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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Formas responsivas no Facebook: curtir, compartilhar e comentar a divulgação científica em rede social / Responsive forms on Facebook: like, share and comment popular science on social networking sites

Artur Daniel Ramos Modolo 28 September 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é abordar a expansão da divulgação científica na Internet por um prisma dialógico. O perímetro do corpus da pesquisa engloba os enunciados postados no Facebook pelas revistas Scientific American Brasil, Pesquisa FAPESP e Superinteressante durante quatro meses do primeiro semestre de 2016 (01 de março de 2016 a 30 de junho de 2016). Empregam-se, como base teórico-metodológica, os conceitos elaborados pelo Círculo de Bakhtin, em especial: responsividade, gêneros do discurso, esferas de atividade humana, autor e ideologia. Dessa forma, almeja-se averiguar em que medida a hipertextualidade, os recursos verbo-visuais e a interação com os demais usuários da rede podem influenciar o conteúdo do enunciado publicado nas páginas de divulgação científica no Facebook. Em um segundo momento de análise, o objetivo é verificar a especificidade de determinadas características da divulgação científica nas redes sociais em comparação a outros meios tradicionais de difusão da ciência: televisão, revista, jornal etc. Para responder tais questões, elabora-se de forma sintética a pergunta de pesquisa: De que maneira as revistas de divulgação científica publicam na rede social Facebook e quais são as consequências discursivas, responsivas e dialógicas desse fenômeno? Por fim, observam-se questões relativas aos gêneros, entre as quais, a autoria e o interlocutor presumido. Além de tais fatores, o emprego ou ausência de referências científicas, assim como o uso de hipertextos com acesso a outros sites e blogs são elementos constitutivos da divulgação científica no Facebook. / The aim of this research is to address the growth of popular science on the Internet through a dialogical perspective. The scope of research encompasses the statements posted on Facebook by Scientific American Brasil, Pesquisa FAPESP and Superinteressante during four months in the first half of 2016 (March 01, 2016 to June 30, 2016). The concepts elaborated by the Bakhtin Circle are used as a theoretical-methodological basis, in particular: responsiveness, speech genres, spheres of human activity, author and ideology. In this way, we aim to investigate the extent to which hypertextuality, verbal and visual resources and interaction with other users of the web can influence the content of the posts published in the pages of popular science on Facebook. In a second step of analysis, the aim is to verify the specificity of certain characteristics of popular science in social networks sites compared to other traditional mediums of science communication: television, magazine, newspaper, etc. In order to answer such questions, the research question is elaborated in a synthetic way: Which way do popular science magazines publish on Facebook and which are the discursive, responsive and dialogic consequences of this phenomenon? Finally, there are issues related to genres, including the authorship and the presumed interlocutor. In addition to these factors, the use or absence of scientific references, as well as the use of hypertexts with links to other websites and blogs are key elements of popular science on Facebook.

The impact of leadership on the delivery of high quality patient centred care in allied health professional practice

