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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Le lien entre les perceptions des élèves sur la relation élève-enseignant et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés

Protsenko, Oléna P. 09 1900 (has links)
Le processus d’enseignement ne se limite pas à un ensemble de méthodes pédagogiques à appliquer et de contenus programmés à transmettre. Il se déploie également dans la construction par l’enseignant d’une relation pédagogique avec ses élèves. Cette relation est considérée comme étant optimale lorsqu’elle est caractérisée par un niveau élevé de chaleur et un faible niveau de conflits. Plusieurs études démontrent l’existence de liens significatifs entre la qualité de cette relation et les différents indicateurs d’adaptation à l’école. En général, les résultats des études démontrent l’influence positive d’une relation élève-enseignant chaleureuse sur le comportement des élèves, leur réussite scolaire ainsi que sur leurs sentiments et attitudes envers l’école. Certaines recherches soulignent également que l’incidence de la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant est particulièrement importante pour les élèves considérés à risque en raison de présence chez eux des certains facteurs de vulnérabilité tels que la pauvreté (facteurs sociaux), la relation parent-enfant difficile (facteurs familiaux) ou le manque d’habiletés sociales (facteurs individuels). La majorité de recherches ne permet toutefois pas de déterminer quels sont précisément les aspects de cette relation qui influencent significativement la qualité de la relation entre l’enseignant et ses élèves. Souhaitant pallier cette lacune, la présente étude poursuit deux objectifs : 1) examiner le lien entre les perceptions des élèves de niveau secondaire considérés à risque concernant les différents aspects de la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés ; 2) vérifier si ce lien évolue avec le temps. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons pris en considération deux dimensions qui permettent de qualifier les profils de la relation élève-enseignant, soit la chaleur et les conflits (Pianta, 1992). La classification de ces deux dimensions en fonction de leur pôle positif et négatif permet de distinguer quatre profils relationnels que l’élève est susceptible d’établir avec ses enseignants soient le profil dit chaleureux, controversé, négligent ou conflictuel. II Cette étude repose sur un devis longitudinal grâce aux données recueillies dans le cadre de l’évaluation de la stratégie d’intervention Agir Autrement réalisée entre 2002 et 2008 (SIAA). Il s’agit donc ici d’analyses secondaires menées sur un échantillon aléatoire tiré de cette vaste recherche. Un échantillon de 563 élèves de 1re secondaire incluant 273 filles et 290 garçons a été constitué. Les analyses ont été effectuées auprès de ces élèves alors qu’ils étaient en premier et en cinquième année de secondaire ce qui a permis d’observer les changements dans le comportement des élèves à risque en fonction de la qualité de la relation élève-enseignant. De façon générale, les résultats obtenus montrent que les liens entre les différents profils de la relation élève-enseignant et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés sont fort complexes et loin d’être univoques. En particulier, ces résultats permettent de constater que le profil chaleureux représente le profil relationnel le moins associé aux problèmes de comportement extériorisés chez les élèves à risque et ce, autant en première qu’en cinquième secondaire. Selon nos résultats, les profils conflictuel et controversé sont significativement liés aux problèmes de comportement extériorisés chez les élèves à risque de 1re secondaire et de 5e secondaire. En ce qui a trait au profil négligent, les résultats de la présente recherche montrent l’existence d’un lien corrélationnel entre ce profil relationnel et les problèmes de comportement extériorisés. Toutefois, la force de l’association s’est avérée plus significative pour les élèves à risque en 5e secondaire secondaire comparativement aux mêmes élèves alors qu’ils étaient en 1re secondaire. Finalement, l’ensemble de résultats obtenus montre que les profils relationnels restent relativement stables dans le temps, tandis que la fréquence de comportements problématiques tels que le vol grave et la consommation de psychotropes augmentent d’une manière significative. De plus, les résultats que nous avons obtenus montrent l’existence d’un lien entre la dimension de conflits de la relation élève-enseignant et la consommation de substances psychotropes chez les élèves de notre échantillon. La présente recherche