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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A higher order time domain panel method for linear and weakly non linear seakeeping problems. / Um método de ordem alta de painéis para problemas lineares e fracamente não lineares de comportamento em ondas.

Ruggeri, Felipe 02 September 2016 (has links)
This thesis addresses the development of a weakly non-linear Higher Order Time Domain Rankine Panel Method (TDRPM) for the linear and weakly non-linear seakeeping analysis of floating offshore structures, including wave-current interaction effects. A higher order boundary elements method is adopted based on the body geometry description using Non-uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS) formulation, which can be generated by many standard Computed Aided Design (CAD) softwares widely available, and the several computed quantities (velocity potential, free surface elevation and others) are described using a B-spline formulation of arbitrary degree. The problem is formulated considering wave-current-body interactions up to second order effects, these ones considering the terms obtained by interaction of zero/first order quantities. In order to provide numerical stability, the Initial Boundary Value Problem (IBVP) is formulated in terms of the velocity potential and the local acceleration potential, the later used to predict the hydrodynamic pressure accurately. The zeroth order problem is solved using the double-body linearization instead of the Neumman-Kelvin one in order to allow bluff bodies simulation, leading to very complex expressions regarding the m-terms computation. The method adopts the Rankine sources as Green\'s function, which are integrated using Gauss quadrature in the entire domain, but for the self-influence terms that are integrated using a desingularized procedure. The numerical method is verified initially considering simplified geometries (sphere and circular cylinder) for both, first and second-order computations, with and without current effects. The derivatives of the velocity potential are verified by comparing the numerical m-terms to the analytical solutions for a hemisphere under uniform flow. The mean and double frequency drift forces are computed for fixed and floating structures and the quantities involved in these computations (wave runup, velocity field) are also compared to literature results, including the free floating response of a sphere under current effects. Two practical cases are also studied, namely the wave-induced second order responses of a semi-submersible platform and the wavedrift-damping effect evaluated through the equilibrium angle of a turret moored FPSO. For the former, some specific model tests were designed and conducted in a wave-basin. / Essa tese aborda o desenvolvimento de um método de Rankine de ordem alta no domínio do tempo (TDRPM) para o estudo de problemas lineares e fracamente não lineares, incluindo o efeito de corrente, envolvendo sistemas flutuantes. O método de ordem alta desenvolvido considera a geometria do corpo como descrita pelo padrão Non-uniform Rational Basis Spline (NURBS), que está disponível em diverso0s softwares de Computed Aided Design (CAD) disponíveis, sendo as diversas funções (potencial de velocidades, elevação da superfície-livre e outros) descritos usando B-splines de grau arbitrário. O problema é formulado considerando interações onda-corrente-estrutura para efeitos de até segunda ordem, os de ordem superior sendo calculados considerando as interações somente dos termos de ordem inferior. Para garantir a estabilidade numérica, o problema de contorno com valor inicial é formulado0 com relação ao potencial de velocidade e de parcela local do potencial de acelerações, este para garantir cálculos precisos da pressão dinâmica. O problema de ordem zero é resolvido usando a linearização de corpo-duplo ao invés da linearização de Neumman-Kelvin para permitir a análise de corpos rombudos, o que requer o cálculo de termos-m de grande complexidade. O método adota fontes de Rankine como funções de Green, que são integradas através de quadratura de Gauss-Legendre no domínio todo, exceto com relação aos termos de auto-influência que adotasm um procedimento de dessingularização. O método numérico é inicialmente verificado considerando corpos de geometria simplificada (esfera e cilindro), considerando efeitos de primeira e segunda ordens, com e sem corrente. As derivadas do potencial de velocidade são verificadas comparando os termos-m obtidos numericamente com soluções analíticas disponíveis para a esfera em fluído infinito. As forças de deriva média e dupla-frequência são calculadas para estruturas fixas e flutuantes, sendo as funções calculadas (elevação da superfície, campo de velocidade) comparadas com resultados disponíveis na literatura, incluindo o movimento da esfera flutuante sob a ação de corrente e ondas. São também estudados dois casos de aplicação prática, a resposta de segunda ordem de uma plataforma semi-submersível e o efeito de wave-drift damping para o ângulo de equilíbrio de uma plataforma FPSO ancorada através de sistema turred. No caso da semi-submersível, os ensaios foram projetados e realizados em tanque de provas.

