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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Symmetries and Distances : two intriguing challenges in Mathematical Programming / Symétries et Distances : deux défis fascinants dans la programmation mathématique

Dias da Silva, Gustavo 24 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude et à la discussion de deux questions importantes qui se posent dans le domaine de la Programmation Mathématique: les symétries et les distances. En arrière-plan, nous examinons la Programmation Semidéfinie (PSD) et sa pertinence comme l’un des principaux outils employés aujourd’hui pour résoudre les Programmes Mathématiques (PM) durs. Après le chapitre introductif, nous discutons des symétries au Chapitre 2 et des distances au Chapitre 5. Entre ces deux chapitres, nous présentons deux courts chapitres que nous préférons en fait appeler entr’actes: leur contenu ne mérite pas d’être publié pour le moment, mais ils fournissent un lien entre les deux Chapitres 2 et 5 apparemment distincts, qui contiennent les principales contributions de cette thèse. Il est bien connu que les PMs symétriques sont plus difficiles à résoudre pour l’optimalité globale en utilisant des algorithmes du type Branch-and-Bound (B&B). Il est également bien connu que certaines des symétries de solution sont évidentes dans la formulation, ce qui permet d’essayer de traiter les symétries en tant qu’étape de prétraitement. L’une des approches les plus simples consiste à rompre les symétries en associant les Contraintes de Rupture de Symétrie (CRS) à la formulation, en supprimant ainsi des optima globaux symétriques, puis à résoudre la reformulation avec un solveur générique. Ces contraintes peuvent être générés à partir de chaque orbite de l’action des symétries sur l’ensemble des indices des variables. Cependant, il est difficile de savoir si et comment il est possible de choisir deux ou plus orbites distinctes pour générer des CRSs qui sont compatibles les unes avec les autres (elles ne rendent pas tous les optima globaux infaisables). Dans le Chapitre 2, nous discutons et testons un nouveau concept d’Indépendance Orbitale (IO) qui clarifie cette question. Les expériences numériques réalisées à l’aide de PLMEs et de PNLMEs soulignent l’exactitude et l’utilité de la théorie de l’IO. Programmation Quadratique Binaire (PQB) est utilisée pour étudier les symétries et SDP dans Entr'acte 3. Programmes quadratiques binaires symétriques ayant une certaine structure de symétrie sont générés et utilisés pour illustrer les conditions dans lesquelles l'utilisation de CRSs est avantageuse. Une discussion préliminaire sur l'impact des symétries et des CRSs dans la performance des solveurs PSD est également réalisée. Le Problème Euclidien de l'Arbre de Steiner est étudié dans Entr'acte 4. Deux modèles sont dérivés, ainsi que des relaxations SDP. Un algorithme heuristique basé à la fois sur les modèles mathématiques et sur les principes d'IO présentés au Chapitre 2 est également proposé. Concernant ces méthodes, des résultats préliminaires sur un petit ensemble d'exemples bien connus sont fournis. Finalement, dans le Chapitre 5, nous abordons le problème fondamental qui se pose dans le domaine de la Géométrie de Distance: il s’agit de trouver une réalisation d’un graphe pondéré non orienté dans RK pour un certain K donné, de sorte que les positions pour les sommets adjacents respectent la distance donnée par le poids de l’arête correspondante. Le Problème de la Géométrie de Distance Euclidienne (PGDE) est d’une grande importance car il a de nombreuses applications en science et en ingénierie. Il est difficile de calculer numériquement des solutions, et la plupart des méthodes proposées jusqu’à présent ne sont pas adaptées à des tailles utiles ou sont peu susceptibles d’identifier de bonnes solutions. La nécessité de contraindre le rang de la matrice représentant des solutions réalisables du PGDE rend le problème si difficile. Nous proposons un algorithme heuristique en deux étapes basé sur la PSD (en fait basé sur le paradigme de la PDD) et la modélisation explicite de Contraintes de Rang. Nous