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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investicijų į socialinių mokslų fakulteto I-ojo korpuso rekonstrukciją ekonominis vertinimas / Economic Evaluation of Investment in Reconstruction of the 1st Building of the Faculty of Social Sciences

Urbonaitė, Viktorija 16 July 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe siekiama pagrįsti apgyvendinimo paslaugos – Socialinių mokslų fakulteto bendrabučio investicijų diegimą ir atlikti investicijų efektyvumo vertinimą. Investicijos vaidina svarbų vaidmenį ekonomikos vystyme ir efektyviame jos funkcionavime. Lietuvos Respubikos įstatymas nurodo, kad investicijos – piniginės lėšos, materialusis, nematerialusis ir finansinis turtas, kuris investuojamas siekiant iš investavimo objekto gauti socialinį rezultatą( švietimo, kultūros, mokslo, socialinės apsaugos bei kitose panašiose srityse), arba užtikrinti valstybės funkcijų įgyvendinimą. Investicijos yra reikšmingos tuo, kad tai yra indėlis į šalies ekonomikos gerovę, o investicijos į socialinį kapitalą (mokyklas, universitetus) prisideda prie bendro gyvenimo lygio kilimo. Darbo teorinėje dalyje, analizuojami realiųjų investicijų ekonominio vertinimo aspektai bendrąja prasme ir aptariamos investicijos į paslaugas, apžvelgiami investicijų efektyvumo vertinimo metodai. Darbo praktinėje dalyje aprašomas investicinio projekto „Bendrabutis“ poreikio pagrindimas ir įvertinamas investicinio projekto efektyvumas. Investicinio projekto rizika įvertinama taikant jautrumo analizės ir scenarijaus metodus. Atlikus finansinius skaičiavimus ir įvertinus rizikos veiksnius, galima teigti, kad investicinis projektas ,,Bendrabutis“ bus efektyvus ir naudingas Socialinių mokslų fakulteto bendruomenei, jo paslaugomis galės naudotis viso universiteto bendruomenės nariai. / The bachelor’s thesis aims to substantiate the implementation of investment in accommodation service, i.e. dormitory of the faculty of Social Sciences, and to evaluate the efficiency of the investment. Investment plays an important role in economic development and its effective functioning. The law of the Republic of Lithuania states that investments are understood as monetary funds and tangible, intangible and financial assets which are invested in order to receive social outcome from the investment object (in such areas as education, culture, science, social security and similar ones) or to ensure the implementation of state functions. The investments are significant because they make a contribution to the economic prosperity of the country and the investments in social capital (in schools, universities) contribute to improvement of general standard of living. Theoretical part of the thesis analyses the aspects of economic evaluation of real investment in general terms, discusses investment in services and overviews the methods of investment efficiency evaluation. The practical part presents the substantiation of the need for the investment project “Dormitory” and evaluates the efficiency of the investment project. The risk of investment project is evaluated by employing sensitivity analysis and scenario techniques. Having performed the financial calculations and evaluated the risk factors we may draw a conclusion that the investment project “Dormitory” will be efficient... [to full text]

Potencijal sekundarnih metabolita cijanobakterija kao biomarkera u paleoklimatskoj rekonstrukciji / Potential of cyanobacterial secondary metabolites as biomarkers for paleoclimatic reconstruction

