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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos geležinkelių transporte vykdomų reformų liberalizuojant vežimų rinką ypatybių tyrimas / Research of the Peculiarities of Lithuanian Railway's Conducted Reforms while Liberalizing the Transportation Market

Vielys, Vaidutis 02 February 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama Lietuvos geležinkelių transporto sektoriaus reforma, geležinkelių transporto sistemos reformai įtakos turintys veiksniai, reformos poreikis, tikslai, užsienio šalių geležinkelių transporto reformų patirtis. Įvardijama geležinkelių transporto sektoriaus reformos problematika. Nagrinėjami moksliniai straipsniai, kuriuose aptariama geležinkelių transporto reforma bei vežimų liberalizavimas, kita mokslinė literatūra, tyrimai bei studijos. Atlikti Lietuvos geležinkelių transporto sektoriaus reformos poreikio tyrimai, o tyrimo pagrindu įvardytos reformos pasekmės, pateiktos tyrimų išvados. Baigiamajame magistro darbe įvardijami galimi Lietuvos geležinkelių transporto sektoriaus valdymo modeliai ir šių modelių taikymo galimybės. Įvardijami Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės programos nuostatai, susiję su geležinkelių transportu, nuostatų įgyvendinimas ir laukiami rezultatai. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius Lietuvos geležinkelių transporto sektoriaus reformos ir vežimų liberalizavimo aspektus, įvardijamas Lietuvos geležinkelio sektoriui taikytinas valdymo modelis, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir siūlymai. / The subject of the Master Thesis is to study the reform of the Lithuanian railway transport sector, factors influented reformation processes, demand and aims of the reform, experience of other countries. The Thesis also describes problems the reform confronts with. The Master Thesis is a review of wide range of literature sources: scientific articles on the issues of railway transport’s reforms and liberalisation, other scientific sources, researches and studies. The Master Thesis also contains researche on the necessity of the reform, based on that certain conclusions have been made together with indications on the reform’s effect. In the Thesis there are presented different Lithuanian railway sectors’ management models and their feasibility. The are also describtion of provisions related to railway transport within Lithuania’s Governmental Programme, their implementation and effect expected. After reviewing theoretical and practical aspects of the railway transport sector’s reform and liberalisation there are indications on the most acceptable management model for Lithuanian railway sector, conclusions and proposals are being presented.

Chemins de fer en transition : le transport international de marchandises dans les pays d’Europe centrale et orientale, 1989-2004 / Railways in transition : international freight transportation in the Central and Eastern European countries, 1989-2004

Kunth, Antoine 25 November 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse s’ouvre sur l’analyse de l’évolution spatiale des flux du transport ferroviaire de marchandises dans les Pays d’Europe centrale et orientale (PECO), depuis la chute du mur de Berlin en 1989 à l’adhésion à l’Union européenne en 2004. Au cours d’un peu plus d’une décennie, de profondes mutations ont contribué à ouvrir les PECO à l’Union européenne. La chute du mur s’est accompa gnée de la recomposition des réseaux ferroviaires, structurés désormais par les frontières nationales. Alors même que la demande du transport évolue sous l’effet des échanges commerciaux dont la nature et les origines-destinations changent en profondeur et privilégient le transport routier, les chemins de fer doivent affronter d’autres facteurs d’incertitudes liés à la transition, telles que les réformes engagées par l’Etat dans le cadre des négotiations d’entrée des PECO à l’Union Européenne. Les chemins de fer réagissent pas la mise en place de stratégies de survie et parfois même de réhabilitation d’institutions de la période socialiste tombées en désuétude durant la première phase de la transition. Tout au long de la transition, les chemins de fer présentent une puissante force d’inertie aux changements, notamment au travers d’une forme d’adhérence du réseau d’infrastructure au territoire, tout en incarnant une forme de stabilité dans les périodes de mutations propres à la transition / This thesis begins with the analysis of the freight transportation flows in the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs), from 1989 up to membership of the European Union (EU) in 2004. During more than a decade, the CEECs have gone through deep political and macroeconomic structural changes that led to the opening up of the CEECs’ trade with the EU. The fall of the Berlin wall was followed by the reorientation and restructuring of the railway networks and services along the national borders, which are revealed by the freight flows. Although the transport demand changes as a result of the new trade exchanges, which give more importance to the road transport, railway networks are challenged by new factors of uncertainties generated by the transition process itself, such as the restructuring reforms initiated by CEECs’ governments, as part of the negotiations to enter the EU. Railways respond by implementing what is described as being surviv al strategies, and in some cases rehabilitate former socialist institutions that were actually abandoned in the early stage of the transition. Throughout the whole transition process, the railways demonstrate a strong capacity of inertia against change, whilst incarnating a needed form of stability during the periods of rapid and chaotic changes of transition

