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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of the Resistive Switching Mechanism in Novel Ultra-thin Organic-inorganic Dielectric-based RRAM through Electrical Observations / Undersökning av den Resistenta Omkopplingsmekanismen i Novel Ultra-tunna Organiska-oorganiska Dielectric-baserade RRAM genom Elektriska Observationer

Martinez Garcia, Alba Maria January 2021 (has links)
The promising role resistive random-access memory (RRAM) plays in the imminent reality of wearable electronics calls for a new, updated physical model of their operating mechanism. Their high applicability as the next-generation flexible non-volatile memory (NVM) devices has promoted the recent emergence of a novel ultra-thin (< 5nm) organic/inorganic hybrid dielectric RRAM. A deep understanding of their resistive switching (RS) behavior is required to unlock their suitability in future electronics applications. However, the extremely reduced thicknesses bring about new challenges in terms of material characterization sample processing, while the RS observations through electrical characterization techniques lack uniformity in the key switching parameters, thus hindering the identification of any clear trends.  This work studies the RS mechanism in ultra-thin Al/Hf-hybrid/Ni RRAM devices through uniformity-improved electrical observations. First, the focus is to implement a ramped-pulse train method during the reset process to reduce the dispersion of the voltage and resistance fluctuations at different starting voltage amplitudes and pulse widths. After finding the optimal electrical programming conditions for reduced parameter dispersions, a temperature test was performed to study the contributions of the metal ions and oxygen vacancies (V2+) in the switching layer. Finally, a physical model describing the operating mechanism in flexible RRAM is proposed after the close observation and study of the processed devices. The model is based on the coexistence of a hetero-metallic portion composed of Al and Hf3Al2, and a V2+ portion connected to form the hybrid conducting filament (CF) and turning the device on. The CF forming processes emphasize the strong presence of these vacancies partaking in RS, as the temperature dependence results suggest the majority of their concentration to be generated during this step. Also, the different electrical potential, temperature, and concentration gradients influencing the V2+ migration during RS may explain some of the failure mechanisms in the rupture and the re-forming of the filament. Additionally, the possible presence of a thin Al-oxide layer in the Al/Hf-hybrid interface may give a reason for leaky on-states. A detailed physical model of the RS mechanism in next-generation flexible RRAMs is key to learn to unlock a range of emerging technologies fitted to today’s needs. / Den senaste introduktionen av ultratunn (<5 nm) organisk-oorganisk hybrid dielektrisk RRAM som nästa generations icke-flyktiga minnesenheter kräver en djup förståelse för hybridskiktresistiv växling (RS). Den extremt reducerade tjockleken hindrar emellertid deras bearbetbarhet för materialkarakteriseringstekniker. Dessutom hindrar den dåliga enhetligheten i viktiga omkopplingsparametrar fortfarande i RRAM att alla trender kan definieras tydligt genom elektrisk karakterisering. Detta arbete använder elektrisk manipulation genom en RPS-metod (ramped-pulse series) för att förbättra spännings- och motståndsfluktuationerna i återställningsprocessen för ultratunna Al/Hf-hybrid/Ni-enheter vid olika spänningsamplitud, pulsbredd och temperaturförhållanden. Från de erhållna RPS-optimerade resultaten föreslås en ny och detaljerad fysisk modell som beskriver driftsmekanismen. Samexistensen i den ledande filamenten (CF) av en hybridmetalldel, sammansatt av Al och Hf3Al2, och en syrevakansdel bekräftas. Vår modell betonar vakansbidraget i RS, där majoriteten genereras under CF-formningsprocessen och deltar i olika grad i filamentbrottet för RPS och ingen RPS-bearbetade enheter via Joule-uppvärmning, drift och Fick-krafter. Dessutom förklaras kopplingsfelhändelser baserat på närvaron av ett Al2O3-lager i Al/Hf-hybridgränssnittet.

