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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie rekonstrukce železničních stanic Jindřichov na Moravě a Branná / Upgrading of Jindřichov na Moravě and Branná Railway Stations

Kubina, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis "Upgrading of Jindřichov na Moravě and Branná Railway Stations" deals with designing new platforms that are suitable for people with reduced mobility in accordance with applicable laws and standards. Platforms with the platform edge height of 550 millimetres above the top of rail were designed. The speed limit was increased from the original 40 km/h up to 50 km/h. Moreover, the thesis design reconstruction of railway superstructure and railway substructure and deal with the drainage system.

Rekonstrukce železniční stanice Jeseník / Upgrading of Jeseník Railway Station

Francová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis "Upgrading of Jeseník Railway Stations" deals with designing new platform that is suitable for people with reduced mobility in accordance with applicable laws and standards. Platform with the platform edge height of 550 millimetres above the top of rail were designed. The speed limit was increased. Moreover, the thesis design reconstruction of railway superstructure and railway substructure and deal with the drainage system.

Analýza výluk na železničních tratích / Railway Tracks Possessions Analysis

Šmíd, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with describing, evaluating, and proposing of possible changes in planning, placement and describing possession activities on railway lines in order to improve transmission and quality of the services provided by the SŽDC. The first chapter describes the environment of rail transport focusing mainly on law and regulations. The second chapter describes the aim of the study, additional category focuses on describing the method of processing of materials. The fifth chapter focuses on selected lines to describe the various closures in specific line sections. Sixth chapter aims on comparison methods of implementation lockout activities on examined lines. The last chapter has to summarize and evaluate results to submit any additional recommendations.

Zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti železniční osobní dopravy v úseku Uničov - Šumperk / Competitiveness Improvements of Railway Passenger Transport in Section Unicov - Sumperk

Melecký, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The thesis target is to design construction treatments resulting in improving the passenger railway transport in this section. Planned modernization and electrification will change the transport nature significantly, which calls for an examination of the existing track possibilities. The task was to focus on the regarding stations as a crucial troughput aspect and on the travel quality improvment by minor construction adjustments. I have examined walking distances, designed a new Troubelice - Centrum stop. By convenient platform shifts higher velocities criteria were met. All precautions respect the wheelchair access. The station design allows higher velocities operation and do not restricts current use.

Estudio de los cánones por uso de estaciones de viajeros en el contexto del sistema ferroviario europeo

