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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude numérique et expérimentale d'un cycle de Rankine-Hirn de faible puissance pour la récupération d'énergie / Numerical and experimental study of a low power Rankine-Hirn cycle for waste heat recovery

Danel, Quentin 12 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche est motivé par les contraintes environnementales qui imposent une réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'explorer les possibilités de réduction de consommation des moteurs à combustion interne en les munissant d'un dispositif de récupération de chaleur. Cette étude est focalisée sur la valorisation des rejets thermiques d'installations de faible puissance. Le cycle de Rankine est la technologie qui a été sélectionnée. Une installation d'essais a été construite. Un générateur de gaz chaud simule le moteur thermique ; une part de cette chaleur est collectée par le système de récupération de chaleur et partiellement convertie en énergie mécanique. L'échangeur de chaleur a été conçu et construit en interne ainsi que la machine de détente à piston. Un modèle numérique statique validé expérimentalement pour l'évaporateur a été développé. Celui-ci permet d'explorer les performances du cycle de Rankine sur un large champ de fonctionnement. Avec des hypothèses restrictives le modèle numérique fait apparaître qu'un gain de consommation de l'ordre de 3 % à 4 % sur un tracteur agricole serait possible. Un modèle dynamique de moteur à piston adapté aux cycles de Rankine de faibles puissances a été développé pour aider à son dimensionnement. Ce modèle a permis de mettre au point un concept de machine de détente à piston avec un mécanisme de distribution simplifié. Bien qu'offrant des performances en retrait sur les machines de détente à piston à distribution commandée ce concept est à approfondir pour les systèmes de faible puissance nécessitant une simplicité de construction et un faible coût. / This research was motivated by environmental constraints which impose a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of the thesis was to explore the possibility of reducing the consumption of an internal combustion engine using a bottom waste heat recovery system. The study focused on waste heat recovery for low power installations. The Rankine cycle technology was selected to exploit the heat source. An experimental test bench was designed and set up. A hot gas generator simulates an internal combustion engine. Part of the thermal power is absorbed by the evaporator and partially converted into mechanical power. The heat exchanger and piston expander were designed and built in-house. A numerical static model with experimental validation of the evaporator was developed. The model was used to explore the performances of the Rankine cycle over a large operating range. Under restrictive hypotheses, the numerical model showed that is possible to reduce the consumption of a tractor by about 3 to 4 %. A piston expander dynamic model was developed to assist in sizing the expander. The model was used to define a piston expander concept with a simple distribution mechanism. Although a classical distribution mechanism offers better performances, this concept is promising for systems that are simple, small-scale and low-cost.

Análise de desempenho ambiental da cogeração de energia elétrica a partir de adições sucessivas de biomassa em destilaria autônoma. / Environmental performance analysis of cogeneration of electricity from successive additions of biomass in autonomous distillery.

