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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um estudo simplificado da percepção pública dos benefícios e riscos de centrais termonucleares - sugestões para a comunicação de valor com o público / Public perception on the benefits and risks of nuclear power plants_a simplified study

Ribeiro Junior, Joaquim Apparecido 09 March 2007 (has links)
A comunicação de riscos vem se tornando uma atividade indispensável à formação de uma opinião pública que avalie de uma forma racional e equilibrada a construção de novas centrais nucleares em países que utilizam ou pretendam utilizar esta tecnologia. Favorecidos pela tradição de considerar que a ciência é suficiente para convencer qualquer cidadão ao provar o domínio sobre o processo, as organizações nucleares organizam-se para tal empreendimento dando preferência às explicações técnicas, às minuciosidades relacionadas ao risco destas instalações. Entre os cidadãos comuns, no entanto, a percepção do risco é subjetiva e, portanto não é nivelada com a percepção que tais esforços de comunicação de risco tentam propor. Algumas vezes tal percepção é subestimada e, mais frequentemente, exagerada. A maximização ou até a extrapolação desta da percepção de risco é incentivada pela mídia sensacionalista e movimentos de defesa do meio ambiente. Este trabalho estuda a percepção e a considera como relevante neste esforço de promover a aceitação das usinas termonucleares propondo abandonar o discurso tradicional de riscos e aumentar os esforços em comunicar benefícios, de forma similar à propostas de marketing para produtos, serviços ou, como neste caso, a venda de uma idéia. Há uma revisão bibliográfica de conceitos de risco, de comunicação de riscos e de marketing. Em seguida, um estudo prático com base em centenas de entrevistas com estudantes de diversos níveis da região metropolitana da grande São Paulo. O estudo traz importantes informações sobre a forma como tais pessoas percebem as usinas termonucleares, seus benefícios e quais os atores que as influenciam positiva ou negativamente neste processo. / Public acceptance of the nuclear based electricity generation depends on many variables that can be affected by circumstances and interests, which although seemingly not close to the issue, can strongly influence the final outcome. Explicit or consented positions assumed by opinion makers and some segments of society are subject to episodic waves of interaction through the media and they permeate to the public in a process that is very complex to be fully understood. The modeling of such process is a very complicated undertaking, and gives no assurance of practical results concerning to what, how and who, should be given prominence in the interactions with the media and the general public. In this context, the risk communication has assumed a leading role and, as a consequence, most of the interaction with the public has been done with both defensive language and content. This study has tried a simple and practical approach to the problem, in such a way as to gather some interesting subsidies to treat this issue in a different way. The basic assumption is that in a similar way as individuals base their decision to acquire a new good or service on a \"intuitive\" cost-benefit judgment, society (as a collection of individuals) also manifest their acceptance (or not) with respect to industrial installations and undertakings by comparing risks and benefits according to their perception. An exploratory survey was carried out in a few high schools, colleges and MBA courses in the state of Sâo Paulo, Brazil. A first part was aimed to catch and understand the public perception of. (a) the Intrinsic value of the electric energy, (b) the need to universalize the access to electricity, (c) nuclear plants, (d) the acceptance deficit of nuclear power as compared to other sources of energy, (e) the benefits a nuclear plant can bring, (f) who does and who does not deserves credibility to speak about nuclear plants. The second part was addressed to grasp a picture of more relevant distortions concerned to the public perception of a nuclear power plant risks. The analysis of the survey results and the utilization of a model inspired by the marketing way of value communication suggest a different approach to the communication with the public concerning to nuclear power plants. In this proposal, named Value Strategy, a matrix of risks vs. benefits is segmented in nine regions, where the central region corresponds to the current situation and the others show the possible (hypothetical) future situations after the installation of a nuclear power plant. There are three favorable regions, inductives of acceptance and three unfavorable ones, or routed to rejection. Based on the understanding of the targeted public, as partially revealed by the survey, different nuances can be emphasized in the communication to maximize its effect, without any detour to ethical behavior. Results also disclose various complementary subsidies to help the communication strategy, mainly regarded to the communication agents and to the more effective argument areas according to factors such as: sex, age ranges and educational level.

