; two districts in the Greater Mae Khong Subregion (G1-IS) area namely Chiang Khong and Chiang Saen; and one district in a special economic border zone area Maesai district. The districts were chosen based on economic influences while the six villages were randomly selected. The villages studied were Wiang Mok and Huay Kok villages in Chiang Khong district; Sop Ruak and Santhaat villages in Chiang Saen province; and Phamee and Payaang Chum in Maesai district. Data were also collected from stakeholders concerned in language planning namely government and nongovernment organizations. There were two main findings in accordance with the research aims. Firstly, it was found that the language ecology and sub-ecologies of Chiang Rai province and the villages were dynamic and multiplex. The dynamics and complexities of the ecology and sub-ecologies wee dependent on numerous interactions of different factors and forces. The factors were social educational, geographical, economic, and political/geopolitical. There were four main levels of forces: world level, national level, regional/provincial level, and home level. The interaction of forces could be positive, negative or neutral to the health of the language ecology. Secondly, with regards to language planning and policy, it was found that there was no explicit minority language policy or planning in Thailand. Two types of language policy were found in Chiang Rai and Thailand: a top-down policy and quasi-bottom up policy. Both policies were education related. The top-down policies were comprised of an implicit national language policy and an explicit foreign language policy, especially for English and Chinese. The quasi-bottom up policy was the only local policy found in Chiang Rai where a Chinese language curriculum was developed at the local level but with a national economic related strategic vision. The study also suggested that future language planning and policies in Thailand should take into account the findings of language ecology and sub-ecologies in Chiang Rai. Language plans should recognise the effect of those factors and forces that will affect other languages within the same ecology. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1375070 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Humanities, 2009

Tourism planning and policy in the greater Mekong subregion: local perspectives on development and participation, a study of ethnic communities in northern Thailand

Theerapappisit, Polladach January 2008 (has links)
This thesis investigates how ethnic communities perceive the problems and benefits of local participation in the tourism planning process. It also explores how inhabitants perceive the general impacts of tourism development. In particular, problems associated with tourism development in terms of its impacts on ethnic communities, as understood by the local residents involved, are identified. One factor suggested by the results is that such impacts are in part a result of both insufficient and ineffective participation of local residents in tourism planning.

Modélisation bidimensionnelle de la croûte terrestre en vitesse et atténuation des ondes sismiques : implications géodynamiques pour les Alpes occidentales

