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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Blended Families and Their Influence on Sibling Relationships and First Union Formation

Yee Shui, Michael St. Aubyn 19 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

L’influence de la qualité de la relation parent-enfant et du sexe sur l’apprentissage de la peur par observation chez les enfants

Bilodeau Houle, Alexe 08 1900 (has links)
L’apprentissage de la peur par observation est un phénomène très important lors de l’enfance, une période au cours de laquelle plusieurs peurs se développent et où l’environnement familial est fondamental. La qualité de la relation parent-enfant module les réactions de peur chez les enfants, mais son impact sur l’apprentissage de la peur par observation n’a pas été investigué. Ce mémoire s’est donc intéressé à l’influence de la relation mère-enfant et père-enfant ainsi qu’à son interaction avec le sexe de l’enfant sur l’apprentissage de la peur par observation. Soixante dyades parent-enfant ont été recrutées. La relation avec chaque parent était évaluée par un questionnaire auto-rapporté complété par les enfants (8 à 12 ans). Les enfants regardaient d’abord une vidéo de leur parent être exposé à un conditionnement de la peur, où un stimulus (SC+Parent) était associé à un léger choc et un autre stimulus (SC-) était présenté seul. Ensuite, les enfants regardaient une vidéo d’un étranger être exposé à un protocole similaire à l’exception qu’un stimulus différent était associé au choc (SC+Étranger). Par la suite, les trois stimuli étaient directement présentés aux enfants. Les niveaux de peur étaient mesurés par les réponses électrodermales. L’effet de la qualité de la relation père-enfant sur les niveaux de peur face au SC+Parent était modéré par le sexe des enfants, où les filles ayant une relation sécurisante avec leur père montraient des niveaux de peur plus faibles. La qualité de la relation mère-enfant n’influençait pas les niveaux de peur des enfants. Ces résultats suggèrent que la relation avec le père influence la façon dont les filles répondent aux stimuli liés à la peur au sein de l’environnement familial. Ces données soulignent certains facteurs de protection face à la vulnérabilité de développer des psychopathologies liées à la peur. / Observational fear learning is especially relevant during childhood, a period during which many fears develop and where the familial environment is salient. Parent-child relationship modulates fear reactions in children, but its impact on observational fear learning in the context of the familial environment has not been investigated. This master’s thesis therefore examined whether the mother-child and father-child relationship quality as well as its interaction with children’s sex influence observational fear learning. Sixty parent-child dyads were recruited. The relationship with each parent was assessed by a self-report questionnaire completed by the children (8 to 12 years old). Children first watched a video of their parent undergoing a fear conditioning procedure, where one stimulus (CS+Parent) was paired with a shock and one was presented alone (CS-). Then, children watched a video of a stranger undergoing a similar protocol except that a different stimulus was paired with the shock (CS+Stranger). Subsequently, the three stimuli were directly presented to children. Fear levels were measured by skin conductance responses. The effect of the father-child relationship quality on fear levels for the CS+Parent was moderated by children’s sex, where girls having a more secure relationship with their father exhibited lower fear levels. The mother-child relationship quality had no impact on the children’s fear levels. These results suggest that the relationship with the father influences how girls respond to fear-related stimuli within the family environment. These data highlight the existence of some protective factors that might influence the vulnerability of developing fear-related psychopathologies.

Investigating the adoption of banking services delivered over remote channels : the case of Chinese Internet banking customers