permet de constater que la dimension de conflits est aussi importante dans la relation élève-enseignant que la dimension de la chaleur, car les III conflits agiraient comme facteurs de risque pouvant augmenter la fréquence de problèmes de comportement extériorisés chez les élèves de secondaire considérés à risque. Ainsi, la réduction de niveau de conflits dans la relation entre les élèves et leurs enseignants peut jouer un rôle important en termes de prévention de ce type de problèmes chez les élèves de niveau secondaire. / Appling pedagogical methods and transmitting programmed material is not sufficient to define the complexity of teaching. The pedagogical relationship built by the teacher with his or her students is another important and necessary component. This relationship is considered optimal when it has a high level of warmth and a low level of conflicts. Previous studies demonstrate significant links between the quality of this relationship and different indicators of school-adaptations. In general, the reports reveal that a warm student-teacher relationship has a positive impact on student behaviour, academic success as well as feelings and attitudes toward school. Furthermore, the quality of student-teacher relationship has an even greater effect on students considered at risk. This student category is characterised by the presence of vulnerability factors such as poverty (social factors), difficult parent-child relationship (family factors) or a lack of social skills (individual factors). Majority of research done on student-teacher relationship does not specify which aspects in particular have a significant influence on its overall quality. In order to address this issue, two goals are aimed by the present study: 1) examine the relationship between perceptions of high school students considered at risk for various aspects of the quality of the student-teacher relationship and externalizing behavior problems; 2) verification if this link evolves over time. In our work, the type of student-teacher relationship is categorized by two dimensions: the warmth and the conflicts (Pianta, 1992). The classification according to the positive or negative pole of each dimension enables to distinguish between four types of relations the student is prone to establish with his or her teachers: either warm, controversial, negligent or conflict. A random sample of the data collected in 2002-2008 during the evaluation of intervention strategy Agir Autrement (Act Differently) (SIAA) is used in the present longitudinal study. It is composed of 563 high school students: 273 girls and 290 boys. V Secondary analyses are made on the data collected on the same students during their first and fifth year. This approach gives the opportunity to observe the changes in student behaviour as function of student-teacher relationship quality. In general, our results show a high complexity of links between different types of student-teacher relationship and the exteriorized behaviour problems. More specifically, we conclude that a warm type relation is less likely to be associated with exteriorized behaviour problems of students at risk, and that as much in 1st year of high school as in the 5th. According to our results, conflict and controversial relationship types are significantly linked to exteriorized behaviour problems of students at risk in the 1st and the 5th year of high school. In the case of the negligent relationship, the results demonstrate the existence of a correlation between this bond type and exteriorized behaviour problems. However, the strength of this correlation is higher for the students at risk in the 5th year of high school as compared to the same students when they were in their 1st year. Finally, when all the results are taken together, they reveal the relative stability of the relationship type over time and on the other hand, a significant increase in the frequency of problematic behaviour such as serious stealing and psychotropic consumption. Furthermore, the obtained results show the existence of a link between the conflict dimension of the student-teacher relationship and the psychotropic consumption of students accounted by our sample. The present study demonstrates that since conflicts act as risk factors capable of increasing the frequency of exteriorized behaviour problems of high school students considered at risk, the conflict dimension is equally important in the student-teacher relationship as the warmth dimension. A relationship between students and their teachers with a reduced level of conflicts can play an important role in the prevention of this type of problems experienced by high school students.

