Spelling suggestions: "subject:"renda failure""
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Therapeutic potential of rapamycin in renal parenchymal diseases: insights from murine models of lupusnephritis, adriamycin nephropathy and renal ischemia reperfusioninjuryLui, Sing-leung., 雷聲亮. January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medicine / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Utility of cardiac biomarkers in end-stage renal disease patients on maintenance peritoneal dialysisWang, Yee-moon, Angela., 王依滿. January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medicine / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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This descriptive, correlational designed study was concerned with noncompliance with therapeutic regimens, a pervasive clinical problem which is confounded with the lack of a strong link among theory, research and practice. The focus was on one of the constructs included the Reciprocal Interaction Model of Compliance Behaviors, which was derived using a modified grounded theory methodology and following various theory building prescriptions. The overall purpose was to begin to evaluate the goodness-of-fit of this empirically, qualitatively and retroductively generated explanation of compliance behaviors. The specific aims were to develop, refine and test a 6-point response, 64-item Likert-type instrument, Olivas' Health Motivation Scale - OHMS, that adequately measures the construct, Health Motivation: the force within the patient which is developed as he/she gains experience with his/her illness as a function of time. It has two major dimensions: expectations and values. Health Motivation as indexed by an expectations/values interaction was predicted to impact compliance as measured by dietary and medication measures, both objective and subjective estimates. Using trait and nomological construct perspectives, the OHMS was systematically evaluated by internal and external association criteria and therefore validity and reliability estimates, with a purposive sample of 84 heterogeneous hemodialysis patients who represented two cultures (Anglo and Hispanic), varying in gender, age and length in hemodialysis. Internal consistency reliability and trait construct validity were derived through Cronbach's alpha and principal components factor analysis. Refined OHMS Scales had alphas and thetas ranging from .58 to .89. Explained scale variance ranged from .54 to .84. Epistemic coefficients, the validity links between concept and operational measures, ranged from .76 to .94. Internal validity of the design, estimated through multiple regression, was concluded to be satisfactory. External association assessment via multiple regression produced mixed findings. Select expectations, in linear combination with select values, explained varying degrees of the variance, in select compliance measures, R² = .11 to .44. Through empirical modeling via path analysis, select subject characteristics (ethnicity, length on dialysis, age) were found to have direct or indirect relationships with compliance. Theory, research, and practice based limitations and recommendations were made from the results of the study. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.)
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Svalový metabolismus a jeho vliv na fyzickou zdatnost u pacientů s chronickým selháním ledvin léčených hemodialýzou / Muscle metabolism and its effect on physical condition in patients with chronic renal failure receiving hemodialysisBrůhová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Title: Muscle metabolism and its effect on physical condition in patients with chronic renal failure receiving hemodialysis Objective: Assess the status of muscle metabolism in patients starting hemodialysis and patients receiving hemodialysis long time, to determine some changes in muscle metabolism in both groups in the time period and ultimately assess its impact on physical condition and quality of life of hemodialysis patients. Method: Fill anamnestic questionnaire and examination of body composition using bioimpedence device (BCM) in the group of patients with chronic renal failure who are beginning to be treated with hemodialysis and a group of patients treated with hemodialysis for several years. Compare the results of both groups. To obtain additional information from medical records. Results: It was found that hemodialysis therapy affects the status of muscle metabolism in terms of reducing muscle mass (LTM). The dependence of LTM, however, the duration of hemodialysis treatment assays. The study showed that if patients are nutritionally stable and regularly engaged in some physical activity, loss of muscle mass is lower than in individuals who have a passive way of life. Keywords: chronic renal failure, hemodilysis, muscle metabolism, physical condition
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The role of systematic reviews in improving patient outcomes in acute renal failure and end-stage renal diseaseRabindranath, Kannaiyan Samuel January 2008 (has links)
