Spelling suggestions: "subject:"retard""
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Voluntary Associations: Membership Attrition and Structural CharacteristicsHuffman, Ellen Jane 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this research was to investigate David Sills' explanation of membership attrition in voluntary associations. Using the membership population of the Dallas Association for Retarded Citizens from 1969 through 1974, a survey was conducted to determine whether the organizational characteristics of bureaucracy, minority rule, and goal displacement are associated with membership attrition in a selected voluntary association. The findings of this study support Sills' ideas about the association of goal displacement and minority rule with membership attrition in voluntary associations. Bureaucratization, however, was not found to be related to membership attrition.
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Chronological Age as a Factor in Motor Learning in the Mentally RetardedFarrar, William Howard 05 1900 (has links)
The problem investigated is that of determining if there are differences in the ability of mentally retarded persons over age 21 to learn motor skills as opposed to those under 21. Data were gathered at the Denton State School on 110 subjects.
The first chapter is concerned with the theoretical background, purpose, and the hypothesis. The second chapter contains information on subjects, materials, method, and statistical treatment. The third chapter covers presentation and discussion of the data, and the fourth chapter includes the summary, conclusions and recommendations.
Results of the study indicated that there were few differences between the two groups. Future studies should be run with samples from individual age groups extending from 6 through 21. This would be realistic in establishing a motor learning curve for this population.
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"O lugar do brinquedo e do jogo nas escolas especiais de educação infantil" / The role of games and toys at special schools of child education.Silva, Carla Cilene Baptista da 08 May 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho buscou investigar o brincar de crianças com deficiência mental em escolas especiais de educação infantil. Para tanto, teve por objetivos: identificar os jogos e brinquedos disponíveis e mais utilizados; investigar como essas atividades eram realizadas e, por fim, investigar também a concepção sobre o brincar e seu significado, atribuído pelas professoras. Participaram da pesquisa 15 professoras de educação especial, de 5 escolas especiais da cidade de Campinas. Foi utilizado um questionário check-list para identificar a disponibilidade e a freqüência de uso dos materiais lúdicos. Posteriormente, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas para verificar como esses materiais eram utilizados e investigar a concepção e a importância do brincar entre as professoras. O referencial teórico deste trabalho reportou-se a autores como Itard, Séguin e Decroly, que representam as origens desta prática na educação especial, pois desenvolveram métodos e técnicas utilizando-se de jogos nas suas variadas acepções, aplicando-os a crianças deficientes mentais. Baseia-se também nos trabalhos sobre o jogo na educação e no desenvolvimento infantil, tendo como referência teórica Vygotsky, Leontiev e a perspectiva sócio-cultural representada por Brougère. A análise e a discussão dos resultados encontrados permitiram a formulação de algumas reflexões sobre a utilização de jogos e brincadeiras na prática educacional com crianças deficientes mentais. Por fim, buscou-se contribuir para a valorização das capacidades dessas crianças, sugerindo alternativas de reorganização das estratégias de ação dos professores e de outros profissionais da área, com base em uma perspectiva lúdica. / The present work tried to investigate the playing of mentally disabled children at special schools of child education. To do so, we aimed to identify the most used games and toys available, investigate how these activities were carried out, and, finally, also investigate the conception of playing and its meaning, according to teachers. Fifteen special education teachers in five special schools in the city of Campinas participated in the research. A check-list questionnaire was used to identify the availability and the frequency of use of materials. Later, semi-structured interviews were performed to verify how these playful materials were used and to investigate the conception and the importance of playing to the teachers. The theoretical reference of this work goes back to authors such as Itard, Séguin and Decroly, who developed methods and techniques using games in their different senses, applicable to mentally disabled children and which represent the origins of this practice in special education. It is also based on the works about playing in child education and development, theoretically referring to Vygotsky, Leontiev and the social-cultural perspective, represented by Brougère. The analysis and the discussion of the found results have allowed the formulation of some reflections about the use of games and playing in the educational practice with mentally disabled children. Finally, we tried to contribute to the appreciation of the skills of such children, suggesting alternatives to the reorganization of the action strategies by teachers and other professionals in the area, based upon a playful perspective. RÉSUMÉ SILVA, Carla Cilene Baptista da. La place du jeu et du jouet dans les écoles spéciales déducation infantile. São Paulo, 2003. 