Laíse Anton 14 February 2017 (has links)
Uma análise do setor sucroalcooleiro nacional revela sua autossuficiência energética que com investimentos adequados, pode evoluir para transformar tal característica em benefício por meio de exportação de energia elétrica. Atualmente, os sistemas de cogeração das usinas de etanol operam com bagaço-de-cana; no entantoesse quadro deve ser alterado devido ao grande aumento de disponibilidade de palha gerada no campo. Um acordo firmado entre o Governo do Estado de São Paulo e UNICA, que limita e condiciona queimadas durante a colheita na região ratifica essa condição. O presente estudo se propõe a estimar e discutir impactos ambientais associados à cogeração de energia elétrica em destilarias autônomas para situações diversas de operação do ciclo Rankine, modelo de termodinâmico adotado para representar o funcionamento daquele sistema. Para atender a tais propósitos foram verificadas diferentes condições de pressão de operação da caldeira (20, 45, 67, 80 e 100 bar), teor de umidade da palha (10%, 15%, 25%, 35% e 50%), e taxa de adição dessa biomassa (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% e 50%) com relação ao total gerado no campo. A coordenação simultânea dessas variáveis resultou na formulação de cento e vinte e cinco cenários de análise. Os cenários foram analisados a partir de Análise Energética (Análise Termodinâmica de 1ª e 2ªLeis) e Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida (ACV). AACVocorreusob enfoque do tipo \"berço-aoportão\", e seguiu diretrizes metodológicas descritas na norma ABNT NBR ISO 14044. Adotou-se como unidade funcional para o estudo \"produzir10 t de etanol anidro (99,5% w/w)\". O sistema de produto compreende atividades realizadas nas etapas agrícola (de produção de cana-de-açúcar e palha) e industrial (obtenção de etanol e cogeração). A análise ocorreu em termos da geração específica de eletricidade, e de perfil de impactos ambientais, definido em termos dos potenciais de Mudanças Climáticas, Acidificação Terrestre, Eutrofização Aquática, e de Formação de Oxidantes Fotoquímicos e de Material Particulado.Os resultados obtidos indicam que a eficiência energética aumenta com a elevação das funções de estado do vapor superaquecido que é injetadona turbina. Em termos de desempenho ambiental, observou-se redução sistêmica de efeitos adversos com o aumento da eficiência do ciclo termodinâmico. Os resultados também ratificaram como condição mais favorável em termos de desempenho ambiental aquela em que 50% da palha gerada no campo, com 10% de umidade, é aproveitada como fonte de energia térmica na caldeira, produzindo vapor superaquecido a 100 bar. / Analyzing the sugar-alcohol sector in Brazil, one can perceive that it is self-sufficient in energy terms and that, with adequate investments, it can evolve to transform this characteristic into a benefit through the export of electricity. Currently, the cogeneration systems of the ethanol plants operate with bagasse. However, this picture should be changed due to the large increase in availability of straw generated in the field. An agreement signed between the Government of the State of São Paulo and the federation of ethanol and sugar mills (UNICA) that limits and conditions burnings during harvesting in the region ratifies this condition. This study estimates and discusses environmental impacts associated with the cogeneration of power in autonomous distilleries for typical operational conditions of the Rankine cycle, a thermodynamic model adopted to represent the operation of that system. In order to meet these purposes, different boiler operating pressure (20, 45, 67, 80 and 100 bar), moisture content of the straw (10%, 15%, 25%, 35% and 50%), and rate of biomass feeding (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%) in relation to the total generated in the field have been verified.The simultaneous coordination of these variables resulted in the formulation of one hundred and twenty-five analysis scenarios, which were investigated in terms of Energy Analysis (Thermodynamic Analysis of 1st and 2nd Laws) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The LCA was carried out under a \"cradle-to-gate\" approach and followed the methodological guidelines described in ABNT NBR ISO 14044. It was adopted as a Functional Unit for the study \"to produce 10 t of anhydrous ethanol (99.5% w/w) \". The product system comprises activities that occur in the agricultural (production of sugarcane and straw) and industrial (synthesis of ethanol and cogeneration) stages. The analysis took place in terms of the specific generation of electricity, and of environmental impact profiles have been defined in terms of the potential of Climate Change, Terrestrial Acidification, Aquatic Eutrophication, and Formation of Photochemical Oxidants and Particulate Material. The results indicate that the energy efficiency increases with the increase of the state functions of the steam that is injected into the turbine. Regarding the environmental performance, it was observed a systemic reduction of adverse effects with the increase of the efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle. The results also confirmed that the most favorable condition in terms of environmental performance is that one which 50% of the straw produced in the field, with 10% humidity, is used as a source of thermal energy in the boiler, producing superheated steam at 100 bar.

Avaliação de desempenho termodinâmico e ambiental de cenários de cogeração elétrica em usinas autônomas. / Thermodynamic and environmental performance evaluation of electrical cogeneration scenarios of autonomous distilleries.

