Spelling suggestions: "subject:"refreshing"" "subject:"meshing""
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[pt] A parametrização de superfícies triangularizadas, orientadas e sem bordo não se realiza em um único domínio planar e, por vezes, são sensíveis às descontinuidades ora introduzidas entre os múltiplos domínios planares solicitados. Para tanto, um domínio base não planar é exigido com uma estrutura diferenciável, bem como, a parametrização da superfície por este domínio. A principal abordagem desta tese utiliza uma estrutura de multi-triangulação que direciona a simplificação da superfície inicial numa superfície base e propõem uma projeção hierárquica dos vértices iniciais sobre este domínio. A projeção hierárquica é combinada com um sistema de parametrização da superfície base em domínios locais que são relacionados por funções de transição suaves. Como aplicação, o remalhamento semirregular de superfícies triangularizadas converte a superfície inicial, possivelmente irregular, em outra superfície com triangulação semirregular. A qualidade da triangulação e a preservação da forma original são aspectos importantes para o remalhamento e são resultantes da combinação de componentes envolvidas durante a sua construção, como a superfície base que aproxima a superfície inicial sem bordo, o particionamento semirregular
desta superfície base e o reposicionamento de sua geometria. Um desafio significativo está no reposicionamento da geometria dos vértices que decorre da parametrização da superfície inicial. A otimização hierárquica realizada nestes domínios locais buscando reduzir as energias de distorção
introduzidas pela parametrização, tal como, os atributos da superfície base são fundamentais para a qualidade deste remalhamento. A estrutura hierárquica permite flexibilidade durante a otimização e influencia no tempo de convergência. / [en] The parameterization of triangulated, oriented and free boundary surfaces does not take place in a single planar domain, and sometimes are sensitive to discontinuities introduced between the various planars
domains requested. Therefore, a non-planar base domain is required with a differentiable structure, as well as a parameterization of the surface by this domain. The main approach of this thesis uses a multi-triangulation structure that directs the simplification of the initial surface to base surface and proposes a hierarchical projection of the initial vertices on the domain. A hierarchical projection is combined with a parameterization system of the initial surface composed of local domains related by smooth transition
maps. As an application, the semi-regular remeshing of triangulated surfaces converts an input surface, possibly irregular, to another surface with semi-regular triangulation. The quality of the triangulation and the shape preserving are important aspects for the remeshing and are resulting from the components merge used during its building, such as the base surface that approximate the initial free boundary surface, refinement of the semi-regular surface and geometric fitting. An important challenge is the geometric
fitting that results from the parameterization of the initial surface. The hierarchical optimization carried out in these local domains that minimizes the distortion energies produced by the parameterizations, such as the base surface attributes are fundamental to the quality of this remeshing. The hierarchical structure allows flexibility during optimization and influences the convergence time.
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Apport des méthodes de remaillage pour la simulation de champs localisés. Validation en usinage par corrélation d’images. / Contribution of remeshing methods for the simulation of localized fields. Validation in machining processes using digital image correlation.Zeramdini, Bessam 03 December 2018 (has links)
La compréhension des phénomènes thermiques et mécaniques mis en jeu lors de la mise en forme des matériaux est généralement réalisée avec l’aide de simulations numériques. Ces simulations montrent leurs limites pour les procédés qui conduisent à de très grandes déformations de la matière. Dans ce cas, de très fortes distorsions du maillage se produisent pendant le calcul, entrainant une augmentation de l’erreur, voire l’arrêt prématuré de la simulation. Cette étude porte sur le développement d’une stratégie de remaillage adaptative afin d’éviter les distorsions des éléments pendant les simulations en grandes transformations. La méthode proposée a été intégrée dans un environnement de calcul utilisant le solveur ABAQUS/Explicit, un mailleur 3D et un algorithme de transfert de champ.La méthode h-adaptative en combinaison avec un critère de contrôle basé sur l’endommagement et un estimateur d’erreur de type Zienkiewicz-Zhu Z2 (SPR-amélioré) ont été implantés. Le maillage initial est remplacé par un nouveau maillage avec le niveau de qualité désiré par l’utilisateur, tout en minimisant le nombre des degrés de liberté. Cette technique s’est montrée robuste et entièrement automatique pour déterminer la taille optimale des nouveaux éléments. Une fois le nouveau maillage généré, toutes les variables doivent être soigneusement transférées. Plusieurs techniques de transfert sont décrites et comparées. Des améliorations permettant d’augmenter leurs efficacités en termes de diffusion de l’information et de stabilité numérique ont été proposées. Une attention