Wu, MeiMei January 2012 (has links)
Customers adoption of Internet banking has become a widely-researched topic, although it is fair to state that some research gaps still exist. This research aims to fill some of the research gaps by examining the factors that determine the relevant behaviour of three different categories of Internet banking customers in China (i.e. current users, non-users, and discontinued users), and by developing two conceptual models that are derived from different, but complementary, theoretical approaches. The Decision Making Model and the Service and Relationship Evaluation Model are developed in this research. The Decision Making Model is grounded in the technology acceptance model (TAM) and it incorporates an additional construct of perceived value of using Internet banking. Additionally, the Service and Relationship Evaluation Model is derived from the service quality evaluation and relationship quality evaluation literature. Unlike in most other Internet banking adoption studies, these two conceptual models are used complementarily to deliver a comprehensive understanding of customers Internet banking adoption in China. The models are tested using a sample of 614 Chinese Internet banking customers collected via mall-intercept personal interviews based on questionnaires. Partial Least Square (PLS) path modelling and mediation analysis are applied to test the hypotheses advanced in the two models. The key findings of this research show that perceived value is a major factor for explaining customers Internet banking adoption, thus indicating to the banks that they should reduce costs associated with using Internet banking while providing more (perceived) benefits to customers; the importance of incorporating perceived value in Internet banking adoption model(s) is also demonstrated. The findings also confirm that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are important factors that determine the adoption of Internet banking by all categories of customers. Current users and non-users perceptions of their behavioural control over using Internet banking contribute to their adoption of Internet banking, and such control perceptions are shaped by self-efficacy, perceived government support and technological support. Additionally, it is demonstrated that both current users and discontinued users perceived value and perceived service quality of Internet banking have positive associations with their satisfaction with Internet banking, which lead to their Internet banking adoption. Moreover, the findings reveal that current users are more likely to continue with Internet banking if they are affectively committed to their banks; they are less likely to continue with Internet banking if they are calculatively committed to their banks due to the costs associated with leaving the banks. These therefore indicate the importance of establishing high-quality customer-bank relationships and placing less strict switching cost barriers that impose less pressure on their existing customers. This research contributes to the Internet banking adoption literature by (i) identifying the important category of Internet banking discontinued users, apart from current users and non-users; and (ii) using two complementary conceptual models, which are grounded in different theoretical streams, to investigate the relevant adoption behaviour of all three categories of Internet banking customers. It hence delivers a comprehensive understanding of personal customers adoption of Internet banking in China.

Le lien entre les perceptions des élèves sur la relation élève-enseignant et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés

Protsenko, Oléna P. 09 1900 (has links)
Le processus d’enseignement ne se limite pas à un ensemble de méthodes pédagogiques à appliquer et de contenus programmés à transmettre. Il se déploie également dans la construction par l’enseignant d’une relation pédagogique avec ses élèves. Cette relation est considérée comme étant optimale lorsqu’elle est caractérisée par un niveau élevé de chaleur et un faible niveau de conflits. Plusieurs études démontrent l’existence de liens significatifs entre la qualité de cette relation et les différents indicateurs d’adaptation à l’école. En général, les résultats des études démontrent l’influence positive d’une relation élève-enseignant chaleureuse sur le comportement des élèves, leur réussite scolaire ainsi que sur leurs sentiments et attitudes envers l’école. Certaines recherches soulignent également que l’incidence de la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant est particulièrement importante pour les élèves considérés à risque en raison de présence chez eux des certains facteurs de vulnérabilité tels que la pauvreté (facteurs sociaux), la relation parent-enfant difficile (facteurs familiaux) ou le manque d’habiletés sociales (facteurs individuels). La majorité de recherches ne permet toutefois pas de déterminer quels sont précisément les aspects de cette relation qui influencent significativement la qualité de la relation entre l’enseignant et ses élèves. Souhaitant pallier cette lacune, la présente étude poursuit deux objectifs : 1) examiner le lien entre les perceptions des élèves de niveau secondaire considérés à risque concernant les différents aspects de la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés ; 2) vérifier si ce lien évolue avec le temps. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons pris en considération deux dimensions qui permettent de qualifier les profils de la relation élève-enseignant, soit la chaleur et les conflits (Pianta, 1992). La classification de ces deux dimensions en fonction de leur pôle positif et négatif permet de distinguer quatre profils relationnels que l’élève est susceptible d’établir avec ses enseignants soient le profil dit chaleureux, controversé, négligent ou conflictuel. II Cette étude repose sur un devis longitudinal grâce aux données recueillies dans le cadre de l’évaluation de la stratégie d’intervention Agir Autrement réalisée entre 2002 et 2008 (SIAA). Il s’agit donc ici d’analyses secondaires menées sur un échantillon aléatoire tiré de cette vaste recherche. Un échantillon de 563 élèves de 1re secondaire incluant 273 filles et 290 garçons a été constitué. Les analyses ont été effectuées auprès de ces élèves alors qu’ils étaient en premier et en cinquième année de secondaire ce qui a permis d’observer les changements dans le comportement des élèves à risque en fonction de la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant. De façon générale, les résultats obtenus montrent que les liens entre les différents profils de la relation élève-enseignant et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés sont fort complexes et loin d’être univoques. En particulier, ces résultats permettent de constater que le profil chaleureux représente le profil relationnel le moins associé aux problèmes de comportement extériorisés chez les élèves à risque et ce, autant en première qu’en cinquième secondaire. Selon nos résultats, les profils conflictuel et controversé sont significativement liés aux problèmes de comportement extériorisés chez les élèves à risque de 1re secondaire et de 5e secondaire. En ce qui a trait au profil négligent, les résultats de la présente recherche montrent l’existence d’un lien corrélationnel entre ce profil relationnel et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés. Toutefois, la force de l’association s’est avérée plus significative pour les élèves à risque en 5e secondaire secondaire comparativement aux mêmes élèves alors qu’ils étaient en 1re secondaire. Finalement, l’ensemble de résultats obtenus montre que les profils relationnels restent relativement stables dans le temps, tandis que la fréquence de comportements problématiques tels que le vol grave et la consommation de psychotropes augmentent d’une manière significative. De plus, les résultats que nous avons obtenus montrent l’existence d’un lien entre la dimension de conflits de la relation élève-enseignant et la consommation de substances psychotropes chez les élèves de notre échantillon. La présente recherche permet de constater que la dimension de conflits est aussi importante dans la relation élève-enseignant que la dimension de la chaleur, car les III conflits agiraient comme facteurs de risque pouvant augmenter la fréquence de problèmes de comportement extériorisés chez les élèves de secondaire considérés à risque. Ainsi, la réduction de niveau de conflits dans la relation entre les élèves et leurs enseignants peut jouer un rôle important en termes de prévention de ce type de problèmes chez les élèves de niveau secondaire. / Appling pedagogical methods and transmitting programmed material is not sufficient to define the complexity of teaching. The pedagogical relationship built by the teacher with his or her students is another important and necessary component. This relationship is considered optimal when it has a high level of warmth and a low level of conflicts. Previous studies demonstrate significant links between the quality of this relationship and different indicators of school-adaptations. In general, the reports reveal that a warm student-teacher relationship has a positive impact on student behaviour, academic success as well as feelings and attitudes toward school. Furthermore, the quality of student-teacher relationship has an even greater effect on students considered at risk. This student category is characterised by the presence of vulnerability factors such as poverty (social factors), difficult parent-child relationship (family factors) or a lack of social skills (individual factors). Majority of research done on student-teacher relationship does not specify which aspects in particular have a significant influence on its overall quality. In order to address this issue, two goals are aimed by the present study: 1) examine the relationship between perceptions of high school students considered at risk for various aspects of the quality of the student-teacher relationship and externalizing behavior problems; 2) verification if this link evolves over time. In our work, the type of student-teacher relationship is categorized by two dimensions: the warmth and the conflicts (Pianta, 1992). The classification according to the positive or negative pole of each dimension enables to distinguish between four types of relations the student is prone to establish with his or her teachers: either warm, controversial, negligent or conflict. A random sample of the data collected in 2002-2008 during the evaluation of intervention strategy Agir Autrement (Act Differently) (SIAA) is used in the present longitudinal study. It is composed of 563 high school students: 273 girls and 290 boys. V Secondary analyses are made on the data collected on the same students during their first and fifth year. This approach gives the opportunity to observe the changes in student behaviour as function of student-teacher relationship quality. In general, our results show a high complexity of links between different types of student-teacher relationship and the exteriorized behaviour problems. More specifically, we conclude that a warm type relation is less likely to be associated with exteriorized behaviour problems of students at risk, and that as much in 1st year of high school as in the 5th. According to our results, conflict and controversial relationship types are significantly linked to exteriorized behaviour problems of students at risk in the 1st and the 5th year of high school. In the case of the negligent relationship, the results demonstrate the existence of a correlation between this bond type and exteriorized behaviour problems. However, the strength of this correlation is higher for the students at risk in the 5th year of high school as compared to the same students when they were in their 1st year. Finally, when all the results are taken together, they reveal the relative stability of the relationship type over time and on the other hand, a significant increase in the frequency of problematic behaviour such as serious stealing and psychotropic consumption. Furthermore, the obtained results show the existence of a link between the conflict dimension of the student-teacher relationship and the psychotropic consumption of students accounted by our sample. The present study demonstrates that since conflicts act as risk factors capable of increasing the frequency of exteriorized behaviour problems of high school students considered at risk, the conflict dimension is equally important in the student-teacher relationship as the warmth dimension. A relationship between students and their teachers with a reduced level of conflicts can play an important role in the prevention of this type of problems experienced by high school students.