João Paulo Macedo Guerra 30 June 2014 (has links)
A descentralização do setor de eletricidade brasileiro associado à premente necessidade de aumento da oferta de energia elétrica tem fomentado a busca por fontes alternativas para produção de energia elétrica. Este fato motiva empresas do setor sucroalcooleiro a produzir eletricidade a partir da queima do bagaço de canade- açúcar em sistemas de cogeração, elevando dessa forma a capacidade de geração de energia elétrica exatamente no período de menor oferta hídrica. A geração de eletricidade a partir da biomassa canavieira revela-se uma opção interessante, pois além de ser produzida de forma distribuída e próxima aos centros consumidores, tem criado oportunidades a destilarias e usinas de açúcar para aumentarem seus portfólios de produtos. Nesse aspecto, o presente estudo se propõe a apresentar e discutir possibilidades de cogeração de energia elétrica em usinas autônomas (destilarias) em diferentes condições de processo e operação. Para atender a estes propósitos, foram definidos cenários de cogeração e desenvolvidos modelos para simulação e análise da produção de energia térmica e elétrica bem como estimar os impactos ambientais associados, considerando um sistema de cogeração que opera através do ciclo Rankine, que é o sistema mais utilizado pelas usinas brasileiras. Os cenários foram analisados a partir das técnicas de Análise Exergética (Análise Termodinâmica de Primeira e Segunda Lei) e Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida (ACV). Adotou-se para o caso da avaliação ambiental um enfoque do berço ao portão da fábrica, conforme diretrizes metodológicas descritas nas normas ISO 14040 e 14044. A unidade funcional adotada foi gerar 1,0 MWh de eletricidade excedente em sistema de cogeração energética. O sistema de produto compreende as cargas ambientais da etapa industrial e da produção agrícola da cana-de-açúcar. Especialistas no setor e pesquisadores da área sugerem concentrar esforços de melhoria de desempenho termodinâmico na elevação das propriedades de estado do vapor na saída da caldeira de 20 bar até 100 bar, e simulação de sistemas de cogeração com reaquecimento e regeneração, que são melhorias técnicas próprias de centrais termelétricas, mas com potencial de aproveitamento pelo setor sucroalcooleiro. Os cenários foram projetados com base em diferentes combinações dessas condições considerando duas possibilidades de utilização da biomassa como fonte de energia térmica: exclusivamente bagaço de cana-de-açúcar; e uma composição de bagaço e palha. A comparação dos desempenhos termodinâmicos e ambientais dos cenários ocorreu principalmente em termos da geração específica de eletricidade, da eficiência exergética, do perfil destruição de exergia ao longo do ciclo e dos perfis de impactos ambientais potenciais. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a eficiência exergética é aumenta com a elevação das funções de estado do vapor superaquecido na alimentação da turbina, e ao aumento do grau de complexidade do ciclo Rankine, conseguido à medida que arranjos com reaquecimento e regeneração são integrados ao ciclo. Esses arranjos mostraram-se efetivos na melhoria dos desempenhos exergético e ambiental dos sistemas de cogeração a partir da queima do bagaço e da palha da cana-de-açúcar. Em termos de desempenho ambiental, observou-se a redução sistêmica de efeitos negativos associada ao aumento da eficiência do ciclo termodinâmico. Os resultados da ACV ratificaram também, que a melhoria da eficiência exergética do sistema é seguida de redução de impactos ambientais. Os melhores resultados ambientais, tanto em termos relativos, como absolutos, foram obtidos aproveitando a palha como fonte de energia térmica na caldeira, na condição de geração de vapor a 100 bar e 511 oC, com ciclo Rankine que utiliza reaquecimento e regeneração simultaneamente, numa proposta chamada de ciclo Resultante, cuja redução de impactos ambientais ocorreu entre 5,3% e 15,6% nas categorias analisadas. / The decentralization of the Brazilian electricity sector in association with the internal electricity supply crisis has encouraged companies in the sugarcane industry to produce electricity by burning sugarcane bagasse in cogeneration plants. This approach reduces the environmental impact of the sugarcane production and has opened up opportunities for distilleries and annex plants to increase their product portfolios. Potential scenarios for technically and environmentally improving the cogeneration performance were analyzed by using Thermodynamic analysis and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The method used in this study aimed to provide an understanding and a model of the electrical and thermal energy production and the environmental impacts of conventional vapor power systems which operate with Rankine cycle that are commonly used by Brazilian distilleries. Vapor power system experts have suggested focusing on the following technical improvement areas: increasing the properties of the steam from 20 to 100 bar, regeneration and reheating. The case scenarios were projected based on different Rankine cycle configurations and two possibilities of biomass utilization: only sugarcane bagasse or sugarcane bagasse with straw. The LCA was carried out according to ISO 14040 and 14044 regulations, with focus from cradle to gate. A Functional unit of: \"To delivery 1.0 MWh of electricity to the power grid using cogeneration system\" was defined. The product system covers the environmental burdens of the industrial stage and the agricultural production of sugarcane. Thermodynamic evaluation indicated that the energy efficiency and the potential net power exported to the grid increase as the pressure at which the vapor leaves the boiler increases. From the LCA, it was noted that the improved energy performance of the system is accompanied by reduced environmental impacts for all evaluated categories. In addition, vapor production at 100 bar and 511 °C resulted in greater environmental gains, both in absolute and relative terms. Reheating and regeneration concepts were found to be considerably effective in improving the energy and environmental performance of cogeneration systems by burning sugarcane bagasse and straw. For the evaluated categories, the results indicated that the proposed modifications are favorable for increasing the efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle and for decreasing the environmental impacts of the product system. The best results were obtained using bagasse and straw in the boiler furnace and using reheat-regenerative Rankine cycle. In this case it was noted a reduction between 5.3% and 15.6% over all impact categories analysed.