Background: Dialysis is an intervention that involves the use of fairly advanced technology and is fairly expensive. Patients and health care funders are increasingly demanding evidence for the effectiveness for such high technology high cost interventions. While dialysis therapy has improved immediate prognosis in patients with kidney failure, the long-term survival of patients on chronic renal replacement therapy (dialysis or renal transplantation) is much lower than that of the general population and the mortality rates remain high for patients with acute renal failure needing dialysis. There are considerable variations between different countries and even between the dialysis centres within the same country with regards to the selection of the primary type of dialysis (haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) and in the different methods or equipment used to perform the various components of these various modalities. It is possible that variations in clinical practice are associated with variations in clinical outcomes such as mortality and morbidity. It is then important to identify the best practices from the various variations in current use and implementing these best practices may reduce morbidity and mortality of these patients. Methods: Systematic reviews, identifying and including only randomised trials, focusing on key clinical policy decision points in the dialysis process were undertaken. The review of literature was done in a systematic way according to a detailed scientific methodology. For all of the systematic reviews, a detailed protocol was written and agreed to by the authors of the review. The protocol detailed the clinical question, the types of studies, participants, interventions and outcomes to be included, search strategy and the statistical methods to be employed. Relevant randomised studies were then identified by systematically searching the electronic medical databases and reference lists of published studies; data relevant to predetermined outcome measures were extracted and where appropriate summary statistics were derived from meta-analysis. Recommendations and implications for clinical practice and future research studies were made following each review. The areas of dialysis policy reviewed were (1) Comparison of high-flux versus low-flux haemodialysis (HD) membranes for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), (2) Comparison of extracorporeal renal replacement therapy technologies for patients with ESRD, (3) Comparison of intermittent (IRRT) and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) for acute renal failure (ARF) in adults, (4) Comparison of antimicrobial interventions for the prevention of HD catheter related infections, (5) Comparison of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) for patients with ESRD, and (6) Comparison of treatment measures for depression in dialysis patients. Conclusions: As the currently available evidence has not demonstrated superiority with high-flux membranes with respect to important clinical outcomes such as mortality, quality of life and hospitalisation, it is not possible to recommend the use of these membranes in preference to low-flux membranes. It has not been possible at present to demonstrate with the current evidence available that convective modalities (HF, HDF or AFB) have significant advantages over HD with regard to clinically important outcomes of mortality, dialysis-related hypotension and hospitalisation. It is not therefore possible to recommend the use of one modality in preference to the other. In ARF patients who are haemodynamically stable, the RRT modality does not appear to influence important patient outcomes, and therefore the preference for CRRT over IRRT in such patients does not appear justified in the light of available evidence. CRRT was shown to achieve better haemodynamic parameters such as MAP. APD appears to be more beneficial than CAPD, in terms of reducing peritonitis rates and with respect to certain social issues that impact on patients' quality of life. Further, adequately powered trials are required to confirm the benefits for APD found in this review and detect differences with respect to other clinically important outcomes that may have been missed by the trials included in this review due to their small size and short follow-up periods. APD may however be considered advantageous in select group of patients such as in the younger PD population and those in employment or education due to its psychosocial advantages. Firm conclusions on the efficacy of treatment measures for depression in chronic dialysis patients cannot be made as we identified only one small RCT that was of short duration. Current screening tools for depression are recognised to have poor specificity in the medically ill due to overlap of somatic symptoms of the medical illness. The development of a valid diagnostic tool would be helpful. The systematic reviews in general highlighted the paucity of large-scale randomised trials in nephrology even on topics of great practical relevance such as depression in dialysis. In many of the areas assessed adequate conclusions could not be reached as there was a lack of large-scale well designed randomised controlled trials raising the possibility that important clinical differences between the interventions assessed may have been missed due to Type 2 statistical error. We identified numerous RCTs which were small in size looking at surrogate end-points such as molecular markers of inflammation, especially in the areas of membrane flux and extracorporeal RRT technologies. Unfortunately benefits with surrogate end-points do not necessarily translate to better clinical outcomes. The urgent need of the hour is to conduct well-designed large scale RCTs in major areas of clinical importance such as the use of extracorporeal renal replacement therapy technologies looking at hard clinical end-points such as mortality, hospitalisation and quality of life.