fournissons tests informatiques comprenant des instances générées de façon aléatoire ainsi que des exemples réalistes de conformation de protéines. / This thesis is mostly dedicated to study and discuss two important challenges existing not only in the field of Mathematical Programming: symmetries and distances. In the background we take a look into Semidefinite Programming (SDP) and its pertinency as one of the major tools employed nowadays to solve hard Mathematical Programs (MP). After the introductory Chapter 1, we discuss about symmetries in Chapter 2 and about distances in Chapter 5. In between them we present two short chapters that we actually prefer to call as entr’actes: their content is not necessarily worthy of publication yet, but they do provide a connection between the two seemingly separate Chapters 2 and 5, which are the ones containing the main contributions of this thesis. It is widely known that symmetric MPs are harder to solve to global optimality using Branch-and-Bound (B&B) type algorithms, given that the solution symmetry is reflected in the size of the B&B tree. It is also well-known that some of the solution symmetries are usually evident in the formulation, which makes it possible to attempt to deal with symmetries as a preprocessing step. Implementation-wise, one of the simplest approaches is to break symmetries by adjoining Symmetry-Breaking Constraints (SBC) to the formulation, thereby removing some symmetric global optima, then solve the reformulation with a generic solver. Sets of such constraints can be generated from each orbit of the action of the symmetries on the variable index set. It is unclear, however, whether and how it is possible to choose two or more separate orbits to generate SBCs which are compatible with each other (in the sense that they do not make all global optima infeasible). In Chapter 2 we discuss and test a new concept of Orbital Independence (OI) that clarifies this issue. The numerical experiences conducted using public MILPs and MINLPs emphasize the correctness and usefulness of the OI theory. Binary Quadratic Programming (BQP) is used to investigate symmetries and SDP in Entr'acte 3. Symmetric Binary Quadratic Programs having a certain symmetry structure are generated and used to exemplify the conditions under which the usage of SBCs is majoritarily advantageous. A preliminary discussion about the impact of symmetries and SBCs in the performance of SDP solvers is also carried out. The Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem is studied in Entr'acte 4. Two models (which are exact reformulations of an existing formulation) are derived, as well as SDP relaxations. A heuristic algorithm based on both the mathematical models and the OI principles presented in Chapter 2 is also proposed. As concerns these methods, preliminary results on a small set of well-known instances are provided. Finally and following up the Distance Geometry subject, in Chapter 5 we cope with the most fundamental problem arising in the field of Distance Geometry, the one of realizing graphs in Euclidean spaces: it asks to find a realization of an edge-weighted undirected graph in RK for some given K such that the positions for adjacent vertices respect the distance given by the corresponding edge weight. The Euclidean Distance Geometry Problem (EDGP) is of great importance since it has many applications to science and engineering. It is notoriously difficult to solve computationally, and most of the methods proposed so far either do not scale up to useful sizes, or unlikely identify good solutions. In fact, the need to constrain the rank of the matrix representing feasible solutions of the EDGP is what makes the problem so hard. Intending to overcome these issues, we propose a two-steps heuristic algorithm based on SDP (or more precisely based on the very recent Diagonally Dominant Programming paradigm) and the explicitly modeling of Rank Constraints. We provide extensive computational testing against randomly generated instances as well as against feasible realistic protein conformation instances taken from the Protein Data Bank to analyze our method.

