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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El binomio "segregación residencial-segregación escolar" frente a las limitaciones de las estadísticas oficiales. Aplicaciones desde la morfología social de la ciudad de Alicante

El-Habib Draoui, Brahim 24 June 2018 (has links)
Esta tesis doctoral analiza la génesis, extensión y algunas de las principales implicaciones de la segregación residencial y escolar desde un enfoque sociomorfológico, poniendo en evidencia, a la vez, las carencias y generalidades de las estadísticas oficiales en España como obstáculo para el estudio exhaustivo y para la denuncia fundamentada de ambos fenómenos. Los resultados del trabajo de campo, recogidos en las tres publicaciones que constituyen la parte central de esta tesis por compendio de publicaciones, muestran que los datos estadísticos oficiales reflejan una imagen inexacta y, en ocasiones, extremadamente alejada de la realidad de la segregación espacial de la población socioeconómicamente más vulnerable. En el ámbito educativo, la alta concentración de alumnado de origen inmigrado y de etnia gitana en ciertos centros escolares de las zonas urbanas marginadas se inicia desde las primeras etapas de la educación infantil y tiene un efecto negativo sobre sus expectativas de futuro y sobre la igualdad de oportunidades y de género respecto de la población mayoritaria.

La movilidad residencial urbana y el tratamiento de las nuevas demandas vecinales : el caso del distrito de Barranco (período 2007-2012).

Carbajal Ezcurra, Alex Fernando 06 June 2014 (has links)
La hipótesis que se busca contrastar en el presente trabajo de investigación es que el cambio en la estructura residencial (producida por los cambios residenciales) en el distrito de Barranco genera nuevas demandas vecinales en la población que no son incorporadas en las políticas públicas del municipio. Es decir, se plantea la pregunta ¿tiene el municipio la capacidad de identificar o de recoger esta dinámica poblacional que ocurre dentro de él y tomar decisiones en base a estos cambios? Lo cierto es que en Latinoamérica no hay muchos trabajos que vinculen la política pública con la movilidad residencial.

Análisis espacial de la segregación residencial y el turismo, a partir de características socioeconómicas y socioculturales, en la ciudad de Cusco, Perú

Rodriguez Becerra, Alejandra Janeth 21 November 2024 (has links)
Desde mediados del siglo XX, la histórica ciudad del Cusco ha experimentado un notable aumento de turistas y la apertura de establecimientos dedicados a la actividad turística. Estos cambios han impactado significativamente en la organización espacial y territorial, así como en la estructura urbana de la ciudad. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar cómo la turistificación ha influido en el patrón de segregación residencial de Cusco, una ciudad intermedia. El estudio se enmarca en un enfoque pospositivista y utiliza un diseño de estudio de caso descriptivo con metodología cuantitativa. Se emplearon datos georeferenciados del Censo Nacional 2017 y del Plan de Desarrollo Urbano del Cusco 2013-2023 para calcular índices como el de Disimilitud de Duncan y los índices univariados y bivariados de Moran Global y Local. Los resultados de la investigación revelan que 1) El turismo se destaca como un elemento central en las dinámicas urbanas de Cusco. 2) La ciudad presenta niveles significativos de segregación residencial, especialmente en términos de nivel de ingresos, en comparación con otras ciudades de América Latina. 3) Los análisis de segregación a nivel de zona censal permiten identificar al distrito de Cusco como el que experimenta más segregación en la ciudad. 4) Existe una relación entre la concentración de la actividad turística y la distribución de población con características específicas en ciertas áreas censales de la ciudad.