Optimisation de la structure globale des activités de surface d’une centrale géothermique à cogénération électricité/chaleur / Optimization of the overall structure for the surface activities in a geothermal combined heat and power plant

Marty, Fabien 27 November 2017 (has links)
Dirigé par la société Fonroche Géothermie, un consortium de dix partenaires participe au projet FONGEOSEC qui s’inscrit dans le cadre des Investissements d’Avenir de l’ADEME. Ce projet a pour but de concevoir et de réaliser un démonstrateur innovant de centrale géothermique haute enthalpie. L’énergie, ainsi récupérée en profondeur, servira à la cogénération d’électricité et de chaleur. L’une des étapes du projet correspond à l’objectif de cette thèse : développer une méthodologie pour la conception optimale des activités de surface de la centrale géothermique. Il s’agit donc de formuler le problème d’optimisation, de proposer une stratégie de résolution robuste et enfin, de mettre en oeuvre cette stratégie grâce à un outil logiciel.Dans l’outil ainsi développé, la répartition entre la production d’électricité et de chaleur s’effectue en parallèle. Le fluide géothermal est séparé en deux courants, l’un alimentant un Cycle Organique de Rankine (ORC : Organic Rankine Cycle) pour la production d’électricité, et l’autre étant relié à un Réseau de Chaleur Urbain (RCU) pour la distribution de la chaleur. Chaque constituant de l’ORC est dimensionné et la topologie du RCU est déterminée. Cet outil permet alors de déterminer simultanément :quelle est la meilleure répartition entre production d’électricité et de chaleur,quelles sont les meilleures dimensions pour les composants de l’ORC,et quelle est la meilleure topologie du RCU.Concernant l’ORC, l’outil permettra de savoir si l’utilisation d’un éventuel récupérateur de chaleur interne (IHE : Internal Heat Exchanger) est avantageuse ou non. Du point de vue du RCU, tous les consommateurs (sous-stations) envisagés ne sont pas obligatoires. L’outil permettra de choisir quels consommateurs relier au réseau et dans quelle disposition. L’utilisation de variables discrètes est alors nécessaire et le problème d’optimisation ainsi résolu est un problème de type MINLP (Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming).Une méthodologie de résolution permettant l’obtention d’une solution de « confiance » (probablement, mais non certainement, l’optimum global) est proposée. Cette stratégie de résolution est testée pour différents cas d’étude proches des conditions du projet FONGEOSEC. La stabilité et la robustesse de cette stratégie sont alors mises en avant. Une analyse économique et une analyse énergétique sont réalisées. La résolution multi-objectif est alors effectuée dans le but de fournir le meilleur compromis entre bénéfices annuels nets et destruction d’exergie. Pour finir, la diversité des résultats montre qu’il n’est pas satisfaisant de dissocier les études des deux systèmes (ORC et RCU) et démontre l’intérêt de l’outil développé. / A consortium of ten partners, led by “FONROCHE Géothermie”, works on the FONGEOSEC project, an “Investissement d’Avenir” organized by the French Agency for Environment and Energy (ADEME). The aim of this project is to design and create an innovative demonstrator of a high-energy geothermal power plant. The geothermal energy will be used to produce electricity and heat. Among other tasks, this project aims to develop a support tool for the optimal design of the structure for the surface activities in the geothermal plant.Within the developed tool, the repartition between electricity and heat production is in parallel. The geothermal fluid is split in two streams, one is used for an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for electricity production, and the other is connected to a District Heating Network (DHN) for the heat distribution. This tool enables to determine simultaneously:which is the best repartition between electricity and heat,which is the best sizing for ORC components,which is the best configuration for the DHN.About the ORC, the tool will enable to decide if the use of an Internal Heat Exchanger (IHE) is interesting or not. For the DHN point of view, all the consumers envisaged are not mandatory. The tool will enable to choose which consumers it is better to connect to the network and in which disposition. The use of discrete variables is necessary and the optimization problem to be solved is a MINLP (Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming) problem.A solution strategy is implemented in order to obtain a confident solution with a determinist algorithm. This strategy is tested for different study cases close to FONGEOSEC conditions. Stability and Robustness of this strategy are then highlighted. An economic and an exergetic analysis are carried out. In order to find a good compromise between the two objectives, a multi-objective solution is performed. Finally, the diversity of results obtained shows it is not suitable to dissociate ORC and DHN studies and shows the interest of the developed tool.