Myndigheters kund- och leverantörsrelation : En relations- och partnerskapsanalys mellan två försvarsmyndigheter

Virolainen, Heikki January 2016 (has links)
Som utveckling inom kvalitetsområdet är ett förslag att titta närmare på kund- och leverantörsförhållanden och hur de arbetar kvalitetsmässigt. Frågor som väckts är exempelvis hur man involverar kunden som en naturlig resurs i kvalitetsutveckling och hur nära man vågar släppa in kunden. Studien väljer att titta på de komplexa förhållanden som uppstår när myndigheter har en kund-/leverantörsrelation till varandra. Syftet med studien är att åskådliggöra kvalitetsarbete i relationen och partnerskapet mellan myndigheterna och föreslå framgångsfaktorer och ev. förbättringsförslag. En fallstudie genomfördes med två myndigheter som studieobjekt. Studien inhämtade ett triangulerat underlag via enkäter, intervjuer och styrande dokument för att analysera parternas relation, partnerskap och kvalitetsarbete mellan varandra. Det inhämtade underlaget stärktes av en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ data. Resultatet visar att relationskvaliteten är till mestadels hög mellan parterna och partnerskapet som finns mellan dem är uttalat och strategiskt formulerat. Studien visar på en styrkepositionering mellan parterna som i kombination med de bindningar som finns mellan dem ger ett utfall på att en av parterna har en dominerande roll inom partnerskapet. Studien åskådliggör befintliga strukturer för kvalitetsarbete mellan parterna och lyckas utvinna framgångsfaktorer som föreslås kunna gälla även för andra myndigheters kvalitetsarbete i liknande kund-/leverantörsrelationer mellan varandra. / It´s suggested, as development in the quality area, to look closer at customer and supplier relationships in terms of how they´re working with quality in the relation. Questions raised, is as example, how to involve the customer as a natural resource in quality development, and how close suppliers dare to let the customers in. The study chooses to focus on the complex relationship arising when governmental agencies have customer/supplier relationships and partnerships with each other. The purpose of the study is to reveal how the governmental agencies work to improve quality in their relationship and partnership, and to suggest success factors as well as areas for improvement in the relationship/partnership. A case study was conducted involving two governmental agencies. The study retrieved a triangulated information base through surveys, interviews and governing documents to analyze the two parties’ relationship, partnership and quality work between each other. The retrieved information base was supported by combining quantitative and qualitative data. The result of the study shows that the relationship quality is mostly high between the two parties, and the partnership between them is strategically phrased. The study reveals of a strength positioning between the parties that, when combined with present bonds, gives an outcome that one of the parties hold a dominating role within the partnership. The study illustrates existing structures for quality development between the parties, and is able to extract success factors that propose that other governmental agencies might be able to use in similar customer/supplier relationships between each other.

Construindo relacionamentos com a marca: qual é o papel da experiência de marca, da individualidade do consumidor e da categoria de produto nesse processo? / Building brand relationships: what is the role of the brand experience, consumer individuality and product category in this process?