The Role of Energy Efficiency in the Private Housing Sector - The Case of Santiago de Chile / El Rol de la Eficiencia Energética Residencial en el Sector Privado - El Caso de Santiago de Chile

Mercado Fernández, José Luis 22 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In the international context, this research analyzes the state of the art of scientific discussion, the action exerted by national and local governments through regulations, and the opinion of professionals in the field of construction of buildings in relation to the implementation of energy efficiency measures in buildings. In general, the interest in the different areas has been driven primarily by: 1) the worldwide increased energy consumption in buildings, emphasizes by an increasingly urbanized world and the resource scarcity for power generation, primarily fossil fuels; 2) the increase in greenhouse gas emissions related to the buildings' construction and operation; and 3) the thermal behaviour of the building's envelope, which determines the energy demand for thermal conditioning; mainly for heating in winter and cooling in summer. The foregoing has resulted in the implementation of different types of energy efficiency measures in the building sector around the world. On the one hand, through mandatory measures, driven by national and local governments through building codes; mandatory measures require that when building a new building or refurbishing an existing one, the architects, private developers, or builders must comply with building standards that govern the thermal performance of the different elements of the buildings' thermal envelope. On the other hand, by implementing voluntary measures, such as international certification systems, established by non-governmental institutions, aimed at legitimizing the efforts of building owners, design teams, and builders to design, build, and operate buildings in an environmentally friendly way. The latter has triggered an international trend and an increasing demand for certification of the so-called "green buildings". Such independent certification systems seek to reduce the environmental impact of activities in the construction sector. In the Chilean context, this research analyzes the relationship between two main pillars of the Chilean economy, the energy sector and the private housing sector. Particularly, this research focuses on the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the private housing market in Santiago, the Chilean capital. From the energy perspective, the high vulnerability for power generation by the dependence on the provision of gas from neighbouring countries and periods of drought affecting hydroelectric power generation, has led to the Chilean government intervention. Government intervention is centred on two main lines of action: 1) the diversification of the country's energy matrix, through the implementation of alternative systems for power generation based on non-conventional renewable energy sources; and 2) the implementation of energy efficiency measures. In the construction sector, the latter is expressed by the entry into force of the New Thermal Regulations for new residential buildings in three stages in the building code since 2000. With the implementation of new regulations in the construction sector in the Chilean context and the growing demand for green building in the international context, private real estate companies and construction companies, which are the backbone of the construction sector in Chile, have reacted by offering energy efficient real estate products in Santiago de Chile. Based on the foregoing, arises the main question leading this doctoral thesis: How do real estate developers apply energy efficiency in their housing offer in Santiago de Chile? The main research question is further refined by three sub questions: 1) who are the real estate developers that are adopting energy efficiency and why? This is a compound question, first it seeks to identify real estate companies adopting energy efficiency measures in Santiago de Chile’s private housing market; then it looks into the motivations for doing so; 2) what types of energy efficiency measures are real estate companies adopting? This sub-research question seeks to identify the adopted residential energy efficiency strategies; and 3) which barriers to further implementation of energy efficiency exist? It seeks to identify the setbacks found by energy efficiency adopters in the implementation process, in order to understand local issues in the adoption process. The Case Study and Selection of Sub-Cases for the Analysis The research focuses on the voluntary implementation of residential energy efficiency measures in the private housing market; moreover, it analyzes the case of Santiago de Chile. Therefore, the focus is set on real estate companies that offer energy efficient housing in their offer for real estate products in the metropolitan region. The selection of embedded sub-cases for the analysis, or sub-cases, was made by applying a criterion sampling strategy known as purposive sampling. For this, a thorough review of 568 private real estate companies' websites, offering different real estate products in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile between June and July 2011, was performed. Out of this group, a set of 45 companies that offering energy efficient homes mentioned were selected. Later on, personal interviews mainly with general managers of real estate development companies and other actors considered key informants because of their knowledge in the field, such as scholars, representatives from public institutions, other public and private research centres, and practitioners, were conducted between April and May 2012. Main Methods and Data Analysis Research is conducted under a qualitative approach, as it focuses primarily on the opinion of real estate companies’ CEOs and other key informants considered information rich when helping answering the research questions. The main tool for data analysis was the thematic content analysis. Main Findings The main results of this research are structured on the basis of the answering the secondary research questions or sub-questions. Who are the real estate developers that are adopting energy efficiency and why? As it was mentioned above, the first part of this compound sub-question seeks to identify the real estate companies that are implementing residential energy efficiency measures in their offer in the housing market in Santiago de Chile. A set of 45 real estate companies were identified because they mentioned to be applying some sort of energy efficiency measures. This was a rather small group since, at that time, 568 real estate companies were offering housing products. Based on the empirical findings, a categorization of real estate companies following the Roger’s model was conducted. Thus, real estate companies were categorized depending on when they began adopting residential energy efficiency measures in their housing offer. The three stages of the New Thermal Regulation issued for the housing sector in Chile were selected as time-milestones for defining the adopter categories. Accordingly, three main categories emerged following Roger’s model. 