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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Records management practices and public service delivery in Kenya.

Kemoni, Henry N. January 2007 (has links)
Abstract not available. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

e-Parliament to e-democracy : creating a model for effective management of public content

Tyumre, Mandisi Goodwin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Information and communication technology (ICT) has facilitated the implementation of e-parliament to ensure representivity, transparency, accessibility, accountability and effectiveness of parliaments. However, the shift from e-parliament to e-democracy may require parliaments to focus not only on efficiencies but also on improving the quality of interaction leading to changes in behaviour that support democracy. The study explores the current set-up in respect of the implementation of e-parliament globally, the initiatives that are being made and the challenges being experienced. It does this by examining literature regarding the latest developments in e-parliament and recent surveys on emerging utility trends. Consideration is given to particular initiatives in the African context, such as the Bungeni information management system. These are aimed at facilitating the push towards democracy that is assisted by ICT (e-democracy). A comparative analysis focusing on policies, technology, practices and organisational culture in the implementation of e-parliament, as a transitional stage towards edemocracy, is made with respect to the parliaments or chambers of the Czech Republic, India, Kenya and South Africa. The outcome of this analysis has important lessons for the use of ICT to support democracy, particularly for South Africa. It also generates a number of issues, for example the importance of knowledge management and organisational design for improving the parliament-citizen interface, which require consideration by parliaments in general. A seamless platform for facilitating engagement between parliament and the majority of citizens is designed through the adaptation of the e-business model. The platform integrates ICT infrastructure, processes and human resource in a knowledge management environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inligting en kommunikasie het die implementering van e-parlement gefasiliteer met die doel om verteenwoordigendheid, deursigtigheid, toeganklikheid en doeltreffendheid van die parlement te verseker. Die skuif van e-parlement na e-demokrasie kan parlement noodsaak om te fokus, nie net op doeltreffenheid nie, maar ook om die kwaliteit van interaksie te verbeter, wat weer sal lei tot gedragsverandering wat demokrasie ondersteun. Die studie verken die huidige toestand met betrekking tot die implementering van eparlement op `n internasionale skaal, die inisiatiewe wat onderneem word, en die uitdagings wat ervaar word. Literatuur wat die nuutste verwikkelinge saamvat, word ondersoek, asook onlangse opname aangaande opkomende gebruiks tendens. Dit is veral inisiatiewe in Afrika wat ondersoek word, soos byvoorbeeld die Bungeni Inligting bestuurstelsel. Dit word gedoen om die proses van demokrasie te fasiliteer wat weer deur Inligting en Kommunikasie tegnologie ondersteun word. `n Vergelykende analise wat fokus op beleid, tegnologie, praktyke en organisasie kultuur binne e-parlement, en die oorgangfase van e-demokrasie word gedoen oor die parlemente van die Tjeggiese Republiek, Indië, Kenia en Suid-Afrika. Die uitslag van die analise het belangrike lesse vir die gebruik van Inligting en Kommunikasie tegnologie om demokrasie te ondersteun, veral in Suid-Afrika. Dit genereer ook ander aspekte byvoorbeeld die belangrikheid van kennisbestuur en organisatoriese ontwerp om die parlement-burger interfase te verbeter. `n Platform wat die proses tussen die parlement en die burgers fasiliteer, is ontwerp met die aanpassing van die e-besigheidsmodel. Die platform integreer Inligting en Kommunikasie tegnologie infrastrukture, prosesse en menslike hulpbronne binne `n kennis bestuur omgewing.