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Perfil clínico-epidemiológico de 121 crianças e adolescentes com doença renal crônica: 22 anos de experiência do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo / Clinical and epidemiological profiles of 121 children and adolescents with chronic renal disease: 22 years of experience of the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São PauloZorzo, Renato Augusto 03 April 2008 (has links)
A doença renal crônica (DRC) atinge cada vez mais uma parcela significativa da população, e entre os pacientes adultos as doenças metabólicas são as principais causas, respondendo por aproximadamente 70% dos pacientes em tratamento dialítico. Porém, há poucas publicações sobre levantamento epidemiológico de DRC em crianças disponíveis na literatura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever o perfil clínico-epidemiológico das crianças e adolescentes com DRC atendidos pelo Serviço de Nefrologia Pediátrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP), contemplando 22 anos de experiência. Para tanto, foram revisados 121 prontuários e coletadas 21 variáveis de cada um deles. Do total, 58,7% eram do sexo masculino, e 41,3% do sexo feminino. A média de idade de entrada foi 59,1 meses. Os pacientes menores que 5 anos somaram 62,5% do total. Os pacientes procedentes de Ribeirão Preto ou de cidades com até 300km de distância somaram 63% dos casos. As causas básicas de DRC foram: uropatias (48,8%), glomerulopatias (20,7%), displasias renais congênitas ou policísticas (7,4%), vasculopatias (6,6%), tubulopatias (2,5%), outras causas (7,4%) e causa indeterminada (6,6%). Das glomerulopatias, os tipos histológicos encontrados foram a glomeruloesclerose segmentar e focal (GESF) (25,0%), a proliferação mesangial difusa (PMD) (20,8%), a glomerulonefrite (GN) avançada (12,5%), a glomerulonefrite crescêntica (GNC) (8,3%) e a Síndrome de Alport (8,3%), sendo que 4,2% dos casos foram considerados indeterminados e 20,8% dos pacientes não foram submetidos a biópsia. A grande maioria dos pacientes (59,8%) tinha estatura abaixo do 5º percentil para idade e sexo no momento do diagnóstico. O tempo de seguimento clínico variou de 2 a 263 meses, com média de 67,5 meses. A creatinina sérica no momento do diagnóstico variou de 0,5 a 12,1 mg/dL, com média igual a 3,0 mg/dL. A média de RFG calculado pela Fórmula de Schwartz no momento do diagnóstico foi 27,4 mL/min/1,73m2. A maioria dos casos (62,3%) chegou ao serviço em DRC estágios 4, 5 ou em diálise. Hipertensão arterial (HA) foi detectada em 56,2% dos pacientes em algum momento do curso clínico. Acidose metabólica foi detectada em 53,7% dos pacientes no momento do diagnóstico. Do total de pacientes, 38,0% foram submetidos a tratamento dialítico, sendo as modalidades peritoneais preferidas em 80,4% dos casos. Transplante renal foi realizado em 24,8% dos pacientes, sendo as proporções de doador vivo relacionado (DVR) e doador cadáver (DC) semelhantes. A proporção de óbitos no período do estudo foi 22,3%. Dos demais pacientes, 17,4% foram transferidos para seguimento pela Clínica Médica do HCFMRP-USP, e 38,8% dos casos ainda estavam em seguimento pela Nefrologia Pediátrica em dezembro de 2005. Concluímos que a população estudada mostrou características clínico-epidemiológicas semelhantes às publicações nacionais e internacionais consultadas. / The prevalence of chronic renal failure (CRF) increases every day, and among adult patients, the principal causes are metabolic diseases, responsible to almost 70% of patients who are under dialysis. However, there are few studies regarding epidemiologic data of CRF in children. The objective of this study was to describe clinical and epidemiological profiles of children and adolescents with CRF who have been followed up by the Pediatric Nephrology Team of the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP), along 22 years of experience. Data of 121 medical records have been reviewed, and 21 variables have been collected from each of them. From the total of the patients, 58.7% were male and 41.3% were female. The average of age of registration was 59.1 months. Patients who were younger than 5 years summed 62.5% of all. From the total of patients, 63% lived in Ribeirão Preto or in cities until 300km far. The primary renal diseases described were: uropathies (48.8%), glomerulopathies (20.7%), congenital or polycystic renal dysplasia (7.4%), vasculopathies (6.6%), tubular diseases (2.5%), miscellaneous (7.4%) and unknown causes (6.6%). Among the glomerulopathies group, the histological patterns described were: Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (25.0%), Diffuse Mesangial Proliferation (20.8%), Advanced Glomerulonephritis (12.5%), Crescentic Glomerulonephritis (8.3%) and the Alport Syndrome (8.3%). From total of biopsies, 4.2% were not able to define a diagnosis, and 20.8% of the glomerulopathies\' patients were not undergone renal biopsy. From the total, 59.8% of the patients were under the 5o percentile of the NCHS curve in their registration, related to their height. The follow up showed a variation of 2 to 263 months, which average was 67.5 months. The blood creatinine level showed a variation of 0.5 to 12.1 mg/dL, which average was 3.0 mg/dL. The average Glomerular Filtration Rate, estimated by the Schwartz\'s formula, was 27.4 mL/min/1,73m2. At the onset, 62.3% of the patients were classified at the stages 4, 5 or under dialysis. Hypertension was described in 56.2% of the patients at any time of the follow up. Metabolic acidosis was described in 53.7% of the patients at the onset. Patients who underwent dialysis summed 38.0%, and the peritoneal modalities performed 80.4% of all cases. Renal transplantation was performed in 24.8% of the patients, with similar proportions of live-related and cadaveric donors. The proportion of deaths during the 22 years of study was 22.3% of all. The rest of them were delivered to the Clinical Team of the HCFMRP-USP (17.4%) or still had been followed up by the Pediatric Nephrology Team by December 2005 (38.8%). We concluded that the population described had similar clinical and epidemiological characteristics to the other Brazilian and international data available.
