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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Model vir bemagtiging van verpleegkundiges : 'n bestuursperspektief

Jooste, K. (Karien), 1957- 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Bemagtiging van verpleegkundiges in gesondheidsdienste in Suid-Afrika bly 'n voortdurende kwessie en die mate waartoe verpleegbestuur verpleegkundiges bemagtig om outonoom op te tree, is onbekend. Wanneer verpleegkundiges bemagtig is, lei dit tot verbeterde pasientsorg deur middel van verhoogde produktiwiteit en werktevredenheid. Die wyse waarop bemagtiging van verpleegkundiges meet geskied is nog nie in SuidAfrika in diepte ondersoek nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om daardie elemente wat vir die verpleegbestuurder noodsaaklik is om verpleegkundiges te kan bemagtig, te identifiseer. Deur middel van 'n beskrywende, ontdekkende studie wat van 'n vraelys gebruik gemaak het om inligting te bekom, is die nodige elemente gei'soleer. Verpleegbestuurders in gesondheidsdienste in die Gauteng-area het as teikengroep gedien. Definisies van bestuursbemagtiging is geanaliseer ten einde 'n konseptuele raamwerk te ken saamstel. Ses konsepte het die raamwerk vir hierdie studie gevorm, naamlik: • die bydrae van bestuurstrukture tot die bemagtiging van verpleegkundiges; • die rel van magsdeling in die bemagtiging van verpleegkundiges; • deelnemende besluitneming in die bemagtiging van verpleegkundiges; • die verpleegbestuurder se vaardighede en verantwoordelikhede in haar daaglikse taakontwerp en bestuur wat tot die bemagtiging van verpleegkundiges bydra; • motivering- en beloningstrategiee wat tot bemagtiging bydra; en • eienskappe wat kenmerkend van 'n bemagtigende verpleegbestuurder is. Uit die ontleding van die data het die volgende belangrike elemente ender andere na vore gekom: • Daar behoort gedesentraliseerde verspreiding van mag na die laagste moontlike vlak in die gesondheidsdiens plaas te vind; • Die voorstelle van verpleegkundiges behoort erken en indien aanvaarbaar, geimplementeer te word; • Gesag behoort op so n wyse gedelegeer te word dat onafhanklike besluitneming bevorder word; • Verpleegkundiges se take behoort sodanig ontwerp te word dat onafhanklike optrede in die werkplek bevorder word. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het getoon dat verpleegbestuurders positief ingestel is betreffende die bemagtiging van verpleegkundiges. Hulle beskou dit as deel van hulle bestuursfunksie. 'n Uitdaging waarmee die bestuurder van die toekoms te kampe sal he, is die van 'n omvattende begrip vir personeellede en om van beheer deur middel van streng burokratiese reels, af te sien. / Empowerment of nurses in health services in South Africa remains an ongoing issue, but the extent to which nursing management empowers nurses to act autonomously is not known. When nurses are empowered patient care and nursing services improve through enhanced productivity and job satisfaction. The way in which nurses could be empowered by management has yet to be addressed by researchers in South Africa. The aim of the present study was to identify those essential elements through which nurse managers can empower nurses. By making use of a descriptive exploratory study, utilizing a questionnaire to acquire the necessary information, the essential elements were isolated. Nurse managers in health services in the Gauteng region formed the target group. Definitions of empowerment in management were analyzed and from this a conceptual framework regarding empowerment was formulated. Six concepts served as the basis of this study: • the contribution of management structures, towards the empowerment of nurses; • the role of power-sharing in the empowerment of nurses; • participative decision making in the empowerment of nurses; • the management skills and responsibilities of the nurse manager in her daily task design and management that contribute to the empowerment of nurses; • motivation and reward strategies that contribute towards empowerment; • attributes which characterise an empowered nurse manager. From the analysis of. the data the following important elements among others emerged: • Decentralization of the distribution of power to the lowest possible level should take place in the health services; • The suggestions of nurses should be acknowledged and if found acceptable, to be implemented; • Authority should be delegated in such a way that independent decision making by nurses is enhanced; • Nurses' tasks should be designed in a way that promote independent performance in the work place. The findings of this study revealed that nurse managers are favourably disposed towards the empowerment of nurses. They see this as part of their managerial function. A challenge which confronts the manager of the future is that of comprehensively understanding staff members, and setting aside control through bureaucratic behaviour. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.