Pantelić Dijana 29 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je rađena analiza produkcije i procena stabilnosti sekundarnih metabolita cijanobakterija. U analizi pigmenata cijanobakterija kao biomarkera u paleoklimatskoj rekonstrukciji poslužio je nov model analize-AMMI model, koji pruža značajan doprinos odabiru odgovarajućih biomarkera u paleoklimatiskoj rekonstrukciji. Analizom produkcije MOSA i MOMA 15 vodenih i zemlji&scaron;nih cijanobakterija NSCCC sposobnost produkcije MOSA je uočena kod 8, a MOMA kod svih sojeva. Kultivacija u različitim pH vrednostima podloge i različitim temperaturnim uslovima nije pokazala znatan uticaj na produkciju MOSA. Produkcija MOMA je bila izraženija u baznoj sredini (pH 9.0) i na vi&scaron;im temperaturama (30-35 &deg;C). UV svetlost se pokazala kao najznačajniji faktor i inicirala je najveću produkciju MOSA i MOMA kod svih sojeva. Veća koncentracija azota u podlozi nije uticala na povećanje produkcije MOSA kod većine analiziranih sojeva, dok je znatno uticala na povećanje produkcije MOMA kod svih analiziranih sojeva.<br />Analizom produkcije pigmenata 19 lesnih cijanobakterija NSCCC prisustvo fikobilina i MOSA je uočeno u svim analiziranim kulturama, dok sposobnost produkcije MOMA nije uočena u dve kulture lesnih cijanobakterija NSCCC. Tokom posmatranog vremenskog perioda uočena je razgradnja ukupnih fikobilina u kontrolnim uslovima rasta, dok za isti vremenski period nije do&scaron;lo do degradacije MOSA i MOMA u kontrolnim uslovima.<br />Procenom stabilnosti MOSA i MOMA delovanjem abiotičkih faktora (različitih pH i temperaturnih vrednosti podloge, različitog vremena izlaganja UV svetlosti) utvrđeno je da su MOSA i MOMA pokazali izraženu stabilnost na testirane abiotičke faktore. Procenom stabilnosti pigmenata nakon delovanja biotičkih faktora primetna je intenzivnija razgradnja ukupnih fikobilina posmatrano u zavisnosti od vremena, do postizanja potpune degradacije u pojednim kulturama lesnih cijanobakterija, dok je uočeno da su MOSA i MOMA pokazali stabilnu strukturu i u testu biodegradabilnosti nije do&scaron;lo do njihove degradacije.<br />Analizom prisustva MOSA i MOMA u lesnom sedimentu i biolo&scaron;kim lesnim pokoricama njihovo prisustvo je uočeno u svim analiziranim uzorcima. Takođe, kori&scaron;ćenjem LC-MS(/MS) metode utvrđeno je prisustvo scitonemina u 10 terestričnih kultura NSCCC.<br />Analizom toksičnosti i produkcije mikrocistina, cilindrospermopsina i saksitoksina lesnih cijanobakterija NSCCC dobijeni su negativni rezultati. Razvojem novih metoda za detekciju cijanotoksina u terestričnim ekosistemima potrebno je proveriti dobijene rezultate. Procenom stabilnosti mikrocistina referentnog soja Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806, uočena je njegova izrazita stabilnost tokom vremenskog perioda od 96 h u kontrolnim uslovima i delovanjem tri bakterijska soja.<br />Shodno dobijenim rezultatima, UV za&scaron;titni pigmenti su mnogo podesniji za paleoklimatsku rekonstrukciju od fikobilina s obzirom da molekuli MOSA i MOMA imaju postojaniju strukturu i da nisu degradirani tokom posmatranih stresnih uslova. Usled nemogućnosti detekcije cijanotoksina lesnih cijanobakterija, i pored izražene stabilnosti mikrocistina referentnog soja, cijanotoksini se ne mogu smatrati biomarkerima cijanobakterija u geolo&scaron;kim istraživanjima.<br />Postavljanje BLOCDUST teorije i otkriće stabilnosti MOSA i MOMA i njihove upotrebe kao pouzdanih biomarkera u paleoklimatskoj rekonstrukciji predstavlja osnovu za mnoga buduća istraživanja od neprocenjivog naučnog značaja, pogotovo u paleoklimatskoj rekonstrukciji lesa. Predloženi scenario se može smatrati osnovom u paleoklimatskoj rekonstrukciji.</p> / <p>This PhD thesis analyzed the production and stability of cyanobacterial secondary metabolites. The results describe the effects of pH, temperature and light source combined with the effects of medium nitrogen content on the production of the MOSA and MOMA compounds of aquatic and soil cyanobacterial strains through AMMI model. The application of the AMMI model represents a significant contribution to the selection of appropriate biomarkers in the paleoclimatic reconstructions because it reveals the increased production of certain secondary metabolites in certain environmental conditions. MOSA compounds were observed in 8 out of 15 soil and aquatic cyanobacterial strains, while MOMA compounds were found in all 15 strains. Results show that exposure to UV light induced a higher synthesis of both pigments. The production of the MOSA compounds was clearly increased by UV irradiation and other treatments did not show a significant impact on its production. The production of MOMA compounds was increased by several stress factors including pH (pH 9.0), temperature (30-35 &deg;C), nitrogen content and UV irradiation. A higher concentration of nitrogen in the medium did not influence the increase in the production of MOSA compounds in most of the analyzed strains, while it significantly influenced the increase in the production of MOMA in all analyzed strains.<br />By analyzing the production of pigments in 19 loess cultures, phycobilins and MOSA were present in all examined loess isolates, while presence of MOMA was not detected in two samples from China. In control conditions, it was observed degradation of phycobilins depending on time, but MOSA and MOMA showed a stable structure.<br />Stability assessment of the MOSA and MOMA by the treatment with abiotic factors (different pH and temperature values of the medium, different time of exposure to UV light) revealed their pronounced stability on tested abiotic factors. Considering unstable structure of phycobilins in the presence of bacterial strains, phycobilins cannot be considered as biomarkers in loess studies. Detected results indicate that MOSA and MOMA have stable core structures resistant to bacterial strains, which makes them potentially good biomarkers for paleoclimatic reconstruction.<br />Moreover, the presence of MOSA and MOMA compounds was confirmed in loess sediment samples and BLC. Also, the LC-MS(/MS) method revealed the presence of scytonemin in 10 terrestrial cyanobacterial cultures.<br />Testing of the toxicity of loess cyanobacterial cultures and their ability to produce microcystins, cylindrospermopsin and saxitoxins, negative results were obtained. The development of new methods for detection of cyanotoxins in terrestrial ecosystems is necessary in order to revise obtained results. By assessing the stability of microcystins of the reference strain of Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806, its pronounced stability was observed over a 96 h in control conditions and in the presence of three bacterial strains.<br />Due to MOSA and MOMA narrow environment and organism specificity, as well as its structural stability, these metabolites are designated with a strong potential to be used as a cyanobacterial biomarker in paleoclimatic research. Due to the inability to detect cyanotoxins in loess cyanobacteria, despite the pronounced stability of the microcystin of the reference strain, cyanotoxins cannot be considered as adequate biomarkers of cyanobacteria in geological research.<br />The production of the MOSA and MOMA compounds across examined stress conditions, and further, their presence in loess samples and BLCs indicate the potential of these compounds to be regarded as biomarkers in paleoclimatic research of lacustrine/marine and loess sediments. Setting up the BLOCDUST theory and determining stability of MOSA and MOMA compounds and their aplication as a convinient biomarkers of cyanobacteria in paleoclimatic reconstruction provides the foundation for many future research of invaluable scientific significance, especially in the paleoclimatic reconstruction of loess. The proposed scenario can be considered as one of the basic model for paleoclimatic reconstruction.</p>

Trimačiai objektai: atvaizdavimo ir deformacijos algoritmai / Three dimensional objects: visualization and deformation algorithms

Žukas, Andrius 11 August 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajam darbui pasirinkta tema yra Trimačiai objektai: atvaizdavimo ir deformacijos algoritmai. Ši tema nagrinėja paviršiaus rekonstrukciją iš taškų debesies ir galimybes pritaikyti paviršiaus deformacijos algoritmus. Analizės etapo metu išsiaiškinta, kad pagrindinė paviršiaus atstatymo iš taškų debesies problema yra lėtas algoritmų veikimas. Šiame darbe siūlomas atvirkštinės inžinerijos metodas, veikiantis 2D Delaunay trianguliacijos pagrindu. Pateikiami algoritmai padalina taškų debesį į kelias dalis, tada iš trimatės erdvės taškų debesies dalys yra transformuojamos į dvimatę erdvę, suskaičiuojama 2D Delaunay trianguliacija ir gautas trikampių tinklelis vėl transformuojamas į trimatę erdvę. Taip pat pateikiamos teorinės galimybės gautą paviršių transformuoti jau žinomu algoritmu. Po algoritmų praktinio įgyvendinimo buvo nustatyta, kad jie veikia taip kaip tikėtasi, rezultatas gaunamas greičiau nei naudojant kitus žinomus algoritmus. Taip pat buvo pastebėta, kad 2D Delaunay trianguliaciją geriau naudoti kai taškų skaičius taškų debesyje yra labai didelis, o kai taškų skaičius neviršija 2000 geriau naudoti 3D Delaunay trianguliaciją. / The chosen theme of the Master of Science degree paper is “Three dimensional objects: visualization and deformation algorithms“. This subject considers surface reconstruction from point clouds and the possibilities to apply surface deformation algorithms. During the analysis phase we found that the main problem of the algorithms of surface reconstruction from scanned point clouds is the lack of speed. So in this paper a method, based on 2D Delaunay triangulation, for reverse engineering is proposed. This method divides point clouds into several parts, and then maps all the points of those point cloud parts to the plane. Then a 2D Delaunay triangulation is computed and the mesh is mapped back to the point cloud. We also give theoretical possibilities to apply a known algorithm for surface deformation. During the implementation phase we found that our algorithms work as expected, but quicker than the other methods proposed earlier. We also noticed that it’s better to use 2D Delaunay triangulation for bigger point clouds and 3D Delaunay triangulation for point clouds, which contains no more than approximately 2000 points.

