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Обучение навыкам межкультурной коммуникации с представителями восточных культур (на примере Китая) : магистерская диссертация / Training in intercultural communication skills with representatives of Eastern cultures (on the example of China)Мокеев, К. В., Mokeev, K. V. January 2022 (has links)
В современном мире, благодаря процессам активного роста культурных контактов и взаимодействий между разными народами и странами, все большую актуальность приобретают проблемы взаимопонимания и взаимоуважения. Умение построения межкультурных коммуникаций, основанных на знании культурных ценностей и традиций других народов, становится актуальным навыком. Внедрение в конце XX века в отечественную систему образования преподавания такого предмета, как межкультурная коммуникация, было обоснованным и своевременным шагом. Этот предмет дает возможность изучить и понять, что такое культура, коммуникация, раскрывает особенности межкультурного взаимодействия и важность навыков общения с представителями других культур, как на обыденном, так и на профессиональном уровне. В связи с этим, в большинство образовательных программ высших учебных заведений включен ряд навыков и компетенций, связанных с межкультурной коммуникацией, которыми должны обладать будущие выпускники. Например, «владение навыками социокультурной и межкультурной коммуникации, обеспечивающими адекватность социальных и профессиональных контактов, готовность преодолевать влияние стереотипов и осуществлять межкультурный диалог в общей и профессиональной сферах общения, формирования коммуникативной и межкультурной компетенции обучающихся» [44]. Данная работа посвящена исследованию вопроса актуальности обучения навыкам межкультурной коммуникации с представителями восточных культур. Для Российской Федерации этот вопрос особенно важен, так как на протяжении многих лет наше государство поддерживает дружественные отношения и сотрудничает со странами Востока. В качестве примера в данной работе рассматриваются добрососедские, дружественные отношения стратегического партнерства с Китаем, показана важность навыков межкультурной коммуникации, основанных на знании языка, культуры, традиций, этических и моральных норм китайского народа, без которых невозможно построение эффективного межкультурного взаимодействия. Наличие межкультурного компонента в процессе образования делает актуальным поиск новых педагогических и методических решений при обучении навыкам межкультурной коммуникации с представителями других культур. В данной работе рассмотрено применение современной, инновационной методики – метода сase study, при обучении навыкам межкультурной коммуникации. / In the modern world, due to the processes of active growth of cultural contacts and interactions between different peoples and countries, the problems of mutual understanding and mutual respect are becoming increasingly important. The ability to build intercultural communications based on knowledge of the cultural values and traditions of other nations is becoming an actual skill. The introduction of such a subject as intercultural communication into the domestic education system at the end of the 20th century was a reasonable and timely step. This subject provides an opportunity to study and understand what culture, communication is, reveals the features of intercultural interaction and the importance of communication skills with representatives of other cultures, both at the everyday and at the professional level. In this regard, most educational programs of higher educational institutions include a number of skills and competencies related to intercultural communication that future graduates should possess. For example, “possession of sociocultural and intercultural communication skills that ensure the adequacy of social and professional contacts, the willingness to overcome the influence of stereotypes and carry out intercultural dialogue in the general and professional spheres of communication, the formation of communicative and intercultural competence of students” [44]. This work is devoted to the study of the relevance of teaching the skills of intercultural communication with representatives of Eastern cultures. For the Russian Federation, this issue is especially important, since for many years our state has maintained friendly relations and cooperated with the countries of the East. As an example, this paper considers good-neighbourly, friendly relations of strategic partnership with China, shows the importance of intercultural communication skills based on knowledge of the language, culture, traditions, ethical and moral norms of the Chinese people, without which it is impossible to build effective intercultural interaction. The presence of an intercultural component in the education process makes it relevant to search for new pedagogical and methodological solutions in teaching the skills of intercultural communication with representatives of other cultures. This paper considers the use of a modern, innovative methodology - the case study method, when teaching intercultural communication skills.
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Collective agreements : a comparative study between Belgium and South AfricaVauthier, Sandrine Anne 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation analyses, in a comparative perspective collective agreements
entered into in Belgium and in South Africa in the private sector. It is divided into
three parts: Belgian law, South African law and a comparative perspective. Each
part adopts the same format: it comprises a historical survey, a description of the
parties to collective agreements, the forums in which collective bargaining takes
place and an analysis of collective agreements, focusing on the nature of their
binding force.