185p. Thèse Doctorat. Institut de Psychologie, Université de São Paulo. Ce travail a cherché à comprendre le jeu denfants handicapés dans des écoles spéciales déducation infantile. Pour ce faire, il a eu trois buts: identifier les jeux et les jouets disponibles et plus utilisés; découvrir comment ces activités étaient réalisées et aussi examiner la conception sur lacte de jouer et sa signification, selon les professeurs. Quinze professeurs déducation spéciale, appartenant à cinq écoles spéciales de la ville de Campinas, ont participé de cette recherche. Un questionnaire chest-list a été employé pour identifier la disponibilité des matériels ludiques et la fréquence de leur usage. Dans la suite, des interviews semi-structurées ont été faites pour vérifier comment ces matériels ont été utilisés et pour découvrir limportance de lacte de jouer pour les professeurs. Le référentiel théorique de ce travail se base sur des auteurs tels que Itard, Séguin et Decroly, qui ont développé des méthodes et des techniques où les jeux sont utilisés dans leurs plus diverses acceptions, les mettant en pratique avec des enfants handicapés mentaux et qui représentent lorigine de cette pratique dans léducation spéciale. Nous nous sommes aussi fondés sur les travaux à propos du jeu en éducation et dans le développement infantile, prenant comme référence théorique Vygotsky, Leontiev et la perspective socio-culturelle représentée par Brougère. Lanalyse et la discussion des résultats obtenus ont permis la formulation de quelques réflexions sur lutilisation de jouets et des jeux denfants dans la pratique éducationnelle auprès des enfants handicapés mentaux. Enfin, on a cherché à contribuer à la valorisation des capacités de ces enfants, ainsi on suggère des alternatives de re-organisation daction des professeurs et dautres professionnels du secteur, sappuyant sur une perspective ludique.
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Sobre soluções periódicas de equações diferenciais com retardo e impulsos / On periodic solutions of retarded differential equations with impulsesFurtado, André Luiz 27 March 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, apresentamos condições suficientes para a existência e a unicidade de soluções periódicas para equações diferenciais funcionais com retardo e impulsos. Os resultados sobre existência estão ancorados num Teorema de Continuação de Jean Mawhin. Por outro lado, as condições que garantem a unicidade de soluções periódicas são condições do tipo Lipschitz / In this work, we present sufficient conditions for the existence and the uniqueness of periodic solutions for retarded functional differential equations with impulses. The results on the existence of periodic solutions are anchored by a Jean Mawhin continuation theorem. Moreover, the conditions that guarantee the uniqueness of the periodic solutions are Lipschitz type
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Healthy life for mentally retarded : a qualitative study from a staff perspectiveSjöbeck, Johanna, Nilsson, Caroline January 2009 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Hälsa är ett vitt begrepp som det finns många olika definitioner på. Det finns definitioner på hälsa som menar att hälsa handlar om att må bra och ha god handlingsförmåga samt lyfta fram vikten av att varje individ ska ha möjlighet att göra det som hon värderar som viktigt. Förståndshandikappade har begränsningar som gör att de inte kan leva sitt liv på samma sätt som normalbegåvade kan. Begränsningar är fysiska, psykiska och sociala. Förståndshandikappade åldras dessutom fortare än normalbegåvade människor. Det är löprelevant att arbeta för att främja de boendes hälsa och arbeta för att ett hälsosamt åldrande ska kunna ske. Litteraturgenomgång: Litteratur inom områdena förståndshandikapp, hälsa och åldrande visar att det finns behov av att arbeta för att främja ett hälsosamt åldrande hos de förståndshandikappade och därför finner vi det intressant att arbeta vidare med detta ämne. Syfte: Att ta reda på hur ett hälsofrämjande liv kan främjas hos förståndshandikappade enligt personal på boende för förståndshandikappade. Metod: Undersökningen är kvalitativ och enskilda intervjuer gjordes med åtta personer som arbetar på boende för förståndshandikappade. Intervjuerna spelades in på band för att sedan transkriberas. Materialet behandlades konfidentiellt. Resultat: Personal på boende för förståndshandikappade poängterar vikten av att äta nyttigt och att vara fysiskt aktiv. De menar att ett gott socialt liv ökar chansen till ett hälsosamt åldrande och att kulturaktiviteter har god inverkan på hälsan. De ser även att de själva har en viktig roll då det gäller att främja ett hälsosamt åldrande hos de förståndshandikappade. Diskussion: Förståndshandikappade som bor på boende för förståndshandikappade är beroende av den personal som arbetar där. Därför har personalen en ytterst viktig roll för att främja de boendes hälsa och arbeta för ett hälsosamt åldrande. Detta kan de göra på ett flertal olika sätt både då det gäller fysisk, psykiskt och social hälsa.