Font Torres, Juan Bautista 04 October 2021 (has links)
[ES] El canon por uso de la infraestructura ferroviaria utiliza una gran diversidad de variables, pero no hay ningún administrador que aplique más del 35% de los conceptos existentes para tarificar sus servicios. La mayoría de los sistemas de tarificación comparten algunos parámetros, tales como la categoría de la línea, diferenciando el uso de líneas principales, secundarias y otras. Estas variables aplicadas recuperan los costes marginales y los costes variables correspondientes a la operación, mantenimiento y renovación. En los corredores ferroviarios internacionales, a pesar de la legislación existente que obliga a una convergencia de enfoque para un sistema basado en costes directos, sigue existiendo esa falta de convergencia, no sólo en los niveles de cánones, sino también en las formulaciones, las variables y parámetros de fijación de precios variando de país a país, representando un problema. Los cánones analizados en la tarificación por uso de las estaciones de viajeros muestran que existen administradores que aplican el uso de estaciones de viajeros directamente en el canon por uso de la infraestructura, siendo determinado en el momento de realizar la reserva del surco correspondiente. Las variables empleadas en la conceptualización de las categorías de las estaciones presentan variedad en las subcategorías empleadas en la clasificación. Ante esto no es posible simplificar la formulación empleada para el cálculo de los cánones por los países estudiados en busca de una expresión común aplicable para conseguir eliminar una de las barreras en la red ferroviaria europea. Respecto a la problemática de la tarificación por uso de las estaciones de viajeros en líneas de alta velocidad: caso de estudio línea Madrid-Levante, los ingresos por uso de las estaciones de transporte de viajeros, proviene con mayor porcentaje del canon, canon basado en el número de circulaciones que tienen origen/destino o parada comercial y en el número de viajeros subidos/bajados en cada una de ellas. En cuanto al canon aplicado a las circulaciones es dispar entre las estaciones de la línea, siendo más bajo en las estaciones que no son origen-destino, es decir en aquellas estaciones que tienen paradas intermedias. Los ingresos procedentes del canon son insuficientes para equilibrar el balance económico total pero sí que cubre más allá de los costes directos imputables a la explotación, no siguiendo la Directiva europea de la que emana que sólo se recuperará mediante cánones aquellos costes relacionados directamente con la explotación ferroviaria. Ante el futuro escenario del ferrocarril en España con la entrada al mercado nacional de los nuevos operadores ferroviarios es necesaria reformar la Ley del Sector Ferroviario con el objetivo de modificar el sistema mediante el que se fijan los cánones. Este cambio supone separar esta tasa de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado y permitir que los administradores de infraestructuras puedan establecer con total libertad bonificaciones en los cánones para, expresamente, incentivar el transporte. Esta flexibilización permitiría reducir el importe que cada operadora paga por usar la infraestructura e instalaciones, traduciéndose en un incremento de las circulaciones, aumento de los ingresos del administrador y en una reducción de las tarifas de transporte de viajeros y mercancías. Por contrapartida está la financiación de los servicios comerciales operados por el operador actual en las líneas convencionales, el resultado positivo de los servicios prestados por la empresa en Alta Velocidad, después de la liquidación de los correspondientes cánones compensa los resultados negativos de todos los demás negocios de viajeros y de mercancías, caso no aplicado a los nuevos operadores y que "a priori" entran en el mercado con esta ventaja. / [CA] El cànon per ús de la infraestructura ferroviària utilitza una gran diversitat de variables, però no hi ha cap administrador que aplicació més del 35% dels conceptes existents per a tarifar els seus serveis. La majoria dels sistemes de tarifació comparteixen alguns paràmetres, com ara la categoria de la línia, diferenciant l'ús de línies principals, secundàries i altres. Aquestes variables aplicades recuperen els costos marginals i els costos variables corresponents a l'operació, manteniment i renovació. En els corredors ferroviaris internacionals, malgrat la legislació existent que obliga a una convergència d'enfocament per a un sistema basat en costos directes, continua existint aqueixa falta de convergència, no sols en els nivells de cànons, sinó també en les formulacions, les variables i paràmetres de fixació de preus variant de país a país, representant un problema. Els cànons analitzats en la tarifació per ús de les estacions de viatgers mostren que existeixen administradors que apliquen l'ús d'estacions de viatgers directament en el cànon per ús de la infraestructura, sent determinat en el moment de realitzar la reserva del solc corresponent. Les variables emprades en la conceptualització de les categories de les estacions presenten varietat en les subcategories emprades en la classificació. Davant això no és possible simplificar la formulació emprada per al càlcul dels cànons pels països estudiats a la recerca d'una expressió comuna aplicable per a aconseguir eliminar una de les barreres en la xarxa ferroviària europea. Respecte a la problemàtica de la tarifació per ús de les estacions de viatgers en línies d'alta velocitat: cas d'estudi línia Madrid-Llevant, els ingressos per ús de les estacions de