Because Belgian law prohibits agency shop and closed shop agreements, on the
basis of the freedom of association, no reference has been made to these
agreements, even though they are permitted in South Africa and are regarded as
collective agreements.
This dissertation does not deal with collective agreements entered into to regulate
terms and conditions of employment in the public sector as state employees in
Belgium are excluded from the scope of labour law and have their employment
relationship governed by administrative law / Law / LL.M.
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Die funksionering van die algemene priesterskap van gelowiges binne die Nederduitse Gereformeerde kerk : 'n teories en 'n ekklesiologies modelCloete, Gert Johannes January 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / eeue is dit in die kerk verwaarloos omdat die kerk dikwels staatskerk was en gemeentelede vanwee die ampshieragie in die kerk as minderwaardig beskou is en gevolglik passief geraak het. Selfs na die Hervorming het gemeentestrukture nie so verander dat gemeentelede aangemoedig is om God se priesters in die wereld te wees nie. In die Ned Geref Kerk is dit ook die geval. Tot en met die eerste demokratiese
verkiesing in Suid-Afrika in 1994, was daar 'n intieme band tussen die kerk en die staat en tot nou toe nog, is dit 'n kerk met 'n baie sterk ampshierargie. Die gevolg is dat gelowiges nie deur die tipiese gemeentestruktuur in die kerk aangemoedig word om God se priesters in die wereld te wees nie, maar eerder om die gemeente te konserveer en te bewaar. Suid-Afrika met sy lae produktiwiteitsyfer en buitengewone
hoe misdaadsyfer sou vandag baie beter daaraan toe gewees het as getowiges binne die Ned Geref Kerk oor die jare heen deur die gemeentestruktuur aangemoedig is om as God se verteenwoordigers in die samelewing op te tree.wereld op te tree, is dit nodig dat gemeentes vanuit die perspektief van die
algemene priesterskap van die gelowige, nuut gestruktureer word. Hiervoor is 'n teorie en 'n ekklesiologiese model vir die algemene priesterskap van die gelowige nodig. In hierdie studie word nie net alleen so 'n teorie en model ontwikkel nie, maar word ook aangedui hoe hierdie model reeds binne 'n gemeente in die Ned Geref
Kerk toegepas is. maak om op die wereld in plaas van op die konservering en bewaring van die gemeente te fokus. Die studie word afgesluit met die hoop dat gemeentes krities sal reflekteer oor die algemene priesterskap van gelowiges en sal oorweeg om te herstruktureer sodat iets van die algemene priesterskap van die gelowige in die toekoms tot sy reg sal kom. / The general priesthood of the believer is emphasised in the Bible. But the church has neglected it through the ages because the church often was a state church and church members were regarded as inferior and became passive due to the official hierarchy in the church. extent as to encourage church members to function as God's priests in the world. This is also the case in the Dutch Reformed Church. Up to the first democratic election in South Africa in 1994 there was an intimate bond between this church and the state, and to this day the Dutch Reformed Church has a very strong official hierarchy. Consequently the typical congregational structure of the church does not encourage church members to function as God's priests in the world but rather to conserve and preserve the congregation. South Africa, with its low rate of productivity and exceptionally high crime rate, would have been much better off today if the congregational structures had over the years encouraged believers in the Dutch Reformed Church to act as God's representatives in society. Should congregations wish to encourage their members to act as God's priests in the world, it will be necessary to restructure themselves from the perspective of the general priesthood of believers. Such theory and model are developed in this study. It is also shown how such a model has already been applied in a congregation of the Dutch Reformed Church. The study divides the ministerial responsibility of the believer into two categories, namely internal and external responsibility. This division enables congregations to focus on the world in stead of the conservation and preservation of the congregation as such. The study is concluded in the hope that congregations will take a critical look at the general priesthood of believers and will consider restructuring themselves so that
individual believers will embrace their general priesthood in future. / D.Th.(Practical Theology)
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The experiences of community members regarding their participation in hospital boards in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District, North West ProvinceModise, Keneilwe Cynthia 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of community members regarding their participation in hospital boards in Dr Kenneth Kaunda district, North West Province. A qualitative exploratory-descriptive research was conducted on a purposively selected sample of community members who served in the board for a minimum period of two years. Data were collected by means of individual interviews and analysed by means of thematic data analysis. Three themes that emerged from data analysis were creation of opportunities, benefits and challenges. A mix of positive and negative experiences was expressed by community representatives regarding their participation in hospital boards. Participants described their experiences as enjoyable and empowering while others described it as a learning experience through which they acquired knowledge and new skills. The challenges experienced whilst serving in hospital boards included ineffective communication, poor relations and role conflict as a result of lack of role clarification. The findings from the study may be used to enhance the effectiveness of hospital governing boards through the participation of community members. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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'Ambushed by victory' : Allied strategy on how to win the First World WarMcCrae, Meighen Sarah Cassandra January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the Allied notion of victory and how it was expressed in the depth of Allied strategic planning in 1918 for a campaign in 1919. Using the Supreme War Council (SWC) as a lens this study's arguments are threefold. The first is that, with the creation of the SWC, the Allies pursued a notion of victory that was focused on a decisive military defeat of the German army. Their timeline to victory over the enemy was affected by their perception of the enemy’s strength, their assessment of the difficulties inherent in overcoming the military advantage offered by the Central Powers' interior lines, their appraisal of the European members' morale to continue the war, and their ability to gather the necessary superiority in material and manpower resources. The second argument is that, through the SWC, the Allies were able to successfully coordinate strategy and resources. This study analyses the workings of the SWC as an international body and an early example of modern alliance warfare, comparing the perspectives of the British, French, American and Italian representatives in their willingness and unwillingness to coordinate national needs with alliance ones, arguing that the coalition did form a unified policy and strategy for the campaign in 1919. The abrupt ending of the war has obscured historians' understanding of coalition warfare in the First World War, as they have not sufficiently considered the serious planning that took place for 1919. Third, it argues that at the SWC level, the coalition members recognized the interdependent nature of the theatres, and thus the importance of all them for the conduct of the war.
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Ilustrace v české knize pro děti. Obraz zvířete / Illustration in czech book for childern. Image of animal.Nachlingerová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Nachlingerová, J.: Illustration in Czech children's books. Animal's picture /Thesis/ Praha 2010 Charles university, Pedagogical faculty, department of art, number of pages 65 The illustrations in Czech book for children with concentration to picture of animal in illustration and literary texts create main subject of this Thesis. The work finds out various methods of animal illustrations within general illustrator approaches, it gets around of selected principal representatives of the Czech illustration. It looks at current production of books for children in their positive and negative aspects, it follows the efforts to look after the "belles-lettres" as well as unvalued production connected with irresponsibility towards the children's readers. It maps, on the background of magnificent books about animals, the current illustrators trying to present creatively ambitious illustration. Key words: illustration, animal, role of the animal in children's book, anthropomorphism, illustrative attitude, principal representatives of the Czech illustration, book, current production of children's books, "belle-lettre", kitsch, publishing house, current illustrators
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Advocacy, política externa e controle legislativo: uma análise da participação da Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Minorias no Comitê Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos e Política Externa de 2006 a 2015 / Advocacy, foreign policy and legislative control: an analysis of the participation of the Commission on Human and Minority Rights in the Brazilian Committee on Human Rights and Foreign Policy from 2006 to 2015Silva, Maíra Martins Almeida da 18 December 2017 (has links)
Partindo da perspectiva de que a política externa é uma política pública, o presente artigo pretende verificar a hipótese de fortalecimento da atuação da Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Minorias da Câmara dos Deputados (CDHM-CD) no exercício de suas prerrogativas de controle da política externa brasileira ao integrar o Comitê Brasileiro de Direitos Humanos e Política Externa (CBDHPE), coalizão de advocacy que agrega organizações da sociedade civil e entes estatais em prol do objetivo comum de fortalecer a participação cidadã e o controle democrático da política externa brasileira em direitos humanos. Com esse propósito, analisamos quantitativamente as atividades de interface internacional realizadas pela Comissão entre os anos de 1995 e 2015, esperando verificar aumento relativo daquelas que pretenderam monitorar e avaliar a atuação externa estatal a partir de 2006, ano de constituição do Comitê. Os resultados obtidos apontaram para a realização periódica pela CDHM-CD, de 2005 em diante, de eventos de monitoramento da política externa brasileira em direitos humanos, que contaram com a participação da sociedade civil e de autoridades de Estado, investigados no trabalho. Concluímos que, embora a análise quantitativa realizada não corrobore nossa hipótese inicial, não podemos descartar a importância do Comitê na instituição e continuidade da iniciativa acima mencionada, que representou inovação no rol das atividades desempenhadas pela Comissão. Além disso, a evolução das atividades da CDHM-CD a partir da constituição do CBDHPE sugere que a atuação da primeira passou a refletir, em maior medida, o potencial da política externa como instrumento para o avanço dos direitos humanos e, em consequência, o próprio caráter transnacional desses direitos, em diálogo com a hipótese teórica de aprendizado político entre membros de uma mesma coalizão proposta pelo referencial Advocacy Coalition Framework. / From the perspective of