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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agudeza visual baja según residir en una ciudad rural del norte del Perú: estudio de casos y controles

Vilela Estrada, Martín A., Araujo Chumacero, Mary M., Solano Zapata, Fiorela E., Dávila Adrianzén, Aarón, Mejia, Christian R. 06 1900 (has links)
Introduction In Peru, there are few studies which show that they might be a difference between school children in rural areas and the ones from non-rural areas, this is necessary because it has been shown that the place of residence is an influential exogenous factor in the development of low visual acuity. Likewise, the influence of environment on the development of visual errors and low visual acuity has been demonstrated. Methodology Case-control study between child population of an urban and a rural area (Piura and Joras); prior informed consent of their parents. The primary variable was the visual acuity, qualified with the principles of Snellen (sensitivity 85%, specificity 96%) 20/0 was considered as optimal and normal visual acuity was considered to 20/25. Values below were low visual acuity. Results 1,094 were surveyed. 50.0% (488) were female, and the median age was 9 years (interquartile range: 7-10 years). 22.6% (221) of the children had low visual acuity. In bivariate analysis, the age of children (p = .001), the degree coursing (p <.001) and city of residence (p = .005) were associated with low visual acuity of children. The multivariate analysis found that non-rural children had 1.55 (95% CI: 1.14 to 2.11, p-value = .005) more chances of having low visual acuity, adjusted for sex, age and degree academic growth of children. Conclusions It is concluded that children living non-rural residences have more low visual acuity in the northern Peru. / Revisión por pares

Vulnérabilité spécifique des forages vis-à-vis des phytosanitaires : moélisation et application au Val d'Orléans / Specific vulnérability of the drillings towards the phytosanitary

Dedewanou, Myriam 27 June 2014 (has links)
Les évaluations de vulnérabilité spécifiques pour les ressources d'eau souterraine sont des méthodes SIG qui établissent des indices qualitatifs spatiaux qui déterminent la sensibilité à l'infiltration de polluants superficiels. D'autre part, les fonctions de transfert, comme la Distribution de Temps de Séjour (DTS), sont utilisées pour prévoir le changement temporel de qualité de l'eau au forage, mais ils ne permettent pas de relier les concentrations aux pratiques observées sur le bassin versant. Basé sur une approche analytique, un modèle pour le transport souterrain des produits phytosanitaires liant la vulnérabilité spécifique SIG à la DTS a été développée. L’idée étant de relier les notions de vulnérabilité aux méthodes de prédiction des chroniques de la qualité des eaux. L'outil estime la qualité de l'eau à partir de l'ensemble de données des cartes de vulnérabilité. La validation de cette méthode de vulnérabilité spécifique est possible à partir des données de suivi de la qualité de l’eau au forage. Une formulation de paramètres équivalents a été proposée pour prendre en compte les caractéristiques hydrodynamiques des compartiments de sol (zone saturée et zone non saturée). Une validation théorique de l'approche est faite à l’aide de modèles souterrain à différence finie : HYDRUS et MODFLOW. Une application a été réalisée sur l'aquifère karstique du Val d'Orléans. Elle a permis de déterminer la DTS des concentrations en pesticides dans l'eau souterraine et a mis en évidence la présence non négligeable des métabolites du métazachlore dans le forage. En même temps, le modèle DTS, lié au SIG rend possible la localisation des zones contributrices dans le bassin versant. / The specific vulnerability estimations for the groundwater resources are GIS methods that establish spatial qualitative indices which determine the sensitivity of infiltration from surface contaminants. On the other hand, the transfer functions, using the Residence Time Distribution (RTD), are used to predict temporal water quality change in a borehole, but they do not integrate the spatial variability of the land use. Based on an analytic (advection / dispersion equation) approach, a simple GIS-linked RTD model for groundwater transport has been developed. The tool estimates the water quality from the vulnerability map dataset. This method enables to validate the specific vulnerability maps with the water quality monitoring at the borehole. It links the impacts of land use with the temporal evolution of the water quality. A equivalent formulation parameters is proposed to take into account the hydrodynamic characteristics of the soil compartments (unsaturated zone and Saturated Zone). A theoretical validation of the approach is made from finite-difference groundwater models: HYDRUS and MODFLOW. Also, an application of the RTD compilation was realized on the Val d’Orléans karstic aquifer. This last methodology allowed to determine the RTD of pesticides into the groundwater and highlighted the not insignificant presence of the metabolite of the metazachlor in the groundwater drilling. At the same time, the GIS-linked RTD model makes possible the localization of the contributing zones in the watershed.

