Spelling suggestions: "subject:"preparative"" "subject:"reparation""
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Reparative rhetorics: women's pleasure in public, popular culture, and everyday lifeFrischherz, Michaela 01 May 2015 (has links)
Reparative Rhetorics intervenes on the occasion of a long and tumultuous history wherein the public expression of women's pleasure is regulated, policed, and disciplined. Working firmly at the intersection of rhetorical theory/criticism and feminist theory/criticism, the project makes use of some of these humanistic legacies to excavate moments whereby women articulate themselves in public despite the structures of power that have historically sought to constrain these expressions. I argue that when women elaborate their pleasures in public, we are given a glimmer of things as otherwise--futures others than capitalist and patriarchal formulas of meaning. The dissertation critically maps these moments in public culture in the reparative mode. Informed by the work of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, reparative reading strategies seek to "repair" the exclusively negative, bleak state of critical affairs. That is, while feminist and rhetorical scholarship often concludes its findings with the necessary (debilitating) effect of cultural ideologies, like patriarchy and capitalism, reparative criticism, instead, invests itself with the everyday, on-the-ground rhetorical enactments of individuals actually living, breathing, surviving, and thriving in culture. By moving from structure to the everyday within that structure, we are better able to attend to moments of human invention and agency.
The dissertation carries with it three scholarly commitments. First, through each case-study chapter, I aim to expand that which "counts" as a matter of public concern. As is well-known, not all sexual practices enjoy the same level of public comfort. The dissertation queries where we might expand the scope of these public/private demarcations within contexts like sadomasochism practices, women's magazines, discussions about women's orgasm, and body visibilities. Second, the dissertation examines the ethics that undergird the expression of pleasure in public. Each chapter contributes to this discussion by asking to what extent holding the question of sexual ethics open is (im)possible. Third, the project aims to reinvest women with sexual agency by engaging in scholarship that does justice to their agential enactments. While much of the scholarly terrain remains committed to explicating how women are blindly trapped in an oppressive structure of control, this project instead, turns to moments wherein women voice themselves despite or because of those vectors of control.
To animate this recognition, I draw from both cultural productions firmly at the normative center and the marginal periphery to critically map the effectivities of these constitutive articulations unto sexual-cultural meaning-making practices. In particular, the dissertation analyzes sexual publics forged around mainstream texts such as Fifty Shades of Grey (chapter two) and Cosmopolitan magazine (chapter one) in an effort to rescue these cultures from exclusively paranoid judgments and, instead, ask what a reparative reading strategy might offer these discourses of pleasure. Additionally, I also look to the marked margins, wherein sexual publics are born out of political discussions about women's orgasms (chapter four) and the (in)visibilities of women's bodies (chapter three) to imagine what kinds of sexual avenues are made possible therein. The three contributions emphasize the tremendous importance of attuning ourselves to context while critically preparing for the provisionality of cultural assessments. Taken together, the case-studies approximate that end and seek to highlight the multivocality of productive pleasure expressions in our everyday lives.
The mode in which I engage these commitments serves a critical purpose often overlooked when scholars, teachers, and activists begin assessing women's relationships to sex, pleasure, and desire. A now oft-repeated trope in approaching these problematics surfaces as the question: is this liberating or oppressive? Are women, in this instance, hapless victims or transgressive agents? Reparative Rhetorics elucidates the naivety of such questions because lived realities are surely more complex than either/or explanatory logics. To ask if women are hapless victims or transgressive agents in this or that socio-political moment predestines the critical process to simplistic rhetorical assessments so inflexible, their relevance to the production of humanistic theories, classrooms, and future research falters. The project concludes by proposing that sharing pleasure knowledges in public builds productive resources for navigating our social-sexual worlds.