Thouvenot, François 12 June 1981 (has links) (PDF)
Les structures profondes et les minéralisations qui y sont éventuellement associées ne peuvent prendre toute leur signification sans une étude détaillée de la croûte terrestre. On est maintenant en possession, depuis le dernier quart de siècle, d'une bonne image de celle-ci ainsi que du manteau supérieur, image à laquelle la sismologie expérimentale, avec les sondages sismiques profonds, a apporté une contribution décisive. Il est désormais possible de mettre en évidence non seulement des discontinuités intracrustales, mais aussi des hétérogénéités de la croûte inférieure et des failles profondes qui sont des sources potentielles de courants ascendants entraînant des minéralisations diverses.L'étude de la croûte terrestre a donc une importance économique considérable. Bien que les méthodes d'interprétation de sondages sismiques profonds soient désormais bien développées, on pouvait s'interroger sur les limites de celles-ci. Tire-t-on vraiment tout le profit possible des données de sismologie expérimentale, acquises sur le terrain au prix d'une logistique souvent importante? Ce travail est en fait une réflexion sur deux problèmes liés à une meilleure rentabilisation de ces données. Dans une première partie, consacrée à la modélisation bidimensionnelle de la croûte, on passe d'abord en revue les différentes possibilités de faire varier les paramètres sismiques de la croûte, non seulement verticalement, mais encore horizontalement. La formulation mathématique du tracé des rais sismiques dans un tel milieu inhomogène est également abordée: on aboutit à une relation entre la courbure du rai et sa position par rapport au gradient local de la vitesse sismique. On examine plus en détail une modélisation de la croûte par des interfaces polygonales qui délimitent des couches à gradient de vitesse constant. Cette modélisation est utilisée au second chapitre dans une application aux Alpes Occidentales. On met d'abord en évidence un enfoncement rapide du socle antétriasique et plus ancien qui forme une fosse péri-alpine longeant les Massifs Cristallins Externes. Sous Grenoble et le Sud du Lac d'Annecy, on trouve une épaisseur de sédiments post-paléozoïques de dix kilomètres environ. On montre de plus que la croûte a une structure totalement différente sous les chaînes subalpines septentrionales et sous la partie interne de l'arc alpin .. Dans le premier cas, elle présente des réflecteurs intermédiaires bien marqués qui plongent vers l'intérieur de l'arc à 30° environ alors que dans le second cas, aucune stratification n'apparaît clairement. On met en évidence, sous les Massifs Cristallins Externes, une zone à moindre vitesse centrée sur quinze kilomètres de profondeur et l'on interprète ce schéma structural comme l'expression d'un chevauchement crustal, la croûte supérieure intra-alpine pouvant se décoller de la croûte inférieure au niveau de cette zone à moindre vitesse. La signification physique de telles inversions de vitesse intracrustales est aussi abordée: elles n'apparaissent peut - étre que dans les régions tectoniques actives, là où les densités de dislocations intracristallines sont élevées. Enfin, après avoir examiné le mécanisme au foyer du séisme de Faverges (02.12.80), nous présentons en guise de conclusion un schéma d'évolution tectonique du Sud-Est de la France. Il fait ressortir l'importance d'une ligne SW-NE, mise en évidence par la sismologie expérimentale et la sismicité régionale mais confirmant les déductions géologiques, qui aurait joué un rôle essentiel dans la surrection des Massifs Cristallins Externes. La seconde partie de ce travail porte sur l'atténuation des ondes sismiques dans la croûte supérieure, également sur des bases de sondages sismiques profonds. Après avoir émis un certain nombre d'hypothèses pour pouvoir modéliser la croute aussi bien en vitesse qu'en anélasticité, nous présentons les inconvénients liés à certains modèles, notamment lorsque le gradient de vitesse est discontinu. Au chapitre suivant, le "facteur de qualité", qui caractérise l'atténuation est introduit dans un modèle stratifié avec une variation linéaire de l'atténuation en profondeur. On montre que l'amplitude des ondes émergentes peut encore étre calculée analytiquement. On présente ensuite les difficultés auxquelles on se heurte quand on veut lisser la loi de vitesse pour éliminer les discontinuités de gradient. En sus des lissages classiques par splines cubiques, nous proposons un lissage par splines exponentielles qui présente l'avantage d'élimfner définitivement tout point d'inflexion indésirable. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à l'évaluation des intégrales du rai dans le cas d'une variation continue au second ordre de la vitesse dans le milieu et d'une variation continue à l'ordre zéro du facteur de qualité. Deux procédés -numérique et analytique- sont successivement présentés. On expose enfin au dernier chapitre une méthode itérative d'inversion qui à partir des amplitudes de l'onde Pg (propagée dans la croute supérieure) observées à différentes distances le long d'un profil, donne une image détaillée de l'atténuation en fonction de la profondeur jusqu'à sept kilomètres environ. Cette méthode, plus exacte que celles utilisées précédemment, fournit des valeurs relativement élevées du facteur de qualité qui pourraient avoir des répercussions au niveau du calcul du risque sismique.

La fonction analytique. Freud, Jung, Lacan : Approche transdisciplinaire

Chabaud, François 15 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse propose un éclairage sur la réalité de la Fonction analytique, sa physiologie, et les pathologies comportementales qui résultent de son dysfonctionnement. Nous y visitons les travaux de Freud, Jung et Lacan. Par une approche de comparatisme de leurs " écritures respectives ", nous découvrons les fondements de la Fonction analytique. Tous trois tiennent leur savoir d'une approche transdisciplinaire (mythologie, alchimie, Taoïsme, linguistique, mathématiques, etc.) Freud précise le rôle indispensable de la pulsion en décrivant ses quatre caractéristiques. Avec son travail sur le "Bloc-notes magique ", il énonce les modalités de la gravure psychique. La physiologie analytique comprend deux stades distincts : le premier ou " tronc commun " correspond à la gravure de la trace mnésique (Freud). Ce stade se déroule selon le mode binaire : ça pour Freud, persona pour Jung, imaginaire pour Lacan. Le second, se développe à partir du tronc commun, selon la modalité ternaire : la structure arborescente. C'est le stade du moi de Freud, du moi de Jung, du réel de Lacan. Cette phase, comme celle du brassage inter-chromosomique de la méiose biologique, produit une infinité de combinaisons. Modes binaire et ternaire représentent les phases principales de la Fonction analytique. Mais le mode binaire ne doit pas faire barrage au mode ternaire, en enfermant la psyché dans l'imaginaire (Lacan). La psyché doit se dépasser et faire oeuvre d'artiste. Nous montrons que le déséquilibre de l'archétype anima/animus (Jung) est cause de ces pathologies. Nous y voyons également que " la pensée judéo-chrétienne " joue un rôle de censeur, et fait obstacle à la modélisation ternaire.