Construindo relacionamentos com a marca: qual é o papel da experiência de marca, da individualidade do consumidor e da categoria de produto nesse processo? / Building brand relationships: what is the role of the brand experience, consumer individuality and product category in this process?

Matheus Alberto Rodrigues Silva 19 August 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é identificar os efeitos de diferenças individuais dos consumidores sobre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca para produtos de consumo público (roupas) e privado (eletrodomésticos de linha branca). Para alcançar esse objetivo, foi concebido um modelo teórico para ser testado empiricamente. A partir de uma revisão de literatura acerca de experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca, percebeu-se o potencial do emprego de experiências de marca para construir relacionamentos com marca. Observou-se também que as variáveis de diferenças individuais têm sido negligenciadas em pesquisas sobre relacionamentos com a marca. Além disso, há divergências de resultados de pesquisas envolvendo distintas categorias de produto. Tais constatações possibilitaram a elaboração de um conjunto de hipóteses, as quais permitiram observar as relações entre constructos que definem as características individuais dos consumidores, a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. Assim, foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica utilizando um questionário auto administrado. Neste levantamento de campo, foram entrevistados 660 consumidores a partir de uma amostragem não probabilística. As técnicas de análise incluem análise fatorial exploratória e modelagem de equações estruturais PLS. A análise exploratória demonstrou que os constructos experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca apresentam inconsistências em sua operacionalização. Os resultados indicam também que há um efeito significativo da experiência de marca sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. O engajamento da marca no autoconceito mostrou ser um importante preditor da experiência de marca e da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca. O envolvimento com a categoria de produto apresentou um efeito significativo sobre a experiência de marca. Curiosamente, o envolvimento com a categoria produziu um efeito significativo sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca somente na categoria roupas. A propensão ao relacionamento apresentou um efeito significativo sobre a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca somente na categoria roupas. O envolvimento com a categoria de produto não apresentou efeitos de moderação significativos na relação entre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca em ambas categorias. A propensão ao relacionamento produziu efeitos de moderação significativos na relação entre a experiência de marca e a qualidade do relacionamento com a marca em ambas categorias. O valor dessa pesquisa está em: a) evidenciar a experiência de marca como um antecedente da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; b) Chamar atenção para a necessidade de discussão acerca da operacionalização dos constructos experiência de marca e qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; c) Discutir o papel das variáveis de diferenças individuais como antecedentes ou moderadoras da experiência de marca e da qualidade do relacionamento com a marca; d) Discutir a natureza dos relacionamentos com marca no contexto de produtos de consumo público e privado, apresentando similaridades e dissimilaridades e; por fim, explicitar, por meio de um modelo de gestão de marcas, como as experiências de marca podem ser um importante mecanismo para a construção de relacionamentos com a marca / The objective of the present study is to identify the effects of the individual differences of the consumers over brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality to products of public (clothing) and private (household appliances) consumption. To achieve the objective, a theoretical model was conceived to be empirically tested. From a literature\'s revision regarding the brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality the potential employment of brand experience to build brand relationships was perceived. Was also observed that the variables of individual differences have been neglected in the researches about brand relationships. Furthermore, there are divergences in the researches\' results involving distinct products\' categories. Such findings enabled the elaboration of a group of hypothesis, which enabled to observe the constructs\' relations that define individual characteristic of the consumers, brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Thereby, an empirical research was realized utilizing a self-administered questionnaire. In this field survey, 660 consumers were interviewed from a non-probabilistic sample. The analysis techniques includes exploratory factorial analysis and structural equation modeling PLS. An exploratory analysis demonstrated that the constructs brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality outlines inconsistence on its operationalization. The results also indicate that there is a significant brand experience effect. Brand engagement in self-concept presented to be an important predictor of brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Curiously, category involvement produced a significant effect over the consumer-brand relationship quality solely in the clothing category. Relationship proneness presented a significant effect over the consumer-brand relationship quality solely in the clothing category. Involvement with the products\' category did not present significant moderation effects in the relationship between brand experience and the consumer-brand relationship quality in both categories. Relationship proneness produced significant moderation effects in the relation between brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality in both categories. The value of the present research is to evidence brand experience as consumer-brand relationship quality antecedent. Draws attention to the necessity of discussion regarding the operationalization of the constructs, brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality. Inserts variables of individual differences as antecedents and brand experience and consumer-brand relationship quality moderators. Discusses the nature of the brand relationships in the context of public and private consumption products, presenting similarities and dissimilarities. The study evidences, through a brand management model, how brand experiences can be an important mechanism to build brand relationships

Adult Romantic Couples' Use of Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Everyday Contexts

Webster, Britney Alissa 29 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Dimentions and outcomes of buyer-seller relationship intentions for concrete products in the construction environment

