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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design Of Enhanced Piezoelectric Materials From Quantum Chemical Calculations / Conception par la modélisation moléculaire de matériaux à propriétés piézoélectriques augmentées

Elkelany, Khaled 05 February 2016 (has links)
Une analyse exhaustive de la piézoélectricité a été réalisée par la modélisation moléculaire basée sur l'application des principes de la mécanique quantique. La calibration de la méthode et des paramètres du calcul est d'abord examinée en comparant les résultats calculés concernant les oxydes de silicium et de Germanium à leurs homologues expérimentaux. Ensuite, les paramètres microscopiques qui influencent chaque contribution de cette propriété macroscopique de réponse sont distinctement rationalisés. Enfin, après la rationalisation de la propriété piézoélectrique, la conception de matériaux montrant un effet piézoélectrique élevé a été tentée. Nous avons montré que la grande piézoélectricité induite par un dopage dans le plan du graphène tendra vers une valeur unique, ni nulle ni infinie, et de façon indépendante de la nature physique ou chimique particulière du défaut. L'induction d'une piézoélectricité hors du plan du graphène en brisant sa planéité selon la direction-z est également étudiée. La réponse piézoélectrique obtenue est largement améliorée par rapport à la limite finie de la piézoélectricité dans le plan, mais aux grandes concentrations du défaut seulement. En effet, contrairement à la composante dans le plan de la piézoélectricité, la composante hors du plan, dépend de la nature du défaut et diminue jusqu'à tendre vers zéro à dilution infinie. / An exhaustive analysis of the technologically important piezoelectric phenomena is here done by applying quantum chemical simulations. At first, the calibration of the assumed computational scheme is examined by comparing our calculated piezoelectric properties of the well-known piezoelectric quartz to their experimental counterparts. Secondly, the microscopic parameters that influence each contribution of piezoelectric macroscopic property are distinctly rationalized. After the rationalization of the piezoelectric property, the design of materials that exhibiting a high piezoelectric effect has been attempted. It has been shown that a large in-plane piezoelectricity induced in graphene by doping can be acquired by including any in-plane defect(s). Moreover, in the limit of vanishing defect concentration, the piezoelectric response tends toward a unique value, neither null nor infinite, regardless of the particular chemical or physical nature of the defect. The induction of an out-of-plane piezoelectricity in graphene by breaking its planarity through the non-periodic z-direction is stated, where the obtained piezoelectric response is largely improved compared to the finite in-plane piezoelectric limit, at however higher concentration of the defect. Contrarily to what has been discussed for the in-plane piezoelectric effect, the out-of-plane one eventually vanishes as far as the limit of infinite defect dilution is reached, and so it relies ultimately on the nature of the defect.

The phenomenon of Living Close to Nuclear power Plants

Miles, Jacquelynn Isabel 01 January 2019 (has links)
Communities near nuclear power plants are at potential risk from natural and man-made failures at the nuclear power plants located within those communities. This study explored the concerns and rationalizations of residents of a community who live within a 10-mile evacuation zone of the nuclear power plant located there. Using the general theory of deliberative democracy, the purpose of this qualitative study was to understand and explore why individuals continue to live close to nuclear power plants. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 15 individuals who live within a 10- mile radius of a nuclear power plant in the western US. These interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed using a modified Van Kaam procedure. Findings indicated that members of the community had concerns that natural or man-made disasters could lead to catastrophic failure of the nuclear power plant but rationalized living in proximity. Another key finding was that the community itself was supported by the revenue generated from the plant which led many of the participants to live in the community and this contributed to their rationalizing for why they should live close to the plant. The social change implications of this study included recommendations to mayors, city councils, and regulatory bodies to provide more information about nuclear power plants to communities to help them cope with fear and feelings of helplessness. Residents living near nuclear power plants would benefit from the recommendations made in this study because it would help them understand the risks of living near nuclear power plants.