Reformulations dans l'enseignement supérieur : discours du professeur et prises de notes des étudiants : analyse d'enregistrements d'enseignants de sciences du langage avec ou sans supports technologiques / Reformulations in higher education : speech teacher and students taking notes : analysis of records of teachers linguistics with or without technological support

Roquelaure, Marie-France 25 September 2014 (has links)
Notre étude a pour objet de décrire les formes et les fonctions des reformulations de l’enseignant et leur influence sur les prises de notes des étudiants dans l’enseignement supérieur. Les reformulations y occupent une place importante. A l’Université, l’exposé magistral est le mode de communication principal (Bouchard et Parpette, 2007, 2009). Parmi les diverses formes de reformulations (Gülich, Kotschi, 1987), l’exemplification et la définition constituent des moyens fréquemment utilisés pour faire comprendre la terminologie propre à la discipline. Le travail vise à aborder l’exemplification et la définition par une analyse des enregistrements vidéo des cours de quatre enseignants s’adressant à des étudiants de première année de Sciences du langage pour leur transmettre un même contenu. Le corpus que nous nous proposons d’analyser est composé de huit séances encadrées par deux enseignants expérimentés et par deux enseignants débutants. Les enseignants s’appuient sur différents supports pédagogiques : supports technologiques (PowerPoint) ou traditionnels (polycopiés et inscription au tableau). Sur la base des travaux de Coltier (1988) et en nous référant à la typologie de Riegel (1990) et Rebeyrolle (2000), nous allons tenter de caractériser et de comprendre de quelle manière les exemples et les définitions peuvent contribuer aux processus de construction et de traitement des savoirs chez les étudiants via leur prise de notes. L’étude de la reformulation dans l’enseignement supérieur nous permet, par la proposition de nouvelles catégories d’analyse, d’affiner les modèles d’analyse théorique de la définition et des exemples utilisés et de dégager les spécificités du discours enseignant à l’université. / Our study aims at describing shapes and functions of the reformulation made by the teachers, as well as their influence on the students’ notes in higher education. At the University, lectures are the primary mode of communication (Bouchard and Parpette, 2007, 2012). Reformulations occupy an important place. Among the various forms of reformulations (Gülich and Kotschi, 1987), exemplification and definition are frequently a mean to get through the terminology used in the discipline. This thesis aims to address the use of exemplification and definition via an analysis of videotapes of four classes speaking to first year Linguistics students that convey the same content. The corpus that we want to analyze consists of eight sessions supervised by two experienced teachers and two novice teachers. Teachers rely on different teaching materials: technological media (PowerPoint) or traditional handouts and use of the blackboard. Based on the work of Coltier (1988) and referring to Riegel (1990) and Rebeyrolle (2000)’s typology, we will try to characterize and understand how the examples and definitions can contribute to the construction and processing of knowledge among students through their notes’ taking. The study of the linguistic phenomenon of reformulation in higher education, through the proposal of new categories of analysis, allow us to propose new categories of analysis, refine the theoretical analysis of the definition and examples, and to identify specifics in the discourse of University teachers. It may also provide first year students and University teachers training with guidance.

Recasts, uptake and learning : effects and relationships

Taddarth, Assma 08 1900 (has links)
L’uptake est la réponse immédiate de l’apprenant suite à la rétroaction de l’enseignant (Lyster & Ranta, 1997). Cette étude investigue la relation entre l’uptake et l’apprentissage des déterminants possessifs et des questions d’anglais L2. Elle examine aussi l’effet des reformulations implicites et explicites en termes d’uptake et d’apprentissage. Deux classes intensives (ESL) de sixième année du primaire (N=53) à Montréal ont participé à cette étude. Les deux classes ont été réparties en deux groupes : reformulations explicites et reformulations implicites. L’intervention comportait des activités communicatives. Les élèves ont été testés sur les formes cibles immédiatement avant et après le traitement pédagogique en utilisant des taches orales. Les résultats ont confirmé l’effet supérieur des reformulations explicites en termes d’uptake et d’apprentissage et que l’effet des reformulations dépend de la cible. Cette étude a montré aussi que l’uptake peut faciliter l’apprentissage et que son absence n’est pas signe de manque d’apprentissage. / Learner uptake is learner’s immediate response to the teacher’s oral corrective feedback (Lyster & Ranta, 1997). This study investigated the relationship between uptake and L2 learning and examined the effects of implicit and explicit recasts in terms of uptake and learning. Fifty-three students in two intact grade 6 ESL classes in Montreal were assigned to the two experimental conditions-one received implicit recasts and the other explicit recasts as feedback. The treatment included communicative activities; it targeted third-person possessive determiners and question forms. The student’s knowledge of the features was tested immediately before the treatment and immediately after it completed through oral tasks. Results revealed that explicit recasts were more effective than implicit recasts in terms of uptake and learning and that effectiveness of recasts depends on the target feature. It was also found that uptake could facilitate L2 learning; however, its absence should not be equated with absence of learning.

