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The Dynamic Graphic Organizer and its Influence on Making Factual, Comparative, and Inferential Determinations within Comparative ContentSpears, Cameron 19 May 2010 (has links)
By augmenting an existing static medium (a graphic organizer) with attributes such that learners were able to sort or rearrange information in multiple ways, two new types of “dynamic” graphic organizers were created. An experiment was performed to investigate the effectiveness of these dynamic graphic organizers as instructional tools. One-hundred-sixty-one students were recruited for participation in the study from a two-year community college and a four-year public university in the southeast United States. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three graphic organizer treatment groups: static, sortable, and shuffle-sortable. Response accuracy and response latency measurements for three types of mental tasks (factual, comparative, and inferential) were compared across the three treatment groups.
A multivariate analysis of variance showed no significant difference between the three graphic organizer types for response accuracy. A within-groups analysis of variance showed no significant differences in response accuracy between mental tasks within the static or sortable treatment groups. However, analysis of variance indicated that accuracy for inferential judgments was lower than that for factual judgments in the shuffle-sortable group. With respect to response latency, a multivariate analysis of variance revealed no significant difference between the three treatment groups. A within-groups analysis of variance showed significant differences in response latency between factual and inferential judgment-making for both the sortable and shuffle-sortable treatments. The sortable treatment had the most pronounced differences in latency between mental tasks, whereas no significant differences in response latency were observed within the static treatment.
Participants in the two dynamic treatments reported much higher percentages of affirmative responses to the question, “Did you think your graphic organizer was an effective instructional tool?” with 82.7% and 81.5% responding “yes” for the Sortable and Shuffle-sort groups, respectively, and only 60.0% responding “yes” for the Static group.
The graphic organizers in the study are known as adjunct displays and therefore each was associated with an accompanying text passage. Participants had the capability of viewing the accompanying text passage at will within the constraints of a five-minute graphic organizer study period. Analysis of variance revealed that participants in the shuffle-sortable group spent significantly less time viewing the text passage than participants in the static group, possibly because the overhead associated with the shuffle-sortable graphic organizer’s user interface controls consumed time or mental resources that would have otherwise been used to view the text.
The results of this study suggest that dynamic graphic organizers are equivalent to traditional static graphic organizers, at least for the educational subject matter used in this study (comparative text comprising 204 words describing six fictitious species of fish, their attributes, and the relationships between these attributes) for measures related to accuracy. Additionally, participants in the two dynamic graphic organizer treatments took advantage of the affordances offered by those treatments (88.5% of the Sortable group sorted, 75.9% of the Shuffle-sort group sorted, and 88.9% of the Shuffle-sort group shuffled). This study may benefit both instructional designers and educational researchers as new curricula are designed and new instructional tools are studied, respectively.
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Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence- and Research-Based Practices in Functional SkillsRowe, Dawn A., Mazzotti, Valerie L., Fowler, Catherine H., Test, David W., Mitchell, Vickie J., Clark, Kelly A., Holzberg, Debra, Owens, Tosha L., Rusher, Dana, Seaman-Tullis, Rachel L., Gushanas, Christina M., Castle, Hannah, Chang, Wen H., Voggt, Ashley, Kwiatek, Stephen, Dean, Catie 01 February 2021 (has links)
Transition education should be grounded in quality research. To do so, educators need information on which practices are effective for teaching students with disabilities transition-related skills. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to identify evidence-based and research-based practices in secondary special education and transition for students with disabilities. This systematic review resulted in the identification of nine secondary transition evidence-based practices and 22 research-based practices across more than 45 different transition-related skills. The range of effects for each of the secondary transition evidence-based and research-based practices identified are also included. Limitations and implications for future research, policy, and practice are discussed.
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Perceptions of Educators' Use of English as a Second Language Strategies and Research-Based Practices with English Language Learners in Northeast Tennessee.Hernandez, Marisol 19 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the level of use of English as a second or subsequent language strategies and research-based practices in the instruction of ELL students in Northeast Tennessee. The researcher sought to ascertain the perceptions of educators in Northeast Tennessee about teaching practices and beliefs in regard to the instruction of ELL students and to determine to what level these educators include ESL strategies and ESL research-based practices when teaching ELL students.