Masitenyane, Lehlohonolo Amos 05 1900 (has links)
D. Tech. (Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / In recent years, the concept of relationship-marketing earned eminence in academia with associated implications for marketing strategy. The aim of this study was to examine relationship intentions in the business-to-business (B2B) context from the concrete product environment within the construction industry of South Africa. Literature reviewed reveals that empirical studies for concrete product environment and the construction industry is limited, principally in South Africa, concerning the dimensions of relationship intentions. As deliberations on relationship-marketing intentions carry on maturing, there are imperative concerns yet to be clarified, one of which relates to customer’s buying behaviour in relation to the dimensions and outcomes of relationship intentions. Given the increasing prominence of customer buying patterns in modern marketplaces, the study intends to empirically analyse the dimesions and outcomes of buyer-seller relationship intentions, with reference to the civil and building concrete product users in a B2B setting within the South African construction industry. The civil and building engineering contractor segments were selected as research sites owing to their scope and size, which signify a productive market segment with prospects of influencing future behavioural intentions in the construction environment. The the study was underpinned by the relationship-marketing theory and social exchange theory, which clarified the dimensions and outcomes of relationship intentions of the civil and building constructs that underlie concrete products. As the study intended to determine the dimensions and outcomes of relationship intentions of civil and building contractors (customer) towards their concrete product manufacturer (supplier) organisations, a descriptive research method was chosen. The objective being to confirm and expand the dimensions of buyer-seller relationship intentions in the B2B industry context and to examine the explanatory power of the indetified dimensions. The current study employed a quantitative research method that is entrenched in the post-positivist paradigm, which also underpins this study. Data were collected using probability sampling in the form of systematic random sampling. A sample size of 560 respondents returned fully completed questionnaires. As the study was descriptive in nature, the reliability and validity of data were analysed, correlation analysis and structural equation modelling (SEM) were performed. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were also conducted to confirm and expand the factor structure of the relationship intention dimensions. Preceding the main study’s data collection process, a pilot survey was undertaken to examine the correctness and accuracy of the questionnaire. The data collected were examined with the use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 25.0 and Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) version 25.0. The preliminary data analysis included the procedure of coding and examining the distribution of scores. In addition, the normality test results revealed that data were normally distributed. To confirm the consistency of the measuring instrument and its items, the reliability and validity tests were carried out. The results of the consistency of measures demonstrated that the measuring instrument was reliable. The correlation analysis disclosed a weak relationship between expectations, involvement and feedback towards relationship quality, whereas a moderate association was revealed between forgiveness and trust towards relationship quality, while a strong association was discovered between fear of relationship loss, information sharing and flexibility towards relationship quality construct. The suitability of the measurement and structural models were evaluated prior to testing the hypothesised relationships. The suggested relationships were verified by structural equation modelling (SEM). The hypotheses testing findings revealed that concrete product repurchase intentions by the study respondents were significantly and positively motivated by the supplier’s relationship quality and commitment that leads to customer satisfaction, loyalty and repurchase intentions. A framework of relationship marketing intentions for the concrete product environment of the South African construction industry was developed. It was anticipated that the proposed framework will contribute towards addressing the insufficiencies in the application of relationship marketing strategies. The empirical study results advocated that concrete product manufacturer-suppliers (CPM) must invest in methods of increasing their levels of relationship quality and commitment to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty, which will lead to customer repurchase intentions. The study results revealed that unlike previous relationship intention studies that found five dimensions, this study proposed and found eight (involvement, expectations, forgiveness, feedback, fear of relationship loss, trust, flexibility and information sharing/exchange) dimensions of relationship intentions within the B2B concrete product environment. Furthermore, the study results revealed that customer satisfaction can be upheld by concentrating on relationship building strategies, which fuel customer loyalty and repurchase intentions by meeting or exceeding customer needs and requirements. One of the study contributions is the investigation of the order of the dimesions of relationship intentions in a B2B context for the concrete product environment within the construction industry. Therefore, the study pens down both the theoretical and practical contributions to the relationship marketing literature. Paths for additional research is offered. The outcome of this study advanced a framework of the dimensions of relationship intentions, which may possibly benefit future researchers. Future studies must consider the application of a cohesive research model, which includes supplementary variables using a larger sample size utilising a longitudinal study with the purpose of increasing generalisability of the results.