Silva, Matheus Alberto Rodrigues 19 August 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é identificar os efeitos de diferenças individuais dos consumidores sobre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca para produtos de consumo público (roupas) e privado (eletrodomésticos de linha branca). Para alcançar esse objetivo, foi concebido um modelo teórico para ser testado empiricamente. A partir de uma revisão de literatura acerca de experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca, percebeu-se o potencial do emprego de experiências de marca para construir relacionamentos com marca. Observou-se também que as variáveis de diferenças individuais têm sido negligenciadas em pesquisas sobre relacionamentos com a marca. Além disso, há divergências de resultados de pesquisas envolvendo distintas categorias de produto. Tais constatações possibilitaram a elaboração de um conjunto de hipóteses, as quais permitiram observar as relações entre constructos que definem as características individuais dos consumidores, a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. Assim, foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica utilizando um questionário auto administrado. Neste levantamento de campo, foram entrevistados 660 consumidores a partir de uma amostragem não probabilística. As técnicas de análise incluem análise fatorial exploratória e modelagem de equações estruturais PLS. A análise exploratória demonstrou que os constructos experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca apresentam inconsistências em sua operacionalização. Os resultados indicam também que há um efeito significativo da experiência de marca sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. O engajamento da marca no autoconceito mostrou ser um importante preditor da experiência de marca e da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. O envolvimento com a categoria de produto apresentou um efeito significativo sobre a experiência de marca. Curiosamente, o envolvimento com a categoria produziu um efeito significativo sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca somente na categoria roupas. A propensão ao relacionamento apresentou um efeito significativo sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca somente na categoria roupas. O envolvimento com a categoria de produto não apresentou efeitos de moderação significativos na relação entre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca em ambas categorias. A propensão ao relacionamento produziu efeitos de moderação significativos na relação entre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca em ambas categorias. O valor dessa pesquisa está em: a) evidenciar a experiência de marca como um antecedente da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; b) Chamar atenção para a necessidade de discussão acerca da operacionalização dos constructos experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; c) Discutir o papel das variáveis de diferenças individuais como antecedentes ou moderadoras da experiência de marca e da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; d) Discutir a natureza dos relacionamentos com marca no contexto de produtos de consumo público e privado, apresentando similaridades e dissimilaridades e; por fim, explicitar, por meio de um modelo de gestão de marcas, como as experiências de marca podem ser um importante mecanismo para a construção de relacionamentos com a marca / The objective of the present study is to identify the effects of the individual differences of the consumers over brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality to products of public (clothing) and private (household appliances) consumption. To achieve the objective, a theoretical model was conceived to be empirically tested. From a literature\'s revision regarding the brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality the potential employment of brand experience to build brand relationships was perceived. Was also observed that the variables of individual differences have been neglected in the researches about brand relationships. Furthermore, there are divergences in the researches\' results involving distinct products\' categories. Such findings enabled the elaboration of a group of hypothesis, which enabled to observe the constructs\' relations that define individual characteristic of the consumers, brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Thereby, an empirical research was realized utilizing a self-administered questionnaire. In this field survey, 660 consumers were interviewed from a non-probabilistic sample. The analysis techniques includes exploratory factorial analysis and structural equation modeling PLS. An exploratory analysis demonstrated that the constructs brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality outlines inconsistence on its operationalization. The results also indicate that there is a significant brand experience effect. Brand engagement in self-concept presented to be an important predictor of brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Curiously, category involvement produced a significant effect over the consumer-brand relationship quality solely in the clothing category. Relationship proneness presented a significant effect over the consumer-brand relationship quality solely in the clothing category. Involvement with the products\' category did not present significant moderation effects in the relationship between brand experience and the consumer-brand relationship quality in both categories. Relationship proneness produced significant moderation effects in the relation between brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality in both categories. The value of the present research is to evidence brand experience as consumer-brand relationship quality antecedent. Draws attention to the necessity of discussion regarding the operationalization of the constructs, brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Inserts variables of individual differences as antecedents and brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality moderators. Discusses the nature of the brand relationships in the context of public and private consumption products, presenting similarities and dissimilarities. The study evidences, through a brand management model, how brand experiences can be an important mechanism to build brand relationships

Impact de l'apprentissage sur l'efficacité organisationnelle des joint-ventures internationales : application aux joint-ventures du Vietnam / Impact of learning on the organizational effectiveness of the international joint-ventures : application to joint-ventures in Vietnam

