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Banken som bygger relationer : En studie om hur SEB ökar antalet lojala kunderRobertsson, Anna, Gråsten, Jessica, Renfors Jonsson, Mari January 2011 (has links)
Problem: På dagens marknad finns det flera olika bankaktörer som konkurrerar om kunderna, vilket även gör att det blir större konkurrens mellan bankerna. Vad är det som tilltalar en kund att stanna kvar hos en bank och bli lojal mot den? SEB bör öka sin kundlojalitet, men själva innebörden av ordet kundlojalitet kan betyda olika saker för olika individer, vilket kan bli problematiskt i SEB:s kommunikation till kunderna. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka hur SEB omvandlar kundlojalitet till att skapa och utveckla långsiktiga relationer i sitt dagliga arbete. Metod: Den metod som användes till denna studie var av kvalitativ karaktär, då författarna använde sig av intervjuer på anställda inom organisationen. Genom dessa intervjuer insamlades information till studiens empiri, som sedan analyserades tillsammans med den teori som presenterats i studien. Slutsats: Det kan vara lätt att få den uppfattningen att Relationsmarknadsföring (RM) är svart eller vit. Att antingen har ett företag lojala kunder eller så har dem de inte. Istället visar det sig att det finns ett brett spektrum av olika nyanser eller nivåer när det gäller kontakt och kommunikation med kunder. Att kunna anpassa sig utefter kundens individuella behov och situation och leva upp till olika förväntningar, kan vara en god väg till att en kund stannar kvar hos företaget. En lojal kund. / Problem: In today’s market, there are several different bank operators competing for customers, including making it more and more competition between banks. What is it that appeals to a customer to stay with a bank and be loyal to it? SEB should increase its customer loyalty, but the very meaning of the word loyalty can mean different things to different individuals, who can be problematic in SEB: s communications with the customers. Purpose: The purpose is to examine how SEB converts customer loyalty to create and develop long term relationships in their daily work. Method: The methodology used for this study was qualitative in nature; the authors used interviews with employees within the organization. These interviews collected information to the study’s empirical work, and then analyzed with the theory presented in the study. Conclusions: It can be easy to get the idea that Relationship marketing (RM) is black or white. That either have a company loyal customers or not. Instead, it appears that there is a wide spectrum of different shades or levels of contact and communication with customers. Being able to adapt to the customer´s individual needs and situation and respond to different expectations might be a good way for the customer to stay with the company. A loyal customer.
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Små företag i den stora världen : En studie av mikroföretags konkurrensfördelarArriaza-Hult, Matteus, Smidström Larsson, Mikaela, Khoshabova, Dalya January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Physical disability and sexuality : A qualitative study on challenges and expectations connected to sexuality seen from the view of Tanzanian women living with physical disabilitiesAndersson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative interview study with the purpose of describing how women living with physical disabilities view their experiences and expectations connected to sexuality. It also aims to highlight how the surrounding society treats these women regarding their sexuality. Through semi-structured interviews; six single- and one group interview, the data was collected during a two month long Minor Field Study in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. An interpreter, with a degree in Kiswahili/English translation at the University of Dar es Salaam was translating the interviews from Kiswahili to English. The results of this study show that the women living with physical disabilities view themselves as capable and strong sexual beings even if they at the same time face many challenges. The challenges they face are both on an individual and a structural level. These challenges are often connected to the men they have long or short relationships with and are closely linked to both how the men and the society view physical disability and the female sex. This thesis shows that when it comes to sexuality the women all hope for a radical change towards a society that can meet their needs better and the women’s stories clearly highlight the importance of seeing the society itself as the disabling mechanism instead of seeing themselves as disabled individuals.
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Sinnesmarknadsföring : Ett effektivt verktyg för folkbibliotek?Andersson, Charlotte, Gustavsson, Malin January 2011 (has links)
Sensory marketing An effective instrument for libraries? We are living in a world of constant communication and information and because of that, marketing in general seem to have no distinctive effect. Consumers become overwhelmed by all the advertising messages. Due to this, it is clear that organizations like libraries must create a deeper and more personal connection to increase user satisfaction and foster the use of services, among both users and potential users. One way to achieve this is to make use of all the emotional elements of a product or a service. This make the user perceive the service more as an experience instead of just its functioning. By putting the five senses in focus it´s possible to create an experience and with integration of all five senses more value can be added. Previous studies on this subject are rather thin and therefore the authors found it interesting to investigate whether this phenomenon could be an effective approach for libraries.The purpose of this exploratory study is to investigate how a number of selected libraries are working with stimulation through the five human senses in their marketing. The study consists of a qualitative approach. Four personal interviews with informants from four libraries have been conducted. The conclusion of this study is that the library does not work with sensory marketing, but for some of the library's activity, sensory marketing could further develop the activities and create a greater value for both the visitors and the libraries. There are some difficulties though, when sensory experience is somewhat subjective and the library is a place for everyone.