Recasts, uptake and learning : effects and relationships

Taddarth, Assma 08 1900 (has links)
L’uptake est la réponse immédiate de l’apprenant suite à la rétroaction de l’enseignant (Lyster & Ranta, 1997). Cette étude investigue la relation entre l’uptake et l’apprentissage des déterminants possessifs et des questions d’anglais L2. Elle examine aussi l’effet des reformulations implicites et explicites en termes d’uptake et d’apprentissage. Deux classes intensives (ESL) de sixième année du primaire (N=53) à Montréal ont participé à cette étude. Les deux classes ont été réparties en deux groupes : reformulations explicites et reformulations implicites. L’intervention comportait des activités communicatives. Les élèves ont été testés sur les formes cibles immédiatement avant et après le traitement pédagogique en utilisant des taches orales. Les résultats ont confirmé l’effet supérieur des reformulations explicites en termes d’uptake et d’apprentissage et que l’effet des reformulations dépend de la cible. Cette étude a montré aussi que l’uptake peut faciliter l’apprentissage et que son absence n’est pas signe de manque d’apprentissage. / Learner uptake is learner’s immediate response to the teacher’s oral corrective feedback (Lyster & Ranta, 1997). This study investigated the relationship between uptake and L2 learning and examined the effects of implicit and explicit recasts in terms of uptake and learning. Fifty-three students in two intact grade 6 ESL classes in Montreal were assigned to the two experimental conditions-one received implicit recasts and the other explicit recasts as feedback. The treatment included communicative activities; it targeted third-person possessive determiners and question forms. The student’s knowledge of the features was tested immediately before the treatment and immediately after it completed through oral tasks. Results revealed that explicit recasts were more effective than implicit recasts in terms of uptake and learning and that effectiveness of recasts depends on the target feature. It was also found that uptake could facilitate L2 learning; however, its absence should not be equated with absence of learning.

Förstärkande språkstrategier : En kvalitativ studie som beskriver fyra lärares förstärkande språkstrategier ur ett andraspråksperspektiv

Fernlund, Tove January 2017 (has links)
Since no teacher can learn all the languages of the world there is a need to find strategies to deal with students with different linguistic competences and conditions. In this essay, which I write under the Swedish teacher program at Örebro Univiersity, I will follow four teachers into their practice and search for tools they use to increase their chances to reach through to students in the Swedish middle school with Swedish as their second language. Using ethnographic and qualitative research methods I will present data from a video recorded material followed by an analysis based on a second language perspective. The material consists of video recordings from four different occasions where the teachers' initial and instructional monologues get caught. By using a multimodal approach my hope is to identify commonly occurring phenomena and describe how the differences in the use of these take place. I ask the following questions: • Are there any strategies that teachers use to clarify or strengthen their language teaching Swedish as a second language? •    If there are, how do the teachers use them? Observation Schedule and categories are designed through the findings the film has provided and have come together in four main categories that are: body language, reformulations, repetitions and visual aids. From these categories data is gathered and the data shows how frequently these phenomena occur and how they are combined. In the result I discuss different sequences from the films that show examples that I find interesting with a descriptive purpose. In this essay I want to describe how a few Swedish teacher works through the linguistic barrier that the differences in competence in the same language cause.

Gestion prévisionnelle des réseaux actifs de distribution - relaxation convexe sous incertitude / Operational Planning of Active Distribution Networks - Convex Relaxation under Uncertainty

Swaminathan, Bhargav Prasanna 22 September 2017 (has links)
Les réseaux électriques subissent deux changements majeurs : le taux croissant de générateurs d’énergie distribuée (GED) intermittents et la dérégulation du système électrique. Les réseaux de distribution et leurs gestionnaires (GRD) sont plus particulièrement touchés. La planification, construction et exploitation des réseaux de la plupart des GRD doivent évoluer face à ces change- ments. Les réseaux actifs de distribution et la gestion intelligente de associée est une solution potentielle. Les GRD pourront ainsi adopter de nouveaux rôles, interagir avec de nouveaux acteurs et proposer de nouveaux services. Ils pourront aussi utiliser la flexibilité de manière optimale au travers, entre autres, d’outils intelligents pour la gestion prévisionnelle de leurs réseaux de moyenne tension (HTA). Développer ces outils est un défi, car les réseaux de distribution ont des spécificités techniques. Ces spécificités sont la présence d’éléments discrets comme les régleurs en charge et la reconfiguration, les flexibilités exogènes, la non-linéarité des calculs de répartition de charge, et l’incertitude liée aux prévisions des GED intermittents. Dans cette thèse, une analyse économique des flexibilités permet d’établir une référence commune pour une utilisation rentable et sans biais dans la gestion prévisionnelle. Des modèles linéaires des flexibilités sont développés en utilisant des reformulations mathématiques exactes. Le calcul de répartition de charge est “convexifié” à travers des reformulations. L’optimalité globale des solutions obtenues, avec ce modèle d’optimisation exact et convexe de gestion prévisionnelle, sont ainsi garanties. Les tests sur deux réseaux permettent d’en valider la performance. L’incertitude des prévisions de GED peut pourtant remettre en cause les solutions obtenues. Afin de résoudre ce problème, trois formulations différentes pour traiter cette incertitude sont développées. Leurs performances sont testées et comparées à travers des simulations. Une analyse permet d’identifier les formulations les plus adaptées pour la gestion prévisionnelle sous incertitude. / Power systems are faced by the rising shares of distributed renewable energy sources (DRES) and the deregulation of the electricity system. Distribution networks and their operators (DSO) are particularly at the front-line. The passive operational practives of many DSOs today have to evolve to overcome these challenges. Active Distribution Networks (ADN), and Active Network Management (ANM) have been touted as a potential solution. In this context, DSOs will streamline investment and operational decisions, creating a cost-effective framework of operations. They will evolve and take up new roles and optimally use flexibility to perform, for example, short-term op- erational planning of their networks. However, the development of such methods poses particular challenges. They are related to the presence of discrete elements (OLTCs and reconfiguration), the use of exogenous (external) flexibilities in these networks, the non-linear nature of optimal power flow (OPF) calculations, and uncertainties present in forecasts. The work leading to this thesis deals with and overcomes these challenges. First, a short-term economic analysis is done to ascertain the utilisation costs of flexibilities. This provides a common reference for different flexibilities. Then, exact linear flexibility models are developed using mathematical reformulation techniques. The OPF equations in operational planning are then convexified using reformulation techniques as well. The mixed-integer convex optimisation model thus developed, called the novel OP formulation, is exact and can guarantee globally optimal solutions. Simulations on two test networks allow us to evaluate the performance of this formulation. The uncertainty in DRES forecasts is then handled via three different formulations developed in this thesis. The best performing formulations under uncertainty are determined via comparison framework developed to test their performance.