Transparency in information about health

Bodemer, Nicolai 21 December 2012 (has links)
Diese Dissertation umfasst vier Manuskripte zum Thema Risikokommunikation und medizinischen Entscheidungen. Das erste Manuskript diskutiert Unterschiede, Gemeinsamkeiten und die Anwendbarkeit von drei zentralen Ansätzen, die helfen sollen, bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen (Nudging, Social Marketing, Empowerment). Das zweite Manuskript präsentiert Ergebnisse einer Medienanalyse zur Evaluation von Zeitungs- und Internetberichten in Deutschland und Spanien über die HPV-Impfung. Basierend auf vordefinierten Standards für transparente, vollständige und korrekte Risikokommunikation, deckt die Medienanalyse Schwächen in der Berichterstattung auf. Das dritte Manuskript untersucht wie Laien relative Risikoreduktionen bzw. –erhöhungen, ein Standardformt in der Medizin, verstehen. Beide Formate führen Laien und Experten in die Irre und führen zur Überschätzung der tatsächlichen Effekte. Ein diskutierter Ausweg ist die zusätzliche Kommunikation der Basisrate. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Verständnis von relativen Risikoreduktionen (-erhöhungen) mit Basisrate von dem Präsentationsformat (Prozent- vs. Häufigkeitsformat) und der individuellen Fähigkeit im Zahlenverständnis abhängt. Teilnehmer mit geringem Zahlenverständnis profitierten von der Darstellung in Häufigkeiten; Teilnehmer mit hohem Zahlenverständnis zeigen ein besseres Verständnis unabhängig des Formats. Dennoch—selbst mit Basisrate—missverstehen viele Teilnehmer die Risikoinformation. Das vierte Manuskript untersucht wie Teilnehmer Behandlungen unter Unsicherheit auswählen. Ein Einwand gegen die Kommunikation von Unsicherheit ist die Behauptung, dass Menschen Unsicherheit in Gewinnsituationen vermeiden, in Verlustsituationen dagegen suchen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie in Bezug auf die Auswahl von medizinischen Behandlungen konnten diese Annahmen nicht bestätigen. Darüber hinaus wählte die Mehrheit der Teilnehmer die gleiche Behandlung, wenngleich sich die zugrundeliegende Auswahlstrategie unterschied. / This dissertation comprises four manuscripts focusing on health risk communication and medical decision making. The first manuscript discusses differences, commonalities, and the applicability of three major approaches to help patients make better decisions: nudging, social marketing, and empowerment. The second manuscript presents results of an evaluation of media coverage about the HPV vaccine of newspaper and Internet reports in Germany and Spain. Based on predefined standards for transparent, complete, and correct risk communication, the analysis revealed substantial shortcomings in how the media informed the public. The third manuscript centers on a standard format to communicate treatment benefits and harms: relative risk reductions and increases. Such formats have been found to misinform and mislead patients and health professionals. One suggestion is to always include information about baseline risk to reduce misunderstandings. Results show that even when baseline risk was communicated, it depended on the presentation format (percentage vs. frequency) and people’s numeracy skills whether they correctly interpreted the risk reduction (or increase). Low numerates benefited from a frequency format, whereas high numerates performed better independent of the format. Yet, a substantial proportion of participants still misunderstood the meaning of a relative risk reduction (or increase). The fourth manuscript investigated how laypeople choose between medical treatments when ambiguity is present. One objection against communicating ambiguity is the claim that laypeople are ambiguity averse in the domain of gains and ambiguity seeking in the domain of losses. Results did not find supporting evidence for this claim in medical treatment choice. Moreover, most participants selected the same treatment option, independent of numeracy. However, the underlying choice strategies varied between individuals.

Deciding the fast & frugal way on the application of pharmacodiagnostic tests in cancer care?