Liddle, Keir January 2018 (has links)
The Healthcare Quality Strategy for NHS Scotland, relates its overall vision of healthcare quality to six dimensions of care as: Safe, Efficient, Effective, Equitable, Timely and Patient Centred. Patient Centred Care also underpins many subsequent policies such as the management of Long Term Conditions (Scottish Government, 2008) and the Chief Medical Officers Realistic Medicine report (Barlow, et al., 2015) Leadership styles and associated policies and procedures are often assumed to inhibit or encourage the delivery of quality Patient Centred Care and the NHS invests millions of pounds per year in Leadership training. At a clinical team and management level there are behaviours and initiatives that can arguably have positive and negative impacts on the ability of individual practitioners to provide quality Patient Centred Care. However there have been no attempts to empirically test the association between (good) Leadership and quality Patient Centred Care. Without any evidence of such a relationship, NHS investment of substantial resources may be misguided. Additionally, much of the focus of research in both Leadership and Patient Centred Care has focused on medical practitioners and nurses. There is little research that focuses on the impact of allied health professionals' (a term describing 12 differing health care professional groups representing over 130,000 clinicians throughout the United Kingdom) practice on the quality of person centred care and how this is affected by Leadership structures and styles. This study aimed to explore whether there is a direct or indirect link between (transformational) Leadership and achieving the delivery of high quality Patient Centred Care (PCC) in allied health professional (AHP) practice. Aim The aim of this thesis was to explore whether it was possible to empirically demonstrate a relationship between Leadership (good or bad) and Patient Centred Care, and to do this in relation to Allied Health Professional practice. Research questions I. Is there a relationship between Transformational Leadership and Patient Centred Care in AHP practice? II. How do AHP’s conceptualise Leadership and its impact on their ability to deliver PCC? III. Do local contexts influence the ability of leaders to support Patient Centred Care? Study one Study one was designed to answer research question one: exploring the relationship between transformational Leadership and Patient Centred Care using survey design. Two groups of Allied Health Professionals were selected to take part in the study: Podiatrists and Dieticians. Clinical team leaders from across 12 Podiatry teams and 12 Dietetic teams completed a survey composed of measures of transformational Leadership and self-monitoring. Clinicians from these teams were also be asked to complete questionnaires on their perception of their clinical leaders’ transformational Leadership skills. This allowed comparison of self-assessed Leadership and team assessed Leadership. Clinicians were also asked to collect patient experience measures from 30 of their patients. Study Two Study Two was designed to answer research questions 2 and 3: how do AHPs conceptualise Leadership and how do they view the link between Leadership and their ability to deliver Patient Centred Care; and how might local context impact on professional Leadership and therefore its potential to enable or inhibit Patient Centred Care. In depth interviews were conducted with clinicians and clinical team leaders to explore the barriers and facilitators to effective Leadership, teamwork and the provision of quality care. Interviews were conducted with 21 Podiatrists and 12 Dieticians and analysed using a framework analysis approach. Results I. Is there a relationship between Patient Centred Care and transformational Leadership in AHP practice? The theory that there is a link between transformational Leadership and Patient Centred Care was confirmed. A significant relationship was discovered for the dietetics group linking Transformational Leadership with patient centred quality of care measures. There was also a relationship in the podiatry group that was suggestive of a relationship. II. How do AHP’s conceptualise Leadership and its impact on their ability to deliver PCC? AHP’s in both groups had broadly similar conceptualisations of Leadership and both groups played down the role of Leadership in the delivery of Patient Centred Care. A far more salient factor in achieving the delivery of high quality Patient Centred Care for the AHP’s interviewed was professional autonomy. III. Do local contexts influence the ability of leaders to support Patient Centred Care? A number of contextual issues related to both Patient Centred Care and Leadership were identified from the qualitative analysis. These were centred on systemic factors, relating to management and bureaucracy, and individual factors, such as relationships within teams. In Podiatry a major shift in the context of care was ongoing during the study, namely a greater emphasis on encouraging patients to self-care. This affected the relationships between patients and Podiatrists, and Podiatrists and managers, in a way that Podiatrists felt it negatively impacted on their ability to provide quality Patient Centred Care. Conclusion A weak relationship was observed between Transformational Leadership styles and the delivery of Patient Centred Care in two Allied Health Professional groups. Professional autonomy was identified as being more likely to facilitate delivery of person centred care. Organisational issues and intervening policy directives can impact on the delivery of Patient Centred Care, regardless of Leadership. Recommendations Further work exploring the link between Leadership and Patient Centred Care is required. The concept of professional autonomy should be fostered within Leadership programs to enhance delivery of Patient Centred Care. The impact of individual policies, such as moves towards more self-care, on quality criteria need to be more fully considered. Whilst such policies may make care more efficient, there may be negative consequences for other quality care criteria, such as Patient Centred Care.

A responsabilidade do poder político no estado constitucional sob o paradigma da democratic responsiveness / Political accountability in the constitutional state in light of democratic responsiveness.