Étude et conception d'un système thermodynamique producteur du travail mécanique à partir d'une source chaude à 120°C / Study and design of a thermodynamic system generating mechanical work from a hot source at 120°C

Maalouf, Samer 27 September 2013 (has links)
Les fumées à basse température (<120-150 °C) sortant des procédés industriels pourraient être récupérées pour la production d'électricité et constituent un moyen efficace de réduction de la consommation d'énergie primaire et des émissions de dioxyde de carbone. Cependant, des barrières techniques tels que la faible efficacité de conversion, la nécessité d'une grande zone de transfert de chaleur, et la présence de substances chimiques corrosives liées à une forte teneur en humidité lors du fonctionnement en environnement sévère entravent leur application plus large. Cette thèse porte particulièrement sur les secteurs industriels les plus énergivores rencontrant actuellement des difficultés à récupérer l'énergie des sources de chaleur à basse température dans des environnements hostiles. Des cycles thermodynamiques existants basés sur le Cycle de Rankine Organique (ORC) sont adaptés et optimisés pour ce niveau de température. Deux méthodes de récupération de chaleur classiques sont étudiées plus particulièrement : les déshumidifications à contact direct et indirect. Des méthodes de conception optimisées pour les échangeurs de chaleur sont élaborées et validées expérimentalement. Pour la déshumidification à contact indirect, des matériaux à revêtement anticorrosifs sont proposés et testés. Pour la déshumidification à contact direct, les effets du type et de la géométrie des garnissages sur les performances hydrauliques sont étudiés. Des cycles thermodynamiques innovants basés sur la technologie de déshydratation liquide sont proposés. Un cycle de régénération amélioré (IRC) est développé. Comparé aux technologies de récupération de chaleur classiques, l'IRC proposé améliore à la fois la puissance nette et le taux de détente de la turbine en prévenant par ailleurs les problèmes de corrosion. / Low-temperature waste-gas heat sources (< 120-150°C) exiting several industrial processes could be recovered for electricity production and constitute an effective mean to reduce primary energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. However, technical barriers such as low conversion efficiency, large needed heat transfer area, and the presence of chemically corrosive substances associated with high moisture content when operating in harsh environment impede their wider application. This thesis focuses on particularly energy-hungry industrial sectors characterized by presently unsolved challenges in terms of environmentally hostile low-temperature heat sources. Existing thermodynamic cycles based on Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) are adapted and optimized for this temperature level. Two conventional heat recovery methods are studied more particularly: indirect and direct contact dehumidification. Optimized design methods for heat exchangers are elaborated and experimentally validated. For the indirect contact dehumidification, advanced anti-corrosion coated materials are proposed and laboratory tested. For the direct contact dehumidification, the effects of packing material and geometry on the corresponding hydraulic performances are underlined. Innovative thermodynamic cycles based on the liquid desiccant technology are investigated. An improved regeneration cycle (IRC) is developed. Compared to the conventional heat recovery technologies, the proposed “IRC” improves both net power and turbine expansion ratio besides preventing faced corrosions problems.

Waste heat recovery from the exhaust gases of a diesel engine by means of Rankine cycle / Récupération d'énergie sur les moteurs à combustion interne / Рекупериране на енергията от отработилите газове на дизелов двигател с вътрешно горене чрез цикъл на Ранкин