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The Impact of Sexual Orientation Change Efforts on Transgender IndividualsTillewein, Heather 01 December 2019 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates the influences for, methods of, and impact of sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) on transgender individuals. SOCE uses methods such as religious practices, behavioral modification, cognitive reframing, and counseling as ways to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual (Fjelstrom, 2013). This phenomenological, multiple case study analysis examines individual cases of SOCE to find cross-sectional themes among participants. The study identified participants who were influenced to undergo SOCE due to familial attitudes towards transgender identity. Participants described various methods used to suppress their gender identity during SOCE. They reported being negatively impacted by SOCE, experiencing issues such as loss of faith, interpersonal harm, feelings of inauthenticity, lack of trust, negative self-esteem and sexual dysfunction. This study aims to advocate for policy change regarding SOCE and to bring awareness on the use of SOCE among transgender individuals.
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Ethical and clinical implications for the field of marriage and family therapy regarding LGBTQI therapeutic approachesLugo, Cheryl A. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Family Studies and Human Services / Karen S. Myers-Bowman / There are three different approaches for the treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and intersex (LGBTQI) sexual orientations: reparative therapies, gay-affirmative therapies, and person-centered approach. These therapeutic approaches will be discussed individually and Kitchener’s Model of Ethical Decision Making or Moral Justification will be applied to each of them with the purpose of identifying which is the most ethical. The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) scholars have not created guidelines for working with LGBTQI or made a clear stance on what they believe would be the best approach to take, therefore, clinical and ethical implications and recommendations for the field of marriage and family therapy will be discussed.
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Functions of Guilt and Reparative Behaviors in Middle ChildhoodDonohue, Meghan R. 08 August 2018 (has links)
Guilt theoretically functions to motivate reparative behaviors, which, in turn, theoretically function to alleviate guilt and prevent psychopathology. Although several empirical studies in adults have demonstrated that guilt and reparative behaviors function as theorized, research has not investigated causal relations between guilt and reparative behaviors in children. Thus, this study examined whether guilt motivates children’s reparative behaviors, and whether their reparative behaviors successfully alleviate guilty feelings. Six-to ten-year olds (N = 97) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions. In the experimental condition, children were led to believe that they had transgressed to cause a peer’s distress. Children self-reported their guilt feelings following the pretend transgression, and then had the opportunity to repair the transgression by giving stickers and writing a note to the victimized peer. Following the repair opportunity, children self-reported their guilt a second time. Children in the experimental condition (i.e., children who felt guilty) engaged in greater reparative behavior relative to children in a no-guilt condition who were led to believe that they had caused a peer’s positive emotions. Further, children in the experimental condition reported reduced guilt at the second measurement, whereas children in the no-repair condition (who were led to believe that they had transgressed but were not be given a repair opportunity) did not report reduced guilt over time. Results demonstrate that guilt and reparative behaviors function as theorized in children and may begin to inform reparative interventions aimed at preventing unalleviated, maladaptive guilt and psychopathology.
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Cell-based partial pulp regeneration in a porcine preclinical model / Régénération partielle de la pulpe à partir de cellules mésenchymateuses dans un model préclinique porcinMangione, Francesca 10 October 2017 (has links)