Bruno Cesar Lorencini 21 June 2013 (has links)
O objetivo central desta tese é formular propostas normativas de delineamento do instituto da responsabilidade do poder político de forma a que este sirva como mecanismo de conformação de um paradigma de democracia qualificada (democratic responsiveness), cujo atributo fundamental é favorecer a correlação entre a atividade política e as expectativas e interesses da sociedade. Sob as premissas de que a qualificação democrática deve ser um objetivo fundamental no Estado Constitucional contemporâneo e de que a agregação de responsiveness ao processo político é, sem dúvida, um expediente necessário para tanto, defendemos em nossa tese a adoção de um modelo normativo em que as três facetas do instituto da responsabilidade responsibility, accountability e liability favoreçam a aproximação entre poder político e sociedade, o que é coerente com uma conformação mais substancial do princípio da soberania popular na experiência democrática, atenuando o déficit que as teorias procedimentais de democracia e a representação política independente causaram nesse campo. Valorizando o papel que a Constituição e o direito exercem em relação ao fenômeno político, apresentamos, como uma primeira proposta para um delineamento do instituto da responsabilidade do poder político que cumpra os objetivos acima colimados, a preferência por um ordenamento legal responsivo (responsive law), em que as normas priorizem o elemento finalístico e se torne possível a responsabilização da atividade política a partir dos resultados por ela alcançados. Outra proposta que apresentamos é a de enaltecer e readequar o papel do judicial review como mecanismo essencial à efetividade da responsabilidade do poder político, especialmente no sentido de assegurar a integridade e efetividade das instituições e procedimentos desenvolvidos no escopo de aperfeiçoar a responsiveness no processo político. Sem implicar a invasão da seara típica dos demais Poderes do Estado, defendemos uma atuação do Judiciário compromissada com a concretização dos requisitos necessários à implementação da democratic responsiveness. Como proposta final, defendemos que a atividade governamental assuma um caráter programático, valorizando o papel que os programas de governo podem assumir na aproximação entre a atividade política e os interesses e expectativas sociais mais prementes, especialmente quando se preveem mecanismos de influência popular na construção de aludidos programas. Esse último aspecto é essencialmente importante para o instituto da responsabilidade em razão de tornar possível a accountability prospectiva, isto é, permitir que a sociedade participe diretamente na fixação das prioridades da atividade governamental a ser desenvolvida, o que, a nosso ver, é uma perspectiva muito interessante para o alcance do modelo de democracia qualificada que defendemos nesta pesquisa. Em sede final, deixamos claro que as propostas apresentadas são apenas linhas indicativas para o alcance de um objetivo que entendemos prioritário na realidade estatal e social contemporânea: o de qualificar nossos institutos e instituições. A nosso ver, a busca do aperfeiçoamento contínuo do Estado Constitucional, da democracia e da responsabilidade do poder político, mediante a fixação de parâmetros e paradigmas de qualidade, deve ser uma tarefa permanente do cientista social, e foi nesse escopo que desenvolvemos a presente tese. / The central goal of this thesis is to devise normative proposals for defining political accountability that can be used as a mechanism to shape democratic responsiveness, whose fundamental attribute is, in turn, to promote the link between political activity and societys expectations and interests. Based on the premises that democratic responsiveness should be a fundamental goal of todays Constitutional State and that adding responsiveness to the political process is, unquestionably, a necessary measure, this study argues for the adoption of a normative model in which the three prongs of political accountability responsibility, accountability and liability promote an approximation between political authority and society, and this is coherent with a more substantial shaping of the principle of the sovereignty of the people in a democracy, thus mitigating the deficiencies caused by procedural democracy theories and independent political representation in this field. Stressing the importance of the role of the Constitution and the Law over politics, our first proposal for defining political accountability that fulfills the goals described above is to adopt a responsive legal system, in which the norms prioritize the final result, and by so doing, accountability attached to political activity takes place based on the results attained by such political activity. Our next proposal is to value and redefine the role of judicial review as an essential tool to promote the effectiveness of political accountability; especially in the sense of ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of the institutions and procedures developed within the scope of improving responsiveness in the political process. Without necessarily invading traditional fields under the other Branches of power, this study advocates a more committed Judiciary in terms of achieving the necessary requisites to implement democratic responsiveness. As our third and last proposal, we argue that government activity should play a programmatic role, valuing the role government programs can play in bringing together political activity and the more urgent interests and expectations of society, especially when there are mechanisms for the people to participate in developing said programs. This latter aspect is of utmost importance for accountability because it renders prospective accountability possible, that is, it enables societys direct participation in establishing the priorities of government activity, which, in our point of view, is a very significant perspective for the achievement of the democratic responsiveness advocated herein. Finally, this study emphasizes that the proposals presented are only general guidelines to achieve a goal that we consider urgent in todays social and government scenarios, which is to qualify our institutes and institutions. In our view, the quest to continuously improve the Constitutional State, democracy and political accountability, by setting quality parameters and paradigms, must be a permanent effort on the part of social scientists; and it was within this scope that this study was developed.

