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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cirkulerande återanvändning av sportartiklar : Resursflöden för framställning och avfallshantering av sportartiklar / Circulating reuse of sporting goods : Resource flow for manufacturing and waste disposal of sporting goods

Vestblad, Jennifer January 2016 (has links)
Ett tydligt mönster visar att mängden avfall stiger med den ökande konsumtionen som finns i dagens samhälle. Konsumtionsmönstret leder till att fler produkter måste tillverkas och sedan hanteras som avfall. Förutom att förhindra avfallets uppkomst är återanvändning ett lämpligt alternativ till resthantering. Fritidbanken startade 2013 i Deje Värmland och verkar som ett organiserat utlånssystem av sportartiklar. Verksamhet bygger till stor del på att förespråka återanvändning. Återanvändningen sker via Fritidsbankens lokaler som fungerar likt ett bibliotek fast med sport- och fritidsprylar där alla får låna utrustning gratis. Genom att ge chansen att utöva aktiviteter och idrotter, skapar Fritidsbanken förutsättningar för allmänhetens spontanidrottande. Studien utgår från verksamhetens lokal i Deje, där tre olika sportartiklar undersöktes: slalomskidor, längdskidor samt skridskor. I studien undersöktes produkternas resursflöden, framställning- och resthanteringsprocesser med verksamheten som utgångspunkt. Artiklarna som lämnats in till lokalen jämfördes med motsvarande mängd artiklar som inlämnats, återbrukats och kasserats. Dessutom granskades dåvarande resthantering av produkterna samt alternativa förbättringar. Arbetet utgick ifrån en kartläggning om hur resthantering av produkterna genomfördes vid undersökningens start. Kartläggningen gjordes utifrån dåvarande avfallshantering i centrala Värmland. Det genomfördes också en känslighetsanalys, där materialets enskilda mängd ökades med 5, 10 eller 15 %. Metoden för studien utgjordes till största del av kontakt med producenter, återvinningsföretag, myndigheter samt återvinningscentraler. Databasen CES – Edu Pack samt information från Fritidsbankens lokal i Deje användes som grund för artiklarna och dess innehåll. Resultatet av studien visar att återanvändningen hos Fritidsbanken ger en positiv inverkan på materialframställning, resthantering och resursflöden. Totalt undviks 1480 kg material, 9.3 ton koldioxidutsläpp och 122 GJ energiomsättning vid materialframställning. Förslaget kring resthantering av artiklarna kan leda till: 34 GJ utvunnen energi vid förbränning samt 263 kg separerad och återvunnen stål. Studien utgick ifrån Fritidsbankens tre valda utbud av sportartiklar hösten 2015. Liknande produkter kan innehålla andra typer av material och bör därför undersökas därefter. Känslighetsanalysen visar att stål, nylon och epoxi-glasfiber var materialen som krävde mest energikonsumtion vid materialframställning. Det var även de material som alstrade mest koldioxid för samma process. Resultatet av känslighetsanalysen visar också att epoxi-glasfiber kan innehålla farliga ämnen. Därför borde inte mängden epoxi-glasfiber ökas eller utnyttjas i högre grad än i dagsläget. I och med detta kan eventuella förbättrade materialval övervägas ur artikelns livscykelperspektiv. / A clear pattern shows that the amount of waste increases with the increasing consumption. The consumption leads to more manufactured products which later on must be disposed as waste. Except trying to prevent the amount of waste, reusing products is a great option for waste managements. Fritidsbanken started 2013 in Deje Värmland and works like an organized lending system with sporting goods. The operation is largely based on advocating reuse. Fritidsbanken works like a library with sporting goods where anyone can borrow equipment for free. By giving the chance to practice activities and sports, Fritidsbanken creates conditions for spontaneous sporting. The study is based on the business premises in Deje, where three different sporting goods were examined: downhill skis, cross country skis and ice skates. The study examined the resource flows, production- and waste processes with the business as a base. The submitted articles were compared with the corresponding number of articles submitted, reused and discarded. Also the waste disposal of that time was reviewed and alternative improvements were presented.  The study was based on a separate survey of how waste management of products were carried out at the study’s start. The survey emanated from the central parts of Värmland in Sweden. Additional a sensivity analysis was performed and based on the materials found in the articles, presenting an increased mass of 5, 10 or 15 %.  The method for the study consisted largely of contacts with producers, recyclers, authorities and recycling centres. Information about the articles and its content were collected from CES – Edu Pack and Fritidbanken in Deje. The result of the study shows that the reuse gives a positive impact on the production of materials, waste management and resource flows. A total amount of 1480 kg material, 9.3 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions and 122 GJ amount of energy, were avoided in material production. The proposal regarding the waste disposal of articles can lead to 34 GJ energy derived from combustion and a recycled amount of 263 kg steel. The study was based on three different sporting goods which were collected from Fritidsbanken in Deje during autumn 2015. Similar products may contain other types of materials and should be examined accordingly. The sensitivity analysis shows that steel, epoxy-fiberglass and nylon were the materials that required the most energy in material production. It was also the material that produced the most carbon dioxide for the same process. The result from the sensitivity analysis also shows that epoxy-fiberglass may contain dangerous substances. Because of this the amount of epoxy-fiberglass should not increase or be used with a higher consumption. With that said, improved material selection can be considered from the article’s life cycle perspective.