La mouvance zaydite après l'unification yéménite de 1990 ou la réaffirmation politico-religieuse des "perdants de l'histoire"

Dorlian, Samy 07 January 2011 (has links)
Suite à la révolution du 26 septembre 1962, le Yémen du Nord a vu naître la première république de la péninsule Arabique qui a mis fin au long imamat chiite zaydite caractérisé par le primat politico-religieux des descendants du prophète Muhammad : lessâda. Dans leur grande majorité, ces membres du «groupe de statut» le plus élevé au sein de la hiérarchie sociale de l’ancien régime, ont progressivement assumé leur nouvellecondition de «perdants de l’histoire». À partir de 1970, avec la fin de la guerre «civile»entre républicains et royalistes (partisans de l’imamat), ils ont généralement fait preuve de réalisme, ainsi que d’une volonté d’intégration et d'adaptation au nouveau système tant sur le plan politique que socio-professionnel.Dans le contexte pluraliste de l’unification du pays en 1990 entre le Yémen du Nord et leYémen du Sud, certains sâda ont toutefois choisi de donner à leur appartenance confessionnelle une expression politique aux formes organisationnelles diversifiées. Cette mouvance zaydite - composée d’acteurs perçus, par le pouvoir, comme représentant l’ancien régime - a pu relever le défi de la compatibilité avec le régime républicain. En effet, ces acteurs qui se sont inscrits, en dernière instance, dans une dynamique de modernisation politique, n’ont cessé de se revendiquer de la pensée zaydite. Et au lieu d’opter pour la «sunnisation du zaydisme», comme le suggère la littérature républicaine,ce qui les aurait obligés à renier leur appartenance confessionnelle primordiale, ils ont préféré entreprendre un réformisme immanent au zaydisme. Cette double épreuve de modernisation et de réformisme a inscrit la mouvance zaydite dans un processus de construction d’un universel politique. Or, ce dernier a connu un frein à partir de juin2004, avec le déclenchement de la guerre de Saada (du nom du chef lieu de la province homonyme, frontalière de l’Arabie Saoudite au nord-ouest du pays), entre le gouvernement et les partisans de Husayn, Badr al-Dîn puis ‘Abd al-Malik al-Hûthi(respectivement fils, père et frère). En effet, la «confessionnalisation» de la revendication politique de l’adversaire par le pouvoir a débouché sur une stigmatisation collective,provoquant des reformulations identitaires qui ont sérieusement menacé l’aspect modernisateur de la réaffirmation politico-religieuse des «perdants de l’histoire» au Yémen. / Emerging out of the 26 September, 1962 revolution, North Yemen became not only the first republic in the Arabian Peninsula, but also ended the long-lasting rule of the ShiaZaydi Imamate, embodying the political and religious dominance of the descendants of the prophet Muhammad : the sâda. After the revolution, a majority of the members of this status group, which occupied pre-eminent positions in the social hierarchy of the ancien régime, were relegated to the condition of «losers of the history». Since 1970 and the endof Yemen’s civil war, which pitted republicans against royalists (partisans of theImamate), the sâda adopted a pragmatic political stance, evincing an eagerness to integrate into and adapt to the new system in Yemen, in political as well as in socioprofessional terms.However, within the pluralistic context of the country’s unification in 1990 between North Yemen and South Yemen, some of the sâda choose to give political expression to their Zaydi «sectarian» affiliation, which expression took diverse organizational forms.The resulting Zaydi movement - comprising actors perceived, by the government, as representing the ancien régime - was able to overcome the challenge of compatibility with the republican regime. While adopting a strategy of political modernization, it never ceased asserting its Zaydi thinking. Rather than adopting the «Sunnisation of Zaydism» -as suggested by the republican literature - which would have forced the movement to abandon its primary «sectarian» underpinnings, it opted for an internally congruous Zaydireformism. The two fold undertaking of modernization and reform, put the Zaydimovement on the path of constructing a political vision claiming to be of universal validity. However, this project stalled relatively after June 2004, following the outbreak of the Saada war (from the name of the province bordering Saudi Arabia in the northwest of Yemen), waged between government and the partisans of Husayn, Badr al-Dînand later ‘Abd al-Malik al-Hûthi (respectively son, father and brother). Indeed, the government’s «strategy» of «sectarianization» of its adversary’s political claim, led to acollective stigmatization prompting identity reformulations which seriously threaten the modernizing aspect of the political and religious revival of the «losers of the history» in Yemen.