Participação em saúde na gerência distrital 5 de Porto Alegre : Glória/Cruzeiro/Cristal (1980-2000)

Réos, Janete Cardoso January 2003 (has links)
Esse trabalho apresenta a relação estabelecida entre os atores sociais envolvidos no campo da saúde em Porto Alegre, ao longo das décadas de oitenta e noventa. O estudo focou, especificamente, a relação entre (a) lideranças do movimento popular e dos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) das regiões Glória Cruzeiro e Cristal (b) profissionais e trabalhadores em saúde da área de planejamento da gerência distrital Glória/Cruzeiro/Cristal (GD5) e (c) gestores públicos municipais. Procurou-se verificar quais os fatores que determinaram a ação governamental nas regiões que compõem a GD5, a partir da (a) organização popular e participação, (b) existência de uma policy community reformista regional na área da saúde e (c) sensibilidade e resposta política dos gestores municipais. Para isso realizou-se um estudo qualitativo, baseado em entrevistas e análise documental. A utilização dessa abordagem permitiu identificar a forma peculiar como os atores sociais foram constituindo estratégias de lutas, disputas, conflitos e negociações no campo da saúde que resultaram em ampliação e melhoria dos bens e serviços disponíveis nas regiões da GD5. / This work presents the relationship established between social actors in health area in Porto Alegre, during the eighties e nineties. The study focuses, specifically, the relationship between (a) popular movement's leaderships and the Sistema Único de Saude's users from the region Glória Cruzeiro e Cristal, (b) health workers of the area covered by gerência distrital Glória/Cruzeiro/ Cristal (GD5) and (c) public managers. To do that, one tried to check the possible reasons why determined the government action in the GD5, in term of(a) intensity of organization and popular participation, (b) existence o f a reformist and regional po licy community in that medical area and (c) responsiveness of public managers municipal. To do so, one accomplished a qualitative study, based on interviews and analysis of documents. This approach, made possible identified the peculiar way these agents were constructing strategies of fights, disputes, conflicts and negotiations in the medical area that end up widening and improving the health services available in the regions of GDS.

Acting in the Interest of the Represented : A Field Experiment on Ethnic Discrimination in the Contact Between Citizens and Local Swedish Politicians

Kristiansson Åström, Angelica January 2019 (has links)
This thesis presents a field experiment on the topic of ethnic discrimination in the contact between citizens and local Swedish politicians. A correspondence technique was used to investigate whether ethnicity affects how responsive Municipal Commissioners are to questions regarding school politics. By sending an email to each Municipal Commissioner, randomising whether a putative Arabic or Swedish alias was used, it aimed to find potentialpatterns in how different groups of citizens are treated by their local political representatives. In total, eight fictitious individuals were created which each contained a unique mixture of ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic status. In general, the result shows no statistically significant signs of discrimination of individuals with Arabic-sounding names. Evidence of gender disparities among Arabic individuals was neither found. However, Arabic females are significantly less likely to receive a reply than Swedish females. Furthermore, the result indicates that socioeconomic status affects political responsiveness toward individuals with Arabic background. This should be considered problematic and noteworthy in the case of Sweden, given its reputation of being a highly egalitarian and well-functioning democracy. The findings further stress the importance to acknowledge that different categories of social identities may interact with ethnic discrimination. This consequently calls upon appropriate approaches to study it.