Nguyen, Van Hien 21 October 2013 (has links)
Au cours des 25 dernières années, le nombre de joint-ventures internationales (JVI), qui se forment lorsque deux ou plusieurs entreprises partenaires mettent une partie de leurs ressources au sein d’une organisation légale possédée conjointement, s’est multiplié. Parallèlement à cette prolifération, les déterminants de la performance des JVI ont retenu particulièrement l’attention des chercheurs. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous nous focalisons sur l’aspect de l’apprentissage organisationnel en le liant à l’efficacité organisationnelle des JVI.Nous avons développé notre cadre conceptuel en nous basant sur la théorie de l’apprentissage organisationnel, la théorie fondée sur les connaissances et des revues de la littérature. Ainsi, nous avons proposé un modèle et dix-neuf hypothèses de la recherche liés aux retours positifs de l’apprentissage organisationnel sur l’efficacité organisationnelle des JVI. Ceux-ci sont ensuite examinés empiriquement en utilisant la méthode PLS sur une base de données de 176 JVI du Vietnam. Les résultats empiriques ont montré le rôle indéniable de l’apprentissage organisationnel dans l’amélioration de l’efficacité organisationnelle des JVI.Principaux résultats de la recherche : (1) plus les connaissances sont acquises dans les JVI plus leur efficacité organisationnelle s’améliore ; (2) la qualité des relations entre les partenaires de la JVI explique bien et influence fortement la performance d’acquisition de connaissances ; (3) concernant la culture d’apprentissage organisationnel, les pratiques de l’apprentissage d’équipe ont été identifiées comme un élément central influençant directement la performance d’acquisition de connaissances. / Over the past 25 years, the number of International Joint Ventures (IJV), which are formed when two or more partner companies put their resources together in a jointly owned legal organization, has multiplied. Along with this proliferation, the determinants of the IJV performance have attracted particular attention from researchers. In this study, we focus on the aspect of organizational learning by linking it to the IJV organizational effectiveness.We have developed our conceptual framework based on the theory of organizational learning, knowledge-based theory and literature reviews. Thus, we have proposed a model with nineteen research hypotheses related to the positive impact of organizational learning on the IJV organizational effectiveness. Both the model and these hypotheses are then examined empirically using the PLS method on a database of 176 IJV in Vietnam. The results showed the undeniable role of organizational learning in improving the IJV organizational effectiveness.Key research findings : (1) the more knowledge acquired in the IJV, the more its organizational effectiveness improved; (2) the quality of relationships between the IJV partners explains well and strongly influences the performance of knowledge acquisition; and (3) on organizational learning culture, the practices of team learning have been identified as a key element influencing the performance of knowledge acquisition directly.

The adoption of advanced mobile commerce services by individuals: investigating the impact of the interaction between the consumer and the mobile service provider

AlHinai, Yousuf Salim January 2009 (has links)
This research investigates the impact of the interaction between the consumer and mobile service provider on the adoption of advanced mobile commerce services by existing consumers of mobile technology. These factors include: 1) Perceived Relationship Quality (PRQ), which is the consumer’s evaluation of the quality of his/her relationship with the mobile service provider, and 2) Perceived Value of the Adoption Incentive (PVI), which is the consumer’s evaluation of the value of incentives that are offered by the service provider to entice him/her to adopt the mobile service. The influence of these factors on consumer attitudes and intentions towards adopting mobile commerce services is studied and compared with three other well-known adoption factors including perceived usefulness, ease of use and the subjective norm. / This study was undertaken in three parts. Firstly, a conceptual study was conducted to investigate and analyse the existing literature on consumer adoption of mobile commerce services. This phase started with a general review of the existing studies using a novel model: the Entities-Interactions Framework, EIF. The EIF explains adoption behaviour in terms of interactions between the consumer and the other entities including the mobile service, the service provider and the social system. This framework was used to analyse the extent to which important adoption factors have been covered by past research and therefore identify the research questions. The conceptual study resulted in the development of a research model and relevant hypotheses. / Secondly, a large-scale questionnaire survey was conducted to test the research model and the proposed hypotheses. This part of the research helped give a broad picture of the influence of consumer-service provider factors on consumer adoption of mobile commerce services. Thirdly, face-to-face interviews with mobile phones users were conducted in order to validate the survey results and provide an understanding of the mechanisms that control the impact of the investigated factors. The research found that PRQ and PVI have an important influence on the attitude and intention of existing mobile phone users towards accepting and using advanced mobile commerce services. Furthermore, the research found that these newly introduced factors are more influential on consumer adoption perceptions than other well-established factors. / The study enriches our understanding of technology adoption by individuals because it explains why an existing user of a technology, such as mobile technology, will or will not adopt advanced versions of that technology. The findings affirm that in the context of communication technologies, which are interactive by nature, understanding the interaction between consumers and service providers is a key to understanding the progressive adoption by consumers of advanced forms of these technologies. The thesis provides practitioners (particularly mobile service providers) with a better understanding of the impact and implication of their interaction with consumers on consumers’ acceptance and use of mobile services. The study emphasises the importance of incorporating this understanding throughout the mobile service provision process, starting from the conceptualisation of the service to the actual provision of the service to the market. The study also offers a novel comprehension of how to view each mobile service offer as a consequence of the previous offer and a precedent of the next in order to enhance consumer adoption of mobile service in the short and long runs.