La pulpe dentaire est un tissu connectif innervé et vascularisé, contenu dans une structure minéralisée inextensible formée par l’émail, la dentine et le cément. Ce tissu assure l’homéostasie et la sensibilité de la dent. Il est sujet à des lésions sévères faisant suite à une carie ou à un traumatisme. La thérapeutique conventionnelle préconisée alors est le traitement endodontique, qui consiste en l’exérèse de la totalité du tissu pulpaire et le comblement de l’espace évidé par un matériau synthétique bioinerte. Malgré les résultats cliniques satisfaisants, cette thérapeutique induit une fragilisation de la dent et une plus grande susceptibilité aux infections, qui peuvent conduire à terme à la perte de la dent. En se basant sur la présence de cellules souches mésenchymateuses dans la pulpe dentaire, des stratégies de régénération alternatives au traitement endodontique traditionnel sont à l’étude, afin de permettre le maintien des fonctions de nutrition et de sensibilité de la pulpe, garantes de la pérennité de la dent sur l’arcade. Elles s’inscrivent dans deux approches: la régénération de novo, en cas de nécrose du tissu pulpaire et la régénération partielle, lorsque seul le tissu pulpaire endommagé est éliminé et régénéré. Nos travaux portent sur la faisabilité de cette dernière approche dans un modèle préclinique. En effet, dans la perspective d’un transfert vers la clinique humaine, des modèles chez le gros animal doivent être développés afin de tester la faisabilité et le succès de cette thérapie, dans des conditions proches de la clinique. Du fait de ses similitudes avec l’homme en termes d’anatomie et de physiologie, le miniporc représente un modèle de choix pour les études précliniques d’ingénierie pulpaire. L’objectif principal de cette étude est de tester la faisabilité de la régénération pulpaire partielle, en implantant des cellules pulpaires porcines (pDPCs) contenues des hydrogels injectables dans des défauts pulpaires artificiellement créés chez le miniporc. Au cours ce travail, différentes techniques d’imagerie d’évaluation du processus de régénération ont été développées. En particulier, un protocole d’angiographie tridimensionnelle in- pour la visualisation du réseau vasculaire pulpaire a été mise au point. Par ailleurs, en utilisant des paramètres morphométriques spécifiques, initialement développés pour caractériser l’os, une analyse tridimentionnelle par micro-CT des tissus minéralisés de réparation a été élaborée. En appliquant un “split mouth model”, les hydrogels injectables ensemencés ou non par des pDPCs ont été implantés dans des molaires et des prémolaires, après amputation de la pulpe camérale. À 21 jours après la chirurgie, les analyses d’imagerie, d’histologie et d’immunologie ont mis en évidence, qu’indépendamment de la présence des pDPCs, l’implantation des hydrogels a induit la formation d’un pont d’ostéodentine. La caractérisation morphométrique tridimensionnelle a montré que la microarchitecture de ce pont différait largement de la dentine native. De plus, en présence des pDPCs, le processus de réparation était modifié, avec une moins bonne étanchéité du pont. Au cours de ce travail, une technique de suivi non invasive de la régénération a tenté d’être mise au point. Une angiographie tridimensionnelle par soustraction a été réalisée avant et après la procédure de régénération pulpaire partielle. Si les angiographies ont révélé l’entière vascularisation des mâchoires et des dents à croissance continue, l’apport vasculaire des dents matures traitées, du fait de son faible flux, n’a pas pu être mis en évidence. L’absence de régénération partielle de la pulpe dans les conditions testées souligne l’importance des modèles précliniques pour identifier les facteurs promouvant un environnement favorable à la régénération, dans la perspective d’un transfert vers la clinique humaine. / The dental pulp is a connective tissue, which is highly innervated and vascularized, encapsulated in a mineralized inextensible structure formed by enamel, dentin and cementum, ensuring the homeostasis and sensibility of the tooth. The pulp is often damaged by caries and trauma, resulting in infection or necrosis. In such situations, the routine clinical treatment is a root canal therapy, which consists in the elimination of the affected tissue and filling of the endodontic canal system with bioinert synthetic materials. In spite of satisfactory clinical outcomes, none of the original functions is restored and the lack of sensitivity as well as natural defence may lead to tooth fracture and reinfection. Cell-based pulp regeneration could provide a valid alternative to traditional endodontic treatment of