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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förvaltningsmyndigheternas kommunikationsskyldighet : Regelverk och tillämpning / The duty of administrative authorities to communicate : Regulations and application

Pavon, Christian January 2015 (has links)
This essay deals with the principle of communication as phrased in section 17 of the Swedish administrative act. According to this section administrative authorities are obliged to inform a party involved in an administrative case of all material which has been added to the case by somebody else and is of importance for the decision and then give the party an opportunity to comment on it. The purpose of this essay is to examine how courts evaluate the way administrative authorities apply this rule. How do the authorities fail in their obligation to communicate and what do the courts say about this? The essay includes a description of the details of the law and what preparatory work and doctrine say about it. The essay includes an analysis of thirteen court cases. The courts were critical of the application of the rule in a majority of cases. The analysis showed different kinds of deviations from the obligation to communicate. The courts only accepted minor deviations. In most cases where the authorities had failed in their communication the courts reversed the decisions. The conclusion of the analysis is that the courts are very strict when they evaluate how administrative authorities apply their obligation to communicate. / I inledningen till denna uppsats görs en liknelse mellan det som kallas kommunikationsprincipen och boken Processen av Franz Kafka där huvudpersonen upplever motsatsen till allt det som denna princip innebär. Uppsatsen behandlar kommunikationsskyldigheten som den regleras i 17 § förvaltningslagen. Det är en skyldighet som förvaltningsmyndigheter har gentemot enskilda och som är mycket viktig för rättssäkerheten och allmänhetens förtroende för myndigheter. En enskild kan vara inblandad i ett ärende hos en förvaltningsmyndighet. Det kan till exempel handla om att en person söker bygglov eller att en person som äger en restaurang riskerar att få sitt serveringstillstånd indraget. I alla sådana ärenden som innebär myndighetsutövning mot enskild måste myndigheten informera den som är part i ärendet om alla de uppgifter som tillförts ärendet av någon annan än honom/henne själv och som har betydelse för utgången i ärendet. Det kan handla om muntliga eller skriftliga uppgifter, uppgifter som tillförts ärendet inifrån eller utifrån myndigheten. Parten ska också ges tillfälle att komma med synpunkter på dessa uppgifter. Den enskilda individen ska inte själv behöva undersöka om nya uppgifter kommit in. Det är myndighetens ansvar att se till att den enskilda får dessa uppgifter.   Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur domstolarna bedömer att förvaltningsmyndigheterna tillämpar denna regel. Vilka brister finns i myndigheternas tillämpning av sin kommunikationsskyldighet och hur bedömer domstolarna dessa brister? Vad beror bristerna på?   För att undersöka detta analyserades totalt 13 rättsfall. Där förekom olika typer av brister i kommunikationen, muntliga yttranden från t.ex  arbetsgivarrepresentanter i tjänstetillsättningsärenden kommunicerades inte. I ett par fall informerade myndigheterna inte om uppgifter de själva tillfört ärendet. Orsakerna till bristerna kunde förutom försummelse och bristande rutiner vara feltolkningar av lagen. I ett par fall kunde man misstänka att myndigheterna avsiktligt avstod att meddela vissa uppgifter. Domstolarna godtog bara mycket små avvikelser från kommunikationsskyldigheten. I de allra flesta av fallen bedömde domstolarna att bristerna var så allvarliga att besluten upphävdes och återförvisades till lägre instans för ny bedömning Analysen visar att domstolarna är mycket stränga i sin bedömning av förvaltningsmyndigheternas tillämpning av regeln om kommunikationsskyldighet.

A look into water conservation: an evaluation of landscape water regulations

Schneider, Joseph January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / William P. Winslow III / Access to water has always been a critical and often times conflicted issue along Colorado's Front Range. With current and projected population growth in the state of Colorado it can be expected that the importance of the issue will only increase. In order to control future conflicts and costs, communities throughout Colorado have started to update and implement water conservation programs to address demand and delivery issues. A water demand category that has been commonly targeted by community water conservation programs is the designed urban landscape. This study explores the effectiveness of landscape water regulations in urban, landscaped open space as tools for water conservation. The study examines the effectiveness of landscape regulations using three landscape regulations in the city of Colorado Springs. The three landscape regulations represent city and development landscape regulations and guidelines implemented before and after 1998. The effectiveness of the three regulations is measured from the results of four evaluations (regulation composition, landscape design, landscape installation and maintenance, and landscape water use) that represent the steps necessary for the development and maintenance of water efficient landscapes. The tool of measure in the four evaluations is the application and enforcement of the research based Xeriscape principles in the codes, policies, and guidelines found in the three landscape regulations. The results indicated that regulation changes that occurred in the City Landscape Code and Policy Manual in the late 1990's effectively created water conserving landscape regulations. The post 1998 landscape regulations used a diverse combination of water-wise principles that were not only suggested by the codes, policies, and guidelines but also enforced through inspections and submittals. The diversity of water-wise principles in the regulations and the balance of citations and enforcement were the major elements that reduced water use and increased conservation in the evaluated landscape tracts.