Milkov, Nikolay 03 November 2017 (has links)
Cette étude est motivée par la protection de l'environnement et la réduction des émissions de CO2 émis par les moteurs à combustion interne. L'objectif de la thèse est d'étudier les possibilités de la réduction de la consommation de carburant d'un moteur diesel d’automobile grâce à la récupération de la chaleur des gaz d'échappement basée sur un cycle de Rankine. Afin de déterminer l'énergie perdue, le moteur a été testé sur un banc d’essais et les paramètres des gaz d’échappement ont été mesurés. Un modèle de simulation du moteur a également été développé et validé grâce aux résultats expérimentaux. Le potentiel de récupération de chaleur sur les gaz d’échappement et sur le refroidissement a été estimé. Cette analyse a révélé que le potentiel sur les gaz d’échappement est plus élevé que celui sur le refroidissement. Grâce au modèle numérique et aux essais, la puissance et l'efficacité du cycle de Rankine ont été étudiées. Enfin, l'impact du système de récupération d’énergie sur les performances du moteur a été analysé. Les résultats montrent que la puissance du moteur augmente de 4,3% au point de puissance maximale du moteur. / This study is motivated by the environment protection and the reduction of emissions CO2 from internal combustion engines. The aim of the thesis is to study the possibilities of fuel consumption reduction of a diesel engine intended for a passenger car by means of waste heat recovery from exhaust gases based on thermodynamic cycle (Rankine cycle). In order to determine the waste heat, the engine was tested on a test bench as the exhaust parameters were measured. A simulation model of the engine has also been developed and validated by means of experimental results. The recovery potential of the exhaust gases and the cooling system has been estimated. This analysis revealed that the waste heat recovery potential of the exhaust gases is higher that the cooling sys-tem. By means of Rankine cycle numerical model and experimental test, the output power and efficiency of the Rankine cycle were studied. Finally, the impact of the heat recovery system on engine performance was studied. The results revealed that the engine power increases by 4.3% at the operating point which corresponds to the maximum engine power. / Това изследване е мотивирано от опазването на околната среда и намаляването на емисиите на CO2 от двигателите с вътрешно горене. Целта на дисертацията е да проучи възможнос-тите за намаляване на разхода на гориво на дизелов двигател, предназначен за лек автомо-бил, чрез рекупериране на енергия с цикъл на Ранкин. За да се определи неоползотворената енергия в отработилите газове бе използван изпитателен стенд. Симулационен модел на двигателя е разработен и валидиран чрез експерименталните резултати. Направена е оценка на потенциала за рекупериране на енергия от отработилите газове и охладителната система. Този анализ показва, че потенциала за рекупериране е по-голям в изпускателната система. С помощта на експериментален стенд и числен модел на цикъла на Ранкин са установени мощността и ефективността на системата. Въздействието на системата за рекупериране на енергия е изследвано. Данните показват, че мощността на двигателя се увеличава с до 4,3%.

Rankine cycle based waste heat recovery system applied to heavy duty vehicles : topological optimization and model based control / Récupération de chaleur par cycle de Rankine dans un véhicule poid lourd : optimisation topologique et commande

Grelet, Vincent 18 January 2016 (has links)
L’évolution croissante du prix des carburants ainsi que les normes antipollution de plus en plus drastiques obligent les fabricants de véhicules commerciaux à développer des solutions innovantes pour réduire la consommation de carburant. Dans cet objectif, comme une grande partie de l’énergie contenue dans le carburant est directement relâchée à l’ambient sous forme de chaleur, celle-ci peut être valorisée et transformée via un cycle thermodynamique secondaire. Dans ce cadre, l’importante utilisation du cycle de Rankine à travers le monde en font un candidat naturel pour une implémentation dans un véhicule. Mais contrairement à une utilisation stationnaire, de nombreux obstacles se dressent pour une intégration totale dans un poids lourd. De nombreuses études ont été menées ces trente dernières années afin de déterminer le potentiel réel d’un tel système une fois embarqué à bord d’un véhicule. Les nombreuses sources de chaleur valorisables, les contraintes inhérentes à l’application embarquée ou encore les forts régimes transitoires induits par l’utilisation du camion doivent mener à une optimisation à la fois de l’architecture du système ainsi que de son système de contrôle. L’optimisation du système mène à un choix en terme de sources chaudes et froides, de topologie, de fluide de travail ainsi que de dimensionnement des composants afin de maximiser les performances. Le système de contrôle joue lui un rôle primordial afin de tirer un bénéfice maximum d’un tel système connaissant ses limites physiques ainsi que d’assurer une utilisation efficace. Dans cette thèse, une méthodologie de conception d’un système de valorisation des rejets thermiques est proposée. En se basant sur des simulations du véhicule complet basées sur un modèle détaillé, les thématiques de la sélection du fluide de travail, des sources chaudes et froides ainsi que l’optimisation des composants et du cycle sont approchées. Par la suite, le problème de contrôle en ligne de la surchauffe à la sortie de l’évaporateur est formalisé. En tenant compte des contraintes numériques d’implémentation, différentes stratégies de commande sont mises en place, allant du contrôleur PID à des structures plus avancées telle que la commande prédictive par modèle ou une loi de commande basée sur un observateur. La plupart de ces stratégies sont validées expérimentalement sur un banc d’essai mis en place durant la thèse / The constant evolution of oil prices and the more and more stringent automotive emission standards force the original engine manufacturers to search for innovative solutions in order to reduce oil consumption. As an important part of the energy contained in the primary carrier (the fuel) is lost to the ambient through heat, it seems convenient to recover a part of this thermal energy and to turn it into fuel consumption reduction. Thermodynamic bottoming cycle such as the Rankine cycle could be used to meet this objective. Its popular use throughout the world for electricity generation makes it a natural candidate for on-board implementation in vehicles. However, a certain number of hurdles are still present before the system can be efficiently applied to heavy-duty trucks. In the last thirty years, numerous studies heave been carried out to evaluate the real potential of that kind of system on a vehicle but nothing has yet been commercialized. The heat sources to recover from, the constraints relative to the on-board application and the long and frequent transient behavior of the vehicle mean both the system architecture and its control strategy need to be optimized. The system optimization leads to a choice in terms of working fluid, heat sources and sinks, and components sizing in order to maximize power recovery and hence the fuel saving. The control plays a major role by using the capability of such a system to ensure an efficient and safe operation and limiting the interactions with the other vehicle sub-systems. In this thesis, a system design methodology is introduced to optimize the system architecture using complete model-based vehicle simulation. The constraints relative to the mobile application are taken into consideration to evaluate the potential of such a system. Modelbased control strategies for on controlled variable, namely the superheat level, are developed. Constrained by the implementation platform, different control frameworks ranging from PID to model predictive controllers or observer based controllers are developed to fit into a normal automotive electronic control unit. Most of these novel strategies were experimentally validated on a test rig developed during the thesis

