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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Applying Resource Usage Analysis to Software Testing

Liu, Wei-Cheng 02 August 2007 (has links)
With the developing of the software and network environment, software becomes more and more complex. The network attacks which exploit the software vulnerability make the traditional software testing face a crucible challenge. According to the report by the CSI/FBI, the lose cause from Denial-of-Service remains in top 5 highest rank of network attacks in the past 3 years. Besides the network bandwidth consuming, the commonest attack is to exploit the software vulnerabilities. In my research, I found the traditional testing technique could not find the software vulnerabilities efficiently for they just verify the correctness of software. This way of thinking would bypass many software vulnerabilities which do not belong to the logical error such as memory leak. In another way, some test techniques to solve the resource usage vulnerability were proposed in recent years but the results of them are very primitive. Thus, I try to give the software testing a new definition from the resource usage analysis. I propose 3 test criteria in this paper. Testers could combine these test criteria with existing tools as a guide to test the resource usage of the program. With these test criteria, testers can find out the unhealthy usage of software resource.

Elämäntyytyväisyys ja terveys:voimavarasuuntautunut ikääntyvien henkilöiden seurantatutkimus

Härkönen, P. (Pirjo) 28 November 2012 (has links)
Abstract The main research objective was to ascertain ageing persons’ life satisfaction and associated health factors in a cross-sectional setting and its permanence and changes in a longitudinal setting. A secondary objective was to clarify the link between self-evaluated life satisfaction and mortality. The invited cohort was 55-years old persons born in 1935, not in permanent care, living in Oulu on 1.10.1990. In the first phase of data collection, in 1990–92 780 of 1008 persons invited participated. In the follow-up in 1996–97 previous participants were invited and 593 took part. In a second follow-up in 2007–08, 538 persons participated. This number-based on resources oriented study, formed the material N=744(55-yrs), N=572(62-yrs), N=527(72-yrs) in the cross-section, and N=445 in the longitudinal studies. In the research life satisfaction, its permanence and linked positive subjective and health factors of ageing persons was studied. Data was collected with questionnaires on health and well-being. In the cross-section setting, 65% of the 55-years old were life satisfied or very satisfied, the corresponding figure for 62-years old was 76% and for 72-years old 79%. Life satisfaction was linked with physical condition, experienced and mental health and, in addition, for 72-years old social support. In the longitudinal setting the participants’ life satisfaction in the same class was 54% for the first period and 59% for the following. The experienced life satisfaction of the 72-years old reflected the health factors of the 55-years old with almost the same emphasis on physical condition, experienced health and social support and most strongly on previous life satisfaction. Life satisfaction was also reflected in mortality in that there was a statistically significant difference in the survival between healthy persons who were satisfied or dissatisfied with life in the initial phase. The research showed that life satisfaction in mid-life is strongly associated with physical well-being and a lack of depression symptoms and that mid-life life satisfaction forecasts satisfaction as age increases. In health studies investigations it is important to take note of life satisfaction in well-being questions. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli kuvata ikääntyvien henkilöiden elämäntyytyväisyyttä ja siihen liittyviä terveystekijöitä poikkileikkausasetelmissa sekä tyytyväisyyden muutoksia pitkittäisasetelmassa. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää elämäntyytyväisyyden yhteyttä kuolleisuuteen. Tutkimuskohorttiin kutsuttiin vuonna 1935 syntyneet, Oulussa 1.10.1990 asuneet ja pysyvän laitoshoidon ulkopuolella olleet 55-vuotiaat henkilöt (N=1012). Aineiston keruuseen eli ensimmäiseen vaiheeseen 1990–92 osallistui 831 henkilöä 1008 kutsutusta. Ensimmäiseen seurantavaiheeseen 1996–97 kutsuttiin aiemmin osallistuneet. Heistä 593 noudatti kutsua. Toiseen seurantatutkimukseen 2007–08 osallistui 538 tutkittavaa. Tämän määrällisen, tarkastelutavaltaan voimavarasuuntautuneen tutkimuksen aineiston muodostivat poikkileikkausasetelmissa elämäntyytyväisyyskyselyyn kaikissa vaiheissa vastanneet henkilöt (N=774 55-vuotiasta, N=572 62-vuotiasta, N=527 72-vuotiasta) ja pitkittäisasetelmassa kaikkiin vaiheisiin osallistuneet 445 henkilöä. Aineisto kerättiin haastatteluin, strukturoiduin kysymyslomakkein ja kliinisin mittauksin. Elämään tyytyväisiä oli poikkileikkausasetelmissa 55-vuotiaina 65 %, 62-vuotiaina 76 % ja 72-vuotiaina 79 %. Elämäntyytyväisyys liittyi fyysiseen kuntoon, koettuun ja psyykkiseen terveyteen ja 72-vuotiaana lisäksi sosiaaliseen tukeen. Pitkittäisasetelmassa elämäntyytyväisyys pysyi samassa tyytyväisyyden luokassa ensimmäisessä seurantavaiheessa 54 %:lla ja toisessa seurantavaiheessa 59 %:lla. Fyysinen kunto, koettu terveys ja sosiaalinen tuki, psyykkinen terveys sekä aiempi elämäntyytyväisyys korreloivat elämäntyytyväisyyteen. Elämäntyytyväisyys heijastui myös kuolleisuuteen niin, että alkuvaiheen elämään tyytyväisten ja tyytymättömien ei-vakavasti sairaiksi luokiteltujen henkilöiden eloonjäämisero oli merkitsevä. Tutkimus osoitti myös, että elämäntyytyväisyys 55-vuotiaana on vahvasti yhteydessä fyysiseen kuntoon ja masennusoireiden puuttumiseen. Keski-iän elämäntyytyväisyys ennustaa elämäntyytyväisyyttä iän karttuessa.