Wegwarth, Odette 21 May 2007 (has links)
Pharmakodiagnostische Tests eröffnen die Möglichkeit, Krebstherapien individueller auf den Patienten zugeschnitten zu verschreiben. Die vorliegende Dissertation widmet sich deshalb der Frage, wie diese Gruppen in Deutschland sowie den USA in Bezug auf diese Tests Entscheidungen treffen. Alle im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Studien waren unterteilt in eine Vorstudie und eine Hauptsstudie. Die Ergebnisse der Vorstudie wurden im Rahmen der Hauptstudie zur Entwicklung eines Fall-Vignetten Fragebogens benutzt,um die Verwendung von kompensatorischen und nicht-kompensatorischen Entscheidungsstrategien zu untersuchen. Mit Studie I wurde gezeigt, dass sowohl deutsche als auch amerikanische Onkologen eine hohe Bereitschaft haben, solche Tests anzuwenden. Die entsprechenden Entscheidungen wurden am besten durch ein kompensatorisches Modell (Franklin’s Rule)vorhergesagt. Eine Leitlinien-Empfehlung führte nahezu immer zu einer Test-Entscheidung. Verschiedene Bedingungen machten eine Entscheidung für nicht-empfohlene Tests jedoch wahrscheinlicher. Studie II zeigte, dass Pathologen nur zu einem beschränkten Ausmaß bereit waren, von dem etablierten Test-Standard für neuartige Test-Prozeduren abzuweichen. Die Entscheidungsstrategie beider Gruppen wurde gleich gut durch die jeweiligen kompensatorischen Modelle (Franklin’s und Dawes’ Rule) sowie durch das nicht-kompensatorische Modell (Take The Best) vorhergesagt. Für die mit Studie III untersuchten Krebspatienten zeigte sich, dass ein nicht-kompensatorisches Modell (Matching Heuristic) die besten Entscheidungs-Vorhersagen machte.Während die Entscheidungen der US Patienten jedoch maßgeblich von einer Arzt-Empfehlung geleitet waren, fand sich dies nicht für die deutschen Patienten. Die sich aus den Befunden ergebenden Implikationen für die hier untersuchten Gruppen, für die mit der Leitlinien-Entwicklung beauftragten Autoritäten als auch für das Gesundheitssystem im Allgemeinen wurden abschließend diskutiert. / Upcoming pharmacodiagnostic tests offer the opportunity to better tailor cancer treatment decisions to individual patient needs. However, they put oncologists, pathologists, and cancer patients in the position of having to deal with a new technology, which often comes with its own specific risks. Little is known about how these different groups will handle this situation. This thesis is a first effort to examine, within Germany and the USA, how the respective groups would deal with a decision on applying such a test to a cancer treatment decision. All accomplished studies were divided into an explorative pilot study and a main study. Results of the pilot study were used for the main study to develop a case vignette questionnaire in order to investigate compensatory and noncompensatory decision-making strategies.In Study I, it was found that both, German and US oncologists’ decision-making policies were best described by a compensatory model (Franklin’s rule). A recommendation of a test by guidelines triggered nearly always a choice for having the test, although under different conditions also choices for nonrecommended tests were likely. Study II found that pathologists were, to a rather small extent, prepared to opt for more sophisticated test alternatives, compared to standard procedures. For both samples, decision making was equally well-predicted by two compensatory models (Franklin’s rule and Dawes’ rule), as it was by a noncompensatory model (Take The Best.Study III focused on cancer patients. The German as well as the US patients’ decisions were best predicted by a noncompensatory model (Matching Heuristic), while for the US patients, the most impacting cue was the recommendation by an oncologist, what could not be found for the German sample.Several implications of these findings for the respective groups, for authorities in charge of developing guidelines, as well as for the health systems in general, are discussed.