A higher order time domain panel method for linear and weakly non linear seakeeping problems. / Um método de ordem alta de painéis para problemas lineares e fracamente não lineares de comportamento em ondas.

Felipe Ruggeri 02 September 2016 (has links)
This thesis addresses the development of a weakly non-linear Higher Order Time Domain Rankine Panel Method (TDRPM) for the linear and weakly non-linear seakeeping analysis of floating offshore structures, including wave-current interaction effects. A higher order boundary elements method is adopted based on the body geometry description using Non-uniform Rational B-splines (NURBS) formulation, which can be generated by many standard Computed Aided Design (CAD) softwares widely available, and the several computed quantities (velocity potential, free surface elevation and others) are described using a B-spline formulation of arbitrary degree. The problem is formulated considering wave-current-body interactions up to second order effects, these ones considering the terms obtained by interaction of zero/first order quantities. In order to provide numerical stability, the Initial Boundary Value Problem (IBVP) is formulated in terms of the velocity potential and the local acceleration potential, the later used to predict the hydrodynamic pressure accurately. The zeroth order problem is solved using the double-body linearization instead of the Neumman-Kelvin one in order to allow bluff bodies simulation, leading to very complex expressions regarding the m-terms computation. The method adopts the Rankine sources as Green\'s function, which are integrated using Gauss quadrature in the entire domain, but for the self-influence terms that are integrated using a desingularized procedure. The numerical method is verified initially considering simplified geometries (sphere and circular cylinder) for both, first and second-order computations, with and without current effects. The derivatives of the velocity potential are verified by comparing the numerical m-terms to the analytical solutions for a hemisphere under uniform flow. The mean and double frequency drift forces are computed for fixed and floating structures and the quantities involved in these computations (wave runup, velocity field) are also compared to literature results, including the free floating response of a sphere under current effects. Two practical cases are also studied, namely the wave-induced second order responses of a semi-submersible platform and the wavedrift-damping effect evaluated through the equilibrium angle of a turret moored FPSO. For the former, some specific model tests were designed and conducted in a wave-basin. / Essa tese aborda o desenvolvimento de um método de Rankine de ordem alta no domínio do tempo (TDRPM) para o estudo de problemas lineares e fracamente não lineares, incluindo o efeito de corrente, envolvendo sistemas flutuantes. O método de ordem alta desenvolvido considera a geometria do corpo como descrita pelo padrão Non-uniform Rational Basis Spline (NURBS), que está disponível em diverso0s softwares de Computed Aided Design (CAD) disponíveis, sendo as diversas funções (potencial de velocidades, elevação da superfície-livre e outros) descritos usando B-splines de grau arbitrário. O problema é formulado considerando interações onda-corrente-estrutura para efeitos de até segunda ordem, os de ordem superior sendo calculados considerando as interações somente dos termos de ordem inferior. Para garantir a estabilidade numérica, o problema de contorno com valor inicial é formulado0 com relação ao potencial de velocidade e de parcela local do potencial de acelerações, este para garantir cálculos precisos da pressão dinâmica. O problema de ordem zero é resolvido usando a linearização de corpo-duplo ao invés da linearização de Neumman-Kelvin para permitir a análise de corpos rombudos, o que requer o cálculo de termos-m de grande complexidade. O método adota fontes de Rankine como funções de Green, que são integradas através de quadratura de Gauss-Legendre no domínio todo, exceto com relação aos termos de auto-influência que adotasm um procedimento de dessingularização. O método numérico é inicialmente verificado considerando corpos de geometria simplificada (esfera e cilindro), considerando efeitos de primeira e segunda ordens, com e sem corrente. As derivadas do potencial de velocidade são verificadas comparando os termos-m obtidos numericamente com soluções analíticas disponíveis para a esfera em fluído infinito. As forças de deriva média e dupla-frequência são calculadas para estruturas fixas e flutuantes, sendo as funções calculadas (elevação da superfície, campo de velocidade) comparadas com resultados disponíveis na literatura, incluindo o movimento da esfera flutuante sob a ação de corrente e ondas. São também estudados dois casos de aplicação prática, a resposta de segunda ordem de uma plataforma semi-submersível e o efeito de wave-drift damping para o ângulo de equilíbrio de uma plataforma FPSO ancorada através de sistema turred. No caso da semi-submersível, os ensaios foram projetados e realizados em tanque de provas.