transport de viatgers, prové amb major percentatge del cànon, cànon basat en el nombre de circulacions que tenen origen/destine o parada comercial i en el nombre de viatgers pujats/baixats en cadascuna d'elles. Quant al cànon aplicat a les circulacions és dispar entre les estacions de la línia, sent més baix en les estacions que no són origen-destine, és a dir en aquelles estacions que tenen parades intermèdies. Els ingressos procedents del cànon són insuficients per a equilibrar el balanç econòmic total però si que cobreix més enllà dels costos directes imputables a l'explotació, no seguint la Directiva europea de la qual emana que només es recuperarà mitjançant cànons aquells costos relacionats directament amb l'explotació ferroviària. Davant el futur escenari del ferrocarril a Espanya amb l'entrada al mercat nacional dels nous operadors ferroviaris és necessària reformar la Llei del Sector Ferroviari amb l'objectiu de modificar el sistema mitjançant el qual es fixen els cànons. Aquest canvi suposa separar aquesta taxa dels Pressupostos Generals de l'Estat i permetre que els administradors d'infraestructures puguen establir amb total lliberteu bonificacions en els cànons per a, expressament, incentivar el transport. Aquesta flexibilització permetria reduir l'import que cada operadora paga per usar la infraestructura i instal·lacions, traduint-se en un increment de les circulacions, augment dels ingressos de l'administrador i en una reducció de les tarifes de transport de viatgers i mercaderies. Per contrapartida està el finançament dels serveis comercials operats per l'operador actual en les línies convencionals, el resultat positiu dels serveis prestats per l'empresa en Alta Velocitat, després de la liquidació dels corresponents cànons compensa els resultats negatius de tots els altres negocis de viatgers i de mercaderies, cas no aplicat als nous operadors i que "a priori" entren en el mercat amb aquest avantatge. / [EN] The charge for the use of railway infrastructure uses a great diversity of variables, but there is no administrator that applies more than 35% of the existing concepts to price its services. Most of the charging systems share some parameters, such as the category of the line, differentiating the use of main, secondary, and other lines. These applied variables recover the marginal costs and the variable costs corresponding to the operation, maintenance, and renovation. In international rail corridors, despite the existing legislation that requires a convergence of approach for a system based on direct costs, this lack of convergence continues to exist, not only in the levels of fees, but also in the formulations, the variables and pricing parameters varying from country to country, representing a problem. The charges analysed in the charging for the use of passenger stations show that there are administrators who apply the use of passenger stations directly to the charge for use of the infrastructure, being determined at the time of booking the corresponding path. The variables used in the conceptualization of the station categories present a variety in the subcategories used in the classification. Given this, it is not possible to simplify the formulation used for the calculation of charges by the countries studied in search of a common expression applicable to achieve the elimination of one of the barriers in the European rail network. Regarding the problem of charging for the use of passenger stations on high-speed lines: case study of the Madrid-Levante line, income from the use of passenger transportation stations comes with a higher percentage of the charge, charge based on the number of circulations that have origin / destination or commercial stop and the number of passengers getting on / off in each one of them. As for the charge applied to circulations, it is uneven between the stations of the line, being lower in the stations that are not origin-destination, that is, in those stations that have intermediate stops. The income from the canon is insufficient to balance the total economic balance, but it does cover beyond the direct costs attributable to the exploitation, not following the European Directive from which it emanates that only those costs directly related to the exploitation will be recovered through royalty's railway. Given the future scenario of the railway in Spain with the entry into the national market of the new railway operators, it is necessary to reform the Law of the Railway Sector with the aim of modifying the system by which fees are set. This change involves separating this rate from the General State Budgets and allowing infrastructure managers to freely establish discounts on fees to expressly encourage transportation. This flexibility would make it possible to reduce the amount that each operator pays to use the infrastructure and facilities, translating into an increase in traffic, an increase in the administrator's income and a reduction in passenger and freight transport rates. On the other hand, there is the financing of the commercial services operated by the current operator on conventional lines, the positive result of the services provided by the company in High Speed, after the settlement of the corresponding fees, offsets the negative results of all other businesses of travellers and freight, a case not applied to new operators and that "a priori" enter the market with this advantage. / Font Torres, JB. (2021). Estudio de los cánones por uso de estaciones de viajeros en el contexto del sistema ferroviario europeo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/173717