Att passera gränsen : En brytpunktsanalys av hur de tillfälliga uppehållstillstånden påverkar nyanländas incitament att ta sig in på arbetsmarknaden

Sävje, Ulrika January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats studerar hur de tillfälliga uppehållstillstånden påverkar nyanländas incitament att ta sig in på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. En av motiveringarna bakom den tillfälliga lagen var – förutom att ge svenskt flyktingmottagande ett andrum – att ge nyanlända personer starkare drivkrafter att komma in på arbetsmarknaden. För att undersöka detta görs en brytpunktsanalys (Regression Discontinuity design) där individer som registrerat sin asylansökan hos Migrationsverket före och efter den 24 november 2015 jämförs. Detta datum avgör om barn och barnfamiljer behandlas enligt den gamla eller den tillfälliga lagen, och därmed om de har möjlighet att få permanenta eller tillfälliga uppehållstillstånd. Resultaten visar att individer på olika sidor om datumgränsen inte verkar skilja sig åt i förutbestämda variabler, vilket tyder på att de inte har haft möjlighet att bestämma vilken sida av datumgränsen de hamnat på. Individer som passerat gränsen har signifikant lägre sannolikhet att få permanenta uppehållstillstånd, minskningen är dock marginell. Det beror troligen på att uppföljningsperioden är kort. Som indikation på hur incitamenten att komma in på arbetsmarknaden påverkas av reformen studeras invandrartäthet samt arbetslöshetsnivå i de län som sökande bor i ett år efter ankomsten. Resultaten tyder på att individer som fick sin ansökan registrerad efter brytpunkten inte bor i län där invandrartätheten eller arbetslösheten är annorlunda. Även detta kan bero på att det än så länge gått för kort tid för att kunna se några effekter. / This paper studies how the temporary residence permits affects immigrants’ incentives to enter the Swedish labor market. One of the reasons behind the adoption of the temporary permits was – in addition to provide Swedish refugee reception a relief – to give immigrants stronger incentives to enter the labor market. To study this, a Regression Discontinuity design study is done, where individuals who had their asylum application registered at the Swedish Migration Agency before and after November 24, 2015 are compared. This date will determine if children and families are treated by the old or the temporary law, and thus if they can get permanent or temporary residence permit.   The results show that individuals on different sides of the dateline do not seem to differ in predetermined variables, suggesting that they have not been able to decide which side of the dateline they are on. Individuals who crossed the threshold are significantly less likely to have permanent residence permits, the decrease is however marginal. This is probably because the follow-up period is short. As an indication of how the incentives to enter the labor market are affected by the reform, immigrant density and unemployment rate in the county that the applicant lives in a year after the arrival is used. The results suggest that individuals who registered their applications after the threshold does not live in counties with a different immigrant density or unemployment rate. This as well can be due to that the follow-up period is short.

