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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bedömning av texttolkning : En studie i hur lärare bedömer elevers förmåga att tolka budskap i text

Helming Gustavsson, Maria January 2017 (has links)
This study, based on interviews with seven teachers of Swedish, investigates how they define the concept of text interpretation and how they assess pupils’ ability to interpret text. The results show that the teachers define text interpretation as an ability to perceive hidden messages in text and an ability that is closely connected to reading comprehension. This description agrees with the way text interpretation is explained in previous research but not with the description in the curriculum. This is a defect, since teachers ought to know what they are supposed to assess, based on the steering documents they are expected to follow in their professional practice. Here, however, the teachers’ assessment skills are shown to be an asset. When teaching literature the teachers say that they normally use dialogue and written assignments in which pupils reason on the basis of the content of the text and their personal experience. The forms of assessment are summative and formal, although it seems difficult to use fixed answer templates for reasoning in contexts like this where it is not clear what can be said to be right or wrong. Summative assessment, however, seems more reliable and credible than formative assessment. A picture thus emerges of the difficulty of assessing text interpretation which is simultaneously multivalent and reliable. / Denna studie är grundad på intervjuer av 7 svensklärare i syfte att undersöka hur de definierar begreppet texttolkning och hur de bedömer elevers förmåga att tolka text. I resultatet framgår att lärarna definierar texttolkning som en förmåga att uppfatta dolda budskap i text och en förmåga som är nära sammankopplad med läsförståelse. Denna beskrivning stämmer väl överens med hur texttolkning förklaras i tidigare forskning men inte med den beskrivning som framkommer i läroplanen. Detta är en brist då lärare bör veta vad de ska bedöma, utifrån styrdokument de ska utgå från i sin yrkesutövning. Här framstår dock lärares bedömningsfärdighet som en tillgång. Vid litteraturundervisning säger lärarna att de vanligen tillämpar dialog och skriftliga inlämningsuppgifter, med resonemang utifrån både textens innehåll och personliga erfarenheter. Bedömningsformerna är summativa och formella, även om fasta svarsmallar ter sig svåra att använda vid resonemang, då det i dessa sammanhang inte tydligt framgår något som med säkerhet kan sägas vara rätt eller fel. Summativ bedömning ter sig dock mer tillförlitlig och trovärdig vid en bedömningssituation, jämfört med formativ. Här framkommer således en bild av att det är svårt att bedöma texttolkning som på samma gång är flertydig och tillförlitlig.

Por uma pedagogia das fotonovelas : instruir e (in)formar leitoras do IERB durante os anos 60 e 70 do século XX