The social responsibility of South African trade unions : a labour law perspective

Manamela, Makwena Ernest 06 1900 (has links)
Trade unions have been in existence for many years. Although their introduction was generally met with resistance, since their establishment trade unions have been important agents of social change worldwide. Over the years, trade unions have been involved in politics and other societal activities. In South Africa, trade unions for many years not only fought for worker’s rights within the workplace but also beyond the workplace. Trade unions started as friendly societies aimed at assisting their members with various matters, including offering financial help for education purposes and also in cases of illnesses. Although the main purpose of trade unions is to regulate relations between employees and their employers, trade unions perform other functions in society which can be broadly referred to as their social responsibility role. Unlike corporate social responsibility, which is recognised and formalised, trade union social responsibility is not, with the role and importance of social responsibility for trade unions having been largely ignored. This thesis aims at changing this by investigating their core responsibilities and their social responsibilities and subsequently making recommendations on how trade unions could recognise and accommodate their social responsibilities in their activities. It also considers factors that could assist trade unions in fulfilling their social responsibilities. Trade unions generally obtain legislative support for their core responsibilities, but not their social responsibilities; however this should not obstruct trade unions in such endeavours. As modern organisations it is high time that trade unions make a contribution towards sustainable development through their social responsibility role. / Private Law / LLD

The role that the school governing bodies (SGBs) play in the implementation of language policy in Brits District

Mabusela, Gadifele Guilty 02 1900 (has links)
The study was conducted in the Brits District. Six schools were chosen of which 3 belonged to the former model C schools where the language of teaching and learning is Afrikaans, and the other 3 schools were previously disadvantaged/rural schools. A qualitative study was used to garner information in the form of interviews, document analysis and observation. The study attempt to find out the exact role that the School governing body (SGBs) play in the implementation of language policy as stipulated in the Constitution. It was revealed that of the 2 types of schools the school governing body (SGBs) for former model C schools are aware of the role they have to play in the implementation of the language policy whereas the school governing body (SGBs) for the rural schools are still grappling with their role as custodian of language policy implementation. A number of concepts emerged from the study where it became apparent that rural schools and former model C school’s play field were not equally levelled from the onset. Former model C school governing body (SGBs) seem to be aware of their role in the implementation of language policy, whereas the rural school, school governing body (SGBs) are aware of their other roles e.g. school maintenance, school fund and hiring of educators. On the other hand they are of the opinion that language policies is for the principal and the school management team. In addition it was observed that the school governing body (SGBs) for rural schools has low morale, do not have the language policy document and generally lack interest in the services they are supposed to provide critical theory underpins this study. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Perceptions of stakeholders on management development programmes for beginning secondary school heads in Zimbabwe

