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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feedback-informerad terapi på familjerådgivningen - Leder det till förbättring? / Feedback-informed therapy in Family counseling - Does it lead to improvement?

Backlund, Gunilla January 2016 (has links)
Följande studie handlar om feedbackorienterad terapi på Familjerådgivningen. Syftet var att mäta parens upplevda förändring av livstillfredsställelse för att se om samtalen på Familjerådgivningen gör skillnad och om förändringen enligt skattningsinstrumenten ORS och SRS överensstämde med skattningen av klimatet i parrelationen/familjen samt om det fanns några könsskillnader. Undersökningsgruppen omfattades av 29 par, som sökte hjälp på Familjerådgivningen i södra Dalarna, i Mora och i Linköping under tiden januari 2016 till maj 2016. Paren fyllde i skattningsinstrumentet ORS (som mäter förändring) i början av varje samtal och SRS (som mäter alliansen) i slutet av varje samtal. Familjerådgivaren använde sig av den feedback som gavs och korrigerade behandlingen därefter. Vid första och tredje samtalet fyllde paren i skattningsinstrumentet "Familjeklimat". Resultatet efter tre samtal visade en liten förbättring av livstillfredsställelse för både män och kvinnor vilket överensstämde med skattningen av klimatet i familjen där närheten förbättrades och kaos minskade. / The following study is about feedback informed treatment in family councelling. The purpose was to measure the couples experienced change in life satisfaction, to see if treatment sessions of family councelling makes a difference and change according to the estimation instruments ORS and SRS and is consistent with the estimate of the atmosphere in the couple´s relationship/family atmosphere and if there were any gender differences. The study group included 29 couples who sought help at the Family councelling in southern Dalarna, Mora and Linköping during the period of January 2016 to May 2016. The couples filled in the instrument ORS (measuring change) at the beginning of each session and SRS (measuring alliance) at the end of each session. The family councellor used the received feedback and corrected treatment accordingly. In the first and third session the couples filled in the "Family climate" instrument. The outcome after three sessions showed a small improvement in the life satisfaction for both men and women which were consistent with the estimate of the atmosphere and the climate in the family. The vicinity improved and chaos decreased.

A Correlational Study Using the Behavior Dimensions Rating Scale & the Behavior Assessment System for Children with Two Groups of Elementary School-Aged Students in Special Programs

Livaudais, Noel Dwyer 12 1900 (has links)
This study examined the correlation between two commercially available behavior rating scales. The two scales used were the Behavior Dimensions Rating Scale (BDRS) and the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC). Students from a special education behavior management class (primarily students with emotional disabilities) were rated on the two scales and students from a general education behavior management class (primarily students with conduct problems without disabilities) were rated on the two scales.

Changes of University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Over Time Associated with Stages of Change

