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<b>HPV RAPID DIAGNOSTIC TEST DEVELOPMENT THROUGH USER-CENTERED DESIGN</b>Luke Patrick Brennan (18437061) 28 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr"><a href="" target="_blank">Almost every case of cervical cancer in the United States is medically preventable with vaccination and proper screening, yet many Americans are insufficiently screened. Over 12 thousand American women suffered from cervical cancer in 2018</a><sup>1</sup> causing 4 thousand deaths, with over a third in women who had never received a routine screening test<sup>2</sup>.</p><p dir="ltr">New, sensitive testing techniques for cervical cancer screening are facilitating HPV testing without evaluating the cells collected in the sample by eye. This opens the door to new, accessible methods of screening such as rapid testing in clinic and at home, self-sampling, and mail-in testing. As cervical cancer morbidity and mortality is largely a result of healthcare inequities, these methods may have a significant impact on cervical cancer outcomes.</p><p dir="ltr">The goal of this project is to create a proof-of-concept, sample-to-answer rapid test to be used for cervical cancer screening in Indiana outpatient clinics. We began the project by conducting interviews and a survey to explore Indiana clinician perspectives on cervical screening methods such as self-sampling, rapid testing, and home-based screening. Clinicians preferred in-clinic testing with same-visit results, in the hopes that face-to-face explanation of results and scheduling follow-up care in person would improve patient retention for these important follow-up tests. To create such a test, we augmented an isothermal nucleic acid amplification method that copies 13 of the 14 high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) types with an endogenous b-globin sample control and a simple colorimetric lateral flow strip (LFS) readout. When tested with HPV 16 the assay achieved a limit of detection of 1000 HPV copies per reaction, which would detect endocervical samples deemed ‘sufficient’ by clinical guidelines. It also performs in endocervical cells using methods and equipment that could be implemented in an outpatient clinic. The final test accepts swabs or brushes of endocervical cells, lyses them in 5 minutes, copies the target DNA and a sample adequacy control, and delivers the readout within 40 minutes on an LFS readout. Future directions for this assay include soliciting feedback from clinicians and other stakeholders about the prototype developed, adapting the assay to interferents of clinical endocervical samples, and adding probes for other HPV types, such as HPV 18 and eventually the other hrHPV types.</p>
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Diagnostic de la dengue : trois solutions pour améliorer la prise en charge des patients et faciliter les études épidémiologiques / Dengue diagnosis : three solutions to improve patients’ management and to facilitate epidemiological studiesAndries, Anne-Claire 17 December 2015 (has links)
La dengue est une maladie virale des régions tropicales et subtropicales, transmise par les moustiques du genre Aedes. Le virus de la dengue (DENV) appartient à la famille des Flaviviridae, genre Flavivirus. Si la plupart des infections sont asymptomatiques ou se traduisent par un syndrome fébrile sans gravité, le virus peut aussi causer une maladie plus sévère caractérisée par une fuite plasmatique, avec ou sans hémorragie. Sans prise en charge adéquate, les formes les plus sévères peuvent évoluer vers un syndrome de choc, potentiellement mortel. Il n’existe pas de traitement spécifique de la dengue mais une réhydratation adaptée et débutée précocement permet de réduire la survenue de formes sévères de la maladie. Malheureusement, les symptômes initiaux de la dengue avant la survenue des éventuelles complications ne sont pas spécifiques et seul un diagnostic biologique basé sur la détection du génome viral, de l’antigène NS1 ou des anticorps anti-DENV dans le sang des patients permet de confirmer la nature exacte de l’infection. La dengue constitue à l’heure actuelle un problème majeur de santé publique du fait de son expansion mondiale et de l’augmentation annuelle du nombre de cas sévères. Pour assurer la surveillance épidémiologique et le contrôle de la maladie, il est indispensable de développer des outils diagnostiques performants et faciles à mettre en œuvre, à la fois utilisables par les médecins de toutes les structures médicales, des simples centres de soins de santé primaire aux centres de référence, et utilisables lors d’enquêtes épidémiologiques pour l’investigation de nouvelles épidémies. Le travail de cette thèse a porté sur plusieurs aspects de cette problématique. Dans une première partie, un test commercial de diagnostic rapide (TDR) permettant la détection simultanée de la NS1 et des IgG et IgM anti-DENV, a été évalué, en laboratoire spécialisé et sur le terrain, afin de comparer, à partir des mêmes échantillons, les