particulière est portée à la restauration de l'équilibre mécanique local du système. Les différentes techniques développées ont permis de modéliser différents procédés entrainant de grandes déformations élastoplastiques avec endommagement. Dans toutes les applications testées, il a été montré une amélioration de la précision et de la qualité des résultats numériques obtenus. Pour des opérations d’usinage, des mesures de champs cinématiques à travers la technique de corrélation d’images ont été réalisées afin de déterminer les champs de déformation en pointe d’outil. Ces mesures ont servi à la validation de la simulation numérique à l’échelle locale. La comparaison des champs cinématiques expérimentaux avec ceux issus du calcul éléments finis met en évidence la robustesse du processus d’adaptation du maillage proposée pour retranscrire les phénomènes locaux observés expérimentalement. En effet, la reproduction de l’écoulement de la matière sur les bords et la géométrie du copeau sont en très bonne corrélation avec les résultats expérimentaux. Ce développement a permis de proposer une description nouvelle du processus de formation des bandes de cisaillement. / In this work, a fully automated adaptive remeshing strategy, based on a tetrahedral element to simulate various 3D metal forming processes, was proposed. The aim of this work is to solve problems associated with the severe mesh distortion that occurs during the computation and which may be incompatible with the evolution of the physical behavior of the FE solution. Indeed, the quality of the mesh conditions affects the accuracy of the calculations. The proposed strategy is integrated in a computational platform which integrates a finite element solver (Abaqus/Explicit), 3D mesh generation and a field transfer algorithm.The base idea is to use the h-adaptive methodology in the combination with a damage-criterion error and Zienkiewicz-Zhu Z2 type error estimator (SPR-improved) to locally control the mesh modification-as-needed. Once a new mesh is generated, all history-dependent variables need to be carefully transferred between subsequent meshes. Therefore, different transfer techniques are described and compared. An important part of this work concerns the presentation of the proposed modification of the field transfer operator and a special attention is given to restore the local mechanical equilibrium of the system. During the large elasto-plastic deformation simulation with damage, the necessary steps for remeshing the mechanical structure are presented. The several types of applications are also given. For all studied applications, the above strategy can improve the accuracy and quality of numerical results. It also has benefits to decide how refined a mesh needs to be to reach a particular level of accuracy, or how coarse the mesh can be without unacceptably impacting solution accuracy.For the machining processes, kinematic field measurements using Digital image Correlation were performed to validate the numerical simulation at the local level. The comparison of the experimental kinematic fields and those resulting from the FE calculation highlights the robustness of the proposed mesh adaptation process which can transcribe the experimental local phenomena. Also, the reproduction of the material flow at the edges and the chip are correlated with the experimental results accurately. Finally, the physical study of the numerical results can be allowed to propose an innovative description of ASB formation.
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Sketch-based intuitive 3D model deformationsBao, Xin January 2014 (has links)
In 3D modelling software, deformations are used to add, to remove, or to modify geometric features of existing 3D models to create new models with similar but slightly different details. Traditional techniques for deforming virtual 3D models require users to explicitly define control points and regions of interest (ROIs), and to define precisely how to deform ROIs using control points. The awkwardness of defining these factors in traditional 3D modelling software makes it difficult for people with limited experience of 3D modelling to deform existing 3D models as they expect. As applications which require virtual 3D model processing become more and more widespread, it becomes increasingly desirable to lower the "difficulty of use" threshold of 3D model deformations for users. This thesis argues that the user experience, in terms of intuitiveness and ease of use, of a user interface for deforming virtual 3D models, can be greatly enhanced by employing sketch-based 3D model deformation techniques, which require the minimal quantities of interactions, while keeping the plausibility of the results of deformations as well as the responsiveness of the algorithms, based on modern home grade computing devices. A prototype system for sketch-based 3D model deformations is developed and implemented to support this hypothesis, which allows the user to perform a deformation using a single deforming stroke, eliminating the need to explicitly select control points, the ROI and the deforming operation. GPU based accelerations have been employed to optimise the runtime performance of the system, so that the system is responsive enough for real-time interactions. The studies of the runtime performance and the usability of the prototype system are conducted to provide evidence to support the hypothesis.