Modélisation d'un cycle de production d'électricité bi-étagé à aéro-réfrigérant sec / Modelling of an air-cooled two-stage Rankine cycle for electricity production

Liu, Bo 18 April 2014 (has links)
La production d'électricité dépend étroitement de la disponibilité d'une source froide. C'est la raison pour laquelle la plupart des centrales de grande puissance dans le monde sont construites près d'une source d'eau. Le problème de la source froide a été soulevé à plusieurs reprises en France, notamment après les canicules de 2003 et de 2006. Le refroidissement à l'air sec est une des options possibles. Cependant, étant donné le besoin de surface d'échange plus important, le changement de la source froide pour l'air ambiant n'est pas, dans la majorité des cas, viable économiquement.Une des solutions à ce problème imaginées à EDF était de changer l'architecture du cycle de production en considérant un cycle de production composé de deux cycles de Rankine en cascade, le premier fonctionnant avec de la vapeur d'eau et le deuxième fonctionnant avec de l'ammoniac dont la vapeur à basse pression est beaucoup plus dense que celle de l'eau. Cette solution permet de faciliter l'utilisation d'un aérocondenseur et de réduire la taille de la salle machine.En raison de la nature toxique et corrosive de l'ammoniac, il est intéressant d'étudier la possibilité de remplacer ce dernier par d'autres fluides plus adaptés, notamment en envisageant de nouveaux fluides pour lesquels peu ou pas de données sont disponibles. Nous comparons les fluides sur le plan énergétique et en terme de taille des composants de l'installation.Cette thèse illustre la démarche des différentes étapes de notre travail : la recherche de nouveaux fluides de travail, l'évaluation de performance du système en régime nominal et non-nominal, le dimensionnement des principaux composants du cycle ainsi que l'évaluation de coût et de gain économique éventuel. / This work considers a two stage Rankine cycle architecture slightly different from a standard Rankine cycle for electricity generation. Instead of expanding the steam to extremely low pressure, the vapor leaves the turbine at a higher pressure then having a much smaller specific volume. It is thus possible to greatly reduce the size of the steam turbine. The remaining energy is recovered by a bottoming cycle using a working fluid which has a much higher density than the water steam. Thus, the turbines and heat exchangers are more compact; the turbine exhaust velocity loss is lower. This configuration enables to largely reduce the global size of the steam water turbine and facilitate the use of a dry cooling system.The main advantage of such an air cooled two stage Rankine cycle is the possibility to choose the installation site of a large or medium power plant without the need of a large and constantly available water source; in addition, as compared to water cooled cycles, the risk regarding future operations is reduced (climate conditions may affect water availability or temperature, and imply changes in the water supply regulatory rules).The concept has been investigated by EDF R&D. A 22 MW prototype was developed in 70s using ammonia as the working fluid of the bottoming cycle for its high density and high latent heat. However, this fluid is toxic. In order to search more suitable working fluids for the two stage Rankine cycle application and to identify the optimal cycle configuration, we have established a working fluid selection methodology. Some potential candidates have been identified. We have evaluated the performances of the two stage Rankine cycles operating with different working fluids in both design and off design conditions. For the most acceptable working fluids, components of the cycle have been sized. The power plant concept can then be evaluated on a life cycle cost basis.