performances du test dans deux situations différentes. La sensibilité s’est révélée plus faible lors de l’utilisation sur le terrain que lors de l’utilisation en laboratoire de référence. La majorité des discordances a été observées pour la détection des IgG et des IgM. L’impact de la mise à disposition du test sur la prise en charge des patients a également été évalué et il s’est avéré qu’au cours de cette étude les pédiatres cambodgiens ont ignorés les résultats du test rapide et ont préféré suivre leur instinct clinique.Un second volet a porté sur la faisabilité d’utiliser les urines et la salive en remplacement du sang veineux pour les tests employés en routine pour le diagnostic de la dengue. Les urines et la salive sont des fluides biologiques plus faciles à prélever que le sang veineux ce qui présente un avantage majeur pour les enquêtes épidémiologiques mais peut également secourir les médecins lorsqu’un prélèvement de sang veineux est difficile à obtenir, par exemple chez les enfants. Bien que les performances des différentes méthodes de diagnostic ne soient pas aussi bonnes avec de l’urine et la salive qu’avec du plasma, les résultats obtenus par PCR en temps réel et avec les ELISAs de détection des anticorps anti-DENV démontrent l’intérêt potentiel de ces deux fluides biologiques pour détecter les infections par le DENV lorsqu’il est difficile d’obtenir du sang veineux. Plusieurs TDR commerciaux développés pour permettre la détection de la NS1 et des anticorps anti-DENV (IgM, IgG et IgA) dans les urines et la salive ont été évalués mais les performances obtenues se sont révélées peu satisfaisantes.Une dernière partie du travail a été consacrée à l’étude de la protéinurie comme marqueur pronostic potentiel de sévérité de la dengue. Ce marqueur biologique ne s’est pas révélé être utile pour diagnostiquer précocement les formes sévères de la maladie. / Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by Aedes species mosquitoes, in tropical and subtropical regions. Dengue virus (DENV) belongs to the family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus. Although most DENV infections are asymptomatic or result in a self-limited febrile illness, severe diseases characterized by plasma leakage, with or without hemorrhage, can also occur. Patients with a severe dengue can rapidly progress into a life-threatening shock syndrome if no efficient clinical management is provided. There is no specific treatment available for dengue but an accurate and early fluid therapy substantially reduces the occurrence of severe forms of the disease. Dengue symptoms are typically non-specific until or unless complications develop. Only a biologic diagnosis based on DENV genome, NS1 antigen or anti-DENV antibodies detection enables to confirm dengue cases. Dengue is now a major public health problem due to both its geographical spread and the increase in the number of severe cases. New diagnostic tools are necessary to ensure epidemiological surveillance and control of the disease. These tools need to be effective and easy to use in every medical settings, from the smallest primary health centers to the biggest reference centers, and also usable for epidemiologic studies, e.g. for epidemic investigations. The work presented in this thesis was dedicated to this problematic.In a first part of the work, a rapid diagnostic test (RDT), designed to detect NS1 antigen, anti-DENV IgG and IgM, was evaluated, both in a specialized laboratory and in the field, in order to compare the test performances in two different settings, with the same samples. Interestingly, sensitivity was lower when the test was used in the field compared to the sensitivity of the test when performed in the specialized laboratory. Discordances were mainly observed for IgM and IgG detection. Impact of the use of the RDT on clinical management was also assessed during the field study and it revealed that Cambodian pediatricians ignored the results of the RDT and followed their clinical instinct.A second part of the work was dedicated to the assessment of the usefulness of urine and saliva for dengue diagnostic. Dengue diagnostic normally requires a venous blood sample that can be difficult to obtain in certain conditions such as in children or during epidemiological studies. Urine and saliva are easier to collect as the procedure is non-invasive. We showed that, although the performances of the different diagnostic methods were not as good in saliva and urine as in plasma specimens, the results obtained by qRT-PCR and by anti-DENV antibody ELISA could well justify the use of these two body fluids to detect dengue infection in situations when the collection of blood samples is difficult. Performances of commercial RDTs developed for NS1 and anti-DENV antibodies (IgM, IgG and IgA) detection in urine and saliva specimens were not satisfactory.In the last part of the thesis, the potential use of proteinuria as a prognostic marker of severity was assessed but it didn’t prove to be a useful marker for risk prediction.