foreign policy as a public policy, the article herein intends to verify the hypothesis that the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities of the Brazilian House of Representatives (CHRM-HR) has intensified its efforts in monitoring the performance of the Executive Branch of the Brazilian government with regards to the State\'s foreign policy when it became a member of the Brazilian Committee on Human Rights and Foreign Policy (BCHRFP), advocacy coalition that brings together civil society organizations and state entities to strengthen civic participation and democratic control over the Brazilian Foreign Policy on Human Rights. For this purpose, we quantitatively analyzed the activities performed by the Commission between 1995 and 2015 that presented an international interface. In this respect, we expected to note a relative increase of those aiming at monitoring and evaluating State\'s external actions from the creation of the Committee in 2006. The results obtained pointed that from 2005 on periodic events have taken place in the CHRM-HR with the specific purpose of controlling Brazilian foreign policy, with the participation of civil society and State authorities. We concluded that, although the quantitative analysis did not corroborate our initial hypothesis, we cannot rule out the importance of the Committee in the institution and continuity of the initiative above, which represented an innovation among the activities carried out by the CHRM-HR. In addition, the evolution of the Commission\'s activities in scope since the constitution of BCHRFP could suggest that the actions of the first have begun to reflect the power of foreign policy in advancing human rights and the very transnational character of these rights, in accordance with the theoretical hypothesis of policy-oriented learning among members of the same coalition proposed by The Advocacy Coalition Framework.
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Jensen Inequality, Muirhead Inequality and Majorization InequalityChen, Bo-Yu 06 July 2010 (has links)
Chapter 1 introduces Jensen Inequality and its geometric interpretation. Some useful criteria for checking the convexity of functions are discussed. Many applications in various fields are also included.
Chapter 2 deals with Schur Inequality, which can easily solve some problems involved symmetric inequality in three variables. The relationship between Schur Inequality and the roots and the coefficients of a cubic equation is also investigated.
Chapter 3 presents Muirhead Inequality which is derived from the concept of majorization. It generalizes the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means.
The equivalence of majorization and Muirhead¡¦s condition is illustrated. Two useful tricks for applying Muirhead Inequality are provided.
Chapter 4 handles Majorization Inequality which involves Majorization and Schur convexity, two of the most productive concepts in the theory of inequalities.
Its applications in elementary symmetric functions, sample variance, entropy and birthday problem are considered.
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La Conferència dels Comuns i el braç Militar. Dues Institucions Decisives en el tombant del s.XVIIMartí Fraga, Eduard 25 June 2008 (has links)
Durant el període que va des de la mort de Carles II (1700) fins a la fi de la Guerra de Successió (1714), els tres comuns (Consell de Cent, Diputació del Catalunya i Braç Militar), assoliren un paper fonamental en la defensa de les Constitucions davant les transgressions dels monarques. La seva actuació, però, va estar dirigida per una institució de recent creació: la Conferència dels Comuns. La present tesi doctoral estudia aquesta institució, que va esdevenir decisiva en el tombant del segle XVII i ajuda a entendre per què els catalans es decantaren a favor de Carles III, l'arxiduc, durant el conflicte successori. Però la Conferència dels Tres Comuns va ser rellevant també per la seva significació dins el context de les institucions representatives: va afavorir l'actuació mancomunada dels comuns a la vegada que va facilitar l'accés dels nous sectors mercantils en la presa de decisions polítiques. / Durante el periodo que va desde la muerte de Carlos II (1700) hasta el fin de la Guerra de Sucesión (1714), los tres comunes (Consejo de Ciento, Diputación del General y Brazo Militar), adquirieron un papel fundamental en la defensa de las Constituciones ante las transgresiones de los monarcas. Su actuación, sin embargo, estuvo dirigida por una institución de reciente creación: la Conferencia de los Comunes. La presente tesis doctoral estudia esta institución, que fue decisiva en el cambio del siglo XVII y ayuda a entender por qué los catalanes apoyaron a Carlos III, el archiduque, durante el conflicto sucesorio. Pero la Conferencia también fue relevante por su significación dentro del contexto de las instituciones representativas: favoreció la acción mancomunada de los comunes a la vez que facilitó el acceso de los nuevos sectores mercantiles en la toma de decisiones políticas. / During the period that goes from the death of Charles II (1700) to the end the of Succession War (1714), the three commons (Consell de Cent, Deputation of Catalonia and Military Arm), acquired a very important role in the defense of the Constitutions when kings tried to beak them. However, the actions of three commons were guided by a new institution: the Conference of Commons. This doctoral thesis studies this institution, which was decisive during these years, and helps us to understand why Catalans supported to Charles III, the archduke. Conference of Commons was also important because of its meaning in the context of representative institutions: it did well for the unity of action of the commons, and, at the same time, it permits the access of the new mercantile sectors to the groups with political power.