Participants in the study consisted of regular classroom teachers, English as a second language teachers, and principals from districts identified as ELL low density districts and ELL high density districts. A survey instrument was used to collect the data. The survey instrument was developed using a framework based on published research on proven practices identified and delineated in the literature review. The survey consisted of 45 questions and encompassed 5 dimensions: (a) instructional practices, (b) ESL strategies, (c) principles for building English language learners responsive learning environments, (d) staff development, and (e) instructional strategies.
The survey used a 5-point Likert scale with 3 open-ended questions. Findings from the Research-Based Practices Survey were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study used 2-way ANOVA to analyze the data and answer the research questions.
The finding of the study revealed significant difference in the mean scores for staff development between administrators and ESL strategies as a function of density and significant difference in the mean scores for staff development between administrators and all teachers (ESL teachers and regular classroom teachers) as a function of density.
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Forschungsbasierte Lehre als Lehre im Format der ForschungLudwig, Joachim January 2011 (has links)
Wissenschaftler sind regelmäßig mehr an Forschung interessiert als an Lehre. Dies hat verschiedene Gründe, auf die hier nicht im Einzelnen eingegangen werden soll. Einer dieser Gründe liegt im eigenen Professionsverständnis als Forscher/in bzw. Wissenschaftler/in begründet. Im Kern geht es dabei um Entdeckungen, um Innovationen, um die Weiterentwicklung vorhandenen Wissens. Lehre wird dem gegenüber als intermediärer Bereich gesehen, in dem vorhandenes Wissen reproduziert wird, der deshalb mehr dem Berufssystem zugehörig ist und weniger dem Wissenschaftssystem (Fangmann 2006, S. 30). Lehre erscheint deshalb als Belastung, die mit Forschung nicht korrespondiert, eher von Forschung abhält, insbesondere wenn Studierende den eigenen Lehrbemühungen passiv gegenüberstehen und der Ertrag der Lehre zweifelhaft erscheint.
Im Folgenden soll die Verwandtschaft von Forschung und Lernen dargestellt und auf ihre korrespondierenden Logiken verwiesen werden. Grundlage dafür ist ein lerntheoretisches Modell, das Lernen subjekttheoretisch als soziales Handeln konzipiert (Holzkamp 1993), das mit Forschen vergleichbar ist. Forschungsbasierte Lehre wird im Kontext einer subjekttheoretischen Didaktik (Ludwig 2006) als Lehre im Format der Forschung vorgestellt, die Lernen unterstützen kann, weil Lernen dem Forschungsprozess ähnelt. Typen, Erträge und Umsetzungsprobleme forschungsbasierter Lehre werden kurz skizziert.
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Homes, markets, individualsLinné, Carl-Oskar January 2013 (has links)
During a research process on financial speculation in relation to the home, Carl-Oskar Linné encounters statistics and reports that tell of rising unemployment among realtors. By investigating an alleged flight from the realtor profession and asking questions of prospective, current and former realtors, he attempts to understand the relationship of home sellers to their home, the housing list, the speculation mechanism and security. What are the living conditions and how is the relationship to housing policy? This essay tells about the state of the Swedish housing market and explains what has led to the work "Speculation"/"Mäklare", a work at its core questioning market ideology. The texts also describes work methods, sources of inspiration and some earlier work. / Under en researchprocess om finansiell spekulation i förhållande till hemmet stöter Carl-Oskar Linné på statistik och rapporter som berättar om en ökande arbetslöshet bland fastighetsmäklare. Genom att undersöka en påstådd flykt från mäklaryrket och ställa frågor till blivande, nuvarande och före detta fastighetsmäklare försöker han förstå bostadssäljarens förhållande sitt hem, bostadskön, spekulationsmekanismen och tryggheten. Vilka är livsvillkoren och hur är förhållandet till bostadspolitiken? Denna uppsats beskriver tillståndet på den svenska bostadsmarknaden och vad som har lett till arbetet "Mäklare", ett verk som i grunden ifrågasätter marknadsideologin. Texten beskriver även arbetsmetoder, inspirationskällor och tidigare arbete.