Mudzingwa, Kudzayiishe 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English, abstract in English, Zulu and Sepedi / The education system in Zimbabwe has experienced a wide range of educational reforms and technological changes since the last half of the 20th century. These changes have resulted in a significant expansion of the duties and responsibilities that school heads are expected to perform in schools. Despite these changes, there has not been a comprehensive training programme meant to prepare newly promoted secondary school heads for the daunting task of school leadership in Zimbabwe. The study sought to examine the perceptions of stakeholders regarding management development programmes (MDPs) for beginning secondary school heads (BSSHs). The study employed the descriptive case study approach based on a qualitative research design. A total of 28 participants were initially selected for the study but only 27 took part. The participants comprised five BSSHs, five practising secondary school heads, four deputy heads and 10 senior teachers who were drawn from 10 selected secondary schools in Zaka district. Three school inspectors from the district education office in Zaka district also took part. The participants were purposively sampled using the maximum variation sampling approach to account for the differences of their professional categories. Individual semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from the BSSHs, practising secondary school heads and school inspectors, while focus group interviews were used to collect data from deputy heads and senior teachers. A review of relevant documentary sources such as vacancy announcement circulars, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) training and development policy and policy circulars from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) was also undertaken. The findings indicated that there was a need for a management development programme that would equip newly promoted school heads with the relevant technical skills and competencies that would enable them to provide sound leadership to schools. The study established that BSSHs required knowledge and skills in financial management, instructional leadership, general administration, ICT, policy issues, human resources management, community relations, documentation and asset management. / Uhlelo lwezemfundo eZimbabwe seluhlangabenzane nezinkinga ezinkulu ezimayelana nezinguquko kwezemfundo kanye noshintsho kwezobuchwepheshe kusukela kuyisigamu sokugcina sekhulu leminyaka engama-20. Lezi zinguquko ziholele ekwandisweni okuphawulekayo kwemisebenzi kanye nezibopho okumele othishanhloko ezikolweni bayifeze. Ngaphandle kwalezinguquko, akukaze kwabakhona uhlelo lokuqeqesha olunzulu olulungiselela othishanhloko abasanda kuthola izikhundla ezintsha kulomsebenzi onzima wokuhola eZimbabwe. Isifundo sizohlola sibheke imibono yamadlelandawonye mayelana neZinhlelo Zokuthuthukisa Ukuphatha kwalabothishanhloko bezikole zamabanga aphezulu abasafufuza. Isifundo sizosebenzisa ucwaningo lwesifundo esichazayo olwakhelwe phezulu kocwaningo lokuklama oluphathelene nesimo. Kuye kwakhethwa abantu abangamashumi amabili nesishiyagalombili (28) kodwa babe ngamashumi amabili nesikhombisa (27) kuphela abaye babamba iqhaza. Abantu ababambe iqhaza behlise obekuhloswe ngalabothishanhloko abahlanu (5) bezikole zamabanga aphezulu abasafufuza, othishanhloko abahlanu (5) asebekhona kulo mkhakha emabangeni aphezulu, amaphini kathishanhloko yesikole amane (4), othisha abasezingeni lokuphatha ngokwesikhathi asebe sisebenzile abaqokwe ezikolweni zamabanga aphezulu abayishumi (10) abakhethwe ezikolweni zamabanga aphezulu kuyisifunda sakwaZaka. Abahloli bezikole abathathu ababuya kuyisifunda somnyango wezemfundo kuso isifunda sakwaZaka nabo babamba iqhaza. Abantu ababambe iqhaza basampulwe ngenhloso ethile lapho kusetshenziswe indlela ephezulu yokuhluka kwesampuli ukuze kuphendulwe ngokuhluka ngokwezigaba zabo zemfundo. Izinhlolokhono ezihleliwe zomuntu ngamunye ziye zasetshenziswa ukuqoqa ulwazi kothishanhloko bezikole bamabanga aphezulu abasafufuza, othishanhloko asebekhona kulo mkhakha emabangeni aphezulu kanye nabahloli bezikole kwase kuthi izinhlolokhono zamaqembu zasetshenziselwa ukuqoqa ulwazi kumaphini onhloko bezikole nakothisha abasezingeni lokuphatha ngokwesikhathi asebe sisebenzile abaqokwe ezikolweni zamabanga aphezulu. Kuye kwabuyekezwa imibhalo yamaphepha efanele efana namasekhula amemezela izikhala zomsebenzi, iKhomishani Yomsebenzi Womphakathi yokuqeqeshwa nenqubomgomo yokuthuthukiswa kanye nenqubomgomo yamasekhula asuka kuNgqongqoshe weMfundo yamabanga Aphansi nawaPhezulu. Kuye kwatholakala ukuthi kunesidingo sezinhlelo zokuthuthukisa ukuphatha ezizohlomisa othishanhloko abasandukunyuselwa kulezi zikhundla ngamakhono afanele ezobuchwepheshe anamandla azobasiza ukuba babengabaholi abaqotho ezikolweni. Isifundo siye sathola ukuthi othishanhloko bezikole bamabanga aphezulu abasafufuza badinga ulwazi namakhono ngokuphathwa kwezimali, ubuholi