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Muzikinės raiškos veiksniai profesinėje mokykloje / The ways of musical expression in vocational schoolŠčerbavičiūtė, Deimantė 22 June 2006 (has links)
The ways influencing students’ musical expression system are analyzed in the master’s paper. The object of investigation is students’ musical expression in vocational school. The aim of the paper is to analyze the factors influencing students’ musical expression.
The masters’ paper consists of introduction, three parts of analysis, the list of literature and appendixes. The purpose and preconditions of higher forms students musical expression and it’s functioning in the whole teaching process are analyzed. The factors influencing the formation of students’ artistic expression are analyzed as well.
The second part is devoted to the analysis of artistic education in vocational school. The motivation factors of musical expression are generalized and distinguished.
The third part presents and summarizes the results of empirical research. The results of the research show that artistic education at school influences the system of students’ artistic expression as part of personal culture. However, artistic education should be better promoted to help students join the cultural life of society.
The research stated the system of preconditions and factors of artistic expression in vocational school. Students’ interests, the musical experience at school and outside it as well as the system of students’ musical expression are investigated and discussed in the paper. According to the research, students’ musical expression experience is important in the self-realization a social... [to full text]
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Kaimo gyventojų dvasinė kultūra ir jos raiškos bruožai / Spiritual culture of country people and attributes of it's expressionStadalnykienė, Rita 29 June 2009 (has links)
Šiandieninis kaimo žmonių dvasinis pasaulis apsigaubęs dramatizmo šešėliu. Pernelyg sparčiai modernėjantis pasaulis modifikuoja dvasines vertybes ir jų reikšmę. Dvasinis gyvenimas yra būtinas kiekvieno sielai, reiškiantis gerovę, praturtinantis kasdieninį gyvenimą.Tyrimo duomenys rodo, kad bendruomeniniai santykiai tiek Dzūkijoje, tiek Suvalkijoje yra panašūs. Nėra jaučiama esminiai skirtumai tarp šių dviejų Lietuvos regionų. Bendruomeniniai ryšiai abiejuose regionuose yra opi, spręstina problema. Ir vienoje, ir kitoje bendruomenėje yra asmenų, kurie nesijaučia pilnaverčiais bendruomenės nariais, jaučiasi pastarosios atstumti. Vyraujančios žmogiškosios ydos bendruomenės viduje yra abiejuose regionuose tos pačios, tai žmonių pavydas, susvetimėjimas, esminės kultūros stoka. / Modern – day spiritual life of village people seems like in a fog. The world becomes more and more modern overmuch and modifies spiritual worths and their meaning. Material and pragmatic things strike the roots and shades the spiritual life of village folk and the entire meaning of beeing. Even religion modifies its primary functions and it is not a shelter for tired human soul. The changes of modern society, which destroy the limits between cultures and making a new of it, changes human relationship with the world. At this time it is hard to save a basic of folk culture, and without it succession and growing of it is impossible. In the following way, national culture and human interface is failing, as a background of spiritual growing, as a natural spiritual perfection seedbed. The theoretical part consist of lithuanian and foreign scholarly paperwork, which analyze the conditions of spiritual influence. Also it is appealed to periodical “The folk culture” and to the articles, which describes the problems of spiritual life of village people. Qualitative (deep) interview was used for empiric part. Dzukija and Suvalkija countryside’s inhabitants of various age layer were asked for this interview. The purpose of this interrogatory is to reveal lineaments of village people spiritual life in a those countrysides.
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Komandinio darbo raiškos identifikavimas specialiojo ugdymo organizacijoje / Identification of the expression of teamwork in an Organization of Special EducationPušinskienė, Ernesta 03 August 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe išanalizuota įvairių autorių komandinio darbo teoriniai aspektai, atsižvelgiant į specialiojo ugdymo organizacijų darbo specifiką. Remiantis teorijos analize, atliktas tyrimas specialiojo ugdymo organizacijose, siekiant identifikuoti komandinio darbo raišką. Tyrimo metu analizuota specialiojo ugdymo organizacijų darbuotojų nuomonė apie komandinį darbą jų darbe, aiškintasi kokios darbuotojų žinios ir įgūdžiai, patirtis dirbant komandose, aiškintasi darbuotojų nuomonė apie komandinio darbo ateities perspektyvas specialiojo ugdymo įstaigose, kaip šiuolaikinėse organizacijose. Patvirtinta autoriaus suformuluota tyrimo hipotezė, kad specialiojo ugdymo organizacijų darbuotojų komandinis bendradarbiavimas nėra išvystytas, darbuotojų komandinio darbo įgūdžiai tik formuojami. / Theoretical aspects of teamwork of various authors have been analysed in this Master‘s work, considering the working features of the organizations of special education. Based on the theoretical analysis, the research in the organizations of special education has been carried out to identify the expression of teamwork. During the research, the staff‘s opinion of organizations of special education about teamwork at their working place has been analysed, explaining the staff‘s knowledge and skills, their experience of working in teams and the staff‘s opinion about the future prospects of teamwork in institutions of special education as in contemporary organizations. It approves the formulated hypothesis of the research‘s author, that the staff‘s teamwork of the organization of the special education is not developed and that the teamwork‘s skills are still in development stage.
