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How Static is the Statics Classroom? An investigation into how innovations, specifically Research-Based Instructional Strategies, are adopted into the Statics classroomCutler, Stephanie Leigh 03 May 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate how educational research, specifically Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS), is adopted by education practice, specifically within the engineering Statics classroom. Using a systematic approach, changes in classroom teaching practices were investigated from the instructors\' perspective. Both researchers and practitioners are included in the process, combining efforts to improve student learning, which is a critical goal for engineering education. The study is divided into 3 stages and each is discussed in an individual manuscript. Manuscript 1 provides an assessment of current teaching practices; Manuscript 2 explores RBIS use by Statics instructors and perceived barriers of adoption; and Manuscript 3 evaluates adoption using Fidelity of Implementation. <br /><br />A common set of concurrent mixed methods was used for each stage of this study. A quantitative national survey of Statics instructors (n =166) and 18 qualitative interviews were conducted to examine activities used in the Statics classroom and familiarity with nine RBIS. <br /><br />The results of this study show that lecturing is the most common activity throughout Statics classrooms, but is not the only activity. Other common activities included working examples and students working on problems individually and in groups. As discussed by the interview participants, each of Rogers\' characteristics influenced adoption for different reasons. For example, Complexity (level of difficulty with implementation of an RBIS) was most commonly identified as a barrier. His study also evaluated the Fidelity of Implementation for each RBIS and found it to be higher for RBIS that were less complex (in terms of the number of critical components). Many of the critical components (i.e. activities required for implementation, as described in the literature) were found to statistically distinguish RBIS users and non-users. <br /><br />This dissertation offers four contributions: (1) an understanding of current ractices in Statics; (2) the instructor perspective of the barriers to using RBIS in the classroom; (3) the use of Fidelity of Implementation as a unique evaluation of RBIS adoption, which can be used by future engineering education researchers; and (4) a systematic approach of exploring change in the classroom, which offers new perspectives and approaches to accelerate the adoption process.<br /> / Ph. D.
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Instructional Change in Engineering Education: A Conceptual System Dynamics Model of Adoption of Research-Based Instructional Strategies in the ClassroomCruz Bohorquez, Juan Manuel 09 September 2019 (has links)
The overall goal of this study was to better understand how the academic system affects change in instructional practices, referred to as instructional change, in engineering education. To accomplish this goal, and acknowledging the complex nature of academia, I used a technique designed to understand complex systems called System Dynamics Modeling. With such technique, I created a conceptual System Dynamics Model (SDM) that illustrates how the factors in the academic system interact dynamically to drive or hinder faculty motivation to adopt Research-based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) in their courses. The creation of this model followed a process that combined research literature with data gathered from 17 professors at an Engineering Department in another country.
The model was constructed through an iterative process of systematically reviewing the literature, gather empirical data and creating Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD). The CLD are representations of the different causal relationships between elements in a system which ultimately create what we called virtuous or vicious (reinforcing) cycles and balancing cycles. The whole idea was not to find the causes for professors' motivation to change but how the factors in the academic system reinforce or limit such motivation.
With this model I offered a different answer to the calls for change in engineering education toward increasing the pedagogical quality of our learning environments. My biggest argument is that previous instructional change initiatives have yielded low to moderate success, because effective instructional change would require a perspective that accounts for the complex nature of academia. With this study I am providing a different understanding of instructional change by using a system perspective that shows the interactions of elements within a complex system that ultimately influences faculty to adopt RBIS in their courses. / Doctor of Philosophy / The overall goal of this study was to better understand how the academic system affects change in instructional practices, referred to as instructional change, in engineering education. To accomplish this goal, and acknowledging the complex nature of academia, I used a technique designed to understand complex systems called System Dynamics Modeling. With such technique, I created a conceptual System Dynamics Model (SDM) that illustrates how the factors in the academic system interact dynamically to drive or hinder faculty motivation to adopt Research-based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) in their courses. The creation of this model followed a process that combined research literature with data gathered from 17 professors at an Engineering Department in another country. The model was constructed through an iterative process of systematically reviewing the literature, gather empirical data and creating Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD). The CLD are representations of the different causal relationships between elements in a system which ultimately create what we called virtuous or vicious (reinforcing) cycles and balancing cycles. The whole idea was not to find the causes for professors’ motivation to change but how the factors in the academic system reinforce or limit such motivation. With this model I offered a different answer to the calls for change in engineering education toward increasing the pedagogical quality of our learning environments. My biggest argument is that previous instructional change initiatives have yielded low to moderate success, because effective instructional change would require a perspective that accounts for the complex nature of academia. With this study I am providing a different understanding of instructional change by using a system perspective that shows the interactions of elements within a complex system that ultimately influences faculty to adopt RBIS in their courses.