damaged teeth. This strategy focuses, in fact, on the preservation of the healthy pulp tissue and the regeneration of the damaged one, by combining stem cells, scaffolds and growth factors. In case of trauma or carious lesion, as the pulp inflammatory reaction is compartmentalized in first instance, such conservative approach could be indicated. Regarding non-rodent animal model, to our knowledge, only Iohara et al. (2009) reported the achievement of partial pulp regeneration in canine tooth by implantation of subfractions of autologous pulp cells; however, in the perspective of a transfer to the human clinic, larger animal models should be developed to test the feasibility and the success of the therapy mimicking the clinical conditions of pulpotomy. Due to dental anatomical and physiological similarities with human, the minipig constitutes a model of choice for preclinical pulp engineering studies. The aim of this study was to develop a preclinical model of partial dental pulp regeneration in minipig, by implanting a pulp construct, made by self-assembling nano-peptide injectable hydrogel and porcine minipig dental pulp cells (pDPCs), in artificially created pulp defects. Secondarily, in the context of this preclinical model, two different techniques of analysis of the regeneration process have been developed. In particular, an in vivo 3D subtraction angiography has been set for the visualization of dental pulp vascular network. Indeed, further developments of this modality open promising perspectives of its application for the morphometric characterization of angiogenesis process in newly formed dental tissues and bone defects. Moreover, using specific morphometric parameters, initially developed to characterize bone, a micro-CT morphometric analysis of the mineralized reparative tissues, obtained by the partial pulp regeneration protocol, has been elaborated. By split mouth model, pulp constructs made with self-assembling injectable nano-peptide hydrogel with and without porcine dental pulp cells (pDPCs) were implanted, after pulp chamber amputation in premolars and molars. At day 21 after surgery, three-dimensional morphometric characterization, Masson’s trichrome and immunolabeled for DSP and BSP were performed on treated teeth. 3D subtraction angiographies have been performed before and after partial pulp regeneration procedure. Regardless of the presence of pDPCs, the implantation of pulp construct induces the formation of an osteodentin bridge, whose microarchitecture sensibly differs from the native dentin. Furthermore, the presence of pDPCs in the construct slightly impairs this reparative process. The latter was led the remaining pulp cells, instead of the pDPCs in the scaffold. Angiographies could show entire vascularization of jaws and continuously growing teeth but blood supply of treated mature permanent teeth could not be displayed. The failure of partial pulp regeneration cell based strategy, in these near-real clinical conditions, highlights the importance of preclinical models, to identify the factors promoting a favourable regenerative environment, in the perspective of a transfer to the human clinics.
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Estresse orgânico e atividade anti e pró-oxidante na queimadura aguda e no pós-operatório de cirurgia reparadora de seqüelas do trauma térmico / Organic stress and anti- and pro-oxidant activity in acute burns and during the postoperative period of surgery for the repair of the sequels of thermal shock.Vinha, Paula Pileggi 31 October 2008 (has links)
O estresse orgânico decorrente da queimadura é intenso e prolongado. O hipercatabolismo e o hipermetabolismo secundários alteram o sistema de pró e anti-oxidantes. Pela necessidade de reepitelização da área doadora e receptora, a cirurgia reparadora pode desencadear ou perpetuar o estresse oxidativo. Objetivos: Em pacientes vítimas de trauma térmico agudo (Grupo Queimadura) e naqueles em pós-operatório de seqüelas de queimaduras (Grupo Seqüela), comparar o estresse oxidativo e os níveis de anti e pró-oxidantes com os obtidos no pré-operatório de pacientes com seqüelas de queimaduras (Grupo Controle). Casuística e métodos: O estudo foi conduzido na Unidade de Queimados do HCFMRPUSP. O Grupo Queimadura (n=11) incluiu pacientes com 48 horas do trauma térmico agudo, SCQ 10%. Os pacientes que necessitaram de correção cirúrgica das seqüelas do trauma térmico, ocorrido 1ano (n=8), foram avaliados no pré-operatório (Grupo Controle) e após 48 horas da cirurgia (Grupo Seqüela). Todos os voluntários