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A Relationship with benefits: Relationship Marketing in Non-profit Organisations in South AfricaFeuk, Johanna January 2011 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this article was to see how NPO’s can use relationship marketing in their activities to secure donors and funding for their causes and projects. Methodology: Unstructured interviews were held with representatives from different hospices as well as with representatives from the umbrella organisation, the HPCA. Findings: The findings showed that the concerned hospices all had similar issues and suffered with the same problems, both economical and communicative. Successful relations were built on personal contacts and projects where donors took an active part The higher the grade of involvement the higher commitment and loyalty towards the hospice/organisation. The factors that were salient in the successful cases are also factors that are salient in the theory of successful relationship marketing (e.g. loyalty, commitment, interaction). Value: The article highlights the complexity of the market of NPO’s in South Africa and some of the issues they are faced with.
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Avkastning med ansvar : vikten av ett ansvarsfullt ägande / Responsible Investment : the importance of a responsible ownershipLundin, Sara, Vesterlund, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
Traditionally, it has been argued that companies are only responsible towards their shareholders, to maximize the profits. But lately it has changed into another way of responsibilty. It has become of great importance to demonstrate sustainable long-term values for stakeholders to identify with. This thesis aims to clarify the banks’ definition of responsible investment and what criteria they assume when talking about such kind of investments. Furthermore, the thesis intends to examine how the banks in their role as an agent can contribute so their customers can achieve responsible investments. The issues dealt with are: What criterias must a responsible investment meet according to the Swedish banks? and How can the Swedish banks contribute so their clients' investments falls under what is defined as responsible investment?The conclusions of this study show that to conduct a dialogue with companies that violate norms and principles is considered more responsible, than to exclude companies and divest holding. A responsible investment is thus an investment on which banks are active owners and influence companies through dialogues. / Traditionellt sett har det hävdats att företag endast har ett ansvar gentemot aktieägarna. I takt med globaliseringen och en ökad medvetenhet om hur företag påverkar omvärlden, blir trycket allt större på att organisationer och företag ska ta ett ansvar bortom årets resultat. Påtryckningarna kommer främst från företagens intressenter och utgörs av deras krav på företagets verksamhet. För att ett företag ska kunna överleva i en föränderlig omvärld är det av stor vikt att företaget kan uppvisa hållbara värderingar som intressenterna långsiktigt kan identifiera sig med. Företagsledningen måste därför acceptera att det finns andra mål än vinstmaximering och vara redo att arbeta med flera parallella målsättningar av olika slag. Det är genom detta arbete som företaget måste hitta vägar att möta dessa krav och på så vis axla sitt ansvar gentemot omvärlden. SRI, Socially Responsible Investment, går i linje med att företagen ska förmå att ta sitt ansvar. SRI medför att aktieägarna genom sina investeringar ges en möjlighet att utöva påtryckningar på företagen, att integrera CSR-arbetet i sin verksamhet, samtidigt som de får ekonomisk avkastning. På en internationell nivå är FN:s principer för ansvarsfulla investeringar, UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), kanske det mest betydelsefulla initiativet för att kombinera ett ansvarsfullt agerande med ekonomisk avkastning. Principerna förser investerare med ett ramverk för att ställa krav på företagen att implementera ett arbete avseende miljö- och socialt ansvar, samt frågor som rör bolagsstyrning i företagens verksamheter. Denna uppsats syftar till att bringa klarhet i vad som, enligt de ledande bankerna i Sverige, avses med ansvarsfulla investeringar och vilka kriterier bankerna utgår från när de talar om den här typen av investering. Vidare studeras hur bankerna i sin roll som agenter kan verka för att kundernas placeringar blir ansvarsfulla investeringar. Frågeställningarna som uppsatsen behandlar lyder: Vilka kriterier utgår Sveriges ledande banker från när de definierar en ansvarsfull investering? samt Hur kan Sveriges ledande banker verka för att deras kunders placeringar faller inom ramen för ansvarsfulla investeringar? Studien visar att de ledande bankerna i Sverige följer Principles for Responsible Investments när de talas om ansvarsfulla investeringar. Respondenterna och bankerna har genomgående definierat en ansvarsfull investering som en investering där ägaren är aktiv i sin roll och påverkar bolagen att leva upp till ESG-kriterierna. Bankerna är i sin roll som agenter av stor betydelse för dialogen med bolagen för att kundernas placeringar faller inom ramen för ansvarsfulla investeringar. Att föra en dialog med bolag som bryter mot normer och principer anses mer ansvarsfullt än att exkludera bolagen och avyttra innehavet.