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Interação lercanidipina-carvedilol: estereosseletividade e influência da doença renal crônica em pacientes hipertensos / Carvedilol-lercanidine interaction: stereoselectivity and influence of chronic kidney disease in hypertensive patientsSchaab, Estela Hanauer 31 July 2012 (has links)
A doença renal crônica (DRC) está associada com inibição da atividade de sistemas enzimáticos e de transportadores de fármacos. O carvedilol, um ?-bloqueador não seletivo é substrato e inibidor da P-gp intestinal. A lercanidipina, antagonista de canais de cálcio é metabolizada pelo CYP3A4, sendo descrita como provável inibidora da P-gp. O presente estudo avalia a interação carvedilol-lercanidipina em pacientes hipertensos portadores ou não de DRC. Foram investigados 8 pacientes hipertensos portadores de DRC estágios 3 e 4 e 8 pacientes hipertensos com função renal normal, fenotipados para o CYP2D6 e CYP3A, e genotipados para o CYP2C9 e P-gp. Os pacientes receberam dose única oral de 25 mg de carvedilol racêmico (Fase 1) ou 20 mg de lercanidipina racêmica (Fase 2) ou dose única oral de 25 mg de carvedilol racêmico associada com 20mg de lercanidipina racêmica (Fase 3). As amostras seriadas de sangue foram coletadas até 32h. A freqüência cardíaca foi avaliada na situação de exercício isométrico durante 2 min com o handgrip, a 30% da contratilidade voluntária máxima, em cada tempo de colheita de sangue. As concentrações plasmáticas dos enantiômeros do carvedilol e da lercanidipina foram realizadas por LC-MS/MS. A farmacocinética do carvedilol, como monoterapia ou em associação com a lercanidipina, é enantiosseletiva no GRUPO DRC com acúmulo plasmático do enantiômero (+)-(R)- carvedilol. A administração de dose única oral de 20 mg de lercanidipina racêmica ao GRUPO DRC reduziu o clearance total aparente e aumentou a AUC somente para o enantiômero (+)-(R)-carvedilol. O GRUPO CONTROLE também apresentou acúmulo plasmático do enantiômero (+)-(R)-carvedilol. No entanto, a administração de dose única oral de 20 mg de lercanidipina racêmica não alterou a farmacocinética de ambos os enantiômeros do carvedilol no GRUPO CONTROLE. A comparação do GRUPO DRC com o GRUPO CONTROLE, na monoterapia ou em associação com lercanidipina, mostra que a DRC não altera a farmacocinética de ambos os enantiômeros do carvedilol. A relação PK-PD não mostra diferenças com significância estatística entre as Fases 1 e 3, tanto para o grupo DRC quanto para o grupo CONTROLE. No entanto, a comparação do GRUPO DRC com o GRUPO CONTROLE permite observar maiores valores de ECe50 nos pacientes do GRUPO DRC na Fase 3. A administração de dose única oral de 20 mg de lercanidipina, sob monoterapia ou em associação ao carvedilol, aos GRUPOS DRC e CONTROLE não mostra enantiosseletividade no parâmetro AUC. A administração de dose única oral de 25 mg de carvedilol racêmico reduziu de maneira enantiosseletiva o clearance total da (S)-lercanidipina no GRUPO DRC, mas não no CONTROLE. A comparação do GRUPO DRC com o CONTROLE não mostra diferenças com significância estatística nos parâmetros farmacocinéticos de ambos os enantiômeros da lercanidipina nas Fases 2 e 3. Concluindo, o carvedilol reduziu o clearance total aparente do eutômero (S)-lercanidipina e a lercanidipina reduziu o clearance total aparente do enantiômero (+)-(R)-carvedilol nos pacientes do Gupo DRC, mas não nos pacientes do GRUPO CONTROLE. Os dados permitem sugerir enantiosseletividade na atividade da P-gp e sugerir que a DRC estágios 3 e 4 não altera a farmacocinética do carvedilol e da lercanidipina em pacientes hipertensos fenotipados como metabolizadores rápidos do CYP2D6 e com atividade normal do CYP3A. No entanto, os maiores valores de ECe50 nos pacientes do GRUPO DRC na Fase 3 sugerem uma menor potência do (-)-(S)- carvedilol na inibição da atividade simpática. / Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with inhibition of enzyme systems and drug transporters. Carvedilol, a nonselective ?