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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Varför väljer fastighetsmäklare att byta bransch? : - En studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar svenska fastighetsmäklares avsikt att byta bransch

Sjögren, Anna, Öhman, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Varför väljer fastighetsmäklare att byta bransch?Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Anna Sjögren och Emma ÖhmanHandledare: Dr. Jonas Kågström och biträdande Martin AhleniusDatum: 2021 - juni  Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur motivationsfaktorerna yttre motivation, inre motivation, Grit – passion och uthållighet för långsiktiga mål, och relationsbyggande påverkar svenska fastighetsmäklares jobbtillfredsställelse och avsikt att byta bransch.  Metod: Denna studies metod är av kvantitativ karaktär med ett deduktivt synsätt, där datan har insamlats med hjälp av en webbaserad enkät. Enkäten har skickats ut till urvalet, bestående av 4497 stycken svenska fastighetsmäklare, av hela populationen på 7110 stycken fastighetsmäklare. Totalt resulterade enkäten i 932 svar, där 910 av dessa kunde användas. För att analysera datan har statistikprogrammen Jamovi och Smart PLS använts. För att kunna redovisa och tolka resultatet har deskriptiva analyser gjorts, bivariata korrelationsanalyser, faktoranalyser samt strukturella ekvationsmodelleringar.  Resultat & slutsats: Undersökningen visar på aggregerad nivå att Grit i hög grad påverkar den inre motivationen och att inre motivation är den faktor som har störst betydelse för en fastighetsmäklares upplevda jobbtillfredsställelse. Jobbtillfredsställelse i sin tur är den faktor som påverkar deras avsikt att byta bransch mest. Men, undersökningen visar även att jobbtillfredsställelse påverkar den yttre motivationen och att yttre motivation påverkar avsikten att byta bransch. Dessutom påverkas jobbtillfredsställelsen av faktorn relationsbyggande. Dessa motivationsfaktorers betydelse varierar dock beroende på olika demografiska variabler. Utifrån resultatet och hypotesprövningen, togs en egen modell fram, som benämns ”REAMF-modellen”.  Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie bidrar med kunskap om vilka motivationsfaktorer som påverkar svenska fastighetsmäklares avsikt att byta bransch. Denna studies resultat är också användbart i praktiken för ledare inom branschen. Genom att som ledare veta vilka motivationsfaktorer som motiverar de enskilda anställda fastighetsmäklarna, kan passande motivationsstrategier framtas för just dessa, för att öka deras upplevda jobbtillfredsställelse, för att därmed minska deras avsikt att byta bransch.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna studies motivationsfaktorer förklarar ca 40% av varför svenska fastighetsmäklare har för avsikt att byta bransch. Det hade varit intressant att undersöka fler motivationsfaktorer som kan påverka detta val. En replikering av denna studie, i något annat land, efterfrågas också till vidare forskning. Slutligen vore det intressant att se om REAMF-modellen är applicerbar på andra yrken. / Title: Why do real estate agents choose to leave the industry?Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Authors: Anna Sjögren and Emma ÖhmanSupervisors: Dr. Jonas Kågström and assistant Martin AhleniusDate: 2021 - June  Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how the motivational factors extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, Grit – passion and perseverance for long-term goals, and relationship building affect Swedish real estate agents' job satisfaction and turnover intention.  Method: This study is based on a quantitative research method with a deductive approach, where the data has been collected using a web-based survey. The survey was sent to the sample, consisting of 4497 Swedish real estate agents, of the entire population of 7110 real estate agents. The survey resulted in 932 respondents, of which 910 could be used. To analyze the data, the statistical programs Jamovi and Smart PLS have been used. To interpret the study’s results, descriptive analyzes have been performed, bivariate correlation analyzes, factor analyzes and structural equation modeling.  Result & Conclusions: The result of this study shows at an aggregate level that Grit highly influences the intrinsic motivation and that intrinsic motivation is the factor that mostly affects the perceived job satisfaction. Job satisfaction in turn is the factor that affects turnover intention the most. But, the result also shows that job satisfaction affects extrinsic motivation, and that extrinsic motivation affects turnover intention. In addition, job satisfaction is affected by the factor relationship building. However, the significance of these motivational factors varies depending on different demographic variables. Based on the results and the hypothesis test, a separate model was developed, which is called the “REAMF model”.  Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes to knowledge about which motivational factors that affect Swedish real estate agents' turnover intention. The results of this study are also useful in practice for the employers. By knowing which motivational factors that motivate the individual real estate agents, appropriate motivational strategies can be developed to increase their perceived job satisfaction, and accordingly decrease their turnover intention.  Suggestions for future research: This study's motivational factors explain about 40% of Swedish real estate agents turnover intention. Further research is suggested to examine other motivational factors that may affect turnover intention. A replication of this study, in another country, is also requested for further research. Finally, it would be interesting to see if the REAMF-model is applicable in other industries.