Reformulações discursivas em performance(s): a inscrição em língua estrangeira / Discursive reformulations in performance(s): the inscription in foreign language

Bassaglia, Alexandre 27 October 2015 (has links)
Buscando investigar a inscrição do sujeito em língua estrangeira (SERRANIINFANTE, 2006), esta pesquisa toma por objeto sequências discursivas orais identificadas como oriundas de processos de reformulação, enunciadas por aprendizes de francês, língua estrangeira, durante a realização individual de uma atividade de performance. Para tanto, primeiro problematizamos o conceito de reformulação, percorrendo criticamente os referenciais da Análise do Discurso (SERRANI, 1993; ORLANDI, 2012; PÊCHEUX, 2009). Em segundo lugar, com relação à aquisição de línguas, contrapomos a perspectiva cognitivista à não cognitivista, desenvolvendo um estudo crítico a respeito da oposição entre as noções de apropriação e inscrição, a fim de demonstrar, à luz de Serrani- Infante (2006, p. 248), que o sujeito, seja ele aprendiz ou não, é capturado pela língua que, por sua vez, tem um real específico e uma ordem própria. Uma terceira perspectiva teórica fundamenta esta dissertação: a noção de performance. Após tê-la discutido tanto pelo ângulo da Linguística quanto por aquele das Artes, destacamos o conceito construído transdisciplinarmente a fim de sustentar nossa metodologia. Do Latim formare (dar forma), a performance é simultaneamente o ato enunciativo marcado por percepções subjetivas originadas a partir de uma partitura textual e o acontecimento efêmero envolvendo várias linguagens. Metodologicamente ancorados nos parâmetros da Pesquisa-Ação (BARBIER, 2002), realizamos uma intervenção didática junto a estudantes de Letras (Habilitação em Francês), sujeitos desta pesquisa, a partir da obra La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules (DELERM, 1997). Os resultados obtidos ao longo da intervenção foram analisados de modo a salientar a necessária intersecção entre a materialidade linguística e elementos não verbais na reformulação oral do já dito. Ao longo de nossa discussão, evidenciamos que a atividade didática ancorada no conceito de performance corresponde à abertura de um espaço ficcional no qual o sujeito pode se inscrever na língua estrangeira. Além do mais, ao reformular trechos da narrativa literária no contexto da performance, os sujeitos-aprendizes podem se inserir em um novo lugar enunciativo. / The aim of this research is to investigate the subjects inscription in a foreign language by focusing on discursive oral sequences generated through processes of reformulation, which are identified in the utterances of learners of French as a foreign language during the individual accomplishment of performance activities. For this purpose, I first of all problematize the concept of reformulation, drawing critically on references to Discourse Analysis (Serrani, 1993; Orlandi, 2012; Pêcheux, 2009). Secondly, in relation to language acquisition, I contrast cognitive and non-cognitive perspectives, developing a critical study with respect to the opposition between the concepts of appropriation and inscription in order to demonstrate, in light of Serrani-Infante (2006: 248), that the subject be he a learner or not is captured by the language which, in turn, has a specific real and its own order. A third fundamental theoretical perspective in this dissertation is the notion of performance. After discussing it both from a linguistic and artistic perspective, I reinforce a transdisciplinary construction of the concept in order to sustain my methodological approach. From the Latin formare (to give form), performance is simultaneously an enunciative act marked by subjective perceptions originating in a textual partiture and an ephemeral event involving several languages. Anchored methodologically by the parametres of Action-Research (Barbier, 2002), a didactic intervention is carried out with Humanities students (BA French), the subjects of this research, using the text La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules (Delerm, 1997). The results obtained over the course of the intervention were analysed in order to accentuate the necessary intersection between linguistic materiality and non-verbal elements in the oral reformulation of the aforementioned text. Throughout my discussions, I show that didactic activities grounded in the concept of performance correspond to the opening up of a fictional space within which the subject can inscribe himself within the foreign language. Moreover, by reformulating excerpts from the literary narrative in a performance context, the subject-learners can inscribe themselves within a new enunciative place.