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Dailės kūrinių analizės reikšmė bendrojo lavinimo vidurinės mokyklos vyresniųjų paauglių vizualinės raiškos raidai / The importance of the analysis of works of art for the evaluation of visual expression of comprehensive school studentsJurkūnaitė, Daiva 25 May 2005 (has links)
The possibilities of developing visual expression of teenagers by analysing the works of modern art are being discussed in the work.
Taking into account sufficiently great experience of schoolchildren and the display of their abstract thinking in senior forms the ability of aesthetic apprehension and estimation are being more fostered, the art expression remains fundamental though.
In the theoretical part while pedagogical psychological art development and the literature of art study is being analysed, it becomes clear that teenagers’ visual expression differs from the one of young children’s. It is disclosed the teenagers’ specularity of imagination and evaluation of their creative activity as well as psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of evaluation of teenagers the ways of analysis of the work of art and the importance for the visual expression of the students.
The formation of the personality is typical for the transition period for teenagers. The personality’s contact with the world is strict enough and uneven. A teenager begins critically estimate his or her drawings. Just then crisis overtakes his or her creative activity. Coping with the visual means of expression with the help of the samples of modern art helps painless get over this period, as the teenager is not forced to depict something concretely. It helps him or her to understand the possibility to speak in lines, patches, colours and in composition.
The second part of the work presents the results... [to full text]
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Acquisition of Italian as a second language: the situation of adoption from Lithuania / Italų kaip antrosios kalbos įsisavinimas: įvaikinimo iš Lietuvos situacijaRamonaitė, Jogilė Teresa 25 June 2013 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the linguistic development of Lithuanian children adopted to Italy focusing on the expression of action (and state) as one of the most important communicative tasks; to define the stages of acquisition of Italian as a second language, the speed with which the stages occur and the factors that influence it; to investigate the position of Lithuanian in the linguistic repertoire of the adopted children. In order to achieve these goals a sociolinguistic survey of adoptive parents has been conducted, adopted children have been observed for a year after the adoption, spontaneous speech data were collected of one selected child, the data then has been transcribed and annotated for analysis with the program CHILDES, a detailed analysis of the expression of action / state has been conducted.
Summarizing the results of the research, the dissertation confirms that the adopted children rapidly acquire the new language (L2), they reach a very high level of linguistic quality, comparable to that of the native speakers, even though their acquisition is completely (or mostly) natural and not formal. The expression of action / state starts by using pragmatic principles and gradually passing to the grammatical ones whereas the grammar is acquired in a typical evolving sequence. Even the second language acquisition of the older adopted children has some similarities with the children’s mother tongue acquisition (L1). Age is not the major factor that... [to full text] / Šios disertacijos tikslas – ištirti iš Lietuvos į Italiją įvaikintų vaikų kalbos raidą po įvaikinimo, didžiausią dėmesį skiriant veiksmo raiškai, kaip vienai svarbiausių komunikacijos tikslų; nustatyti antrosios, italų, kalbos įsisavinimo etapus, spartą ir ją lemiančius veiksnius; išsiaiškinti lietuvių kalbos padėtį įvaikintų vaikų kalbiniame repertuare. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo atlikta sociolingvistinė įtėvių apklausa, metus laiko po įvaikinimo stebėti vaikai ir rinkti tyrimui pasirinkto vaiko spontaninės kalbos duomenys, kurie vėliau transkribuoti ir užkoduoti analizei pagal programą CHILDES, atlikta išsami veiksmo / būsenos raiškos raidos analizė.
Apibendrinant atlikto tyrimo rezultatus, disertacijoje pagrindžiama, kad įvaikinti vaikai itin sparčiai įsisavina naują (K2) kalbą, jie pasiekia labai aukštą, gimtakalbiams prilyginamą, tikslinės kalbos kokybės lygį nepaisant to, kad jų kalbos įsisavinimas yra vien tik (ar daugiausia) natūralus, o ne formalus. Veiksmo raiškos raida vyksta palaipsniui nuo pragmatinių principų pereinant prie gramatinių, o gramatika įsisavinama tipiškai, sudėtingėjančia seka. Net ir vyresnių įvaikintų vaikų antrosios kalbos įsisavinimas turi tam tikrų panašumų su mažų gimtakalbių (K1) vaikų raida. Amžius nėra pagrindinis veiksnys, leidžiantis įvaikintiems vaikams greitai ir sėkmingai įsisavinti naują kalbą. Didžiausią įtaką turi tarptautinio įvaikinimo situacijoje palanki kalbinė aplinka. Per metus naujoji kalba tampa visai ar beveik vienintelė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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