Organization failure in denial?: a comparative case study of infant milk powder product safety crises in commission situation in mainland China. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2012 (has links)
2008年三鹿三聚氰胺毒奶粉事件震驚國內外,該事件導致六名嬰兒腎結石死亡,逾三萬嬰幼兒從此生活在各種腎疾病的陰霾之下。此後奶產品安全問題尋出不窮,對國內奶產業造成嚴重的負面影響,令消費者對整個國內奶產業信心下降。事實上,在很多奶產品安全的危機中,遭受質疑的企業組織最後均被政府的檢測結果證實是無辜的。在危機中,組織的形象受到威脅,組織需通過不同的方法進行自我辯護。現存的文獻提出,危機溝通策略和組織對責任承擔的態度是兩個影響公眾對組織信心和媒體報導語調的重要因素。組織類型(國有或外資)也會影響公眾對組織的信心和媒體報導語調。過往研究也發現,公眾對組織的信心與媒體報導語調之間存在正相關的聯繫。此研究通過對兩個犯行危機情景的案例研究(2009多美滋危機事件和2010聖元危機事件),目的在於評估危機溝通策略的效用,同時也探討在不同的階段中危機溝通策略、組織責任承擔、組織類型、公眾對組織的信心和媒體報導語調之間的關係。研究成果發現文獻建議之在不同階段的最佳策略和組織責任承擔對公眾對組織的信心和媒體報導語調均無重要影響。然而,使用越少藉口和越多提供信息策略的組織贏得更多公眾信心,從而提升正面媒體報導。研究也發現,外企在第一和第二階段報導更正面,但最後國企反而取得正面的媒體報導。另外,組織類型與階段對組織選取策略與組織責任承擔均有影響。本研究結果顯示西方危機處理理論在低信任度社會如中國等未必適用。研究一方面透過更複雜的情境角度,進一步加深對現有危機傳播文獻的理解,例如引入不同階段的概念來評估危機管理的成效,另一方面也為在低信任社會中的奶產業企業提供有效的危機管理建議。 / Sanlu Melamine-contaminated Milk Scandal, the frequent outbreak of dairy product safety crises had a severe impact on the domestic dairy industry, resulting in a general loss of the consumers' confidence in the entire domestic dairy industry. In fact, in many crises the crisis-ridden organizations were eventually proven innocent by governmental departments. During a crisis, an organization's image is threatened, so that various communicative entities are used to defend this image. Based on the existing literature, this study aims at evaluating the effectiveness of crisis communicative strategies (CCSs) as well as investigating the relationships among CCSs, organization responsibility acceptance, organization ownership type (domestically owned or foreign-invested), confidence in organization and media coverage in different stages during the crisis by comparing the Dumex case in 2009 and the Synutra case in 2010. The results found that the posited optimal CCS in a particular stage and organization responsibility acceptance generally did not have significant effects on confidence in organization or media image coverage. However, the findings revealed that the less excuses and the more information providing strategies were employed, the higher the stakeholders' confidence in organization would be, which in turn significantly increased the positive image coverage. Certain CCSs, i.e., diversion, no response, also showed significant direct effects on media coverage. Moreover, foreign-invested organization appeared to enjoy favorable image coverage in Stage 1 and Stage 2, but domestically owned organization surpassed it in the last stage. Organization ownership type and stages also had significant impacts on the choices of CCSs and degree of organization responsibility acceptance. Stage was also a significant negative predictor of confidence in organization but not for media coverage. This study on one hand revealed that the western crisis management theory might not be accommodative to the low-trust context in mainland China and thus theoretically further the understanding of existing crisis communication literature in a more complex contextual perspective through integrating stages as a significant time factor into the evaluation of crisis management. On the other hand it also pragmatically provides useful suggestions on effective crisis strategic management to dairy corporate in low-trust societies. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Huang, Peiyi. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 159-177). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in Chinese; appendixes in Chinese. / ABSTRACT (English version) --- p.i / ABSTRACT (Chinese version) --- p.iii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.v / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.ix / Chapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter 2. --- CONCEPTUALIZATION --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1 --- Crisis Management --- p.9 / Crisis --- p.9 / Crisis Management --- p.11 / Chapter 2.2 --- Outcome: Media Image Coverage --- p.14 / Chapter 2.3 --- Time Factor: Stages --- p.16 / Chapter 2.4 --- Strategic Factors --- p.20 / Crisis Communicative Strategies (CCSs) --- p.20 / Organization Responsibility Acceptance --- p.46 / Chapter 2.5 --- Organizational Factor: Organization Ownership Type --- p.50 / Chapter 2.6 --- Mediator: Confidence in Organization --- p.52 / Chapter 2.7 --- Research Framework, Hypotheses and Research Questions --- p.55 / Chapter 3. --- METHODOLOGY --- p.58 / Chapter 3.1 --- Case Selection --- p.58 / Case --- p.58 / Design --- p.61 / Chapter 3.2 --- Content Analysis --- p.65 / Data Collection --- p.65 / Data Coding --- p.67 / Inter-coder Reliability --- p.70 / Chapter 4. --- RESULTS --- p.71 / Chapter 4.1 --- Basic Sample Information --- p.71 / Chapter 4.2 --- Hypothesis Tests of Two Individual Cases --- p.71 / Case 1 (Dumex) --- p.73 / Chapter tCase 2 (Synutra) --- p.86 / Chapter 4.3 --- The Overall Results of Cases and Research Questions --- p.91 / Media Valance --- p.92 / Research Question 1 --- p.95 / Research Question 2 --- p.99 / Research Question 3 --- p.107 / Chapter 4.4 --- Summary of the Findings --- p.116 / Chapter 5. --- DISCUSSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS --- p.126 / Chapter 5.1 --- Stage as A Complex Concept --- p.126 / Controlling Other Dangers in a Dynamics Crisis --- p.127 / The Role of Governmental Intervention in a Low-trust Society --- p.129 / Chapter 5.2 --- Effects of CCSs on Media Image Coverage inLow-trust Society --- p.132 / Chapter 5.3 --- Mediating Effects of Confidence in Organization --- p.139 / Chapter 5.4 --- Suggestions of Applications of CCSs in Low-trust Society --- p.141 / Chapter 5.5 --- Limit Predictive Power of Organization Responsibility Acceptance --- p.148 / Chapter 5.6 --- Effects of Organization Ownership Type --- p.150 / Chapter 6. --- LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS --- p.154 / Chapter 7. --- REFERENCES --- p.159 / Chapter 8. --- APPENDIXES --- p.178