Resource-oriented architecture based scientific workflow modelling

Duan, Kewei January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies the feasibility and methodology of applying state-of-the-art computer technology in scientific workflow modelling, within a collaborative environment. The collaborative environment also indicates that the people involved include non-computer scientists or engineers from other disciplines. The objective of this research is to provide a systematic methodology based on a web environment for the purpose of lowering the barriers brought by the heterogeneous features of multi-institutions, multi-platforms and geographically distributed resources which are implied in the collaborative environment of scientific workflow.

Migration from blocking to non-blocking web frameworks

Bilski, Mateusz January 2014 (has links)
The problem of performance and scalability of web applications is challenged by most of the software companies. It is difficult to maintain the performance of a web application while the number of users is continuously increasing. The common solution for this problem is scalability. A web application can handle incoming and outgoing requests using blocking or non-blocking Input/Output operation. The way that a single server handles requests affects its ability to scale and depends on a web framework that was used to build the web application. It is especially important for Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA) based applications which consist of distributed Representational State Transfer (REST) web services. This research was inspired by a real problem stated by a software company that was considering the migration to the non-blocking web framework but did not know the possible profits. The objective of the research was to evaluate the influence of web framework's type on the performance of ROA based applications and to provide guidelines for assessing profits of migration from blocking to non-blocking JVM web frameworks. First, internet ranking was used to obtain the list of the most popular web frameworks. Then, the web frameworks were used to conduct two experiments that investigated the influence of web framework's type on the performance of ROA based applications. Next, the consultations with software architects were arranged in order to find a method for approximating the performance of overall application. Finally, the guidelines were prepared based on the consultations and the results of the experiments. Three blocking and non-blocking highly ranked and JVM based web frameworks were selected. The first experiment showed that the non-blocking web frameworks can provide performance up to 2.5 times higher than blocking web frameworks in ROA based applications. The experiment performed on existing application showed average 27\% performance improvement after the migration. The elaborated guidelines successfully convinced the company that provided the application for testing to conduct the migration on the production environment. The experiment results proved that the migration from blocking to non-blocking web frameworks increases the performance of web application. The prepared guidelines can help software architects to decide if it is worth to migrate. However the guidelines are context depended and further investigation is needed to make it more general.