The effect of chemical carcinogens on DNA bypass replication and the development of in vitro and in vivo models for chemical mutagenesis.

Yamanishi, Douglas Tadao. January 1989 (has links)
In the context of the somatic mutation theory of chemical carcinogenesis, mutations are thought to arise during the replication of DNA past carcinogen-DNA adducts. The work described in this thesis deals with the testing of a hypothetical mechanism whereby mammalian cells are able to replicate their DNA past polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon DNA adducts. The second objective of this thesis work was to develop both in vivo and in vitro models to study the induction of mutations in a target human gene by chemical carcinogens from two different classes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrosamines. To approach the hypothetical mechanism of bypass replication in mammalian cells, synchronized Chinese hamster ovary cells were treated with the ultimate carcinogenic form of benzo (a) pyrene, 7β, 8α-dihydroxy-9α, 10α-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo (a) pyrene (BPDE I). Using the pH step alkaline elution assay, it was found that the reduced rate of S phase progression was due to a delay in the appearance of multiple replicon size nascent DNA. It was determined using agarose gel electrophoresis that the ligation of Okazaki size replication intermediates was blocked in BPDE I-treated, synchronized CHO cells. The data obtained were, therefore, supportive of the 'block-gap' model of DNA bypass replication in carcinogen damaged mammalian cells. To study mutagenesis of a specific sequence induced by chemical carcinogens, the human c-Ha-ras proto-oncogene was transfected into the mouse fibroblast cell line, NIH 3T3. Transfected NIH 3T3 cell lines (HHRN 1-4) were isolated that had a low copy number of the human c-Ha-ras proto-oncogene and a non-transformed phenotype. It was determined that the integrated human c-Ha-ras gene was hypomethylated, and expressed at the messenger level. The human c-Ha-ras protein, p21, was also detected in these transfected cell lines. Treatment of the HHRN cell lines with the nitrosamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso-N'-nitroguanidine (MNNG) resulted in transformed NIH 3T3 foci. In vitro MNNG treatment of the plasmid, z-6, and transfection into NIH 3T3 cells led to the isolation of transformed cell lines. Screening of the in vitro and in vivo treated, transformed cell lines by RNA:RNA duplex mismatch analysis led to the detection of no mutations within the first exon of the human c-Ha-ras oncogene.

The effects of regulations on risk management within the Swedish Banking Sector

Parfenova, Alina, Karlsson, Lena January 2016 (has links)
This research shed the light on regulations and their effects on operational risk management within the Swedish Swedish Banking Sector. The focus lies on operational risk management due to the introduction of new regulations such as FFFS 2014:1, FFFS 2014:4 and FFFS 2014:5. What could be found in the empirical analysis is that the regulations affected organizational changes.  Additionally, differences between large and small banks could be seen. All changes in terms of implementation of regulations are strongly performed throughout the Three Lines of Defence model where clear organization structure and work description are of importance. The Three Lines of Defence is tightly combined with the COSO framework and operational risk management to conduct compliant organization that is adaptable for any regulatory changes.

An empirical investigation of transfer pricing regulations for Nigeria with a particular emphasis on the petroleum sector

Zannah, Kalli January 2015 (has links)
This research critically investigates the adoption and implementation of transfer pricing regulations in Nigeria with a particular emphasis on the petroleum sector. It opportunely chose Nigeria as a case study of transfer pricing issues in developing countries as Nigeria was devising and implementing its own transfer pricing regulation. In early 2012, Nigeria issued draft transfer pricing regulations for consultation with a view to publishing them at the end of the same year. In order to gauge the reaction of the stakeholders in Nigeria to the adoption and implementation of transfer pricing regulations and other related issues, a questionnaire was designed and administered to 140 respondents from eight different stakeholders groups including Nigerian tax authority, multinational companies in the petroleum sector and other organisations involved in tax matters. The questionnaire elicited their views on the (i) form of adoption of transfer pricing regulations; (ii) motive behind the adoption of the regulations; (iii) administrative resource capacity of the Nigerian tax authority; (iv) barriers that might hinder successful implementation of the regulations; and (v) needs for guidance and support. Institutional theory and resource-based view were employed as a theoretical lens through which to guide the study and to provide a platform against which to analyse the responses to the questionnaire and the interviews. The analysis of the responses to the questionnaire was thus undertaken subsequent to the adoption of the transfer pricing system which enabled informed reflection and critical analysis to be carried out on the results of the analysis. In addition, interviews with 16 experts were conducted subsequent to the issue and preliminary analysis of the responses to the questionnaire in order to gauge their reaction to the views being expressed by the respondents. This enabled a reflective analysis to be undertaken when assessing the information content emerging from the responses. The findings of the study indicate that the OECD transfer pricing framework, which is the transfer pricing system of choice amongst the developed countries, is not the most preferred framework for the regulation of transfer pricing in Nigeria. It also reveals that whilst the Nigerian tax authority has the administrative capacity to develop a transfer pricing team and other necessary platforms for the adoption and implementation of transfer pricing regulations, the lack of sufficient transfer pricing experts, political will and inadequate comparable information are the major potential barriers that might hinder the successful implementation of transfer pricing regulations in Nigeria. These findings should enable policy makers and other stakeholders in Nigeria to review their transfer pricing policies and find a way to overcome the identified potential barriers. This thesis is the first of its kind to empirically investigate the transfer pricing regulations in Nigeria with a particular emphasis on the petroleum sector. It also further establishes the use of institutional theory and resource-based view framework in transfer pricing studies and especially, by extending its application to the adoption and implementation of transfer pricing regulations with a particular emphasis on the petroleum sector.