Étude de la faisabilité des cycles sous-critiques et supercritiques de Rankine pour la valorisation de rejets thermiques / Feasibility study of subcritical and supercritical organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) for waste heat recovery

Le, Van Long 26 September 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse concerne l’étude de la faisabilité des cycles organiques sous-critiques et supercritiques de Rankine pour la valorisation de rejets thermiques industriels à basse température. Dans un premier temps, un état de l’art des cycles ORC (acronyme anglais pour Organic Rankine Cycle) et leurs fluides de travail a été réalisé. Nous avons réalisé une comparaison préliminaire de plusieurs configurations à partir de la littérature scientifique. Dans un second temps, les méthodes d’analyse énergétique et exergétique ont été appliquées pour évaluer et optimiser les performances des cycles ORC. En effet, la seule méthode d’analyse énergétique n’est pas suffisante pour juger de la bonne utilisation du potentiel énergétique de la source de chaleur disponible correspondant à un rejet industrielle de chaleur (chaleur fatale). L’analyse exergétique, intervient en complément de l’analyse énergétique du système, afin de permettre de localiser les pertes des ressources énergétiques dans les différentes composantes du système et de déterminer leurs importances relatives et leurs causes. Une optimisation thermo-économique des installations de valorisation de rejets thermiques utilisant un cycle sous-critique ou supercritique de Rankine a été effectuée. Nos résultats montrent que la valorisation de rejets thermiques industriels à basse température (ex. source thermique de 150 °C) en utilisant un cycle ORC sous-critique est plus intéressante sur le plan énergétique que celle opérée en utilisant un cycle supercritique de Rankine. / This thesis concerns the feasibility study of subcritical and supercritical organic Rankine cycles for industrial waste heat recovery at relatively low temperature. Initially, a state of the art of ORCs (Organic Rankine Cycles) and their working fluids has been achieved. We conducted a preliminary comparison of several configurations from the scientific literature. In a second step, methods of energy and exergy analysis were applied to evaluate and optimize the performance of the ORCs. Indeed, sole energy analysis is not enough to access the proper use of the energy potential of the available heat source that corresponds to an industrial waste heat. Exergy analysis, in a complementary way to the energy analysis, enables us to locate the energy resources losses in the various components of the system and to determine their true magnitude and their causes. A thermo-economic optimization of waste heat recovery systems using a subcritical or supercritical Rankine cycle has been performed. According to the results, the industrial waste heat recovery at low temperature (e.g. heat source 150 ° C) using a subcritical ORC is more interesting on economic point of view than the system using a supercritical Rankine cycle

Topné výměníky, vliv zapojení na účinnost cyklu / Heat exchangers, influence of cycle efficiency

Khůlová, Jitka January 2019 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with district heat exchangers in a thermal steam cycle of combined heat and power plants and with types of condensate cascades in the multilevel heating systems. Calculation of the thermal efficiency of electricity generation is provided for the investigated thermal cycle, which was modified for three different types of cascades. Besides that, a comparison of useful electric power and electricity generation through one year period of working is made. A significant part of the work is devoted to the design of district heat exchangers, including the calculation of thermal power and heat transfer area. Main dimensions are proposed for each exchanger together with a basic drawing.

Srovnání energetických oběhů z pohledu jejich celkové účinnosti / Comparison of Energy Circles from point of view Efficiency

Houdek, Milan January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis investigates the combined production of power and heat from biomass. The main aim is to compare suggested energy circles in the light of their electric, general and economic efficiency. Introduction describes the basic terms and principles of energy utilization of biomass, combustion and gasification technology are described thoroughly. The main part contains suggestions and thermal calculations of energy circles. The thermal cycle with gasification chamber, combustion chamber and hot air turbine is proposed, than thermal cycle with gasification generator and cogeneration unit and finally Rankine-Clausius circle. In conclusion calculated results are recapitulated and the usability of proposed thermal cycles is assessed.

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