Verbraucherverhalten und Supply Chain Management: Herausforderungen für Unternehmen des Agribusiness / Consumer Behaviour and Supply Chain Management: Challenges for Agribusiness Firms

Schulze, Birgit 15 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Le lien entre les perceptions des élèves sur la relation élève-enseignant et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés

Protsenko, Oléna P. 09 1900 (has links)
Le processus d’enseignement ne se limite pas à un ensemble de méthodes pédagogiques à appliquer et de contenus programmés à transmettre. Il se déploie également dans la construction par l’enseignant d’une relation pédagogique avec ses élèves. Cette relation est considérée comme étant optimale lorsqu’elle est caractérisée par un niveau élevé de chaleur et un faible niveau de conflits. Plusieurs études démontrent l’existence de liens significatifs entre la qualité de cette relation et les différents indicateurs d’adaptation à l’école. En général, les résultats des études démontrent l’influence positive d’une relation élève-enseignant chaleureuse sur le comportement des élèves, leur réussite scolaire ainsi que sur leurs sentiments et attitudes envers l’école. Certaines recherches soulignent également que l’incidence de la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant est particulièrement importante pour les élèves considérés à risque en raison de présence chez eux des certains facteurs de vulnérabilité tels que la pauvreté (facteurs sociaux), la relation parent-enfant difficile (facteurs familiaux) ou le manque d’habiletés sociales (facteurs individuels). La majorité de recherches ne permet toutefois pas de déterminer quels sont précisément les aspects de cette relation qui influencent significativement la qualité de la relation entre l’enseignant et ses élèves. Souhaitant pallier cette lacune, la présente étude poursuit deux objectifs : 1) examiner le lien entre les perceptions des élèves de niveau secondaire considérés à risque concernant les différents aspects de la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés ; 2) vérifier si ce lien évolue avec le temps. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons pris en considération deux dimensions qui permettent de qualifier les profils de la relation élève-enseignant, soit la chaleur et les conflits (Pianta, 1992). La classification de ces deux dimensions en fonction de leur pôle positif et négatif permet de distinguer quatre profils relationnels que l’élève est susceptible d’établir avec ses enseignants soient le profil dit chaleureux, controversé, négligent ou conflictuel. II Cette étude repose sur un devis longitudinal grâce aux données recueillies dans le cadre de l’évaluation de la stratégie d’intervention Agir Autrement réalisée entre 2002 et 2008 (SIAA). Il s’agit donc ici d’analyses secondaires menées sur un échantillon aléatoire tiré de cette vaste recherche. Un échantillon de 563 élèves de 1re secondaire incluant 273 filles et 290 garçons a été constitué. Les analyses ont été effectuées auprès de ces élèves alors qu’ils étaient en premier et en cinquième année de secondaire ce qui a permis d’observer les changements dans le comportement des élèves à risque en fonction de la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant. De façon générale, les résultats obtenus montrent que les liens entre les différents profils de la relation élève-enseignant et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés sont fort complexes et loin d’être univoques. En particulier, ces résultats permettent de constater que le profil chaleureux représente le profil relationnel le moins associé aux problèmes de comportement extériorisés chez les élèves à risque et ce, autant en première qu’en cinquième secondaire. Selon nos résultats, les profils conflictuel et controversé sont significativement liés aux problèmes de comportement extériorisés chez les élèves à risque de 1re secondaire et de 5e secondaire. En ce qui a trait au profil négligent, les résultats de la présente recherche montrent l’existence d’un lien corrélationnel entre ce profil relationnel et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés. Toutefois, la force de l’association s’est avérée plus significative pour les élèves à risque en 5e secondaire secondaire comparativement aux mêmes élèves alors qu’ils étaient en 1re secondaire. Finalement, l’ensemble de résultats obtenus montre que les profils relationnels restent relativement stables dans le temps, tandis que la fréquence de comportements problématiques tels que le vol grave et la consommation de psychotropes augmentent d’une manière significative. De plus, les résultats que nous avons obtenus montrent l’existence d’un lien entre la dimension de conflits de la relation élève-enseignant et la consommation de substances