Conception d'un expanseur scroll adapté à la récupération d'énergie à l'échappement pour une application automobile : aspects thermodynamiques et tribologiques / Conception of a scroll expander designed for a waste heat recovery application in the automotive industry : thermodynamic and tribological aspects

Legros, Arnaud 02 October 2014 (has links)
Les contraintes législatives, environnementales et économiques poussent les constructeurs automobiles à envisager toutes les solutions possibles pour optimiser au mieux la consommation de carburant des véhicules. La récupération d'énergie à l'échappement fait partie de ces solutions envisageable et le moteur à cycle de Rankine offre de nombreux avantages.Le choix de cette technologie de récupération d'énergie à l'échappement est justifié au moyen d'un état de l'art complet ainsi qu'au moyen d'une comparaison basée sur des simulations au moyen de modèles calibrés. Ces simulations ont permis également de donner un ordre de grandeurs des gains de consommation attendus sur différents cycles de conduite.L'expanseur du moteur à cycle de Rankine est un des éléments-clés du système. Aucun expanseur disponible sur le marché n'est adapté pour l'application véhicule. Dès lors, le dimensionnement d'un nouvel expanseur a été entrepris. Ce dimensionnement a nécessité le développement d'un modèle détaillé de l'expanseur scroll. Le moteur à cycle de Rankine fonctionne avec de l'eau et les expériences passées ont montré que la gestion d'un mélange eau-huile est particulièrement délicate. Le choix d'opérer sans lubrification a été réalisé et une attention particulière s'est portée sur la lubrification sèche des volutes de l'expanseur. Des essais expérimentaux ont permis de mettre en évidence les propriétés tribologiques de divers couples de matériaux. La définition des matériaux du joint radial et des volutes de l'expanseur a donc pu être réalisée.Finalement, cet expanseur a pu être testé sur un banc d'essais. Ce banc a également permis de tester plusieurs autres composants du moteur à cycle de Rankine. Les performances de ces composants ont pu être mesurées lors d'essais stabilisés et ils ont également permis de calibrer des modèles semi-empiriques. Ces modèles peuvent être utilisés dans l'évaluation des performances du système de récupération. / Automotive manufacturers seek every possibility to reduce passenger car fuel consumption due to several constraints such as legislative, environmental or economical ones. Waste heat recovery is one of those possibilities and, among the waste heat recovery solutions, Rankine cycle heat engines provide numerous advantages.A complete state of the art and a comparison based on calibrated semi-empirical models justified the choice of a Rankine cycle heat engine as the waste heat recovery technology to be investigated in this thesis. The simulation of different technologies also provided some orders of magnitude of the achievable fuel consumption reduction.The expander of the Rankine cycle heat engine is one of the key element of the system. No commercially available expander is suitable for a waste heat recovery application on passenger cars. Therefore, a new expander has been sized and manufactured. A detailed model of the scroll expander has been built in order to size the expander.The working fluid of the Rankine cycle heat engine is water and previous experimental works have shown that a mix of steam and lubricating oil is not easy to manage. Dry lubrication has therefore been chosen and experimental test have been run to study tribological properties of different couples of materials. Those tests allowed to choose the material of the involute and the tip seal of the expander.Finally, the expander has been tested in a Rankine cycle heat engine. Other components of the Rankine cycle heat engine have also been tested. Performances of those components have then been measured in steady conditions. These measurements allowed the calibration of semi-empirical models that can therefore be used to evaluate the performance of the system.

Parní turbína pro pohon napájecího čerpadla / Steam turbine to drive the feed pump

Pavliska, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis performs a calculation of a steam turbine to drive a feed pump. The research part deals with the basic classification of steam turbines focusing on mechanical drive steam turbines. The second part of the thesis is a controlled extraction pressure optimization for achieving the maximum possible thermic efficiency of the cycle. The last part of the thesis shows a detailed thermodynamic calculation of the mechanical drive turbine along with the basic geometric parameters of the flow canal.

Optimalizace tepelných oběhů / Thermal cycles optimization

Voseček, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis was a selection of appropriate thermal cycles for the considerated nuclear power stations with the Generation IV reactors. Characterization and specification of the parametres of the Brayton and the Rankine-Clausi thermodynamic cycle, their optimalization with regard to the parametres of the first cycle was made, than analysis of cycles´properties, mostly efficiency, output and process layout.