Customer data in the European fashion industry : Investigation of students’ willingnessto share customer data in the fashion e-commerce

Höler, Lisa Marie, Meyer zu Hörste, Christin January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis aims to investigate students’ willingness to share customer data in the fashion e-commerce. Special attention is given to the way trust, benefits and law regulations are discussed in this context. An inductive approach was applied utilizing focus group discussions. The goal of the empirical study was to gain insights in the way students argue about customer data and which feelings are involved. The study highlights findings in the key areas trust, benefits and law regulations. A shift of customer trust from brands to recommendations could be observed. In terms of benefits, focus group participants tend to choose value exchange over traditional rewards. Findings regarding law regulations suggest that the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union can provide control of customer data but no security. Furthermore, consumer behavior plays an important role when it comes to data sharing attitudes. The experiences and observations of the participants may not be applicable to other studies. Furthermore, the study findings are bounded to the European Union. The findings suggest that trust, benefits and law regulations can influence students’ willingness to share customer data in the fashion e-commerce. The study is unique of its kind as it investigates the willingness to share customer data with the focus on students and fashion e-commerce. Hence, this research paper fills a gap in scientific literature and is valuable for businesses operating in the fashion e-commerce.

Betydelsefulla framgångsfaktorer vid implementering av finansiella regelverk : En studie inför implementeringen av MiFID II  för finansiell rådgivning och  investeringstjänster

Noresson, Josefine, Neziri, Krenare January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att förklara och förstå de centrala faktorer som är av betydelse vid en implementering av ett finansiellt regelverk. Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt har använts för att uppnå vårt syfte, genom att intervjua olika respondenter från olika typer av finansiella företag som står inför den kommande förändringen. Genom att kombinera vårt empiriska resultat med den framtagna teorin om implementeringar, har vi kunnat komma fram till faktorer som är av betydelse vid implementeringar av finansiella regelverk.  De mest betydelsefulla faktorerna för en framgångsrik implementering av finansiella regelverk är anpassningsbarhet, analysförmåga och kommunikation. Genom att redan tidigt följa regelverkets utveckling kan organisationen ha en god uppfattning om hur det senare kommer att utformas på en nationell nivå. På detta sätt blir inte implementeringsprocessen lika begränsad av den långa tid som det tar att stifta de nationella regleringarna. Det är väsentligt att organisationerna kan anpassa sin implementeringsmetod utifrån regelverkets innehåll, men även anpassat till dagens moderniseringen av tekniken. När det gäller att implementera regelverk är det oftast direkt kopplat till de utgivna tjänsterna, vilket sätter mer vikt på medarbetarnas kunskap och förståelse vid en sådan implementering. / This study seeks to explain and understand the key factors that are important when implementing a financial regulation.        A qualitative approach has been used to achieve our purpose, by interviewing different respondents from different types of financial companies facing the coming change. By combining our empirical results with the developed theory of implementations, we´ve been able to find factors that are important when implementing financial regulations.  The most important factors for a successful implementation of financial regulations are adaptability, analysis capability and communication. By following up early with the regulatory developments, the organization can have a good idea of ​​what it will look like when it’s finalized on a national level. In this way, the implementation process will not be limited by the long time that it takes to enact the national regulations. It is essential that organizations can adapt their implementation method based on the content of the regulation, but also adapt it to today's modernized technology. When it comes to implementing regulations, it is usually directly related to the services that are being offered, which puts more emphasis on the employees' knowledge and understanding.