Albuquerque, Sônia Pinto Melo de 31 March 2015 (has links)
The pedagogy of women printed material, more specifically, the photo-novels, is the object of research of this Thesis, whose proposal is linked to the research line "History, Society and Educational Thought" of the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), in a special way, to the Group of Studies and Research in History of Education: Intellectuals on Education, Educational Institutions and School Practices and relates to theoretical and methodological assumptions of Cultural History, History of Women's Education, The History of the Printed and the History of Reading. It aims to search as leisure readings, in particular, of photo-novels, contributed to teach, from a specific pedagogy, to its readers, ways of being and behaving, enabling them to representations about the world in which they lived. Thus, in order to investigate about the pedagogy of female prints and photo-novels, I selected as reader community Pedagogy students from The Institute of Education "Rui Barbosa" (IERB) during the period of investigation of this object of study (decades of 60 and 70 in the 20th century), in order to know signs of behavior, values and experiences acquired in these readings, including such practices as relevant in the process of formation of this public reader. Therefore, to achieve this research, I discussed about reading practices, in particular, those relating to photo-novels, from the historical moment in which they are granted greater spread in the country, i.e. , between the decades of 60 and 70 in the 20th century. On the other hand, this period coincided with the industrial growth, expansion of consumption and greater accessibility to information. This way, to prove that the female prints and the photo-novels entered therein were carriers of a Pedagogy of values and cultures, I analyze the content of ten editions of the women's magazines of greater movement in the country, the Capricho magazine, six of them being from the 1960s and four, the 1970s of the 20th century, comprising, as parameter established by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), a generation (1960 to 1975), as well as my interviews with readers of these printed materials that are inserted in the community reader selected for this research. Finally, I support the thesis that leisure readings, in the specific case, magazines directed to women, as well as the photo-novels, reflected in the universe of their readers through a Pedagogy that provided them instruments of an over scholar education, revealing different female models, disseminated by accession and/or resistance, and that, in some way, served as inspiration for some young people about standards to be followed by physical, moral and socially. / La pedagogia delle riviste femminili, più specificamente, i fotoromanzi, è l' oggetto di questa tesi. La proposta è legata alla linea di ricerca "Storia, Società e Pensiero Educazionale" del Programma di Post Laurea in Educazione della Universidade Federal de Sergipe, in modo particulare, allo Gruppo di Studi e Ricerche in Storia Dell Educazione: intellettuali della educazione, istituzioni educative e pratiche della scuola. Si riferisce a principi teorici e metodologici della storia culturale, storia dell educazione femminili, storia delle riviste e storia della lettura. Obiettiva indagare come le letture in tempo libero, in particolare i fotoromanzi, hanno contribuito ad insegnare, una pedagogia specifica ai loro lettori, in modi di essere e di comportarsi, consentendo loro rappresentazioni sul mondo in cui vivevano. Così, per indagare su la pedagogia delle riviste femminili e di fotoromanzi, ho selezionato studenti dei magistrali dello Instituto de Educação “Rui Barbosa” (IERB) nel periodo dell'inchiesta di questo oggetto (anni '60 e '70 del XX secolo), in modo ad verificare i comportamentali, i valori ed esperienze acquisita in queste letture, ed capire le pratiche come rilevante nel processo di formazione di questo lettori. Per raggiungere questa ricerca, ho discusso sulle pratiche di lettura, in particolare quelli relativi ai fotoromanzi, nel momento storico in cui hanno conseguito più diffusione nel paese, vale a dire, tra gli anni '60 e '70 del XX secolo. Questo periodo ha coinciso con la crescita industriale, l'aumento dei consumi e una maggiore accessibilità alle informazioni. Per dimostrare che le riviste di donne e in particolare i fotoromanzi, in loro inserìti, erano portatori di una Pedagogia dei valori e delle culture, ho analizzato il contenuto di dieci edizioni di una delle riviste femminili con la più grande circolazione nel paese, la rivista Capricho. Ci sono sei dei anni 60 e quattro degli anni '70 del XX secolo, comportandosi come parametro impostato dal Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), una generazione (1960 al 1975). Ho realizzato interviste con i lettori di queste riviste che ci sono inseriti nella comunità che avevo selezionato per questa ricerca. La mia tesi è che la lettura in tempo libero, nel caso specifico, le riviste rivolte alle donne, cosi, come i fotoromanzi, ha influenzato l'universo dei suoi lettori attraverso una pedagogia che ha fornito loro gli strumenti di educazione non escolare, rivelando diversi modelli femminili, trasmessi da adesione e /o degli resistenza, e, in un certo senso, sono stati l'ispirazione per alcuni giovani circa le norme da seguire fisicamente, moralmente e socialmente. / La pedagogía de los impresos femeninos, pero específicamente, de las fotonovelas, es el objetivo de investigación de esta Tesis, cuya propuesta se vincula a la línea de investigación “Historia, Sociedad y Pensamiento Educacional” del Programa de Postgrado en Educación de la Universidad Federal de Sergipe, de modo peculiar, al Grupo de Estudios e Investigaciones en Historia de la Educación: Intelectuales de la Educación, Instituciones Educacionales y Prácticas Escolares, y se relaciona a los presupuestos teórico metodológicos de la Historia Cultural, Historia de la Educación Femenina, Historia del Impreso e Historia de la Lectura. Objetiva investigar como lecturas de ocio, en especial, de fotonovelas, contribuirían para enseñar, a partir de una pedagogía específica, a sus lectoras, modos de ser y de comportarse, posibilitándoles representaciones acerca del mundo en que vivían. Así siendo, para investigar acerca de la pedagogía del impreso femenino y de las fotonovelas, seleccioné como comunidad lectora estudiantes normalistas del Instituto de Educación “Rui Barbosa” (IERB) durante el periodo de investigación de este objetivo de estudio (décadas de 60 y 70 del siglo XX), a fin de conocer indicios del comportamiento, de los valores y de las experiencias adquiridas en estas lecturas, comprendiendo tales prácticas como relevantes en el proceso de formación de este público lector. Delante de eso, para concretizar esta investigación, discutí sobe prácticas de lectura, en especial, las referentes a las fotonovelas, a partir del momento histórico en que obtuvieron mayor difusión en el país, o sea, comprendido entre las décadas de 60 y 70 del siglo XX. En contrapartida, ese periodo coincidió con el crecimiento industrial, de ampliación del consumo y mayor accesibilidad a la información. De esa manera, para comprobar que el impreso femenino y las fotonovelas en él insertadas eran portadores de una Pedagogía de valores y de culturas, analizo el contenido de diez ediciones de una de las revistas femeninas de mayor circulación en el país, la Revista Capricho, siendo seis de la década de 60 y cuatro, de la década de 70 del siglo XX, comportando, conforme parámetro establecido por el Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadísticas (IBGE), una generación (1960 a 1975), bien como realizo entrevistas con lectoras de estos impresos que están insertadas en la comunidad lectora seleccionada para esta investigación. Por fin, defiendo la tesis de que lecturas de ocio, en el caso específico, revistas dirigidas a mujeres, bien como las telenovelas, repercutirían en el universo de sus lectoras a través de una Pedagogía que les forneció instrumentos de una educación extraescolar, revelando distintos modelos femeninos, difundidos por adhesión y/o resistencia, y que, de cierta forma, sirvieron de inspiración para algunas jóvenes acerca de los patrones a ser seguidos física, moral y socialmente. / A pedagogia dos impressos femininos, mais especificamente, das fotonovelas, é o objeto de investigação desta Tese, cuja proposta vincula-se à linha de pesquisa “História, Sociedade e Pensamento Educacional” do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, de modo peculiar, ao Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em História da Educação: Intelectuais da Educação, Instituições Educacionais e Práticas Escolares e relaciona-se aos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da História Cultural, História da Educação Feminina, História do Impresso e História da Leitura. Objetiva pesquisar como leituras de lazer, em especial, de fotonovelas, contribuíram para ensinar, a partir de uma pedagogia específica, às suas leitoras, modos de ser e de se comportar, possibilitando-lhes representações acerca do mundo em que viviam. Assim sendo, para investigar acerca da pedagogia do impresso feminino e das fotonovelas, selecionei como comunidade leitora estudantes normalistas do Instituto de Educação “Rui Barbosa” (IERB), durante o período de investigação deste objeto de estudo (décadas de 60 e 70 do século XX), a fim de conhecer indícios do comportamento, dos valores e das experiências adquiridas nestas leituras, compreendendo tais práticas como relevantes no processo de formação deste público leitor. Diante disso, para concretizar esta investigação, discuti sobre práticas de leitura, em especial, as referentes às fotonovelas, a partir do momento histórico em que obtiveram maior difusão no país, ou seja, compreendido entre as décadas de 60 e 70 do século XX. Em contrapartida, esse período coincidiu com o crescimento industrial, de ampliação do consumo e maior acessibilidade à informação. Dessa maneira, para comprovar que o impresso feminino e as fotonovelas nele inseridas eram portadores de uma Pedagogia de valores e de culturas, analiso o conteúdo de 10 edições de uma das revistas femininas de maior circulação no país, a Revista Capricho, sendo seis da década de 60 e quatro, da década de 70 do século XX, comportando, conforme parâmetro estabelecido pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), uma geração (1960 a 1975), bem como realizo entrevistas com leitoras destes impressos que estão inseridas na comunidade leitora selecionada para esta pesquisa. Por fim, defendo a tese de que leituras de lazer, no caso específico, revistas direcionadas a mulheres, bem como as fotonovelas, repercutiram no universo de suas leitoras através de uma Pedagogia que lhes forneceu instrumentos de uma educação extraescolar, revelando diferentes modelos femininos, difundidos por adesão e/ou resistência, e que, de certa forma, serviram de inspiração para algumas jovens acerca de padrões a ser seguidos física, moral e socialmente.