Odnosi i transformacije fizičkih struktura vojvođanskih naselja u urbanističkim planovima posle 2000. godine / The Relations and Transformations of the Physical Structures in the Urban Planning of Vojvodina Towns After 2000.

Dragičević Vladimir 29 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Disert acija je usmerena na ist raživ anje urbanist ičkih rešenja v ažećih<br />planov a naselja u Vojv odini, sa t ežnjom da se prouči način, logika, s misao<br />i ideje planiranja buduće fizičke st rukt ure gradov a, odnos prema njenim<br />brojnim element ima i njihov im kompleksnim i živ im odnosima.<br />Analizirano je ukupno dv anaest planov a det aljne regulacije koji se bav e<br />t ransformacijom, rev it alizacijom fizičkih st rukt ura fragmenat a<br />naselja. Rezult at i ist raživ anja pot v rđuju post avljene hipot eze, odnosno<br />različit ost i prist upa planiranju t ransformacija fizičkih st rukt ura<br />v ojv ođanskih naselja, nedost at ke, mane i kv alit et e i u zaključnom delu su<br />dat e određene smernice koje t reba da doprinesu prev azilaženju uočenih<br />problema kao i dopune post ojeća naučna saznanja iz oblast i urbanizma.</p> / <p>Dissertation is focused on the research of urban solutions current plans for<br />settlements in Vojvodina, with the aim to study the way the logic, sense and<br />ideas of planning the future physical structure of cities, the relationship to its<br />many elements and their complex and vibrant relationships. A total of twelve<br />zoning plans that deal with the transformation, revitalization of the physical<br />structure of the fragments of the towns are studied. The research results<br />confirm the hypotheses and diversity approach to planning the transformation<br />of the physical structure of Vojvodina settlements, defects, flaws and<br />qualities and in the concluding section are given some guidelines that should<br />contribute to overcoming the identified problems as well as amendments to<br />existing scientific knowledge in the field of urban planning.</p>

DRENAŽO SISTEMŲ EKSPLOATACIJOS EFEKTYVUMO ANALIZĖ KAUNO RAJONE / The Analize of efficiency of Drainage Systems exploitation at the Kaunas Region

Valeika, Darius 17 May 2006 (has links)
In the final paper of master studies there is analyzed exploitation efficiency of drainage systems. The methods of mathematic statistics were used in the research – filing of the data, clustering, and methods of the graphical expression of the research data. By the research of the efficiency of the maintenance of the drainage in Kaunas district it was determined how the efficiency of the maintenance of the drainage is changing when planting various agricultural plants in the drained land. The structure of the crop according to the specific constitution is fluctuating each year. It is stated that fastest pay off of the invested finances into the maintenance of the drainage in the repaired area, when growing sugar beets or potatoes. The profit got from these plants covers maintenance expenses within one year. Quite good results are got when growing flax. Reconstruction works of the drainage system in Kaunas district were started in 1964. The biggest part of reconstruction was done in 1996 4311ha. Reconstruction works were fast performed until 1999 afterwards because of the lack of the finances these works get slower.

Kompiuterinės regos taikymų tyrimai medienos kokybės kontrolei / Research of computer vision application for the control of wood quality

Malinauskas, Mindaugas 26 May 2004 (has links)
Wood is a limited natural resource whose characteristics have been difficult to identify by advanced technology. The most expensive is a hardwood. There is a desire to optimize the production of wood products by minimizing waste and maximizing output. It could be achieved if one had capabilities to evaluate the common wood structures ― knots, rots, empty spaces and other defects. There are many nondestructive testing methods that could be applied to the evaluation of the inner quality of a log. The most successful one is an x-ray computerized tomography. This thesis covers principles of computerized tomography and image reconstruction algorithms. Testing was performed on implementations of tomographic image reconstruction algorithms using synthetic and real data. Research on an application of an x-ray computerized tomography for the analysis of wood structures was made. Inspection of glued zones in glued wooden articles was accomplished using tomographic imaging. Guidelines for the creation of a wood specialized x-ray computerized tomograph were given.

Daugiabučių namų rekonstrukcija / Reconstruction of Multistorey Apartment Buildings

Ruseckas, Jonas 02 July 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos rekonstrukcijos atsiradimo priežastys, kompleksinės daugiabučių gyvenamųjų namų rekonstrukcijos problematika. Tyrimo objektas – gyvenamųjų namų ir juos supančios aplinkos rekonstrukcija. Šiuo metu gyvenamųjų namų modernizavimas vykdomas tvarkant atskirus pastatus ir pagrinde termodinaminiu požiūriu. Darbe tyrimo objektas išplečiamas iki kvartalo (mikrorajono) apibūdinant tai kompleksine rekonstrukcija. Analizuojamos pagrindinių sąvokų - renovacija, rekonstrukcija, kapitaliai renovuojamas pastatas, reikšmės. Pabrėžiami pagrindiniai kompleksinės rekonstrukcijos tyrimo ir vykdymo etapai. Aptariamos statinio statybos rūšys ir formos rekonstrukcijos vykdymui įgyvendinti. Darbą sudaro 5 dalys: įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 60 p. teksto be priedų, 17 iliustr., 5 schemos, 2 lent., 41 bibliografinis šaltinis. / The final master’s paper deals with the reasons of the origin of reconstruction as well as with the problematics of complex reconstruction of apartment houses. Subject of the research is reconstruction of dwelling houses and surrounding environment thereof. For the time being, modernisation of dwelling houses is carried out through reconstruction of individual buildings, basically in terms of thermodynamics. In the paper, the subject of the research is evolved into a quarter (microdistrict) characterising this by complex reconstruction. The meanings of the main concepts, i.e. renovation, reconstruction, building under major renovation, are analysed. The main stages of complex reconstruction research and implementation are highlighted. Building construction types and forms for implementation of reconstruction are discussed. The paper consists of the following 5 parts: introduction, two sections, conclusions, list of references. Size of the paper contains 60 pages of text without annexes, 17 illustrations, 5 diagrams, 2 tables, 41 references.