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Using multi-criteria decision analysis to assess private sector agents' preferences and priorities in stocking malaria rapid diagnostic test kits in Uganda / Evaluating incentives and priorities of private sector supply chain agents to scale up rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in UgandaCarland, Corinne M January 2015 (has links)
Thesis: S.M. in Technology and Policy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2015. / Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references (pages 162-168). / Diagnosis of malaria is important in order to ensure early and effective treatment, to facilitate public health surveillance, and to prevent drug resistance. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are an important tool in resource-constrained settings, as they do not rely on costly lab equipment and specially trained personnel. In Uganda's private sector clinics and drug shops, which is where the majority of patients first seek care, diagnosis of malaria is often presumptive and patients receive neither RDT nor microscopy. Several studies have focused on the patient perspective (e.g. willingness to pay and willingness to be tested) but much less is understood about the supplier perspective (e.g. willingness to stock). This study aimed to understand the preferences and priorities of agents across the malaria RDT supply chain in Uganda on stocking the devices using multi-criteria decision analysis. This methodology was adapted to be relevant and understandable for agents in Uganda so that it was possible to analyze business decisions incorporating a multiplicity of attributes such as selling price, purchase cost, sales volume, complexity of regulations, waste management, and training available. Data surveys and semistructured interviews were collected from 28 private sector retailers (i.e., shopkeepers, pharmacists, clinic managers), two first line buyers, and three distributors. Analysis of the data resulted in the construction of value functions for all agents, the relative weights (therefore the tradeoffs) among decision criteria, and the calculation of an overall value for the decision about whether or not to stock RDTs for the different supply chain agents. Results indicate that the best option for one level of the supply chain is not necessarily the best for another. A discussion offers insights on how to align value across the supply chain, which is important for facilitating public health interventions. / by Corinne M. Carland. / S.M. in Technology and Policy
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Improving efficiency, access to and quality of the rural health extension programme in Tigray, Ethiopia : the case of malaria diagnosis and treatmentLemma, Hailemariam January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: Ensuring universal access to primary health care (PHC) is a key component of the Ethiopian nationalhealth policy. The policy also emphasises promoting and enhancing national self-reliance in health development bymobilizing and efficiently utilizing resources including community participation. To this end, the government introducedthe accelerated expansion of the PHC strategy through a comprehensive health extension programme (HEP). HEP is afamily and community-based health care delivery system institutionalised at health post level which combines carefullyselected high impact promotive, preventive and basic curative interventions. All HEP interventions are promotive and preventive except the malaria intervention which, in addition, incorporates a curative service. In the country, malaria is a leading disease. Unlike most Sub-Saharan African countries where P. falciparum accounts for almost all malaria infections, in Ethiopia both P. falciparum and P. vivax are co-dominant. Considering this peculiar epidemiological nature, the national guideline recommends alternative diagnosis and treatment strategies. Rationale: The lack of adequate resources and the efficiency with which available resources are being utilised are the main challenges in any health care setting. Therefore, if the HEP which consumes consideral amount of resource desires to reach its intended goal, monitoring and improving its efficiency is of great public heath importance. HEP has been successful in improving access to PHC including the malaria diagnosis and treatment service. Though this is a crucial measure, its quality ought to be considered. For the malaria curative service, studying the cost-effectiveness of the available strategy and patients’ adherence to the