Intentional Music Listening: Development of a Resource-Oriented Music Therapy Technique to Promote Well-Being

Wagner, Heather Jean January 2014 (has links)
This study examined a music therapy technique designed according to a resource-oriented approach and involved the use of music listening with adults, called "Intentional Music Listening". This protocol consisted of four music listening techniques. An exploratory sequential design was used, with a quantitative data phase followed by a qualitative data phase. The quantitative phase employed a modified crossover design, with an experimental group and waitlist control group. Participants attended groups at which they were coached in the music listening techniques for at-home practice. Quantitative data was gathered using the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988), and through completion of diary cards after each at-home listening protocol. The qualitative data phase consisted of semi-structured interviews following participation in the music listening protocol. Both the statistical data and the qualitative data give support for the Intentional Music Listening protocol as having a positive impact on the participants' perceived state of well-being, and as a viable set of techniques for use in wellness-based music therapy practice. / Music Therapy

A Resource-Oriented Architecture for Integration and Exploitation of Linked Data / Conception d'une architecture orientée services pour l'intégration et l'exploitation de données liées

De Vettor, Pierre 29 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'intégration de données brutes provenant de sources hétérogènes sur le Web. L'objectif global est de fournir une architecture générique et modulable capable de combiner, de façon sémantique et intelligente, ces données hétérogènes dans le but de les rendre réutilisables. Ce travail est motivé par un scenario réel de l'entreprise Audience Labs permettant une mise à l'échelle de cette architecture. Dans ce rapport, nous proposons de nouveaux modèles et techniques permettant d'adapter le processus de combinaison et d'intégration à la diversité des sources de données impliquées. Les problématiques sont une gestion transparente et dynamique des sources de données, passage à l'échelle et responsivité par rapport au nombre de sources, adaptabilité au caractéristiques de sources, et finalement, consistance des données produites(données cohérentes, sans erreurs ni doublons). Pour répondre à ces problématiques, nous proposons un méta-modèle pour représenter ces sources selon leurs caractéristiques, liées à l'accès (URI) ou à l'extraction (format) des données, mais aussi au capacités physiques des sources (latence, volume). En s'appuyant sur cette formalisation, nous proposent différentes stratégies d'accès aux données, afin d'adapter les traitements aux spécificités des sources. En se basant sur ces modèles et stratégies, nous proposons une architecture orientée ressource, ou tout les composants sont accessibles par HTTP via leurs URI. En se basant sur les caractéristiques des sources, sont générés des workflows d'exécution spécifiques et adapté, permettant d'orchestrer les différentes taches du processus d'intégration de façon optimale, en donnant différentes priorités à chacune des tâches. Ainsi, les temps de traitements sont diminuées, ainsi que les volumes des données échangées. Afin d'améliorer la qualité des données produites par notre approches, l'accent est mis sur l'incertitude qui peut apparaître dans les données sur le Web. Nous proposons un modèle, permettant de représenter cette incertitude, au travers du concept de ressource Web incertaines, basé sur un modèle probabiliste ou chaque ressource peut avoir plusieurs représentation possibles, avec une certaine probabilité. Cette approche sera à l'origine d'une nouvelle optimisation de l'architecture pour permettre de prendre en compte l'incertitude pendant la combinaison des données / In this thesis, we focus on data integration of raw data coming from heterogeneous and multi-origin data sources on the Web. The global objective is to provide a generic and adaptive architecture able to analyze and combine this heterogeneous, informal, and sometimes meaningless data into a coherent smart data set. We define smart data as significant, semantically explicit data, ready to be used to fulfill the stakeholders' objective. This work is motivated by a live scenario from the French {\em Audience Labs} company. In this report, we propose new models and techniques to adapt the combination and integration process to the diversity of data sources. We focus on transparency and dynamicity in data source management, scalability and responsivity according to the number of data sources, adaptability to data source characteristics, and finally consistency of produced data (coherent data, without errors and duplicates). In order to address these challenges, we first propose a meta-models in order to represent the variety of data source characteristics, related to access (URI, authentication) extraction (request format), or physical characteristics (volume, latency). By relying on this coherent formalization of data sources, we define different data access strategies in order to adapt access and processing to data source capabilities. With help form these models and strategies, we propose a distributed resource oriented software architecture, where each component is freely accessible through REST via its URI. The orchestration of the different tasks of the integration process can be done in an optimized way, regarding data source and data characteristics. This data allows us to generate an adapted workflow, where tasks are prioritized amongst other in order to fasten the process, and by limiting the quantity of data transfered. In order to improve the data quality of our approach, we then focus on the data uncertainty that could appear in a Web context, and propose a model to represent uncertainty in a Web context. We introduce the concept of Web resource, based on a probabilistic model where each resource can have different possible representations, each with a probability. This approach will be the basis of a new architecture optimization allowing to take uncertainty into account during our combination process