The Influence of Father Involvement and Family Structure Variables on Young Adult-Father Relationship Quality

Tefteller, David Hjortaas 15 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

電子商店之關係品質模式-融合交易成本理論及科技接受模式的觀點 / The relationship quality model of electronic store: Combining transaction cost theory with technology acceptance model

張紹勳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來電子商店已成為一種新興的零售通路,在美國有人預估未來幾年內,其市場規模將佔美國零售市場的6~8%(Rosen & Howard,2000)。這種,伴隨著Internet發展而快速成長的電子商務,逐漸的改變了人類的生活習慣,也創造了新的商業行為以及經濟模式,並成為近年來企業經營的熱門話題。   買賣雙方關係管理一直是企業經營之成功關鍵因素,忠誠的顧客可說是企業獲利的直接來源,多數學者認為行銷學的焦點已由過去傳統交易行銷轉移到今日注重建立並維持與顧客關係的關係行銷,這種被視為行銷新典範的關係行銷,其主要目的在提昇顧客的忠誠度及滿意度,建立良好的顧客凝聚力。   本文旨在精緻化Crosby, et al.(1990)所提實體環境之關係品質模式,並在原模式中納入「網路安全性」、「產品失驗(disconfirmation)」、「資產專屬性」等外生變數。企圖由交易成本(Williamson,1975)、關係品質(Crosby, et al.,1990)及科技接受模式(Davis,1989)觀點,來解釋及預測Internet消費者對電子商店關係品質(滿意度、信任)及忠誠度的心理歷程,進而建立具有理論基礎的電子商店關係品質之因果模式。   本研究架構包括前因變數(e.g.產品/服務品質、互動強度、網路安全性、產品失驗、資產專屬性)、中介變數(滿意度及信任)、結果變數(e.g.顧客忠誠度、未來互動)三層徑路關係。本理論架構廣納科技面(網路安全、人機介面易用性)、策略面(資產專屬性)、行銷面(互動強度)、產品面(產品失驗)、心理面(網路實用性、隱私權、信任、滿意度)等5大類影響關係品質及忠誠度之因素。   本研究同時採用定性及定量方法,來交互驗証結果。   定量部份,採隨機問卷抽樣台灣、香港、印度、大陸、美國共3231名Internet使用者的消費行為。分探索性及驗証性兩階段資料分析,前者以效度及信度來篩選量表題目,後者使用LISREL統計工具進行電子商店關係品質之結構性分析,以找出Internet關係品質(滿意度、信任)的前因及後果(e.g.顧客忠誠度、未來互動意願)。定量分析結果發現:(1)本研究B2C電子商店之關係品質模式獲得支持;(2)加強電子商店網站實用性、產品失驗、互動強度,及網路安全性,可提升關係品質;(3)網路安全防範仍是台灣電子商務發展的一項重要工作;(4)電子商店的服務品質、資產專屬性及關係滿意度,可提高顧客忠誠度以及商家的獲利;(5)關係品質的提升,可建立忠誠顧客,強化雙方未來互動。   定性分析方面,本研究訪談國內28家網路券商主管,輔以次級資料(網商內容分析、期刊雜誌、證交所網站等)搜集佐證,結果發現:網站服務品質愈佳、網站交易安全性及互動性愈高,不但可有效提升顧客的信任及滿意度(關係品質),且顧客忠誠也愈高。因此加強網站互動機制、網頁內容的客製化、優惠商品(手續費折扣)、及網站資產專屬性(知識專屬性、時間專屬性),都是券商套牢顧客的好方法。根據研究結果,本研究得到結論如下:(1)網路下單具有多項優勢,在台灣證券市場相當具有發展潛力。(2)網路證券由價格競爭走向商品/服務品質導向。(3)證券商品/服務走向多元化及國際化,朝網路金融服務中心發展。(4)網路券商在客製化服務方面較傳統券商可提供更佳服務。(5)網站加強核心資源的創新及累積,建立難以模仿的資產專屬性,提升顧客忠誠度。(6)網際網路是關係行銷的利器。(7)安全仍是網路證券業發展的障礙因素。 / Recently, The Electronic Store has become an up-and-coming retail channel. In America, some people estimate its market scale will hold six to eight percent of the American retail market in the oncoming years. Such kind of Electronic Commerce that increased rapidly by accompanying the development of Internet has gradually changed human living habits. In addition, Electronic Commerce has created a new commercial behavior and a new economic model. Furthermore, it has become one of the most popular issues in enterprises lately.   The relational management between buyers and sellers is always the key point for enterprises to run a business successfully. Loyal customers have affinitive connections for them to gain profits as well. Most of the scholars mention that the focal point on marketing has transferred from the traditional transaction in the past to relationship marketing that stresses on constructing and maintaining the good enterprise-customer relationship nowadays. The main purpose of relationship marketing regarding as novel mode for selling is to increase customer loyalties and satisfactions, and also to promote fine customer concentrations   For this content, the keynote is to refine the relationship quality model of physical environment, and adopt extraneous variable of net security, product disconfirmation, asset specificity that are from the original model. Additionally, we attempt to use concepts of Transaction Cost (Williamson, 1975), Relationship Quality (Crosby, et al., 1990), and TRA (Theory of Reasoned Action) (Davis, 1989) to explain and predict Internet customers'' psychological process for satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in Relationship Quality of Electronic Store, and then, to build up cause and effect pattern of Relationship Quality of Electronic Store that is provided with theoretical basis.   