Hochauflösende Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie zur Untersuchung von ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium

Vieluf, Maik 28 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand im Rahmen einer Kooperation des Forschungszentrums Dresden-Rossendorf mit Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. Mithilfe der hochauflösenden Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie (HR-RBS) wurden das Diffusionsverhalten und Schichtwachstum von ZrO2 auf SiO2 und TiN im Anfangsstadium untersucht. Auf Grund der exzellenten Tiefenauflösung von 0,3 nm an der Oberfläche stand die Analyse von Konzentrationsprofilen in ultradünnen Schichten, respektive an deren Grenzflächen im Vordergrund. Zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Messergebnisse wurde erstmals ein zweidimensionaler positionsempfindlicher Halbleiterdetektor in den Aufbau der HR-RBS implementiert und charakterisiert. Außerdem wurde ein Messverfahren in Betrieb genommen, das mögliche Schädigungen durch den Ioneneintrag in die Messprobe minimiert. Durch die Optimierung der experimentellen Bedingungen und die Entwicklung eines Programmpaketes zur Unterstützung des Analysten konnte ein effizienter Routine-Messablauf erstellt werden. Im Moment einer binären Kollision zwischen einfallendem Ion und Targetelement kommt es bei kleinem Stoßparameter zu Veränderungen des Ladungszustands der gestreuten Ionen, insbesondere durch die abrupte Geschwindigkeitsänderung des Projektils und der Überlappung der Elektronenwolken. Bei der HR-RBS mit Energie separierendem Dipolmagneten muss zur Interpretation von Streuspektren die Ladungszustandsverteilung der gestreuten Projektile bekannt sein. Erstmalig konnte eine signifikante Abhängigkeit der Ladungszustandsverteilung gestreuter C-Ionen sowohl von der Schichtdicke als auch der Ordnungszahl des detektierten Targetelements, hier der vierten Nebengruppe, nachgewiesen werden. Diese gewonnen Erkenntnisse ermöglichten systematische Untersuchungen zum ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium. Zur Herstellung der ZrO2-Schichten wurde die Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) verwendet. Anhand der nachgewiesenen Agglomeration von ZrO2 auf nativen SiO2 wurde mithilfe der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) zur Bestimmung von Oberflächenrauigkeiten eine Methode konzipiert, welche die Auswirkung lokaler Schichtdickeninhomogenitäten auf die niederenergetische Flanke eines Streuspektrums berücksichtigt. Auf dieser Grundlage durchgeführte Simulationsrechnungen ergeben, dass keine Diffusion von Zr in die darunter liegende Schicht stattfand, jedoch eine ZrSiO4-Grenzflächenschicht existiert. Für das Wachstum von ZrO2 auf TiN wird aus den hoch aufgelösten Streuspektren ein völlig anderes Verhalten abgeleitet. Messungen zu Oberflächentopografien der TiN-Schicht liefern nicht zu vernachlässigende Werte für die Rauigkeit. Um den Einfluss der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die Form des hoch aufgelösten Spektrums erfassen zu können, wurde eine Software entwickelt. Auf Basis von AFM-Messungen ermöglicht dieses Programm das Extrahieren einer Energieverteilung aus den Weglängen von ausschließlich an der Oberfläche gestreuten Ionen. Unter Berücksichtigung des Effekts der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die HR-RBS Spektrenform konnte die Diffusion von Zr in das polykristalline TiN erstmals verifiziert werden. Die Beobachtungen weisen daraufhin, dass bereits nach dem ersten ALD-Zyklus ein geringer Anteil der deponierten Zr-Atome bis in eine Tiefe von etwa 3 nm in das TiN diffundiert. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse legen Korngrenzendiffusion nahe. / This thesis originated from a cooperation between Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf and Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. By means of High Resolution Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (HR-RBS) the diffusion behaviour and layer growth of ZrO2 on SiO2 and TiN in the initial regime were investigated. The analysis of concentration profiles in ultrathin layers and interfaces was the focus of this work, made possible by the excellent depth resolution of less than 0.3 nm near the surface. For the first time a two-dimensional position sensitive semiconductor detector was implemented and characterized in the setup of the HR-RBS for the improvement of the quality of the measurement results. Furthermore, a measurement procedure was put into operation that allowed the reduction of ion induced damage. Through the optimization of the experimental conditions and the development of a program package for the support of the analyst, an efficient measurement procedure could be routinely ensured. At the time of a binary collision between the incident ion and the target element with a small impact factor, the charge state changes frequently, especially due to the abruptly decreasing ion velocity of the projectile and the overlapping of the electron clouds. For HR-RBS with an energy-separating dipole magnet, the charge state distribution of the scattered ions must be known for the interpretation of the measured spectra. For the first time a significant dependence of the charge state distribution of the scattered C ions on the layer thickness as well as atomic number of the detected target elements, here from the fourth subgroup, was emonstrated. This new knowledge allowed systematic investigations of the ZrO2 layer growth in the initial regime. The ZrO2 layers were produced by means of the atomic layer deposition (ALD). Based on the evidence for agglomeration of ZrO2 on SiO2 a method was introduced, which takes local thickness variations into account during the simulation of the HR-RBS spectra. An accurate statement about the ZrO2/SiO2 interface was possible due to the extraction of the thickness variation by the atomic force microscopy (AFM). The boundary surface is sharp except for a small intermediate ZrSiO4 layer and no diffusion of Zr atoms in SiO2 could be detected. A quite different behaviour could be derived from high resolution spectra for the growth of ZrO2 on TiN. Measurements of the surface topography of the TiN layer revealed non negligible values for the surface roughness. A program was developed to capture the influence of the surface roughness on the shape of the high resolution spectrum. This software uses AFM measurements to extract an energy distribution from calculated path length differences for ions scattered at the sample surface. Diffusion of Zr into polycrystalline TiN was demonstrated for the first time taking into account the effect of the surface roughness on the shape of the spectra. This observation indicates that already after the first ALD reaction cycle a small part of the deposited Zr atoms diffuses into the TiN layer up to a depth of 3 nm. Such preliminary results suggest grain boundary diffusion.

