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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fiction and representation : characters and caractère in l'Architecture... of Claude-Nicolas Ledoux

Ben-Aïssa, Ramla January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Arthur Tremblay's contribution to educational reform in Québec : an analysis of Annex 4

Sparkes, Wendell J. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Sjuksköterskans rapportering - Relationen mellan skriftlig dokumentation och muntlig rapport. En observationsstudie

Ohlsson, Gabriella, Persson, Caroline January 2007 (has links)
I sjuksköterskans arbete är rapportering och dokumentering två betydelsefulla moment. De fyller en viktig funktion, både gällande patientsäkerhet och kontinuitet i vården. Författarna har under den kliniska delen av sjuksköterskeutbildningen deltagit i olika former av rapportering. Enligt litteraturen är det viktigt att all dokumentering är noggrant och omsorgsfullt skriven för att den tillträdande sjuksköterskan skall kunna göra sig en klar bild av patienten och den vård som givits. Den muntliga rapporten skall få sjuksköterskan att fokusera på de faktorer i omvårdnaden som är viktigast. Under den muntliga rapporten ges även en möjlighet till förtydliganden. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka relationen mellan skriftlig dokumentation och muntlig rapport. Frågeställningarna som ligger till grund för denna studie är: Finns det skillnader mellan skriftlig dokumentering och muntlig rapportering och hur ser skillnaderna ut? En observationsstudie av den muntliga rapporten i kombination med insamlande av patientjournaler genomfördes på två olika somatiska avdelningar, vilka hade olika rapporteringsförfaranden. Datamaterialet kom att innefatta 41 patienter. Resultatet visade att det finns skillnader i dokumentation mellan de båda avdelningarna. Skillnaderna i dokumenteringen låg huvudsakligen i hur omfattande och noggrant det var dokumenterat. Dokumenteringen från avdelningen med huvudsakligen skriftliga rapporter var i de flesta fallen mer väldokumenterad. Vissa skillnader påvisades i innehållet mellan dokumentationen och den muntliga rapporten. Skillnaderna kunde exempelvis vara att information gällande patientens hälsohistoria och hälsotillstånd endast förekom i den muntliga rapporten vid ett par tillfällen. / Shift report and documentation are two important elements in nursing. These two elements fill an important role when it comes to patient safety and a continuous care. During the clinical part of their education the authors of this study have participated in different kind of shift reports. According to the literature it is important that all kind of documentation are accurate and careful written. The nurse that enters her duty should be able to get a clear picture of the patient and the given care. The oral shift report should help the nurse to focus on the important elements of the care, as well as an opportunity to clarify important aspects. The aim of this study is to investigare the relationship between oral shift report and documentation. The research are: Are there any differences between oral shift report and documentation? If so, what are the differences? An observational study of the oral shift report in combination with collection of patientjournals were carried out at two somatic wards. These wards used two different kinds of shift reports. The collected data included 41 patients. The result indicates that there are differences between the two wards concerning how documentation was brought about. The documentation from the ward with mainly written shift reports was more well documented and extensive. Some differences in the content between the documentation and oral shift report were observed.


Hjortek, Erik, Kristofersson, My January 2010 (has links)
Rapporten är sjuksköterskans arbetsverktyg för att erhålla information ompatienterna inför sitt arbetspass. En rapport som är bristfällig i sin struktur ellersitt innehåll riskerar äventyra patientsäkerheten. Denna studies syfte var att belysaallmänsjuksköterskans uppfattning om innehållet i en muntlig skiftbytessrapport.Fem sjuksköterskor intervjuades på en kirurgisk avdelning och materialetanalyserades med hjälp av en manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys. På frågan vad enrapport innehåller på avdelningen framträdde tre huvudkategorier(patientinformation, organisering och vård) med sex underkategorier. Underfrågeställningen hur den ideala rapporten ser ut sågs de två huvudkategoriernastruktur (med fyra underkategorier) och innehåll (med fem underkategorier).Rörande vad som var hinder och möjliggörare ansågs hinder finnas inom miljö,struktur, engagemang och organisation – medan möjliggörare fanns inomstruktur, engagemang och omgivning. I den ideala rapporten förekom merdetaljerade beskrivningar om bakgrund och planering än i beskrivandet av denrapport som fanns på avdelningen. Samordning förekom däremot i mindreutsträckning i idealrapporten. / The hand-over is the nurses working tool for obtaining information on the patientsbefore their shift starts. A hand-over that is flawed within its structure or itscontent could jeopardize patient safety. The aim of this study was to highlight thenurses view of the content of the shift-handover. Five nurses were interviewed at asurgical department and the material was analyzed using a qualitativemanifest content analysis. The results regarding what the hand-over containedrevealed three main categories (patient information, organization and care) withsix subcategories. The results regarding what the ideal hand-over contained cameto be divided into the two categories of structure (with four subcategories) andcontent (with five subcategories). When asked what the preventive- and theenabling factors were; environment, structure, commitment and organization wasconsidered preventive – while structure, commitment and surroundings wereenablers. The ideal hand-over gave a more detailed description regardingbackground and planning compared to the hand-over on the ward. Coordinationoccurred however to a lesser extent in the description of the ideal hand-over.

