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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bedömning och omhändertagande av sköra äldre patienter på akutmottagning : en litteraturöversikt / Assessment and care for frail elderly patients in the emergency department : A literature review

Novak, Angelica, Olofsson, Lina January 2018 (has links)
I dagsläget är ca två miljoner av Sveriges totala befolkning 65 år eller äldre och antalet förväntas öka. Denna patientkategori utgör ca 40 procent av de totala besöken på akutmottagning. Kravet på sjukvården ökar i takt med att antalet äldre ökar och tidigare studier visar att en ökande ålder är en risk för längre vistelsetid på akutmottagningen. Det kommer också att kräva mer kunskap hos sjuksköterskor i bedömning och omhändertagande av äldre patienter. Vid omhändertagandet av äldre patienter så har sjuksköterskan en nyckelroll för att bidra till trygg och säker miljö, bedöma vårdbehov, utföra åtgärder ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv samt minska patientens utsatthet och sårbarhet. Sjuksköterskan ska se patienten ur ett holistiskt perspektiv där även anhöriga inkluderas utifrån ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt. Sjuksköterskan är ansvarig för omvårdnaden utifrån patienternas särskilda behov. Syfte med denna studie var att belysa sjuksköterskans bedömning och omhändertagande av sköra äldre patienter på akutmottagning. Den metod som valdes var litteraturöversikt. Artikelsökningar gjordes i PubMed, CINAHL Complete och Web of Science. Sjutton vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod inkluderas. Integrerad analys användes och genom artiklarna identifierades kategorier.  Resultatet visade att merparten av sjuksköterskorna hade en positiv inställning till att bedöma och omhänderta äldre men att på grund av tidsbrist och hög arbetsbelastning så påverkades kvaliteten på omvårdnaden.God omvårdnad gick inte alltid att bedriva på akutmottagningen på grund av prioriteringar gällande andra sjuka patienter, tidsbrist och bemanningsproblematik. Frustration var en vanlig känsla hos sjuksköterskorna. Det framkom även att anhöriga hade en betydande roll för äldre patienter under vistelsen på akutmottagningen. Sjuksköterskans bedömning och omhändertagande sågs ur både den äldres och närståendes perspektiv. Resultatet visade även att närstående var angelägna om att få information om den äldre och därav är kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterska, patient och närstående en viktig del av omvårdnaden.Slutsatsen av denna litteraturöversikt är att det finns ett behov av mer tid och resurser för att kunna ge omvårdnad med god kvalitet till den äldre patienten på akutmottagningen. / Today about two million of Sweden’s population are 65 years of age or older and it’s expected to increase. Forty percent of the visits to the emergency department is represented by this patient category. The increasing older population increases the demand on the health care and previous studies show there is a risk for increased length of stay with increased age. This will require more knowledge of nurses in assessment and caring for the frail elderly patients. The nurse plays a key role when caring for the older patient to contribute a safe and secure environment, assess the need of care and carry out actions from a nursing perspective to decrease the patient’s vulnerability. The nurse should see the patient from a holistic perspective, including relatives, based on a person-centered approach. Based on the special needs of the patients the nurse is responsible for the care. The aim of this literature review was to highlight the nurse’s assessment and caring for the frail elderly patients in the emergency. The method used was a literature review. The search for articles was done in the research databases PubMed, CINAHL Complete and Web of Science. Seventeen scientific articles with qualitative and quantitative methods were included. Integrative analysis was used, and categories were identified through the articles which resulted in an integrative text. The results showed that the majority of the nurses had a positive attitude towards assessing and care for older but because the lack of time and heavy workload the quality of the care was affected. Because of other priorities such as more acute patients, lack of time and shortage of staff the nurses were not able to perform a higher level of nursing care. A common feeling that the nurses felt was frustration. Other findings in the study were related people, who played a key role for the elderly patient during their stay. The nurse’s assessment and nursing care was seen by the perspective of both the elderly patient and related person. The results also showed that related people were eager to get information about the older patient and therefore is communication a vital part of the care.  The conclusion of this literature review is that to provide care of good quality to the older patient in the emergency department there is a need for more time and recourses.