Propriocepcija zgloba kolena posle kidanja prednjeg ukrštenog ligamenta kod profesionalnih sportista / Knee joint proprioception after anterior cruciate ligament tear in professional athletes

Matijević Radmila 24 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Ova studija je bila prospektivnog karaktera. Uz dopu&scaron;tenje etičkog komiteta Kliničkog centra Vojvodine istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju i obuhvatilo je 60 pacijenata mu&scaron;kog pola, koji su metodom slučajnog izbora na randomizirani način uključeni u ispitivanje, a koji se aktivno i profesionalno bave fudbalom, ko&scaron;arkom ili odbojkom,&nbsp; primljenih na Kliniku za ortopedsku hirurgiju radi artroskopske rekonstrukcije pokidanog prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta. U ispitivanje su uključeni samo oni pacijenti koji su dali potpisani informisani pristanak da učestvuju u ispitivanju, koji su zadovoljii sve kriterijume za uključivanje i koji nisu imali niti jedan kriterijum za isključivanje iz studije. Kriterijumi za uključivanje u studiju&nbsp; podrazumevali su sledeće: da je pacijent&nbsp; primljen na Kliniku za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu radi operativnog lečenja prekida prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta kolena, da je potpisao informisani pristanak za uključivanje, da je starosne dobi od 18 do 45 godina, da se aktivno i profesionalno bave fizičkom aktivno&scaron;ću regulisanom pravilima (fudbal, odbojka, ko&scaron;arka). Kriterijumi za isključivanje pacijenata iz istraživanja bili su sledeći: prisustvo udružene povrede i spolja&scaron;njeg pobočnog ligamenta koja zahteva operativno lečenje, pojava težih op&scaron;te &ndash; hirur&scaron;kih komplikacija, želja pacijenta da bude isključen iz daljeg ispitivanja, bez obaveze da tu svoju odluku obrazloži. U prvoj fazi konstruisan je aparat, digitalni goniometar, uz pomoć kojeg je urađen eksperimentalni deo ovog ispitivanja i napravljena je baza podataka sa poljima za upis deskriptivnih i antropometrijskih parametara. Potom je uz pomoć aparata svim ispitanicima testirana sposobnost propriocepcije (JPS). Testiranje&nbsp; je obavljeno preoperativno na povređenom i nepovređenom ekstremitetu, u dva maha: odmah po zadavanju ciljnog ugla od 35&deg; i nakon 5 minuta. Druga faza je obavljena minimum 6 meseci nakon operativnog lečenja, hirur&scaron;kom, artroskopskom rekonstrukcijom pokidanog prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta kost-tetiva-kost tehnikom (bone-tendo-bone, BTB). Klinički pregled&nbsp; svakog pacijenta je podrazumevao proveru rezultata Lachman testa (pozitivan/negativan), Lysholm i IKDC bodovne skale za koleno i to preoperativno a potom i tokom postoperativnog kontrolnog pregleda. Po uzoru na mnoge sajtove renomiranih ortopedskih organizacija (http://www.orthopaedicscore.com/), naparavljen je on-line upitnik na Google drive-u gde su u elektronskom obliku prikupljani podaci za skale koje smo koristili. Dobijeni rezultati su za svaku skalu ponaosob potom prebacivani u Excel i dalje&nbsp; obrađivani adekvatnim statističkim alatkama u adekvatnom programu. U rezultatima je uočeno da dobijena razlika u preciznosti pozicioniranja potkolenice sa o&scaron;tećenim ligamentarnim aparatom kolena u odnosu na nepovređenu nogu pre hirur&scaron;ke rekonstrukcije prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta ne pokazuje statistički značajnu razliku. Međutim, postojala je statistički značajna razlika u brzini kojom se postiže zadati ugao, tj. povređena noga imala je veći intenzitet ugaonog uspona &scaron;to ukazuje na kvalitativne razlike u samom obrascu pokreta. Takođe, na ovom uzorku dobijeno je da postoji statistički značajna razlika u preciznosti pozicioniranja potkolenice sa o&scaron;tećenim ligamentarnim aparatom kolena u odnosu na nepovređenu nogu nakon hirur&scaron;ke rekonstrukcije prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta tj. pacijenti su nakon rekonstrukcije statistički značajno &raquo;prebacivali&laquo; zadatu vrednost od 35&deg;. Test pozicioniranja ekstremiteta za ovo ispitivanje konstruisanim aparatom se pokazao kao senzitivna i specifična dijagnostička procedura gubitka sposobnosti propriocepcije usled kidanja prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta.</p> / <p>In this prospective study examined group consisted&nbsp; of&nbsp; 60&nbsp; male&nbsp; patients&nbsp; with&nbsp; an anterior&nbsp; cruciate&nbsp; ligament&nbsp; tear&nbsp; and&nbsp; all participants&nbsp;&nbsp; were&nbsp;&nbsp; at&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; time&nbsp;&nbsp; before injury&nbsp;&nbsp; actively&nbsp;&nbsp; playing&nbsp;&nbsp; afootball, basketball&nbsp; or&nbsp; volleyball.&nbsp; The&nbsp; study&nbsp; was conducted&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; Clinic&nbsp; for&nbsp; Orthopaedic Surgery&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Traumatology&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Clinical Center&nbsp; of&nbsp; Vojvodina&nbsp; in&nbsp; Novi&nbsp; Sad&nbsp; where participants&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; were&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; admitted&nbsp;&nbsp; for arthroscopic ligament reconstruction. All participants&nbsp; were&nbsp; informed&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; study by&nbsp;&nbsp; their&nbsp;&nbsp; clinicians&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; gave&nbsp;&nbsp; written consent. Thee exclusion criteria were the following:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; occurrence&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; combined cruciate&nbsp; ligament&nbsp; with&nbsp; lateral&nbsp; collateral ligament&nbsp;&nbsp; injury&nbsp;&nbsp; that&nbsp;&nbsp; required&nbsp;&nbsp; surgical treatment;&nbsp; occurrence&nbsp; of&nbsp; more&nbsp; serious general&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; surgical complications; the patient&rsquo;s&nbsp; wish&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp; excluded&nbsp; from further&nbsp; research&nbsp; without&nbsp; an&nbsp; obligation&nbsp; to give&nbsp;&nbsp; any&nbsp;&nbsp; further&nbsp;&nbsp; explanation&nbsp;&nbsp; to&nbsp;&nbsp; his decision.