Factors affecting the implementation of an electronic document and records management system

Kwatsha, Ntombizandile 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Information Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The past decade has seen a huge increase in the implementation and use of Electronic document and records management systems (EDRMS) in many public spheres. The South African government, in this case the Presidency, has now also adopted this system to comply with current legislation requiring government institutions to replace paper with electronic media as the preferred way of conducting their official business. In general, and as is evident from the available literature, it seems that Government organisations have been lagging behind in this regard. The failure to reap the expected benefits from this step by government institutions such as the Presidency forms the basis for this investigation, which examines the failures and successes in the implementation of an EDRMS and the factors affecting this process. The study used triangulation approach in order to arrive at a more reliable conclusion. Literature research has been used as a main data collection method for this study. It also serves as a basis for the approaches to subject matter that have been adopted. Data was also collected by conducting semi –structured interviews with government institutions, including the subject of this research, that have implemented EDRMS. The critical factors that have had an effect on the implementation of EDRMS were found to be of a strategic, social and technical nature. The study also found similarities in the factors affecting EDRMS implementation within government and identifies the need for further research focusing on how these factors differ between various types of organisations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afgelope dekade was daar ‘n ontsaglike toename in die instelling en toepassing van elektroniese dokument- en rekordbestuurstelsels (EDRMS) op talle openbare terreine. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering, in hierdie geval die kantoor van die Staatspresident, het nou ook hierdie stelsel aangeneem om te voldoen aan huidige wetgewing wat staatsinstellings verplig om papier te vervang met elektroniese media as die aanbevole manier om hulle amptelike besigheid te bedryf. Oor die algemeen, en soos dit ook blyk uit die beskikbare bronne, lyk dit egter asof regeringsinstansies agter geraak het wat dit betref. Die feit dat die verwagte voordele van hierdie stap nie deur staatsinstansies soos die Presidensie benut is nie, vorm die grondslag vir hierdie ondersoek, wat die prestasies en weiering wat gepaard gaan met die instelling van `n EDRMS en die faktore wat hierdie proses affekteer van nader beskou. Navorsing van die literatuur is gebruik as die belangrikse datainsamelingmetode vir hierdie ondersoek. Dit dien ook as die basis vir die manier waarop die onderwerpmateriaal benader is. Data is ook ingesamel van staatsinstansies wat `n EDRMS ingestel het, soos die instansie wat hier bestudeer word. Die kritiese faktore wat ‘n invloed gehad het op die instel van `n EDRMS het geblyk van `n strategiese, sosiale en tegnies aard te wees. Die ondersoek het ook ooreenkomste gevind in die faktore wat die instel van `n EDRMS in die regering affekteer en indentifiseer ook die behoefte aan verdere navorsing wat gerig is op hoe hierdie faktore van organisasie tot organisasie verskil.

Políticas arquivísticas no âmbito da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul : Arquivo Central e cultura organizacional, um elo indissociável