1) Innovators, includes real estate companies who adopted energy efficiency measures for the first time before the entry into force of the first stage of the NRT in 2000; 2) Early Adopters, groups real estate companies who adopted residential energy efficiency measures for the first time between the first and second stage of the New Thermal Regulation, that is to say between 2001 and 2007; and 3) Early Majority, includes real estate companies who began to apply residential energy efficiency measures starting in 2008, meaning after the second stage of New Thermal Regulation came into force. The empirical evidence suggests that the adoption process of energy efficiency measures has started following the normal development described by Rogers' innovation curve. Therefore, it is expected that the rest of the real estate developers operating in the private housing market in Santiago de Chile will eventually follow the Innovators, Early Adopters, and Early Majority categories. This is mainly due to the recent introduction of thermal regulation by the government and because the housing market is a highly competitive market, in which none of the players can risk to be left behind. The second part of the sub-research question, and probably the most important one, seeks to understand the motivations for real estate companies to offer and implement energy-efficient real estate products in Santiago de Chile’s private housing market. This research identifies the motivations of real estate development companies in the opinion of their managers collected in personal semi-structured interviews conducted during fieldwork. Based on the thematic analysis of the abovementioned interviews, four categories of motivations for offering and applying energy efficiency were identified based on the company managers’ opinion. These categories, in order of preference are: 1) Market Differentiation Strategies (Competitiveness and Trending); 2) Company Policies (Client-Oriented Policies, Innovation Policies, and Environmentally-friendly Policies); 3) Resource efficiency (Reduction of Household\'s Expenses and Concerns for Energy Scarcity); and 4) Government Incentive Schemes (Subsidies to the Use of Renewable Energy). Briefly, the main motivations for adopting energy efficiency measures in the private housing offer are related to marketing strategies. In general, real estate companies operating in Santiago de Chile are looking to distinguish themselves from their competitors by offering energy-efficient housing products. This is mainly because real estate companies are following a trend that is driven by several factors such as: local energy shortage periods, the international influence of green buildings in the real estate market, and the growing demand for international certifications in the Chilean context. What types of energy efficiency measures are real estate companies adopting? As mentioned earlier, this research identifies real estate companies offering energy-efficient housing in the private real estate market of Santiago de Chile who implemented a diversity of energy efficiency strategies in their housing supply, as the empirical evidence shows. Although the motivations for implementing energy efficiency measures are diverse (as described previously), energy efficiency measures are mainly implemented in order to reach a comfort temperature inside the dwelling, making all possible efforts to ensure that energy is used efficiently. In the case of the residential buildings, this means looking for the optimal use of energy for space heating or cooling, lighting, hot sanitary water, and ventilation. In general, depending on whether there is the need to make an additional energy effort in order to achieve optimum indoor comfort conditions, the energy efficiency measures implemented in the private housing sector in Santiago de Chile can be grouped into two main categories of energy efficiency strategies: passive design strategies and active design strategies. On the one hand, passive design strategies refer to what real estate developers are doing to reduce the energy consumption of their housing buildings. Such strategies include: 1) improving the overall thermal performance of the building envelope; 2) the use of renewable energy, mainly solar thermal and photovoltaic technology, for hot sanitary water and energy conversion respectively; and 3) bioclimatic design and construction principles. As it was mentioned in Section 6.1, a basic characteristic of passive design strategies, distinguishing them from active design strategies, is that in order to operate they rely on the building site and the inherited thermal properties of the building materials used in the different housing building typologies. On the other hand, active design strategies refer to the technological innovations implemented in order to maintain an optimal indoor thermal conditioning and to reduce the energy used in the different buildings’ systems; namely, 1) illumination systems; 2) heating systems; 3) centralized control systems; and 4) air conditioning systems. In general, real estate developers adopted active design strategies as a complement to the use of passive design strategies. Not surprisingly, real estate developers have mentioned the improvement of the thermal envelope as the most commonly used residential energy efficiency strategy. This results from the fact that internationally and in Chile, regulations in the housing sector were implemented in order to improve the thermal behaviour of dwellings, and therefore, their energy efficiency. Finally, a third type of energy efficiency strategy adopted by real estate developers in Santiago de Chile is the result of a public-private partnership between the Chilean Government and the Chilectra, the local electricity utility. The initiative is called “Chilectra – Full Electric Buildings” and it offers an optional electrical energy tariff for residential consumers. This strategy is further explained in Section 6.3. Which barriers to further implementation of energy efficiency exist? Based on the opinion of the various key stakeholder involved in this research, this research shows that most barriers to energy efficiency in the private housing sector in Santiago de Chile interact and strengthen each other. The classification of barriers to further implementation of energy efficiency is not straightforward. Nonetheless, in the opinion of real estate companies’ managers, the barriers to adopting energy efficiency measures in the private housing market in Santiago de Chile revolve around the specific characteristics of the local social system. These barriers are: 1) market barriers; 2) organizational barriers; 3) institutional barriers; and 4) behavioural barriers. In relation to the categorization of energy efficiency adopters identified in the first sub-question, the empirical evidence seems to indicate that, not all the barriers play the same role for all adopter categories. In general, market barriers are most relevant to the innovators group. Although most of the real estate developers mentioned that even today the local market and the local construction industry are not ready to provide adequate support (both in the availability of products and services) for further development of the market for energy efficient construction, the deficiency was greater 20 years ago, when the innovators first started to implement residential energy efficiency measures in the private housing sector. Moreover, the other barriers encountered (namely organizational and institutional barriers) are transversal to the adopter categories. This seems to drawn from the organizational and institutional characteristics of the context in which private real estate companies operate. The context remains constant over time and their internal relationships are also maintained, homogeneously affecting all adopter categories. Finally, barriers related to end users and/or clients’ behaviour are mainly listed by early majority adopters, which comprises developers who implement residential energy efficiency measures recently (after 2000). Apparently, this results mainly from the fact that end user are lacking information about the benefits (general and local) to be gained from implementing residential energy efficiency measures.