Finanční analýza Českých drah / Financial Analysis of Czeh Railways

Jurek, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the evaluation of the economical development of the consolidated group of Czech Railways in the 2005 -- 2009 period. The first part of this work introduces the structure and history of the group in the years 2005 -- 2009. This part is followed by the financial analysis itself. The financial analysis is divided into three parts: the basic methods, the bankruptcy prediction models and the analysis based on the Quelle methodology. The last part of this thesis is focused on the future prospectives and the transformation program Vize 2012 (Vision 2012).

Neúprosné rovnoběžky: Železnice v evropské literatuře 1830-1914 / Merciless Parallel Lines: Railways in European Literature 1830-1914

Špína, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Merciless Parallel Lines: Railways in European Literature 1830-1914 (Mgr. Michal Špína) Abstract The doctoral thesis addresses the so far underexplored subject of early literary depictions of railway, investigating the cultural impact of the new, mechanized means of transport, as reflected in fiction. The introduction explains the reasons to focus geographically on Europe (as opposed to the different social context of American and colonial railways), to limit the time span to the 1830-1914 period (after which railway gradually loses its leading role in transport) and the topic to the "look from the outside" (i.e. not the act of travelling itself or the interiors of railway stations and trains). Following up to Wolfgang Schivelbusch and Wojciech Tomasik, railway is seen as the paramount agent of industrialization and modernization. Further, spatial relations and the phenomenon of infrastructure are accentuated. The following four chapters each study two interconnected issues: the construction of railway lines and their linearity; the images of the ruining of the idyll in connection to railway noises; the signal box topos in connection to fatefulness; and the fully developed railway system, acquiring the function of a peculiar environment in the short story collection Mugby Junction by Charles Dickens and...

Proposição de dispositivo de medidas \"in situ\" para avaliação do comportamento mecânico de lastro ferroviário: estudo de caso na Estrada de Ferro Carajás. / Proposition device measures \"in situ\" to evaluate the mechanical behavior of ballast: case study on the Estrada de Ferro Carajás.

Costa, Robson Correia da 14 July 2016 (has links)
Esse trabalho tem como principal objetivo propor um dispositivo de medição de deslocamentos (deflexões) verticais para avaliar o comportamento mecânico de lastro ferroviário \"in situ\", tomando-se como estudo de caso a Estrada de Ferro Carajás (EFC). Foram feitas campanhas de medições, contemplando três segmentos com diferentes condições de lastro, a saber: colmatado, novo e desguarnecido. Avaliou-se como cada condição do lastro se comporta em função da carga imposta pelo material rodante e do número de solicitações em milhões de toneladas brutas transportadas (MTBT). Em diversas ferrovias, um parâmetro usado como indicador da resposta elástica e qualidade da via permanente é o módulo de via (u). Nessa pesquisa adotou um modelo analítico para obter tal parâmetro, além de utilizá-lo como indicador de avalição da condição estrutural da via. Além disso, em virtude dos materiais geotécnicos subjacentes ao lastro (sub-lastro e subleito) influenciarem na resposta mecânica da via, a capacidade de suporte dos mesmos também foi determinada \"in situ\" utilizando-se o Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP), bem como foram verificados os deslocamentos verticais através de settlement pegs. Adicionalmente, do material amostrado do sublastro e das diferentes condições de lastro, verificou-se em laboratório que o solo possui elevada resiliência, confirmando a alta resistência verificada em campo através do DCP, enquanto que na caracterização física completa dos lastros, os resultados mostraram que as curvas granulométricas do lastro novo e desguarnecido, estão fora dos limites da faixa adotada na especificação da Vale, e que o lastro colmatado apresentou baixa porcentagem de material passante na peneira de 12,5 mm. Os resultados mostraram deslocamentos calculados através do modelo analítico próximos aos medidos, confirmando que o uso do dispositivo é viável para a obtenção de deslocamentos em campo, sendo estes posteriormente empregados na determinação do módulo de via, permitindo a definição de indicadores da condição de elasticidade ou rigidez da estrutura. Assim, o dispositivo demonstra-se uma ferramenta útil para auxiliar na manutenção ferroviária. / This work aims to propose a vertical displacement measuring device (deflections) to evaluate the mechanical behavior of railway ballast \"in situ\", using as a case study Estrada de Ferro Carajás (EFC). \"In situ\" tests were carried out in three sections with different ballast conditions fouled, fresh, recycled. It evaluated how each ballast condition behaves according to the load imposed by the rolling stock and the number of millions gross tons (MGT). In several railways, a parameter used to estimate the elastic response and quality of the permanent way is track modulus (u). In this research an analytical model for calculating this parameter was adopted, as well as using it as an indicator of structural track condition. Furthermore, because of geotechnical underlying ballast material (subballast and subgrade) that influence the mechanical response of the track, the bearing capacity was also determined \"in situ\" using the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP), as well as they were checked through vertical displacements through settlement pegs. In addition, of the sampled material in the subballast and different ballast conditions, it was found in the laboratory that the soil has high resilience, confirming the high resistance verified in the field through the DCP, whereas in the full physical characterization of the ballast, the results showed that the granulometric distribution curves of the ballast new and recycled, are outside the limits of the range adopted in the Vale specification, and than the fouled ballast presented low percentage of passing material in the 12.5 mm sieve. The results showed displacements calculated using the analytical model next to the measured, confirming that the use of the device is feasible to obtain displacements in the field, which are subsequently used in the determination of the track modulus, allowing the definition of elasticity or stiffness condition indicators of the structure. Thus, the device is shown to be a useful tool to assist railway maintenance.