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Pluralism, Australian newspaper diversity and the promise of the InternetLewis, Kieran Joseph January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis I address the research question: 'How has the Internet delivered pluralism by promoting structural diversity and/or content diversity in Australia's newspaper industry?' Structural diversity is defined here as diversity in newspaper ownership and content diversity as the diversity of views published by individual newspapers. Central to the thesis is the notion of pluralism, the belief that the news media should provide a range of views and opinions, contradictory as well as complementary, to allow informed citizens to effectively take part in the democratic process. The newspaper industry in this country, however, is controlled by a powerful press oligopoly across a range of markets, a situation believed to greatly limit pluralism. A review of newspaper ownership and circulation from 1986 to 2002 shows that, as at 2002, four newspaper owners are the sole occupants of Australia's national and capital city newspaper market. Seven owners are predominant in Australia's regional daily newspaper market, although just three owners controlled 69 per cent of the market's circulation in 2002. Two owners controlled 69 per cent of Australia's suburban newspaper market in 2002. Similar trends were seen in the country's Saturday newspaper and Sunday newspaper markets. In all markets except the regional daily newspaper market, News Limited is the dominant newspaper owner. Australian Provincial News and Media is the dominant owner in the regional daily newspaper market with a 27 per cent share of circulation in 2002. Australia's concentrated newspaper ownership structure has led to a number of formal inquiries into diversity in the industry since 1980. In this thesis I review two of these inquiries, the 1991-92 House of Representatives Select Committee on the Print Media (the Print Media Inquiry) and the 2000 Productivity Commission Inquiry into Broadcasting, to determine (among other things) the nature of and the relationship between structural and content diversity as they apply to Australia's newspapers. (By virtue of major media groups' involvement in the Productivity Commission's inquiry - particularly News Limited, Publishing and Broadcasting Limited and, to a lesser extent, Rural Press - this inquiry, although broadcast-oriented, considered Australia's newspaper industry at length.) This review shows both inquiries were clear on how they saw this relationship - structural diversity is necessary for content diversity. However, the Print Media Inquiry suggested it was almost impossible to guarantee structural diversity in the nation's newspaper industry. The Productivity Commission, meanwhile, said that while it accepted content diversity was not inconsistent with media ownership concentration, it was more likely to be achieved where there was diverse ownership. With the relationship between structural and content diversity in mind, and the Print Media Inquiry's and the Productivity Commission's beliefs that new entrants in the newspaper industry were unlikely in the short term, I examine the suggestion that the Internet has the potential to increase structural diversity in Australia's newspaper industry by allowing new players to efficiently enter the industry via the World Wide Web. The extent to which this might occur is determined by a study of 18 Australian newspaper websites with one argument being that if established newspapers find the transition online relatively easy, then independent online-only news sites might be similarly established. Mings and White's four online news business models - a subscription model, advertising model, e commerce-based transactional model and partnership-based model - are used as a framework to examine the study's results. The study shows Australia's experience mirrors international experience in terms of the growth of newspapers online and in terms of their lack of profitability. It shows that 28 per cent of the newspapers surveyed maintained their circulation while offering free online news content, while a further 33 per cent registered circulation increases. Advertising revenue increased for seven of the nine newspaper websites containing advertising, suggesting that, for some Australian newspapers at least, gaining online advertising (as opposed to gaining overall profitability) has proved successful. And while the survey shows little evidence of Australian newspapers using the transactional model in any real sense, it does show that Australian newspapers are forming local online partnerships with other media and non-media businesses to facilitate their online activities. The study's key finding is that of the 18 newspapers surveyed, just two websites were profitable. This finding is consistent with literature that highlights a lack of commercially viable independent online news ventures both in Australia and internationally. While considerable hopes were held that the Internet would introduce more structural diversity into Australia's newspaper industry, I argue that the Internet's commercial imperatives, as they apply to newspapers, have to a large extent precluded it from adding structural diversity in the industry. In these circumstances, it may be that the only viable way of increasing content diversity in the nation's newspaper industry is to