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Misstro och konspirationsteorier : De ovaccinerades argument om Covid19-vaccinet / Distrust and conspiracy theories : The arguments of the unvaccinated about the Covid19 vaccineStajcic, Alexandra, Cec, Zeynep January 2022 (has links)
Covid19-vaccin är ett omdebatterat ämne i media och samhället. Tidigare forskning visar att individer ställer sig tveksamma till vaccinationen av Covid19 på grund av eventuella biverkningar, misstro till vaccintillverkarna och den korta tillverkningstiden. Samtidigt visar forskning på minskat förtroende för vetenskap och expertsystemets legitimitet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka de icke vaccinerades upplevelser och vilka bakomliggande faktorer som ligger till grund för att ha avstått Covid19-vaccinet. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av Giddens teori om konfiskering av erfarenhet och reflexivitet tillsammans med Becks teori om risksamhället och Goffmans teori om stigma. Empirin har genererats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 15 respondenter som har avstått Covid19-vaccinet. Deras upplevelser har analyserats genom den hermeneutiska metodansatsen. Vaccinets biverkningar och den framstressade tillverkningsprocessen var några av de bakomliggande faktorer till att inte vaccinera sig. Respondenterna upplever att deras beslut att avstå vaccin medförde ett begränsat handlingsutrymme, kränkande kommentarer på sociala medier och negativt bemötande av majoritetssamhället. Det framkommer individuella skillnader i vilken utsträckning respondenterna tror på konspirationsteorier. / The Covid19- vaccine is a debated topic in the media and society. Previous research shows that individuals are hesitant about the vaccination of Covid19 due to possible side effects, distrust of the vaccine manufacturers, and the short manufacturing time. At the same time, research shows a loss of trust in science and the legitimacy of the expert system. The paper aims to investigate the experiences of the unvaccinated and the underlying factors underlying the Covid19-vaccine. The theoretical frame consists of Giddens' theory of confiscation of experience and reflexivity, Beck's theory of the risk society, and Goffman's stigma theory. Semi-structured interviews with 15 participants who had abstained from the COVID-19 vaccine generated the empirical data. A hermeneutic approach was used to analyse the respondents' experiences. The vaccine's side effects, and the stressed manufacturing process were some of the underlying factors for not getting vaccinated. Respondents feel that their decision to abstain from the vaccine entailed limited room for manoeuvre, offensive comments on social media, and adverse treatment from the majority society. Individual differences in the extent to which respondents believe in conspiracy theories emerged.
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Practicing Narrative Inquiry II: Making Meanings MoveBochner, Arthur P., Herrmann, Andrew F. 01 January 2020 (has links)
Narrative inquiry provides an opportunity to humanize the human sciences, placing people, meaning, and personal identity at the center of research, inviting the development of reflexive, relational, dialogic, and interpretive methodologies, and drawing attention to the need to focus not only on the actual but also on the possible and the good. In this chapter, we focus on the intellectual, existential, empirical, and pragmatic development of the turn toward narrative. We trace the rise of narrative inquiry as it evolved in the aftermath of the crisis of representation in the social sciences. The chapter synthesizes the changing methodological orientations of qualitative researchers associated with narrative inquiry as well as their ethical commitments. In the second half of the chapter, our focus shifts to the divergent standpoints of small-story and big-story researchers; the differences between narrative analysis and narratives under analysis; and narrative practices that seek to help people form better relationships, overcome oppressive canonical identities, amplify or reclaim moral agency, and cope better with contingencies and difficulties experienced over the life course. We anticipate that narrative inquiry will continue to situate itself within an intermediate zone between art and science, healing and research, self and others, subjectivity and objectivity, and theories and stories.
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Examining Neural Alterations as the Origins of Disability in Patients Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament ReconstructionLepley, Adam Scott 01 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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How can local governments push for ambitious energy-efficient renovation of privately owned million-program houses?Landwehr, Andre January 2013 (has links)
How can local governments in the absence of national regulations or incentive schemesmotivate private owners of post-war mass-housing for investments into ambitious retrofittingfor energy efficiency? The million-program houses’ lifecycle currently makes renovationsnecessary and this would be an excellent opportunity to realize an upgrading of their energyefficiencystatus. Private owners do however show no inclination to do so. An intertwinedarray of barriers towards energy-efficient renovation is explored in this study, while it seeks tofind out which new drivers are needed to overcome these barriers and create an intrinsicmotivation for the owners to undertake the anticipated investments. In an exploratory casestudy, these points are investigated in the context of the exemplifying case of the Bygga omDialogen project in Malmö, Sweden.Bygga om Dialogen, is reframing the situation of investments into energy-efficiency in abroader socio-economic context and thrives to create new drivers pushing the owners toundertake the investments via the tools of strategic niche management and reflexivegovernance. This study explores how a strategic niche management and reflexive governancecan be used to motivate a variety of stakeholders to scrutinize and reconsider theirassumptions of the renovation-business-case and how this can stimulate the owners to activelycontribute to the establishment of a new, innovative, cross-sectoral approach seeking torealize energy-efficient investments in the context of holistic sustainable development in theneighborhood of Lindängen. Additionally it is explored how strategic niche management canbe used to deal with the contextual, strategic and institutional uncertainties that the establishednetwork is facing. Ideally the vision of mutually realizing energy-efficient renovations as partof an inclusive socio-economic upgrading of the neighborhood, could act as a building blockand exemplifying case for similar neighborhoods nationwide- or even all over Europe.