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Serviços clínicos farmacêuticos em unidades do programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil do estado de Sergipe: implantação, implementação e consolidação / Clinical pharmacy services in units of Farmácia Popular do Brasil program in state of Sergipe: establishment, implementation and consolidationBrito, Giselle de Carvalho 27 February 2015 (has links)
Objective: To establishing, implement and consolidate clinical pharmacy services in units of Farmácia Popular do Brasil program in state of Sergipe. Methods: Initially, systematic review was performed in the databases PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE using the key words "community pharmacy services", "quality assurance health care", "outcome assessment". A longitudinal study of three units of the Farmácia Popular do Brasil in the state of Sergipe on the establishment was carried out (2012), implementation (2013) and consolidation of clinical pharmacy services (2014). The structure of pharmacies was evaluated for physical structure, through the RDC 44/2009, and human resources, the technique of simulated patient. Then three focus groups were conducted (2012, 2013 and 2014) for the perceptions of pharmacists. Finally, we used the coaching technique for establishment, implementation and consolidation of services: dispensing, measurement of blood pressure and blood capillary glucose, medication review and medication therapy management. Results: In the systematic review 42 articles met the inclusion criteria. It was observed that the most valued results were glycosylated hemoglobin (clinical), quality of life (humanistic) and analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the service relationship (economic). In assessing the structure, interventions enabled improvements on all items that were considered non-compliant. However, the overall impression of the pharmaceutical skills for clinical services was considered regular (3) on a scale from 1 to 5. Regarding the focus groups, pharmacists reported expectations in technical support to develop skills, gain knowledge and have a constant monitoring of the researchers, also identified 13 types of barriers. Finally, was designed 520 hours of coaching in place to implement flows and processes, development of standard operating procedures and preparation of strategic plans. In the education training, pharmacists underwent 176 hours of theoretical and practical training and employees to 24h. After the coaching interventions the numbers of services were expanded: there was 767 dispensations in 2012, 1444 in 2013 and 2537 in 2014; 714 measurements of blood pressure and blood capillary glucose in 2012, 2375 in 2013 and 5039 to 2014; 49 consultations of medication review in 2012, 87 in 2013 and 355 in 2014; 15 consultations of medication therapy management in 2012, 33 in 2013 and 271 in 2014. Conclusion: From the good situational diagnosis, the coaching can be considered a technique that assists in establishment, implementation and consolidation of clinical pharmacy services. Combined with a professional training, it allows the individual follow-up in steps as: definition of services and processes, selection of indicators for the assessment and development of strategic plans. In this perspective, this results may support the construction of a differentiated and replicable model of clinical services in community pharmacies. / Objetivo: Implantar, implementar e consolidar serviços clínicos farmacêuticos em unidades do programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil do Estado de Sergipe. Métodos: Inicialmente, foi realizada revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados PubMed, SCOPUS, EMBASE utilizando os descritores community pharmacy services , quality assurance health care , outcome assessment . Foi realizado um estudo longitudinal em três unidades da Farmácia Popular do Brasil do estado de Sergipe sobre a implantação (2012), implementação (2013) e consolidação dos serviços clínicos farmacêuticos (2014). Foi avaliada a estrutura das farmácias quanto à estrutura física, por meio da RDC 44/2009, e aos recursos humanos, pela técnica do paciente simulado. Em seguida, foram realizados três grupos focais (2012, 2013 e 2014) para obter as percepções dos farmacêuticos. Por fim, foi utilizada a técnica de coaching para a implantação, implementação e consolidação dos serviços de: dispensação, aferição da pressão arterial e glicemia capilar, revisão da farmacoterapia e seguimento da farmacoterapia. Resultados: Na revisão sistemática 42 artigos preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Observou-se que os resultados mais avaliados foram hemoglobina glicosilada (clínico), qualidade de vida (humanístico) e análise da relação custo-eficácia do serviço (econômico). Na avaliação da estrutura, as intervenções possibilitaram melhorias em todos os itens que foram considerados inconformes. No entanto, a impressão geral sobre as competências farmacêuticas para serviços clínicos foi considerada regular (3) numa escala de 1 a 5. Com relação aos grupos focais, os farmacêuticos relataram expectativas quanto ter suporte técnico para desenvolver habilidades, adquirir conhecimentos e ter um acompanhamento constante dos pesquisadores, além disso, identificaram 13 tipos de barreiras. Por fim, foram destinadas 520 horas de coaching in loco para implantação de fluxos e processos, elaboração de procedimentos operacionais padrão e elaboração de planos estratégicos situacionais. Na etapa de treinamento, os farmacêuticos foram submetidos a 176h de treinamento teórico-prático e os colaboradores a 24h. Após as intervenções do coaching os números dos serviços foram ampliados: obteve-se 767 atendimentos de dispensação em 2012, 1444 em 2013 e 2537 em 2014; 714 aferições da pressão arterial e glicemia capilar em 2012, 2375 em 2013 e 5039 em 2014; 49 consultas da revisão da farmacoterapia em 2012, 87 em 2013 e 355 em 2014; 15 consultas de seguimento da farmacoterapia em 2012, 33 em 2013 e 271 em 2014. Conclusão:. A partir de um bom diagnóstico situacional o coaching pode ser considerado uma técnica que auxilia nas etapas de implantação, implementação e consolidação de serviços clínicos farmacêuticos. Aliado a um treinanamento profissional, ele permite o acompanhamento individualizado em etapas como: definição dos serviços e processos, seleção de indicadores para a avaliação e elaboração de planos estratégicos situacionais. Nesta perspectiva, os resultados observados poderão embasar a construção de um modelo diferenciado e replicável de serviços clínicos farmacêuticos em farmácias comunitárias.