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Shape and topology optimization of multiphysics systems / Optimisation topologique de systèmes multiphysiquesFeppon, Florian 16 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'optimisation de la topologie et de la forme de systèmesmultiphysiques motivés par des applications de l'industrie aéronautique. Nouscalculons les dérivées de forme de fonctions de coût arbitraires pour un modèlefluide, thermique et mécanique faiblement couplé. Nous développons ensuite unalgorithme de type gradient adapté à la résolution de problèmes d'optimisation deformes sous contraintes qui ne requiert par de réglage de paramètres nonphysiques. Nous introduisons ensuite une méthode variationnelle qui permet decalculer des intégrales le long de rayons sur un maillage par la résolution d'unproblème variationnel qui ne requiert pas la détermination explicite de ces lignessur la discrétisation spatiale. Cette méthode nous a ainsi permis d'imposer unecontrainte de non-mélange de phases pour une application à l'optimisationd'échangeurs de chaleur bi-tubes. Tous ces ingrédients ont été employés pour traiterune variété de cas tests d'optimisation de formes pour des systèmes multi-physiques2-d ou 3-d. Nous avons considéré des problèmes à une seule, deux ou bien troisphysiques couplées en 2-d, et des problèmes de tailles relativement élevées en 3-dpour la mécanique, la conduction thermique, l'optimisation de profils aérodynamiques,et de la forme de systèmes en interaction fluide-structure. Un dernier chapitred'ouverture est consacré à l'étude de modèles homogénéisées d'ordres élevés pour lessystèmes elliptiques perforés. Ces équations d'ordres élevés englobent les troisrégimes homogénéisés classiques associés à divers rapports d'échelles pour la tailledes obstacles. Elles pourraient permettre, dans de futurs travaux, de développer denouvelles méthodes d'optimisation pour les systèmes fluides caractérisés par desmotifs multi-échelles, ainsi que couramment rencontré dans la conception deséchangeurs thermiques industriels. / This work is devoted to shape and topology optimization of multiphysics systemsmotivated by aeronautic industrial applications. Shape derivatives of arbitraryobjective functionals are computed for a weakly coupled thermal fluid-structuremodel. A novel gradient flow type algorithm is then developed for solving genericconstrained shape optimization problems without the need for tuning non-physicalmetaparameters. Motivated by the need for enforcing non-mixing constraints in thedesign of liquid-liquid heat exchangers, a variational method is developed in orderto simplify the numerical evaluation of geometric constraints: it allows to computeline integrals on a mesh by solving a variational problem without requiring theexplicit knowledge of these lines on the spatial discretization. All theseingredients allowed us to implement a variety of 2-d and 3-d multiphysics shapeoptimization test cases: from single, double or three physics problems in 2-d, tomoderately large-scale 3-d test cases for structural design, thermal conduction,aerodynamic design and a fluid-structure interacting system. A final opening chapterderives high order homogenized equations for perforated elliptic systems. These highorder equations encompass the three classical regimes of homogenized modelsassociated with different obstacle's size scalings. They could allow, in futureworks, to develop new topology optimization methods for fluid systems characterizedby multi-scale patterns as commonly encountered in industrial heat exchanger designs.
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Approaches to accommodate remeshing in shape optimizationWilke, Daniel Nicolas 20 January 2011 (has links)
This study proposes novel optimization methodologies for the optimization of problems that reveal non-physical step discontinuities. More specifically, it is proposed to use gradient-only techniques that do not use any zeroth order information at all for step discontinuous problems. A step discontinuous problem of note is the shape optimization problem in the presence of remeshing strategies, since changes in mesh topologies may - and normally do - introduce non-physical step discontinuities. These discontinuities may in turn manifest themselves as non-physical local minima in which optimization algorithms may become trapped. Conventional optimization approaches for step discontinuous problems include evolutionary strategies, and design of experiment (DoE) techniques. These conventional approaches typically rely on the exclusive use of zeroth order information to overcome the discontinuities, but are characterized by two important shortcomings: Firstly, the computational demands of zero order methods may be very high, since many function values are in general required. Secondly, the use of zero order information only does not necessarily guarantee that the algorithms will not terminate in highly unfit local minima. In contrast, the methodologies proposed herein use only first order information, rather than only zeroth order information. The motivation for this approach is that associated gradient information in the presence of remeshing remains accurately and uniquely computable, notwithstanding the presence of discontinuities. From a computational effort point of view, a gradient-only approach is of course comparable to conventional gradient based techniques. In addition, the step discontinuities do not manifest themselves as local minima. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / unrestricted