-blocker, is a substrate and inhibitor of intestinal Pgp. Lercanidipine, a calcium channel antagonist, is metabolized by CYP3A4, which is described as a probable inhibitor of P-gp. The present study evaluates the carvedilollercanidipine interaction in hypertensive patients, with or without CKD. We investigated 8 hypertensive patients with CKD stages 3 and 4 and 8 hypertensive patients with normal renal function, phenotyped for CYP2D6 and CYP3A, and genotyped for CYP2C9 and P-gp. Patients received a single oral dose of 25 mg of racemic carvedilol (Phase 1), or 20 mg of racemic lercanidipine (Phase 2), or a single oral dose of 25 mg of racemic carvedilol associated with 20 mg of racemic lercanidipine (Phase 3). Serial blood samples were collected up to 32h. Heart rate was assessed in the situation of isometric exercise for 2 min with handgrip at 30% of maximal voluntary contractility, in each blood collection time. Plasma concentrations of the enantiomers of carvedilol and lercanidipine were performed by LCMS/ MS. The pharmacokinetics of carvedilol, alone or in combination with lercanidipine in the CKD group, is enantioselective with plasma accumulation of the enantiomer (+)-(R)- carvedilol. The administration of a single oral dose of 20 mg of racemic lercanidipine reduced the total apparent clearance and increased the AUC for the enantiomer (+)-(R)-carvedilol on CKD group. The CONTROL group also presented plasma accumulation of the enantiomer (+)-(R)-carvedilol. However, the administration of single oral dose of 20 mg of racemic lercanidipine does not alter the pharmacokinetics of the enantiomers of carvedilol in CONTROL group. The comparison between the CONTROL group with the CKD group, in monotherapy or in combination with lercanidipine, shows that CKD does not alter the pharmacokinetics of both enantiomers of carvedilol. The PK-PD modeling shows no statistically significant differences between Phases 1 and 3 in any group. However, comparing the CKD group with the CONTROL group, higher values of ECe50 were observed in the patients of CKD group in Phase 3. The administration of a single oral dose of 20 mg of racemic lercanidipine, in monotherapy or in combination with carvedilol to the CONTROL and CKD group does not show enantioselectivity in the parameter AUC. Administration of a single oral dose of 25 mg of racemic carvedilol reduced the total apparent clearance and increased de AUC for the enantiomer (S)-lercanidipine on CKD group, but not in CONTROL group. The comparison between the CKD group with the CONTROL group does not show statistically significant differences in pharmacokinetic parameters of both enantiomers of lercanidipine in Phases 2 and 3. In conclusion, carvedilol reduced the apparent total clearance of the eutomer (S)-lercanidipine and lercanidipine reduced the apparent total clearance of the enantiomer (+)-(R)-carvedilol in the patients of CKD group, but not in the patients of CONTROL group. The findings suggest enantioselectivity in the activity of P-gp, and that CKD stages 3 and 4 does not alter the pharmacokinetics of carvedilol and lercanidipine in hypertensive patients phenotyped as extensive metabolizers of CYP2D6 and with normal CYP3A activity. However, the highest values of ECe50 in patients of CKD group in the Phase 3 suggest a lower potency of (-)-(S)-carvedilol in the inhibition of sympathetic activity in these patients.