treatment regimen can be considered as proxy measures of quality for which local evidence is lacking. However, none of the existing studies in this field of research has addressed the Ethiopian malaria epidemiological context and its diagnosis and treatment guideline. In Tigray, for more than two decades, access to malaria early diagnosis and prompt treatment was facilitated by volunteer community healthworkers (CHWs). However, with the introduction of artemether-lumefantrine (AL) the service was compromised mainly for reasons of cost, safety and logistic. Therefore, it was important to explore the feasibility and the impact of community deployment of AL with rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). The aim: to explore the overall performance of HEP and particularly the access to and quality of malaria early diagnosis and prompt treatment in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. Methods: Different study designs and populations were used for each of the four specific objectives. Data envelop analysis (DEA) was applied to assess the HEP efficiency. For this, register data for the output variables and primary data for the input and the environmental factors were collected. A health provider perspective cost-effectiveness analysis was used to determine which among the currently available diagnostic and treatment strategies is best for the country. Effectiveness data were generated from a stratified cross-sectional survey and secondary data were used to calculate the cost. For measuring adherence to the six-dose AL regimen, an assessment questionnaire and pill count was employed at patients´ home. To determine whether deploying AL with RDT at community level was feasible and effective, a number of designs were used: longitudinal follow-up, cross-sectional surveys, cost analysis, verbal autopsyquestionnaires and focal group discussions. Main findings: More than three-quarters of the health posts were found to be technically inefficient with an average score of 42%, which implies potentially they could improve their efficiency by 58%. Scale of operation was not a cause of inefficiency. None of the considered environmental factors was associated with efficiency. The Parascreen-based strategy (multispecies RDT-BS) was found to be the most cost-effective strategy, which allowed treating correctly an additional 65% of patients with less cost than the paracheck-BS. Presumptive-BS was highly dominated. Among P.falciparum positive patients to whom AL was prescribed, more than a quarter did not finish their treatment. The main reasons for interrupting the dose were ‘too many tablets’ and ‘felt better before finishing the dose’. The ownership of aradio, the belief that malaria cannot be treated traditionally and a delay of more than one day in seeking treatment after the onset of fever were significantly associated with being adherent. Deploying AL with RDT at community level was demonstrated to be effective and feasible. In the intervention district, almost 60% of suspected cases were managed by CHWs. Malaria transmission was lower at least threefold and malaria mortality risk by around 40% compared to the control district. The use of RDTs reduced cost and possibly the risk of drug resistance development. Conclusion: Though improving access to health care is important, it should be considered a means, not an end. Themore accessible a system is the more people could utilise it to improve their health. Thus, ensuring the access obtainedthrough HEP is maintained, its quality is improved and efficiently utilised to its optimal productivity level is a necessarytask. The DEA study revealed a high level of inefficiency where majority of the health posts needed improvement.This thesis also found parascreen-BS to be the most cost-effective strategy and that there is no epidemiological andeconomical contextual justification to keep both, the presumptive-BS and the RDT-BS specific only to P.falciparum.The high poor adherence levels raises great concern as it leads to recurrent malaria attacks of the patient, speed upthe development and spread of drug resistance strains and reduces the effect of the drug on the transmission. Therefore,providing effective drug alone is not sufficient; assessing and monitoring adherence to the treatment is by faressential. Deployment of AL with RDT through a community-based service has shown an enormous impact in termsof cost, transmission, morbidity and mortality. However, it is worth noting that this results came from an area wherea community-based service has been involved in the PHC system for more than three decades.