Analýza konkurenčního prostředí hotelových rezidencí / Competitive analysis of residence hotels market

Olšovský, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze market of residence hotels. With help of publicated and semi-publicated sources it explores macroeconomic development of the market and analyses chosen competitive set of residences. Further it focuses on e-commerce and information technologies in lodging industry. After introductory chapter follows chapter which describes basic principles of competitive intelligence and strategic management. Third chapter discusses Czech and global macroeconomic development of tourism and lodging industry. Fourth chapter analyses Czech market of residence hotels. It describes contemporary state of the market and all specifics of industry rivalry, which is for example hospitality revenue & yield management. With question survey among the customers and model of 5 Porter forces it explores competitive environment of the market. Detailed analysis for chosen competitive set of residences follows in fifth chapter. Except for comparsion of all competitors and their economic indicators, it focuses also on usage of e-commerce. Sixth chapter integrates all gained information and provides advices for the market of residence hotels. With use of SWOT analyses it specifies business strategy for chosen company on the market. The last chapter summarizes all thesis.

Padrões espaciais da tuberculose associados ao indicador adaptado de condição de vida no município de Ribeirão Preto / Spatial patterns of Tuberculosis associated with the Adapted Living Condition Index in Ribeirão Preto.

Hino, Paula 14 March 2008 (has links)
Considerada um problema social, a Tuberculose é uma doença que ultrapassa as barreiras biológicas sendo fundamental compreender sua ocorrência no contexto das condições de vida da população e do espaço que a envolve. O presente estudo com delineamento híbrido, ecológico e de tendência temporal (retrospectivo e longitudinal), teve como objetivos estudar a relação do Indicador Adaptado de Condição de Vida e a distribuição espacial da ocorrência da Tb no ano de 2000 e obter a correlação espacial da ocorrência dos casos, segundo endereço de notificação, ao longo dos anos 2000 a 2006, no município de Ribeirão Preto. Os dados referentes à Tuberculose foram coletados no banco de dados Epi-Tb e as informações que compuseram o Indicador Adaptado de Condição de Vida, do Censo Demográfico de 2000. A unidade de análise foi o setor censitário. Os mapas temáticos foram realizados com auxílio do software MapInfo 7.5 e a análise estatística espacial, por meio do Spring 4.3. Para os demais cálculos (Análise Fatorial, teste Qui-quadrado, Razão de Chances), utilizou-se o SPSS 10.0. O perfil dos casos novos de Tuberculose encontrado foi: caso novo (85%), forma pulmonar (74,5%), sexo masculino (71,7%), faixa etária de 20-49 anos, com ênfase no grupo de 30-39 anos, a média das idades oscilou entre 38,9 a 42 anos. A cobertura do Tratamento Supervisionado atingiu 76% dos doentes no ano de 2006, a co-infecção TB/Hiv foi de 27%, o teste anti-Hiv não foi realizado em 12,9% dos doentes. Em relação ao resultado de tratamento, a média de cura foi de 72,3%, abandono (43%) e óbito por Tuberculose (3,9%). O coeficiente de incidência variou de 26,8/100.000 habitantes (2006) a 38,9/100.000 habitantes (2001). O percentual de geocodificação foi superior a 86% para todos os anos do estudo, mostrando uma concentração de casos em 3 regiões do município, que se intercalaram durante os anos. Quanto aos indicadores que compuseram o Indicador Sintético de Condição de Vida, os que apresentaram as maiores cargas fatoriais foram chefes de família com renda menor ou igual a 2 salários mínimos e menos de 3 anos de estudo, seguido de densidade intradormitório e população de 10-14 anos analfabeta. O município foi classificado em 3 clusters: alta, intermediária e baixa condição de vida. A comparação dos mapas de condições de vida e Tuberculose evidenciou relação entre a doença e áreas mais carentes do município, visto que o coeficiente de incidência no cluster de baixa condição de vida foi de 49,9/100.000 habitantes. A Razão de Chances bruto, considerando-se o cluster de alta condição de vida como referência, comprovou a associação entre Tuberculose e condição de vida, sendo, para o cluster de intermediária condição de vida igual a 2,27 (RC= 2,27; IC 95%: 1,46-3,45) e para o de baixa condição de vida igual a 3,30 (RC= 3,30; IC 95%: 1,90-5,70). Por outro lado, seu valor não foi significativo quando comparados os clusters de condição de vida intermediária e pobreza (RC=1,45; IC 95%: 0,92-2,29). A estratificação do município segundo condições de vida e ocorrência da Tuberculose permitiu a identificação de áreas de risco, fornecendo subsídios para o Programa de Controle da Tuberculose local. / Considered as a social problem, Tuberculosis is a disease that goes beyond biological