Análise do processo comunicacional por meio de tecnologias móveis e sem fio na gestão de desastres naturais

Silva, Sônia Regina da 25 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2019-02-28T14:05:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Sônia Regina da Silva_.pdf: 2944976 bytes, checksum: 4048ad1da1c78864f3319a72a1a73ae2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-02-28T14:05:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sônia Regina da Silva_.pdf: 2944976 bytes, checksum: 4048ad1da1c78864f3319a72a1a73ae2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-25 / Nenhuma / A combinação de eventos climáticos severos e desastres naturais tem suscitado preocupações em todas as sociedades. Globalmente organismos internacionais promovem e coordenam iniciativas de prevenção e redução do risco de desastres e convocam as nações para tal compromisso. No Brasil, um avanço ocorreu com a instituição da Política Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Civil por meio da Lei 12.608/2012, que dentre outros aspectos, reorienta a gestão do risco de desastre que compreende três ações distintas e inter-relacionadas: prevenção, mitigação e preparação. Estas ocorrem de forma multissetorial nos níveis federal, estadual e municipal e exigem ampla participação comunitária. Neste contexto entram as Tecnologias de Informação Móveis e Sem Fio, cujo desenvolvimento nas últimas duas décadas as colocou em evidência como importantes recursos para assistência em cenários inesperados e disruptivos e, desempenham um papel cada vez mais positivo como ferramentas de comunicação de risco de desastres. Este estudo objetiva analisar como ocorre o processo comunicacional na gestão do risco de inundações, por meio do uso de Tecnologias Móveis e sem Fio, entre as instituições de defesa civil e a população estabelecida em áreas inundáveis. Busca, ainda, identificar a percepção dos atores sobre a qualidade das informações de alertas recebidos por meio de tecnologias móveis e as vantagens e desvantagens do seu uso na comunicação de risco. Como estratégia de pesquisa foi realizado um estudo de caso único em uma cidade no interior do Estado de Santa Catarina que, quase que anualmente, enfrenta a problemática de inundações. O estudo conclui que as tecnologias móveis e as mídias sociais móveis são ferramentas eficazes e eficientes na comunicação de risco, pois ampliam as possibilidades de acesso e disseminação de alertas; estimulam, facilitam e impulsionam a interação da população com os órgãos de proteção e defesa civil e contribuem positivamente para a mobilização perante o desastre, pois agilizam a transmissão da informação, favorecendo o planejamento para a evacuação de áreas de risco. Já, as notícias falsas transmitidas por mídias móveis e o risco de falta de conexão e energia caracterizam algumas das desvantagens de uso dessas tecnologias. / The combination of severe weather events and natural disasters has raised concerns in all societies. Globally, international agencies promote and coordinate disaster risk reduction and prevention initiatives and call on nations for such a commitment. In Brazil, a breakthrough occurred with the institution of the National Protection and Civil Defense Policy through Law 12,608/2012, which, among other aspects, reorients disaster risk management, which comprises three distinct and interrelated actions: prevention, mitigation and preparation. These occur in a multisectoral manner at the federal, state and municipal levels and require broad community participation. Mobile and Wireless Information Technologies are emerging in this context, whose development over the last two decades has highlighted them as important resources for assistance in unexpected and disruptive scenarios and play an increasingly positive role as tools for communicating disaster risk. This study aims to analyze how the communication process occurs in flood risk management, through the use of Mobile and Wireless Technologies, between civil defense institutions and the population established in flood areas. It also seeks to identify the perception of the actors about the quality of the information received from mobile technologies and the advantages and disadvantages of their use in risk communication. As a research strategy, a single case study was carried out in a city in the interior of the State of Santa Catarina, which almost annually faces the problem of floods. The study concludes that mobile technologies and mobile social media are effective and efficient tools in risk communication, since they increase the possibilities of access and dissemination of alerts; stimulate, facilitate and boost the interaction of the population with the civil protection and defense organs and contribute positively to the mobilization in the face of the disaster, since they speed up the transmission of information, favoring the planning for the evacuation of areas at risk. Already, the false news transmitted by mobile media and the risk of lack of connection and energy characterize some of the disadvantages of using these technologies.