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Local education agency (LEA) administrators often require elementary teachers of standardized tested subjects English Language Arts, math, science, and social studies to use pre-published pacing guides and scripted lesson plans. These administrators do not require the same of music educators. As such, elementary general music educators often create and use their own lesson plans with the same cohort of students over multiple years. They are responsible for the liberating yet daunting task of helping students meet local or state standards with few to no mandates for short- or long-term planning.Elementary music teachers may draw from published music curriculums or create their own based on established music pedagogical frameworks (Bresler, 1995; Bugos, 2011; Hernandez, 2022; Mynatt, 2018). As an elementary general music teacher, I have drawn heavily from Gordon’s (2012) Music Learning Theory (MLT) as my pedagogical basis for music instruction. MLT-based materials I have used for kindergarten through 4th grade include Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum, Revised Edition (Taggart et al., 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2010). However, I have found that I need to supplement Jump Right In with contemporary materials to craft a modern curriculum fitting my unique teaching context and students. When I looked to the literature to understand how other MLT elementary general music teachers have written their own curriculum, my searches yielded no results.
To improve instruction in elementary general music, the purpose of this qualitative research was to understand the experiences of elementary general music educators who created and used LEA-wide elementary MLT-based curriculums. The single question guiding my study was, how do MLT-based, elementary general music teachers describe their experiences writing and implementing a formal curriculum in their LEA?
I selected a qualitative, interview-based design for my study. I used purposeful sampling to recruit three elementary general music teachers who had worked with colleagues in their LEA to write and implement an MLT-based curriculum. Using Seidman’s (2006) three-interview design, I gathered information from the participants. Because of my personal connection to the study, I used Braun and Clarke’s (2013, 2022) six-phase iterative approach to conduct reflective thematic analysis: familiarizing myself with the data; coding; generating initial themes; developing and reviewing themes; refining, defining, and naming themes; and writing up.
While analyzing the data, I developed codes from which sixteen subthemes emerged. I assigned each of these subthemes to one of three emergent themes: (a) teachers were steadfast and determined, (b) teachers were advocates, and (c) LEA policies helped and hurt. Participants’ data became organized by one overarching theme, instigators of and obstacles to change.
For these three teachers, the experience of creating and using LEA-wide elementary MLT-based curriculums was hard to earn and easy to lose. I present implications for music educators and their LEA administrators who aim to undertake similar projects. I discuss personal implications, and I make recommendations for future research.
Keywords: Music Learning Theory, elementary general music, teacher-created curriculum, reflexive thematic analysis, critical qualitative approach / Music Education
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Pastoral therapy and extra-marital affairs : a narrative approachBotha, Andre 06 1900 (has links)
Extra-marital affairs are the main reason for divorce in western society. Pastoral therapists usually operate within a modernistic theology and use their 'expert' knowledge of theological ethics to confront the unfaithful spouse - a pastoral therapeutic approach that neither delivers the desired results, nor honours the client's expertise and freedom. This study endeavoured to socially construct pastoral therapy using the principles of postmodernistic social construction discourse with couples/spouses where one spouse is or was engaged in an extramarital
affair. The relation between a modernistic epistemology and a postmodernistic epistemology, and how this relation affects theology, practical theology and pastoral therapy were explored. The propium of pastoral therapy in a
postmodemistic paradigm and the implications of a narrative approach in pastoral therapy for theological ethics were reflected upon. A narrative description of extra-marital affairs was constructed and some of the
cultural discourses which co-constitute extra-marital affairs were discussed. The pastoral therapist and clients were simultaneously in conversation with ethical discourses and relational, personal and emotional discourses, thus co-constructing new alternatives and possibilities. During these multiple reflexive conversations,
some of the cultural discourses (eros; self-fulfilment; extra-marital sex and hedonism) which co-constitute extra-marital affairs were deconstructed. In the light of the usual limitations of the life-span of an extra-marital affair, the
