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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Graph Summarization: Algorithms, Trained Heuristics, and Practical Storage Application

Hodulik, George M. 02 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

AGUIA: um gerador semântico de interface gráfica do usuário para ensaios clínicos / AGUIA: a generator semantics for graphical user interface for clinical trials

Corrêa, Miriã da Silveira Coelho 04 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T18:50:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_MiriaSCC.pdf: 3267159 bytes, checksum: f201a630eab8fd18b0da112537958c44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-04 / Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior / AGUIA is a web application front-end originally developed to manage clinical, demographic and biomolecular patient data collected during gastrointestinal clinical trials at MD Anderson Cancer Center. The diversity of methodologies involved in patient screening and sample processing, brings corresponding heterogeneity of data types. Thus, this data must be based on a Resource Oriented Architecture that transforms heterogeneous data in semantic data, most specifically in RDF (Resource Description Framework). The database chosen was a S3DB, because it met the necessary requirements of transforming heterogeneous data from different sources in RDF, explicitly distinguishing the description of the domain from its instantiation, while allowing for continuous editing of both. Furthermore, it uses a REST protocol, and is open source and in the public domain which facilitates development and dissemination. Nevertheless, comprehensive and flexible a semantic web format may be, it does not by itself address the issue of representing content in a form that makes sense for domain experts. Accordingly, the goal of the work described here was to identify an additional set of descriptors that provide specifications for the graphic user interface. That goal was pursued by identifying a formalism that makes use of the RDF schema to enable automatic assembly of graphic user interfaces in a meaningful manner. A generalized RDF model was therefore defined such that changes in the graphic descriptors are automatically and immediately reflected into the configuration of the client web browser interface application, which is also made available with this report. Although the design patterns identified reflect, and benefit, from the specific requirements of interacting with data generated by clinical trials, the expectation is that they contain clues for a general purpose solution. In particular, it is suggested that the most useful patterns identified by the users of this system are susceptible to being reusable for other data sources, or at least for other clinical trial semantic web data stores. / AGUIA é uma aplicação web front-end, desenvolvida para gerenciar dados clínicos, demográficos e biomoleculares de pacientes coletados durante os ensaios clínicos gastrointestinais no MD Anderson Cancer Center. A diversidade de metodologias envolvidas na triagem de pacientes e no processamento da amostra traz uma heterogeneidade dos tipos de dados correspondentes. Sendo assim, estes devem ser baseados em uma arquitetura orientada a recurso que transforma dados heterogêneos em dados semânticos, mais especificamente em RDF (Resource Description Framework - Estrutura para a descrição de recursos). O banco de dados escolhido foi o S3DB, por este ter cumprido os requisitos necessários de transformação dos dados heterogêneos de diferentes fontes em RDF, distinguindo explicitamente a descrição do domínio e sua instanciação, permitindo simultaneamente a contínua edição de ambos. Além disso, ele usa um protocolo REST, e é de código aberto e domínio público o que facilita o desenvolvimento e divulgação. Contudo, por mais abrangente e flexível, um formato de web semântica pode por si só, não abordar a questão de representar o conteúdo de uma forma que faça sentido para especialistas do domínio. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho aqui descrito foi identificar um conjunto adicional de descritores que forneceu as especificações para a interface gráfica do usuário. Esse objetivo foi perseguido através da identificação de um formalismo que faz uso do esquema RDF para permitir a montagem automática de interfaces gráficas de uma forma significativa. Um modelo RDF generalizado foi, portanto, definido de tal forma que as mudanças nos descritores gráficos sejam automaticamente e imediatamente refletidas na configuração da aplicação web do cliente, que também está disponível neste trabalho. Embora os padrões de design identificados reflitam e beneficiem os requisitos específicos de interagir com os dados gerados pelos ensaios clínicos, a expectativa é que eles contenham pistas para uma solução de propósito geral. Em particular, sugere-se que os padrões mais úteis identificados pelos utilizadores deste sistema sejam suscetíveis de serem reutilizáveis para outras fontes de dados, ou pelo menos para outros bancos de dados semânticos de ensaios clínicos.