Harden, Tamara Shank January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Sensory processing of learners in the Western Cape diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Cook, Ray Anne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MOccTher)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background Temperament and sensory thresholds play an important part in how a person processes sensory information. Because people are differently construed, the way we perceive sensory information and act on the information will differ. Any person who suffers from an ailment or condition that interferes with this process of receiving, interpreting and acting on stimuli from our environments may find this process even harder. Behavioural observations that deviate from the "norm" are often found in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and sensory processing disorder (SPD). More recent research focused on the relationship between ADHD and SPD. Dunn developed the Sensory Profile Caregiver1 and Sensory Profile School Companion2 (SPSC) measures to identify children’s sensory processing difficulties. Although many studies have been conducted using the Sensory Profile, no studies have been conducted outside the United States of America (USA) to establish whether Dunn’s SPSC will differentiate between children who are considered to be "normal" and those diagnosed with ADHD. Aim The aim of this study was to investigate how learners with ADHD in the Western Cape would perform on Dunn’s Sensory Profile School Companion (SPSC) and the ADHD Rating Scale-IV³ in order to assess the sensory processing problems of learners with ADHD in South Africa (see note end of abstract). Methodology A descriptive study was conducted using a convenience sample (n=108) from learners in the Western Cape between the ages of five and ten years and diagnosed with ADHD. Data collection consisted of a demographical form completed by the parents/legal guardians of the learners, as well as the completion of two questionnaires by the educator of the learners. The first questionnaire, the ADHD Rating Scale-IV, was used to classify the learners into subtypes of ADHD. The second questionnaire was Dunn’s SPSC, which is a teacher-report measure of learners’ responses to sensory input in the school environment. The following statistical analyses were performed: • descriptive statistics to provide means, medians and measurements of dispersion of the learners in the Western Cape on the SPSC; • The Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA probability value to consider if significant differences existed between the medians of the 13 group scores of the SPSC; and • The Welsh T-test to compare learners with ADHD in the Western Cape with SPSC norms and Dunn’s sample of learners with ADHD. Results The results showed that there were significant differences (p=0.000) on all 13 group scores of the SPSC in learners with ADHD in the Western Cape showing significantly more behaviours characterising poorer sensory processing, when compared to Dunn’s normal sample. The comparison to Dunn’s sample of learners with ADHD did not yield significant differences in 11 of the 13 group scores, indicating that learners with ADHD in the Western Cape did not differ from Dunn’s ADHD learners. Avoiding and School Factor 4 showed significant differences, with the Western Cape group showing more extreme behaviours related to sensory input than Dunn’s group. The results using the ADHD Rating Scale-IV were less significant and it was found that the rating scale could not differentiate between the two types of ADHD, although some inferences could be made regarding the use (or not) of medication. There was a significant difference (p < 0.01) on the inattentive, hyperactive-impulsivity and total scores of the ADHD Rating Scale-IV with learners not on medication showing a higher frequency of ADHD behaviours. Conclusion Dunn’s SPSC was found to be a good measure to assess learners with ADHD’s sensory processing problems. The ADHD Rating Scale-IV, on the other hand, could not classify the learners into the subtypes and therefore cannot be used when learners are already using medication. Further investigation is recommended to try to establish a link between the different subtypes of ADHD and the placement of learners on the different quadrants of Dunn’s SPSC as well as the School Factors and Sensory Section Scores. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond Temperament en sensoriese drempels speel 'n belangrike rol in die wyse waarop 'n persoon sensoriese inligting verwerk. Omdat mense verskillend is, sal die manier waarop ons sensoriese inligting waarneem en dan daarop reageer, verskil. Enige persoon wat aan 'n kwaal of toestand ly wat inmeng met hierdie proses van hoe sensoriese insette uit die omgewing opgeneem, geïnterpreteer en dan op gereageer word, sal dit moeilik vind. Gedrag wat afwyk van die "norm" word dikwels in kinders met aandagafleibaarheid/hiperaktiwiteitsteuring (AAHS) en sensoriese prosesseringsdisfunksie (SPD) waargeneem. Meer onlangse navorsing fokus op die verhouding tussen AAHS en SPD. Dunn het die Sensory Profile Caregiver4 en die Sensory Profile School Companion5 (SPSC)-skale ontwikkel om kinders se sensoriese prosesseringsprobleme te identifiseer. Alhoewel baie studies gedoen is wat die Sensory Profile gebruik het, is daar geen studies buite die VSA gedoen om te bepaal of Dunn se SPSC tussen kinders wat as normaal beskou word en dié wat met AAHS gediagnoseer is, kan differensiëer nie. Doelstelling Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na hoe leerders met AAHS in die Wes- Kaap op Dunn se Sensory Profile School Companion (SPSC) en die ADHD Rating Scale-IV6 sou presteer om die sensoriese prosesserings probleme van leerders met AAHS te assesseer. Metodiek 'n Beskrywende studie is gedoen met 'n gerieflikheidsteekproef (n=108) van leerders tussen die ouderdomme vyf en tien jaar oud in die Wes-Kaap wat met AAHS gediagnoseer is. Datainsameling het bestaan uit 'n demografiese vorm wat deur die ouers/wettige voogde van die leerders ingevul is, sowel as die voltooiing van twee vraelyste deur die opvoeder van die leerders. Die eerste vraelys, die ADHD Rating Scale-IV, is gebruik om die subtipes van AAHS te klassifiseer. Die tweede vraelys was die Sensory Profile School Companion (SPSC) wat 'n meting met behulp van die onderwyser se verslag is wat die leerders se reaksie ten opsigte van sensoriese insette in die skoolomgewing meet. Die tweede vraelys (Dunn se SPSC) is deur onderwysers ingevul ten einde leerders se response op sensoriese insette in die skoolomgewing te bepaal. Die data is aan die volgende ontledings onderwerp: beskrywende statistiek wat die gemiddelde, mediane en metings van die verspreiding van leerders in die Wes-Kaap op die SPSC verskaf; • die Kruskal-Wallis-eenrigting-ANOVA waarskynlikheidswaarde om vas te stel of daar beduidende verskille tussen die mediane van die 13 groeptellings van die SPSC is; en • die Welsh T-Toets om leerders met AAHS in die Wes-Kaap te vergelyk met die SPSCnorme en Dunn se steekproef van leerders met AAHS. Resultate Die resultate het beduidende verskille getoon (p=0.000) op al 13 groeptellings van die SPSC by leerders met AAHS in die Wes-Kaap, wat dui daarop dat hierdie groep aansienlik meer probleme kenmerkend aan sensoriese verwerking toon as wat in Dunn se normale steekproef waargeneem is. Die vergelyking met Dunn se steekproef met AAHS het in 11 van die 13 groeptellings nie beduidende verskille getoon nie wat aandui dat leerders met AAHS in die Wes-Kaap nie veel verskil het van Dunn se AAHS-leerders nie. Avoiding en School Factor 4 het beduidende verskille getoon met leerders in die Wes-Kaapse groep wat meer uiterstes in gedrag getoon het ten opsigte van sensoriese insette as dié van Dunn se groep. Die resultate waar die ADHD Rating Scale gebruik is, was minder beduidend en daar is bevind dat die skaal nie kon differensiëer tussen die twee tipes AAHS nie, alhoewel daar afleidings gemaak kon word ten opsigte van die gebruik (of nie) van medikasie. Daar was 'n beduidende verskil (p < 0.01) in die onoplettende, hiperaktief-impulsiwiteit en totale tellings van die ADHD Rating Scale-IV met leerders nie op medikasie nie, wat 'n hoër frekwensie van AAHS-gedrag getoon het. Slot Daar is bevind dat Dunn se SPSC 'n goeie maatstaf is om die sensoriese verwerkingsprobleme van leerders met AAHS te assesseer. Die ADHD Rating Scale-IV aan die ander kant kon nie die leerders in die verskillende subtipes klassifiseer nie en kan dus nie gebruik word wanneer die leerders reeds medikasie gebruik nie. Verdere ondersoek word aanbeveel in ’n poging om 'n skakel te kry tussen die verskillende subtipes AAHS en die plasing van leerders op die verskillende kwadrante van Dunn se SPSC sowel as die School Factors- en Sensory Section-tellings.