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Den vårdande relationen : Sett ur sjuksköterskans perspektiv / The caring relationship : A nurse´s viewBowall-Nygren, Pernilla, Ahlner, Lena January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det ökande antalet anmälningar till patientnämnder och Socialstyrelsen handlar iallt större utsträckning om patienters upplevelser av brister i möten med vårdpersonal. Inom vårdvetenskapen beskrivs begreppet vårdrelation som en grundläggande förutsättning för vårdandet. När sjuksköterskor misslyckas med att skapa vårdrelationer som är vårdande kan detta leda till ett vårdlidande och patienter fråntas rätten att vara delaktiga i sin hälsoprocess. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors beskrivningar och upplevelser av vad som gör vårdrelationer vårdande. Metod: Som metod användes en litteraturöversikt vilken baserades på en analys av tiokvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: I resultatet framkom fyra teman som svarade mot syftet: medkänsla, närvaro, mod och att ta sig tid. Dessa teman går delvis in i varandra. Vårdrelationen blir vårdande när sjuksköterskan har mod att vara närvarande i mötet med patienten och har ett personligt engagemang, har den kreativa förmågan att lyssna och verkligen ta sig tid att höra vad patienten förmedlar. Diskussion: Det finns en risk att mänskliga värden går förlorade när sjuksköterskan har fokus på att utföra uppgifter och patienten objektifieras. Sjuksköterskans kunskap och medvetenhet om existentiella och medmänskliga behov behöver lyftas fram i vårdandet. Nyckelord: Vårdrelation, närvaro, medkänsla, mod. / Background: The increasing number of complaints to patient boards and Swedish board of social welfare focus on patients' perceptions of gaps in encounters with health professionals. In health science, the concept of caring relations is described as a fundamental prerequisite for caring. When nurses fail to provide caring relations may lead to a suffering for the patient and they are deprived of the right to participate in their health process. Aim: The aim of this study was to highlight nurses' descriptions and experiences of what makes the caring relationship caring. Method: A literature review based on an analysis of ten qualitative research articles was performed. Findings: The results revealed four themes that responded to the aim: compassion, presence, courage and take your time. These themes are partly intertwined. The caring relationship becomes caring when the nurse has the courage to be present in the meeting with the patient and has a personal commitment, has the creative ability to listen and really take the time to hear what the patient conveys. Discussion: There is a risk that human values are lost when the nurse ends up in performance and performs tasks. A nurse's knowledge and consciousness of existential and interpersonal needs must be highlighted in caring. Keywords: Caring relationship, presence, compassion, courage.
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Hospitals Without Consulting Rooms : An Ethical Assessment of Physician-Patient Relationshop in Medical InternetOparaji, Alexander Obinna January 2006 (has links)
The physician -patient relationship is fundamental to medical and healthcare practice. It is value laden. The practice of medicine and healthcare in the traditional sense accentuates a fecund doctor-patient communication. This is considered a necessary step for a proper diagnosis towards an attendant fruitful prognosis. Such a practise eventuates in the recognition of core values within the ambience of a standard medical practise. The values in question refer to issues of commitment and trust, obligations to standard care giving and reception, confidentiality, autonomy, beneficence, non maleficence, justice as well as responsibility. However, the practise of medicine today is criss-crossed by an amazing cast of transformations with the advent of the internet in the medical arena. Medical encounters take place online between doctors and patients even in the absence of pre-existing medical relationships in the hospitals. There is today treatments and medical care mediated by the internet, a case of diagnosis and prognosis across distance, and indeed super highway medicine. This instance of hospitals without consulting rooms is morally problematic. By the characterization of physician-patient relationship ( especially in the absence of pre-existing relationship) on the internet as virtual, unique, new and problematic, this work assesses the risks associated with such encounters in the light of ethical principles and their implications for moral responsibility.
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Customer Service Quality in Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) : Prepayment Customer ServiceAkele, Seyoum January 2012 (has links)
Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO), state owned monopoly that generates, transmits, and distributes and sales electric power nationwide, has been undergoing various continued utility management practices. One of the major improvements, as part of the transformation, was the introduction of Prepayment (Metering) System, over that of the conventional metering service, which had been forcing the Corporation to follow lengthy service processes, in order to support the realization of its long term strategic vision of providing quality electric service and being competitive in an energy export. However, despite the introduction of this new type of service-prepayment customer service, the Corporation has not been able to attract more than only about five percent out of the two million total customers. Therefore, this study tried to assess and analyze the existing practice (quality) of prepayment customer service both from the employee and the Corporation’s perspectives, and thereby propose possible marketing strategies that are capable of improving the customer service quality for the subsequent adoption of prepayment service. SERVQUAL, as a methodological approach to service quality measures, was employed to measure the prepayment service quality by comparing customers’ perception of the received service against their expectations. Accordingly, the study revealed, despite its limitations, that there has been a substantial gap between customers’ expectations and perception of the service rendered, for which different possible marketing strategies were suggested for improvement.
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Individual Business Initiation Process and Business DynamicsZhao, Yue January 2012 (has links)
Many relationship-based studies focus on how businesses are maintained and developed. However, little attention focused on individuals as business initiators and the consequent processes. This study will bridge this gap. A theoretical model with two cases will answer two questions -How individuals initiate business through personal network? -What is the consequent process? The studies demonstrate that individual do play a very important role when initiating a new business and they set in motion relationship-building processes that change the network structure. The contribution for research and management is clear. The netentrepruer is a new ‘actor’ and can be useful in future studies of business networks. Management can usefully become conscious of the possibilities they have in studying their network contacts before initiating new businesses. Managers should utilize managing individual’s networks as new competition strategies. This will modify the view of management strategy and also contribute to theory building.
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