Towards a Conceptual Framework for Persistent Use: A Technical Plan to Achieve Semantic Interoperability within Electronic Health Record Systems

Blackman-Lees, Shellon 01 January 2017 (has links)
Semantic interoperability within the health care sector requires that patient data be fully available and shared without ambiguity across participating health facilities. The need for the current research was based on federal stipulations that required health facilities provide complete and optimal care to patients by allowing full access to their health records. The ongoing discussions to achieve interoperability within the health care industry continue to emphasize the need for healthcare facilities to successfully adopt and implement Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. Reluctance by the healthcare industry to implement these EHRs for the purpose of achieving interoperability has led to the current research problem where it was determined that there is no existing single data standardization structure that can effectively share and interpret patient data within heterogeneous systems. The current research used the design science research methodology (DSRM) to design and develop a master data standardization and translation (MDST) model that allowed seamless exchange of healthcare data among multiple facilities. To achieve interoperability through a common data standardization structure, where multiple independent data models can coexist, the translation mechanism incorporated the use of the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Using RDF, a universal exchange language, allowed for multiple data models and vocabularies to be easily combined and interrelated within a single environment thereby reducing data definition ambiguity. Based on the results from the research, key functional capabilities to effectively map and translate health data were documented. The research solution addressed two primary issues that impact semantic interoperability – the need for a centralized standards repository and a framework that effectively maps and translates data between various EHRs and vocabularies. Thus, health professionals have a single interpretation of health data across multiple facilities which ensures the integrity and validity of patient care. The research contributed to the field of design science development through the advancements of the underlying theories, phases, and frameworks used in the design and development of data translation models. While the current research focused on the development of a single, common information model, further research opportunities and recommendations could include investigations into the implementation of these types of artifacts within a single environment at a multi-facility hospital entity.

Das neue Zusammenrücken von Formal- und Sacherschließung

Wiesenmüller, Heidrun 24 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Während Formal- und Sacherschließung in der angloamerikanischen Tradition als etwas Zusammengehöriges betrachtet werden, besteht im deutschen Bibliothekswesen eine klare, zumeist auch personelle Trennung zwischen den beiden Bereichen. Jüngere Entwicklungen der internationalen Standardisierung könnten hier zu einem Umdenken führen: Das theoretische Modell "Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records" (FRBR) hat eine neue Sicht auf das so genannte "bibliographische Universum" eingeläutet, das auch die Sacherschließung mit einbezieht. Auch "Resource Description and Access" (RDA), der Nachfolger von AACR2, versteht sich nicht mehr nur als ein Regelwerk für die Formalerschließung. Ganz konkrete Schritte für ein stärkeres Miteinander bringt das Projekt "Gemeinsame Normdatei" (GND) mit der Zusammenführung der Schlagwortnormdatei (SWD), der Personennamendatei (PND) und der Gemeinsamen Körperschaftsdate (GKD). Im Vortrag werden diese Entwicklungen näher beleuchtet und Überlegungen zu den damit verbundenen Chancen und Problemen angestellt.

Inhaltserschließung – Neues in der DNB

Bee, Guido 31 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
1. GND 2. RDA 3. CrissCross 4. MACS 5. Petrus

SISTEMA DISTRIBUÍDO PARA ALOCAÇÃO DE RECURSOS BASEADA EM NECESSIDADES / Distributed System for Alocation of Resource Based on Necessities

Possani, Cleverton Marlon 01 November 2006 (has links)
Fundação de Apoio a Tecnologia e Ciência / Distributed architectures systems possesses an ample processing power when its resources work through cooperation, forming virtual organizations. The exploitation of idle geographically distributed resource is one of the objectives of the grid computation. In these environments, users application need a certan amount of resources to fill their execution necessities. At the same time, to find these resources, its necessary a way of expressing them. This work presents the development of an archetype to provide abilities of alocation resource to users application. Using for that informations about resources description and necessities. This necessities determine what kind of resource can be used in order to the application be executed with the help of the grid computation. A simulation environment was developed in order to evaluate the performance and to find some archetype critic points. / Arquiteturas de sistemas distribuídos possuem um amplo poder de processamento quando seus recursos trabalham através de cooperação, formando organizações virtuais. O aproveitamento de recursos ociosos geograficamente distribuídos é um dos objetivos das grades computacionais. Nestes ambientes, aplicações de usuários necessitam de uma determinada quantidade de recursos para suprir suas necessidades de execução. Ao mesmo tempo, para localizar estes recursos, é necessário uma forma de expressá-los. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um protótipo para prover habilidades de alocação de recursos a aplicações de usuários, utilizando para isso informações sobre descrição de recursos e necessidades. Estas necessidades determinam quais recursos poderão ser utilizados para que a aplicação seja executada com auxílio da grade computacional. Um ambiente de simulação foi desenvolvido para avaliar a performance e descobrir alguns pontos críticos do protótipo.