Babool, Md. Ashfaqul Islam 01 January 2007 (has links)
The impact of domestic policy regulations and standards on trade has been at the forefront of global policy during the past decade. Every country develops their own policies and standards that differ from country to country. These differences create problems for manufacturing industries, especially in major exporting countries. This study overviews the policy context driving standards in the manufacturing industries. The study consists of three different articles that attempt to examine the role of technical regulations and standards and their relationship with trade using different econometric models In the first article, the standard factor endowment approach is employed to explain the effects of environmental regulatory policy on net exports in different manufacturing industries. The study hypothesizes that a countrys comparative advantage depends on its factor abundance. The regulatory policy increases production costs and, thus, reduces the output level of an industry. The results indicate that each industry is unique in the factors determining net exports and in many instances environmental regulations are important. In the second article, we investigate the impact of competition policy on a countrys production and export competitiveness. Since the impact of competition regulation depends upon the particular circumstances of the industry to which the policy is applied, we examine how competition policy impacts production and exports of a specific sector, in particular the agri-food processing sector. The results suggest that competition policy enhances competition by reducing entry barriers, and causes firms to produce more output with lower prices. Exports for both total and food manufacturing in the post-competition policy period are higher than exports in the pre-competition period. In the third article, we estimate regressions based on an extended gravity model to determine the possible influence of food safety standards on export flows of six Asia-Pacific countries to ten importing countries. We examine the relationship between bilateral exports and importers imposition of food safety standards. The results show that the value of exports in food and food products is negatively affected by food safety standards: the greater the aflatoxin standards, the lower its restrictiveness, and higher the bilateral export flows.


Eom, Kihong 01 January 2003 (has links)
The intention of campaign finance regulations was to reduce the influence of special interest groups while increasing citizen contributions. Critics have suggested an unintentional consequence of this policy of increasing bias in campaign contributions in favor of incumbents. These claims of intentional and unintentional consequences, however, have rarely been tested. My dissertation examines the intentional and unintentional consequences of campaign finance regulations in the American states. This study adopts a theoretical framework emphasizing the different effects of regulations on two distinctive types of contributors. A particularistic contributor, whose motivation is influencing policy, is likely to be affected by contribution limits. A universalistic contributor, motivated by helping his or her favorite candidates, is not likely to respond to regulations. Furthermore, the disparity of contributions is not expected to be affected by contribution limits. Two specific hypotheses reflecting the theoretical consideration are tested: 1) Restrictive contribution limits reduce the number and amount of particularistic contributions and increase the disparity between the numbers as well as the amounts of contributions, and 2) Contribution limits do not affect the number, the amount, or the disparities of universalistic contributions. Individual contribution records on gubernatorial elections are collected from 1990 to 2000 in 42 states. After aggregating individual contribution records by state and candidate, two analyses are conducted at the state and candidate level. The results indicate that campaign finance regulations work without the unintentional consequence of providing a financial advantage to incumbents at both the state and candidate levels. Contribution limits increase the number of total contributors, reduce the number and amount of particularistic contributions, and increase the number of universalistic contributors. In addition, further analyses show a dynamic effect of contribution limits on corporations, labor unions, individuals, parties, and ideology PACs. Restrictive contribution limits reduce the number and amount of corporate contributions, but only reduce the amount of labor union contributions. On the other hand, strict contribution limits encourage individual contributions, but discourage party and ideological PAC contributions. The intentional consequence of campaign finance regulations does not result in the unintentional consequence of increasing bias in favor of incumbents. These findings suggest that current regulations that limit campaign contributions should remain in place.

Banking Regulations in An Incomplete Contract Model: Evidence from Taiwan Market / 不完全契約模型下銀行監理之探討—以台灣本國銀行為例

翁珮珊, Pei-Shan Weng Unknown Date (has links)
In this thesis, we follow the incomplete contract model developed by Freixas and Rochet (1997). They model the decision of a bank regulator for continuing the sound bank or restructuring the failing bank as a game between bank equity owners, the bank manager, and the regulator under the incomplete contract framework. In this essay, we apply this incomplete contract model to Taiwan empirical data. After using several kinds of financial ratios as our indicators, we select nine ratios to process our empirical examination. And we find that: there are two banks appeared in the “ex-post efficient interference” segment except two ratios and also another two banks shown in the “ex-post efficient passivity” segment except one ratio. / In this thesis, we follow the incomplete contract model developed by Freixas and Rochet (1997). They model the decision of a bank regulator for continuing the sound bank or restructuring the failing bank as a game between bank equity owners, the bank manager, and the regulator under the incomplete contract framework. In this essay, we apply this incomplete contract model to Taiwan empirical data. After using several kinds of financial ratios as our indicators, we select nine ratios to process our empirical examination. And we find that: there are two banks appeared in the “ex-post efficient interference” segment except two ratios and also another two banks shown in the “ex-post efficient passivity” segment except one ratio.

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