</p> / <p>Background: Health is an important concept that there are many different definitions of. There are definitions of Health believes that health is about feeling good and having a good ability to act. The concept highlights the importance of that every individual should have the opportunity to do what she values as important. People which are mentally retarded have limits they can no do what they want and live their lives in the same way as normal gifted can. These limitations are physical, mental and social. People which are mentally retarded are aging faster than normal gifted people. It is relevant to work to promote residents' health and work for a healthy aging to happen. Literature Review: Literature in the fields of mentally retarded, health and aging show that there is a need to work to promote healthy aging of the mentally retarded and therefore we find it interesting to work with this subject. Aim: To find out how a healthy life can be promoted with disabilities according to staff attitudes towards the mentally handicapped. Method: The study is qualitative and individual interviews were carried out at eight people who work on housing for the mentally retarded. The interviews were recorded on tape and then transcribed. The material was treated confidential. Results: Staff in the housing for mentally retarded emphasize the importance of eating healthy and being physically active. They mean that a good social life increases the chance of a healthy aging and that cultural activities have good effect on health. They also see that they themselves have an important part in promoting healthy aging of the mentally retarded. Discussion: Mentally retarded living in housing for the mentally retarded is dependent on the staff working there. Therefore the staff has an extremely important role in encouraging the residents' healths and works towards healthy aging. This they can do in a variety of ways both in terms of physical, mental and social health.</p>
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Omsorg & kontroll : En handikapphistorisk studie 1750-1930. Föreställningar och levnadsförhållandenOlsson, Claes G January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the present dissertation is to investigate attitudes toward individuals suffering from functional disorders or categorized as disabled and the conditions under which they have lived. The present author applies an historical perspective and identifies three significant turning points: the end of the eighteenth century and beginnings of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The terms ”care” and ”control” reflect the complexity and conflict inherent in the perception and handling of these individuals. In the first period, folklore helped both explain and shape the way people apprehended infants born with functional disabilities or whose mental or physical developmet was aberrant. The inroads made by science during the eighteenth century helped combat these notions with knowledge and information. Upon ”discovering” the handicapped, the advocates of science identified them as an untapped source of labor. All that was needed was a conscientious upbringing and education. As a consequence, and with the blessings of the state and private charitable institutes, an increasing number of experts assumed parental obligation, thereby initiating a comprehensive institutionalization. The second period is epitomized by the founding of the first special needs school in Sweden, the National Institute for the Blind and Deaf-Mute in Stockholm in 1809. The actions of individuals like the energetic Per Aron Borg and the blind woman Charlotta Seuerling´s desire to receive a better education were small events with major significance. The diverging views of politicians and teachers on the form and content of lessons, which can be boiled down to a matter of theoretical knowledge versus practical vocational training, are also discussed. In the third period I focus on the increased control to which individuals with functional disabilities, specifically the vision-impaired and blind, were subjected at the outset of the twentieth century. Beginning in 1903, a countrywide inspection tour visited the blind in their homes. The inspectors were given the dual task of offering concrete support to the blind and look into their abilities to support themselves and live socially-approved, moral lives. It was an invasion of privacy with good intentions. The accumulated results showed that only a small number of individuals were able to support themselves in the trades they had acquired at blind school. Most continued to be dependent on relatives, social services and charitable donations.