資源導向智慧家庭服務維運機制的設計與實現 / Design and implementation of a resource-oriented smart home service operation management platform

陳映如 Unknown Date (has links)
智慧家庭的概念早在半世紀前就被提出,但至今仍被認為是豪宅的配備, 到目前為止也沒有「智慧家庭產業」出現。解決智慧家庭系統的維運議題, 是智慧家庭技術普及化,進而形成產業的重要前提。Broadband Forum 所提 出的 CWMP 是目前較普及與成熟的維運技術,但 CWMP 在軟體架構與軟 體設計上仍具有改善空間,包含用企業級技術來定義嵌入裝置規範,導致 效能與擴充性不佳;領域模型設計不良,開發人員難以學習與理解,以及 Web 回呼(Callback)機制未臻完善,無法彈性應對各種裝置回呼狀況。針對 這些議題,本論文提出以資源導向架構風格來改良 CWMP,並針對現行各 種 Web Callback 機制做實驗與分析,評估適合 CWMP 應用場域中的 Callback 機制,基於上述機制,建構基於資源導向架構的 CWMP 智慧家庭服務維運 平台,並透過實驗與實作應用情境,並驗證其功能完備性、效能及實務上 之可行性。 / The vision of smart home has been depicted for over a half-century. Nevertheless, Smart Home technologies are still not widely deployed in most people’s living spaces. The main reason is that operations management technologies for smart home such as remote deployment, monitoring, and maintenance are not well studied and only a few attempts have so far been made toward this aspect. CWMP, proposed by Broadband Forum, is a promising standard for realizing a Smart Home operations management platform. Several design issues, namely, poor performance and scalability, poor domain model design and inappropriate web callback architecture, have been identified. The objective of this thesis is, therefore, to deal with the issues mentioned above by suggesting a set of new ways to design CWMP functionalities. The overall approach is based on the RESTful architectural style. Finally, the proposed designs are realized as an operations management platform prototype. Validations and experiments are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

WEB SERVICES FÖR MOBILAPPLIKATIONER : Utveckling av säkra RESTful web services för mobilapplikationer / WEB SERVICES FOR MOBILE APPLICATIONS

Eriksson, Maria January 2011 (has links)
This report describes the development of a RESTful web service for mobile applications. The web service makes resources from an existing system called kompetensdatabasen ("the competence database") available. Kompetensdatabasen holds information about the capabilities of consultants and about assignments carried out at the IT consultant business Nethouse AB. The web service was developed according to the principles of REST and ROA (Resource Oriented Architecture) which puts focus on making resources available. The resources are made available through the HTTP protocol and the methods associated with it. This means it was designed to use the same technologies as the world wide web. Following these principles when designing the system has been of great importance. To make sure that the service does not leak information to competing companies or violate the Personal Data Act some kind of solution for securing the service had to be implemented. A model for authentication was produced to make the system accessible only for employees of the company. / Rapporten beskriver utvecklandet av en RESTful web service för mobilapplikationer. Web servicen tillgängliggör resurser från ett befintligt system som kallas kompetensdatabasen. Kompetensdatabasen innehåller information om konsulters kompetenser och de uppdrag som utförts vid IT-konsultföretaget Nethouse AB. Web servicen utvecklades enligt principerna för REST och ROA (Resource Oriented Architecture) vilket innebär ett fokus på att tillgängliggöra resurser. Resurserna görs nåbara genom HTTP-protokollet och dess metoder, det vill säga samma tekniker som används på webben. Stor vikt har lagts på att designa systemet enligt dessa principer. För att servicen inte skulle läcka information till konkurrenter eller bryta mot personuppgiftslagen behövde någon form av säkerhetslösning implementeras. En autentiseringsmodell togs fram för att göra systemet nåbart enbart för anställda vid företaget.