Metodologia de avaliação de emissões de dióxido de carbono no transporte intermodal: um estudo de caso da soja de exportação brasileira. / Methodology for evaluation of carbon dioxide emissions in intermodal transpot: a case study of brazilian soybean exports.

Silva, Rachel Jardim Medeiros da 13 August 2015 (has links)
As emissões globais de dióxido de carbono cresceram em mais de 100% desde 1971 (IEA, 2013), sendo que o aumento foi mais acentuado no período entre 2000 e 2010 (IPCC, 2014). O Brasil ocupa o 13º lugar no ranking mundial dos principais países emissores de gases de efeito estufa (IEA, 2012) e, portanto, é indispensável que alternativas de redução das emissões nacionais sejam estudadas, entre elas, a adoção de modos de transporte mais sustentáveis. Apesar do modo ferroviário ser energeticamente mais eficiente que o rodoviário (ICF CONSULTING, 2009), a extensão da malha ferroviária brasileira é reduzida, sendo necessário associar o transporte ferroviário a etapas de coleta e distribuição da carga por rodovia, o que pode significar maiores gastos energéticos. Em vista disso, este trabalho teve por objetivo propor uma metodologia para estimativa da redução de emissões de dióxido de carbono por meio do transporte intermodal em comparação ao exclusivamente rodoviário. O modelo de emissões desenvolvido é versátil para aplicação em múltiplas situações, não restringindo a região brasileira de estudo e a carga ferroviária. Basicamente, é necessário conhecer o percurso utilizado, bem como o consumo de combustível em litros/tku por trecho ferroviário, além do fator de consumo de combustível médio na rodovia. A metodologia foi aplicada especificamente ao transporte de soja brasileira para exportação. O problema foi abordado em escala nacional, sendo que as origens da carga foram detalhadas por município e as distâncias rodoviárias foram calculadas com a ferramenta Google Maps. Para cada município produtor de soja foram estimadas as emissões associadas às duas alternativas de transporte, sendo a visualização dos resultados realizada por meio de heat map, elaborado em função do potencial de economia de emissões (%) de cada município. Com base nesse mapa, foram apontadas as regiões geográficas do país, onde o transporte intermodal apresenta maiores ganhos ambientais. Por fim, os resultados foram confrontados com o mapa de economias obtido por CRAIG et al. (2012) para os Estados Unidos, sendo o impacto da distância ao terminal de embarque e da distância total da rota na economia de emissões analisado. / Global carbon dioxide emissions have more than doubled since 1971 (IEA, 2013), increasing at a higher rate between 2000 and 2010 (IPCC, 2014). Brazil occupies the 13th position in the ranking of the worlds largest greenhouse gases emitters (IEA, 2012) and, therefore, it is essential to consider alternatives regarding emissions reduction at national level, including sustainable transport systems. Although rail is more fuel efficient than truck (ICF CONSULTING, 2009), the Brazilian rail network is concentrated in a few regions, requiring association of the rail transport to pre- and post-haulage by road, that might lead to higher energy consumption. Thus, this research aimed to develop a methodology to estimate the potential reduction of carbon dioxide emissions due to intermodal transportation when compared to trucking. The emissions model is versatile in terms of possible applications, since it is not restricted to a specific Brazilian region or any good type transported. Basically, it is necessary to know the general route, the fuel consumption in liter/tku for each rail stretch and the average fuel consumption factor of the truck. This method was applied specifically to the Brazilian soybean exportations. The approach of the problem was at the national level and the origins of the cargo corresponded to all the soybean producing towns. Furthermore, road distances were calculated using the Google Maps tool. For each town, emissions were estimated considering both transportation alternatives: intermodal and trucking. Then, the results were presented in a heat map, elaborated in function of the potential carbon savings (%) for each town. Based on this map, the regions where the intermodal route means environmental gains were indicated. Finally, the results were compared to the American carbon savings map created by CRAIG et al. (2012), addressing the impact of terminal distance and total distance travelled on emissions savings.