Video data collection method for pedestrian movement variables & development of a pedestrian spatial parameters simulation model for railway station environments

Hermant, Laurent Fernand Leon 14 March 2012 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The design of railway station environments in South Africa and to a certain extent internationally, is based on rules of thumb. These rules, using general macroscopic principles for determining peak passenger loads are inadequate and misleading for detailed design purposes. The principles advocated in local design guideline documents are erroneous and ignore the highly variable flow nature or “micro-peaking” effects that typically occur within railway station environments. Furthermore, there are no procedures proposed in these guideline documents, which leads to ambiguous assessment techniques used by practitioners in the determination of pedestrian spatial areas. It is evident that the knowledge in the area of pedestrian movement contained within the design guidance is far from comprehensive. Without a reliable method for estimating pedestrian levels-of-service and capacities, design of new facilities does not follow a uniform process, resulting in high levels of uncertainty in determining if the time, money and resources invested in upgrading facilities will actually cater to the demand. The situation is further exacerbated by current industry thinking towards pedestrian modelling in South Africa, where it is perceived by both clients and practitioners to be more cost effective to use macroscopic techniques and designing infrastructure according to a “one-level-up” level-of-service method. Working with architects confirmed that the area of circulation design was lacking in data and guidance and that associated quantified assessments of pedestrian movement was rarely, if ever, carried out. Towards addressing these issues, the development of a Spatial Parameter (SP)-model spreadsheet application became the main objective of the study. The model contributes towards addressing the needs of individual station users based on the trade-off between level-of-service and infrastructure costs. The output of the model allows the designer to avoid the under-provision (detrimental to operations) and oversizing of railway station infrastructure (with obvious financial implications). The author recognised the lack of pedestrian movement data in South Africa and addressed this by conducting extensive video-based pedestrian observations aimed at exploring the macroscopic fundamental relationships and the ways in which these relationships might be influenced by the various personal, situational and environmental factors that characterise the context in which pedestrians move. The movement trajectories of 24,410 pedestrians were investigated over three infrastructure environments at Maitland and Bonteheuwel stations in Cape Town, carefully selected to incorporate the cultural diversity common in South Africa. Tracking of pedestrians was achieved via the use of an in-house developed “video annotator” software tool. Boarding and alighting rates of 7,426 passengers were also observed at these stations incorporating contributory attributes such as age, gender, body size, encumbrance, group size, time of day, and location. The research makes a number of significant advances in the understanding of pedestrian flow behaviour within railway station environments and provides recommendations to industry of what issues to consider. The empirical study has provided comprehensive pedestrian movement characteristics incorporating the relationships between density, speed and flow including the effect of culture and other context factors unique to the local South African environment. New methods for determining spatial requirements are proposed, together with new and unique empirical data for use by the local industry. A calibrated spreadsheet SP-model for assessing the design of concourse type railway stations is developed and presented in the study. The advance in local pedestrian flow knowledge, together with the SP-model, is shown to be practical through application to two real railway station case study projects. The results of this study constitute an important contribution to local pedestrian flow knowledge and is considered a valuable resource for those developing pedestrian models in practice. It is expected that the results will be useful in the planning and design of pedestrian environments in South African railway stations and can be applied to other African metro railway stations with similar pedestrian characteristics. Overall, this research has succeeded in advancing the approach to railway station design, empirical data, knowledge and methods held within the local engineering industry. However, the contribution of this study and associated conference papers is an early step in changing the perceptions in this country towards ensuring fully informed and appropriate