Consumo residencial de água em Uberlândia – Minas Gerais, Brasil (2006-2016) : subsídios informacionais para gestão da demanda /

Cavalcante, Fernanda Beatriz Ferreira January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Cláudio Antônio Di Mauro / Resumo: A criação de subsídios informacionais precisos e transparentes para gestão do saneamento e recursos hídricos é uma perspectiva intrínseca do planejamento e execução de políticas cidadãs, que atendem as exigências da sociedade para o meio ambiente equilibrado e saudável a todos. Entender como se comportam as demandas de água e sua distribuição espacial é um desafio constante que aprimora os métodos de ações; principalmente se o contexto for de crise hídrica e primazia por desenvolvimento sustentável com uso racional dos recursos naturais. Este trabalho utiliza os dados do cadastro de faturamento de água do Departamento Municipal de Água e Esgoto (DMAE), no tocante ao consumo domiciliar micromedido em Uberlândia (MG) – Brasil, no período 2006-2016. Informações como: quantidade de hidrômetros, economias, volume consumido dos bairros e suas habitações, e análises estatísticas da série histórica (organizados por setores: norte, sul, leste, oeste e centro), permitiram o diagnóstico da demanda residencial de água na cidade. Discutir e propor instrumentos para melhor controle do abastecimento e uso da água contribui estrategicamente no saneamento e promoção urbana/ambiental; visto que a requisição per capita por recursos hídricos no município é alta e cresce em ritmos alarmantes, revelando uso e apropriação inadequados. A metodologia da pesquisa inclui consulta a referências bibliográficas sobre o tema; criação do software experimental “CONTÁGUA” para concepção da base de dados; empr... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The creation of precise and transparent informational subsidies for the management of sanitation and water resources is an intrinsic perspective of the planning and execution of citizen policies that meet the demands of society for a balanced and healthy environment for all. Understanding how water demands and their spatial distribution behave is a constant challenge that improves methods of action; especially if the context is water crisis and primacy for sustainable development with rational use of natural resources. This work uses the water billing data of the Municipal Department of Water and Sewage (DMAE), in relation to household consumption micromeasured in Uberlândia (MG) - Brazil, in the period 2006-2016. Information such as the number of hydrometers, economys of water, volume consumed in the neighborhoods and their dwellings, and statistical analyzes of the historical series (organized by sectors: north, south, east, west and center) allowed the diagnosis of residential water demand in the city. Discussing and proposing instruments for better control of water supply and use contributes strategically to sanitation and urban/environmental promotion; since the per capita requisition for water resources in the municipality is high and grows at alarming rates, revealing inadequate use and appropriation. The research methodology includes reference to bibliographical references on the subject; creation of the experimental software "CONTÁGUA" for designing the database; use... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre