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Etude de protéines parasitaires pour l'amélioration des tests de diagnostic rapide du paludisme / Study of parasite proteins to improve malaria rapid diagnostic testBauffe, Frédérique 20 December 2012 (has links)
Le paludisme est un problème de santé public dans de nombreux pays. Cinq espèces infectent l'homme : P. falciparum, responsable de la grande majorité des décès, et P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae et P. knowlesi qui provoquent des formes bénignes de la maladie. Le diagnostic qui fait partie des moyens de lutte, est une urgence médicale. Les tests de diagnostic rapides (TDRs) dont l'usage est recommandés par l'OMS, sont donc de plus en plus employés. Cependant, la détection et l'identification des espèces non P. falciparum par ces tests est insuffisante. Le besoin en nouveaux couples « antigènes-anticorps » est une nécessité pour améliorer les TDRs. Au cours de ce travail, de nouveaux anticorps anti LDH de P.malariae ont été produits.Une recherche de nouveaux antigènes a également été entreprise. Pour cela, certaines enzymes de la voie de la glycolyse ont été étudiées. Pour la première fois des séquences des enzymes de cette voie ont été obtenues pour P. ovale et P. malariae. Elles ont permis de déterminer de nombreux épitopes cibles potentiels spécifiques et ceux communs à toutes les espèces. Dans un deuxième temps, une recherche en protéomique a été menée pour identifier des biomarqueurs parasitaires. L'étude du culot globulaire et du plasma de patients infectés a permis la sélection de 8 protéines cibles originales. Ces travaux préparent la fabrication et la commercialisation par la société Whidiag d'une nouvelle génération de TDRs pour le paludisme. / Malaria is a public health problem in many countries. Five species infect humans: P. falciparum, responsible for the vast majority of deaths, and P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae and P. knowlesi causing mild forms of the disease. The diagnostic is a means of control and a medical emergency. The rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) whose are recommended by WHO, are increasingly used. However, the detection and identification of not P. falciparum species is insufficient. New "antigen-antibody" couples are a need to improve the RDTs performance. In this work, new anti LDH antibodies from P. malariae were produced. A search for new antigens was also undertaken. For this purpose, some enzyme of glycolysis pathway were studied. For the first time the sequences of the enzymes from this pathway were obtained for P. ovale and P. malariae. We identified many potential target epitopes specific and common to all those species. In a second step, a proteomics approches has been conducted to identify parasites biomarkers. The study of red blood cells and plasma of infected patients has led to the selection of 8 original target proteins. This work prepares the manufacturing and marketing of a new generation of RDTs for malaria by the company Whidiag
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Direktresistensbestämning för blododlingar : Volymoptimering och reproducerbarhet / Direct antimicrobial susceptibility testing on blood cultures : Volume optimization and reproducibilityWestman, Natalee January 2021 (has links)
Direct antimicrobial susceptibility testing (dAST) is not a standardized method and there is no recommendations regarding the volume of blood culture media to be used. The aim of the study was to optimize the method of dAST by determining a volume of blood culture media in µL to be used and to test the reproducibility of the volume optimized method. The dASTs (n=160) were performed on blood culture bottles (n=40) inoculated with reference bacteria (n=4), using four test volumes (50 µL, 75 µL, 100 µL and 125 µL). The optimized method was implemented on frozen and fresh bacterial isolates (n=120) derived from blood cultures. Susceptibility tests according to EUCASTs method for disk diffusion was also performed. Deviations in SIR-categorical agreement was calculated. The optimal volume of blood culture media for dAST was 75 µL. All dASTs were approved for three out of four reference bacteria whereas for the fourth reference bacteria eight out of ten dASTs was approved. Testing the reproducibility, the optimized method showed a sensitivity and specificity of 100 %. No deviation in categorical agreement of SIR-categorization was observed. The result shows a possibility of implementing a standardized method for dAST regarding the volume of blood culture media. / Vid direktresistensbestämning används blododlingsmedium för tillverkning av bakteriesuspensioner. Metoden är inte standardiserad och det finns ingen rekommenderad volym blododlingsmedium som bör användas. Syftet med studien var att optimera metoden för direktresistensbestämning genom att bestämma en volym blododlingsmedium i µL som används för tillverkning av bakteriesuspensioner. Den optimerade metodens prestanda utvärderades därefter på kliniska patientisolat. Metoden optimerades genom att direktresistensbestämningar (n=160) utfördes baserat på fyra volymer (50 µL, 75 µL, 100 µL och 125 µL) blododlingsmedium (n=40), som var inokulerade med fyra olika referensstammar. Den optimerade metodens reproducerbarhet testades på frysta och färska patientisolat (n=120) genom jämförelse av SIR-kategorisering mellan direktresistensbestämning samt resistensbestämning enligt EUCASTs metod för diskdiffusion. Den optimala volymen blododlingsmedium med kända referensstammar fastställdes vara 75 µL då samtliga direktresistensbestämningar godkändes för tre av fyra referensstammar, för den fjärde referensstammen godkändes åtta av tio. Då metoden implementerades på kliniska patientisolat från positiva blododlingar var känsligheten och specificiteten 100 % avseende kategorisk överensstämmelse enligt SIR-systemet. Inga avvikelser avseende SIR-kategorisering observerades. Resultaten visar att det är möjligt att optimera metoden avseende volymen blododlingsmedium som används för direktresistensbestämning på blododlingsflaskor. Då den optimerade metodens känslighet och specificitet var 100 %, är det möjligt att implementera metoden i rutinarbetet.