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Den professionella sjuksköterskan : i relation till den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningenBjörkström, Monica January 2005 (has links)
The Professional Nurse in Relation to Academic Nursing Education The increasing demands on the nurse’s competence in the society are reflected in laws and ordinances as well as in the transition of the nursing education to universities. The overall aim of this thesis was to illuminate, describe and understand nurses’ professional awareness in relation to academic nursing education. The longitudinal studies I and II of the thesis included novice nursing students (n= 164/163), senior students (n=123/124), and nurses three to five years after graduating (n=83/82). Study III of the thesis covered a nationally random selection of nurses graduated during four different years before and after the implementation of the academic education (n=289). Study IV focused on senior students (n=155). The data were collected by means of three questionnaires: open questions where the respondents were asked to describe their views of a good nurse and a bad nurse (I); a scale for assessing the professional self in relation to others (modified Nurse Self Description Form) (II); and finally, a questionnaire designed to asses the nurses’ (III) and the students’ (IV) attitudes to and awareness of research within nursing (as developed in study III). The data were analysed by means of content analysis (I) and parametric and non-parametric statistical methods (II, III, IV), and factor analysis (III). The result was that the characteristic of a good nurse ”to do good for others” emerged strongly and retained its dominant position throughout the education and beyond. ”To be competent and skilled” was also highly favoured and gained ground during and after the training. ”To have professional courage and pride” and ”to seek professional development” were considerably less prominent but increased slightly in importance over time (I). The professional self in relation to others in similar situations were generally rated as both strong among students and experienced nurses (II). Also in this respect there was an emphasis on the aspect of doing good for others. The professional self grew stronger over time in the areas of drive, objectivity, flexibility, ability to teach, ability to communicate and sociability, whereas the desire to contribute through research and knowledge mastery decreased over time (II). The process of developing into an experienced nurse, however, entailed increased awareness of the complexity of the nursing profession. The instruments for measuring attitudes to nursing research were validated through factor analysis, which generated seven factors termed ”research language,” ”need of research knowledge,” ”participation,” ”the profession,” ”meaningfulness,” ”study literature,” and ”developing–resources” (III). Nurses (III) as well as students (IV) expressed a positive attitude to nursing research and its application to the nursing profession. However, the nurses in particular stated that they seldom read scientific journals and seldom applied nursing research in their daily work. To sum up, the research in this thesis shows that students and nurses only to a moderate extent displayed the professional awareness that the academic nursing education aims for. The traditional image of a good nurse was the most clearly manifested form of awareness, whereas insufficient awareness was registered in areas related to own responsibility for research-based practice. The result indicates a need for further collaboration between the nursing education and the health care sector, as well as for academically highly qualified nurses as resource persons in nursing practice, to support quality development in nursing, and serve as role models for students. / Den professionella sjuksköterskan i relation till den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningen Kraven på en professionell sjuksköterska har ökat i samhället vilket synliggjorts genom olika lagar och författningar samt akademiseringen av sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att belysa, beskriva och förstå sjuksköterskors professionella medvetenhet i relation till den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Delstudie I och II, som var longitudinella, inkluderade sjuksköterskestudenter i början av utbildningen (n=164/163), i slutet av utbildningen (n=123/124) samt sjuksköterskor tre till fem år efter examen (n=83/82). Delstudie III genomfördes med ett nationellt slumpmässigt urval av sjuksköterskor (n=289) examinerade vid fyra olika tillfällen före och efter det att sjuksköterskeutbildningen blev akademiserad. Delstudie IV inkluderade sjuksköterskestudenter strax före examen (n=155). Data har insamlats med hjälp av tre frågeformulär: ett med öppna svar där deltagarna beskrev sin syn på en bra sjuksköterska (I); ett med en skala för bedömning av det professionella jaget i förhållande till andra (modifierad Nurse Self Description Form) (II); ett om sjuksköterskors (III) respektive