CLAUDIA STAMATO 09 October 2007 (has links)
[pt] A dissertação Modelo de Banheiro Domiciliar para Idosos - Uma Abordagem Ergonômica, apresenta um modelo que fornece orientações para a construção de banheiros residenciais. Através de sugestões para adaptação da arquitetura interna do banheiro residencial, busca-se aqui contribuir para possibilitar a independência e autonomia dos usuários idosos durante a execução de suas tarefas de cunho íntimo. Este estudo tem como objetivo principal, contribuir para a instrução de idosos, seus familiares e geriatras; bem como contribuir para a orientação de profissionais da construção civil, com sugestões de diretrizes a serem somadas ao código de edificações da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Foram realizadas entrevistas, tanto com idosos, quanto com geriatras, foi organizado um grupo de foco com idosos e, além disso, foram feitas apreciações ergonômicas em cinco banheiros similares de um mesmo edifício, com observações e registros fotográficos in loco, aplicação do método Corlett e de questionários visando o levantamento do perfil. Ao final foi desenvolvido um quadro do parecer ergonômico, sugerindo soluções/ recomendações preliminares para os problemas encontrados. Com o aumento contínuo da população de idosos no país, é importante que medidas preventivas sejam adotadas através da legislação e políticas públicas, a fim de oferecer a toda a população uma velhice ativa, como a Organização das Nações Unidas sugere desde 1982. Através da oferta de conforto e segurança física e psicológica a este segmento da população, bem como através do atendimento às suas necessidades específicas, pode-se alcançar o intuito da ONU. / [en] The dissertation Home Toilet Model for Elderly People - An Ergonomic s Approach, proposes a model to guide the construction of residential bathrooms. Mainly presenting suggestions to adapt the average architecture of the residential bathrooms, this document wishes to contribute to the autonomy of the elderly users at the bathroom. The primarily objective of this study is help to educate elderly people, his relatives and doctors; as well as guide professionals that work in areas related to the civil construction by adding suggestions and guidelines at the construction code of the city of Rio de Janeiro . Interviews had been carried through, as much with aged, how much with doctor geriatrics, an aged focus group was organized, moreover, ergonomic appreciations in five similar bathrooms of one same building had been made, with comments and photographic registers in I lease, application of the Corlett method and questionnaires aiming at the survey of the profile. To the end a document was developed suggesting preliminary recommendations as solutions to stop of the joined problems. With the continuous increase of the population of aged in the country, it is important that writ of prevention the legislation and public politics are adopted through in order to offer to all the population an active oldness, as the Organization of United Nations suggests since 1982. This can only occurs, through offers of comfort and physical and psychological security to this segment of the population, as well as through the attendance to its specific necessities.