2016-06-30 A Resource Flow Typology of African Cities

Currie, Paul Klugman 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / Global urbanisation trends predict a future in which the already overburdened cities of Africa and Asia will house the bulk of the two billion new people born by 2050. This second wave of urbanisation will increase resource demands in these cities and extend the expanse of slums already surrounding them. Given the global imperative of sustainable development, and the existing imbalance of resource access, effective urban planning is necessary to meet this second urbanisation wave, and build resilient, equitable cities. However, preliminary investigation suggests a lack of data-supported decision-making in cities of the global south, due either to limited collection of, or lack of access to, city-level data. This has led to many urban development programmes being implemented with minimal scientific backing to support the success of proposed policy or infrastructure innovations. This directly impacts a city’s ability to reach service delivery, economic growth, and human development goals, let alone protect ecosystem services upon which it relies. This is particularly true in African cities, in which governments are (necessarily) more focused on delivery of basic services than on a greening or efficiency agenda. This is further compounded by the need for African cities to prepare adequate public services for the increased population expected in the second urbanisation wave. A quantitative assessment of cities’ resource profiles can support policy makers in making informed decisions about infrastructure configurations in order to improve their resource management. To this end, methods to accurately estimate and analyse these data are necessary. The primary objective of this study was to establish a resource consumption typology for African cities. Due to limitations in the availability and form of secondary data, this study shifted focus to explore how best to form a typology from limited data. It made use of data for 53 African nations and scaling theories proffered to estimate city-level economic and resource data for 120 African cities. The resultant resource profiles were then normalised and clustered in a number of ways to produce two national typologies and four city typologies. Insights from these typologies both inform the method for categorising cities by socioeconomic or resource indicators as well as provide insights into the shape and magnitude of resource profile for multiple African cities. They also highlight the key drivers of resource consumption in these spaces. Future work involves validating the scaling method with locally acquired data so as to increase confidence in the city-level data, before settling on the preferred method for clustering cities. / Wêreldwye verstedelikingstendense dui op ‘n toekoms waarin die reeds oorlaaide stede in Afrika en Asië die grootste deel van die sowat twee biljoen nuwe mense teen 2050 sal huisves. Die tweede verstedelikingsgolf sal eise wat in hierdie stede op hulpbronne gestel word verhoog, en die uitgestrektheid van krotbuurtes wat hulle reeds omsingel, nog meer laat uitkring. In die lig van die wêreldwye noodsaaklikheid van volhoubare ontwikkeling en die heersende wanbalans wat toeganklikheid tot hulpbronne betref, is doeltreffende stedelike beplanning nodig om aan hierdie verwagte tweede verstedelikingsgolf te kan voldoen en lewenskragtige, gelyke stede op te rig. Voorlopige ondersoek toon egter ‘n tekort aan data-gesteunde besluitneming in suidelike stede van die wêreld weens óf beperkte inwinning daarvan, óf gebrek aan toegang tot data op stedelike vlak. Dit het daartoe aanleiding gegee dat talle stedelike ontwikkelingsprogramme met minimale wetenskaplike steun, wat die sukses van voorgestelde beleids- of infrastruktuurinnovasies rugsteun, geïmplementeer is. ‘n Stad se vermoë om sy doelwitte ten opsigte van dienslewering, ekonomiese groei en menslike ontwikkeling te bereik, word sodoende gekortwiek om nie eens melding te maak van beskerming van die ekostelsel-dienste waarop hy staatmaak nie. Dit is veral die geval in Afrika-stede waar regeerders (uit noodsaak) meer gefokus is op die lewering van basiese dienste as op ‘n agenda vir vergroening en doelmatigheid. Dit word voorts verhewig deur die behoefte van Afrika-stede om doeltreffende openbare dienste op die been te bring vir die groter bevolking wat met die tweede verstedelikingsgolf in die vooruitsig gestel word. ‘n Kwantitatiewe vasstelling van die omvang van stede se hulpbronne, kan beleidskeppers help om ingeligte besluite te neem oor infrastruktuur-konfigurasie en sodoende die bestuur van hulle hulpbronne verbeter. Met dit as mikpunt, is metodes nodig om hierdie data korrek te bepaal en te analiseer. Die hoofdoel van hierdie verhandeling was om ‘n hulpbronkonsumpsie-tipologie op te stel. Weens beperkinge wat betref die beskikbaarheid en vorm van sekondêre data, is die verhandeling se fokus verskuif om te bepaal hoe daar ten beste ‘n tipologie uit beperkte data gevorm kan word. Daar is van data rakende 53 Afrika-nasies, en skaal-teorieë aangebied deur gebruik gemaak om data oor die ekonomieë en hulpbronne van 120 Afrika-stede te bekom. Die hulpbron-vasstelling wat hieruit voortgevloei het, is vervolgens genormaliseer en saamgevoeg op ‘n verskeidenheid van wyses om twee nasionale tipologieë en vier stadstipologieë te lewer. Insigte wat dié tipologieë voortbring, lig die metode toe waarvolgens stede deur sosio-ekonomiese of hulpbron-aanwysers gekategoriseer word en bied ook insigte rakende die voorkoms en omvang van hulpbron-bepaling vir menige Afrika-stede. Hulle benadruk ook die sleutel-aandrywers van konsumpsie in hierdie opsig. Toekomstige werk sluit die bevestiging van die skaalmetode met plaaslik aangeskafde data in ten einde die vertroue in stadsdata te vermeerder alvorens daar op die voorkeurmetode vir die bondeling van stede besluit word.