Intervention de soutien à l'apprentissage inspirée du modèle de la réponse à l'intervention (RAI) en mathématiques à l'éducation préscolaire

Dansereau, Karine January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Raman-Scattering Microscopy to Investigate Microplastic Accumulation in Coastal Environment at Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve

Khuyen, Vo Thi Kim 12 December 2022 (has links)
Chapter 1 gives a general introduction into plastic polymer and microplastics including concepts, sources and distribution in the environment, microplastic sampling and analytical methods, and sampling area descriptions. Chapter 2 represents all methods and followed equipment used in the thesis. A double-filtration procedure preferable to Raman microscopy technique was developed to collect marine microplastics in brackish water from Can Gio and seawater from the East Sea. Chapter 3 is a comprehensive guideline on IR and Raman spectra interpretation of PE, PP, PVC, PS, PMMA, and polymer textiles, which is especially useful if the automatic library is not available. This chapter represents how to identify polymer type, predict sources and chemical behaviours of microplastics with the smallest size of 15 μm based on microscopic and spectroscopic data. Also, this chapter evaluates the sample handling workflows for salt, water and sand samples. Chapter 4 demonstrates the change in microplastic pollution from 250 MPs/L in Saigon urban canals (the center of Ho Chi Minh City), through UNESCO Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve (10 – 20 MPs/L), to estuaries of Saigon-Đong Nai River, Soai Rap River, Long Tau River (Ganh Rai Gulf), and eventually to the East Sea (3 – 5 MPs/L). Chapter 5 highlights the correlation of microplastic properties and compositions in beach sand and seawater in the coastal environment, particularly at Can Gio 30 April Tourist Beach. This is a pilot study to identify the differences and similarities in morphologies and compositions of microplastics accumulated in beach sand and distributed in seawater, thereby, concluding sources and transport routes of microplastics in the coastal environment. The results show that microplastics accumulated at concentrations from 0 to 92.56 MPs/kg from the surface to 20-cm sand layers. The seawater at Can Gio Beach and Đong Tranh Cape contained 6.44 and 3.75 MPs/L of microplastics, respectively. White polyethylene fragments predominated, and all the microplastics comprised small secondary microplastics with a minimum size of 25 µm and a maximum size of 260 µm for fragments and a length of 640 µm for fibers. The proportions of PE, PP, PS and PMMA were similar. The differing percentages of other compositions in sand and seawater are attributed to the morphology and density of the microplastics. Chapter 6 deals with the detection and determination of microplastics in Vietnamese sea salts. As a result, there was a higher fluctuation in microplastic amount amongs non-branded salts compared with branded salts. An average of 133.62 MPs/kg salt, corresponding to 487.71 microplastics entering the human body per year via salt consumption. More importantly, this chapter provides a convincing evidence for microplastic contamination in marine salts from the seawater. There are similarities in percentage, shape, size and colour of microplastics, especially PE, PET and PP extracted from sea salt and seawater collected in 3 different regions in Southern Vietnam (Can Gio Reserve and Vung Tau).:Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1. Synthetic polymers and plastic products 1.1.1. Overview of polymers and plastics 1.1.2. Plastic applications and global productions Conventional plastics Bioplastics 1.1.3. The life cycle of plastics and plastic pollution 1.2. Microplastics – definitions, sources and fate 1.2.1. Definition and classification of microplastics 1.2.2. Sources and pathways of microplastics into the environments 1.2.3. Global distribution and behaviours of microplastics in the environment Physical behaviours: temporal and spatial accumulations Chemical behaviours: Degradation and Adsorption Biobehaviours: Ingestion, Translocation and Biodegradation 1.3. Effects and bioavailability of plastics on ecosystems, creatures and humans 1.3.1. Aquatic ecosystem 1.3.2. Terrestrial ecosystem 1.3.3. Food safety and human healths 1.4. Microplastic sampling techniques and analytical methods 1.4.1. Microplastic sampling techniques Water sampling Sediment sampling 1.4.2. Sample preparations for microplastic analysis Matrix removal – oxidation and tissue digestion Microplastic separation – density flotation and filtration 1.4.3. Microplastic qualification and quantification methods Visual identification methods Spectroscopic identification methods Destructive thermal techniques Summarized workflow from samples to the results on microplastics Data expression Chapter 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Materials 2.2. Microscopy-spectroscopy for microplastic quantification and qualification 2.3. Quality assurances (QA) and quality controls (QC) 2.4. Collected and interviewed data on the study areas 2.5. Water samples 2.6. Sand samples 2.7. Marine salt samples Chapter 3. The comprehensive guideline on micro-spectroscopic interpretation and sample preparations for microplastic analysis 3.1. Abstract 3.2. Visual characterizations of microplastics 3.3. Interpretation of IR and Raman spectra for plastic identification 3.4. The specificity of spectroscopies for identifying polymer type and chemical behaviours of sampled microplastics 3.4.1. Poly-Ethylene (PE) 3.4.2. Poly-Propylene (PP) 3.4.3. Poly-Vinyl Chloride (PVC) 3.4.4. Poly-Styrene (PS) 3.4.5. Poly Methyl Metacrylate (PMMA) 3.4.6. Poly-Ethylene Terephthalate (PET) 3.4.7. Poly-Amides-6, Nylon-6 (PA-6) 3.4.8. Similarity in Raman bands of pure plastics and sampled microplastics 3.5. The evaluation of sample treatment procedures 3.5.1. Salt samples 3.5.2. Sand samples 3.5.3. Water samples Chapter 4. Assessing microplastic prevalence and spatial dispersion from Saigon urban river network to East Sea by µ-Raman spectroscopy 4.1. Abstract 4.2. Microplastic pollution in the freshwater at Saigon urban canals 4.3. Microplastic pollution in the seawater at Can Gio Biosphere Reserve 4.4. Spatial and vertical dispersion of microplastics in the East Sea of Vietnam 4.5. Conclusions Chapter 5. Comparison of Microplastic Pollution in Beach Sediment and Seawater at UNESCO Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve 5.1. Abstract 5.2. Microplastic pollution in the sand at Can Gio Beach 5.2.1. Spatial variation in the microplastic amounts along the tidal lines 5.2.2. The abundance and composition of microplastics accumulated in sand layers 5.3. Microplastic pollution in seawater at Can Gio Beach and Đong Tranh Cape 5.4. Comparison of microplastic pollution between seawater and beach sand 5.5. Conclusions and recommendations Chapter 6. Microplastic contamination in Vietnamese sea salts 6.1. Abstract 6.2. The microplastics abundance in commercial sea salts 6.3. Microplastic pollution in the seawater taken at salt pans in Vietnam 6.4. Microplastic contamination in the sea salt collected at salt pans in Vietnam 6.5. Comparison of characteristics of microplastics in the seawater and sea salt 6.6. The enhanced toxicity of microplastics-contaminated salt consumption 6.7. Conclusions and recommendations Final Conclusions and Future Recommendations List of references Appendix Statistical data Photos taken on the sampling trips