barriers. Therefore, it is fundamental to understand its occurrence in the context of the population\'s living conditions and the space involved. This study, with a hybrid, ecological and time-tendency (retrospective and longitudinal) design, aimed to study the relation between the Adapted Living Condition Index and the spatial distribution in the occurrence of Tb in the year 2000 and to obtain the spatial correlation in case occurrence according to the notification address, in Ribeirão Preto, between 2000 and 2006. Tuberculosis data were collected from the Epi-Tb database, while information for the Adapted Living Condition Index was obtained from the 2000 Demographic Census. The analysis unit was the census sector. The thematic maps were elaborated with the help of MapInfo 7.5 software and spatial statistical analysis using Spring 4.3. For further calculations (Factor Analysis, Chi-square test, Chance Ratio), SPSS 10.0 was used. The following profile was found for new Tuberculosis cases: new case (85%), pulmonary form (74.5%), male gender (71.7%), age range from 20 to 49 years, particularly the group from 30 to 39 years, with the mean age ranging from 38.9 to 42 years. Supervised Treatment coverage reached 76% of the patients in 2006, TB/Hiv coinfection corresponded to 27%, the anti-Hiv test was not performed in 12.9% of patients. As to treatment result, the mean cure rate was 72.3%, abandonment occurred in 43% and death by Tuberculosis in 3.9%. The incidence rate ranged from 26.8/100,000 inhabitants (2006) to 38.9/100,000 inhabitants (2001). The geocoding percentage exceeded 86% for all study years, showing a concentration of cases in 3 regions in the city, which interchanged during this period. As to the indices that made up the Synthetic Living Conditions Index, the indices with the highest factor load were family heads gaining 2 minimum wages or less and with less than 3 years of education, followed by intra-dormitory density and illiterate population between 10 and 14 years. The city was classified in three 3 clusters: high, intermediary and low living condition. The comparison of the living condition and Tuberculosis maps evidenced a relation between Tuberculosis and poorer areas in the city, as the incidence rate in the cluster with the low living condition was 49.9/100,000 inhabitants. The gross Chance Ratio, considering the cluster with the high living conditions as a reference, proved the association between Tuberculosis and living condition and equaled 2.27 for the intermediary living condition cluster (CR= 2.27; CI 95%: 1.46-3.45) and 3.30 for the low living condition cluster (CR= 3.30; CI 95%: 1.90-5.70). On the other hand, its value was not significant when comparing the intermediary living condition and poverty clusters (CR=1.45; CI 95%: 0.92-2.29). The city\'s layering according to living conditions and occurrence of Tuberculosis allowed for the identification of risk areas, supporting the local Tuberculosis Control Program.

An Analysis of Characteristics of Long and Short Commuters in the United States

Vaddepalli, Srikanth 30 March 2004 (has links)
An in-depth-analysis was carried out on short, medium and long commuters using the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) of 2001 and American Community Survey (ACS) of 2000 to determine the role of individual,household, trip and area related characteristics on commute length. The individuals with commute time less than or equal to 15 min were considered as short commuters and individuals with commute time greater than 15 min but less than 60 min were considered as medium commuters and the individuals with commute time 60 min or more were considered as long commuters. The commute time is considered as a link joining the residence and workplace locations. The availability of the desired mode used is considered as flexibility in moving the location of these points in the area. As the jobs get dispersed the lower income people face more and more transportation problems in linking the residence and workplace. There is a potential threat in their social, physical and economic isolation in the society. The individual, household, and area related characteristics are assumed to influence both the commute time and location of these points. The descriptive analysis using NHTS 2001 and ACS 2000 revealed that the characteristics of short and long commuters are different in nature. A commuter type choice model and commute length measurement models were used to estimate the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on the residential and workplace separation. Multinomial Logit Model (MNL) methodology was adopted to develop the commuter type choice model and Structural Equations Model methodology (SEM) was adopted with commute time and commute distance as endogenous variables to estimate the commute length on a continuous scale. The models confirmed the importance of demographic variables in explaining commuter length.