Démocratie participative et concertation publique : enjeux sociopolitiques et info-communicationnels autour du projet de la ligne B du métro à Rennes / Participatory democracy and public consultation : the sociopolitical and communicational issues surrounding Rennes’s underground B line

Abassi, Amadou 13 December 2018 (has links)
Les projets d’aménagement urbain provoquent de plus en plus d’inquiétudes et de mobilisations spontanées, qui créent des tensions sur les conditions de prise de décision. L’action publique se heurte à des résistances tant dans sa conception que sa réalisation. Et dans un contexte où la participation citoyenne à l’élaboration des projets tend à devenir un nouveau mode de gouvernance, les riverains ne veulent plus que leurs rôles se limitent aux simples « pourvoyeurs » des avis. S’appropriant l’espace public et les dispositifs participatifs, ils aspirent non seulement à l’expression de leurs opinions, mais aussi à une confrontation des expertises. C’est dans ce cadre-là que s’inscrit le projet de la ligne B du métro dans la métropole rennaise. Ayant appris l’hypothèse d’une insertion aérienne du métro entre les deux étangs dans leur quartier – les Longs Champs -, les riverains se sont mobilisés pour exprimer leur désaccord. Compte tenu de l’ampleur de cette mobilisation, le maître d’ouvrage décida d’organiser une « concertation spécifique » à l’issue de laquelle le projet métropolitain a été retenu aux dépens des projets « habitants » et « urbaniste ». Notre thèse a pour objectifs d’examiner les collectifs d’ habitants des Longs Champs pour essayer d’appréhender la rationalisation organisationnelle dans une action collective orientée vers un objectif commun; explorer les enjeux sociopolitiques et infocommunicationnels des dispositifs participatifs ; interroger les modes de production des savoirs profanes dans une perspective de confrontation des légitimités concernant l’élaboration et la mise en oeuvre d’un projet d’intérêt général. / Urban planning projects lead to more and more waves of public concern and spontaneous mobilization, which lead to tensions surrounding the way decisions are made. Public action sees its conception and implementation be faced with obstacles. And in a context where citizens’ participation in the development of projects seems to be new mode of governance, residents no longer want their role to be limited to that of a simple “opinions provider”. Using the public space and participatory tools, they expect to be able to express their opinion, and also for different surveys to be confronted. It is whiting this framework that Rennes’s B line is being examined. Having learnt of the possibility of there being an overground portion of the line between two ponds in the Longs Champs district, the residents gathered to voice their disagreement.Because of the scale of the mobilization, the project owner decided to organize a “specific consultation” after which the metropolitan project was adopted at the expense of “residential” and “urbanist” projects. The objectives of our thesis are to examine the residents’ groups, to try and grasp the organizational rationalization of collective action aiming towards a common goal; to explore the sociopolitical and communicational issues of participatory tools; to question the production methods of knowledges in the perspective of confroncting legitimate opinions regarding the elaboration and implementation of a project of general interest.

Le processus budgétaire au Cameroun : aspects juridico-institutionnels et analyse critique des enjeux et défis de la nouvelle gouvernance financière publique / The budget process in Cameroon : legal and institutional aspects and critical analysis of the stakes and challenges of the new public financial governance