obuqotho bokufundisa, ukuphathwa kwamabhuku jikelele, Ulwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana (ICT), okuphathelene nengqubomgomo, ukuphathwa kwabantu, ubudlelwano nomphakathi, kanye nokuphathwa kwemibhalo nempahla. / Peakanyo ya thuto go la Zimbabwe e itemogetše dimpshafatšo tša thuto le diphetogo tša theknolotši tše di fapanego go tloga nakong ya seripagare sa mafelelo sa ngwagakgolo wa bo20. Diphetogo tše di hlotše koketšo ye kgolo ya ditshwanelo le boikarabelo tšeo dihlogo tša dikolo di letelwago go di phethagatša dikolong. Ka ntle ga diphetogo tše, go bile le lenaneo la tlhahlo leo le feleletšego leo le diretšwego go beakanyetša dihlogo tša dikolo tše mpsha tšeo di sa tšogo godišwa go tlo lebana le modiro wo o tšhošago wa boetapele bja dikolo ka Zimbabwe. Thutelo e nyaka go hlahloba dikgopolo tša batho bao ba nago le dikgahlego malebana le mananeo a tlhabollo ya bolaodi (diMDP) a dihlogo tša dikolo tša sekontari tše di thomago (diBSSH). Thutelo e latetše mokgwatebelelo wa ditlhalošo wa nyakišišo ye e dirilwego ka ga tiragalo wo o theilwego go tlhako ya nyakišišo ka go utolla mokgwa wa bophelo bja setšhaba se itšeng. Palomoka ya batšeakarolo ba 28 e kgethilwe pele go thutelo eupša ba 27 ba tšere karolo. Batšeakarolo e be e le diBSSH tše tlhano, dihlogo tša dikolo tša sekontari tše tlhano tšeo di lego modirong, bathušahlogo ba bane le barutišibagolo ba 10 bao ba tšerwego dikolong tša sekontari tšeo di kgethilwego seleteng sa Zaka. Bahlahlobi ba dikolo ba bararo go tšwa ofising ya selete ya thuto ka seleteng sa Zaka le bona ba tšere karolo. Batšeakarolo ba kgethilwe ka maikemišetšo bjalo ka disampolo ka go diriša mokgwatebelelo wa maksimamo wa go tšea disampolo ka go fapana go hlaloša lebaka la diphapang ka go magoro a bona a diprofešene. Ditherišano tša motho a nnoši tša dipotšišo tšeo di sa latelego lenaneo leo le itšeng di dirišitšwe go kgoboketša datha go tšwa go diBSSH, dihlogo tša dikolo tša sekontari tšeo di lego mošomong le bahlahlobi ba dikolo, mola ditherišano tša dihlopha tšeo di nepišitšwego di dirišitšwe go kgoboketša datha ye e hweditšwego go batlatšadihlogo le barutišibagolo. Tekolo ya methopo ya maleba ya kanegelo ya ditiragalo go swana le mangwalophatlalatšwa, molaotshepetšo wa tlhahlo le tlhabollo wa Khomišene ya Mešomo ya Mmušo (CSC) le mangwalophatlalatšwa a melaotshepetšo go tšwa go Kgoro ya tona ya Thuto ya Praemari le Sekontari (MoPSE) le yona e phathagaditšwe. Dikhwetšo di šupile gore go bile le tlhokego ya lenaneo la tlhabollo ya bolaodi leo le tlo fago dihlogo tše mpsha tšeo di sa tšwago go godišwa mabokgoni le botsebi tša sethekniki tša maleba tšeo di tlo ba kgontšhago go phethagatša boetapele bjo bo kwagalago bja dikolong. Thutelo e utollotše gore diBSSH di be di nyaka tsebo le mabokgoni tšeo di nyakegago go bolaodi bja matšeleng, boetapele go tša dithuto, / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Phil. (Education Management)

The leadership role of the school governing bodies in selected South African secondary schools

Luphoko, Mandla Erick 28 July 2020 (has links)
School Governing Bodies (SGBs) function across South Africa as governance structures aimed at improving effectiveness of the schools. The appointment of SGB's and their establishment to improve school governance is not only unique to South Africa but is a trend in all democratically elected countries such as the United States, Britain, Australia and Brazil. The purpose of this study was to explore the leadership role of the School Governing Bodies in selected South African secondary schools. The study was underpinned by four leadership theories namely, the contingency theory, participative theory, transformational theory and the instructional leadership theory. An empirical investigation was informed by the literature review. The qualitative study was guided by an interpretive paradigm. Purposive sampling was used to select four secondary schools in Nkomazi West Circuit, Ehlanzeni District, Mpumalanga. A total number of four SGB's from each school and the school principals participated in this study. Observations of SGB meetings, individual interviews with the principals of the participating schools and focus group interviews with SGB members were used to collect data, which were analysed using a qualitative approach. The findings revealed that SGB's in the four participating schools did not experience major challenges in executing their roles because they had a clear understanding of their responsibilities. However, lack of adequate training with regard to financial management was a challenge. Further findings indicated that all SGB members had received training on various aspects of school management before they commenced with their duties. Most training workshops were conducted in English and although this was not an obstacle to study participants, it was a challenge SGBs. It is therefore recommended that adequate financial management workshops be conducted and that further workshops be organised by principals at school level to address SGB members’ specific needs. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Gender treatment in Grade nine classroom instructional activities and representation in English textbook

Zenawi Nigussie Zewdie 07 May 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The aim of this study was to explore how gender is perceived in classroom instructional activities and how it is represented in the Grade 9 English textbook in Ethiopia. To do this, the constructivist paradigm was used as a way of viewing the educational world. Underpinned by the Sociocultural Theory (SCT) and Gender Schema Theory (GST), the study was qualitative and used a multiple case study inquiry. The selection of participants was through purposive sampling and data were collected through interviews, observations and textbook review. The study was undertaken at four government high schools, and the focus was on Grade 9 at Chacha, Minjar, DebreSina and Mekoy Districts of North Shoa Zone in Amhara Region. Sixteen learners, four teachers and four principals were interviewed. The findings concluded in two significant findings: 1) improper gender treatment in classroom instructional activities, and 2) imbalance of gender representation in Grade 9 English textbook. The first finding generated emerging themes, for instance (a) imbalanced allocation of roles and responsibilities between girls and boys; (b) girls’ embarrassment by others; (c) girls’ incapability to manage group and use given opportunity in classroom; (d) male domination and female subordination; (e) gender policy implementation gap at school; (f) impediment of girls’ participation due to patriarchal thinking; (g) challenges of traditional gender thinking in classroom; (h) parents’ practices and experiences affected learners’ practices and experiences in classroom; (i) lack of girls’ recognition by others; and (j) self-overestimation seen by boys and self-underestimation seen by girls. The themes for the second major finding include: (a) men overrepresentation and women underrepresentation; (b) presence of gender-marked vocabularies to enhance women’s passive role; (c) encouragement of traditional gender representation by assigning women in baby-sitting, and domestic chores, such as cleaning, cooking or shopping; (d) manifestation of man first-ness; and (e) imbalance of pictorial representation between women and men. The study recommends that teaching gender equality to the school community and society could be used to discourage gender stereotyped and biased engagements. Female teachers should be role models for girls. Educators should use gender-sensitive materials for the development of a gender-free awareness by the young generation. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om te ondersoek hoe gender in klaskameronderrigaktiwiteite ervaar word en hoe dit in die Graad 9 Engelse handboek in Etiopië voorgestel word. Ten einde dit te doen, is die kontruktivistiese paradigma as beskouingswyse van die opvoedkundige wêreld gebruik. Die studie was kwalitatief, onderlê deur sosiokulturele teorie en genderskemateorie, en die ondersoekmetode van veelvuldige gevallestudies is gebruik. Deelnemers is met behulp van doelbewuste steekproefneming geselekteer en data is deur middel van onderhoude, observasies en 'n handboekoorsig ingesamel. Die studie is by vier regeringshoërskole onderneem, en die fokus was op Graad 9 in die Chacha, Minjar, DebreSina en Mekoy distrikte van die Noord-Shoa sone in die Amhara streek. Onderhoude is gevoer met sestien leerders, vier onderwysers en vier skoolhoofde. Daar was twee beduidende bevindings: 1) onvanpaste genderbehandeling in klaskameronderrigaktiwiteite, en 2) 'n wanbalans in gendervoorstelling in die Graad 9 Engelse handboek. Verskillende temas het uit die eerste bevinding voortgespruit, byvoorbeeld (a) die ongebalanseerde toekenning van rolle en verantwoordelikhede