Using Bayesian networks to represent parameterised risk models for the UK railways

Bearfield, George Joseph January 2009 (has links)
The techniques currently used to model risk and manage the safety of the UK railway network are not aligned to the mechanism by which catastrophic accidents occur in this industry. In this thesis, a new risk modelling method is proposed to resolve this problem. Catastrophic accidents can occur as the result of multiple failures occurring to all of the various defences put in place to prevent them. The UK railway industry is prone to this mechanism of accident occurrence, as many different technical, operational and organizational defences are used to prevent accidents. The railway network exists over a wide geographic area, with similar accidents possible at many different locations. The risk from these accidents is extremely variable and depends on the underlying conditions at each particular location, such as the state of assets or the speed of trains. When unfavourable conditions coincide the probability of multiple failures of planned defences increases and a 'risk hotspot' arises. Ideal requirements for modelling risk are proposed, taking account of the need to manage multiple defences of conceptually different type and the existence of risk hotspots. The requirements are not met by current risk modelling techniques although some of the requirements have been addressed experimentally, and in other industries and countries. It is proposed to meet these requirements using Bayesian Networks to supplement and extend fault and event tree analysis, the traditional techniques used for risk modelling in the UK railway industry. Application of the method is demonstrated using a case study: the building of a model of derailment risk on the UK railway network. The proposed method provides a means of better integrating industry wide analysis and risk modelling with the safety management tasks and safety related decisions that are undertaken by safety managers in the industry.

?Como uma flor agreste?: ferrovias, campo e cidade no interior da Bahia (1923 ? 1937)

Almeida, Lucas Adriel Silva de 26 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Nilma Vanessa Nunes Portugal (nilmaportugal@uefs.br) on 2015-07-22T21:08:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??oLucasAdrial.pdf: 9046167 bytes, checksum: 5726757f9c73f4b9527de363de46f237 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T21:08:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??oLucasAdrial.pdf: 9046167 bytes, checksum: 5726757f9c73f4b9527de363de46f237 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-26 / The focus of the investigation for this research line is the formation of Mundo Novo region in Bahia state between 1923 until 1937. In this context, we analyze daily this space highlights local elite strategies to create the appropriate environment for the main tenance in farm activities, their relation with the construction about three stations of train and ideal about civility inspired by the great urban centers through in Brazil. This work consist in notice the tactic perceived by the mainly habitants and the way to consumption dominant perimeter, thus showing dissenting practice to our propose. Finally, it problematizes the dialog between countryside and city amid developed through walkers. In order to achieve the research's main goal, we have various source: newspaper that circulated in city, municipal legislative, manuscripts, memorandum, photographers, railway undertaking report and governor of the state?s message. / Este trabalho tem como foco de estudo a forma??o da regi?o de Mundo Novo, no estado da Bahia, entre os anos de 1923 e 1937. Neste contexto, analisamos o cotidiano deste espa?o, evidenciando as estrat?gias empreendidas pelas elites locais ao buscarem criar um ambiente prop?cio ? manuten??o de suas atividades rurais, sua rela??o com a constru??o de tr?s esta??es de trens e com os ideais de civilidade inspirados nos grandes centros urbanos do Brasil. Consiste tamb?m em perceber as t?ticas vivenciadas pelos demais habitantes do munic?pio e a forma como consumiam o per?metro formatado pelos grupos dominantes, apresentando pr?ticas dissonantes da proposta disseminada. Problematizamos ainda o di?logo entre o campo e a cidade em meio ao tr?nsito desenvolvido pelos caminhantes. Para realizar tal intento consultamos fontes diversas, dentre elas: jornais que circularam na localidade, legisla??o municipal, manuscritos e livros memorialistas, fotografias, relat?rios da empresa ferrovi?ria e mensagens dos governadores do Estado.