Policy Analysis for Different Types of Decision-Making Situations

Andersson, Matts January 2017 (has links)
This thesis seeks to contribute to decision support for policy makers in the transport sector. In order to frame the papers and to relate them to the broad field of “policy analysis”, I have structured the papers around a simple framework with three decision levels: responsibility, policy gap, and policy measure. The thesis contains five papers. “Transaction and transition costs during the deregulation of the Swedish Railway market” is a paper in the transaction cost school. We studied the costs associated with the shift from monopoly to competition in the Swedish railway market, and we found that the change resulted in comparatively small transaction costs, but that transition and misalignment costs seem to be larger.  In “Parking policy under strategic interaction”, I examined the effect of strategic interaction between jurisdictions using an analytical model based on Hotelling’s linear city model. I conclude that the procedure for setting supply in most municipalities has a strong downward effect on municipal parking fees and that resource flow competition implies that the fees are higher than the efficient prices (but that the effect of the supply procedures makes this effect incongruous). In “Validation of aggregate reference forecasts for passenger transport”, we followed up the Swedish national forecasts for passenger transport produced from 1975 to 2009 and tried to explain the deviations. We found that the forecasts during the last decades have overestimated car traffic, and that this is due to input errors. The potential problem of using cross-sectional models for forecasting intertemporal changes seems to have been limited. In “The kilometer tax and Swedish industry - effects on sectors and regions”, we estimated factor demand elasticities in the Swedish manufacturing industry and used these to analyze the effects of a kilometer tax for heavy goods vehicles. We found that the kilometer tax leads to factor substitution in that it decreases transport demand and increases labor demand. The effects on output are less pronounced.   In “The effect of minimum parking requirements on the housing stock”, we used a model of the rental, asset, and construction markets. We quality-assured our assumptions and our results through interviews with market actors. In our example suburb, we found that parking norms reduced the housing stock by 1.2% and increased rents by 2.4%. / <p>QC 20171026</p>

資源跨界謀略:培生教育集團如何策畫複合商業模式 / Maneuvering Resource Crossover: How Pearson Education Strategizes Hybrid Business Models

譚雪屏, Tan, Hsueh Ping (Jennifer) Unknown Date (has links)
在環境變遷劇烈的時代,改善流程、發展新商品、研發新技術已經無法讓企業在穩操勝算。近年來,企業開始關注商業模式之價值。但是,過往的商業模式創新多為組合式,但是對於複合商業模式卻所知有限。本論文分析出版業商業模式的複合創新過程,了解傳統產業如何藉由商業模式而轉型。本文以全球最大的出版公司培生為研究對象,分析培生是如何策劃其複合商業模式,於2000年到2013年間啟動四種商業模式之創新。本文發現,商業模式必須透過資源不斷的流動,引導其實驗性交換方能產生複合的效應。觀念上,本論文提出如何以資源流的方式來分析商業模式的複合效應。實務上,本研究指出複合商業模式的形成原來不是以混合或組合不同的商業模式進行;而是必須創造資源的綜效,才能有效的讓新與舊的商業模式產生「複合」的效果,提供創新的解決方案,完成企業轉型的任務。 / In this rapid changing environment, improving work processes, developing new products, innovate new technologies may not secure firms’ success. In recent years, firms begin to pay attention to the value of business model. However, our understanding of business model innovation is limited to the combinational form and the hybrid form of business model is less known. This thesis examines the innovation process of hybrid business model within publishing industry, and understands how a traditional industry could undertake transformation via business model renewal. This study examines Pearson Publishing, which is the world’s largest publisher at the time, and analyzes how Pearson strategized its hybrid business model while launching four types of business model innovation during 2000-2013. The findings indicate that business model must initiate constant flow of resources, guiding its experimental exchange so as to create hybrid effects. Conceptually, this thesis suggests how to examine business models’ hybrid effects through patterns of resource flow. Practically, this research warns that the shaping of hybrid business model may not simply blend or combine two different business models. It requires us to create some sort of synergy among resources so as to generate some kind of ‘hybrid’ effect between the old business model and the new business model, resulting in innovative solutions and achieving the mission of corporate transformation.

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