studenters (IV) inställning till och medvetenhet om omvårdnadsforskning (utvecklades i delstudie III). Data analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys (I) och parametriska och icke parametriska statistiska metoder (II, III, IV) samt faktoranalys (III). Karaktäristiskt för en bra sjuksköterska var (I): ”att göra gott för andra”, vilket framträdde starkt och bibehölls till stora delar från nybörjarstudent till erfaren sjuksköterska; ”att vara kompetent och skicklig” framträdde också starkt samt ökade under och efter utbildningen; ”att vara modig och stolt i yrkesrollen” samt ”att sträva efter professionell utveckling” framkom i betydligt mindre grad men med en viss ökning över tid. Det professionella jaget i relation till andra i liknande situationer skattades generellt som starkt från nybörjarstudent till erfaren sjuksköterska (II). Även här fanns en betoning av att göra gott för andra. Det professionella jaget stärktes över tid inom arbetsförmåga, objektivitet, flexibilitet, undervisningsförmåga, kommunikationsförmåga och social förmåga medan det försvagades inom vilja att behärska kunskap och vilja att bidra till ny kunskap (II). Utvecklingen till erfaren sjuksköterska visade på en ökad medvetenhet om sjuksköterskeyrkets komplexitet. Instrumentutvecklingen för att skatta inställning till omvårdnadsforskning validerades genom faktoranalys som genererade sju faktorer benämnda ”forskningsspråket”, ”behov av forskningskunskap”, ”delaktighet”, ”professionen”, ”meningsfullhet”, ”studera litteratur” samt ”utveckling – resurs” (III). Såväl sjuksköterskor (III) som studenter (IV) angav en positiv attityd till omvårdnadsforskning och dess tillämpning i sjuksköterskans arbete. Däremot angav framför allt sjuksköterskorna att de i ringa grad läste vetenskapliga tidskrifter samt i ringa grad använde omvårdnadsforskning i det dagliga arbetet. Sammanfattningsvis framkom att studenter och sjuksköterskor endast delvis uppvisade en professionell medvetenhet relaterat till intentionerna i den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Den medvetenhet som tydligast framkom kan relateras till den traditionella bilden av en bra sjuksköterska medan de områden som framträdde som bristfälliga kan relateras till de krav som ställs på ett professionellt arbete grundat på vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Resultatet påvisar behovet av fortsatt samverkan mellan sjuksköterskeutbildningen och vårdverksamheten samt behovet av sjuksköterskor med högre akademisk utbildning som resurspersoner för utveckling av en forskningsbaserad patientvård. / <p>Vid disputationstillfället var delarbete 1, den professionella sjuksköterskan – i relation till den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningen, accepterat för publicering.</p>
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Die forschende Lehrerin : wie Studierende lernen ihre eigene Arbeit reflexiv und forschungsgeleitet weiterzuentwickeln / The researching teacher : how students can develop their further work by reflexivity and research based projectsApelojg, Benjamin January 2013 (has links)
Im Rahmen der aktuellen Debatte über Veränderungen im Schulsystem rückt auch die Lehramtsausbildung stärker in den Fokus universitärer und öffentlicher Diskussionen. Um Unterricht und Schule weiterzuentwickeln, bedarf es, nach Ansicht des Autors, kompetenter Lehrkräfte, welche reflexiv und forschungsgeleitet ihre Arbeit als einen permanenten Entwicklungsprozess betrachten. Das „Praxisforschen“ ist eine Form des Lehrens und Lernens, mittels dessen die Hochschullehre verbessert werden kann und Lehramtsstudierende gut auf die zukünftigen Anforderungen als Lehrende vorbereitet werden. „Praxisforschen“ bedeutet, anhand konkreter Forschungsfragen Schule und/oder die eigene Unterrichtstätigkeit weiterzuentwickeln. Studierende durchlaufen hierzu einen typischen Forschungsprozess, vom Entwickeln einer Fragestellung bis zur Auswertung und Darstellung der Ergebnisse. Der Artikel beschreibt die Umsetzung des Praxisforschens, wie es momentan in den Begleitseminaren zum Praxissemester an der Universität Potsdam durchgeführt wird und gibt praktische Hinweise für das forschende Lernen mit Studierenden. / The current debate about changes in the school system also approaches teachers' education in public and university discussions. From the author's point of view it is crucial to have competent teachers who are reflexive thus research conducted and acknowledge their work as a permanent process of development, in order to enhance the school and the classes. The "practice research" is a way of teaching and learning by which the higher education can be improved and student teachers are properly prepared for their future as teachers. "Practice research" depicts a course through the typical process of a research project, from the development of the question to the evaluation and the presentation of the (ascertained) results. This article describes the practical implementation of the practice research as it is executed at the University of Potsdam and provides practical hints for working with students.