Goulart, Medianeira Aparecida Pereira January 2016 (has links)
No contexto organizacional das universidades federais de ensino superior registra-se uma expansão das políticas públicas para educação superior e um significativo aumento de investimentos, cujos impactos encontram-se refletidos nas instâncias tecnológicas, científicas e culturais. A análise de como esse processo se insere na estrutura organizacional dessas instituições frente às novas demandas, especialmente no que diz respeito à gestão de documentos e as políticas arquivísticas, considerando ainda a cultura organizacional, em consonância com os aparatos legais, - a Lei nº 8.159/1991 (Lei de Arquivos), e Lei nº 12.527/2011 (Lei de Acesso à Informação) - é o principal componente dessa pesquisa. Nesse sentido, quatro Universidades Federais de Ensino Superior foram objetos desse estudo que tem como base três eixos temáticos: (1) cultura organizacional, (2) gestão de documentos e políticas arquivísticas e (3) implantação de sistemas de arquivos. Objetivando refletir sobre as políticas arquivísticas no âmbito de três universidades federais, compará-las com o contexto do Arquivo Central da UFRGS e entender a relação entre a cultura organizacional e tais políticas nos locais pesquisados, buscou-se compreender as experiências arquivísticas no âmbito da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, da Universidade Federal de Goiás e Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Para tal foi utilizado uma abordagem qualitativa e de estudos de caso, da observação in loco e de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Como parte dos procedimentos registra-se a análise dos documentos normativos das instituições, bem como dos órgãos cuja competência está relacionada à gestão de documentos no âmbito das universidades. Os resultados das análises desses contextos permitiram relacioná-los à cultura organizacional presente nesses ambientes, bem como analisar as práticas arquivísticas da Divisão de Documentação e do Arquivo Central da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Este é responsável hoje pela gestão documental do acervo, representado, em sua maioria, por processos administrativos, datados de 1934 a 2016. Os resultados denotam ainda uma intrínseca relação entre práticas arquivísticas e a cultura organizacional pertinente aos ambientes administrativos universitários, ao mesmo tempo em que dispôs de subsídios para a elaboração de um regulamento para o Arquivo Central, delimitando suas competências e visando fortalecê-lo como o gestor e o disseminador das políticas arquivísticas institucionais na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. / In the organizational context of higher education federal universities it registers an expansion of public policies for higher education and a significant increase of investments, which impacts are found reflected in technological, scientific and cultural instances. The analysis of how this process fits into the organizational structure of these institutions facing new demands, especially regarding records management and archival policies, also considering the organizational culture in consonance with the legal apparatus, - Law number 8,159 / 1991 (Archival Act) and Law number 12,527 / 2011 (Information Access Act) - is the main component of this research. In this way, four higher education federal universities were subject of this study which is based on three thematic axes: (1) organizational culture, (2) records management and archivistic policies and (3) archive system implantation. Aiming to understand the archivistic experiences within the scope of three federal universities, compare them with the context of UFRGS Central Archive (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul state) and understand the relation between the organizational culture and such policies in the researched places. It sought to understand the archivistic experiences in the scope of the Federal University of Santa Maria, the Federal University of Goiás and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State. In order to do it has been use a qualitative approach and case studies, on-site observation and semi-structured interviews. As part of the procedures it registers the analysis of the normative documents of the institutions, as well as the agencies which competence is related to document management within the scope of the universities. The results from the analyses of these contexts allowed us to relate them to the organizational culture present in these environments, as well as analyzing the archivistic practices from the Documentation Division and the Central Archive of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul State. This is responsible today for records management of the holdings, represented mostly by administrative proceedings, dated from 1934 to 2016. The results show, still, an intrinsic relation between the archivistic practices and the organizational culture relevant to the universities administrative environments, meanwhile providing subsidies to elaborate an instruction manual for the Central Archive, delimiting its competences and hoping to strengthen as the manager and the disseminator of policies at institutional archivistic in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Segurança do paciente na gestão de prontuários

Aquino, Pablo Lincoln Sherlock de 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2015-05-26T12:53:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2980634 bytes, checksum: 4c7ccb2e54be16c1b0bcb01cfa7a50f5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-26T12:53:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2980634 bytes, checksum: 4c7ccb2e54be16c1b0bcb01cfa7a50f5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / The Patient Safety has been, in the last decades a thematic evidenced in the Brazilian and world scenario. There are cases that refer to bad prescription, errors in medication administration , stress and professional disillusion. Attached to concerns regarding the quality of medical records, Patient Safety becomes a study of high importance for Risk Reduction, both for patients as for professionals and health services. Therefore, this study concerned to better understand the reality of management of records of Alcides Carneiro University Hospital (ACUH) a federal public institution in the city of Campina Grande, Paraíba. The aspirations for improvements in service hospital records, along with initial actions of ACUH Management Risk and Patient Safety Center, were the main indicators for this study to have its start up. The focus of this work was to understand the situation seen as problematic by the institution Hospital Records Division and, through observations and systemic reviews, identify opportunities for improvement. The methodology used was the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), recognized worldwide in the management of public health services, especially in studies carried out in National Health Service (NHS) in Britain. The application of SSM had allowed greater understanding of how the records management is conducted in ACUH, and the main obstacles for attendance to Brazilian national guidelines Risk Management and Patient Safety. In addition to organizational learning, this study led to the construction of a project named the Medical Records Management Improvement Program (MRMIP), which may be applied by the administration of ACUH. / A Segurança do Paciente tem sido, nas últimas décadas, uma temática evidenciada no cenário nacional brasileiro e mundial. São casos que se referem à má prescrição, à administração de medicamentos de forma equivocada, ao estresse e à desilusão profissional. Atrelada à preocupação referente à qualidade dos registros médicos, a Segurança do Paciente é um estudo de suma importância para a Redução de Riscos, tanto para os pacientes quanto para os profissionais e serviços de saúde. Este estudo teve a preocupação de compreender melhor a realidade da gestão de prontuários do Hospital Universitário Alcides Carneiro (HUAC), instituição pública federal da cidade de Campina Grande, na Paraíba. Os anseios por melhorias no serviço de registros hospitalares, aliados às ações iniciais da Gerência de Risco e Núcleo de Segurança do Paciente do HUAC, foram os principais indicadores para que este estudo tivesse início. O foco foi compreender a situação tida como problemática pela Divisão de Registro Hospitalar da instituição e, por meio de observações e avaliações sistêmicas, identificar oportunidades de melhoria. A metodologia utilizada foi a Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), reconhecida mundialmente no âmbito da gestão em serviços de saúde pública, principalmente em estudos realizados pelo National Health Service (NHS), o serviço de saúde pública do Reino Unido. A aplicação da SSM ampliou o entendimento sobre a gestão de prontuários no HUAC, bem como apresentou os principais obstáculos para que sejam atendidas as diretrizes nacionais brasileiras de Gestão de Riscos e Segurança do Paciente. Além do aprendizado organizacional, este estudo propiciou a construção do Programa de Melhorias da Gestão de Prontuários (PMGP), que poderá ser aplicado pela administração do HUAC.