Ondoua Ekobena, Jean-Marie 13 June 2017 (has links)
Le Cameroun a adopté un nouveau régime financier de l’Etat par la loi n°2007/006 du 26 Décembre 2007 entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2013. Cette loi introduit une nouvelle culture dans la façon de concevoir et de gérer les finances publiques et s’inscrit dans un mouvement de réforme de fond des finances publiques dans le monde. Le processus budgétaire est considérablement rénové par l’instauration d’une budgétisation par programmes. Grâce à ce nouveau dispositif, les décideurs publics, politiques ou gestionnaires cessent de raisonner uniquement en termes de moyens pour se tourner résolument vers la recherche de la performance. Ce travail se propose de faire un diagnostic du budget de l’Etat, de sa conception à son élaboration jusqu’à son exécution et à son contrôle. Il souligne et retrace les apports et les impacts de la nouvelle gouvernance financière publique dans un contexte marqué par des finances publiques dégradées. Il fait une analyse critique du cadre et des acteurs en charge des budgets publics, appréhende les enjeux et expose les défis auxquels nos finances publiques doivent désormais faire face. / Cameroon has adopted a new state financial regime by law n ° 2007/006 of 26 December 2007, which entered into force on 1 January 2013. This law introduces a new culture in the way public finances are conceived and managed and is part of a movement of fundamental reform of public finances in the world. The budgeting process is significantly improved through the introduction of program budgeting. Thanks to this new system, public decision-makers, politicians or managers stop thinking only in terms of means to turn resolutely towards the pursuit of performance. This work proposes to make a diagnosis of the state budget, from its conception to its elaboration until its execution and its control. It highlights and traces the contributions and impacts of the new public financial governance in a context marked by degraded public finances. It provides a critical analysis of the framework and actors in charge of public budgets, apprehends the stakes and exposes the challenges facing our public finances.

Community Forestry: Paradoxes and Perspectives in Development Practice

Pulhin, Juan M, jpulhin@laguna.net January 1997 (has links)
This thesis deals with two related topics: core development objectives in community forestry in the Philippines, and the 'instruments' of development practice which have been used to address these objectives. The two topics have currency beyond forestry development and are at the centre of a debate about sustainable development. Community forestry aims to democratise resource access, alleviate poverty, and ensure the sustainability of forest resources. Development practice, however, has often led to contradictory outcomes. This paradox is examined from three perspectives: that of political economy, characteristics of practice, and the theory of rationalisation. ¶Four government-initiated community forestry projects in the Philippines are analysed. These projects provide an historical trend on the development and refinements of the different techniques from the early 1980s to the present. The relationship between the use of these techniques and improved outcomes in terms of the three core concerns is established. Empirical findings from the cases suggest that there is no necessary relationship between the employment of these instruments and better development outcomes. The attempt to democratise forest resource access through the use of access instruments has benefited the local elite and reinforced the government's jurisdiction over these resources. Similarly, the use of appraisal and participatory planning techniques has homogenised views of the local community and advanced a centrally determined agenda in forest management that has worked against the alleviation of poverty. Forest degradation is likely to continue, even with the incorporation of social factors into the concept of sustained-yield forest management. ¶The political economy perspective suggests that contradictory effects can be explained by the country's historical and political structure which has been shaped by an economically-driven development model and dominated by a more privileged sector. Despite genuine efforts for reform, this perspective contends that community forestry projects and related development interventions will always be influenced by political forces, and their benefits will be captured by the privileged sector. On the other hand, a focus on the characteristics of practice leads to the conclusion that contradictory effects are results of the limitations of these techniques, including their poor application. This implies that the adverse effects may be addressed through the refinement of these techniques and improvements in their application. Finally, the rationalisation thesis reveals that paradoxical effects are inherent in the use of these techniques. This perspective posits that even with the apparent shift from a state-controlled to a more participatory and decentralised approach in forest management, such as community forestry, the instrumentalist nature associated with the application of these techniques reinforces the characteristics of homogeneity, technocracy, and centralism which are inclined to produced paradoxical outcomes. ¶Both the political economy and the rationalisation perspectives provide a gloomy prognosis for community forestry. However, the recognition of the dual problems of poverty and environmental degradation in the Philippine uplands, suggests that community forestry should not be abandoned. Through a responsive mode of practice, there is room to move to improve the outcomes of the three central objectives. But responsive practice is not a panacea for all development ills. The process is bound to be slow, strategies will vary from one place to another, and success will be patchy. But because responsive community forestry practice is not amenable to central programming and control, it is more likely to result in sustainable outcomes than the present approaches.