Personlighet samt förekomst av ADHD i barndomen hos en grupp dömda sexualbrottslingar

Svensk, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
<p>Varje år anmäls ca 10 000 sexualbrott i Sverige. Forskning har visat att sexualbrottslingar är en heterogen grupp i fråga om personlighet. Studier visar dock på att de ofta har hög aggressivitet och mycket ångest, något som de får utlopp för genom sin sexualitet. Forskare har även påvisat en hög förekomst av Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) i barndomen hos sexualbrottslingar. Syftet med föreliggande undersökning var att undersöka förekomst av ADHD i barndomen, personlighet och samband mellan ADHD och personlighet hos dömda sexualbrottslingar (N = 30). Undersökningen syftade även till att undersöka uppväxt- och brottsbelatsning hos sexualbrottslingar. Resultaten visade att undersökningsdeltagarna i huvudsak inte skiljde sig från normalpopulationen i personlighet. Resultaten visade även att 30% av undersökningsdeltagarna hade ADHD i barndomen. Vidare visar resultaten att det råder samvarians mellan förekomsten av ADHD i barndomen, uppväxtbelastning och brottsbelastning. Detta är i linje med tidigare forskning som funnit en överrepresentation av ADHD bland kriminella.</p>

The relationship between perception of effort and physiological responses to an acute fatiguing task of the elbow flexors : evaluation of a new rating scale of perception of effort

Lampropoulou, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
While fatigue is a common daily phenomenon, the exact relationship between perception of effort and fatigue is still unknown. Existing tools for assessing perception of effort are effectively limited to whole body exercise, while current methods for assessing voluntary activation are painful and not feasible for clinical application. The main aims of this thesis were to evaluate existing methodologies for their appropriateness in assessing perception of effort and voluntary activation following isolated muscle function testing, and to examine the relationship between subjective perception of effort and objective changes in the healthy motor control system. The implementation of reliable and valid assessment tools in clinical practice may enable clarification of the pathogenesis of many neurological conditions that have chronic fatigue as a key feature. Four studies of within-subjects repeated measures design have been conducted. Sixtynine healthy volunteers were recruited among staff and students of Brunel University. Magnetic stimulation was tested as a valid alternative to electrical stimulation in the conventional single-pulse Twitch Interpolation Technique. The 0–10 Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) was also tested for its reliability and validity in assessing the perception of effort during isometric exercise of elbow flexors. The changes of perception of effort following a submaximal elbow flexion fatiguing task, as well as following transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the motor cortex were also tested. The main findings showed significant differences between peripheral and magnetic stimulation in conventional single-pulse Twitch Interpolation Technique. The 0–10 NRS demonstrated linear properties and reported excellent test-retest reliability and good concurrent criterion validity in recording perception of effort under repeated isometric contractions of elbow flexors. Ten minutes of a submaximal intermittent isometric fatiguing exercise produced a significant elevation in rating of perceived effort, which was associated with central and peripheral neurophysiological changes of the motor control system. In contrast, perception of effort did not change significantly following 10 minutes of tDCS. The major findings of this thesis suggest the 0–10 NRS is a valid and reliable scale for rating perception of effort in healthy individuals. Further testing of the scale on patients is needed to establish its validity in clinical settings. Additionally, the findings indicate a substantial role of perception of effort in the voluntary motor control system. However, further research towards revealing the underlying mechanisms of perceived effort regulation in both health and disease is required.