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Cistatina C e Rifle: avanços na avaliação da função renal em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca / Cystatin C and rifle: advances in assessment of the renal function in the postoperative period of cardiac surgeryMagro, Marcia Cristina da Silva 31 January 2007 (has links)
A prevalência de LRA no pós-operatório (PO) de cirurgia cardíaca varia em torno de 5% a 31%, dependendo da população estudada e do critério adotado para sua definição. Os objetivos deste estudo foram classificar a função renal de pacientes em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, utilizando o sistema classificador RIFLE (R="risk", I="injury", F="failure", L= loss" e E="end-stage") e avaliar o desempenho discriminatório de um marcador de taxa de filtração glomerular, a Cistatina C (CC). A amostra compôs-se de 121 pacientes, sem história de lesão renal prévia, acompanhados nas 24 , 48 e 72 horas. Os desfechos considerados foram alta ou óbito no PO. O RIFLE foi utilizado para comparação com demais variáveis, bem como dois de seus componentes, a creatinina plasmática e o clearance de creatinina. As categorias R", I" e F" do RIFLE foram consideradas como LRA. A idade média dos pacientes foi de 50 anos, com 61,2% de sexo masculino, 38,8% de sexo feminino e predomínio da raça branca (92%). A cirurgia valvar foi a mais realizada (48,8%), seguida de 43,8% de revascularização do miocárdio e 7,4% de cirurgias combinadas, sendo que em 78% dos pacientes foi adotada a circulação extracorpórea com duração máxima de 120 minutos. A grande maioria (97,5%) dos pacientes obteve alta hospitalar. A LRA ocorreu em 78,5% pelo critério RIFLE. Quanto à CC, constatou-se relação de seus níveis com a piora da função renal vista pelo RIFLE nos períodos estudados. A CC apresentou maior sensibilidade e especificidade do que a Creatinina (Cr) para sinalização de piora da função renal com área sob a curva (0,67 vs 0,62). O estudo confirmou melhor desempenho da CC para detecção de LRA do que a Cr em PO da cirurgia cardíaca / The prevalence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery ranges from 5 to 31%, depending on the population studied and the criteria used for its definition. The objectives of this study were to classify the renal function of the patients in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery according to the RIFLE classification (Risk, injury, Failure, Loss and End-stage) and to assess the discriminating power of a glomerular filtration rate marker, the Cystatin C (CC). The sample was composed by 121 patients, with no kidney failure history, who were followed up 24, 48 and 72 hours after surgery. The outcome considered were hospital discharge or death. RIFLE was used as basis to compare the other variables, as well as two of its components: the Serum Creatinine (Cr) and the Creatinine Clearance. Patients classified as R", I" and F" were considered with AKI. The mean age of the patients was 50 years, with 61.2% of males, 38.8% of females and a preponderance of Caucasians (92%). The valve surgery was the most performed surgery (48.8%), followed by 43.8% of myocardial revascularization and 7.4% of combined surgery. In 78% of the cases, a coronary artery bypass grafting was adopted and lasted 120 minutes time or less. The great majority (97.5%) of the patients were discharged from hospital. The AKI occurred in 78.5% of the sample using the RIFLE criteria. Regarding the CC, it was noticed a relationship between its levels and the worsening of the renal function, according to RIFLE, in the studied period. The CC presented a higher sensibility and specificity than Cr to signal the worsening of the renal function (area under the curve 0.67 vs. 0,62). The study confirmed a better performance of the CC than the Cr marker to detect AKI in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery
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"Estudo do cotidiano e qualidade de vida de pessoas com insuficiência renal crônica (IRC), em hemodiálise" / Study of the daily life and quality of life of persons with chronic renal failure (crf), in hemodialysis.Bezerra, Karina Viviani 16 August 2006 (has links)
A insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) é considerada um grande problema de saúde pública, devido às altas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade. Os insuficientes renais crônicos (IRCs) apresentam várias dificuldades em seu cotidiano, como: constantes visitas ao médico, sessões de hemodiálise e restrições alimentares; fatores que desestruturam seu cotidiano e comprometem sua qualidade de vida. Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar a percepção das pessoas com IRC com relação a atividades cotidianas e ocupacionais, junto a dois serviços públicos de saúde em Ribeirão Preto; assim como avaliar a percepção da qualidade de vida dentro dos seguintes domínios: Físico, Psicológico, Social e Meio Ambiente. A amostragem analisada foi composta por 70 indivíduos adultos que recebiam hemodiálise, de ambos os sexos (35 homens e 35 mulheres), com idades variando entre 17 e 60 anos. Os dados foram coletados através da aplicação de três questionários: o primeiro estruturado para a caracterização de dados sócio-demográficos, o segundo para a auto-avaliação do Funcionamento Ocupacional (SAOF) e o terceiro para a Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida da Organização Mundial da Saúde (WHOQOL-bref). Os instrumentos foram úteis e de importância para avaliar a qualidade de vida e o desempenho ocupacional dessas pessoas: observou-se na aplicação do SAOF que, embora a predominância dos resultados possa ser considerada satisfatória, a área com maior escolha da alternativa necessidade de melhora" foi a de hábitos e valores (20% e 20,5%, respectivamente). Apesar da porcentagem não ser muito alta, é aqui que as dificuldades com relação à organização do cotidiano são mais evidentes, principalmente frente às mudanças de rotinas e expectativas quanto ao futuro. Na aplicação do WHOQOL-bref, constatou-se que os pacientes que se auto-avaliaram com menor média de qualidade de vida são os que têm cônjuge (54.6%), os que estão há mais de um ano em hemodiálise (52.6%), e os pacientes do sexo masculino (58.6%). A variável anos de escolaridade" mostrou que as pessoas com menos instrução apresentam menor avaliação de sua qualidade de vida nos domínios Físicos (51.1%), Social (61.0%) e Meio Ambiente (61.1%). Entende-se, portanto, que a Terapia Ocupacional apresenta recursos instrumentais para a reestruturação do cotidiano desses pacientes, podendo constituir-se em valiosa contribuição para a assistência. / The chronic renal failure (CRF) is considered a great problem of public health due to the high rates of morbidity and mortality. Persons with chronic renal insufficients (CRIs) present various difficulties in their daily life such as constant visits to the doctor, hemodialysis sessions and food restrictions disorganizing therefore their daily life and quality of life. This research has the aim to evaluate the perception of persons with CRF about the daily life in relation to their occupational functioning in two public health services in Ribeirão Preto and evaluate the perception of quality of life within the following domains: Physical, Psychological, Social and Environmental. The sample studied was composed of 70 adult individuals undergoing hemodialysis, of both genders (35 men and 35 women) in ages varying between 17 and 60. The data was gathered through the application of three questionnaires: one was structured for the characterization of social-demographic data, the second for Self Assessment of Occupational Functioning (SAOF) and the third for evaluation of the Quality of Life according to the World Health Organizations Quality of Life Evaluation Instrument (WHOQOL-bref). The instruments were useful and of importance to evaluate the quality of life and the occupational performance of those persons. It was noticed from the SAOF that although the most of the results might be considered satisfactory, the area with the greatest choice of the alternative necessity of improvement" was the one of habits and values (20% and 20.5% respectively). Despite the percentage not being high, there were the difficulties regarding the daily life mainly in face of changes in routine as well as expectations regarding the future. From the application of the WHOQOL-bref, it could be noticed that the patients who self-evaluated themselves with the lowest average of quality of life are the ones who have spouses (54.6%), the ones who have been undergoing hemodialysis for over a year (52.6%) and the male patients (58.6%). The variable years of schooling demonstrated that the persons with less education present lower evaluation of their quality of life in following domains: Physical (51,1%), Social (61,0%) and Environment (61.1%). It is understood, therefore, that the Occupational Therapy presents instrumental resources for the reorganization of those patients daily life, constituting a valuable contribution for assistance.