performance-based spatial designs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwerp van areas binne Suid-Afrikaanse spoorweg stasies en ook tot ‘n sekere mate internasionaal, is gebaseer op historiese ondervindings asook riglyne wat tans in die praktyk gebruik word. Die riglyne gebruik algemene makroskopiese beginsels om die spits passasiersvrag te bepaal vir gedetaileerde ontwerp doeleindes. Hierdie riglyne is egter ongeskik en misleidend aangesien dit nie die hoogs wispelturige natuur van vloei en mikrospits effekte wat binne die stasies plaasvind, in ag nie. Die riglyne ontbreek ook van prosedures wat gevolg moet word vir die bepaling van ruimtelike areas vir voetgangers wat die gevolg het dat dubbelsinnige beramingstegnieke deur praktisyne gebruik word. Die kennis oor voetganger bewegings in die ontwerp riglyne is nie omvattend genoeg nie. Sonder ‘n betroubare beramings metode vir die bepaling van voetganger diensvlak en kapasiteit kan daar nie bepaal word of die tyd, geld en hulpbronne wat in die fasilitieit geinvesteer word, aan die behoeftes gaan voldoen nie. Die situasie word verder vererger deur die huidige persepsie oor voetganger modellering in Suid-Afrika, waar dit deur beide kliënte en praktisyne, as ‘n meer koste effektiewe oplossing gesien word om makroskopiese tegnieke te gebruik en om infrastruktuur te ontwerp volgens ‘n metode waar ‘n hoër diensvlak as die teiken diensvlak gebruik word. In samewerking met argitekte is dit bevestig dat die area van sirkulasie ontwerp ‘n tekort het aan data en riglyne en dat die kwantitatiewe skattings verbonde aan voetganger beweging selde, indien ooit, uitgevoer word. Die ontwikkeling van ‘n Spatial Parameters (SP)-model om die bogenoemde problem te oorkom, is die hoofdoel van hierdie tesis. Die model poog om die behoeftes van individuele stasie gebruikers aan te spreek gebaseer op die wisselwerking tussen diensvlak en infrastruktuur kostes. Die uitsette van die model stel die ontwerper in staat om ondervoorsiening en oorvoorsiening van spoorweg stasie infrastruktuur te voorkom wat nadelige vir die bedryf is en ook ooglopende finansiële implikasies tot gevolg het. Die skrywer het die tekort aan data aangaande voetganger bewegings in Suid-Afrika geidentifiseer en dit aangespreek deur omvattende video gebaseerde voetganger waarnemings te maak met die doel om die basiese makroskopiese verhoudings te ondersoek asook in hoe ‘n mate hierdie verhoudings beinvloed word deur verskeie persoonlike, liggings- en omgewingsfaktore wat die konteks waarin voetgangers beweeg, karakteriseer. Die bewegingsprofiel van 24,410 voetgangers is ondersoek by drie infrastruktuur omgewings by Maitland en Bonteheuwel stasies in Kaapstad. Die stasies is noukeurig uitgesoek om Suid-Afrika se kulturele diversiteit te verteenwoordig. Die voetgangers is nagevolg deur gebruik te maak van ‘n selfontwikkelde video-annoteerder sagteware. Waarneming van die opklim- en afklimspoed van 7,426 passasiers is gemaak by hierdie stasies en faktore soos ouderdom, geslag, liggaamsgrootte, mobiliteit, grootte van groepe, tyd van die dag en ligging was ingesluit by die waarnemings. Hierdie navorsing maak belangrike bydraes tot die begrip van die vloei van voetgangers binne spoorweg stasies en aanbevellings word aan die industrie gemaak oor die faktore wat in ag geneem moet word by ontwerp van fasilitieite. Die empiriese studie het omvattende voetganger beweging karakteristieke uitgewys wat die verhoudings tussen digtheid, spoed en vloei inkorporeer asook die effek van kultuur en ander faktore wat verband hou met die unieke konteks van die plaaslike Suid-Afrikaanse omgewing. Nuwe metodes om ruimtelike-vereistes te bepaal word voorgestel, saam met nuwe en unieke empiriese data vir gebruik deur die plaaslike industrie. ‘n Gekalibreerde en gevalideerde SP-model is ontwikkel om die ontwerp van spoorweg stasies te assesseer en word in hierdie tesis beskyf en aangebied. Die studie toon dat akkurate data en kennis oor plaaslike voetganger vloei met die SP-model verkry kan word, soos bewys uit twee spoorweg stasie studiegevalle. Die resultate van hierdie tesis dien as ‘n belangrike bydrae tot die kennis van plaaslike voetganger vloei en word geag as ‘n waardevolle hulpbron vir die ontwikkeling van voetganger modelle in die praktyk. Hierdie resultate mag nuttig wees gedurende die beplanning en ontwerp van voetganger-areas in Suid-Afrikaanse spoorweg stasies. Dit kan ook toegepas word vir spoorweg stasies in die res van Afrika wat soortgelyke voetganger karaktereienskappe het. Die navorsing het daarin geslaag om die benadering tot spoorweg stasie ontwerp te verbeter, asook om empiriese data, kennis en die metodes wat binne die plaaslike ingenieurs industrie voorgehou word, te verbeter. Let egter daarop dat die bydrae wat hierdie tesis maak, asook bydraes deur relevante konferensie verhandelinge, ‘n vroeë stap is in die verandering van persepsies in Suid-Afrika om geskikte prestasie-gebaseerde ruimte ontwerpe te verseker.