Test-Retest Reliability on the Revised Conner's Parent Rating Scale

Gomez, Debra T. 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the test-retest reliability of the Revised Conners' Parent Rating Scale. The Conners' Parent Rating Scale (CPRS-48) was administered to 59 elementary school children between the ages of 5 and 10 years. After a period of two weeks, the same children were re-tested with the CPRS-48. The results of this research lend support to the integrity of the test-retest reliability of the CPRS-48. The need for further psychometric studies on the Conners' Scales is noted.

Effect of Rater Training and Scale Type on Leniency and Halo Error in Student Ratings of Faculty

Cook, Stuart S. (Stuart Sheldon) 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if leniency and halo error in student ratings could be reduced by training the student raters and by using a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) rather than a Likert scale. Two hypotheses were proposed. First, the ratings collected from the trained raters would contain less halo and leniency error than those collected from the untrained raters. Second, within the group of trained raters the BARS would contain less halo and leniency error than the Likert instrument.

Využití hodnotících a měřících nástrojů pro hodnocení bolesti v chirurgii / The use of evalution and measurement tools for assessment of pain in surgery

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Vendula January 2019 (has links)
Pain can be a warning sign, but in surgery it is associated mainly with medical procedures. The aim of the research survey was to map out the pain rating scales that are used in practice in surgical patients, to determine the opinion of surgical nurses on these scales and patient experience. Furthermore, the paperwas aimed at the creation of a recommended procedure for evaluation of pain in surgical patients. In the empirical part of the thesis, quantitative and qualitative research was used. In the quantitative research, two questionnaires were created - for nurses (a non-standardized questionnaire) and for surgical patients (a combination of a non-standardized and standardized questionnaire). The focus group method with surgical patients and nurses was used as a qualitative method. The research survey shows that the most commonly used scale in practice is the visual analogue scale and verbal evaluation. Although these methods are widely used, our results suggest that they are not entirely sufficient. Respondents from the groups of nurses and patients wanted to add more accurate verbal description to the evaluation and increase the frequency of pain evaluation by a doctor and nurse. The most frequent symptoms of pain from the perspective of patients included: limited mobility and self-sufficiency, emotional lability, and verbal manifestations. And from the perspective of nurses: limited mobility, non-cooperation, limited self-sufficiency and verbal manifestations. Among the methods that are used most often by patientsto relieve painare medicinesprescribed by the doctor, relief positions, sleep and rest. More than 90% of patients are satisfied with the cooperation with the nurse and the doctor in the evaluation and treatment of pain. Based on the data analysis, a procedure for assessing pain in surgical patients has been proposed. Its clarity and usability were verified using the focus group method with surgical nurses and patients. Both the nurses and the patients assessed the recommended procedure quite positively. Possible pitfalls were perceived in the necessity of sufficient nurse-patient cooperation and enough time to implement the proposed assessment. The research survey was carried out in the territory of the South Bohemian region and is processed as part of thesolution of the GAJU team grant project - Use of Measuring Instruments in Nursing Practice (059/2018/S).

Assessing predictors of sexual function in mid-aged sexually active women

Chedraui, Peter, Pérez López, Faustino R., Mezones Holguín, Edward, San Migue, Glenda, Avila, Carlos 24 March 2015 (has links)
institutochedraui@gmail.com / Objective: To assess predictors of sexual function in mid-aged women. Methods: We analyzed data of 262 healthy sexually active women (40–59 years) who filled out the Female Sexual Functioning Index (FSFI), the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) and a general questionnaire containing female/partner data. Correlations between these two measures were also analyzed. Results: Significant inverse correlations were found between all FSFI and MRS scores. This was most evident for the MRS urogenital score in relation to FSFI total, pain and lubrication scores. Multiple linear regression analysis determined best model predicting total FSFI index scores that explained a 66% of the variance. In this model, MRS urogenital score was an important predictor of female sexual function (total FSFI scores) with a significant inverse relation. Additionally total FSFI scores displayed a significant positive correlation with female educational level and HT use and an inverse relation with partner age and female parity. Conclusion: Several female/partner factors predicted female sexual function in this mid-aged series. MRS urogenital scores significantly correlated with total FSFI scores.

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