A more efficient way of building in a developing country, influenced by industrialized building : A case study in Leticia, Colombia

Ahlstrand, Sanna, Bender, Johanna, Nordström, Linn January 2015 (has links)
Purpose:The purpose of this study is to approach a solution to reduce housing shortage, by using inspiration from an industrialized building concept, which can lead to the opportunity for underprivileged people to get a livable housing. The aim is to study how knowledge from industrialized building could be used for a more efficient way of building in developing countries similar to Colombia.   Method:Utilizing literature studies for achieving abutment to published research also giving the authors an observant mind. With this knowledge, participatory observations were made as action research to explore the prevailing procedure when establishing a house. Operating analyzes, interviews were held in Leticia for understanding observed decisions. To be able to critically analyze the results from the interviews and observations, collected data were compared with knowledge based on the authors’ reference frames.   Findings:Keystones identified as the overall concept are applicable on establishments in the western world, since the concept is designed after similar conditions. Capital is required designing a building system as well as establishing a factory for prefabrication of elements, conditions limited in developing countries. Climate conditions and prevailing corruption prevents implementation of the concept. Identified weaknesses during the observations, noted repetition of unnecessary and non-value adding activities. One conclusion is not to implement the entire industrial building system, only practice the mindset. Initially keystones are implemented such as planning, exchange of information and reflection of performed projects, in order to improve upcoming projects. These keystones require no direct capital, merely a mindset that should be implemented.   Implications:The outcome of this study is to enlighten the subject, since obvious weaknesses were noticed, with capacity for development. Further research is realistic because, in a long term it will help solving the housing situation. For example, using this result as underlay for education like creating more efficient building, enlightening planning for reducing unnecessary non value-adding activities. As a conclusion of the study, identified weaknesses during the establishment affects the efficiency, creating unnecessary costs. A developing country should focus upon emphasizing reduction of costs, since their economic status is already declining.   Limitations: The observations during the case study have been concentrating on one small-scaled project in Leticia, Colombia. No further observations have been made but complements such as literature studies and interviews. Due to lack of time and language barrier, the amount of collected empirical data was too limited to provide durable conclusions for question formulations. Since only observations were performed on one establishment, a general result cannot be submitted.

The Therapeutization of Work : The Psychological Toolbox as Rationalization Device during the Third Industrial Revolution in Sweden

Tunestad, Hans January 2014 (has links)
The organization of work in the Western welfare states has made use of psychological know-how since the early twentieth century, for instance by making the practices of ‘psychotechnics’ and ‘human relations’ a part of the production apparatus. The last decades, however, have seen the development of a new economy based on information and communication technologies and with a related shift in organizational ideals from large hierarchical structures to networks of self-governing units – a change sometimes labelled the third industrial revolution. This development has meant new possibilities for the deployment of psychological knowledge in organizational management. The present study takes as its geographical starting point the greater Stockholm area in Sweden. Through a variant of multi-sited fieldwork it investigates the distribution of psychological know-how in and through different institutions – such as school, work life, health care – by which the average ‘worker-citizen’ is supposed to acquire a ‘psychological toolbox’, thus becoming a kind of amateur psychologist or therapist, ready and able to take responsibility for his or her own productivity, well-being and health. The study depicts this ideal of psychological self-regulation: its discourse and practices, and how it emerged as a part of the technological and organizational developments of the third industrial revolution.

Analysis of the cost-effectiveness and costs rationalization of antidepressants consumption in Lithuania / Antidepresantų panaudojimo Lietuvoje sąnaudų efektyvumo ir išlaidų racionaliozavimo analizė