Reinventing Infrastructure Economics: Theory and Empirics

Mehrotra, Shagun January 2012 (has links)
My dissertation is a study of the conditions under which state-owned enterprises improve infrastructure services--transport, energy, and water--particularly in developing countries. This research is relevant because, despite successful privatization of infrastructure that yielded over trillion and a half dollars in investments since 1990, infrastructure provision remains dominated by state-owned enterprises (Estache & Fay, 2007; Gomez-Ibanez, 2003). The OECD estimates that over the next two decades, US $35 to 40 trillion will be required to meet the global infrastructure deficit. At least half of this investment will be made by governments, particularly in, but not limited to, developing countries (OECD, 2007). In contrast to conventional wisdom, my research identifies mechanisms for reforming public infrastructure utilities through a new recipe for an inclusive reform framework that, unlike the textbook approach, jointly optimizes equity and efficiency without privatization. This dissertation contrasts the world's largest public utility, the Indian Railways, with the ideal-type textbook privatization, illustrated with the case of the British Railways' privatization. I focus on the Indian Railways as a paradigmatic example of how to reform infrastructure-providing state-owned enterprises while balancing equity with efficiency concerns. I analyze primary data gathered through 100 in-depth interviews and on-site observations. The fieldwork was conducted over a period of two years, including half a year at the Office of the Minister for Indian Railways. In addition, I utilize secondary data through archival review of policy documents and analyze fifty years of the Railways' statistics. My dissertation shows how the Indian Railways was transformed, between 2005-2008, counter intuitively, without privatization, retrenchment, or fare-hikes for poor passengers, under the leadership of a populist politician, the then Minister of Railways. I explain how the Railways' was rescued from near bankruptcy in 2001 to realize US $6 billion annual surplus in 2008. An essential element of the Indian Railway's complex strategy was to leverage existing assets by operating faster, longer, and heavier trains on the supply-side, as opposed to investing in asset accumulation. On the demand-side, the Railways shed a monopoly mind-set in favor of customer centric, dynamic, and differential pricing and service provision. Based on the positive case of Indian Railways, I derive an equitable alternative to infrastructure reform: A tripartite inclusive reform framework--diagnostic, invention, and agency. First, crafting space for reform by diagnosis and navigation of conflicting and competing interest groups to isolate apolitical variables that jointly increase efficiency and equity outcomes. Second, reinventing reforms by focusing on all manipulable variables for supply optimization and demand responsiveness, because profit in public utilities is a function of several manipulable variables, not only fares and wages. Third, agency, through radical incrementalism, an approach to minimize the risk of catastrophic errors, and yet yield rapid transformations.

Fim da linha? Vilas ferroviárias da Companhia Paulista (1868-1961): uma investigação sobre história e preservação / End of the line? Railway worker villages of Companhia Paulista (1868-1961): a research about history and preservation