Teste baseado em modelos para serviços RESTful usando máquinas de estados de protocolos UML / Model-based testing of RESTful web services using UML protocol state machines

Pinheiro, Pedro Victor Pontes 15 April 2014 (has links)
A Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços (SOA) é um estilo arquitetural formado por um conjunto de restrições que visa promover a escalabilidade e a flexibilidade de um sistema, provendo suas funcionalidades como serviços. Nos últimos anos, um estilo alternativo foi proposto e amplamente adotado, que projeta as funcionalidades de um sistema como recursos. Este estilo arquitetural orientado a recursos é chamado de REST. O teste de serviços web em geral apresenta vários desafios devido a sua natureza distribuída, canal de comunicação pouco confiável, baixo acoplamento e a falta de uma interface de usuário. O teste de serviços RESTful (serviços que utilizam o REST) compartilham estes mesmos desafios e ainda necessitam que suas restrições sejam obedecidas. Estes desafios demandam testes mais sistemáticos e formais. Neste contexto, o teste baseado em modelos (TBM) se apresenta como um processo viável para abordar essas necessidades. O modelo que representa o sistema deve ser simples e ao mesmo tempo preciso para que sejam gerados casos de teste com qualidade. Com base nesse contexto, este projeto de mestrado propõe uma abordagem baseada em modelos para testar serviços RESTful. O modelo comportamental adotado foi a máquina de estados de protocolos UML, capaz de formalizar a interface do serviço enquanto esconde o seu funcionamento interno. Uma ferramenta foi desenvolvida para gerar automaticamente os casos de teste usando critérios de cobertura de estados e transições para percorrer o modelo / Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style consisting of a set of restrictions aimed at promoting the scalability and flexibility of a system, providing its functionalities as services. In recent years, an alternative style was proposed and widely adopted, which designs the system\'s functionalities as resources. This resource oriented architectural style is called REST. In general, the test of web services has several challenges due to its distributed nature, unreliable communication channel, low coupling and the lack of a user interface. Testing RESTful web services (services that use REST) share these same challenges and also need to obey the REST constraints. These challenges require a more systematic and formal testing approach. In this context, model based testing presents itself as a viable process for addressing those needs. The model that represents the system should be simple and precise enough to generate quality test cases. Based on this context, this work proposes a model based approach to test RESTful web services. The behavioral model used was the UML protocol state machine, which is capable to provide a formalization of the service interface, while hiding its internal behaviour. A tool was developed to automatically generate test cases using the state and transition coverage criteria to traverse the model

Semantically-enriched and semi-autonomous collaboration framework for the Web of Things : design, implementation and evaluation of a multi-party collaboration framework with semantic annotation and representation of sensors in the Web of Things and a case study on disaster management

Amir, Mohammad January 2015 (has links)
This thesis proposes a collaboration framework for the Web of Things based on the concepts of Service-oriented Architecture and integrated with semantic web technologies to offer new possibilities in terms of efficient asset management during operations requiring multi-actor collaboration. The motivation for the project comes from the rise in disasters where effective cross-organisation collaboration can increase the efficiency of critical information dissemination. Organisational boundaries of participants as well as their IT capability and trust issues hinders the deployment of a multi-party collaboration framework, thereby preventing timely dissemination of critical data. In order to tackle some of these issues, this thesis proposes a new collaboration framework consisting of a resource-based data model, resource-oriented access control mechanism and semantic technologies utilising the Semantic Sensor Network Ontology that can be used simultaneously by multiple actors without impacting each other’s networks and thus increase the efficiency of disaster management and relief operations. The generic design of the framework enables future extensions, thus enabling its exploitation across many application domains. The performance of the framework is evaluated in two areas: the capability of the access control mechanism to scale with increasing number of devices, and the capability of the semantic annotation process to increase in efficiency as more information is provided. The results demonstrate that the proposed framework is fit for purpose.

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