Influência da rigidez vertical no comportamento mecânico e dimensionamento da via permanente ferroviária. / Influence of vertical stiffness on elastic behavior and desing of railroad tracks.

Monteiro, Daniel Tsukamoto 26 October 2015 (has links)
A via permanente representa um elemento imprescindível na composição do transporte ferroviário e seu desempenho deve ser adequado, de forma a garantir tanto segurança quanto conforto. Assim, diversos aspectos devem ser analisados ainda na fase de projeto, através de dimensionamentos que confrontem diferentes parâmetros da resposta da via e os limites estabelecidos. Dessa forma, o conhecimento do comportamento mecânico da via, devido aos esforços impostos pela passagem do material rodante, passa a ser essencial no projeto de uma estrutura que garanta os requisitos necessários, sem ser inviável economicamente. Visto que esse comportamento mecânico é muito sensível à rigidez vertical da estrutura, o presente trabalho apresenta análises da influência desse parâmetro na resposta da via e, consequentemente, no seu dimensionamento. Nesse contexto, o trabalho abrange tanto o caso de vias em lastro solicitadas por trens de carga, quanto o caso de vias em laje solicitadas por trens de passageiros em meios urbanos. No primeiro caso são realizados estudos paramétricos, por meio de modelos clássicos e um modelo mecanicista, para a análise de momentos fletores e deflexões nos trilhos, bem como tensões verticais nas camadas de lastro, sub-lastro e subleito. Já no segundo caso, são realizados estudos paramétricos relativos à transmissibilidade e à atenuação de vibrações causadoras de ruído secundário. Também é feita uma análise da influência da rigidez vertical na amplificação dinâmica das cargas estáticas, que pode ser aplicada a ambos os casos citados e até extrapolada para casos de vias de alta velocidade. Os resultados mostraram que aumentos de rigidez vertical resultam em ganhos do ponto de vista de momentos fletores e deflexões nos trilhos, além de maior resistência e capacidade de dissipação de tensões verticais nas camadas de lastro, sub-lastro e subleito. Por outro lado, esses aumentos também levaram a maiores tensões nas camadas subjacentes à grade citadas, além de atenuações de vibrações em menores intervalos de frequência e maiores amplificações dinâmicas das cargas estáticas em vias de alta velocidade. Assim, é mostrado que a influência da rigidez vertical, tanto da via como um todo quanto de alguns elementos específicos, não deve ser analisada de forma genérica, pois, dependendo do parâmetro da resposta da via considerado no dimensionamento, seu aumento pode representar uma influência positiva ou negativa. / The railway track is an essential element in the composition of rail transport and its performance should be adequate to ensure both safety and comfort. Therefore, several aspects should be analyzed still in the project phase, through project designs that compare the response of the track from the point of view of different parameters and some stablished limits. Thus, the knowledge of the mechanical behavior of the track due to stresses imposed by the passage of rolling stock becomes essential to the design of a structure which ensures the necessary requirements, without being uneconomic. Since this mechanical behavior is very sensitive to vertical stiffness of the structure, this thesis presents some analyses about the influence of this parameter in the track response and, consequently, in its design. In this context, the research covers both the case of ballasted tracks with freight trains and the case of slab tracks with passenger trains in urban areas. In the first case, parametric studies are performed by means of classical and mechanistic models with analyses of bending moments and deflections in rails, as well as the vertical stresses on ballast, sub-ballast and subgrade layers. In the second, it was analyzed in the parametric studies the transmission and attenuation of vibrations causing ground borne vibration. In addition to these, there is also an analysis of the influence of the vertical stiffness in dynamic amplification of the static loads, which can be applied to both the mentioned cases and even extrapolated to cases of high-speed railways. The results showed that stiffness increases result in positive gains from the point of view of bending moments and deflections in rails, as well as higher strength and dissipation of vertical stresses on ballast, sub-ballast and subgrade layers. On the other hand, this increase of stiffness also lead to higher pressures on the layers cited, in addition to attenuation of vibrations in lower frequency ranges and higher dynamic amplifications of static loads in the case of high-speed operation. Thus, the influence of vertical stiffness should not be analyzed in a generic way, because, depending on the parameter of the track response considered, it can represent a positive or negative influence.