Inoue, Luciana Massami 21 February 2017 (has links)
O propósito desta pesquisa foi estudar a história social das vilas ferroviárias da Companhia Paulista e contribuir para a discussão sobre a preservação das mesmas. Dentre as diversas companhias ferroviárias espalhadas pelo estado de São Paulo, elegeu-se a Companhia Paulista, a primeira formada com capital nacional e com grande penetração geográfica, política, econômica e social. E dentre as suas vilas, foram escolhidas somente seis como estudo de caso - Itirapina, Brotas, Dois Córregos, Jaú, São Carlos e Rincão - ainda não analisadas, e que apresentavam um número considerável de casas e se localizavam geograficamente próximas, no \"coração\" do estado de São Paulo. O recorte temporal é o da própria Companhia que inicia-se em 1868, e termina em 1961, como empresa privada. Como métodos empregados a pesquisa utilizou- se de fontes primárias - especialmente os Relatórios da Companhia Paulista - e como fontes secundárias, houve duas vertentes que se procurou conjugar: uma referente às vilas ferroviárias, a Companhia Paulista e seus trabalhadores e, outra vertente referente às questões de preservação. Foram de fundamental importância as visitas de campo às respectivas cidades, na verificação do estado de conservação, sua morfologia urbana e a aplicabilidade de propostas pensadas para sua preservação. Igualmente importantes foram às visitas técnicas realizadas para analisar e comparar o encaminhamento dado ao patrimônio industrial ferroviário e urbano nos diferentes países. As vilas ferroviárias tomadas de maneira isolada parecem ser insignificantes, contudo, ao estudar a história social da Companhia Paulista e principalmente a de seus trabalhadores, as vilas passam a adquirir outro significado. Desse modo, o valor das vilas ferroviárias é melhor entendido com a apreciação dos processos históricos mais amplos. Um dos caminhos possíveis encontrados para a re-significação encontra apoio no conceito de paisagem cultural, assim como no conceito de áreas de conservação ou conservação integrada. Os conceitos se complementam e ambos auxiliam a gestão do patrimônio. E a partir do conceito de áreas de conservação, encontra-se a leitura morfotipológica. Ao invés de uma leitura estilística das vilas ferroviárias, optou-se por fazer tal leitura, mais ligada ao tecido urbano, aliada é claro, à investigação da história social destes espaços, que acreditamos que dá sustentação e significação para uma política de preservação, na busca de encontrar o caráter do lugar, e ao mesmo tempo conectar o passado à dimensão contemporânea que devem ter as políticas de preservação. Espera-se assim ter cumprido com os objetivos, de valorizar novamente as vilas ferroviárias e o mundo do trabalho dentro da história e das políticas de preservação. / The aim of this research was to study the social history of the railway worker villages of the \"Companhia Paulista\" and to contribute to the discussion about their preservation. Among many railway companies spread in the São Paulo state, the \"Companhia Paulista\" was chosen because it was the first company to be founded with national capital and due to its geographical, political, economic and social influence. Among its villages, only six of them were chosen as cases of study - \"Itirapina\", \"Brotas\", \"Dois Córregos\", \"Jaú\", \"São Carlos\" e \"Rincão\" - villages not yet analysed, which showed a considerable number of houses and were located geographically close to each other, \"in the heart of\" São Paulo state. The time frame of the research was given by the company life time itself, with start in 1868 and end in 1961 as a private enterprise. The methods employed were the investigation of primary sources - especially the \"Companhia Paulista\" annual reports - and secondary sources, which were divided into two parts that we sought to combine: one refers to railway worker villages, the \"Companhia\" and its workers, and the other one refers to the preservation issues. The field visits to the aforementioned cities were important for the verification of their conservation status, their urban morphology as well as for the analysis of the applicability of the proposals to their preservation. The technical visits made were similarly important to analyse and compare the solution given to the industrial railway and urban heritage in different countries. Taken into an isolated view, the railway villages seem insignificant, however, as we study the accompanying social history of the \"Companhia Paulista\" and mainly of its workers, the villages acquire a whole new meaning. Thus in this way, the value of the railway worker villages is better understood with the analysis of broader historical processes. One of the possible ways found to the \"re-meaning\" is supported by the cultural landscape concept as well as the concept of conservation areas or integrated conservation. The concepts complement one another and both help in the heritage management. From the concept of conservation areas, the morphotypological analysis emerges. Instead of a stylistic analysis of the railway worker villages, we preferred the present type of analysis, more related to the \"urban fabric\" and connected to the investigation of the social history of these places, which we believe sustain and give meaning to the preservation policies, in the search of the \"character of the place\", while at the same time trying to connect the past to the contemporary dimension, which should have the preservation policies. We hope that with this research we have accomplished the following purposes: once again give value to the railway worker villages and the associated world of labour inside history and inside the preservation policies.

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