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Forschungsorientierte Gruppenlernprozesse "blended" gestaltenArndt, Martin 23 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
„Wurzeln und Flügel“ sollten Kinder bekanntlich von ihren Eltern bekommen um Bindung und Freiheit zu erfahren. Möchte man engagierte forschungsorientierte Gruppenlernprozesse gestalten spielen diese beiden Aspekte ebenfalls eine zentrale Rolle. Die Teilnehmenden solcher Prozesse erarbeiten sich gemeinsam den Zugang zu einem Themengebiet, finden sich in Gruppen zusammen, um sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen und bekommen durch die Auflösung der Seminarstruktur die Freiheit, sich intensiv mit den selbst gewählten Schwerpunkten auseinanderzusetzen. Sie teilen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse mit der Gesamtgruppe und profitieren von einem umfassenden Peer-Review im Prozess der Verschriftlichung der Ergebnisse. Einblicke in die Planung, die Durchführung und vor allem die umfassende Evaluation eines solchen „blended“ gestalteten Seminars der Kunstdidaktik (Fachdidaktische Kritik digitaler Arbeitsmittel im Kunstunterricht) bilden in diesem Workshop die Basis für Diskussionen, praktische Überlegungen und kleine Anwendungen.
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Fabricating the teacher as researcher:a genealogy of academic teacher education in FinlandSitomaniemi-San, J. (Johanna) 10 November 2015 (has links)
The Finnish notion of academic, scientific, research-based teacher education has become a frequently referred to idea within the Finnish educational discourses of research, policy, curriculum and practice. This study examines the current discourse of research based teacher education since its emergence during the 1970s reform that ‘scientized’ teacher education. Drawing on Foucauldian approaches of genealogy and governmentality studies, the purpose of this study is to explore the current presence of ‘research’ in Finnish teacher education and consider the effects of the ways in which the notion of research is mobilised in the discourse.
The research questions are: 1. How are teacher subjectivities and notions of research constructed, assembled and mobilised in the discourse of research-based teacher education in Finland? 2. What social ideals circumscribe the aspirations for teachers as researchers and research-based teacher education in Finland? The analysis is carried out on academic publications that have been published on Finnish research-based teacher education.
The findings, first, point to the discursive insertion of research into Finnish teacher education as a strategy through which to fabricate the teacher as autonomous and as emancipated from tradition. Secondly, the analysis addresses how an array of different significations of research are mobilised in the governing of the teacher as researcher. Thirdly, the analysis draws attention to the Lutheran Protestant legacy of the tradition of Bildung that has influenced the weak incentive for social and political orientations in Finnish teacher education.
The effects of a scientific approach to teacher education are visible in the ways research-based teacher education comes to evoke specific teacher inner qualities and dispositions that are aligned with humanist aspirations and ideals for education and social progress. The study provides an alternative way for perceiving of and problematizing research-based teacher education as well as of the often uneasy relationship between teacher training and the university. In this way, the study attempts to complicate conversations and open up alternative ways of engaging with academic knowledge and practices in teacher education curriculum and research. / Tiivistelmä
Suomalaista kasvatusta koskevissa tutkimuksen, poliittisten linjausten, opetussuunnitelmien ja käytänteiden diskursseissa viitataan usein akateemiseen, tieteelliseen, tutkimusperustaiseen opettajankoulutukseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan 1970-luvun tieteellistämisuudistuksen käynnistämää, nykymuotoisen tutkimusperustaisen opettajankoulutuksen diskurssia. Tutkimus ammentaa foucault’laisista genealogian ja hallinnan tutkimuksen lähestymistavoista. Tutkimustehtävänä on tarkastella “tutkimuksen” ilmenemismuotoja nykyisessä suomalaisessa opettajankoulutuksessa sekä näiden diskursiivisia vaikutuksia.
Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: 1. Millä tavoin opettajasubjektiviteetit ja käsitykset “tutkimuksesta” rakentuvat, mobilisoituvat ja asettuvat toisiinsa nähden tutkimusperustaisen opettajankoulutuksen diskurssissa Suomessa? 2. Millaiset yhteiskunnalliset ihanteet määrittävät suomalaisen opettajankoulutuksen pyrkimyksiä kohti tutkivaa opettajuutta ja tutkimusperustaista opettajankoulutusta? Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan akateemisia julkaisuja suomalaisesta tutkimusperustaisesta opettajankoulutuksesta.
Tutkimustulokset osoittavat “tutkimuksen” ilmentymisen suomalaisessa opettajankoulutuksessa strategiana, jonka kautta tuotetaan autonomisia opettajasubjekteja ja emansipoidaan opettaja tradition vallasta. Toiseksi analyysi tuo näkyviin, millä tavoin “tutkimuksen” eri merkitykset tulevat valjastetuiksi tutkivan opettajan hallinnassa. Kolmanneksi analyysi kiinnittää huomiota luterilaisen protestantismin vaikutuksiin sivistysajattelussa, mikä selittää suomalaisen opettajankoulutuksen heikkoa yhteiskunnallista ja poliittista orientaatiota.
Tieteellisen lähestymistavan vaikutukset opettajankoulutukseen ilmenevät siinä, miten tutkimusperustainen opettajankoulutus tulee herättäneeksi opettajan sisäisiä ominaisuuksia ja mielenlaatuja, joita määrittävät humanistiset ideaalit kasvatuksesta ja yhteiskunnallisesta edistyksestä. Tutkimus tarjoaa vaihtoehtoisen tavan hahmottaa ja kyseenalaistaa tutkimusperustaista opettajankoulutusta sekä opettajankoulutuksen ja yliopiston usein ongelmallista suhdetta. Näinollen tutkimus pyrkii syventämään keskusteluja ja avaamaan vaihtoehtoisia tapoja tarkastella akateemista tietoa ja käytänteitä niin opettajankoulutuksen opetussuunnitelman kuin tutkimuksen osalta.
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Forschungsorientierte Gruppenlernprozesse "blended" gestaltenArndt, Martin January 2016 (has links)
„Wurzeln und Flügel“ sollten Kinder bekanntlich von ihren Eltern bekommen um Bindung und Freiheit zu erfahren. Möchte man engagierte forschungsorientierte Gruppenlernprozesse gestalten spielen diese beiden Aspekte ebenfalls eine zentrale Rolle. Die Teilnehmenden solcher Prozesse erarbeiten sich gemeinsam den Zugang zu einem Themengebiet, finden sich in Gruppen zusammen, um sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen und bekommen durch die Auflösung der Seminarstruktur die Freiheit, sich intensiv mit den selbst gewählten Schwerpunkten auseinanderzusetzen. Sie teilen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse mit der Gesamtgruppe und profitieren von einem umfassenden Peer-Review im Prozess der Verschriftlichung der Ergebnisse. Einblicke in die Planung, die Durchführung und vor allem die umfassende Evaluation eines solchen „blended“ gestalteten Seminars der Kunstdidaktik (Fachdidaktische Kritik digitaler Arbeitsmittel im Kunstunterricht) bilden in diesem Workshop die Basis für Diskussionen, praktische Überlegungen und kleine Anwendungen.
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Srovnání didaktického potenciálu rakouských a českých učebnic dějepisu na příkladu vybraných dějinných událostí / Comparison of the didactic potential of Austrian and Czech history textbooks on the example of selected historical eventsHrabáková, Simona January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze and compare the didactic potential of Czech and Austrian history textbooks regarding to their anchoring in the educational system and working with historical thinking and historical literacy, generally with the development of students' key competencies. The thesis took into account differences in the educational systems of both countries, the curriculum and, overall, worked with the goals of modern history teaching. The comparison was made on historical events that connect these two countries, and the core of the thesis is the analysis of processing these topics in terms of the Research-Based teaching goals. The output of this thesis is a specific teaching unit that works with Czech and Austrian textbooks and tries to cover the main theses of modern didactics of history. Keywords Textbooks, history teaching, Czech Republic, Austria, Research-Based teaching, historical thinking, historical literacy
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