Lightweight data and knowledge exchange for pervasive environments

Su, X. (Xiang) 09 September 2016 (has links)
Abstract Pervasive environments are physical spaces saturated with devices collecting data, controlling the environment, and interacting with users. These environments support human users in their everyday tasks so that the users can focus on their own tasks and access services and resources whenever and wherever they want. Such environments are also called smart spaces. Knowledge-based systems would enable realizing a variety of intelligent applications for pervasive environments. Generally, such systems recognize the situation in the environment from sensor data and utilize automated reasoning techniques to respond to the situation and the needs of the users. However, building knowledge-based systems for pervasive environments presents challenges. This dissertation focuses on the challenge of data and knowledge representations. Knowledge-based systems utilize expressive knowledge representations that are verbose and require sufficient resources in order to use them. Most devices in pervasive environments cannot handle these representations as the devices have limited resources for computation, storage, and communication. The main aim of this dissertation is to tackle this challenge. That is, on the one hand, pervasive environments demand data and knowledge representations that do not require many resources from the resource-constrained devices; and on the other hand, the representations should be compatible with the knowledge-based systems. Specifically, a general solution is required that enables many applications to use the same data with minimal effort from application developers. This dissertation presents a novel representation, Entity Notation (EN), to tackle these challenges. EN is designed as a general lightweight representation for data and knowledge. EN expresses entities, their properties, and property values. This structure resembles the triple structure of Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL). Hence, sensor data in EN syntax can be transformed into common knowledge models in a straightforward manner and utilized with ease by knowledge-based systems. EN Schema is designed for transferring advanced knowledge models. Moreover, EN also offers an approach to shorten the format with templates and prefixes. This way, EN can be utilized by resource-constrained devices and environments. Our evaluation verifies that small devices can utilize EN to transfer data and knowledge to devices realizing intelligent functions, such as inference. Moreover, the expressive power of EN is comparable with the alternative representations. Finally, resource consumption is verified by prototypes. Based on the evaluation, we can conclude that EN can facilitate harnessing the full potential of pervasive environments. / Tiivistelmä Kaikkialla läsnäolevat ympäristöt ovat fyysisiä tiloja täynnä laitteita, jotka keräävät dataa, ohjaavat ympäristöä ja ovat vuorovaikutuksessa käyttäjien kanssa. Nämä ympäristöt tukevat ihmisiä päivittäisissä tehtävissä siten, että ihmiset voivat keskittyä tehtäviinsä sekä käyttää erilaisia palveluja ja resursseja ajanhetkestä ja paikasta riippumatta. Tällaisia ympäristöjä kutsutaan myös älykkäiksi tiloiksi. Tietämysjärjestelmät mahdollistavat monia sovellusskenaarioita näihin ympäristöihin. Nämä järjestelmät tunnistavat ympäristössä vallitsevan tilanteen sensoridatan avulla ja hyödyntävät automaattista päättelyä reagoidakseen tilanteeseen ja käyttäjien tarpeisiin. Tietämysjärjestelmien kehitys näihin ympäristöihin on kuitenkin haasteellista. Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy datan ja tiedon esitystavan haasteisiin. Tietämysjärjestelmät käyttävät ilmaisuvoimaisia tietämyksen esitysmalleja, joiden monimuotoisuus puolestaan edellyttää riittäviä resursseja. Monet laitteet eivät pysty käsittelemään näitä esitysmalleja koska niillä ei ole riittäviä laskenta-, kommunikaatio- ja tallennusresursseja. Väitöskirjan päätavoite on ratkaista tämä haaste: Toisaalta dataa ja tietämyksen esitysmalleja on voitava käsitellä niukoilla resursseilla; toisaalta esitysmallien on oltava yhteensopivia erilaisten tietämysjärjestelmien kanssa. Erityisesti tarvitaan yleisratkaisu, joka voidaan yhdistää useaan sovellukseen vähäisellä sovelluskehitystyöllä. Tämä väitöskirja esittää ratkaisuksi uuden datan ja tietämyksen esitystavan, Entity Notation -mallin (EN). EN on suunniteltu yleiseksi ja kevyeksi tiedon ja tietämyksen esitystavaksi. EN ilmaisee entiteettejä sekä niiden ominaisuus-arvopareja. Tämä rakenne muistuttaa RDF-kuvauskieltä sekä OWL-ontologiakieltä. Täten sensoridata EN-kielessä voidaan muuttaa suoraviivaisesti yleisiksi tietämysmalleiksi ja hyödyntää helposti tietämysjärjestelmissä. EN Schema on suunniteltu tietämysmallien siirtämiseen. EN tarjoaa myös tavan lyhentää muotoa mallineilla ja etuliitteillä. Näin EN-esitystapaa voidaan hyödyntää resurssirajoitteisissa laitteissa ja ympäristöissä. Tehdyt kokeet osoittavat, että pienet laitteet voivat käyttää EN-esitystapaa tiedon ja tietämyksen siirtämiseen älykkäitä toimintoja toteuttaviin laitteisiin. Lisäksi EN-esitystavan ilmaisuvoimaisuus on verrattavissa vaihtoehtoisiin esitystapoihin. Prototyyppien avulla tarkistettiin resurssien tehokas käyttö. Kokeiden perusteella voidaan todeta, että EN-esitystapa helpottaa läsnäolevien ympäristöjen täyden potentiaalin hyödyntämistä.