Kavaliauskienė, Liubov 22 February 2013 (has links)
In recent years, there has been much debate regarding the rationality of consumption and cost effectiveness of antidepressants. The economic aspects of treating depression are becoming more frequently evaluated as newer antidepressants become available and as healthcare entities attempt to address increasing costs. The aim of the research. To investigate and assess the possibilities of a more rational use of the public and private funds of the Lithuanian population in the cases of medicament depression treatment. The tasks of the research: 1. To perform a comparative analysis of the antidepressant consumption in the years 2004 to 2009 in Lithuania. 2. To evaluate depression diagnosis and treatment effectiveness and depression diagnosis dynamics in Lithuania from 2004 to 2009. 3. To perform antidepressant cost analysis from 2004 to 2009 in Lithuania. 4. To perform the cost-effectiveness analysis of depression treatment and propose the possible ways for costs rationalization. Scientific novelty of the research. For the first time, depression relapse rate was used as a medicament depression treatment effectiveness evaluation indicator in assessing the rationality of the costs of treatment with antidepressants. The survey data can be used in practice when dealing with antidepressants consumption and the improvement of the effectiveness of evaluation and reimbursement systems in Lithuania. / Pastaraisiais metais kyla daug diskusijų dėl antidepresantų panaudojimo racionalumo bei sąnaudų efektyvumo. Rinkoje atsirandant naujiems antidepresantams vis dažniau analizuojami ekonominiai depresijos gydymo aspektai, o sveikatos priežiūros sektoriaus valdymo institucijos bando spręsti išlaidų didėjimo problemą. Darbo tikslas. Ištirti ir įvertinti galimybes racionaliau naudoti viešąsias ir privačias Lietuvos gyventojų lėšas vaistams, skiriamiems medikamentiniam depresijos atvejų gydymui. Darbo uždaviniai. 1. Atlikti lyginamąją antidepresantų sunaudojimo 2004–2009 m. Lietuvoje analizę. 2. Įvertinti depresijos diagnozavimo ir gydymo efektyvumą bei depresijos diagnozavimo dinamiką Lietuvoje 2004–2009 m. 3. Atlikti išlaidų antidepresantams per 2004–2009 m. Lietuvoje analizę. 4. Atlikti depresijos gydymo sąnaudų efektyvumo analizę ir pateikti galimus išlaidų racionalizavimo būdus. Darbo mokslinis naujumas ir praktinė reikšmė. Vertinant gydymo antidepresantais išlaidų racionalumą, pirmą kartą kaip medikamentinio depresijos atvejų efektyvaus gydymo vertinimo indikatorius buvo panaudotas depresijos pasikartojimo rodiklis. Tyrimo rezultatai gali būti naudojami praktikoje, nagrinėjant antidepresantų panaudojimą, sąnaudų efektyvumo vertinimą ir kompensavimo sistemos tobulinimą Lietuvoje.

An Inquiry Into Rural-development Nongovernmental Organizations In Turkey: Degree Of Institutionalization And Socio-economic Characteristics Of The Employees

Topal, Cagri 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study is examining the institutionalization degree of the rural development nongovernmental organizations (NGO) and the social-economic status of the employees in those NGOs. The development NGO sector has enormously grown within last three decades. It has also been a period of reorganization for capitalism. The neo-liberal political economy has replaced the Keynesianism/Fordism, integrating the national economies into the global economy. This integration has resulted in increasing income inequalities, poverty, and unemployment. Middle classes have lost their jobs, and their life standards have eroded. In the period, the international funds channeled to the NGOs have increased to a great extent. The growth of the development NGO sector is closely linked to those consequences of the neo-liberal reorganization. Poverty, qualified but unemployed individuals, and the international funds have made it possible, inevitable in fact, for the NGOs to proliferate and enlarge. As they enlarge their scope, they have to develop institutional structures, which in turn employ more qualified people. In addition to their role in the struggle against poverty and in the, more or less radical, criticism of the social and economic order, NGOs have acquired a new function, creating employment and a certain level of social-economic status, a status of middle class, for those employed. What we have been observing in Turkey is similar to the developments in the other parts of the world: economic crisis in 1970s, military junta, liberalization of economy, poverty and unemployment. Within this political economy, the rural development NGO sector of Turkey seems not institutionalized but having turned into an employment opportunity for middle class. Nevertheless, its role in the democratization process of the country is still important as far as the critical perspective is kept in effect.