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Making Phonological Intervention Accessible through Research-based TechnologyWilliams, A. Lynn, Olsen, J. 01 January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Den professionella sjuksköterskan - i relation till den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningenBjörkström, Monica January 2005 (has links)
<p>The Professional Nurse in Relation to Academic Nursing Education</p><p>The increasing demands on the nurse’s competence in the society are reflected in laws and ordinances as well as in the transition of the nursing education to universities. The overall aim of this thesis was to illuminate, describe and understand nurses’ professional awareness in relation to academic nursing education.</p><p>The longitudinal studies I and II of the thesis included novice nursing students (n= 164/163), senior students (n=123/124), and nurses three to five years after graduating (n=83/82). Study III of the thesis covered a nationally random selection of nurses graduated during four different years before and after the implementation of the academic education (n=289). Study IV focused on senior students (n=155). The data were collected by means of three questionnaires: open questions where the respondents were asked to describe their views of a good nurse and a bad nurse (I); a scale for assessing the professional self in relation to others (modified Nurse Self Description Form) (II); and finally, a questionnaire designed to asses the nurses’ (III) and the students’ (IV) attitudes to and awareness of research within nursing (as developed in study III). The data were analysed by means of content analysis (I) and parametric and non-parametric statistical methods (II, III, IV), and factor analysis (III).</p><p>The result was that the characteristic of a good nurse ”to do good for others” emerged strongly and retained its dominant position throughout the education and beyond. ”To be competent and skilled” was also highly favoured and gained ground during and after the training. ”To have professional courage and pride” and ”to seek professional development” were considerably less prominent but increased slightly in importance over time (I). The professional self in relation to others in similar situations were generally rated as both strong among students and experienced nurses (II). Also in this respect there was an emphasis on the aspect of doing good for others. The professional self grew stronger over time in the areas of drive, objectivity, flexibility, ability to teach, ability to communicate and sociability, whereas the desire to contribute through research and knowledge mastery decreased over time (II). The process of developing into an experienced nurse, however, entailed increased awareness of the complexity of the nursing profession. The instruments for measuring attitudes to nursing research were validated through factor analysis, which generated seven factors termed ”research language,” ”need of research knowledge,” ”participation,” ”the profession,” ”meaningfulness,” ”study literature,” and ”developing–resources” (III). Nurses (III) as well as students (IV) expressed a positive attitude to nursing research and its application to the nursing profession. However, the nurses in particular stated that they seldom read scientific journals and seldom applied nursing research in their daily work.</p><p>To sum up, the research in this thesis shows that students and nurses only to a moderate extent displayed the professional awareness that the academic nursing education aims for. The traditional image of a good nurse was the most clearly manifested form of awareness, whereas insufficient awareness was registered in areas related to own responsibility for research-based practice. The result indicates a need for further collaboration between the nursing education and the health care sector, as well as for academically highly qualified nurses as resource persons in nursing practice, to support quality development in nursing, and serve as role models for students.</p> / <p>Den professionella sjuksköterskan i relation till den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningen</p><p>Kraven på en professionell sjuksköterska har ökat i samhället vilket synliggjorts genom olika lagar och författningar samt akademiseringen av sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att belysa, beskriva och förstå sjuksköterskors professionella medvetenhet i relation till den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningen.</p><p>Delstudie I och II, som var longitudinella, inkluderade sjuksköterskestudenter i början av utbildningen (n=164/163), i slutet av utbildningen (n=123/124) samt sjuksköterskor tre till fem år efter examen (n=83/82). Delstudie III genomfördes med ett nationellt slumpmässigt urval av sjuksköterskor (n=289) examinerade vid fyra olika tillfällen före och efter det att sjuksköterskeutbildningen blev akademiserad. Delstudie IV inkluderade sjuksköterskestudenter strax före examen (n=155). Data har insamlats med hjälp av tre frågeformulär: ett med öppna svar där deltagarna beskrev sin syn på en bra sjuksköterska (I); ett med en skala för bedömning av det professionella jaget i förhållande till andra (modifierad Nurse Self Description Form) (II); ett om sjuksköterskors (III) respektive studenters (IV) inställning till och medvetenhet om omvårdnadsforskning (utvecklades i delstudie III). Data analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys (I) och parametriska och icke parametriska statistiska metoder (II, III, IV) samt faktoranalys (III).</p><p>Karaktäristiskt för en bra sjuksköterska var (I): ”att göra gott för andra”, vilket framträdde starkt och bibehölls till stora delar från nybörjarstudent till erfaren sjuksköterska; ”att vara kompetent och skicklig” framträdde också starkt samt ökade under och efter utbildningen; ”att vara modig och stolt i yrkesrollen” samt ”att sträva efter professionell utveckling” framkom i betydligt mindre grad men med en viss ökning över tid. Det professionella jaget i relation till andra i liknande situationer skattades generellt som starkt från nybörjarstudent till erfaren sjuksköterska (II). Även här fanns en betoning av att göra gott för andra. Det professionella jaget stärktes över tid inom arbetsförmåga, objektivitet, flexibilitet, undervisningsförmåga, kommunikationsförmåga och social förmåga medan det försvagades inom vilja att behärska kunskap och vilja att bidra till ny kunskap (II). Utvecklingen till erfaren sjuksköterska visade på en ökad medvetenhet om sjuksköterskeyrkets komplexitet. Instrumentutvecklingen för att skatta inställning till omvårdnadsforskning validerades genom faktoranalys som genererade sju faktorer benämnda ”forskningsspråket”, ”behov av forskningskunskap”, ”delaktighet”, ”professionen”, ”meningsfullhet”, ”studera litteratur” samt ”utveckling – resurs” (III). Såväl sjuksköterskor (III) som studenter (IV) angav en positiv attityd till omvårdnadsforskning och dess tillämpning i sjuksköterskans arbete. Däremot angav framför allt sjuksköterskorna att de i ringa grad läste vetenskapliga tidskrifter samt i ringa grad använde omvårdnadsforskning i det dagliga arbetet.</p><p>Sammanfattningsvis framkom att studenter och sjuksköterskor endast delvis uppvisade en professionell medvetenhet relaterat till intentionerna i den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Den medvetenhet som tydligast framkom kan relateras till den traditionella bilden av en bra sjuksköterska medan de områden som framträdde som bristfälliga kan relateras till de krav som ställs på ett professionellt arbete grundat på vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Resultatet påvisar behovet av fortsatt samverkan mellan sjuksköterskeutbildningen och vårdverksamheten samt behovet av sjuksköterskor med högre akademisk utbildning som resurspersoner för utveckling av en forskningsbaserad patientvård.</p> / Vid disputationstillfället var delarbete 1, den professionella sjuksköterskan – i relation till den akademiska sjuksköterskeutbildningen, accepterat för publicering.
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Research-Based Studio Art as a Strategy to Support Inter-Disciplinary LearningByrd, Denis 12 August 2014 (has links)
This studio-based thesis study discusses historical research as a motivation for art creation. Incorporating historical research on the naturalist and explorer William Bartram this paper explores the ways history may serve as inspiration for art-production. This paper also examines how making art may act as a form of research. Additionally, it explores how this strategy may be implemented in the classroom, with the intention of leading to greater engagement and understanding by students within their research area as well as their artistry.