The Relationship Between Male Partner's Pornography Use and Couples' Attachment

Brown, Andrew P. 12 September 2011 (has links)
Adult attachment theory continues to play an important role in explaining pathology within couples. Pornography is becoming more and more pervasive since the inception of the internet. This study looked at the relationship between insecure attachment, accessibility, responsiveness, and engagement with frequency of male pornography use. Little is known about pornography use and its impact on couple dynamics. This study specifically looked at pornography use predicting insecure attachment within couples. The sample was taken from the RELATionship Evaluation (RELATE) and consisted of 189 couples. Male pornography use was found to be a predictor of insecure attachment and low levels of responsiveness in him. The female partner's assessment of her male partner's low engagement, responsiveness, and accessibility in their relationship was predicted by his pornography use. These findings may inform therapists of the possibilities for direction in therapy when a couple is struggling with insecure attachment development.

The Effects of Relational Savoring on Maternal Responsiveness: Investigating the Role of Culture

Ahn, Ashley 01 January 2019 (has links)
Savoring, or the process of prolonging a specific experience of positive emotions, is associated with positive health outcomes and feelings of interpersonal connectedness. Few studies have examined the process of savoring in a family context, and even fewer studies have explored the extent to which it may vary across cultures. In a sample of mother-child dyads (n = 66; White = 33 and Latinx, non-White = 30), we investigated the effect of savoring on verbal and behavioral indicators of maternal responsiveness as compared to a control condition, a reflecting exercise about daily routines. The results suggest an interaction effect of experimental condition and race on verbal maternal responsiveness, such that White moms who savored were more responsive than those who had reflected. Unexpectedly, Latina moms who reflected were more responsive than those who had savored. This effect may be explained by Latinx cultural values of collectivism and familism interacting with participants’ interpretation of the experimental tasks. These findings suggest the use of savoring and positive emotion to improve parent-child relationships and highlight the importance of studying the role of culture in psychological interventions.

Validação clínica da escala Unesp-Botucatu para avaliação de dor em equinos

Rocha, Paula Barreto January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Stelio Pacca Loureiro Luna / Resumo: Introdução. A terapia adequada da dor requer uma avaliação apropriada do fenômeno. Este estudo avaliou a UNESP-Botucatu e a Escala Ortopédica (CPS) em comparação com escalas unidimensionais em equinos. Material e Método. Para cada um dos 42 pacientes cirúrgicos, as avaliações foram realizadas e gravadas em vídeo antes da cirurgia, até 4 horas após a cirurgia, até 3 horas após o tratamento analgésico e 24 horas após a cirurgia. Os videos editados e randomizados foram visualizados por cada um dos seis avaliadores duas vezes, em um intervalo de 20 dias. Após a visualização de cada videoclipe, os avaliadores primeiro registraram se a analgesia seria indicada e, em seguida, aplicaram as escalas Visual Analógica, Numérica Simples, Descritiva Simples, CPS e UNESP-Botucatu. Foram avaliadas a confiabilidade intra e interobservador, validade de critério, correlação item-total, responsividade, sensibilidade e especificidade, consistência interna e ponto de corte da analgesia de resgate. Resultados. Para todas as escalas, a confiabilidade intra-observador variou de boa a muito boa. Tanto a escala UNESP-Botucatu quanto a CPS apresentaram confiabilidade intra-observador geral boa ou muito boa. A confiabilidade interobservador geral, baseada na segunda das duas avaliações variou, foi variável com validade de critério boa (UNESP-Botucatu) e moderada (CPS) quando comparada às escalas unidimensionais. A análise de componentes principais mostrou fraca associação entre os itens. A correlação de ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Background Proper pain therapy requires adequate pain assessment. Objective This study evaluated the UNESP-Botucatu and the Orthopedic Composite Pain Scale (CPS) compared with unidimensional scales in horses. Material and Methods For each of 42 surgical patients evaluations were performed and videotaped before surgery, up to 4 hours post-surgery, up to 3 hours after analgesic treatment, and 24 hours post-operatively. Edited and randomized video clips were viewed by each of six evaluators twice, at an interval of 20 days. After viewing each video clip, the evaluators first recorded whether analgesia would be indicated, and then applied the Visual Analog, Simple Numeric, Simple Descriptive, CPS, and UNESP-Botucatu scales. Intra- and inter-observer reliability, criterion validity, item-total correlation, responsiveness, sensitivity and specificity, internal consistency, and rescue analgesia cut-off point were evaluated. Results For all scales, intra-observer reliability ranged from good to very good. Both the UNESP-Botucatu scale and the CPS presented overall good or very good intra-observer reliability. Overall inter-observer reliability based on the second of the two viewings was variable with good (UNESP-Botucatu) and moderate (CPS) criterion validity when compared to unidimensional scales. Principal Component Analysis showed weak association among the items. Spearman correlation was 0.67 (p < 0.0001) between the composite scales. Responsiveness occurred only to postoperative... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