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Treatment of Respiratory Tract Infections in Primary Care with special emphasis on Acute Otitis MediaNeumark, Thomas January 2010 (has links)
Background and aims: Most respiratory tract infections (RTI) are self-limiting. Despite this, they are associated with high antibiotic prescription rates in general practice in Sweden. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the management of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) with particular emphasis on acute otitis media (AOM). Methods: Paper I: A prospective, open, randomized study of 179 children presenting with AOM and performed in primary care. Paper II & III: Study of 6 years data from primary care in Kalmar County on visits for RTI, retrieved from electronic patient records. Paper IV: Observational, clinical study of 71 children presenting with AOM complicated by perforation, without initial use of antibiotics. Results: Children with AOM who received PcV had some less pain, used fewer analgesics and consulted less, but the PcV treatment did not affect the recovery time or complication rate (I). Between 1999 and 2005, 240 445 visits for RTI were analyzed (II & III). Antibiotics were prescribed in 45% of visits, mostly PcV (60%) and doxycycline (18%). Visiting rates for AOM and tonsillitis declined by >10%/year, but prescription rates of antibiotics remained unchanged. For sore throat, 65% received antibiotics. Patients tested but without presence of S.pyogenes received antibiotics in 40% of cases. CRP was analyzed in 36% of consultations for RTI. At CRP<50mg/l antibiotics, mostly doxycycline, were prescribed in 54% of visits for bronchitis. Roughly 50% of patients not tested received antibiotics over the years.Twelve of 71 children with AOM and spontaneous perforation completing the trial received antibiotics during the first nine days due to lack of improvement, one child after 16 days due to recurrent AOM and six had new incidents of AOM after 30 days (IV). Antibiotics were used more frequently when the eardrum appeared pulsating and secretion was purulent and abundant. All patients with presence of S.pyogenes received antibiotics. Results: Children with AOM who received PcV had some less pain, used fewer analgesics and consulted less, but the PcV treatment did not affect the recovery time or complication rate (I). Between 1999 and 2005, 240 445 visits for RTI were analyzed (II & III). Antibiotics were prescribed in 45% of visits, mostly PcV (60%) and doxycycline (18%). Visiting rates for AOM and tonsillitis declined by >10%/year, but prescription rates of antibiotics remained unchanged. For sore throat, 65% received antibiotics. Patients tested but without presence of S.pyogenes received antibiotics in 40% of cases. CRP was analyzed in 36% of consultations for RTI. At CRP<50mg/l antibiotics, mostly doxycycline, were prescribed in 54% of visits for bronchitis. Roughly 50% of patients not tested received antibiotics over the years.Twelve of 71 children with AOM and spontaneous perforation completing the trial received antibiotics during the first nine days due to lack of improvement, one child after 16 days due to recurrent AOM and six had new incidents of AOM after 30 days (IV). Antibiotics were used more frequently when the eardrum appeared pulsating and secretion was purulent and abundant. All patients with presence of S.pyogenes received antibiotics.
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Individual and household-level determinants of malaria infection in under-5 children from north-west and southern Nigeria : A cross-sectional comparative study based on the 2015 Nigeria Malaria Indicator SurveyAllwell-Brown, Gbemisola January 2017 (has links)
Introduction Nigeria has the highest malaria burden worldwide. The 2010 and 2015 Nigeria Malaria Indicator Surveys (NMIS) suggest an improvement in malaria indicators, with the North West zone lagging behind. This study aimed to identify the individual and household-level malaria determinants in north-west and southern Nigeria, using Rapid Diagnostic Testing (RDT) and microscopy for malaria diagnosis. Methods Data on 3,358 children aged 6-59 months from north-west and southern Nigeria from the 2015 NMIS was used. The two populations were compared using chi-square tests, and logistic regression analysis was done for determinants of malaria infection, based on RDT and microscopic malaria test results. Results Malaria prevalence by RDT in the north-west and south was 55.8% and 29.2%, respectively (37.0% and 14.9%, respectively by microscopy). In both populations, a higher age, positive RDT in an additional household member and rural residence increased the odds of malaria infection; while higher education of the head of household and greater household wealth lowered the odds of malaria infection. Household clustering of RDT-positive cases appeared to be stronger in the south compared to the north-west. There were no statistically significant differences between the results using RDT or microscopy. Conclusion Irrespective of the diagnostic tool used, malaria determinants were similar in north-west and southern Nigeria. However, poorer social circumstances were observed in the north-west, and may account for the delayed progress in malaria control in the region. There may be a need to intensify malaria control efforts, particularly in the north-west, while awaiting socio-economic development.