I AM. Intercultural Advocacy and Mentoring Program: increasing occupational therapy practitioners' advocacy skills in collaboration with Latinx families with young children

Nascimento, Jennifer 05 May 2023 (has links)
Public school closures and the provision of occupational therapy services during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed inequities and barriers that affect Latinx families’ and children’s access to resources. In Massachusetts, many students receiving occupational therapy services may have missed mandated and necessary occupational therapy services due to systemic barriers and the lack of skills to advocate for their needs. Occupational therapy practitioners (OTPs) may have lacked the self-efficacy and ability to facilitate the families’ advocacy. Culturally appropriate evidence-based interventions are needed to serve Latinx families and their children and prevent them from being underserved. A literature review identified that OTPs might not have the necessary skills to work effectively with culturally diverse groups. This skills gap reduces the OTPs’ ability to provide culturally appropriate interventions and holistic care to Latinx children and their families. A proposed solution to this problem is the 6-month, theory- and evidence-based I AM. Intercultural Advocacy and Mentoring Program: Increasing Occupational Therapy Practitioners’ Advocacy Skills in Collaboration With Latinx Families With Young Children for OTPs who work with Latinx families and children. The program aims to promote OTPs’ self-efficacy, cultural humility, and rapport- and trust-building skills. The I AM Program will ensure professionals working with Latinx families and children practice cultural humility, thus enhancing services for the client and building strong, trusting relationships and thriving communities.

Ett krig i ord och bilder : En kvalitativ studie av hur konflikten mellan Israel och Palestina skildras i nyhetsmedier

Mahari, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the representation of the Israel-Palestine conflict in Swedish and international news media, with focus on the escalation following an attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023. Drawing inspiration from prior research, the study explores the media's role in shaping public perceptions of the conflict. The theoretical framework combines semiotics and framing theory to dissect the narrative construction in media. A qualitative approach using critical discourse analysis is employed to examine 63 articles from Aftonbladet, The Guardian, and Al Ahram. The analysis identifies three central themes: perpetrators, victims, and the right to self-defense. These themes are further dissected into sub-themes focusing on the portrayal of violence, militant groups, and specifically the suffering of children. The findings reveal significant disparities in the representation of the conflict across the three news outlets. Aftonbladet and The Guardian often portray Hamas as the primary perpetrator, using strong language and metaphors to emphasize aggression and violence, whereas Al Ahram presents a narrative that focuses more on the suffering of Palestinians, depicting Israel as the aggressor. The portrayal of victims in these outlets varies, with a noticeable emphasis on the suffering of children to evoke empathy and highlight the human cost of the conflict. The right to self-defense is depicted differently, with Western media emphasizing Israel's security needs and Al Ahram highlighting the Palestinian struggle for self-determination and resistance against occupation. The study concludes that the media's representation is deeply influenced by sociocultural and political contexts, which shape public perception and understanding of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Articulation et contextualisation du processus de transition vers l'alimentation intuitive chez les personnes qui ont suivi plusieurs diètes amaigrissantes

Durocher, Elyse 16 January 2023 (has links)
Plusieurs professionnels de la santé dénoncent les diètes amaigrissantes et proposent des approches moins axées sur le poids. Ce projet de thèse porte sur le processus par lequel les personnes ayant suivi plusieurs diètes amaigrissantes abandonnent le principe des restrictions alimentaires pour adopter une alimentation plus intuitive et tendre vers l’acceptation corporelle. À travers une approche qualitative fondée sur la théorisation ancrée, ce projet propose un schème explicatif de la trajectoire des pratiques, des décisions et des représentations liées au poids corporel incluant la transition, achevée ou non, vers une alimentation plus intuitive chez les personnes qui ont suivi plusieurs diètes amaigrissantes. Cette trajectoire est constituée de plusieurs processus qui ont été analysés à l'aide de quatre grandes catégories : (1) Problématisation de sa corpulence, (2) Normalisation des pratiques restrictives et cycle des diètes, (3) Redéfinition du problème et de ses solutions et, (4) Négociation d’un espace de liberté. Ces processus ne constituent pas des étapes avec un début et une fin clairement délimités. Toute cette trajectoire est orientée vers la catégorie centrale qui est la négociation d’un espace de liberté. La négociation d'un espace de liberté semble avoir été le but des personnes participantes tout au long de leur trajectoire : elles cherchent à être libérées de la pression de perdre du poids soit en perdant du poids, soit en s'acceptant et en étant acceptée par autrui. La normalisation du culte de la minceur et de la culture des diètes s'effectue dès un très jeune âge. La remise en question de ces normes est, en revanche, un processus long et complexe qui ne serait jamais complètement achevé. Plus d'outils sont donc nécessaires pour permettre aux personnes obèses de mieux exercer leur agentivité en lien avec leur rapport au corps et à l'alimentation.