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Retorno à hemodiálise: a experiência da perda do enxerto renal por pessoas com insuficiência renal crônica / Return to the hemodialysis: the experience of loss of renal graft by people with chronic renal failureCampos, Sandra Lucia Siqueira 04 May 2012 (has links)
Devido à complexidade da insuficiência renal crônica e do seu tratamento, o transplante renal é, para a maioria dos pacientes, um acontecimento muito desejado. Atualmente, com o aumento do número de transplantes, observa-se também, com maior freqüência, o paciente que vivencia a experiência de ter que retornar ao tratamento dialítico após a perda do enxerto renal. O presente trabalho tem como proposta focalizar a pessoa com insuficiência renal crônica que já tenha realizado o transplante renal e, por algum motivo, tenha perdido o enxerto deparando-se, novamente, com a necessidade de realizar a hemodiálise para sobreviver. O objetivo é compreender, a partir da experiência vivida pelo paciente, como é para ele retornar a conviver com o tratamento dialítico após ter vivenciado um período sem necessitar desse tratamento. O trabalho fundamenta-se no método de pesquisa qualitativa de inspiração fenomenológica em Psicologia, que investiga a experiência humana vivida, e parte de uma questão orientadora: Como é para o paciente ter que retornar ao tratamento dialítico após ter ficado algum tempo transplantado e fora do programa de hemodiálise. Para tanto, foram entrevistados todos os oito pacientes que vivenciaram tal situação e que realizavam hemodiálise no Instituto de Hemodiálise da Santa Casa de Franca, SP. Por intermédio de entrevista fenomenológica, buscou-se chegar à experiência de cada paciente e apreender os significados atribuídos às suas vivências. Um diário de campo foi utilizado como fonte subsidiária de informação. As entrevistas foram analisadas por meio do método fenomenológico. Após a leitura atentiva de cada entrevista para apreensão de unidades de significado e, a partir das convergências dessas, foram desveladas as seguintes categorias: o transplante, subdividida em: o transplante como possibilidade: sonho e realidade, o transplante como experiência: a facticidade; a perda do transplante, que se subdividu em: o impacto da perda, a busca do sentido, a constatação da aprendizagem através da experiência; a volta a hemodiálise com as subcategorias: o começar de novo. a retomada do projeto existencial; e as fontes de apoio. Após a análise, foi realizada uma síntese compreensiva das vivências dos pacientes e, posteriormente, uma compreensão dessas vivências à luz da Psicologia Fenomenológica. Uma reflexão a respeito do cuidado a essas pessoas, levando em conta a dimensão subjetiva existencial que este olhar possibilita ftnalizou o presente estudo. / Due to the complexity of the chronic renal failure and its treatment, renal transplantation is, for the majority of patients, an event very desired. Currently, with the increase of the number of transplants, it is also observed, more frequently, the patient who lives the experience of having to return to the dialysis treatment dialítico after the loss of the renal graft. This work has the proposal focuses on the person with chronic renal failure who has already completed the renal transplantation and, for some reason, has lost the graft encountering, again, with the need to perform hemodialysis to survive. The objective is to understand, starting from the experience lived by the patient, as it is for him to return to live together with the treatment dialítico after having lived a period without needing of that treatment. The work is based on qualitative research method of phenomenological inspiration in Psychology, which investigates the human experience lived, and part of a guiding question: What is it like for the patient to have to return to dialysis treatment after having been a time transplanted and outside the hemodialysis program? For this, all of the eight patients, who experienced this situation and accomplished hemodialysis at the Institute of Hemodialysis of the Holy House of France, SP, were interviewed. By means of phenomenological interview, we tried to get the experience of each patient and apprehend the meanings attributed to their existences. A field diary was used as subsidiary source of information. The interviews were analyzed by means of the phenomenological method. After a careful reading of each interview for apprehension of units of meaning, and from the convergence of these, were discussed the following categories: the transplant, subdivided into: the transplant as a possible: dream and reality, the transplant as experience: the facticity; the loss of the transplant, which is subdivided into: the impact of the loss, the search for the sense, the verification of the learning through experience; the return to the hemodialysis with the subcategories: beginning again, the retaking of the existential project; and the support sources. After the analysis, a comprehensive synthesis of the patients\' existences was accomplished and, posteriorly, an understanding of these existences in the light of Phenomenological Psychology. A reflection on the care to these people, taking into account the subjective dimension existential that this look allows, concluded the present study.
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