The Impact of a Culturally Responsive Intervention on Perceived Career Barriers, Ethnic Identity, Student Motivation and Engagement, and Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy of Middle School Minority Females

Rutledge, Marsha L 01 January 2019 (has links)
This study investigated the impact of a culturally responsive intervention on perceived career barriers, ethnic identity, student motivation and engagement, and career decision making self-efficacy of middle school minority females. The author analyzed data from the Female Leadership Academy for Minority Excellence (FLAME) program at a local rural middle school. Data was collected from 34 Black female middle school students who participated in the program. The study was a repeated measures quasi-experimental, quantitative single group pre-test, mid-test, and post-test design. According to results from a series of repeated measures ANOVAs, significant differences were found between pre-group, mid-group, and post-group scores. Upon further analysis, significant differences were found between specific subscales of the student motivation and engagement survey. Specifically, differences were found between pre-group and mid-group and pre-group and post-group scores on the Performance Approach Orientation (ME_PerfApproach) subscale. Differences were also found between pre-group and post-group scores on the self-efficacy subscale (ME_SelfE) as well as between pre-group and mid-group and between mid-group and post-group scores for the Engagement Behavioral subscale (ME_Bx). Regarding the last research question, significant differences were found between pre-group and post-group and mid-group and post-group scores when examining perceived career barriers. The results from the Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy and the Ethnic Identity scale did not yield significant results. These results provide initial support in suggesting that culturally responsive career development programs do impact career development of minority middle school females especially in the areas of student motivation and engagement and perceived career barriers.

Validation of the Scores of the Instructional Pedagogical and Instructional Student Engagement Components of Fidelity of Implementation

Naoom, Sandra F. 28 August 2014 (has links)
Students cannot benefit from what they do not experience. Multiple reasons exist for why an intervention may not be delivered as it was designed. In this era of educational accountability and limited dollars to go around, understanding how an intervention is delivered in the classroom is key to understanding program outcomes. In order to assess whether a program has been implemented as intended, an assessment of fidelity is needed. However assessing fidelity is complex given varying conceptual interpretations, which then fosters inconsistent application of methods to measure the construct. Additionally the methods for validating fidelity measures are still unclear. The current study evaluated the reliability and validity of the student Instructional Pedagogical (10 items) and Instructional Student Engagement (15 items) scores for use in assessing teachers' fidelity of implementation on the participant responsiveness component of fidelity. The sample consisted of over 5,000 responses from students and 242 teachers in Mathematics and Science across three school districts and 41 schools to an online fidelity of implementation questionnaire. Given that students were nested within teachers, the data structure was multilevel, which warranted that the psychometric analyses be conducted using a multilevel framework. Instructional Pedagogy is represented by 10 items that measure three factors. Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis was used to test a two-level model that had three factors at the student-level and three factors at the teacher-level. Instructional Student Engagement is represented by 15 items that measure four factors. Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis was used to test a two-level model that had four factors at the student-level and four factors at the teacher-level. The psychometric results of the student questionnaire assessing the student engagement components of fidelity were mixed. Support for the factorial validity of the multilevel student models was mixed, with model fit indicating that some of the measured variables did not load strongly on their respective factors and some of the factors lacked discriminant validity. Lastly, the correlations between students' and teachers' scores for both the observed and latent variables (ranging from -.15 to .72 in math; -.07 to .41 in science) displayed limited convergent validity.

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