The research structure consists of three-path relations. It is including (1) Ancestor Variables (ex. products, services qualities, contact intensities, Internet securities, product disconfirmations, and asset specificities) and (2) Intervening Variables (such as satisfactions and trusts), and (3) Consequent Variables, (ex. customer loyalties, and future interactions). Meanwhile, the width of this theory focuses on six main reasons of influencing the Relationship Quality and customer loyalty, such as technologies (Internet securities, user interfaces, and eases of uses), strategies (asset specificities), marketings (contact intensities), products (product disconfirmations), psychologies (Internet usefulnesses, privacies, trusts, and satisfactions), and domestic cultures.   According to this research, it simultaneously adopts two ways of the Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis to verify its result.   For Quantitative Analysis, it takes randomly survey samples which amounts to 3,231 consumers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, China, and America to know the psychographics of internet users. In this part, it''s divided into two steps in information analysis. One is the Explorative, and the other one is the Confirmatory. The former one adopts validity and reliability to shift scale item; the later one uses statistic tools, called" LISREL" to carry out structural analysis in the Relationship Quality Model of Electronic Store, and confirms to find out the cause and effect (Customer loyalty and further interaction) of the Relationship Quality (Satisfaction and trust). Through the result of Quantitative Analysis, we can find out: 1) The research, called "B2C Electronic Store" the Relationship Quality Model is able to obtain the support; 2) When strengthening Electronic Store''s internet usefulness, product disconfirmation, contact intensity, and internet security, it can promote the Relationship Quality well; 3) For the development of Electronic Commerce in Taiwan, the internet security precaution still takes as a serious problem to solve; 4) Stressing on Electronic Store''s service quality, asset specificity and relationship satisfaction can increase customer loyalty and enterprise''s profit; 5) Increasing Relationship Quality can posses loyal customer, and further enhance bilateral future interaction.   For the Qualitative Analysis, we interview 28 on-line broker firms in Taiwan, and collect the secondary information (web content of online-broker analysis, periodical magazine, and stock exchange website), as a result, we find out that the better the website''s service quality, the greater transition security and interaction. For this research, it can not only effectively increase the customer trust and satisfaction (the relationship quality), but also build up the high customer loyalty. Hence, it is a good way for brokers to underpin the amounts of customers by uplifting the website interactive mechanism, customized website contents, off-price merchandize (fee discounts), website asset specificities (knowledge and time specificity). Base on the result in this research, we conclude that: (1) An order from the website has varieties of advantages, so it''s equipped the capability of development in Taiwan stock market; (2) Website bond has moved toward merchandize or service quality instead of price competition; (3) Bond merchandize and service has become diversified and global pattern, and it faces toward the Service Center of Online-banking form; (4) Due to the customized service, current online-broker can provide better service than traditional one; (5) For the invention of strengthening core resource, it can have their own asset specificity that is hard to imitate, and promote customer loyalty; (6) Internet is a good toll for the Relationship Marketing; (7) Security is still the main obstacle for the internet stock market development.