psychotropes chez les élèves de notre échantillon. La présente recherche permet de constater que la dimension de conflits est aussi importante dans la relation élève-enseignant que la dimension de la chaleur, car les III conflits agiraient comme facteurs de risque pouvant augmenter la fréquence de problèmes de comportement extériorisés chez les élèves de secondaire considérés à risque. Ainsi, la réduction de niveau de conflits dans la relation entre les élèves et leurs enseignants peut jouer un rôle important en termes de prévention de ce type de problèmes chez les élèves de niveau secondaire. / Appling pedagogical methods and transmitting programmed material is not sufficient to define the complexity of teaching. The pedagogical relationship built by the teacher with his or her students is another important and necessary component. This relationship is considered optimal when it has a high level of warmth and a low level of conflicts. Previous studies demonstrate significant links between the quality of this relationship and different indicators of school-adaptations. In general, the reports reveal that a warm student-teacher relationship has a positive impact on student behaviour, academic success as well as feelings and attitudes toward school. Furthermore, the quality of student-teacher relationship has an even greater effect on students considered at risk. This student category is characterised by the presence of vulnerability factors such as poverty (social factors), difficult parent-child relationship (family factors) or a lack of social skills (individual factors). Majority of research done on student-teacher relationship does not specify which aspects in particular have a significant influence on its overall quality. In order to address this issue, two goals are aimed by the present study: 1) examine the relationship between perceptions of high school students considered at risk for various aspects of the quality of the student-teacher relationship and externalizing behavior problems; 2) verification if this link evolves over time. In our work, the type of student-teacher relationship is categorized by two dimensions: the warmth and the conflicts (Pianta, 1992). The classification according to the positive or negative pole of each dimension enables to distinguish between four types of relations the student is prone to establish with his or her teachers: either warm, controversial, negligent or conflict. A random sample of the data collected in 2002-2008 during the evaluation of intervention strategy Agir Autrement (Act Differently) (SIAA) is used in the present longitudinal study. It is composed of 563 high school students: 273 girls and 290 boys. V Secondary analyses are made on the data collected on the same students during their first and fifth year. This approach gives the opportunity to observe the changes in student behaviour as function of student-teacher relationship quality. In general, our results show a high complexity of links between different types of student-teacher relationship and the exteriorized behaviour problems. More specifically, we conclude that a warm type relation is less likely to be associated with exteriorized behaviour problems of students at risk, and that as much in 1st year of high school as in the 5th. According to our results, conflict and controversial relationship types are significantly linked to exteriorized behaviour problems of students at risk in the 1st and the 5th year of high school. In the case of the negligent relationship, the results demonstrate the existence of a correlation between this bond type and exteriorized behaviour problems. However, the strength of this correlation is higher for the students at risk in the 5th year of high school as compared to the same students when they were in their 1st year. Finally, when all the results are taken together, they reveal the relative stability of the relationship type over time and on the other hand, a significant increase in the frequency of problematic behaviour such as serious stealing and psychotropic consumption. Furthermore, the obtained results show the existence of a link between the conflict dimension of the student-teacher relationship and the psychotropic consumption of students accounted by our sample. The present study demonstrates that since conflicts act as risk factors capable of increasing the frequency of exteriorized behaviour problems of high school students considered at risk, the conflict dimension is equally important in the student-teacher relationship as the warmth dimension. A relationship between students and their teachers with a reduced level of conflicts can play an important role in the prevention of this type of problems experienced by high school students.

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