pastoral therapist and faithful spouses socially constructed alternatives and possibilities for their lives to enable them to outstay the extra-marital affair of the unfaithful spouse. Multiple reflexive conversations with (un)faithful spouses co-constructed, with relational and ethical discourses, a narrative approach in pastoral therapy. The use of externalisation and ritualisation in a narrative approach in pastoral therapy concerning extra-marital affairs was explored. A sense of guilt and secrets were also themes in multiple reflexive conversations with unfaithful spouses. This prompted reflection on the use of Scripture in a narrative approach in pastoral therapy. The relation between the biological-psychological aspects of extra-marital affairs and narrative therapy are also briefly explored. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Understanding first year undergraduate achievement in a post-1992 university science departmentLuan, Yun January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to address the under-researched theme of achievement among students in a post 1992 university in the UK. The findings are based on a case study of a cohort of first year (FY) undergraduates in a science department in a post 1992 university. Three key research approaches were deployed within this case study, namely, grounded theory, phenomenography and survey research. These three distinctive approaches have been framed within a broad interpretivist perspective in which subjectivity is managed through researcher positionality and the triangulation of data where appropriate. The research findings demonstrate that the point of registration at higher education (HE) institutions does not constitute a successful student because such a constitution is a process of becoming, involving complex meaning-making processes over time. These processes are characterised by a movement from 'outsider and potential achiever' to 'insider and reflexive achiever'. Important phases within this movement are those of: attending; being engaged and solving self-identified difficulties. In the light of the evidence gathered and the review of the existing scholarship, a detailed exploration and theorisation of these phases is offered. The preoccupation with students who fail in some way has led to a lack of research into those who succeed. This research has sought to overcome this lack by exploring the active meaning-making processes that lead undergraduates to achieve. A dynamic is identified between students' reflexive management of their FY experience and aspirations to achieve and the institutional context. This dynamic is also held to undermine the notion of students as customers awaiting satisfaction, suggesting instead that students be regarded as reflexive actors in the shaping of undergraduate achievement. This study presents a novel alternative to the prevalent deficit model in the relevant research which tends to treat students as passive bearers of diverse levels of readiness for undergraduate study. It also offers an alternative to the prevailing research on why students fail to progress or stay at university.
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自反性與共享資訊的動力: 以Independent Media Center自主媒體網站為例 / Reflexivity and the motor of sharing information: The case of Independent Media Center陳佳蓓, CHEN, CHIA-PEI Unknown Date (has links)
以反全球化為焦點,自己成為記者並報導生活週遭相關的議題,將之置放在Independent media center網站(本文以IMC作為通稱)中,成為共享的資訊,這是1999年底在美國西雅圖反全球化集結運動中崛起並快速蔓延的一場現象,雖說是經由科技帶動起的網路串聯,實則是一記鮮明的社會徵候,特別是資訊時代裡,在遍佈於各大城市總共約182個IMC分站中,IMC作為抵抗主流媒體的全球網絡,以自主的模式謀求資訊內涵與傳播管道的其他可能,這所展現的是由下而上對資訊批判力量的一場迸發,如何匯聚起這股力量並促成IMC運作是本文研究動機的起始。
首先了解IMC的反全球化立場在於反對資訊商品化,特別是跨國集團媒體對於全球化的片面詮釋,而破除商品化之一的手段便是資訊共享,這一層次的了解引領至本文討論知識、資訊在現代化社會中的角色,知識逐漸與資訊等價而資訊本身則信任削減,使得個人不得不反覆檢視日常行動隨時做出回應,這一體認是Beck與Giddens所提自反性現代化(Reflexive Modernization)的理論內涵,繼而受到Scott Lash美學面向自反性現代化的啟發,對資訊商品化的回應便是引領出一個創造的形式,對資訊的批判是一場意義填補的遊戲,而以行動去完成。在IMC所行動的網絡空間裡,對比於Taiwan IMC的聚集狀況與香港不使用IMC機制但有香港獨立媒體In-Media的比較分析,本文歸納出IMC的生成條件不僅僅是挪用其技術,而是對於黑客(Hackers)文化與IMC代表的共享精神的認同,共享的精神由黑客文化延續而來,將資訊作為禮物,使用Open Publishing自由發佈系統體現開放原始碼軟體意義,加上部落格這場新科技的實驗,資訊充分的自由流動性與全面開放的完整性增加了實現的條件,加速因共享精神的召喚而來的聚集現象,而流動性與完整性則是資訊共享的前提。
統整上述三個面向的分析,本文於結論中整理出研究發現,在自反性現代化作用之下,IMC所批判的資訊商品化有其改變的可能,以共享資訊作為行動來實踐其批判,完成了重新定義資訊的目的,這場具有創造性的實驗裡,本文於結論中討論IMC可能的社會影響,並在結語提出本研究的限制。 / The motive of this dissertation is inspired by a network phenomenon of IMC in 1999, which occurred at the scene of anti-globalization in Seattle. Readers of IMC (Independent media center) website volunteered to post their own articles related to anti-globalization issues on line and urged to set up a local branch site for the possibility of non-mainstream information production though an autonomous communication environment. The wild spread of IMC local branch sites emerged and prompted not only through new technology but also the burst of information critique in the form of bottom-up reflected ideology. Therefore, the naissance of IMC is the motivation of this dissertation.