Engineering solutions to water quality problems in lakes

Morillo, Sebastian January 2008 (has links)
Lake restoration and management strategies focus on reducing the negative impacts of enriched or polluted inflows. These strategies become of paramount importance when lakes are used for recreational and/or drinking water purposes. Long term control of eutrophication and turbidity problems associated with large inflow loads is usually oriented to catchment management. Although it has been suggested that this is the correct long term approach, public concerns usually require a short term solution. In addition, due to political and economic costs related to changes in catchment management, in-lake restoration technologies have been emerging as a viable pretreatment option, complementary to water treatment plants, both reducing the operational costs of the water treatment plant and ameliorating the water residing in the lakes. This research investigates the effects of two in-lake technologies on the dynamics of inflowing rivers, where basin shape plays a significant role. The three lakes in this study suffer from eutrophication combined with a distinctive water quality problem: from turbidity in Silvan Reservoir (Australia), to heavy metal loads in Coeur d'Alene Lake (USA) and industrial wastes in Lake Como (Italy). Firstly, the influence of basin morphology, wind speed, and wind direction on the fate and transport of two rivers flowing into the L-shaped Coeur d'Alene Lake was examined, and it was shown that transport and mixing patterns in a lake can be greatly influenced by the shape of the lake, leading to important consequences for the plankton ecology in the lake. Secondly, in Silvan Reservoir we investigated the potential to modify the basin shape using vertical barriers, increasing the retention time and hence the barrier capacity to microbial pollution. A final in-lake technology was tested for Lake Como, using a downward pointing impeller to remove polluted water from the coastal margin. Lessons from these three examples indicate that there is significant potential for in-lake remediation at relatively low cost, over relatively short timescales.

RANS and LES predictions of turbulent scalar transport in dead zones of natural streams

Drost, Kevin J. 04 June 2012 (has links)
Natural stream systems contain a variety of flow geometries which contain flow separation, turbulent shear layers, and recirculation zones. This work focuses on streams with dead zones. Characterized by slower flow and recirculation, dead zones are naturally occurring cutouts in stream banks. These dead zones play an important role in stream nutrient retention and solute transport. Previous experimental work has focused on idealized dead zone geometries studied in laboratory flumes. This work explores the capabilities of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to investigate the scaling relationships between flow parameters of idealized geometries and the time scales of transport. The stream geometry can be split into two main regions, the main stream flow and the dead zone. Geometric parameters of the dead zone as well as the bulk stream velocity were varied to determine a scaling relationship for the transport time scales. These flow geometries are simulated using the RANS turbulence model with the standard k-ω closure. The standard first order dead zone model is expanded to a two region model to accommodate the multiple time scales observed in the simulation results. While this model currently has limited predictive capability, it provides physical insight into the functional dependence of the dead zone time scales. LES is used to evaluate the performance of the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence model and to describe the anisotropic turbulence characteristics. The differences between the time averaged flow field for Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and RANS was determined to have a significant impact on passive scalar transport. / Graduation date: 2012

The principles of source and residence taxation of electronic commerce transactions in South Africa / by P.M. Verwey

Verwey, Phillip Martin January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (LL.M. (Import and Export Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Cultural exchange or cheap domestic labour : constructions of "au pair" in four Nordic countries

Calleman, Catharina January 2010 (has links)
Globalisering, makt och kön

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