Creation and God as One, Creator, and Trinity in early theology through Augustine and its theological fruitfulness in the 21st century

Ellingwood, Jane January 2015 (has links)
My primary argument in this thesis is that creation theologies significantly influenced early developments in the doctrine of the Trinity, especially in Augustine of Hippo’s theology. Thus this is a work of historical theology, but I conclude with proposals for how Augustine’s theologies of creation and the Trinity can be read fruitfully with modern theology. I critically analyse developments in trinitarian theologies in light of ideas that were held about creation. These include the doctrine of creation ‘out of nothing’ and ideas about other creative acts (e.g., forming or fashioning things). Irenaeus and other early theologians posited roles for God (the Father), the Word / Son, the Spirit, or Wisdom in creative acts without working out formal views on economic trinitarian acts. During the fourth century trinitarian controversies, creation ‘out of nothing’ and ideas about ‘modes of origin’ influenced thinking on consubstantiality and relations within the Trinity. Basil of Caesarea and others also presented ideas about trinitarian acts of creation and the Trinity in hexaemeral works. I will argue that in Augustine’s views of trinitarian acts of creation, he attributes roles to God (the Father), the Word / Son, and the Spirit. In his mature theology, he attributes the giving of formless existence, differentiated existence, and perfected existence to the three Persons respectively, while depicting shared roles. He also attributes to the Spirit the giving of the capability of ‘dynamic abiding’ to creatures, which gives them agency in continuing their existence. Augustine’s theologies of creation and the Trinity were significantly influenced by his exegesis of Gen. 1, John 1. 1-3, Wisdom, and other scriptures, and his ideas resonate with the hexaemeral works of Basil and Philo of Alexandria. I argue that scholars should examine these sources and Augustine’s own hexaemeral commentaries to gain a deeper understanding of his trinitarian theology.