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Développement de modèles graphiques probabilistes pour analyser et remailler les maillages triangulaires 2-variétés / Development of probabilistic graphical models to analyze and remesh 2-manifold triangular meshesVidal, Vincent 09 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse concerne l'analyse structurelle des maillages triangulaires surfaciques, ainsi que leur traitement en vue de l'amélioration de leur qualité (remaillage) ou de leur simplification. Dans la littérature, le repositionnement des sommets d'un maillage est soit traité de manière locale, soit de manière globale mais sans un contrôle local de l'erreur géométrique introduite, i.e. les solutions actuelles ne sont pas globales ou introduisent de l'erreur géométrique non-contrôlée. Les techniques d'approximation de maillage les plus prometteuses se basent sur une décomposition en primitives géométriques simples (plans, cylindres, sphères etc.), mais elles n'arrivent généralement pas à trouver la décomposition optimale, celle qui optimise à la fois l'erreur géométrique de l'approximation par les primitives choisies, et le nombre et le type de ces primitives simples. Pour traiter les défauts des approches de remaillage existantes, nous proposons une méthode basée sur un modèle global, à savoir une modélisation graphique probabiliste, intégrant des contraintes souples basées sur la géométrie (l'erreur de l'approximation), la qualité du maillage et le nombre de sommets du maillage. De même, pour améliorer la décomposition en primitives simples, une modélisation graphique probabiliste a été choisie. Les modèles graphiques de cette thèse sont des champs aléatoires de Markov, ces derniers permettant de trouver une configuration optimale à l'aide de la minimisation globale d'une fonction objectif. Nous avons proposé trois contributions dans cette thèse autour des maillages triangulaires 2-variétés : (i) une méthode d'extraction statistiquement robuste des arêtes caractéristiques applicable aux objets mécaniques, (ii) un algorithme de segmentation en régions approximables par des primitives géométriques simples qui est robuste à la présence de données aberrantes et au bruit dans la position des sommets, (iii) et finalement un algorithme d'optimisation de maillages qui cherche le meilleur compromis entre l'amélioration de la qualité des triangles, la qualité de la valence des sommets, le nombre de sommets et la fidélité géométrique à la surface initiale. / The work in this thesis concerns structural analysis of 2-manifold triangular meshes, and their processing towards quality enhancement (remeshing) or simplification. In existing work, the repositioning of mesh vertices necessary for remeshing is either done locally or globally, but in the latter case without local control on the introduced geometrical error. Therefore, current results are either not globally optimal or introduce unwanted geometrical error. Other promising remeshing and approximation techniques are based on a decomposition into simple geometrical primitives (planes, cylinders, spheres etc.), but they generally fail to find the best decomposition, i.e. the one which jointly optimizes the residual geometrical error as well as the number and type of selected simple primitives. To tackle the weaknesses of existing remeshing approaches, we propose a method based on a global model, namely a probabilistic graphical model integrating soft constraints based on geometry (approximation error), mesh quality and the number of mesh vertices. In the same manner, for segmentation purposes and in order to improve algorithms delivering decompositions into simple primitives, a probabilistic graphical modeling has been chosen. The graphical models used in this work are Markov Random Fields, which allow to find an optimal configuration by a global minimization of an objective function. We have proposed three contributions in this thesis about 2-manifold triangular meshes : (i) a statistically robust method for feature edge extraction for mechanical objects, (ii) an algorithm for the segmentation into regions which are approximated by simple primitives, which is robust to outliers and to the presence of noise in the vertex positions, (iii) and lastly an algorithm for mesh optimization which jointly optimizes triangle quality, the quality of vertex valences, the number of vertices, as well as the geometrical fidelity to the initial surface.
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Převod trojúhelníkových polygonálních 3D sítí na 3D spline plochy / 3D Triangles Polygonal Mesh Conversion on 3D Spline SurfacesJahn, Zdeněk Unknown Date (has links)
In computer graphics we can handle unstructured triangular 3D meshes which are not too usable for processing through their irregularity. In these situations it occurs need of conversion that 3D mesh to more suitable representation. Some kind of 3D spline surface can be proper alternative because it institutes regularity in the form of control points grid and that's why it is more suitable for next processing. During conversion, which is described in this thesis, quadrilateral 3D mesh is constructed at first. This mesh has regular structure but mainly the structure corresponds to structure of control points grid of resulting 3D spline surface. Created quadrilateral 3D mesh can be saved and consequently used in specific modeling applications for T-spline surface creation.
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