Políticas arquivísticas no âmbito da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul : Arquivo Central e cultura organizacional, um elo indissociável

Goulart, Medianeira Aparecida Pereira January 2016 (has links)
No contexto organizacional das universidades federais de ensino superior registra-se uma expansão das políticas públicas para educação superior e um significativo aumento de investimentos, cujos impactos encontram-se refletidos nas instâncias tecnológicas, científicas e culturais. A análise de como esse processo se insere na estrutura organizacional dessas instituições frente às novas demandas, especialmente no que diz respeito à gestão de documentos e as políticas arquivísticas, considerando ainda a cultura organizacional, em consonância com os aparatos legais, - a Lei nº 8.159/1991 (Lei de Arquivos), e Lei nº 12.527/2011 (Lei de Acesso à Informação) - é o principal componente dessa pesquisa. Nesse sentido, quatro Universidades Federais de Ensino Superior foram objetos desse estudo que tem como base três eixos temáticos: (1) cultura organizacional, (2) gestão de documentos e políticas arquivísticas e (3) implantação de sistemas de arquivos. Objetivando refletir sobre as políticas arquivísticas no âmbito de três universidades federais, compará-las com o contexto do Arquivo Central da UFRGS e entender a relação entre a cultura organizacional e tais políticas nos locais pesquisados, buscou-se compreender as experiências arquivísticas no âmbito da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, da Universidade Federal de Goiás e Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Para tal foi utilizado uma abordagem qualitativa e de estudos de caso, da observação in loco e de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Como parte dos procedimentos registra-se a análise dos documentos normativos das instituições, bem como dos órgãos cuja competência está relacionada à gestão de documentos no âmbito das universidades. Os resultados das análises desses contextos permitiram relacioná-los à cultura organizacional presente nesses ambientes, bem como analisar as práticas arquivísticas da Divisão de Documentação e do Arquivo Central da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Este é responsável hoje pela gestão documental do acervo, representado, em sua maioria, por processos administrativos, datados de 1934 a 2016. Os resultados denotam ainda uma intrínseca relação entre práticas arquivísticas e a cultura organizacional pertinente aos ambientes administrativos universitários, ao mesmo tempo em que dispôs de subsídios para a elaboração de um regulamento para o Arquivo Central, delimitando suas competências e visando fortalecê-lo como o gestor e o disseminador das políticas arquivísticas institucionais na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. / In the organizational context of higher education federal universities it registers an expansion of public policies for higher education and a significant increase of investments, which impacts are found reflected in technological, scientific and cultural instances. The analysis of how this process fits into the organizational structure of these institutions facing new demands, especially regarding records management and archival policies, also considering the organizational culture in consonance with the legal apparatus, - Law number 8,159 / 1991 (Archival Act) and Law number 12,527 / 2011 (Information Access Act) - is the main component of this research. In this way, four higher education federal universities were subject of this study which is based on three thematic axes: (1) organizational culture, (2) records management and archivistic policies and (3) archive system implantation. Aiming to understand the archivistic experiences within the scope of three federal universities, compare them with the context of UFRGS Central Archive (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul state) and understand the relation between the organizational culture and such policies in the researched places. It sought to understand the archivistic experiences in the scope of the Federal University of Santa Maria, the Federal University of Goiás and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State. In order to do it has been use a qualitative approach and case studies, on-site observation and semi-structured interviews. As part of the procedures it registers the analysis of the normative documents of the institutions, as well as the agencies which competence is related to document management within the scope of the universities. The results from the analyses of these contexts allowed us to relate them to the organizational culture present in these environments, as well as analyzing the archivistic practices from the Documentation Division and the Central Archive of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul State. This is responsible today for records management of the holdings, represented mostly by administrative proceedings, dated from 1934 to 2016. The results show, still, an intrinsic relation between the archivistic practices and the organizational culture relevant to the universities administrative environments, meanwhile providing subsidies to elaborate an instruction manual for the Central Archive, delimiting its competences and hoping to strengthen as the manager and the disseminator of policies at institutional archivistic in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Gestão de documentos e transparência dos atos públicos: um estudo de caso sobre os processos de licitação da Universidade Federal Fluminense