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Healthy life for mentally retarded : a qualitative study from a staff perspectiveSjöbeck, Johanna, Nilsson, Caroline January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hälsa är ett vitt begrepp som det finns många olika definitioner på. Det finns definitioner på hälsa som menar att hälsa handlar om att må bra och ha god handlingsförmåga samt lyfta fram vikten av att varje individ ska ha möjlighet att göra det som hon värderar som viktigt. Förståndshandikappade har begränsningar som gör att de inte kan leva sitt liv på samma sätt som normalbegåvade kan. Begränsningar är fysiska, psykiska och sociala. Förståndshandikappade åldras dessutom fortare än normalbegåvade människor. Det är löprelevant att arbeta för att främja de boendes hälsa och arbeta för att ett hälsosamt åldrande ska kunna ske. Litteraturgenomgång: Litteratur inom områdena förståndshandikapp, hälsa och åldrande visar att det finns behov av att arbeta för att främja ett hälsosamt åldrande hos de förståndshandikappade och därför finner vi det intressant att arbeta vidare med detta ämne. Syfte: Att ta reda på hur ett hälsofrämjande liv kan främjas hos förståndshandikappade enligt personal på boende för förståndshandikappade. Metod: Undersökningen är kvalitativ och enskilda intervjuer gjordes med åtta personer som arbetar på boende för förståndshandikappade. Intervjuerna spelades in på band för att sedan transkriberas. Materialet behandlades konfidentiellt. Resultat: Personal på boende för förståndshandikappade poängterar vikten av att äta nyttigt och att vara fysiskt aktiv. De menar att ett gott socialt liv ökar chansen till ett hälsosamt åldrande och att kulturaktiviteter har god inverkan på hälsan. De ser även att de själva har en viktig roll då det gäller att främja ett hälsosamt åldrande hos de förståndshandikappade. Diskussion: Förståndshandikappade som bor på boende för förståndshandikappade är beroende av den personal som arbetar där. Därför har personalen en ytterst viktig roll för att främja de boendes hälsa och arbeta för ett hälsosamt åldrande. Detta kan de göra på ett flertal olika sätt både då det gäller fysisk, psykiskt och social hälsa. / Background: Health is an important concept that there are many different definitions of. There are definitions of Health believes that health is about feeling good and having a good ability to act. The concept highlights the importance of that every individual should have the opportunity to do what she values as important. People which are mentally retarded have limits they can no do what they want and live their lives in the same way as normal gifted can. These limitations are physical, mental and social. People which are mentally retarded are aging faster than normal gifted people. It is relevant to work to promote residents' health and work for a healthy aging to happen. Literature Review: Literature in the fields of mentally retarded, health and aging show that there is a need to work to promote healthy aging of the mentally retarded and therefore we find it interesting to work with this subject. Aim: To find out how a healthy life can be promoted with disabilities according to staff attitudes towards the mentally handicapped. Method: The study is qualitative and individual interviews were carried out at eight people who work on housing for the mentally retarded. The interviews were recorded on tape and then transcribed. The material was treated confidential. Results: Staff in the housing for mentally retarded emphasize the importance of eating healthy and being physically active. They mean that a good social life increases the chance of a healthy aging and that cultural activities have good effect on health. They also see that they themselves have an important part in promoting healthy aging of the mentally retarded. Discussion: Mentally retarded living in housing for the mentally retarded is dependent on the staff working there. Therefore the staff has an extremely important role in encouraging the residents' healths and works towards healthy aging. This they can do in a variety of ways both in terms of physical, mental and social health.
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"O lugar do brinquedo e do jogo nas escolas especiais de educação infantil" / The role of games and toys at special schools of child education.Carla Cilene Baptista da Silva 08 May 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho buscou investigar o brincar de crianças com deficiência mental em escolas especiais de educação infantil. Para tanto, teve por objetivos: identificar os jogos e brinquedos disponíveis e mais utilizados; investigar como essas atividades eram realizadas e, por fim, investigar também a concepção sobre o brincar e seu significado, atribuído pelas professoras. Participaram da pesquisa 15 professoras de educação especial, de 5 escolas especiais da cidade de Campinas. Foi utilizado um questionário check-list para identificar a disponibilidade e a freqüência de uso dos materiais lúdicos. Posteriormente, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas para verificar como esses materiais eram utilizados e investigar a concepção e a importância do brincar entre as professoras. O referencial teórico deste trabalho reportou-se a autores como Itard, Séguin e Decroly, que representam as origens desta prática na educação especial, pois desenvolveram métodos e técnicas utilizando-se de jogos nas suas variadas acepções, aplicando-os a crianças deficientes mentais. Baseia-se