An Analysis of the Impact of the Onsite Supervision Relationship on the Behaviors of School Counseling Interns in Ohio

Protivnak, Jake J. 03 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Une théorie de la dynamique d'attribution du statut social individuel

Miljours, Jean-Christophe 16 November 2023 (has links)
L’avènement de la modernité est venu changer le processus d’attribution statutaire en laissant une plus grande marge de manœuvre à l’individu(alité). Plus exactement, à l’instar de Martuccelli (2002), nous avons remarqué qu’il se produit en société moderne une prolifération narrative, c’est-à-dire qu’Ego peut à présent recourir à une foule de topiques pour s’autoprésenter, créant ainsi une certaine variance attributive du statut. Cependant, celle-ci reste limitée en raison de contraintes et résistances se rapportant aux différentes positions statutaires, qui bien évidemment freinent son émergence (Martuccelli, 2002). Le processus identitaire donc, aujourd’hui plus que jamais, s’en trouve marqué par ce que nous appelons une dyade variance/constance relative attributive, à savoir qu’il présente des moments de changement et des temps d’invariance. La présente recherche entend donc contribuer à la discussion théorique du statut social en prolongeant l’œuvre de Martuccelli (2002; 2005). Plus précisément, nous souhaitons proposer une articulation des diverses composantes de cette dyade variance/constance relative attributive que sous-entend la question suivante : comment comprendre la dynamique d’attribution statutaire (inter)individuelle dans la société québécoise contemporaine traversée par l’individualisme ? À cette interrogation se greffent deux sous-questions. Primo, quelles sont les différentes dimensions de la dynamique attributive ? Secundo, comment s’articulent-elles les unes aux autres ?

Conceptions éthiques et pédagogiques des futurs enseignant.es sur le plagiat scolaire