Juxtaposing Sonare and Videre Midst Curricular Spaces: Negotiating Muslim, Female Identities in the Discursive Spaces of Schooling and Visual Media Cultures

Watt, Diane P. 09 May 2011 (has links)
Muslims have the starring role in the mass media’s curriculum on otherness, which circulates in-between local and global contexts to powerfully constitute subjectivities. This study inquires into what it is like to be a female, Muslim student in Ontario, in this post 9/11 discursive context. Seven young Muslim women share stories of their high schooling experiences and their sense of identity in interviews and focus group sessions. They also respond to images of Muslim females in the print media, offering perspectives on the intersections of visual media discourses with their lived experience. This interdisciplinary project draws from cultural studies, postcolonial feminist theory, and post-reconceptualist curriculum theorizing. Working with auto/ethno/graphy, my own subjectivity is also brought into the study to trouble researcher-as-knower and acknowledge that personal histories are implicated in larger social, cultural, and historical processes. Using bricolage, I compose a hybrid text with multiple layers of meaning by juxtapositing theory, image, and narrative, leaving spaces for the reader’s own biography to become entangled with what is emerging in the text. Issues raised include veiling obsession, Islamophobia, absences in the school curriculum, and mass media as curriculum. Muslim females navigate a complex discursive terrain and their identity negotiations are varied. These include creating Muslim spaces in their schools, wearing hijab to assert their Muslim identity, and downplaying their religious identity at school. I argue for the need to engage students and teacher candidates in complicated conversations on difference via auto/ethno/graphy, pedagogies of tension, and epistemologies of doubt. Educators and researchers might also consider the possibilities of linking visual media literacy with social justice issues.

Juxtaposing Sonare and Videre Midst Curricular Spaces: Negotiating Muslim, Female Identities in the Discursive Spaces of Schooling and Visual Media Cultures

Watt, Diane P. 09 May 2011 (has links)
Muslims have the starring role in the mass media’s curriculum on otherness, which circulates in-between local and global contexts to powerfully constitute subjectivities. This study inquires into what it is like to be a female, Muslim student in Ontario, in this post 9/11 discursive context. Seven young Muslim women share stories of their high schooling experiences and their sense of identity in interviews and focus group sessions. They also respond to images of Muslim females in the print media, offering perspectives on the intersections of visual media discourses with their lived experience. This interdisciplinary project draws from cultural studies, postcolonial feminist theory, and post-reconceptualist curriculum theorizing. Working with auto/ethno/graphy, my own subjectivity is also brought into the study to trouble researcher-as-knower and acknowledge that personal histories are implicated in larger social, cultural, and historical processes. Using bricolage, I compose a hybrid text with multiple layers of meaning by juxtapositing theory, image, and narrative, leaving spaces for the reader’s own biography to become entangled with what is emerging in the text. Issues raised include veiling obsession, Islamophobia, absences in the school curriculum, and mass media as curriculum. Muslim females navigate a complex discursive terrain and their identity negotiations are varied. These include creating Muslim spaces in their schools, wearing hijab to assert their Muslim identity, and downplaying their religious identity at school. I argue for the need to engage students and teacher candidates in complicated conversations on difference via auto/ethno/graphy, pedagogies of tension, and epistemologies of doubt. Educators and researchers might also consider the possibilities of linking visual media literacy with social justice issues.