increase the availability of diverse information sources to journalists. I propose that one way to do this is via the Internet. The extent to which this is occurring is determined by a survey of Australian journalists' Internet use, the survey results showing that 97.4 per cent of the journalists who responded now use the Internet regularly, including 97.5 per cent of newspaper journalists. But most journalists who responded use the Internet as a preliminary research tool and as a way to check facts rather than as a means of accessing diverse news sources. The respondents' top five Internet uses, for example, are to e-mail work colleagues, to undertake preliminary research, to access media releases from websites, to verify facts and to search other news organisations' websites. They access major news organisation websites most frequently, followed by government websites, university/research institution websites and corporate/company websites. The least frequently accessed websites are those that could conceivably provide the alternate views demanded by pluralism: online news and current affairs discussion groups and websites set up by private individuals. The survey shows the types of websites Australian journalists most frequently access are linked to the credibility they give to information contained on those websites. Major news organisation websites are seen as providing the most credible information, followed by university/research institution websites and government websites. Websites perceived as providing the least credible information were those that host online news and current affairs discussion groups and websites set up by private individuals. The survey also shows Australian journalists have not embraced online reader interaction to any extent, lessening the likelihood that readers will be able to provide journalists with more diverse news sources. Less than 20 per cent of journalists interact with readers via the Internet and less than 10 per cent use this interaction to create or follow up news stories. The survey does provide results that support source diversity, however. It shows that almost a third of Australian journalists have obtained additional news sources via the Internet. The Internet has also allowed more than 40 per cent of journalists to access individuals or groups that they would not otherwise have accessed. The survey also shows that journalists who have had experience working in the online media environment consistently use the Internet more productively, in terms of diversity, than other journalists. It is these journalists that interact online with readers more, that participate in online discussion groups more and that appear more willing to seek online information from non-traditional sources such as independent news websites and the websites of private individuals or groups. Journalists with online media experience also represent the group that has most sought training in online journalism and online media practice and that most believes the Internet will play an increasingly important role for journalists and news consumers in the future. At present, the survey suggests, journalists with this online media experience comprise just 19 per cent of Australian journalists. But as the number of journalists with online media experience increases in the workforce, these journalists' greater acceptance of the Internet may then assist in greater source diversity leading to greater content diversity in Australia's news media. The studies of newspaper websites and journalists' Internet use suggest and support differing diversity models. In this thesis I propose two models for diversity, the first drawn from views espoused by the Print Media Inquiry and the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Broadcasting. This model (below) sees a one-to-one correspondence between structural and content diversity and assumes that to increase the diversity of views available to the public, the number of media outlets must similarly be increased. The argument that the Internet can provide media pluralism by permitting new players to enter the media market relatively easily, an argument tested by my study of Australian newspaper websites, is commensurate with this model. The second model is based on my inquiries into journalists' Internet use and proposes a method of increasing content diversity within a fixed media ownership structure. This model (below) acknowledges that journalists produce content mostly via traditional news sources, but proposes this content can be increased and/or changed, with an emphasis on more diverse information, via non-traditional news sources obtained via the Internet. The success of this model, however, is predicated on journalists' acceptance of online information as a viable news source. The implication for journalism is that established journalistic norms and practices, which can limit online-supported content diversity, need to be overcome. Overall, the results of my inquiries suggest the answer to the research question is that the Internet has so far delivered little in terms of structural and content diversity in Australia's newspaper industry. However, the Internet's potential to do so remains, particularly if independent online-based media ventures find ways to become commercially viable and if journalists adopt the technology as a means of finding more diverse news sources.
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