Identificação de barreiras para a ampliação do uso de gases combustíveis para aquecimento de água no setor residencial / Identification of barriers to increase the use of domestic gas based water-heating systems

Barufi, Clara Bonomi 29 August 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho é motivado pela constatação de que a instalação de sistemas de aquecimento de água a gases combustíveis nos apartamentos novos pode ter custos inferiores à instalação de sistemas elétricos e pelas perspectivas de aumento da oferta de gás natural no país. Considerando isso e a perspectiva de aumento no consumo de eletricidade, a pesquisa procura identificar barreiras para expansão do uso dos sistemas a gás, sugerindo formas para que sejam superadas. Considerando que as decisões tomadas durante a construção definem em grande medida os usos da energia nos imóveis, o trabalho se baseia numa pesquisa de campo desenvolvida por meio de entrevistas com agentes da construção civil. Inclui ainda uma contextualização sobre o uso da energia no setor residencial. Essa contextualização mostra a evolução do mercado brasileiro de gases combustíveis, a baixa participação histórica desses energéticos no aquecimento de água e as perspectivas de crescimento da oferta de gás natural no país. Também descreve o uso de água quente para banho, abordando os principais sistemas de aquecimento disponíveis no mercado paulistano. Perspectivas relativas ao aumento do consumo de eletricidade e de desenvolvimento do mercado imobiliário completam essa contextualização. A pesquisa mostra que já há ampla disseminação do uso de sistemas de aquecimento de água a gás na cidade de São Paulo. Esse desenvolvimento deveu-se a fatores como a obrigatoriedade da introdução de tais sistemas em alguns tipos de construção a partir de meados dos anos 1980, as exigências de conforto dos consumidores de classe média e classe alta e ao racionamento de eletricidade de 2001. Por outro lado, verifica-se que o chuveiro elétrico continua sendo usado nas construções voltadas para a classe baixa. Como esse é o segmento com maior demanda por novas residências, identifica-se um espaço importante para substituição de eletrotermia e aumento do uso dos gases combustíveis para aquecimento de água. / This research is motivated by the verification that the installation of gas based water-heating systems in new apartments may be cheaper than the use of electric systems. It is also motivated by the perspectives of a growing supply of natural gas in the country. Considering these points and the perspective of general growing use of electricity, this research identifies barriers to expand the use of gas based systems, suggesting ways to overcome those barriers. Considering that the energy uses in an apartment are largely affected by decisions taken during the construction of the building, the study is based on a field research developed through interviews with construction agents. It also includes a definition on the residential energy use, which details the gas (natural gas and LPG) market evolution, the historically reduced use of these fuels in water-heating systems, and the perspectives of rising supply of natural gas in Brazil. It also describes the use of hot water to hygiene, considering the main systems available in São Paulo. This context is completed by the perspectives related to the increase of electricity demand and the current real estate market development. The research concludes that gas based water-heating systems are already extensively used in São Paulo. This development is related to the mandatory use of those systems in some apartment configurations, the users demand for comfort, and the 2001 electric power shortage. On the other hand, it shows that electric showers are still largely used in building of poorer families. Since this segment has the largest demand for new houses in the country, there is space to substitute energy consumed for thermal purposes with the direct use of gas.

Arquitetura residencial paulistana dos anos 1920: ressonâncias do arts and crafts? / 1920\'s house architecture of São Paulo: resonances from arts and crafts?

Janjulio, Maristela da Silva 31 March 2009 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é o estudo da arquitetura residencial que se desenvolveu na cidade de São Paulo nos anos 1920, e das influências que ajudaram a moldá-la. Entre estas, a do movimento Arts and Crafts, que revolucionou a arquitetura doméstica britânica no final do século XIX e teve repercussão internacional. Tais ressonâncias ocorreram de forma direta e também através de uma triangulação com os Estados Unidos. Ali, haverá certa popularização do movimento inglês na figura do bangalô, juntamente com o aprimoramento da cultura burguesa da habitação do Arts and Crafts. Esta nova cultura da habitação chegará ao Brasil principalmente através das revistas de decoração, trazendo uma nova maneira de morar para a classe média, que se estabelecerá principalmente nos novos subúrbios que se constituem em São Paulo nas primeiras décadas do século XX, particularmente o Jardim América, executado pela Companhia City. / The subject of this work is the domestic architecture that arises in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in the 1920\'s decade and the influences it has suffered. Among them, there is the resonance from the Arts and Crafts movement, which changed the course of the british domestic architecture in the 1890\'s and acquired international reputation. The influences on brazilian architecture probably came by two ways; straight from britain and also through the United States. In this country, there will be a mass production of a new kind of dwelling, the bungalow, which embodies the spirit of the british movement, in a more democratic way. This bourgeois housing culture, inherited from England, will arrive in Brazil mainly through domestic interior magazines. These domestic life-styles will settle in the suburbs that arise in São Paulo in the first decades of twentieth century, mainly in Jardim America from the Companhia City.