Os processos de (re)elaboraÃÃo de gÃneros no Facebook : um estudo sobre as prÃticas discursivas na fanpage do Sensacionalista

Fellyp Gabriel de Sousa Pereira 00 July 2018 (has links)
nÃo hà / O trabalho em questÃo tem por objetivo geral analisar as prÃticas discursivas das postagens na fanpage do Sensacionalista no Facebook, considerando a intertextualidade intergenÃrica dessas prÃticas, suas manifestaÃÃes em remixes e mashups e as affordances do ambiente virtual. Em virtude disto, conduzimos nossa linha de investigaÃÃo nas concepÃÃes teÃricas de gÃneros do discurso e suas (re)elaboraÃÃes (BAKHTIN, 2011), nos fenÃmenos de intertextualidade intergenÃrica estudados no escopo da LinguÃstica de Texto (KOCH, 2007, 2009; KOCH; ELIAS, 2008), nas prÃticas de remix e mashups (NAVAS, 2010; BUZATO ET.AL, 2013) e, por fim, no conceito de affordances (GIBSON, 1986; SILVA, 2015). AlÃm disto, com relaÃÃo ao percurso metodolÃgico, em primeiro lugar, elencamos a fanpage do Sensacionalista no Facebook, para fins de anÃlise, com base em quatro critÃrios, isto Ã, por ser uma fanpage que: i) possui mais de 1 milhÃo curtidas; ii) apresenta uma regularidade de postagens semanais; iii) apresenta conteÃdo institucional com mais de trÃs anos de criaÃÃo; iv) apresenta como um dos critÃrios temÃticos centrais a grande depressÃo do governo de Dilma Rousseff. Em segundo lugar, analisamos cinquenta postagens que tambÃm foram selecionadas com base em quatro critÃrios, saber: i) ter, no mÃnimo, mil curtidas; ii) possuir, no mÃnimo, mil compartilhamentos; iii) apresentar discussÃes (interaÃÃes de participantes) com base no tema piloto da postagem; iv) ter sido postada a partir da data de primeiro de janeiro de 2014 atà o dia primeiro de janeiro de 2017, correspondendo, no total, a trÃs anos de prÃticas discursivas na referida fanpage. Em terceiro lugar, ainda sobre a metodologia, decidimos utilizar a etnografia virtual ou a netnografia (HINE, 2004; KOZINETS, 2010; MARTINS, 2011) para descrevermos tanto as affordances da fanpage quanto as affordances da postagem. Sobre os resultados da pesquisa, constatamos que os processos de intertextualidade intergenÃrica que ocorrem no interior desses posts propiciam mesclas entre diferentes gÃneros discursivos, a saber: as notÃcias, os comentÃrios, os anÃncios e as histÃrias em quadrinho. Foi constatado ainda que as prÃticas de remixes e mashups sÃo novas estratÃgias de textualizaÃÃo que subvertem os textos na internet. AlÃm disso, as anÃlises evidenciaram que a interaÃÃo do homem com as affordances do ambiente digital possibilita a (re)elaboraÃÃo de gÃneros discursivos, como foi o caso das chamadas de notÃcias. Por fim, ao final da pesquisa, confirmamos que as postagens do Sensacionalista sÃo prÃticas discursivas que assumem a forma dos diferentes gÃneros discursivos que jà existem nas diferentes esferas sociais, os quais sÃo (re)elaborados no suporte multisemiÃtico da fanpage no Facebook