Silva, Isabela Costa da 31 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-01-30T15:03:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO_ISABELA COSTA DA SILVA.pdf: 1843074 bytes, checksum: f2468861aec99fa5378cb7c9704a3987 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Geisa Drumond (gmdrumond@vm.uff.br) on 2017-01-31T13:41:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO_ISABELA COSTA DA SILVA.pdf: 1843074 bytes, checksum: f2468861aec99fa5378cb7c9704a3987 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-31T13:41:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO_ISABELA COSTA DA SILVA.pdf: 1843074 bytes, checksum: f2468861aec99fa5378cb7c9704a3987 (MD5) / O destaque dado à gestão de documentos na década de 1940 revolucionou o campo teórico e prático da Arquivologia que, antes daquele momento, se ocupava prioritariamente dos documentos de valor histórico. A partir de então, incorporou os documentos de valor primário como questão da área, devido ao alto índice da produção documental em decorrência das ações de Estado. Este trabalho tem como foco de estudo a gestão de documentos e sua relevância como instrumento de transparência do Estado e de auditoria da sociedade. A gestão de documentos é apresentada como o meio que possibilita o controle da sociedade no âmbito da administração pública e a transparência dos atos públicos, com destaque para os processos de licitação pública, considerando a Lei 8.666/93 como o marco legal que estabelece novos procedimentos em relação aos atos públicos de licitação. / The emphasis on records management in the 1940s revolutionized the theoretical and practical field of Archival Science that until that point had traditionally been occupied by documents of historical value. After that, it began to incorporate documents of primary value because of the high rate of records production as a result of the actions of the State. This work focuses on the study of records management and its relevance both as an instrument of the transparency of the State and an auditing tool for the society. Records management is presented as the medium which enables control of the company in public administration and transparency of public acts, especially for public bidding processes, considering the Law 8.666/93 as the legal framework that establishes new procedures related to acts of public bidding.