foram submetidos à antropometria e quantificação da ingestão alimentar. Foi realizada a avaliação laboratorial do estado nutricional, dos marcadores da atividade inflamatória e dos anti e pró-oxidantes. Resultados: Em pacientes vítimas de trauma térmico agudo, foi documentado estresse orgânico caracterizado pelo aumento das proteínas de fase aguda como a PCR [8,76 (0,91 34,54) vs 0,40 (0,01 0,97)mg/dL, p=0,0004] e ferritina (254,45 ± 84,25 vs 145,10 ± 88,80ng/mL, p=0,014), além da diminuição da albumina (3,55±0,65 vs 4,16±0,26g/dL, p=0,004), da transferrina (110,67±55,13 vs 238,70±67,99mg/dL, p=0,0003), do colesterol (126,82 ± 32,19 vs 193,75 ± 51,64mg/dL, p=0,002) e triglicérides séricos (95,54 ± 36,84 vs 168,75 ± 54,83mg/dL, p=0,003), ferro [30,00 (6,00-73,00) vs 109,00 (70,00 - 252,00)µg/dL, p=0,0004] e zinco (63,55 ± 23,34 vs 92,72 ± 16,65mg/dL, p=0,014). O estresse oxidativo diminuiu os níveis séricos das vitaminas C [0,45 (0341,30) vs 0,93 (0,48 1,30)mg/dL, p=0,016], A (1,55 ± 0,87 vs 3,35 ± 0,72µmol/L, p=0,0002) e da vitamina E (9,49 ± 3,4 vs 4,96 ± 1,60µmol/g lipídeo, p=0,003). Não houve modificação nos níveis do GSH [40,37 (30,27 87,46 ) vs 49,90 (10,09 54,95)µmol/L, p= 0,48] e do MDA [1,75 (1,15 2,74) vs 1,77 (1,62 6,82nmol/g proteína), p=0,043]. O procedimento cirúrgico para correção das seqüelas de queimaduras determinou aumento da proteína C reativa [0,40 (0,01 0,97) vs 2,53 (0,56 4,70)mg/dL, p=0,01], mas não alterou os níveis de anti e pró-oxidantes, exceto a diminuição dos níveis séricos de vitamina A (3,35 ± 0,72 vs 2,52 ± 0,90µmol/L, p=0,006) Conclusões: O estresse orgânico decorrente do trauma térmico agudo diminuiu as respostas anti-oxidantes. Exceto pela queda nos níveis séricos de vitamina A, a cirurgia reparadora acarretou estresse orgânico, sem modificação na resposta anti e pró-oxidante. / Organic stress due to burns is intense and prolonged, Secondary hypercatabolism and hypermetabolism alter the pro- and anti-oxidant system. Due to the need for reepithelialization of the donor and recipient areas, reparative surgery can trigger or perpetuate the oxidative stress. Objectives: To compare the oxidative stress and the levels of anti- and pro-oxidants in patients victims of acute thermal trauma (Burn Group) and in patients during the postoperative period after surgery for burn sequels (Sequel Group) with those obtained preoperatively in patients with burn sequels (Control Group). Cases and methods: The study was conducted at the Burn Unit of HCFMRPUSP. The Burn Group (n=11) consisted of patients studied 48 hours after acute thermal trauma, SCQ 10%. The patients who required surgical correction of the sequels of thermal trauma suffered 1 year before (n=8) were assessed during the preoperative period (Control Group) and 48 hours after surgery (Sequel Group). All volunteers were submitted to anthropometry and to quantitation of food intake. Laboratory evaluation of nutritional status, of the markers of inflammatory activity and of the anti- and pro-oxidant levels was performed. Results: Organic stress was documented in the patients victims of acute thermal trauma, characterized by an increase of acute phase proteins such as C-reactive protein (CRP) [8.76 (0.91 34.54) vs 0.40 (0.01 0.97) mg/dL, p=0.0004] and ferritin (254.45 ± 84.25 vs 145.10 ± 88.80 ng/mL, p=0.014) and by a reduction of serum cholesterol (126.82 ± 32.19 vs 193.75 ± 51.64 mg/dL, p=0.002), triglycerides (95.54 ± 36.84 vs 168.75 ± 54.83 mg/dL. p=0.003), iron [30.00 (6.00 73.00) vs 109.00 (70.00 252.00) µg/dL, p=0.0004], and zinc (63.55 ± 23.34 vs 92.72 ± 16.65 mg/dL, p=0.014). Oxidative stress reduced the serum levels of vitamins C [0.45 (0341.30) vs 0.93 (0.48 1.30) mg/dL, p=0.016] and A (1.55 ± 0.87 vs 3.35 ± 0.72 µmol/L, p=0.0002), and did not modify the levels of vitamin E (9,49 ± 3,4 vs 4,96 ± 1,60µmol/g lipídeo, p=0,003)or of the anti-oxidant substance GSH [40.37 (30.27 87.46 ) vs 49.90 (10.09 54.95) µmol/L, p= 0.48, but caused a fall in MDA levels [1.04 (0.75 1.39) vs 1.26 (1.07 4.30 nmol/L), p=0.007]. The surgical procedure for the correction of burn sequels caused an increase in CRP [0.40 (0.01 0.97) vs 2.53 (0.56 4.70) mg/dL, p=0.01], but did not change the levels of anti- or pro-oxidants, except for a reduction of serum vitamin A levels (3.35 ± 0.72 vs 2.52 ± 0.90 µmol/L, p=0.006) Conclusions: The organic stress due to acute thermal stress reduced the antioxidant responses. Except for the fall in serum vitamin A levels, reparative surgery caused organic stress, with no change in the anti- or pro-oxidant response.