Soluções de tomadas de decisões inteligentes para infraestruturas residenciais / Intelligent decision-making solutions for residential infrastructures

Rocha Filho, Geraldo Pereira 18 May 2018 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, um dos principais desafios globais está relacionado com a eficiência energética, sendo o desperdício de energia um dos fatores a ser destacado. Tal desperdício pode ser superado com o uso do Sistema de Automação Residencial (SAR). Vale frisar que os SARs são fortemente dependentes da sua infraestrutura interna, visto que esta é a base de uma casa inteligente. A Rede de Sensores e Atuadores sem Fio (RSASF) é uma solução promissora e de fácil implantação para ser utilizada como infraestrutura em um SAR. Entretanto, o uso das RSASFs como infraestrutura para monitorar e atuar (isto é, processo de tomada de decisão) no contexto de um SAR traz um novo problema. Tal problema remete não apenas a falta de um método para realizar a decisão dentro do próprio nó da RSASF, mas também a ausência em investigar um trade-off entre a precisão nas tomadas de decisões e o consumo de energia dos nós da rede. Além disso, a falta de uma infraestrutura distribuída, com baixo overhead e que reduza a latência do serviço são algumas das novas problemáticas para serem exploradas. Com isso, tem-se como desafio embarcar uma maior inteligência em dispositivos com recursos escassos, característica presente em uma RSASF. Para superar tais limitações, esta tese apresenta duas soluções de decisões inteligentes para uma infraestrutura residencial, nomeadas como ResiDI e ImPeRIum. O ResiDI é baseado em uma rede neural para atuar no processo de tomada de decisão dentro da RSASF, bem como em um mecanismo de correlação temporal para maximizar a eficiência energética da infraestrutura de comunicação. Já o ImPeRIum é baseado em um conjunto heterogêneo de dispositivos inteligentes para formar um ambiente computacional de fog, o qual gerencia as aplicações da residência por meio de uma rede neural. As soluções foram avaliadas extensivamente em diferentes cenários e comparadas com um trabalho da literatura. Os resultados reais e simulados, avaliados mediante uma análise estatística paramétrica e não-paramétrica, mostrou atingir o objetivo desta tese, sendo quatro deles notáveis: (i) aumento da precisão nas tomadas de decisões; (ii) redução no consumo de energia dos nós da rede; (iii) redução no tempo de resposta da atuação com baixa sobrecarrega; e (iv) eficiência na disseminação das informações. / In recent years, energy efficiency has become a major global challenge, and energy waste is a factor that needs to be highlighted. Such waste can be overcome with the use of Home Automation System (HAS). It should be stressed that the HASs are strongly dependent on its internal network, since this is the basis of a smart home. Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs) provide a modern and ubiquitous infrastructure for a smart home. However, the use of WSANs to monitor and act (i.e. decision-making process) as a control infrastructure within the context of HAS poses a new problem. Such problem refers not only to the lack of a method to execute the decision-making process within the WSAN, but also to the lack of investigating a trade-off between the decision-making accuracy and the extension of the WSAN nodes life-time. In addition, the lack of a distributed infrastructure, with low overhead in processing and that reduces service latency are some of the new problems to be addressed in the literature. With this, one has as a challenge to embark on greater intelligence in devices with scarce resources, a feature present in a WSAN. To overcome such limitations, this thesis presents two intelligent decision-making solutions for residential infrastructures, named ResiDI and ImPeRIum. ResiDI was developed based on a neural network to act in the decision-making process within the network, as well as a temporal correlation mechanism to maximize the energy consumption in the networks nodes. ImPeRIum was based on a heterogeneous set of smart objects to form a fog computational environment, which manages the applications of the residence through a neural network. The solutions were evaluated extensively in different scenarios and compared with an approach in the literature. The real and simulated results, evaluated through parametric and non-parametric tests, show that solutions make four key contributions: (i) increased decisionmaking; (ii) reduction in node energy consumption; (iii) reduction in action response time with low overload; and (iv) efficiency in the transmission of information.