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Forschendes Lernen: konzeptuelle Grundlagen und Potenziale digitaler MedienDürnberger, Hannah, Reim, Bettina, Hofhues, Sandra 25 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Im folgenden Artikel wird dargelegt, was unter dem Konzept des forschenden Lernens zu verstehen ist und welche Einsatzmöglichkeiten sich für das forschende Lernen im Kontext Universität ergeben. Dabei werden speziell diejenigen Merkmale theoretisch herausgearbeitet, die aus Lehrendenperspektive Anknüpfungspunkte für einen prozessbegleitenden Medieneinsatz bieten. Exemplarisch wird eine Lehrveranstaltung angeführt, die auf Fallebene zeigt, wie ein forschungsorientiertes Seminar um digitale Medien angereichert werden kann und welche Chancen und Grenzen sich bei der selbstgesteuerten Verwendung digitaler Medienangebote ergeben. Die Evaluation des Seminars zeigt, dass die Studierenden einen großen Lernzuwachs erleben, jedoch teilweise durch die Offenheit des Lernens überfordert sind. Diese und andere Gründe führen dazu, dass die von Lehrenden vorgeschlagenen Medienangebote selten bis kaum genutzt werden. Zudem sehen Lernende die Qualität virtuell distribuierter Inhalte kritisch, was sich auf die Akzeptanz und die Nutzung der vorhandenen digitalen Medienangebote auswirkt.
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Examining an Out-of-Class Collaborative Writing in an Interdisciplinary Research Project in Science and Technology StudiesJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation explores the nature of collaborative writing in an interdisciplinary research context beyond classrooms. Most of the current studies in collaborative writing in second language contexts are based on collaborative writing in classroom-based contexts such as English as a Second Language courses with undergraduate students. Collaborative writing tasks are getting its popularity both in classrooms and beyond classrooms with various purposes and objectives. Thus, it is more likely that multilingual writers encounter some kinds of collaborative writing tasks in various contexts. For writing instructors and writing curriculum developers, it is important to understand various types of collaborative writing tasks and their writing practices.
The current study investigates the nature of collaborative writing in an interdisciplinary collaborative research project. The study examines the processes of a multilingual writer’s literacy development in collaborative writing tasks. Based on a qualitative case study, the study focuses on identifying what literate activities were involved in, what effects from the writing collaboration were observed, and what factors influenced this multilingual writer’s writing development. I analyzed various sources of data such as writing samples, writing journal notes, observation fieldnotes, project documents, and the interviews from the focal participant, the graduate student, and two other co-authors as informants in the study. Based on a multilingual writer’s perspective, the findings show what the collaborative writing practices look like in an interdisciplinary research setting. The findings indicate that a multilingual writer’s writing skills were constantly evolving while interacting with collaborators through various phases of collaborative writing. Particularly tasks in collaborative revision process such as mediating the gaps between co-authors and responding to research members were crucial in developing awareness for audience and content organization. Drawing on a naturalistic qualitative study, this dissertation discusses that studies of collaborative writing in second language learning contexts needs to provide broader perspective and aspects of collaborative writing in various settings that multilingual writers engage in. The research concludes with a discussion of pedagogical implications, limitations of the study and future research. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation English 2019
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Forschendes Lernen: konzeptuelle Grundlagen und Potenziale digitaler MedienDürnberger, Hannah, Reim, Bettina, Hofhues, Sandra 25 October 2011 (has links)
Im folgenden Artikel wird dargelegt, was unter dem Konzept des forschenden Lernens zu verstehen ist und welche Einsatzmöglichkeiten sich für das forschende Lernen im Kontext Universität ergeben. Dabei werden speziell diejenigen Merkmale theoretisch herausgearbeitet, die aus Lehrendenperspektive Anknüpfungspunkte für einen prozessbegleitenden Medieneinsatz bieten. Exemplarisch wird eine Lehrveranstaltung angeführt, die auf Fallebene zeigt, wie ein forschungsorientiertes Seminar um digitale Medien angereichert werden kann und welche Chancen und Grenzen sich bei der selbstgesteuerten Verwendung digitaler Medienangebote ergeben. Die Evaluation des Seminars zeigt, dass die Studierenden einen großen Lernzuwachs erleben, jedoch teilweise durch die Offenheit des Lernens überfordert sind. Diese und andere Gründe führen dazu, dass die von Lehrenden vorgeschlagenen Medienangebote selten bis kaum genutzt werden. Zudem sehen Lernende die Qualität virtuell distribuierter Inhalte kritisch, was sich auf die Akzeptanz und die Nutzung der vorhandenen digitalen Medienangebote auswirkt.
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