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; first&nbsp; stage&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; study, an&nbsp; apparatus&nbsp; called&nbsp; digital&nbsp; goniometer was&nbsp;&nbsp; constructed,&nbsp;&nbsp; which&nbsp;&nbsp; was&nbsp;&nbsp; used&nbsp;&nbsp; to conduct&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; experimental&nbsp;&nbsp; part&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; the study,&nbsp; and&nbsp; a&nbsp; database&nbsp; with&nbsp; fields&nbsp; for inserting&nbsp; descriptive&nbsp; and&nbsp; anthropometric parameters was made. Next, by using the apparatus,&nbsp; all&nbsp; subjects&nbsp; were&nbsp; tested&nbsp; for proprioception&nbsp; ability&nbsp; (JPS).&nbsp; The&nbsp; tests were&nbsp; performed&nbsp; preoperatively&nbsp; on&nbsp; the injured&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; uninjured&nbsp; limb&nbsp; in&nbsp; two instances:&nbsp; straight&nbsp; after&nbsp; determining&nbsp; the target&nbsp;&nbsp; angle&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; 35&deg;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; 5&nbsp;&nbsp; minutes afterwards.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; second&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; stage&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; was performed&nbsp; postoperatively&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; same maner,&nbsp;&nbsp; following&nbsp;&nbsp; a&nbsp;&nbsp; minimal&nbsp;&nbsp; 6-month period&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; after&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; surgical&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; arthroscopic reconstruction&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; torn&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; anterior cruciate&nbsp; ligament&nbsp; by&nbsp; bone-tendon-bone (BTB) technique. The clinical evaluation of&nbsp; each&nbsp; patient&nbsp; involved&nbsp; Lachman&nbsp; test (positive / negative), Lysholm and IKDC scales,&nbsp;&nbsp; first&nbsp;&nbsp; pre-operatively&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; then during&nbsp;&nbsp; post-operative&nbsp; check&nbsp; up assessment.&nbsp; Following&nbsp; the&nbsp; example&nbsp; of many&nbsp; websites&nbsp; or&nbsp; eminent&nbsp; orthopaedic organisations (http://www.orthopaedicscore.com/),&nbsp;&nbsp; an online&nbsp;&nbsp; survey&nbsp;&nbsp; was&nbsp;&nbsp; made&nbsp;&nbsp; on&nbsp;&nbsp; Google Drive,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; where&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; data&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; was&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; collected electronically&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; scales&nbsp; used.&nbsp; The results were then transferred to Excel for each&nbsp; scale,&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp; further&nbsp; processed&nbsp; by using&nbsp;&nbsp; adequate&nbsp;&nbsp; statistic&nbsp;&nbsp; tools&nbsp;&nbsp; in&nbsp;&nbsp; an adequate&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; programme.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; results indicated&nbsp; that,&nbsp; when&nbsp; compared&nbsp; with&nbsp; the uninjured&nbsp; leg,&nbsp; a&nbsp; resulting&nbsp; disparity&nbsp; in precision&nbsp; of&nbsp; positioning&nbsp; the&nbsp; lower&nbsp; leg with&nbsp; a&nbsp; damaged&nbsp; ligament&nbsp; apparatus&nbsp; of the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; knee&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; before&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; surgical reconstruction&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; anterior&nbsp; cruciate ligament&nbsp; was&nbsp; not&nbsp; considered&nbsp; statistically significant.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; However,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; there&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; was&nbsp; a statistically&nbsp; significant&nbsp; difference&nbsp; in&nbsp; the speed&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; attaining&nbsp;&nbsp; a&nbsp;&nbsp; specified&nbsp;&nbsp; angle which indicates qualitative differences in the&nbsp; motion&nbsp; pattern&nbsp; itself.&nbsp; Furthermore, this&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; sample&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; study&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; resulted&nbsp;&nbsp; in&nbsp; a statistically&nbsp; significant&nbsp; difference&nbsp; in&nbsp; the precision&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; positioning&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; lower leg&nbsp; with&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; damaged&nbsp;&nbsp; knee&nbsp; ligament apparatus&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; after&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; surgical reconstruction&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; anterior&nbsp; cruciate ligament,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; when&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; compared&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; with&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the uninjured&nbsp; leg,&nbsp; i.e.&nbsp; after&nbsp;&nbsp; the reconstruction,&nbsp; the&nbsp; patients&nbsp;&nbsp; had&nbsp;&nbsp; a significantly&nbsp;&nbsp; higher&nbsp;&nbsp; degree&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; flexion than&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; targeted&nbsp;&nbsp; 35&deg;.&nbsp;&nbsp; The&nbsp;&nbsp; test&nbsp;&nbsp; for positioning&nbsp; extremities,&nbsp; performed&nbsp; with the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; specially&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; constructed&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; apparatus, proved&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp; a&nbsp; sensitive&nbsp; and&nbsp; specific diagnostic procedure for determining the loss&nbsp; of&nbsp; proprioceptic&nbsp; ability&nbsp; due&nbsp; to anterior cruciate ligament tear.</p>