Trens de articulação do território: referências, análises e ensaios para implantação de uma rede ferroviária no Estado de São Paulo / Trains of territory articulation: references, analyses and proposals for implantation of a railway network in the state of São Paulo.

Madalozzo, Marcelo Arend 20 April 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo o estudo das relações espaciais potencializadas por uma rede de transporte ferroviário que extrapolasse os limites da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, mostrando-se como possibilidade para a transformação qualitativa do espaço em direção à sua homogeneização. Para isso, buscou-se construir um conjunto de referências de infraestrutura e serviços ferroviários para o transporte de passageiros a partir dos sistemas europeus, sobretudo o sistema francês. Simultaneamente, foram levantadas e analisadas criticamente as políticas recentes voltadas para implementação desse tipo de infraestrutura no estado de São Paulo, visando estabelecer um panorama sobre os preceitos envolvidos na sua elaboração. Por f im, a p artir d a a valiação e i nterpretação de t odos e sses a spectos, o trabalho propõe dois ensaios: um primeiro de caráter conceitual, buscando estruturar a prática de planejamento para os novos sistemas; e um segundo de caráter propositivo, para a conformação de uma rede ferroviária integrada entre as diferentes escalas hierárquicas traçadas. / This research aims to study the spatial relations as result of a railway transportation network, which extrapolates the limits of the Metropolitan Region o f S ão P aulo, and xplores t he p ossibilities o f a qualitative transformation of the space towards its homogenization. Firstly, the work assemble references concerning infrastructure and railway services in the Western-European context, notably the French railway system. Secondly, the various recent policies of railway system\'s implementation in the state of São Paulo were gathered and analyzed, setting up an overview of their elaborations\' directives. Finally, the work proposes two essays: a) a conceptional one, which set bases for planning practices for new railway transportation systems; and b) a propositional one, which defines an integrated railway network between the different hierarchic scales.