também nos trabalhos sobre o jogo na educação e no desenvolvimento infantil, tendo como referência teórica Vygotsky, Leontiev e a perspectiva sócio-cultural representada por Brougère. A análise e a discussão dos resultados encontrados permitiram a formulação de algumas reflexões sobre a utilização de jogos e brincadeiras na prática educacional com crianças deficientes mentais. Por fim, buscou-se contribuir para a valorização das capacidades dessas crianças, sugerindo alternativas de reorganização das estratégias de ação dos professores e de outros profissionais da área, com base em uma perspectiva lúdica. / The present work tried to investigate the playing of mentally disabled children at special schools of child education. To do so, we aimed to identify the most used games and toys available, investigate how these activities were carried out, and, finally, also investigate the conception of playing and its meaning, according to teachers. Fifteen special education teachers in five special schools in the city of Campinas participated in the research. A check-list questionnaire was used to identify the availability and the frequency of use of materials. Later, semi-structured interviews were performed to verify how these playful materials were used and to investigate the conception and the importance of playing to the teachers. The theoretical reference of this work goes back to authors such as Itard, Séguin and Decroly, who developed methods and techniques using games in their different senses, applicable to mentally disabled children and which represent the origins of this practice in special education. It is also based on the works about playing in child education and development, theoretically referring to Vygotsky, Leontiev and the social-cultural perspective, represented by Brougère. The analysis and the discussion of the found results have allowed the formulation of some reflections about the use of games and playing in the educational practice with mentally disabled children. Finally, we tried to contribute to the appreciation of the skills of such children, suggesting alternatives to the reorganization of the action strategies by teachers and other professionals in the area, based upon a playful perspective. RÉSUMÉ SILVA, Carla Cilene Baptista da. La place du jeu et du jouet dans les écoles spéciales déducation infantile. São Paulo, 2003. 185p. Thèse Doctorat. Institut de Psychologie, Université de São Paulo. Ce travail a cherché à comprendre le jeu denfants handicapés dans des écoles spéciales déducation infantile. Pour ce faire, il a eu trois buts: identifier les jeux et les jouets disponibles et plus utilisés; découvrir comment ces activités étaient réalisées et aussi examiner la conception sur lacte de jouer et sa signification, selon les professeurs. Quinze professeurs déducation spéciale, appartenant à cinq écoles spéciales de la ville de Campinas, ont participé de cette recherche. Un questionnaire chest-list a été employé pour identifier la disponibilité des matériels ludiques et la fréquence de leur usage. Dans la suite, des interviews semi-structurées ont été faites pour vérifier comment ces matériels ont été utilisés et pour découvrir limportance de lacte de jouer pour les professeurs. Le référentiel théorique de ce travail se base sur des auteurs tels que Itard, Séguin et Decroly, qui ont développé des méthodes et des techniques où les jeux sont utilisés dans leurs plus diverses acceptions, les mettant en pratique avec des enfants handicapés mentaux et qui représentent lorigine de cette pratique dans léducation spéciale. Nous nous sommes aussi fondés sur les travaux à propos du jeu en éducation et dans le développement infantile, prenant comme référence théorique Vygotsky, Leontiev et la perspective socio-culturelle représentée par Brougère. Lanalyse et la discussion des résultats obtenus ont permis la formulation de quelques réflexions sur lutilisation de jouets et des jeux denfants dans la pratique éducationnelle auprès des enfants handicapés mentaux. Enfin, on a cherché à contribuer à la valorisation des capacités de ces enfants, ainsi on suggère des alternatives de re-organisation daction des professeurs et dautres professionnels du secteur, sappuyant sur une perspective ludique.
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Sobre soluções periódicas de equações diferenciais com retardo e impulsos / On periodic solutions of retarded differential equations with impulsesAndré Luiz Furtado 27 March 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, apresentamos condições suficientes para a existência e a unicidade de soluções periódicas para equações diferenciais funcionais com retardo e impulsos. Os resultados sobre existência estão ancorados num Teorema de Continuação de Jean Mawhin. Por outro lado, as condições que garantem a unicidade de soluções periódicas são condições do tipo Lipschitz / In this work, we present sufficient conditions for the existence and the uniqueness of periodic solutions for retarded functional differential equations with impulses. The results on the existence of periodic solutions are anchored by a Jean Mawhin continuation theorem. Moreover, the conditions that guarantee the uniqueness of the periodic solutions are Lipschitz type
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Optimal H-infinity controller design and strong stabilization for time-delay and mimo systemsGumussoy, Suat 29 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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