Investigations of Phase Change Memory Properties of Selenium Doped GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5

Vinod, E M January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5 alloys are potential candidates for non-volatile phase change random access memories (PCRAM). For electrical data storage applications the materials should have stable amorphous and crystalline phases, fast crystallization time, low power to switch, and high crystallization activation energy (to be stable at normal operating temperatures). Phase change memories can be tuned through compositional variations to achieve sufficient phase change contrast and thermal stability for data retention. Selenium is one of the attractive choices to use as an additive material owing to its flexible amorphous structure and a variety of possible applications in optoelectronics and solar cells. GeSb2Te3Se alloy, in which 25 at.% of Se substituted for Te, show a higher room temperature resistance with respect to parent GeSb2Te4 alloy, but the transition temperature is lowered which will affect the thermal stability. The RESET current observed for Sb65Se35 alloys were reduced and the crystallization speed increased 25 % faster with respect to Ge2Sb2Te5. Alloys of Ga-Sb-Se possess advantages such as higher crystallization temperatures, better data retention, higher switching speed, lower thermal conductivity and lower melting point than the GST, but the resistance ratio is limited to about two orders of magnitude. This affects the resistance contrast and data readability. It is with this background a study has been carried out in GeTe and GeSbTe system with Se doping. Studies on structural, thermal and optical properties of these materials all through the phase transition temperatures would be helpful to explore the feasibility of phase change memory uses. Thin films along with their bulk counterparts such as (GeTe)1-x Sex ( 0 < x ≤ 0.50) and (GST)1-xSex (0 < x ≤ 0.50), including GeTe and GST alloys, have been prepared. The results are presented in four chapters apart from the Introduction and Experimental techniques chapters. The final chapter summarizes the results. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to chalcogenide glasses, phase change memory materials and their applications. The fundamental properties of amorphous solids, basic phase change properties of Ge2Sb2Te5 and GeTe alloys and their applications are presented in detail. Various doping studies on GeTe and Ge2Sb2Te5 reported in literatures are reviewed. The limitations, challenges, future and scope of the present work are presented. In chapter 2, the experimental techniques used for thin film preparation, electrical characterizations, optical characterization and surface characterizations etc. are explained. Chapter 3 deals entirely on Ge2Sb2Te5 films studied throughout the phase transition, by annealing at different temperatures. Changes in sheet resistance, optical transmission, morphology and surface bonding characteristics are analyzed. The crystallization leads to an increase of roughness and the resistance changes to three orders of magnitude at 125 oC. Optical studies show distinct changes in transmittance during phase transitions and the optical parameters are calculated. Band gap contrast and disorder variation with annealing temperatures are explained. The surface bonding characteristics studied by XPS show Ge-Te, Sb-Te bonds are present in both amorphous and crystalline phases. The temperature dependent modifications of the band structure of amorphous GST films at low temperatures have been little explored. The band gap increment of around 0.2 eV is observed at low temperature (4.2 K) compared to room temperature 300 K. Other optical parameters like Urbach energy and B1/2 are studied at different temperatures and are evaluated. The observed changes in optical band gap (Eopt) are fitted to Fan’s one phonon approximation, from which a phonon energy (ћω) corresponding to a frequency of 3.59 THz resulted. The frequency of 3.66 THz optical phonons has already been reported by coherent phonon spectroscopy experiment in amorphous GST. This opens up an indirect method of calculating the phonon frequency of the amorphous phase change materials. Chapter 4 constitutes comparison of optical, electrical and structural investigation of GST and (GST)1-xSex films. It is well known that GST alloys have vacancy in their structure, which leads to the possibility of switching between the amorphous and crystalline states with minimum damage. Added Se may occupy the vacancy or change the bonding characteristics which intern may manifest in the possibility of change in optical and electrical parameters. The structural studies show a direct amorphous to hexagonal transition in (GST)1-xSex, where x ≥ 0.10 at.