Uticaj postoperativne vizite anesteziologa na zadovoljstvo bolesnika anestezijom posle rekonstrukcije prednjeg ukrštenog ligamenta kolena / The influence of anaesthesiologist postoperative visit on patient satisfaction with anesthesia after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate knee ligament

Božić Teodora 26 February 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: U svakodnevnom kliničkom radu anesteziologa, postoperativna vizita anesteziologa na odelјenjima rutinski se ne izvodi, niti su ustanovlјeni jasni kriterijumi i stavovi o njenom značaju na zadovolјstvo bolesnika anestezijom. Cilј ovog istraživanja je bio konstrukcija i psihometrijska provera instrumenta koji može rutinski da se koristi za procenu zadovolјstva bolesnika anestezijom u svakodnevnom kliničkom radu anesteziologa na na&scaron;im prostorima, kao i da se ispita uticaj postoperativne vizite anesteziolioga na zadovolјstvo bolesnika anestezijom podvrgnutih rekonstrukciji prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta kolena. Materil i metode rada: U istraživanje je bilo uklјučeno 218 ispitanika, starijih od 18 godina, koji dobro govore i pi&scaron;u srpski jezik, koji su ASA I i ASA II statusa i koji su bili operisani u op&scaron;toj anesteziji. Ispitanici su podelјeni u tri grupe: prvu grupu čini 74 bolesnika, koje je postoperativno na odelјenju obi&scaron;ao anesteziolog koji je davao anesteziju, drugu grupu čini 70 bolesnika, koje je posle operacije obi&scaron;ao medicinski tehničar na anesteziji, koji nije učestvovao u anesteziji i treću grupu čini 74 bolesnika, koji nisu imali postoperativnu vizitu. U prvoj fazi iztraživanja prikuplјali su se osnovni sociodemografski podaci i bolesnicima su usmeno postavlјena pitanja. U drugoj fazi istraživanja svim bolesnicima je data op&scaron;ta balansirana anestezija. U trećoj fazi istraživanja, sprovedena je prva postoperativna vizita anesteziologa za bolesnike prve grupe i prva postoperativna poseta medicinskog tehničara na anesteziji za bolesnike druge grupe. Treća, kontrolna grupa bolesnika nije imala postoperativnu vizitu. U okviru ove vizite procenjivalo se objektivno (PAS skor) i subjektivno stanje bolesnika. Druga postoperativna vizita sprovedena je prvog postoperativnog dana. Drugog postoperativnog dana bolesnicima je odelјenska medicinska sestra, koja nije učestvovala u perioperativnom periodu bolesnika, davala upitnik za merenje zadovolјstva bolesnika anestezijom. Rezultati: Upitnik zadovolјstva bolesnika anestezijom je konstruisan za potrebe istraživanja. Prve metrijske provere upitnika su utvrđene u pilot studiji na 100 ispitanika, na osnovu kojih je neizmenjen upitnik primenjen na celom uzorku. Na osnovu teorijskih okvira formulisana je 21 stavka. Upitnik se sastoji od četiri faktora: prvi faktor je Zadovolјstvo odnosom anesteziologa prema bolesniku, drugi faktor Perianestezijski komfor, treći faktor Nezadovolјstvo postoperativnom brigom i četvrti faktor Strah od anestezije Mera pouzdanosti upitnika na ovom uzorku izražena Kronbahovom alfom iznosi 0.889. Kada se uzmu u obzir sve stavke mera pouzdanosti izražena Kronbahovom alfom celog upitnika iznosi 0.845, &scaron;to ukazuje na visoku pouzdanost skale u celini. Kako bi se proverila konstruktna validnost upitnika, sprovedena je faktorska analiza na uzorku od 218 pacijenata. Bartletov test (p&lt;.01) i KMO vrednosti (KMO=0.880) ukazuju da je sprovođenje faktorske analize na ovom upitniku statistički opravdano. Srednje vrednosti interkorelacija faktora pokazuju da &scaron;to je odnos između anesteziologa i bolesnika bolјi, da će bolesnik imati manji strah od anestezije, biti zadovolјniji postoperativnom brigom i imati veći nivo komfora. Rezultati jednosmerne analize varijanse pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika između grupa kada su u pitanju Zadovolјstvo odnosom anesteziologa prema bolesniku, Strah od anestezije i Nezadovolјstvo postoperativnom brigom. Grupe se statistički značajno ne razlikuju u Perianestezijskom komforu Kada je u pitanju faktor Zadovolјstvo odnosom anesteziologa prema bolesniku, eksperimentalna grupa koja je imala postoperativnu vizitu od strane anesteziologa je bila zadovolјnija ovim aspektom i od eksperimentalne grupe koja je imala postoperativnu vizitu od strane medicinskog tehničara koji nije učestvovao u davanju anestezije i od kontrolne grupe. Grupe se međusobno nisu statistički značajno razlikovale u proceni Perianestezijskog komfora. Kada je u pitanju Nezadovolјstvo postoperativnom brigom, kontrolna grupa se statistički značajno razlikuje u odnosu na obe eksperimentalne grupe. Bolesnici u kontrolnoj grupi su imali izraženiji Strah od anestezije u odnosu na eksperimentalnu grupu gde je postoperativnu posetu obavio anesteziolog. Zaklјučak: U ovom istraživanju konstruisan je visoko pouzdan upitnik koji može rutinski da se koristi za procenu zadovolјstva bolesnika anestezijom u svakodnevnom kliničkom radu anesteziologa na na&scaron;im prostorima. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u zadovolјstvu bolesnika anestezijom podvrgnutih rekonstrukciji prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta kolena između bolesnika koji su imali postoperativnu vizitu anesteziologa i onih koji je nisu imali u korist bolesnika koji su imali postoperativnu vizitu anesteziologa. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u zadovolјstvu bolesnika anestezijom podvrgnutih rekonstrukciji prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta kolena između onih koje je postoperativno obi&scaron;ao anesteziolog i onih koje je postoperativno obi&scaron;ao medicinski tehničar na anesteziji koji nije učestvovao u anesteziji.</p> / <p>Uvod: U svakodnevnom kliničkom radu anesteziologa, postoperativna vizita anesteziologa na odeljenjima rutinski se ne izvodi, niti su ustanovljeni jasni kriterijumi i stavovi o njenom značaju na zadovoljstvo bolesnika anestezijom. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio konstrukcija i psihometrijska provera instrumenta koji može rutinski da se koristi za procenu zadovoljstva bolesnika anestezijom u svakodnevnom kliničkom radu anesteziologa na na&scaron;im prostorima, kao i da se ispita uticaj postoperativne vizite anesteziolioga na zadovoljstvo bolesnika anestezijom podvrgnutih rekonstrukciji prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta kolena. Materil i metode rada: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 218 ispitanika, starijih od 18 godina, koji dobro govore i pi&scaron;u srpski jezik, koji su ASA I i ASA II statusa i koji su bili operisani u op&scaron;toj anesteziji. Ispitanici su podeljeni u tri grupe: prvu grupu čini 74 bolesnika, koje je postoperativno na odeljenju obi&scaron;ao anesteziolog koji je davao anesteziju, drugu grupu čini 70 bolesnika, koje je posle operacije obi&scaron;ao medicinski tehničar na anesteziji, koji nije učestvovao u anesteziji i treću grupu čini 74 bolesnika, koji nisu imali postoperativnu vizitu. U prvoj fazi iztraživanja prikupljali su se osnovni sociodemografski podaci i bolesnicima su usmeno postavljena pitanja. U drugoj fazi istraživanja svim bolesnicima je data op&scaron;ta balansirana anestezija. U trećoj fazi istraživanja, sprovedena je prva postoperativna vizita anesteziologa za bolesnike prve grupe i prva postoperativna poseta medicinskog tehničara na anesteziji za bolesnike druge grupe. Treća, kontrolna grupa bolesnika nije imala postoperativnu vizitu. U okviru ove vizite procenjivalo se objektivno (PAS skor) i subjektivno stanje bolesnika. Druga postoperativna vizita sprovedena je prvog postoperativnog dana. Drugog postoperativnog dana bolesnicima je odeljenska medicinska sestra, koja nije učestvovala u perioperativnom periodu bolesnika, davala upitnik za merenje zadovoljstva bolesnika anestezijom. Rezultati: Upitnik zadovoljstva bolesnika anestezijom je konstruisan za potrebe istraživanja. Prve metrijske provere upitnika su utvrđene u pilot studiji na 100 ispitanika, na osnovu kojih je neizmenjen upitnik primenjen na celom uzorku. Na osnovu teorijskih okvira formulisana je 21 stavka. Upitnik se sastoji od četiri faktora: prvi faktor je Zadovoljstvo odnosom