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Skolmedling i teori och praktikMarklund, Linda January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis aims to answer the questions; what and were does peer mediation fit into the theoretical and practical frameworks of mediation? How does peer mediation fit into the retributive legal system as it stands today? What problems can arise with the use of peer mediation, its organizations and with the use of adolescent peer mediators, in a legal perspective? </p><p>When it comes to the question of where peer mediation has its theoretical framework the hypothesis in this thesis are that peer mediation, with respect to the practical framework, is a hybrid of the settlement driven mediation and the transformative mediation. The theoretical framework comes from the philosophy of restorative justice (RJ), primarily the victim-offender mediation in the sense that if peer mediation per se is not enough it has to bee a whole school approach for it to work. In RJ, the community is as important as the primarily parties, the offender and the offended. In school conflicts, the community is the whole school, and as such it has to bee the whole school that is involved in the conflict management program. </p><p>The method used in this thesis is the traditional method of jurisprudence combined with two case studies. The first case study is the "Peer mediations Project" that in fact was the starting point for the research. The aim with this case study is too show how peer mediation can work in Sweden, both on an organizational and a practical level. In doing so it also highlights which legal questions that is relevant for this thesis. The second case study is the "Spice conflict". This case study aims to make researcher go deeper in the legal issues as well as to illuminate a school conflict and how it can progress. </p><p>The fist chapter gives a background for peer mediation and the focus of this thesis, as well as the first contact with the two case studies. Chapter two gives a legal background for the thesis. Chapter three deals with conflict theory and chapter four with schools conflicts and the different programs there is to handle those conflicts. In chapter five the different mediations models are presented more in depth and discussed from at mediation perspective. Chapter six goes deeper into the second case study in an effort to resolve the legal issues that has arisen. In the last chapter there is a discussion which originates from the five Nordic principles of mediation, facilitative, peaceably, freely, confidently and restoratively, in conjunction whit mediation, conflict and legal theory.</p>
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Challenges to Victim Involvement at the International Criminal Court: Shedding Light on the Competing Purposes of JusticeGansner, Margaret-Anne 24 August 2011 (has links)
The Rome Statute saw the provision of three statutory rights for victims: the right to participation, protection, and reparations. The addition of these rights is an attempt to incorporate elements of restorative and reparative justice processes into a primarily retributive system. The emerging jurisprudence shows there are competing tensions developing in all areas. The right to participation saw initially broad decisions consistently scaled back by the Appeals Chamber to ensure a more streamlined approach. The right to protection, in contrast, has continued to be upheld by all Court levels resulting in significant trial challenges and delays. While the right to reparations remains untested, it is likely to only partially fulfill restorative aims. This thesis argues that while victim involvement has altered the traditional trial process, restorative aims will remain unmet. However, victim involvement has begun to shed light on the competing purposes of justice within the Rome Statute framework.
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Gottgörelse till brottsoffer vid internationella brottmålsdomstolen / The Reparations Regime of the International Criminal Court : Reparations or General Assistance?Åberg, Malin January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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