Les facteurs influençant l'efficacité de la première relation commerciale / Factors influencing the effectiveness of the initial business relationship

Bompar, Laurent 05 July 2010 (has links)
Le futur d'une entreprise est garanti par sa capacité à créer de nouvelles relations commerciales. Le développement de son patrimoine de clients lui assure autonomie, pérennité et visibilité. Cette action de conquête est souvent confiée à la force de vente. Le vendeur semble le levier le plus efficace pour accroître la valeur et le nombre des nouveaux clients. Notre recherche a pour objet de définir et de comprendre le processus de la première relation commerciale entre un client et un vendeur. Ce mécanisme de la vente initiale est éclairé par la formalisation d'un modèle et la formulation d'hypothèses qui sont testées quantitativement sur un échantillon de 81 acheteurs professionnels et de 323 commerciaux. Une vente initiale performante satisfait des motivations économiques et sociales pour le client et pour le vendeur. Elle assure le transfert d'un bien mais aussi la réalisation d'un lien social. L'efficacité d'une première relation commerciale s'illustre par la combinaison de dimensions transactionnelles et relationnelles. Notre travail porte sur l'influence positive d'antécédents transactionnels et de préalables relationnels sur la performance d'une vente initiale pour la dyade client-vendeur. La confiance, la qualité de la relation et l'humour médiatisent les liens entre ces antécédents et la performance de la vente initiale. Ce processus est dynamique car marqué par l'influence positive des étapes de la vente initiale. Nos contributions enrichissent le corps théorique de la vente et la démarche méthodologique de recherche en vente. Pour le manager, notre recherche offre de multiples applications permettant d'accroître l'efficacité de la prospection commerciale des forces de vente. / The future of a company is guaranteed by its ability to create new business relationships. The development of a repeating customer base assures autonomy, sustainability and visibility. This action of conquest often relies on the sales force. The salesman appears to be the key element to increase the value and number of new customers. Our research aims at defining and understanding the process of the first commercial relationship between a customer and a salesman. The mechanism of the initial sale is illustrated by the formalization of a model and assumptions are tested quantitatively on a sample of 81 buyers and 323 salesmen. A successful initial sale meets the economic and social expectations of the customer and the salesman. It ensures the transfer of property but also the creation of a social bond. The success of an initial business relationship is illustrated by the combination of transactional and relational dimensions. Our research focuses on the positive effects of transactional and relationship factors for both customers and salesmen on the rate of success of an initial sale. The trust, the quality of the relationship, humor, enhance the relationship between these antecedents and the success rate of the initial sale. This is a dynamic process influenced by each positive step of the initial sale. Our contributions give value to the theoretical structure of the sale and methodological approach to research sales. For the manager, our work offers multiple solutions to increase the efficiency of business development sales force.

50歲以上國民對網路購物平台忠誠度之研究 / Customer loyalty to online shopping platforms: people over 50 years old in Taiwan