Fastighetsmäklaren: En studie om motivation, prestation och karriärmöjligheter ur ett genusperspektiv / The Real Estate Agent: A Study on Motivation, Performance and Career Opportunities from a Gender Perspective

Johansson, Emmy January 2024 (has links)
Studien undersöker könsskillnader inom fastighetsmäklaryrket, med fokus på ett genusperspektiv och hur könskodning påverkar manliga och kvinnliga mäklare. Fastighetsmäklaryrket kännetecknas av individuell prestation och oftast en provisionsbaserad ersättning. Vid årsskiftet 2023 var könsfördelningen inom yrket nästan jämn, med 3 436 kvinnor och 4 169 män registrerade som mäklare i Sverige. Kvinnor hade en något högre avregistreringsfrekvens än män. Studiens resultat tyder på att manliga och kvinnliga mäklare har olika motiv för att välja yrket och återspeglar delvis samhällets könsstereotyper och normer. Medan män oftare dras till de tävlingsinriktade och prestationsbaserade aspekterna av yrket, betonade kvinnorna oftare kundrelationer, mental påfrestning och familjeliv. Dessa skillnader visade påverkan på karriärmöjligheter och upplevelsen av hur de uppfattas av kunder. Kvinnliga mäklare upplever i särskilda fall att deras kompetens ifrågasätts, ofta kopplat till könsstereotyper. Detta tyder på att kvinnor i dessa situationer kan behöva anstränga sig extra för att bevisa sin kompetens. Resultaten belyser vikten av att förstå och adressera de strukturella och sociala hinder som påverkar främst de kvinnliga mäklares yrkesupplevelser, men även faktumet att branschen förändrats över tid till ett mer jämställt yrke, vilket statistiken speglar men även upplevelserna. / This study investigates gender differences in the real estate agents profession, focusing on a gender perspective and how gender coding affects male and female real estate agents. The real estate agent profession is characterized by individual performance and typically commission-based pay. At the end of the year 2023, the gender distribution within the profession was nearly balanced, with 3,436 women and 4,169 men registered as real estate agents in Sweden. Women had a slightly higher deregistration rate than men. The study's results indicate that male and female real estate agents have different motivations for choosing the profession, partly reflecting societal gender stereotypes and norms. While men more often were attracted to the competitive and performance-based aspects of the profession, women more frequently emphasized client relationships, mental stress, and family life. These differences showed an impact on career opportunities and the experience of how they were perceived by clients. Female brokers sometimes experienced that their competence is questioned, often linked to gender stereotypes. This indicates that women in these situations may need to make an additional effort to prove their competence. The results highlight the importance of understanding and addressing the structural and social barriers that primarily affect female real estate agents and their professional experiences, while also acknowledging that the industry has become a more gender-equal profession over time, as reflected by the statistics as well as the experiences.

'n Vergelykende studie van die wyses wat eiendomsagente en waardeerders gebruik om die markwaarde van residensiële eiendom te bepaal

Kruger, Andre 30 June 2006 (has links)
Residential property not only provides in the basic needs of a person, but is also an indicator of an individual's wealth. The buying and selling of immovable property is complicated and the average person relies on the services of estate agents and banks. The research problem was formulated as follows: Property valuers and estate agents with access to the same information sources determine different market values for the same property. The research problem was researched by means of a literature study and empirical study. The methodology used by property valuers was described in the literature study. How estate agents determine the value of property was researched by means of an empirical study. From the literature study a model was proposed to determine the value of residential property. The information gathered in the empirical study was compared with this model to provide an answer to the research problem. OPSOMMING Residensiële eiendom voorsien nie net in een van die mees basiese behoeftes van 'n mens nie, maar is ook een van die grootste aanduiders van 'n individu se welvaart. Die koop en verkoop van onroerende eiendom is 'n ingewikkelde en die deursnee persoon maak daarom van eiendomsagente en banke gebruik. Die navorsingsprobleem is as volg geformuleer: Eiendomswaardeerders en eiendoms¬agente met toegang tot dieselfde inligtingsbronne bepaal verskillende waardes vir die¬selfde eiendom. Die navorsingsprobleem is deur middel van ʼn literatuurstudie en ʼn empiriese ondersoek nagevors. Die werksaamhede en metodologie wat eiendomswaardeerders gebruik, is aan die hand van die literatuurstudie beskryf. Hoe eiendomsagente te werk gaan om die waarde van eiendom te bepaal is deur middel van ʼn empiriese ondersoek nagevors. Uit die literatuurstudie is daar ʼn model voorgestel vir die bepaling van die waarde van residensiële eiendom. Die inligting wat met die empiriese ondersoek versamel is, is met die model vergelyk om antwoorde op die navorsingsprobleem te verskaf. / Public Administration / M. Tech. (Real Estate)

Customer-based brand equity of the major cellphone network service providers amongst principal estate agents in the Gauteng province of South Africa