Dokumenthantering inom företag / Document Management within companies

Johansson, Martin, Konstantinovic, Simon January 2015 (has links)
För många företag är hanteringen av dokument en stor del av vardagen. Dokumenten är viktiga och måste hanteras. Detta är viktigt för att säkerställa att dokument inom verksamheter är under kontroll och kan hanteras effektivt. Dokumenthantering kan utföras på olika sätt. Det finns den traditionella fysiska pappershanteringen och den digitala dokumenthanteringen som har blivit vanligt förekommande till följd av utvecklandet av effektiva digitala verktyg. Denna studie undersöker hur företag generellt hanterar dokument och hur de förhåller sig till elektronisk hantering av dokument jämfört med fysisk och varför. Om företag efterfrågar en förbättring av nuvarande dokumenthantering studeras även. Studien genomförs med djupintervjuer på olika utvalda företag. Från dessa djupintervjuer insamlas information om de utvalda företagens dokumenthantering. Informationen analyseras och jämförs. Resultatet av studien är att företagen förhåller sig positivt till digital dokumenthantering och att det är denna som används till största del. Den fysiska hanteringen föredras att behållas till en viss nivå av olika skäl. De intervjuade företagen upplever att det finns ett behov av förbättring av deras nuvarande dokumenthantering. Baserat på detta resultat ges en rekommendation för dokumenthantering på företag. / For many companies, the handling of records is a daily routine. The records are important and must be managed. It is important for ensuring that records within businesses is under control and can be managed efficiently. Records management can be done in different ways. The ways are traditional physical paper handling and the digital records management which has become more usual as a result of the development of efficient digital tools. This study investigates how companies generally are handling records and how they relate to electronic handling of records compared to physical and why. If companies request an enhancement of the current records management is investigated as well. The study is accomplished through in-depth interviews at selected companies. From these in-depth interviews, information about the selected companies records management is collected. This information is analyzed and compared. The result of the study is that the businesses relates positively to digital records management and that is what is mostly used. The physical handling of records is preferred to be kept to a certain level for various reasons. The interviewed businesses is experiencing that it exists a need of enhancing of their current records management. A recommendation for records management at companies is presented, based on the result.

A hybrid model for managing personal health records in South Africa

Kyazze, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Doctors can experience difficulty in accessing medical information of new patients. One reason for this is that the management of medical records is mostly institution-centred. The lack of access to medical information may negatively affect patients in several ways. These include new medical tests that may need to be carried out at a cost to the patient and doctors prescribing drugs to which the patient is allergic. This research investigates how patients can play an active role in sharing their personal health records (PHRs) with doctors located in geographically separate areas. In order to achieve the goal of this research, existing literature concerning medical health records and standards was reviewed. A literature review of techniques that can be used to ensure privacy of health information was also undertaken. Interview studies were carried out with three medical practices in Port Elizabeth with the aim of contextualising the findings from the literature study. The Design Science Research methodology was used for this research. A Hybrid Model for Managing Personal Health Records in South Africa is proposed. This model allows patients to view their PHRs on their mobile phones and medical practitioners to manage the patients’ PHRs using a web-based application. The patients’ PHR information is stored both on a cloud server and on mobile devices hence the hybrid nature. Two prototypes were developed as a proof of concept; a mobile application for the patients and a web-based application for the medical practitioners. A field study was carried out with the NMMU health services department and 12 participants over a period of two weeks. The results of the field study were highly positive. The successful evaluation of the prototypes provides empirical evidence that the proposed model brings us closer to the realisation of ubiquitous access to PHRS in South Africa.

A model to foster the use of records for evidence-based decision-making by senior managers in western cape governmental bodies, South Africa.

Momoti, Nikiwe Gloria January 2021 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / South Africa has placed emphasis on evidence-based decision-making for justifying service delivery improvement decisions. Evidence-based decision-making entails decisions made by referring to verifiable facts and figures available from a variety of sources of evidence such as organizational records. Records are created or received during the conduct of business and contain evidence of organizational activities. Their use as sources of evidence is continuous. Most records management scholars hypothesize that the use of records as sources of evidence for decision-making contributes to improved service delivery. In the same breath, some scholars lament their minimal use as sources of evidence for decision-making in the South African public sector due to poor records management. This descriptive, positivist quantitative study used a cross-sectional survey to determine the extent to which records as sources of evidence were used for evidence-based decision-making by senior managers in Western Cape governmental bodies,

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