SIVIERI, SARAH 13 March 2014 (has links)
Il presente lavoro costituisce la prima ricostruzione del lavoro di Gianna Manzini alla radio e alla televisione, che comincia nel 1947 e si conclude nel 1968. Gli interventi radiofonici sono divisi in trasmissioni di moda e costume e di critica letteraria (capitolo 1) e racconti scritti per la radio (capitolo 3); le trasmissioni televisive sono ripartite in sceneggiature realizzate e non realizzate (capitolo 3). I testi dei programmi sono stati identificati nei fondi archivistici della Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori di Milano, dell’Archivio del Novecento dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma e della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma. Il lavoro si basa dunque sulla descrizione e l’analisi di materiale inedito, come L’Almanacco dei sogni e Il paesaggio come fatto personale, e le sceneggiature Il grande indiscreto, Il nome di battesimo e Alfredino. La ricognizione ha dimostrato come Gianna Manzini possedesse una consapevolezza mediatica tale da essere in grado di adattare il proprio stile alle specifiche esigenze del mezzo di comunicazione. Tuttavia, l’attività radio-televisiva non può essere considerata del tutto autonoma e disgiunta dalla carriera letteraria, con la quale intrattiene un rapporto strettissimo e osmotico. / This research aims at providing a first and thorough description of Gianna Manzini’s work for the Italian Broadcasting (RAI), a collaboration which started in 1947 and ended in 1968. Her works for the radio are divided into fashion and literary criticism broadcasting (chapter 1) and original radio screenplays (chapter 2); her works for the television are divided into broadcasted and non broadcasted scripts (chapter 3). The texts of these programmes have been found in the following archives: Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori (Milan), Archivio del Novecento, Università La Sapienza (Rome) and Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (Rome). The thesis both describes and analyzes original and unpublished works and screenplays, such as L’Almanacco dei sogni, Il paesaggio come fatto personale, Il grande indiscreto, Il nome di battesimo and Alfredino. In the end, the research showed evidence that Gianna Manzini was well aware that different media require different writing characteristics and was able to act accordingly. Nonetheless, her literary and broadcasting activity cannot be considered as two separate carriers, being actually strictly bound to each other.