To broaden the theoretical aspects for answering question, the perspectives of research question divided by three dimensions, including: Globalization, Reflexive Modernization and Network Space.
According to literatures of globalization, the statement of anti-globalization of
IMC is against information commercialization, meanwhile, the perception of information as products also led IMC to respond to it with the action of the spirit of sharing information. Refer to the theory of Reflexive Modernization, it doesn’t only explain how this perception shaped up (refer to the interpretation of Beck and Giddens) but also clarify that the responses as a creative acting was inspired by the transformation of information connotation in our daily life (refer to the interpretation of Scott Lash). In addition, IMC took place at the network space, comparing to Taiwan IMC and Hong Kong anti-globalization websites, we draw a conclusion of naissance of IMC to the fact of hackers’ spirit, which means they treat the information as gift and the open publishing system combined with Blog features operated by IMC as the presuppositions of sharing information.
To sum up the three dimensions of analysis, we concluded that the possibility of critique of information caused by IMC was created by the dynamic operation of globalization and reflexive modernization, meanwhile, we finalized the redefinition of information based upon the network space. We also brought up the possible social impacts generated by IMC phenomenon and research limits of this dissertation.
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Överläkare i ortopedi och kirurgi : Likvärdiga arbeten med lika löner?Fazlji, Denisa January 2006 (has links)
<p>This investigation is a pilot survey whose main purpose is to investigate with work evaluation and attitude analysis whether the orthopedists and surgeons work can be equaled, why the wages differences exists between women and men, and also which preventive measures the organization can use to even out the wages differences between the genders. In relation with the investigation I have applied the reflexive way of thinking to establish which difficulties come up in the work of gender-equality.</p><p>The result’s from work evaluation displays that the works are equivalent but the salaries are not, which can depend on value discrimination,gender discrimination and the organization theory.</p><p>Wages differences between women and men depend on, according to the informers, partly by historical explanation and partly by the old directors who was allowed to retain regular salary when they</p><p>post transformed. The common point of view is that men have a larger work experience and therefore a higher salary.</p><p>The managements attitude towards gender-equality issues is of absolute importance in order to achieve and bring a change within the organization.</p><p>The measure positive special treatment is proposed to be used as an improving method to achieve (gender)equality between the posts and to even out the wages difference between the sexes.</p><p>To establish whether or not gender discrimination exist in the investigated organization there needs to be done a whole lot supplementary studies like a complete wage (salary) mapping which includes all supplements and more interviews among the organizations all occupation groups.</p> / <p>Utredningen är en pilotstudie vars huvudsyfte är att via arbetsvärderingsanalysen och attitydundersökningen undersöka om ortopeders och kirurgers arbete kan jämställas, varför löneskillnader mellan kvinnor och män finns, samt vilka åtgärder organisationen kan använda för att jämna ut lönerna mellan könen. I samband med undersökningen har jag också valt att tillämpa det reflexiva tankesättet för att undersöka vilka som svårigheter uppstår i samband med jämställdhetsarbetet.</p><p>Resultatet från arbetsvärderingen visar att det handlar om likvärdiga arbeten men inte lika löner, vilket kan ha sin förklaring i värdediskriminerings-, genus- och organisationsteorin. Löneskillnaderna mellan kvinnor och män beror, enligt informanterna, dels på historiska förklaringar och dels på de gamla cheferna som har fått behålla sin ordinarie lön i samband med omplacering. Den allmänna synen är att män har längre arbetslivserfarenhet och därför högre lön.</p><p>Ledningens inställning till jämställdhetsfrågor har vidare vistas vara helt avgörande för att förändringsarbetet inom organisationen skall kunna genomföras.</p><p>Åtgärden positiv särbehandling har föreslagits som en metod för att uppnå jämställdhet mellan befattningarna och för att jämna ut löneskillnaderna mellan könen. För att undersöka om könsdiskriminering föreligger inom den undersökta organisationen behövs en del kompletterande studier såsom en komplett lönekartläggning som inkluderar alla tillägg och fler intervjuer bland organisationens samtliga yrkesgrupper.</p>
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