%. Raman spectra of the as deposited and annealed (GST)1-xSex films show structural modifications. The infrared transmission spectra indicate a shift in absorption edges from low to high photon energy when Se concentration increases in GST. Band gap values calculated from Tauc plot show the band gap increment with Se doping. It is noted that a small amount of Se doping increases the resistance of the amorphous and crystalline phases and maintains the same orders of resistance contrast. This will be beneficial as it improves the thermal stability and reduces the write current in a device. Switching studies show an increasing threshold voltage as the Se doping concentration increases. Chapter 5 comprises compositional dependent investigations of the bulk GeTe chalcogenides alloys added with different selenium concentrations. The XRD investigations on bulk (GeTe)1-xSex (x = 0.0, 0.02, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.50 at.%) alloys show that the crystalline structure of GeTe alloys does not affect ≤ 0.20 at.% of Se concentration. With increasing amount of Se concentration the alloys gets modified in to a homogeneous amorphous structure. This result has been verified from the XRD, Raman, XPS, SEM and DSC measurements. The possibility that Se occupying the Ge vacancy sites in GeTe structure is explained. Since Se is an easy glass former, the amorphousness increases in the alloys due to new amorphous phases formed by the Se with other elements. It is shown from Raman and XPS analysis that the Ge-Te bonds exists up to Se 0.20 at.% alloys. Ge-Se and GeTe2 bonds are increasing with increasing Se at.%. Melting temperature has found decreases and the reduction in melting point may reduces the RESET current. Further studies on switching behavior may bring out its usefulness. Chapter 6 deals with studies on (GeTe)1-xSex films for phase change memory applications based on the insight received from their bulk study. Even at low at.% addition of Se makes the as prepared (GeTe)1-xSex film amorphous. At 200 oC, GeTe crystalline structure is evolved and the intensity of the peaks reduces in the alloys with increase of Se content. At 300 oC, more evolved GeTe crystalline structure is seen compared to 200 oC annealed films whereas 0.20 at.% Se alloy remain amorphous. Resistance and thermal studies shows increase in crystallization temperature. It is expected that Se sits in the vacancies of the GeTe crystalline structural formation. This may also account for the increased threshold voltages with increasing Se doping. The band gap increase with increase of Se at.% signifying the possibility of band gap tuning in the material. Possible explanation for the increased order in GeTe due to Se doping is presented. The modifications in the alloy with Se addition can be explained with the help of chemical bond energy approach. Those bonds having higher energy leads to increased average bond energy of the system and hence the band gap. The XPS core level spectra and Raman spectra investigation clearly shows the GeTe bonds are replaced by Ge-Se bonds and GeTe2 bonds. The 0.10 at.% Se alloy is found to have a higher thermal stability in the amorphous state and maintains a gigantic resistance contrast compared to other Se concentration alloys. This alloy can be considered as an ideal candidate for multilevel PCM applications. Chapter 7 summarizes the major findings from this work and the scope for future work.

Hochauflösende Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie zur Untersuchung von ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium

Vieluf, Maik 03 June 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand im Rahmen einer Kooperation des Forschungszentrums Dresden-Rossendorf mit Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. Mithilfe der hochauflösenden Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie (HR-RBS) wurden das Diffusionsverhalten und Schichtwachstum von ZrO2 auf SiO2 und TiN im Anfangsstadium untersucht. Auf Grund der exzellenten Tiefenauflösung von 0,3 nm an der Oberfläche stand die Analyse von Konzentrationsprofilen in ultradünnen Schichten, respektive an deren Grenzflächen im Vordergrund. Zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Messergebnisse wurde erstmals ein zweidimensionaler positionsempfindlicher Halbleiterdetektor in den Aufbau der HR-RBS implementiert und charakterisiert. Außerdem wurde ein Messverfahren in Betrieb genommen, das mögliche Schädigungen durch den Ioneneintrag in die Messprobe minimiert. Durch die Optimierung der experimentellen Bedingungen und die Entwicklung eines Programmpaketes zur Unterstützung des Analysten konnte ein effizienter Routine-Messablauf erstellt werden. Im Moment einer binären Kollision zwischen einfallendem Ion und Targetelement kommt es bei kleinem Stoßparameter zu Veränderungen des Ladungszustands der gestreuten Ionen, insbesondere durch die abrupte Geschwindigkeitsänderung des Projektils und der Überlappung der Elektronenwolken. Bei der HR-RBS mit Energie separierendem Dipolmagneten muss zur Interpretation von Streuspektren die Ladungszustandsverteilung der gestreuten Projektile bekannt sein. Erstmalig konnte eine signifikante Abhängigkeit der Ladungszustandsverteilung gestreuter C-Ionen sowohl von der Schichtdicke als auch der Ordnungszahl des detektierten Targetelements, hier der vierten