Estudo comparativo entre um orçamento convencional de construção e um orçamento com a utilização de coordenação modular : aplicação em alguns serviços de uma residência unifamiliar de classe média-baixa / Comparative study between a conventional budget construction and a budget with modular coordenation : aplication in some services of an unifamiliar residence of lowmiddle class

Lacerda, Pedro Amar Ribeiro de January 2005 (has links)
A norma sobre a Coordenação Modular na Construção Civil (hoje NBR 5706) criada no Brasil (um dos países pioneiros) em 1970, teve seus estudos aprofundados nos anos 70 e início dos anos 80. Já em nível mundial, nasce na Alemanha entre as duas grandes guerras mundiais com objetivo de reconstruir o País, para proporcionava velocidade (pela repetitividade) na execução e redução de custos causada pela racionalização e ordenação dos espaços. Em síntese, a Coordenação Modular nada mais é do que a ordenação dos espaços na construção civil. A necessidade presente de qualidade do produto e redução do preço final ao consumidor exige aprimoramento de serviços e redução de custos tornando-o competitivo em um mercado cada vez mais disputado. Neste aspecto, a construção civil pouco avançou. Seus processos são ainda quase artesanais. A Coordenação Modular é a ferramenta mais adequada quando se fala em racionalização de processos, questões ambientais, produtividade (escala industrial), déficit habitacional. Paradoxalmente, apesar dela ser a ferramenta mais adequada, sabe-se que após a extinção do Banco Nacional de Habitação (BNH), os estudos sobre Coordenação Modular foram praticamente abandonados no Brasil. Realizou-se estudo comparativo entre um orçamento com projeto convencional e um orçamento com projeto utilizando a Coordenação Modular. Ainda, por pesquisa documental, verificou-se os custos efetivamente praticados execução de projeto similar (auto-construção), observando os fatores e relação do não avanço da coordenação modular no Brasil. Através de experimento, confirmou-se a redução de custos pelo uso da Coordenação Modular (diminuição de perdas e tempo de mão-de-obra empregada) e que a normalização e fiscalização ineficazes contribuem para a auto-construção influenciando no preço de mercado (em detrimento da qualidade do produto). Entretanto, um programa de qualidade e fiscalização severa atingindo todos os integrantes da cadeia produtiva da construção civil, dos projetos à execução, materiais e órgãos representativos, resultará no sucesso da implantação da Coordenação Modular. / The norm about Modular Coordination in the civil construction (today NBR 5706) began in Brazil (one of the pioneer countries) in 1970, and had its studies deepened in the 70s and beginning the 80s. On world Level, it was born in Germany between the two great world wars with the objective of the reconstruction of the country. Reason: it allowed velocity (by the repetition) in the execution and reduction of costs due to the rationalization and arrangement oh the spaces. In synthesis, the Modular Coordination is nothing more than the ordering of the space in the civil construction. The needed presence of the quality product and the reduction of the final price to the consumer, demands improvement of services and reduction of costs, making it competitive in a market of growing dispute. In this aspect the civil construction had little advance. Its processes are still almost hand-made (with few exceptions). The Modular Coordination is the most adequate tool when talking on rationalization or processes, ambiental affair, productivity (industrial scale), and shortage of homes. Paradoxicaly, although it is the most adequate tool, we know that the suppression of the National Bank of Residence (BNH) the studies about Modular Coordination were practically abandoned in the country. In order to go back to these researches and awake the interest of the productive chain in civil construction throughout the profit in mind, a comparative study was held between a budget with a conventional project and a budget with a project using a Modular Coordination. Furthermore, through documental research, it was verified the cost effectively used in the execution of similar project (self - construction), observing the factors and the list of no advance of the Modular Coordination in Brazil. Thru experiment it was confirmed the reduction of costs by the use of Modular Coordination (diminishing losses and time of hands employed) and that normalization and ineffective inspection contribute to self construction with influence on the market price (with damage to the quality of the product). Nevertheless, a quality program and a severe control covering all the integrants of the productive chain of the civil construction, from the projects to the execution, materials and representative organisms, will result in success for the implantation of Modular Coordination.

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