Teixeira Dias, Wagner 13 December 2023 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous concentrons nos efforts à mieux comprendre l'univers du plagiat chez de futurs enseignants. Nous partons de nos recherches antérieures - une maitrise et un premier doctorat en Éducation menés au Brésil, où nous étudions les perceptions initiales des étudiants, des professeurs et, aussi, des élèves et des enseignants. Pour la recherche de doctorat au Canada, nous nous sommes inspiré¹ des données obtenues initialement au Brésil pour construire un instrument de cueillette de données amélioré, qui nous a permis de connaître la réalité du plagiat vécue dans une université québécoise. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé une recherche à la fois quantitative et qualitative auprès de 740 étudiants de programmes en formation à l'enseignement. À partir d'un questionnaire à choix multiple, distribué en ligne, nous avons cherché à comprendre de quelle façon les futurs enseignants utilisent leurs connaissances sur le plagiat et s'ils ont un regard punitif ou éthico-pédagogique pour le traiter. Le questionnaire, appliqué en 2019, en 2020 et en 2021, nous permet de mettre en lumière les principaux problèmes rencontrés par les futurs enseignants et de connaître les solutions qu'ils envisagent pour combattre ou au moins pour minimiser les cas de plagiat. Nous partons du principe que le plagiat scolaire est un problème qui peut être combattu en amenant les élèves à développer trois compétences fondamentales : la compétence informationnelle, la compétence méthodologique et la compétence en littératie. Le cadre théorique, plus spécifiquement la théorie du Dialogisme et de la Polyphonie de Mikhail Bakhtine, vient nous aider à justifier notre argumentation, à définir nos questions de recherche et à l'analyse des données. Ainsi, nous présentons les justifications de chaque théorie utilisée pour la démarche d'une argumentation qui met en évidence les défis de la formation enseignante pour combattre le plagiat. Nous partons de l'hypothèse que les enseignants doivent combattre le plagiat avec un regard éducatif avant d'intervenir de façon punitive. Cette manière de traiter le plagiat permet de développer une démarche éthico-pédagogique centrée sur l'élève en tant que créateur, auteur critique et sujet de son discours. ¹Ce nous poli représente notre «je», c'est pourquoi nous l'écrivons au singulier. / In this thesis, we focus our efforts on a better understanding of the phenomenon of plagiarism among teachers in training. The study stems from previous research - a master's degree and a first doctorate in Education - carried out in Brazil. In these research studies, we investigated the initial perceptions of university professors and their students, who were enrolled in teacher training courses, as well as teachers and students from Elementary School and College. For the doctoral research in Canada, we added to the data initially obtained in Brazil and built an improved data collection instrument that allowed us to know the reality of plagiarism as experienced at a university in Quebec. For this, we carried out a quantitative-qualitative research study with 740 students from a variety of courses (teacher training), who were enrolled in EDC1901 Ethics and Teaching. Using a multiple-choice questionnaire, distributed online, we sought to understand how future teachers use their knowledge of plagiarism and whether they have a punitive or ethical-pedagogical approach to dealing with cases of plagiarism in students' research papers. The questionnaire, applied in 2019, 2020 and 2021, allows us to know what are the main problems and what are the solutions pointed out by students to combat or, at least minimize, cases of plagiarism. We start from the hypothetical principle that academic plagiarism must be hindered, based on the perception of three fundamental competences of future teachers and their students. These competences, central to the discussion in focus in this thesis, are: informational competence, methodological competence and literacy competence. The theoretical framework, particularly Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of Dialogism and Polyphony, in this case, helps us to justify our argument, to define our research questions and, in addition, to point out ways to analyze the data obtained. Thus, we present the justifications for each theory we used to carry out the argument that highlights the challenges of teacher training, especially with regard to the teaching of school research, and tools to combat plagiarism. We start with the hypothesis that we must work from an educational perspective before proposing any type of punitive intervention. The latter is, in our view, misaligned with an ethical-pedagogical action, centered on the student as creator, author and subject of his speeches, endowed with critical thinking. However, according to the articles read for the writing of this thesis, we can easily see that sanctions are privileged in the educational environment, regardless of established orientations. / Nesta tese, concentramos nossos eforços para compreender melhor o universo do plágio entre futuros professores. Partimos de nossas pesquisas anteriores - um mestrado e um primeiro doutorado em Educação, realizados no Brasil. Nestas pesquisas, estudamos as percepções iniciais de professores universitários e de seus estudantes, inscritos em cursos de formação de professores), além de professores e alunos do e Ensino Fundamental II. Para a pesquisa de doutorado no Canadá, aprofundamos os dados obtidos inicialmente no Brasil e construímos um instrumento de coleta de dados melhorado que nos permitiu conhecer a realidade do plágio vivenciado em uma universidade do Quebec. Para isso, fizemos uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativo-qualitativo com 740 estudantes de cursos diversos (formação de professores), inscritos na disciplina EDC1901 Ética e ensino. A partir de um questionário de múltipla escolha, distribuído online, nós buscamos compreender de que maneira os futuros professores preconizam seus conhecimentos sobre o plágio e se eles possuem um olhar punitivo ou ético-pedagógico para tratar os casos de plágio em trabalhos de pesquisa. O questionário, aplicado em 2019, 2020 e 2021 nos permite saber quais são os principais problemas e quais são as soluções apontadas pelos estudantes para combater ou, ao menos minimizar, os casos de plágio. Partimos do princípio hipotético que o plágio acadêmico deve ser combatido a partir da percepção de três competências fundamentais do(a)s futuro(a)s professore(a)s e de seus alunos. Essas competências, centrais para a discussão em foco nesta tese, são : competência informacional, competência metodológica e competência em letramento. O quadro teórico, particularmente a teoria do Dialogismo e da Polifonia de Mikhail Bakhtin, neste caso, vem nos ajudar a justificar nossa argumentação, a définir nossas questões de pesquisa e, além disso, a apontar caminhos para a análise dos dados obtididos. Assim, nós apresentamos as justificativas de cada teoria utilizada para a realização da argumentação que coloca em evidência os desafios da formação docente, especialmente no que concerne ao ensino da pesquisa escolar e das ferramentas para combater o plágio. Partimos da hipótese de que devemos trabalhar sob a ótica educativa antes de propor qualquer tipo de intervenção de ordem punitiva. Esta última maneira de tratar o problema em foco é, segundo nosso olhar, desalinhado de uma ação ético-pedagógica, centrada no aluno enquanto criador, autor e sujeito de seus discursos, dotado de um pensamento crítico. Todavia, segundo os artigos lidos para a escrita desta tese, podemos facilmente perceber que as sanções são privilegiadas no meio educacional, desconsiderando-se as ações de orientação.

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