Nebengruppe, nachgewiesen werden. Diese gewonnen Erkenntnisse ermöglichten systematische Untersuchungen zum ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium. Zur Herstellung der ZrO2-Schichten wurde die Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) verwendet. Anhand der nachgewiesenen Agglomeration von ZrO2 auf nativen SiO2 wurde mithilfe der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) zur Bestimmung von Oberflächenrauigkeiten eine Methode konzipiert, welche die Auswirkung lokaler Schichtdickeninhomogenitäten auf die niederenergetische Flanke eines Streuspektrums berücksichtigt. Auf dieser Grundlage durchgeführte Simulationsrechnungen ergeben, dass keine Diffusion von Zr in die darunter liegende Schicht stattfand, jedoch eine ZrSiO4-Grenzflächenschicht existiert. Für das Wachstum von ZrO2 auf TiN wird aus den hoch aufgelösten Streuspektren ein völlig anderes Verhalten abgeleitet. Messungen zu Oberflächentopografien der TiN-Schicht liefern nicht zu vernachlässigende Werte für die Rauigkeit. Um den Einfluss der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die Form des hoch aufgelösten Spektrums erfassen zu können, wurde eine Software entwickelt. Auf Basis von AFM-Messungen ermöglicht dieses Programm das Extrahieren einer Energieverteilung aus den Weglängen von ausschließlich an der Oberfläche gestreuten Ionen. Unter Berücksichtigung des Effekts der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die HR-RBS Spektrenform konnte die Diffusion von Zr in das polykristalline TiN erstmals verifiziert werden. Die Beobachtungen weisen daraufhin, dass bereits nach dem ersten ALD-Zyklus ein geringer Anteil der deponierten Zr-Atome bis in eine Tiefe von etwa 3 nm in das TiN diffundiert. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse legen Korngrenzendiffusion nahe. / This thesis originated from a cooperation between Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf and Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. By means of High Resolution Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (HR-RBS) the diffusion behaviour and layer growth of ZrO2 on SiO2 and TiN in the initial regime were investigated. The analysis of concentration profiles in ultrathin layers and interfaces was the focus of this work, made possible by the excellent depth resolution of less than 0.3 nm near the surface. For the first time a two-dimensional position sensitive semiconductor detector was implemented and characterized in the setup of the HR-RBS for the improvement of the quality of the measurement results. Furthermore, a measurement procedure was put into operation that allowed the reduction of ion induced damage. Through the optimization of the experimental conditions and the development of a program package for the support of the analyst, an efficient measurement procedure could be routinely ensured. At the time of a binary collision between the incident ion and the target element with a small impact factor, the charge state changes frequently, especially due to the abruptly decreasing ion velocity of the projectile and the overlapping of the electron clouds. For HR-RBS with an energy-separating dipole magnet, the charge state distribution of the scattered ions must be known for the interpretation of the measured spectra. For the first time a significant dependence of the charge state distribution of the scattered C ions on the layer thickness as well as atomic number of the detected target elements, here from the fourth subgroup, was emonstrated. This new knowledge allowed systematic investigations of the ZrO2 layer growth in the initial regime. The ZrO2 layers were produced by means of the atomic layer deposition (ALD). Based on the evidence for agglomeration of ZrO2 on SiO2 a method was introduced, which takes local thickness variations into account during the simulation of the HR-RBS spectra. An accurate statement about the ZrO2/SiO2 interface was possible due to the extraction of the thickness variation by the atomic force microscopy (AFM). The boundary surface is sharp except for a small intermediate ZrSiO4 layer and no diffusion of Zr atoms in SiO2 could be detected. A quite different behaviour could be derived from high resolution spectra for the growth of ZrO2 on TiN. Measurements of the surface topography of the TiN layer revealed non negligible values for the surface roughness. A program was developed to capture the influence of the surface roughness on the shape of the high resolution spectrum. This software uses AFM measurements to extract an energy distribution from calculated path length differences for ions scattered at the sample surface. Diffusion of Zr into polycrystalline TiN was demonstrated for the first time taking into account the effect of the surface roughness on the shape of the spectra. This observation indicates that already after the first ALD reaction cycle a small part of the deposited Zr atoms diffuses into the TiN layer up to a depth of 3 nm. Such preliminary results suggest grain boundary diffusion.

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