O código de obras como instrumento regulatório de eficiência energética em edificações residenciais: proposições para o município de São Paulo / The Building Code as a Energy Efficiency Regulatory Instrument in Residential Buildings: Propositions to São Paulo Municipality

Teodoro, Maria Inês Tavares de Matos 19 April 2012 (has links)
A conjuntura nacional de crescimento econômico e populacional aliada aos programas habitacionais de combate ao déficit de moradias deixa antever o contínuo aumento da demanda energética no setor residencial, que deve ser alvo de políticas públicas de promoção de eficiência energética. O objetivo da presente dissertação é investigar o potencial do Código de Obras e Edificações (COE) do Município de São Paulo enquanto instrumento regulatório de promoção de eficiência energética e apresentar sugestões com vista à revisão do atual documento. Para tal dividiu-se a pesquisa em três temas: fatores que explicam o consumo energético (direto e indireto) das edificações e estratégias de minimização desse consumo; caracterização dos códigos de eficiência energética em edificações (CEEE), com destaque para o Código de Obras, e panorama internacional e brasileiro relativamente à sua adoção; caracterização do consumo energético do Município de São Paulo e análise dos requisitos de eficiência energética no atual COE. Atendendo à elevada taxa de novas construções e ao estoque de edifícios obsoletos com potencial de retrofitting defende-se que o Código de Obras, pela sua abrangência e obrigatoriedade, constitui um instrumento regulatório adequado à promoção da eficiência energética no setor de edificações no Município de São Paulo e sugere-se a revisão do atual COE com vista à introdução de requisitos de eficiência energética. Entre as sugestões apresentadas contam-se a segmentação das medidas dirigidas às moradias de interesse social e às chamadas edificações de mercado, definição de limites máximos para o valor de transmitância térmica dos elementos opacos da envoltória (paredes e cobertura) em ambientes condicionados e não condicionados e a exigência de um nível mínimo de eficiência energética para edificações e equipamentos instalados. Como contribuição da presente pesquisa cabe ainda destacar o cálculo da intensidade energética por unidade de área construída nos setores residencial e comercial no Município de São Paulo, indicador em falta na literatura e dados oficiais publicados. / The national economic and population growth in association with the housing programs to combat housing deficit are expected to result in future increase of energy demand in the residential sector. Considering the already high contribution of the building sector in the electricity consumption of Brazil, the development of policy measures aiming to promote energy efficiency in the sector should be encouraged. The main objective of this research is to investigate the potential of the Building Code (BC) of São Paulo municipality as a regulatory instrument to promote energy efficiency and make suggestions to revise it. To this end, the paper is divided in three parts: factors that explain the energy consumption (direct and indirect) of buildings and strategies to minimize it; characterization of Building Energy Efficiency Codes (BEEC) and the Brazilian and international panorama regarding its adoption; energy consumption of São Paulo municipality and analysis of energy efficiency requirements in the current BC. As a mandatory and comprehensive regulatory instrument, Building Codes are adequate do promote energy efficiency given the local reality of high annual rates of construction and the significant stock of old buildings which could benefit from retrofitting. Suggestions to a revision process of the BC of São Paulo Municipality include segmentation of energy efficient requirements according to social economic profile of buildings, definition of overall heat transfer coefficient values (U-factor) for building envelope components (walls and roof) of conditioned and non-conditioned areas, and definition of minimum energy efficiency levels for buildings and equipments. Additional contribution of this research includes estimation of electricity use per square meter of building floor area, for the residential and commercial sectors in São Paulo municipality.

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