Porovnání tepelných účinností cyklů / Comparison of the thermal cycle efficiency

Přívozník, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Theme of this master's thesis Comparison of thermal cycle efficiency is aimed on the calculation of thermal schemes of reheating and without reheating for various performances. The calculation is performed using specialized literature. The introduction describes the fundamental thermal cycle used in power plants and Rankine - Clausius cycle. After the initial familiarization with the parameters of Rankine - Clausius cycle follow a section with technical solutions to improve thermal efficiency of Rankine - Clausius thermal cycle. The aim of this work is to identify and compare the thermal efficiency of the thermal cycle with reheating, without reheating and compare them with each other. At the conclusion of this work is shown comparison between two low-pressure regeneration systems.

Stanovení výkonnosti chladicího okruhu - chladící věž / Determination of the performance of the cooling circuit - cooling tower

Velešík, Aleš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this work is to determine the performance and description of the cooling circle in the cooling tower. In order to do that there was applied the linear regression approach in order to create structural empirical model of the cooling tower. The data obtained was analysed through QC expert software, which, if correct data applied, identifies suitable model for specific tower. The models created will be used for diagnostics of the cooling circles and as a comparison tool with other cooling towers in the future. Thus, the findings of this thesis are polynoms, which in thic technological setup characterise the models of the cooling towers.

Interactions between waves and new generations of brakewaters with small footprint / Interaction entre la houle et les nouvelles générations d’ouvrages côtiers de faible emprise au sol

Milesi, Paul 18 July 2019 (has links)
De nos jours, le respect de l'environnement est une obligation dans le cadre de travaux maritimes. Les caissons en béton verticaux à plaques poreuses sont souvent la solution technique privilégiée pour agrandir les ports existants et / ou améliorer l'agitation des bassins. L'empreinte au sol est réduite et la demande en matériaux de carrière est moins importante par rapport aux digues en enrochement classiques. Récemment, des systèmes alternatifs aux caissons en béton verticaux ont été conçus. Les structures amortisseuses de la houle à enrochements verticalisés sont constituées d'une structure métallique entourant des blocs. Ce type de structure offre des avantages environnementaux, une perméabilité aux courants et une bonne performance hydrodynamique. Ce travail de thèse visait à développer un nouveau code 3D-BEM facile à utiliser et intégrant les écoulements en milieux poreux. Des géométries innovantes sont testées comme des gabions espacés avec une chambre d’expansion ou un mélange de plaques poreuses et de milieux poreux.La description des écoulements dans un milieu poreux est une question complexe. Navier-Stokes moyenné au sens de Reynolds (RANS) est le processus mathématique communément utilisé pour modéliser les écoulements en milieux poreux. Ce dernier est considéré comme un milieu continu homogène. L'équation bien connue de Forchheimer étendue décrit les forces volumiques appliquées à l'écoulement par un milieu poreux à travers des coefficients de résistance et d'inertie. Ces recherches ont été l’occasion d’examiner ces coefficients, notamment celui d'inertie mal connu dans le cas d’un milieu poreux. Il joue un rôle majeur pour les écoulements à très faible KC se produisant dans les couches internes des digues poreuses. Une analyse de la littérature sur les écoulements de milieux poreux a été entreprise. Le code numérique appelé Diffra3D a été développé. Il a ensuite été utilisé pour rechercher des coefficients de résistance de milieux poreux à l'aide de données provenant de trois campagnes expérimentales : un test de sloshing sur hexapode et deux études classiques de transmission/réflexion en canal à houle. Celles-ci ont également été l'occasion de tester et de calibrer le code. De nouvelles géométries de structures poreuses ont ensuite été testées expérimentalement et numériquement.Deux nouvelles valeurs de coefficients de résistance d'un milieu poreux sont proposées pour les écoulements à très faibles KC. Certaines caractéristiques intéressantes concernant le coefficient d'inertie CM d'un milieu poreux sont également développées. Ce sujet de recherche mériterait encore d’être approfondi pour tenter de trouver une ou plusieurs loi(s) empirique(s) décrivant l’évolution du coefficient d'inertie dans ce régime spécifique d’écoulement. Le code Diffra3D fonctionne de façon satisfaisante pour modéliser les écoulements en milieu poreux. Il est cependant limité aux vagues à faibles cambrures. Tout l'enjeu est de bien caractériser le milieu poreux étudié. L'utilisation de Diffra3D a permis de montrer que les structures poreuses verticales innovantes, telles que les gabions espacés, ont entièrement leur place en tant que digues amortisseuses de la houle respectueuses de l'environnement. Elles pourraient être couramment utilisées dans le futur. / Nowadays the respect of the environment is an obligation in maritime works. Vertical concrete caissons with porous plates are often the number one technical solution to enlarge existing ports and/or to improve the agitation of the basins. The footprint is reduced and the demand in quarry materials is less important compared to classical riprap breakwaters. Recently, alternative systems to vertical concrete caissons have been designed. Vertical riprap breakwaters are made of a metal framework enclosing blocks. This kind of structure offers environmental benefits, permeability for currents and a good hydrodynamic performance. This thesis work looks at developing a new 3D-BEM code that is easy to use and integrates porous media. Innovative geometries are tested like spaced gabions with damping chamber or a mix of porous plates and porous media.Describing flows in porous media is an complex issue. Volume averaging method is the common mathematical process used to model porous media flows without drawing every grain of a porous medium. The well-known extended Forchheimer equation describes the volumetric forces applied to the flow by a porous medium through resistance and inertial coefficients. These researches were the occasion to look into this coefficients, especially the one of poorly understood inertia in the case of a porous medium. It plays a major role in very low-KC flows currently occurring in porous breakwaters apart from armour layer.First, a literature review on porous media flows was undertaken. In parallel, the numerical code called Diffra3D was produced. It was then used to look for resistance coefficients of porous media through data coming from three experimental campaigns : one sloshing test on hexapode and two classical reflection-transmission studies in a wave tank. These campaigns were also the occasion to test and calibrate the code. New geometries of porous structures were then tested experimentally and numerically. Two new values of resistance coefficients of a porous medium are proposed. Some interesting features concerning the inertia coefficient CM of a porous medium are also developed. In simulations, we observe that the hydrodynamic behaviour of porous structures in low-KC flows is very sensitive to the coefficient of inertia. This research topic would still deserve further studies in order to find empirical law(s) for the inertia coefficient of a porous medium. The code Diffra3D performs well to model porous media flows. However, it is limited to waves with low steepness. The challenge is to properly characterise the porous medium. This research has shown that innovative porous structures like spaced gabions have proven their place as environmentally-friendly damping breakwaters. They may be commonly used in the future.