La représentation du Pouvoir depuis 1990 par les réalisateurs Italiens : un nouveau cinéma politique engagé? / The representation of power since 1990 by italian movie directors : a new politically motivated cinema ?

Dayan, Hélène 19 December 2014 (has links)
Comment considérer le cinéma italien des vingt dernières années ? Si en France il est associé à quelques réalisateurs qui luttent contre Berlusconi et contre un système politique et économique corrompu, tels que Roberto Benigni, Nanni Moretti, Sabina Guzzanti, et plus récemment Paolo Sorrentino ou Matteo Garrone, il ne trouve pas la même estime chez ses compatriotes qui, comme en témoignent les résultats du box-office, le considèrent tout au plus comme un moyen de divertissement. La critique des deux pays s’accorde cependant pour dire que l’on assiste depuis une dizaine d’années à un retour du cinema d’impegno (cinéma d’engagement) cher aux réalisateurs des années 1960-1970. Sorrentino et Garrone auraient repris respectivement les flambeaux de Elio Petri et de Francesco Rosi… Peut-on parler d’une nouvelle vague de cinéastes engagés et d’un nouveau cinéma politique italien ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous nous sommes penchés sur quatre films en particulier qui traitent de thèmes explicitement politiques et proposent une représentation de l’homme de Pouvoir différente de celle officielle : Il portaborse de Daniele Luchetti, Il Caimano de Nanni Moretti, Il Divo de Paolo Sorrentino et Qualunquemente de Giulio Manfredonia. Après avoir analysé la façon dont l’homme de Pouvoir est dépeint par ces cinéastes, nous avons essayé de comprendre si ces films sont l’expression d’un engagement réel et d’une volonté de dénonciation ou s’ils répondent à la demande d’une économie de marché et au besoin d’entendre un discours rassurant de la part du public. Dans une société où dire du mal de Berlusconi a permis à certains de s’enrichir et de se faire connaître, et où les systèmes de production et de distribution cinématographiques semblent verrouillés, l’existence d’un véritable cinéma politique est problématique. Il semble en effet difficile d’envisager qu’une œuvre exprime une opposition si elle est acceptée et financée par les entreprises de l’homme qu’elle critique. Face à ce contexte et aux témoignages de nombreuses personnalités du cinéma, nous avons cherché à comprendre si le sens et les critères sur lesquels repose la notion de cinéma politique sont à redéfinir. / How can we consider the Italian cinema of these past twenty years? In France it is associated with a few movie directors such as Roberto Begnini, Nanni Moretti, Sabina Guzzanti and more recently Paolo Sorrentino or Matteo Garrone, who fight against Berlusconi and a corrupt political and economic system, but it isn't received with such esteem in Italy where it is considered at the most as a means of entertainment, as indicated by box-office results.In both countries, reviewers however agree to say that for about ten years we have been witnessing a return to a « cinema d'impegno » (politically-motivated films), a form of cinema which is dear to the directors of the 60´s and 70's. Sorrentino and Garrone would have respectively taken over from Elio Petri and Francesco Rosi... Can we talk about a new wave of politically and socially-aware movie directors and about a new political Italian cinema? To answer this question, we have been studying four films in particular, which deal with themes that are explicitly political and which offer a different representation of the man of Power from the official one.: Il portaborse by Daniele Luchetti, Il Caimano by Nanni Moretti, Il Divo by Paolo Sorrentino and Qualunquemente by Giulio Manfredonia. After analysing the way the man of Power is depicted by these movie directors, we have tried to understand if these films are the expression of a real political commitment and of a will to denounce or if they only meet the demand of a market economy and the need for people to hear a reassuring speech. In a society where speaking badly of Berlusconi has allowed some to grow richer and make themselves known, and where movie production and distribution systems seem closed, the very existence of a political cinema appears problematic. Indeed, it seems difficult to consider that a cinematographic work can express some opposition if this work is accepted and financed by the undertakings of the man it criticizes. Faced with this context and with the testimonies of numerous leading figures of Italian cinema, we have been trying to understand if the meaning and the criteria on which the notion of political cinema is based have to be redefined.

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