anesteziologa prema bolesniku, drugi faktor Perianestezijski komfor, treći faktor Nezadovoljstvo postoperativnom brigom i četvrti faktor Strah od anestezije Mera pouzdanosti upitnika na ovom uzorku izražena Kronbahovom alfom iznosi 0.889. Kada se uzmu u obzir sve stavke mera pouzdanosti izražena Kronbahovom alfom celog upitnika iznosi 0.845, &scaron;to ukazuje na visoku pouzdanost skale u celini. Kako bi se proverila konstruktna validnost upitnika, sprovedena je faktorska analiza na uzorku od 218 pacijenata. Bartletov test (p&lt;.01) i KMO vrednosti (KMO=0.880) ukazuju da je sprovođenje faktorske analize na ovom upitniku statistički opravdano. Srednje vrednosti interkorelacija faktora pokazuju da &scaron;to je odnos između anesteziologa i bolesnika bolji, da će bolesnik imati manji strah od anestezije, biti zadovoljniji postoperativnom brigom i imati veći nivo komfora. Rezultati jednosmerne analize varijanse pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika između grupa kada su u pitanju Zadovoljstvo odnosom anesteziologa prema bolesniku, Strah od anestezije i Nezadovoljstvo postoperativnom brigom. Grupe se statistički značajno ne razlikuju u Perianestezijskom komforu Kada je u pitanju faktor Zadovoljstvo odnosom anesteziologa prema bolesniku, eksperimentalna grupa koja je imala postoperativnu vizitu od strane anesteziologa je bila zadovoljnija ovim aspektom i od eksperimentalne grupe koja je imala postoperativnu vizitu od strane medicinskog tehničara koji nije učestvovao u davanju anestezije i od kontrolne grupe. Grupe se međusobno nisu statistički značajno razlikovale u proceni Perianestezijskog komfora. Kada je u pitanju Nezadovoljstvo postoperativnom brigom, kontrolna grupa se statistički značajno razlikuje u odnosu na obe eksperimentalne grupe. Bolesnici u kontrolnoj grupi su imali izraženiji Strah od anestezije u odnosu na eksperimentalnu grupu gde je postoperativnu posetu obavio anesteziolog. Zaključak: U ovom istraživanju konstruisan je visoko pouzdan upitnik koji može rutinski da se koristi za procenu zadovoljstva bolesnika anestezijom u svakodnevnom kliničkom radu anesteziologa na na&scaron;im prostorima. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u zadovoljstvu bolesnika anestezijom podvrgnutih rekonstrukciji prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta kolena između bolesnika koji su imali postoperativnu vizitu anesteziologa i onih koji je nisu imali u korist bolesnika koji su imali postoperativnu vizitu anesteziologa. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u zadovoljstvu bolesnika anestezijom podvrgnutih rekonstrukciji prednjeg ukr&scaron;tenog ligamenta kolena između onih koje je postoperativno obi&scaron;ao anesteziolog i onih koje je postoperativno obi&scaron;ao medicinski tehničar na anesteziji koji nije učestvovao u anesteziji.</p> / <p>Introduction: In daily clinical practice the anesthesiologist, anesthesiologist postoperative rounds on the wards routine is not performed, not have established clear criteria and attitudes about its importance to the satisfaction of patients anesthesia. The aim of this study was to design and psychometric instrument checks that can routinely be used to assess patient satisfaction with anesthesia in everyday clinical practice anesthesiologist in our region, as well as to investigate the influence of post-operative rounds of anesthesiologisr to the satisfaction of patients undergoing anesthesia reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. Matera and methods: The study included 218 patients, aged 18 years, who speak and write the Serbian language, which are ASA I and ASA II status and who were operated under general anesthesia. Subjects were divided into three groups: the first group consists of 74 patients, which is postoperatively in the department visited the anesthesiologist who gave the anesthesia, the second group consists of 70 patients, which is postoperatively visited the medical technician to anesthesia, who was not involved in the anesthesia and the third group makes 74 patients who had postoperative rounds. In the first phase Researches were collected basic socio-demographic data and patients are oral questions. In the second phase of the study all patients received general balanced anesthesia. In the third phase of the study, conducted the first post-operative rounds anesthesiologist for patients of the first group and the first post-operative visit a medical technician in anesthesia for patients other groups. The third, control group patients had postoperative rounds. Within these rounds judged objectively (PAS score) and subjective state of patients. The second post-operative rounds conducted the first postoperative day. On the second postoperative day, the patients underwent Classroom nurse, who did not participate in the perioperative period, patients given a questionnaire to measure satisfaction with anesthesia. Results: The questionnaire satisfaction with anesthesia was designed for research purposes. The first metric verification of the questionnaire were determined in a pilot study on 100 subjects, on which it is unchanged from the questionnaire applied to the whole sample. Based on the theoretical framework formulated in paragraph 21. The questionnaire consists of four factors: the first factor is the ratio of pleasure anesthesiologist to the patient, another factor perianesthesian comfort, the third factor Dissatisfaction postoperative care and the fourth factor, fear of anesthesia questionnaire to measure the reliability of the sample expressed Cronbach alpha is 0.889. When taking into account all items measure expressed by Cronbach alpha reliability of the whole questionnaire is 0.845, which indicates the high reliability of the scale as a whole. In order to test the construct validity of the questionnaire, factor analysis was conducted on a sample of 218 patients. Bartlett&#39;s test (p &lt;.01) and the KMO value (KMO = 0.880) indicate that the implementation of factor analysis on the questionnaire statistically significant. Mean values Intercorrelation factors show that the relationship between the anesthesiologist and patient better, the patient will have less fear of anesthesia, be satisfied with the postoperative care and have a higher level of comfort. Results-way analysis of variance show that there is a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of their satisfaction with the anesthesiologist to the patient, and the fear of anesthesia and postoperative care Dissatisfaction. The groups do not differ significantly in perianesthesia comfort when it comes to sexual satisfaction factor anesthesiologist to the patient, the experimental group had post-operative rounds by the anesthesiologist was pleased with this aspect of the experimental group had post-operative rounds by medical technicians who did not participated in giving anesthesia and the control group. Groups each other not statistically significant in assessing perianesthesia comfort. When it comes to the dissatisfaction of postoperative care, the control group was significantly different from both experimental groups. Patients in the control group had a pronounced fear of anesthesia compared to the experimental group in which the postoperative visit carried anesthesiologist. Conclusion: In this study constructed a highly reliable questionnaire that can be routinely used to assess patient satisfaction with anesthesia in everyday clinical practice anesthesiologist in our region. There was a statistically significant difference in the satisfaction of patients undergoing anesthesia reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament between the patients who had postoperative rounds anesthesiologist and those who did not have the benefit of patients who had postoperative rounds anesthesiologist. There was a statistically significant difference in the satisfaction of patients undergoing anesthesia reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament between those postoperatively visited the anesthesiologist and those he visited postoperative medical technician in anesthesia who was not involved in anesthesia.</p>