Operation of the heat and power complex Alatyr to power Russian oil and gas facilities

Boltyanskiy, Boris January 2018 (has links)
B. Boltyansky Operation of the heat and power complex Alatyr to power Russian oil and gas facilities, Master's Dissertation, 2017 - 102 pages, 26 tables, 30 figures Supervisor Prof. V. G. Kucherov, Doctor of Sciences, Department of Energy Technology. The work includes the following. A calculation of the main thermodynamic cycle of the heat and power complex Alatyr heat and power complex. A consideration of various schemes of using the Rankine organic cycle WERE integrated in the Alatyr heat and power complex with the aim of increasing energy efficiency. Conclusions about the feasibility of using the heat and power complex Alatyr. Conclusions about the feasibility of integration of the organic Rankine cycle. Economic comparison of the heat and power complex Alatyr with similar facilities on the distributed power generation market. Economic analysis of the comparison of energy blocks of HPC Alatyr with similar designs from other countries. / B. Boltyansky Drift av värme- och kraftkomplexet Alatyr till makten Ryska olje- och gasanläggningar, Masters uppläggning, 2017 - 102 sidor, 26 tabeller, 30 figurer Handledare Prof. VG Kucherov, doktorsexamen, kandidatexamen för teknisk vetenskap, institutionen för termodynamik och termisk motorer. Arbetet innehåller följande. En beräkning av värmekraftkomplexets värmeoch kraftkomplex Alatyrs värmekomplex. En övervägning av olika system för användning av Rankine organiska cykeln var integrerad i Alatyr värme- och kraftkomplexet i syfte att öka energieffektiviteten. Slutsatser om möjligheten att använda värme- och kraftkomplexet Alatyr. Slutsatser om möjligheten att integrera den organiska Rankine-cykeln. Ekonomisk jämförelse av värme- och kraftkomplexet Alatyr med liknande anläggningar på den distribuerade kraftproduktionsmarknaden. Ekonomisk analys av jämförelsen av energiblock av HPC Alatyr med liknande konstruktioner från andra länder.

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