Estrada de Ferro Funilense (SP): territ?rio, hist?ria e patrim?nio cultural

Evangelista, Ana Laura 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-08-13T18:46:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Laura Evangelista.pdf: 48494764 bytes, checksum: 21562d801f96780cfe3edd441505ea22 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T18:46:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Laura Evangelista.pdf: 48494764 bytes, checksum: 21562d801f96780cfe3edd441505ea22 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / This Mater?s Dissertation aims at studying the Funilense Railway from a cultural heritage management perspective in a regional scale approach. This railway was created by farmers from the state of S?o Paulo, between the 19th and the 20th centuries, and intertwined Funil region (Cosm?polis) to Campinas? urban center, prolonged up to Conchal afterwards. The railway catalyzed the territorial formation at a sector of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas. However, terminated in the 1960?s, became almost invisible inside the landscape. The research retraced the Funilense?s route, analyzed how the material remains from its past activities are articulated on the present territory, and how that could affect their preservation as a historical landmark. The analysis of the railroad was based on the assumptions of Present Time History, which assumes that memory, identity, and history are collective constructions built on everyday praxis. An analysis with the territorial approach enabled the comprehension of the railway as a historical vector of urbanization processes, landscape production, and possibly as a process for heritage appraisal. / Esta disserta??o volta-se para o estudo da antiga Estrada de Ferro Funilense, a partir do ponto de vista da gest?o do patrim?nio cultural relacionado ?s ferrovias, com o enfoque na escala regional. Criada a partir da iniciativa de fazendeiros paulistas, na virada do s?culo XIX para o XX, a Funilense interligou a regi?o do Funil (Cosm?polis) ao centro de Campinas, sendo prolongada at? Conchal. Sua implanta??o serviu de catalisador na forma??o territorial de um dos eixos de expans?o da Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas, entretanto, desativada nos anos 1960, tornou-se quase invis?vel na paisagem. A pesquisa retra?ou o caminho da Funilense, observando como os vest?gios materiais das atividades da ferrovia se articulam no atual territ?rio, formando um conjunto cuja continuidade n?o ? mais percebida como tal, e como isso pode afetar sua preserva??o como um marco da mem?ria e da hist?ria do territ?rio. A an?lise dos discursos envolvendo a Funilense baseou-se nas premissas da Hist?ria do Tempo Presente, levando em conta que mem?ria, identidade e patrim?nio s?o objetos de disputas e conflitos, e que atualmente vem se compreendendo os valores e os significados relativos ao patrim?nio cultural como constru??es coletivas realizadas nas pr?ticas sociais cotidianas. A abordagem territorial ajudou a compreender a ferrovia como um vetor explicativo hist?rico dos processos de urbaniza??o, de constru??o das paisagens e possivelmente como vetor de valoriza??o patrimonial.

Gestão de Museu: Comunicação e Público - Estudo sobre o Museu do Trem, São Leopoldo, RS (2009-2012) / Museum Management: Communication And Public - Study On The Train Museum, São Leopoldo, Rs (2009-2012)

Bemvenuti, Alice 28 September 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa apresenta estudo de gestão de museu com ênfase na subárea da comunicação e público, a luz de teóricos do campo da museologia, da administração e da educação, com estudo de caso do Museu do Trem de São Leopoldo, entre 2009 a 2012. Apresentando um panorama geral dos museus ferroviários no Brasil, com um relato histórico das iniciativas de criação destes museus, com dados da atuação do PRESERVE/PRESERFE remontados através de entrevistas, além da discussão em torno dos mecanismos de proteção do patrimônio industrial ferroviário. Neste contexto também são mapeadas as instituições museais ferroviárias no Rio Grande do Sul, apresentando a trajetória histórica e cronológica do Museu do Trem de São Leopoldo, desde a criação na década de 1970, o restauro da antiga Estação, as dificuldades com a extinção da RFFSA, as subsequentes reinaugurações até o ano de 2012. A investigação passa por análise quantitativa e qualitativa de aspectos da realidade empírica, encerrando com a reflexão sobre as contribuições desta experiência para a prática da gestão em museus, comunicação e público. / The research presents museum management studies with an emphasis on communication and the public subarea, considering theoreticians in the museology, administration and education fields, with the case study of São Leopoldo\'s Train Museum from 2009 to 2012. Presenting an overview of the railway museums in Brazil, with a historical account of the creation of such museums, with data from the performance of the PRESERVE/PRESERFE reassembled through interviews, in addition to the discussion of the protection mechanisms of the railway industrial heritage. In this context, the railway museum institutions are also mapped in Rio Grande do Sul, presenting the historical and chronological trajectory of the São Leopoldo\'s Train Museum, since the creation in the 1970s, restoration of the old station, the difficulties with the extinction of RFFSA, the subsequent reopening until the year 2012. The research involves quantitative and qualitative analysis of aspects of empirical reality, ending with a reflection on the contribution of this experience to the practice of management in museums, communication and public.

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