Reformulações discursivas em performance(s): a inscrição em língua estrangeira / Discursive reformulations in performance(s): the inscription in foreign language

Alexandre Bassaglia 27 October 2015 (has links)
Buscando investigar a inscrição do sujeito em língua estrangeira (SERRANIINFANTE, 2006), esta pesquisa toma por objeto sequências discursivas orais identificadas como oriundas de processos de reformulação, enunciadas por aprendizes de francês, língua estrangeira, durante a realização individual de uma atividade de performance. Para tanto, primeiro problematizamos o conceito de reformulação, percorrendo criticamente os referenciais da Análise do Discurso (SERRANI, 1993; ORLANDI, 2012; PÊCHEUX, 2009). Em segundo lugar, com relação à aquisição de línguas, contrapomos a perspectiva cognitivista à não cognitivista, desenvolvendo um estudo crítico a respeito da oposição entre as noções de apropriação e inscrição, a fim de demonstrar, à luz de Serrani- Infante (2006, p. 248), que o sujeito, seja ele aprendiz ou não, é capturado pela língua que, por sua vez, tem um real específico e uma ordem própria. Uma terceira perspectiva teórica fundamenta esta dissertação: a noção de performance. Após tê-la discutido tanto pelo ângulo da Linguística quanto por aquele das Artes, destacamos o conceito construído transdisciplinarmente a fim de sustentar nossa metodologia. Do Latim formare (dar forma), a performance é simultaneamente o ato enunciativo marcado por percepções subjetivas originadas a partir de uma partitura textual e o acontecimento efêmero envolvendo várias linguagens. Metodologicamente ancorados nos parâmetros da Pesquisa-Ação (BARBIER, 2002), realizamos uma intervenção didática junto a estudantes de Letras (Habilitação em Francês), sujeitos desta pesquisa, a partir da obra La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules (DELERM, 1997). Os resultados obtidos ao longo da intervenção foram analisados de modo a salientar a necessária intersecção entre a materialidade linguística e elementos não verbais na reformulação oral do já dito. Ao longo de nossa discussão, evidenciamos que a atividade didática ancorada no conceito de performance corresponde à abertura de um espaço ficcional no qual o sujeito pode se inscrever na língua estrangeira. Além do mais, ao reformular trechos da narrativa literária no contexto da performance, os sujeitos-aprendizes podem se inserir em um novo lugar enunciativo. / The aim of this research is to investigate the subjects inscription in a foreign language by focusing on discursive oral sequences generated through processes of reformulation, which are identified in the utterances of learners of French as a foreign language during the individual accomplishment of performance activities. For this purpose, I first of all problematize the concept of reformulation, drawing critically on references to Discourse Analysis (Serrani, 1993; Orlandi, 2012; Pêcheux, 2009). Secondly, in relation to language acquisition, I contrast cognitive and non-cognitive perspectives, developing a critical study with respect to the opposition between the concepts of appropriation and inscription in order to demonstrate, in light of Serrani-Infante (2006: 248), that the subject be he a learner or not is captured by the language which, in turn, has a specific real and its own order. A third fundamental theoretical perspective in this dissertation is the notion of performance. After discussing it both from a linguistic and artistic perspective, I reinforce a transdisciplinary construction of the concept in order to sustain my methodological approach. From the Latin formare (to give form), performance is simultaneously an enunciative act marked by subjective perceptions originating in a textual partiture and an ephemeral event involving several languages. Anchored methodologically by the parametres of Action-Research (Barbier, 2002), a didactic intervention is carried out with Humanities students (BA French), the subjects of this research, using the text La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules (Delerm, 1997). The results obtained over the course of the intervention were analysed in order to accentuate the necessary intersection between linguistic materiality and non-verbal elements in the oral reformulation of the aforementioned text. Throughout my discussions, I show that didactic activities grounded in the concept of performance correspond to the opening up of a fictional space within which the subject can inscribe himself within the foreign language. Moreover, by reformulating excerpts from the literary narrative in a performance context, the subject-learners can inscribe themselves within a new enunciative place.

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