余嘉蕙, Yu, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究由科技接受度模型為出發點,探討台灣50歲以上國民對於網路購物平台的使用習慣及態度,加入不同的外部因素分析,包含人群接觸偏好、自我實踐、認知有用、認知易用、購物動機、知覺風險及關係品質,目的在於了解不同的外部因素對此一族群最後是否會回到同一個購物平台購買商品之影響,意即對網路購物平台產生忠誠度,並且加入寂寞感作為使用者態度與忠誠度之間的調節變數。採用問卷調查法隨機抽樣,同時發放紙本及網路問卷,有效回收173份,網路回收效果較佳,佔有效問卷的84%。 透過研究結果得知,自我實踐與人群接觸偏好皆對於科技接受模型當中的認知有用有直接的影響,顯示出50歲以上的國民在使用網路時,會受到過去的購物經驗(與人購買商品)的影響,不過對於新科技保持積極學習心態的個體會有意願嘗試使用網路購物。而當個體感受到網路購物是省時或是省錢的(認知有用)、認為操作是簡單明瞭的(認知易用)都會提高消費者使用網路購物的意願。 此外,消費者對於在網路購物平台上付費是否安全以及付費之後是否真的能拿到符合期待的商品有疑慮時,會降低網路購物的意願,因此網路購物平台業者要重視並且消弭這樣的知覺風險,這同時也將會提升消費者在網路購物的動機;如同實體商店,消費者也重視與網路購物平台業者之間的關係,也就是說,當有網路購物平台業者提供的客服是良善的,在購物前、中、後都重視消費者的感受、照顧消費者,建立一個良好的顧客關係,不僅提升消費者使用網路購物平台的意願,更能夠加深消費者對該網路購物平台的忠誠度。 然而,在調節項寂寞感的作用之下,並無明顯的調節效果,本研究建議後續相關研究者可以針對此項因素的影響力進行質化研究,例如深度訪談法。實務貢獻提供網路購物平台業者對於50歲以上國民的行銷策略上,除了以折扣優惠吸引此一族群的消費者之外,也應重視消費者心理層面上的感受、並且提供完整的資訊及即時有效的客服幫助消費者解決購物問題,建立消費者在網路購物平台上的專屬資產成本,達到良好的顧客關係循環。 / The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of various external factors, including preference of human contact, self-actualization, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, shopping motivation, perceived risk, relationship quality and loneliness on consumer attitude toward online shopping and customer loyalty to the particular online shopping platform. We studied the relationship among the variations by using paper-based survey and the online survey. Our target participants were the people who over 50 years old in Taiwan. The data supports the following findings: if the consumer who has higher self-actualization would more likely agree that using online shopping platform to buy goods is useful. However, if the consumer has a higher preference for human contact will have a negative impact on perceived usefulness. Besides, to increase consumer's desire to use online shopping, we should notice that decreasing consumer’s perceived risk such as secure payment service and clear return rules and build a reliable customer relationship are crucial. That means, in addition to giving discounts to attract this group of consumers, online shopping platform company should also pay attention to consumer feelings. In the end, limitations and suggestions to future studies were provided.

Exploring sexual exclusivity among individual members of same-sex, male couples in long-term relationships

Campbell, Bryan R. 02 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 235-261 / Queer studies have not adequately considered gay men seeking sexual exclusivity within longterm relationships. In contrast, the emphasis has been on understanding evolving queer norms. Homonormativity has been informing sexual permissiveness. In accordance, and contrasting gay men seeking sexual exclusivity, gay, male couples tended to use relationship agreements to stipulate guidelines for extradyadic sex. This study was inspired by my inability—as a counsellor of gay men seeking sexual exclusivity—to provide them with credible insights to better understand their goals. Representing an initial step in generating practical knowledge, it was anticipated that my counselling clients could benefit from an exploration of lived experiences rather than having to rely on theoretical inferences and opinions. “How” and “why” participants maintained sexual exclusivity were the main targets of discovery. Eleven gay, Canadian men aged thirty-three and older, in relationships of five years or longer, participated in semistructured interviews in-person or via video chat. Using Kleiman’s (2004) protocol for phenomenological analysis, common units of meaning were coded, from interview responses, so that distinct subthemes, contributing to six themes, were identified. These findings included content concerning “seeking positive affects,” “avoiding negative affects,” “factors supporting sexual exclusivity,” “threats to sexual exclusivity,” “rigidity in beliefs,” and “decision-making toward sexual exclusivity.” The first two themes integrated innately to form a meta-theme, “emotional optimization.” An essential insight into how participants maintained sexual exclusivity was their awareness of, and restraint in using, sexually tantalizing, visual stimuli, which was the primary risk to sexual exclusivity. Suggestions for gay men desiring sexual exclusivity included discontinued utility of pornography and cybersex. Varied implications for prospective research, clinical practice and support groups were delineated. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)

Acceptance or denial : interracial couples’ experiences in public spaces

Bell, Lisa Jo 22 November 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

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