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Mikrobiologická diagnostika původců infekcí sdružených se zavedením centrálního venózního katétru / Microbiological diagnostics of causative agents of infectious diseases associated with central venous catheter insertionHošková, Miroslava January 2021 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Subject of study: Specialist in laboratory methods Student: Bc. Miroslava Hošková Supervisor: RNDr. Klára Konečná, Ph.D. Title: Microbiological diagnostics of causative agents of infectious diseases associated with central venous catheter insertion Background: The purpose of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive insight into the issue of microbiological diagnosis of agents that cause central venous catheter related infectious processes. The primary objective of the thesis is to evaluate the frequency of occurrence of individual microbiological agents and draw a comparison between published reports and empirical findings. The secondary objective of the thesis is to consider the extent of central venous catheter microbial colonization, i.e., in how many cases of positive culture cultivation, their contamination or significant colonization have been determined, and eventually whether system catheter infection has been proved in correlation with the results of blood culture. Methods: One hundred and seventy-one central venous catheters from different inpatient departments were delivered to the microbiological section of hospital Nemocnice Boskovice s. r. o. for culture examination have been...
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Advancing Cell-Free Protein Synthesis Systems for On-Demand Next-Generation Protein Therapeutics and Clinical DiagnosticsZhao, Emily Ann Long 16 December 2021 (has links)
Recombinant proteins have many medical and industrial applications, but their use is complicated by commercial production and stability constraints. These issues are particularly challenging for recombinant proteins used in pharmaceutical therapeutics and clinical diagnostics. Expensive production and distribution limit the accessibility of therapeutics and diagnostics especially in the developing world. Additionally, clinical use of recombinant proteins face further challenges within biological systems including biological degradation and immunogenicity. To increase the accessibility of recombinant proteins, the cost and inefficiencies of protein manufacturing and distribution need to be significantly reduced. A powerful tool to aid in this endeavor is cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) technology. CFPS is a versatile platform for recombinant protein production due to its open reaction environment, flexible reaction conditions, and rapid protein expression capabilities. These avoid the disadvantages of conventional manufacturing and present the capability of on-demand protein therapeutic production outside of centralized facilities. To improve the efficacy of recombinant proteins for medicinal use, protein engineering techniques such as PEGylation, or the conjugation of PEG polymers to protein surfaces, can be employed. PEGylation is widely used to enhance the pharmacokinetic properties of protein therapeutics. Deciphering optimal PEG conjugation sites is a continuing area of research that can be facilitated by CFPS systems that enable high-throughput, site-specific PEGylation. This dissertation presents advances in CFPS technology to promote increased accessibility and stability of life-saving therapeutics and diagnostics. The work presented here (1) improves on-demand therapeutic production capabilities by creating shelf-stable, endotoxin-free CFPS systems, (2) aids the rational design of next-generation PEGylated protein therapeutics through an in silico-in vitro CFPS screening platform, and (3) advances the development of portable clinical diagnostics for rapid and sustainable deployment at point-of-care through CFPS biosensor technology. The innovations of this dissertation are described in four publications. Specifically, an endotoxin-free CFPS system lyophilized with lyoprotectants is demonstrated that shows improved shelf-stability over standard lyophilized systems. A streamlined procedure for preparing endotoxin-free extract using auto-induction media is presented that significantly reduces CFPS preparation labor and time. A combinatorial screening approach is demonstrated in which coarse-grain molecular simulation informs PEGylation site selection as verified by CFPS experimental results. An inexpensive paper-based, saliva-activated CFPS biosensor platform is developed for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 sequences.
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