Religion och bortgången utav en närstående : Sorgens påverkan på tron

Andersson, Milton January 2023 (has links)
This study focuses on how a persons religious beliefs can change after the loss of a closely related person. This, (the loss of a closely related person), is something that many people have experienced, it´s a certainty that we all know someone who has lost a closely related person. Maybe we have even lost someone ourselves. This could be whomever, a mother, a father, a child or a close friend. Whomever that person may be, the loss of someone close to you comes with grief and accordning to some studies, (Haynes et al 2017; McGowan & Cook 2021), humans tend to use religiosity or spirituality as a way of coping with grief. This is what I am going to look closer on, not necessarily how people use religiosity or sprituality to cope with grief, but rather how the loss of a closely related person can come to affect ones beliefs. In order to do this I have chosen to do five interviews, four of them consist of people who have lost a closely related person and one of them consists of a priest who works within Svenska Kyrkan, (the Swedish Church). The interviews are semi-structured and of qualitative method to explore the experiences of my informants more deeply. The informants have been chosen from the purpose of the study which is to see (1) how ones religious beliefs can change after the loss of a closely related person, (2) how people with various earlier religious identities react in comparison to eachother and (3) how the informants experience that their beliefs changed over time. Thereby the result of the informants were as follows, two of the informants had a lack of earlier reported religious belief, however one of the two had reported slightly less lack of belief than the other. The other two participants reported both having a lengthy background within Christianity, however one of the two described their faith in a way that I intepreted as a stronger faith than the other participant. The priest was chosen to in order to find out if the knowledge of a person who deals with many people experiencing grief can give insight into how peoples beliefs might change after the loss of a closely related person. The results show that all of the informants reported some kind of change in their religious beliefs to varying degrees. The results also showed that the informats who reported a higher amount of previous faith tended not to experience as big of a change as the other participants, as their faith was simply solidified. Finally, the study shows that three out of four of the informants experienced that different thoughts and religious practises, such as prayer for the deceased person, was more common in the earlier stages of the loss.

Närståendes upplevelser av att leva med en person som fått diagnosen stroke. : En litteraturstudie

Resare, Chatarina January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Stroke är den tredje mest förekommande orsaken till dödsfall i Sverige. Risken att få stroke, är högre vid diabetes, högt blodtryck och rökning. Syfte: beskriva närståendes upplevelser av att leva med person som fått diagnosen stroke. Metod: Beskrivande litteraturstudie med granskning av 16 vetenskapliga artiklar. Huvudresultat: Närstående till person med diagnosen stroke upplevde en förändring av sin och sin partners livssituation. Från att just levt i ett partnerskap har relationen nu ändrats till att vara vårdare åt närstående person med diagnosen stroke. De närstående upplevde även att de har fått stor arbetsbelastning, var frustrerade över den situation som uppstått och kände även en stor oro för framtiden. Närstående upplevde även sin relation som mer omtänksam mot sin partner och såg att familjebanden stärktes efter att närstående fått diagnosen stroke. Deltagarna i de granskade studierna hade haft sin diagnos från 3 veckor till 3 år och i 15 av studierna intervjuades deltagarna och i en av studierna samlades informationen in via online inlägg. Slutsats: Stor oro och lite information från vården upplevdes hos de flesta närstående till person med stroke.  Denna studie skulle kunna öka förståelsen för närstående och även för den person som fått diagnosen stroke, då de har sin vårdkontakt. Sjuksköterskan behöver öka omvårdnaden för närstående och den person som fått diagnosen stroke. Det skulle underlätta i vardagen hos många familjer, då man får en ökad insikt i sjukdomen stroke och dess komplikationer.   Nyckelord: Dagligt liv, närstående, omvårdnad, person med diagnosen stroke. / Background: Stroke is the third most common cause of death in Sweden. The risk of stroke is higher in diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking. Purpose: Describe the perpetrators' experiences of living with a person who has been diagnosed with stroke. Method: Literature study based on evaluation of 16 scientific articles. Result: Proximity to a person diagnosed with stroke is experiencing a change in his / her partner's life situation. From just living in a partnership, the relationship has now changed to being a care provider of a related person diagnosed with stroke. The relatives also felt that they had a great workload, were frustrated by the situation that occurred and also felt a great deal of concern for the future. Relatives also experienced their relationship as more caring for their partner and saw that family ties were strengthened after relatives were diagnosed with stroke. The participants in the studies studied had been diagnosed from 3 weeks to 3 years and in 15 of the studies, participants were interviewed and in one of the studies the information was collected via online postings. Conclusion: Major concerns and some information from the health care system were experienced in most related persons to stroke.  This study could enhance understanding for close relatives and also for the person diagnosed with stroke, as they have their care contact. The nurse needs to increase the nursing care for close relatives and the person who has been diagnosed with stroke. This would facilitate the everyday life of many families, as you get an increased insight into the disease stroke and its complications.   Keywords: Daily life, diagnosed stroke, nursing, related person.

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