Juxtaposing Sonare and Videre Midst Curricular Spaces: Negotiating Muslim, Female Identities in the Discursive Spaces of Schooling and Visual Media Cultures

Watt, Diane P. 09 May 2011 (has links)
Muslims have the starring role in the mass media’s curriculum on otherness, which circulates in-between local and global contexts to powerfully constitute subjectivities. This study inquires into what it is like to be a female, Muslim student in Ontario, in this post 9/11 discursive context. Seven young Muslim women share stories of their high schooling experiences and their sense of identity in interviews and focus group sessions. They also respond to images of Muslim females in the print media, offering perspectives on the intersections of visual media discourses with their lived experience. This interdisciplinary project draws from cultural studies, postcolonial feminist theory, and post-reconceptualist curriculum theorizing. Working with auto/ethno/graphy, my own subjectivity is also brought into the study to trouble researcher-as-knower and acknowledge that personal histories are implicated in larger social, cultural, and historical processes. Using bricolage, I compose a hybrid text with multiple layers of meaning by juxtapositing theory, image, and narrative, leaving spaces for the reader’s own biography to become entangled with what is emerging in the text. Issues raised include veiling obsession, Islamophobia, absences in the school curriculum, and mass media as curriculum. Muslim females navigate a complex discursive terrain and their identity negotiations are varied. These include creating Muslim spaces in their schools, wearing hijab to assert their Muslim identity, and downplaying their religious identity at school. I argue for the need to engage students and teacher candidates in complicated conversations on difference via auto/ethno/graphy, pedagogies of tension, and epistemologies of doubt. Educators and researchers might also consider the possibilities of linking visual media literacy with social justice issues.

Juxtaposing Sonare and Videre Midst Curricular Spaces: Negotiating Muslim, Female Identities in the Discursive Spaces of Schooling and Visual Media Cultures

Watt, Diane P. January 2011 (has links)
Muslims have the starring role in the mass media’s curriculum on otherness, which circulates in-between local and global contexts to powerfully constitute subjectivities. This study inquires into what it is like to be a female, Muslim student in Ontario, in this post 9/11 discursive context. Seven young Muslim women share stories of their high schooling experiences and their sense of identity in interviews and focus group sessions. They also respond to images of Muslim females in the print media, offering perspectives on the intersections of visual media discourses with their lived experience. This interdisciplinary project draws from cultural studies, postcolonial feminist theory, and post-reconceptualist curriculum theorizing. Working with auto/ethno/graphy, my own subjectivity is also brought into the study to trouble researcher-as-knower and acknowledge that personal histories are implicated in larger social, cultural, and historical processes. Using bricolage, I compose a hybrid text with multiple layers of meaning by juxtapositing theory, image, and narrative, leaving spaces for the reader’s own biography to become entangled with what is emerging in the text. Issues raised include veiling obsession, Islamophobia, absences in the school curriculum, and mass media as curriculum. Muslim females navigate a complex discursive terrain and their identity negotiations are varied. These include creating Muslim spaces in their schools, wearing hijab to assert their Muslim identity, and downplaying their religious identity at school. I argue for the need to engage students and teacher candidates in complicated conversations on difference via auto/ethno/graphy, pedagogies of tension, and epistemologies of doubt. Educators and researchers might also consider the possibilities of linking visual media literacy with social justice issues.

The quest for the fictional Jesus : Gospel rewrites, Gospel (re)interpretation, and Christological portraits within Jesus novels

Ramey, Margaret E. January 2011 (has links)
Jesus' story has been retold in various forms and fashions for centuries. Jesus novels, a subset of the historical fiction genre, are one of the latest means of not only re-imagining the man from Galilee but also of rewriting the canonical Gospels. This thesis explores the Christological portraits constructed in four of those novels while also using the novels to examine the intertextual play of these Gospel rewrites with their Gospel progenitors. Chapter 1 offers a prolegomenon to the act of fictionalizing Jesus that discusses the relationship between the person and his portraits and the hermeneutical circle created by these texts as they both rewrite the Gospels and stimulate a rereading of them. It also establishes the "preposterous" methodology that will be used when reexamining the Gospels "post" reading the novels. Chapters 2 to 5 offer four case studies of "complementing" and "competing" novels and the techniques they use to achieve these aims: Anne Rice's Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt; Neil Boyd's The Hidden Years; Nino Ricci's Testament; and José Saramago's The Gospel according to Jesus Christ. Chapter 6 begins an examination of a specific interpretive circle based upon Jesus' temptation in the wilderness. Beginning with the synoptic accounts of that event, the chapter then turns to how Jesus' testing has been reinterpreted and presented in two of the novels. Returning to the Gospel of Matthew's version of the Temptation, chapter 7 offers a "preposterous" examination of that pericope, which asks novel questions of the text and its role with Matthew's narrative context based on issues raised by the Gospel rewrites. The thesis concludes by suggesting that Jesus novels, already important examples of the reception history of the Gospels, can also play a helpful role in re-interpreting the Gospels themselves.

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