tussen seuns en dogters; (b) die vernedering van dogters deur ander; (c) die onvermoë van dogters om groepe te beheer en van gegewe geleenthede in die klaskamer gebruik te maak; (d) manlike oorheersing en vroulike ondergeskiktheid; (e) 'n leemte in die implementering van genderbeleid op skool; (f) belemmering van dogters se deelname deur patriargale denke; (g) die uitdagings van tradisionele genderdenke in die klaskamer; (h) die invloed wat ouers se praktyke en ervarings op leerders se praktyke en ervarings in die klaskamer het; (i) gebrekkige erkenning van dogters deur ander; en (j) self-oorskatting onder die seuns en self-onderskatting onder die dogters. Die temas van die tweede hoofbevinding het ingesluit: (a) die óórverteenwoordiging van mans en onderverteenwoordiging van vroue; (b) die teenwoordigheid van gendergekleurde woordeskat om vroue se passiewe rol te beklemtoon; (c) die aanmoediging van tradisionele genderverteenwoordiging deur huishoudelike take soos skoonmaak, kook en inkopies doen aan vroue toe te ken; (d) die manifestering van manlike uitnemendheid/"eerste wees"; en (e) 'n wanbalans in die verteenwoordiging van vroue en mans in illustrasies. Die studie beveel aan dat die skoolgemeenskap en die gemeenskap in gendergelykheid onderrig word ten einde genderstereotipering en bevooroordeelde optredes te ontmoedig. Vroulike onderwyseres behoort 'n rolmodel vir dogters te wees. Onderwysers moet gendersensitiewe materiaal gebruik om gendervrye bewustheid onder die jong geslag te kweek / Inhloso yocwaningo bekuwukubheka ukuthi ubulili bubonwa kanjani kwimisebenzi efundiswa emakilasini, nokuthi ubulili bukhonjiswa kanjani ezincwadini zesiNgisi ezibekelwe ukufundwa ebangeni lika-Grade 9 ezweni lase Ethiopia. Kulolu cwaningo kusetshenziswe i-constructivist paradigm njengendlela yokubheka ezemfundo. Ngokulandela ithiyori yezenhlalo namasiko i-sociocultural theory (SCT) kanye nethiyori i-gender schema theory (GST), ucwaningo lube yi-qualitative research kanti kusetshenziswe nocwaningo olubheka amacala amaningi i-multiple case study inquiry. Ababambe iqhaza bakhethwe ngokusebenzisa amasampula akhethwe ngenhlososo i-purposive sampling, kanti ulwazi luqoqwe ngokukuxoxisana ama-interviews, ukubhekisisa okwenzekayo (observations) kanye nokubuyekeza izincwadi zesiNgisi ezibekelwe ukufundwa ama-textbook. Ucwaningo lwenziwe ezikoleni eziphakeme ezine zikahulumeni, kanti kwagxilwa kakhulu ebangeni lika-Grade 9 ezifundazweni zasezweni lase Ethiopia okuyi-Chacha, eMinjar, eDebreSina, kanye namaDistrikhthi aseNorth Shoa Zone kanye nasezifundazweni zase Amhara. Kuxoxiswene ngama-interviews nabafundi abayishumi nesithupha, othisha abane kanye nothishanhloko abane. Kutholakale imiphumela emibili esemqoka: 1) ukungaphathwa kahle kodaba lobulili kwimisebenzi yokufundisa emaklasini, kanye 2) nokungabekwa kahle ngokulingalingana kodaba lobulili ezincwadini zesiNgisi ezibekelwe ukufundwa kubanga lika -Grade 9. Umphumela wokuqala uveze izingqikithi (themes) ezilandelayo, isibonelo, (a) ukungabiwa kahle ngokulingana ngendlela ehlelekile kwemisebenzi ngokubulili phakathi kwamantombazane kanye nabafana; (b) ukuhlazwa kwamantombazane okwenziwa ngabanye; (c), ukungabi nekhono kwamantombazane ukuhola amaqembu kanye nokusebenzisa amathuba emaklasini; (d) ukubhozomela kwabesilisa kanye nokuzithoba kwabesifazane; (e) igebe elikhona ngokusetshenziswa kwemigomo ebhekene nezobulili ezikoleni; (f) izihibe ezivimbela amantombazane ukubamba iqhaza ngenxa yemibono ebeka ukuthi abesilisa yibona ababalulekile (patriarchal thinking); (g) izinselele ezikhona ngezinkambiso zakudala maqondana nokucabanga ngezobulili emaklasini; (h) izindlela zezinkambiso zabazali zibe nomthelela kwizindlela zokwenza kanye nezipiliyoni zabafundi emaklasini; (i) ukungamukelwa kwamantombazane ngabanye; kanye (j) nokuzibeka phambili kakhulu kwabafana kanye nokuzibeka ezingeni eliphansi kwamantombazane. Izingqikithi (themes) zomphumela wesibili zibandakanya okulandelayo (a) ukumelwa kakhulu ngokweqile kwabesilisa kanye nezinga eliphansi lokumelwa kwabesifazane; (b) ubukhona besilulumagama i-vocabulary ephawula ngobulili nephakamisa nokungadlali ndima kwabesimame; (c) ukukhuthazwa kwezinkambiso zakudala zokumelwa kobulili ngokunikeza abesimame imisebenzi yokunakekela izingane kanye nokwenza imisebenzi yasendlini, efana nokuhlanza izindlu, ukupheka kanye nokuyothenga ezitolo; (d) umqondo wokubeka abesilisa phambili; kanye (e) nokungahleleki ngokufanele nokulingalingana ngokukhombisa ngezithombe phakathi kwabesimame nabesilisa. Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi ukufundisa ngokulingana kwabafundi besilisa nabesifazane ezikoleni kanye nakwisizwe sonkana kungasetshenziswa ukudumaza umqondo wokubeka ubulili obuthile ngendlela nomqondo othize (gender-stereotyped) kanye nokwenza ukuthi abobulili obuthile kuphela okumele benze noma bangenzi imisebenzi ethile. Othisha besifazane kumele bebeyisibonelo kumantombazane. Abafundisi kumele basebenzise izincwadi zokufundisa ezingenabandlululo ngokobulili ukuze isizukulwane esisha bsiondisise ngezokulingana ngokobulili. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Education in the subject Curriculum Studies)

Fair governance and Islamoexploria: the interaction of government administrators and the marginalized

Khorramipour, Masoumeh 15 December 2021 (has links)
This study addresses the concept of fair governance based on an empirical study with marginalized groups, primarily Muslims, and their interaction with government agencies as its salient locus of investigation. Employing the research method of in-depth interviewing, I present a qualitative analysis of 35 semi-structured interviews with Muslims and government administrators. The methodological framework based on which these interviews are interpreted is rooted in the tradition of social constructivism as manifested in the grounded theory perspective of Charmaz. My examination of the hitherto unspoken political visions of the study participants and their shared perspectives offers pragmatic solutions to create greater equity and fairer inclusion of the marginalized in civic and political dialogues and in the administrative practice of government. Remarkably, the cultural changes towards justice and inclusion in the Government of British Columbia manifest that fair government is committed to creating a fundamental transformation in favour of marginalized groups. I find the most promising approach for such transformation occurs where bottom up and dynamic approaches of civil society are aligned with top down approaches of government to justice. The findings suggest that fair governance enhances its functionality and capacity through reflecting universal universalism in its policies and practices, heartening public spirituality and moving towards a more humane modernity rather than the extant western model of modernity. Thus, fair governance calls for diversity in expression of religious identity and challenges the mistaken images of Muslim women. Subsequently, fair government welcomes female religious actors, who act upon religious values, to its administration and respects their choice of clothing encompassing the scarf. Fair government, at all levels, ameliorates the ethical standards of its employees and employs authentic leaders, who act in a virtuous manner, care about employees’ deeply held values, and implement direct communication with staff. Such government supports legislative and constitutional reforms to consider a different outlook of the marginalized on political and social concerns, respects religious practices, honours Muslims’ identity and interpretation of life, and supports individuals who aim to improve humanity in Canada and its occupational settings. Rethinking Islamophobia in the context of the distinct need of government administrators for the institutional education about Islam, as a key finding of the study, depicts the emergence of “Islamoexploria”, as a new expression, which I coin. In my study, there is ample evidence to suggest that a sample of government administrators in British Columbia is in the age of post Islamophobia since they, as pioneers, have passed the stage of Islamophobia and entered a new era of “Islamoexploria”. Thus, they have produced the profound socio-cultural changes towards understanding Islam by shifting from fear of, ostensibly, the unknown to knowledge about the unknown and to approaches that are more sympathetic to Muslims. This finding suggests that fair government facilitates the journey from western Islamophobia, a demonstration of old racism, to “Islamoexploria”, a contemporary thirst for knowledge about Islam. Concurrently, Muslims remain responsible to contribute to fairness at large by role modeling their religious values, which greatly promote justice, compassionate attitudes, and humanitarian actions. / Graduate / 2022-12-07

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