Mentz, Hendrik 14 September 2011 (has links)
This study investigates the customer-based brand equity of the major cellphone network service providers (Vodacom, MTN and Cell C) amongst principal estate agents registered with the Estate Agency Affairs Board in Gauteng. Secondary research covered the marketing environment of the major service providers. An extensive study of literature on branding, brand management and brand equity measurement was undertaken. An empirical study was conducted. Telephone interviews were used for initial contact and screening. An invitation to participate in the survey, with a link to a questionnaire, was e-mailed to qualified respondents. Cell C users were excluded from the quantitative analysis. There were several significant findings: Vodacom and MTN users are alike in terms of personal and estate agency-related demographics. With the exception of age and gender, the sample fits the stated descriptors of individuals in the LSM seven to LSM ten groups. Cronbach‘s alpha coefficient confirmed a high level of reliability (0.870) for the summated measurement scale developed as an indicator variable of customer-based brand equity and Vodacom and MTN‘s rating on the summated scale did not differ at a statistically significant level. The service provider used proved to be an important driver of loyalty, but overall satisfaction with the cellphone service does not differ statistically significantly between Vodacom and MTN users. Vodacom has established a much more favourable positioning on the brand association statements evaluated. Factor analysis identified five brand association dimensions that should be considered for measurement of brand associations. Multiple regression analysis identified the brand as a product dimension as the best predictor of customer-based brand equity. Vodacom received more favourable brand performance ratings than MTN. Factor analysis identified six brand performance dimensions that should be considered for inclusion when measuring brand performance. Multiple regression analysis identified the easy to use and one-stop-service dimensions as the best predictors of customer-based brand equity. The customer-based brand equity of the user group is moderate (16 out of 25, or 64%). / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

'n Vergelykende studie van die wyses wat eiendomsagente en waardeerders gebruik om die markwaarde van residensiële eiendom te bepaal

Kruger, Andre 30 June 2006 (has links)
Residential property not only provides in the basic needs of a person, but is also an indicator of an individual's wealth. The buying and selling of immovable property is complicated and the average person relies on the services of estate agents and banks. The research problem was formulated as follows: Property valuers and estate agents with access to the same information sources determine different market values for the same property. The research problem was researched by means of a literature study and empirical study. The methodology used by property valuers was described in the literature study. How estate agents determine the value of property was researched by means of an empirical study. From the literature study a model was proposed to determine the value of residential property. The information gathered in the empirical study was compared with this model to provide an answer to the research problem. OPSOMMING Residensiële eiendom voorsien nie net in een van die mees basiese behoeftes van 'n mens nie, maar is ook een van die grootste aanduiders van 'n individu se welvaart. Die koop en verkoop van onroerende eiendom is 'n ingewikkelde en die deursnee persoon maak daarom van eiendomsagente en banke gebruik. Die navorsingsprobleem is as volg geformuleer: Eiendomswaardeerders en eiendoms¬agente met toegang tot dieselfde inligtingsbronne bepaal verskillende waardes vir die¬selfde eiendom. Die navorsingsprobleem is deur middel van ʼn literatuurstudie en ʼn empiriese ondersoek nagevors. Die werksaamhede en metodologie wat eiendomswaardeerders gebruik, is aan die hand van die literatuurstudie beskryf. Hoe eiendomsagente te werk gaan om die waarde van eiendom te bepaal is deur middel van ʼn empiriese ondersoek nagevors. Uit die literatuurstudie is daar ʼn model voorgestel vir die bepaling van die waarde van residensiële eiendom. Die inligting wat met die empiriese ondersoek versamel is, is met die model vergelyk om antwoorde op die navorsingsprobleem te verskaf. / Public Administration and Management / M. Tech. (Real Estate)

Customer-based brand equity of the major cellphone network service providers amongst principal estate agents in the Gauteng province of South Africa

Mentz, Hendrik 14 September 2011 (has links)
This study investigates the customer-based brand equity of the major cellphone network service providers (Vodacom, MTN and Cell C) amongst principal estate agents registered with the Estate Agency Affairs Board in Gauteng. Secondary research covered the marketing environment of the major service providers. An extensive study of literature on branding, brand management and brand equity measurement was undertaken. An empirical study was conducted. Telephone interviews were used for initial contact and screening. An invitation to participate in the survey, with a link to a questionnaire, was e-mailed to qualified respondents. Cell C users were excluded from the quantitative analysis. There were several significant findings: Vodacom and MTN users are alike in terms of personal and estate agency-related demographics. With the exception of age and gender, the sample fits the stated descriptors of individuals in the LSM seven to LSM ten groups. Cronbach‘s alpha coefficient confirmed a high level of reliability (0.870) for the summated measurement scale developed as an indicator variable of customer-based brand equity and Vodacom and MTN‘s rating on the summated scale did not differ at a statistically significant level. The service provider used proved to be an important driver of loyalty, but overall satisfaction with the cellphone service does not differ statistically significantly between Vodacom and MTN users. Vodacom has established a much more favourable positioning on the brand association statements evaluated. Factor analysis identified five brand association dimensions that should be considered for measurement of brand associations. Multiple regression analysis identified the brand as a product dimension as the best predictor of customer-based brand equity. Vodacom received more favourable brand performance ratings than MTN. Factor analysis identified six brand performance dimensions that should be considered for inclusion when measuring brand performance. Multiple regression analysis identified the easy to use and one-stop-service dimensions as the best predictors of customer-based brand equity. The customer-based brand equity of the user group is moderate (16 out of 25, or 64%). / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

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