Relational Learning and Optimization in the Semantic Web

Fischer, Thomas 07 July 2011 (has links)
In this paper, the author presents his current research topic, objectives of research as well as research questions. The paper motivates the integration of implicit background knowledge in data mining and optimization techniques based on semantic web knowledge bases. Furthermore, it outlines work of related research areas and states the research methodology

Extrakce znalostních grafů z projektové dokumentace / Extrakce znalostních grafů z projektové dokumentace

Helešic, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Title: Knowledge Graph Extraction from Project Documentation Author: Bc. Tomáš Helešic Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: Mgr. Martin Nečaský, Ph.D. Abstract: With the new research progress in the natural language processing and information extraction from text, new possibility of automatic knowledge acqui- sition and its grouping into Knowledge graphs, that are catching the semantic relations between these entities is emerging. For these Knowledge graphs, data storages and also query languages already exists, which allow more precise and relevant search possibilities compare with current full text search engines. The goal of this thesis is to explore the opportunity of automatic extraction of infor- mation from project documentation with the use of linguistic text processing, design a proper data storage and build a search engine over it. Keywords: Knowledge grahs, Information extraction, Natural language process- ing, Resource Description Framework 1

Extrakce znalostních grafů z projektové dokumentace / Extrakce znalostních grafů z projektové dokumentace

Helešic, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
Title: Knowledge Graph Extraction from Project Documentation Author: Bc. Tomáš Helešic Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: Mgr. Martin Nečaský, Ph.D. Abstract: The goal of this thesis is to explore the possibilities of automatic in- formation extraction from company project documentation with the use of ma- chine natural language processing and the analysis of the precision of linguistic processing of these documents. Furthermore suggest methods how acquire key terms and dependencies between them. From this terms and dependencies cre- ate knowledge graphs, that are stored in an appropriate database with search engine. The work is trying to interconnect already existing technologies in a shape of a simple application and test their readiness for a practical use. The goal is to inspire future research in this field, identify critical parts and propose improvements. The main gain is in the interconnection between natural lan- guage processing, methods of information extraction and semantic searching in corporate documents. The gain of the practical part reside in the way how to identify key information that is uniquely describing each document and its use in search. Keywords: Knowledge graphs, Information extraction, Natural language pro- cessing, Resource Description Framework 1

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