Poređenje rezultata primarne i ponovne rekonstrukcije prednje ukrštene veze kolena / Comparison between the primary and the revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Kovačev Nemanja 07 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Studija se sastojala od dva dela &ndash; eksperimentalnog i kliničkog. Eksperimentalni deo je sproveden na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu na Departmanu za mehanizaciju i konstrukciono ma&scaron;instvo. Trideset dve zglobne povr&scaron;ine gornjeg okrajka golenjače sa pripojem prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze je uzeto tokom totalne aloartroplastike kolena kod trideset dva pacijenta kod kojih je preoperativno načinjena AP i profilna radiografija sa standardnim uvećanjem u cilju merenja veličine kolena a uz prethodno potpisanu saglasnost pacijenata. Zatim je načinjeno trodimenzionalno skeniranje prostorne povr&scaron;ine pripoja prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze na golenjači u odnosu na ravan zglobne povr&scaron;ine golenjače heptičkim uređajem &bdquo;Phantom Omni&reg;&ldquo; radi utvrđivanja korelacije između povr&scaron;ine pripoja prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze na golenjači i veličine platoa golenjače. U eksperimentalni deo su bili uključeni pacijenti oba pola metodom slučajnog izbora kod kojih je ugrađivana totalna proteza kolena a koji su prethodno potpisali informisani pristanak pacijenta na operativni zahvat na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Klinički deo studije je bio retrospektivno-prospektivnog karaktera i obuhvatio je ukupno 60 pacijenata izabranih metodom slučajnog izbora od kojih je ispitivanu grupu činilo 30 pacijenata u kojih je do&scaron;lo do ponovne rupture prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze levog ili desnog kolena nakon urađene primarne rekonstrukcije te je načinjena ponovna rekonstrukcija veze, i kontrolnu grupu koju je činilo 30 pacijenata u kojih je zbog rupture prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze načinjena primarna rekonstrukcija nakon koje nije do&scaron;lo do ponovne rupture. Kod svih pacijenata je rekonstrukcija prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze kolena rađena kalemom kost-tetiva-kost. Ishod rekonstrukcije je procenjivan na osnovu Tegner bodovne skale, Lysholm i IKDC bodovne skale za koleno, artrometrijskog merenja Lachman testa, Pivot shift testa, poloţaja kalema i urađeno je poređenje dobijenih rezultata u ispitivanoj (revizionoj) i kontrolnoj grupi. U klinički deo istraţivanja su bili uključeni pacijenti oba pola, ţivotne dobi od 18 do 40 godina koji su operisani na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu a koji su dali informisani pristanak za uključivanje. Kriterijumi za isključivanje pacijenata iz kliničkog dela istraživanja su bili životna dob manja od 18 i veća od 40 godina, pojava težih op&scaron;te-hirur&scaron;kih komplikacija i prestanak želje pacijenta da dalje učestvuje u ovom istraživanju. Nakon sveobuhvatne analize dobijenih rezultata istraţivanja, zaključeno je da postoji korelacija između povr&scaron;ine pripoja prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze na golenjači i veličine platoa golenjače. Formula, načinjena matematičko-statističkim metodama za ovo istraživanje, adekvatna je i praktično primenljiva za predikciju povr&scaron;ine pripoja prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze na golenjači u velikom procentu slučajeva a na osnovu samo dva radiografska parametra izmerenih preoperativno &ndash; prednje-zadnjeg i unutra&scaron;nje-spolja&scaron;njeg dijametra platoa golenjače. Kori&scaron;ćenje ove formule može da doprinese pobolj&scaron;anju rezultata hirur&scaron;kog lečenja pacijenata sa pokidanom prednjom ukr&scaron;tenom vezom kolena. Takođe, zaključeno je da je uzrok neuspeha primarne rekonstrukcije multifaktorijalan kao i da nema statistički značajne razlike u ishodu između ispitanika sa dobrom i ispitanika sa lo&scaron;om pozicijom kalema. Potvrđena je pretpostavka da je ishod ponovne rekonstrukcije prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze kolena slabiji u odnosu na ishod primarne.</p> / <p>This study consisted of two parts &ndash; experimental and clinical. Experimental part was conducted at the Department of Mechanization and Design Engineering of The Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Thirty two proximal tibial articular surfaces together with the anterior cruciate ligament insertion of thirty two patients were harvested during total knee arthroplasty. All patients had standard preoperative AP and profile radiographs with standard magnification in order to acquire the knee measurements. All patients previously signed the informed consent. The harvested proximal tibial articular surfaces were 3D scanned by a haptic device called &bdquo;Phantom Omni&reg;&ldquo; in order to determine the correlation between the size of the anterior cruciate ligament insertion site and the size of the tibial plateau. Thirty two randomly chosen patients of both sexes which had a knee arthroplasty were included in the experimental part of this study. All of the patients signed the informed consent at The Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of The Clinical Centre of Vojvodina. The clinical part was a retrospective-prospective study. This part included 60 randomly chosen patients divided into two groups. The test group consisted of 30 patients who had undergone a revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The control group consisted of 30 patients who had undergone only primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. A bone-tendon-bone graft was used for the reconstruction in all cases. The outcome was assessed by using Tegner activity scale, Lysholm knee scoring scale, IKDC score, arthrometric evaluation, Pivot shift test and the position of the graft. The results were compared between the test group and the control group. The clinical part of the study included 60 patients of both sexes, age 18-40 which were operated at The Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of The Clinical Centre of Vojvodina. All of the patients signed the informed consent for participation in this study. The exclusion criteria were age under 18 and above 40, occurrence of severe general surgical complications and a patient wish to be excluded from further investigation. After a thorough analysis of the results, we concluded that the correlation between the size of the anterior cruciate ligament tibial insertion site and the size of the tibial plateau exists. Formula which was created for this study by using mathematical and statistical methods, is adequate and practically applicable for the prediction of size of the anterior cruciate ligament tibial insertion site in the majority of cases based on just two preoperative radiographic parameters &ndash; AP and profile diameter of the tibial plateau. The use of this formula may improve the outcome of the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. We also concluded that the cause of the primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction failure is multifactorial as well as that there is no statistically significant difference between the patients with good and the patients with poor graft position. We confirmed the assumption that the outcome of the revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is poorer than the outcome of the primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.</p>

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