Comunicação de riscos na resolução de dilemas sociais: estudo de casos brasileiros em racionamento de água e energia elétrica / Comunicação de riscos na resolução de dilemas sociais: estudo de casos brasileiros em racionamento de água e energia elétrica

Anger, Débora Barbosa Corrêa 07 April 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho compreende o estudo de campanhas de comunicação de racionamento de água e luz elétrica pela ótica dos conceitos de dilema social e comunicação de riscos. Para tal, revisamos a bibliografia desses temas e elaboramos uma proposta de análise de conteúdo temática que busca identificar valores e normas sociais desses conceitos nas campanhas publicitárias de dois casos brasileiros escolhidos. / This dissertation involves the study of communication campaigns of water and electrical energy in rationing situations by using concepts of social dilemmas and risk communication. In order to achieve these results, we have reviewed the literature of these subjects, and we have proposed a model of content thematic analysis to identify values and norms of these two concepts on social campaigns of two Brazilian cases.

Using computer visualisations to educate and communicate volcanic hazards to at-risk communities

Mani, Lara January 2018 (has links)
With an increase in the number of people living in proximity to active volcanic centres worldwide, there is a greater need to provide effective and engaging education and outreach programmes to reduce vulnerability and prepare exposed communities for potential future volcanic eruptions. The finalisation of the Sendai Framework (UNISDR, 2015a) has also cemented the need for disaster risk managers to engage at-risk communities with education and outreach programmes, to reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by volcanic eruptions worldwide. Education and outreach programmes are already commonplace for disaster risk reduction, with many taking the form of traditional presentations, maps, diagrams, TV and radio broadcasts. In recent years, there has been a shift towards the use of more creative media to communicate volcanic hazards and engage populations in outreach activities. These have included films, comic strips, puppet shows, board games and video games. However, to-date there is little empirical evidence for the use of these media with at-risk communities. This research seeks to address this issue by providing evidence for the effective use of creative media for volcanic hazard education by adopting the use of video games (or serious games). To assess how effective serious games could be as an education tool, a bespoke video game (St. Vincent’s Volcano) was developed collaborative with disaster risk agencies and communities on the Eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent and then trialled with adults and students from across the island. A range of outreach sessions were adopted to compare and contrast the applications of the game and to identify the most effective method of its delivery. These sessions included a traditional outreach presentation used as a control, and a group of UK students for a cohort comparison. Data were collected through a mixed-methods approach. Overall the results of the study demonstrate how successful the game can be as an education tool, promoting knowledge improvement in players. The results also demonstrate how the role of the outreach instructor is important to encourage engagement and can result in higher levels of overall positive engagement exhibited by the students. The game was also successful at promoting knowledge gain and engagement with adult participants. The results also demonstrated promise for games in promoting longer-term knowledge retention and for improving awareness of existing outreach materials. This research provides a foundation for the increased integration of emerging technologies within traditional education sessions. The work also shares some of the challenges and lessons learnt throughout the development and testing processes and provides recommendations for researchers looking to pursue a similar study or to adopt the use of serious games.

Um estudo simplificado da percepção pública dos benefícios e riscos de centrais termonucleares - sugestões para a comunicação de valor com o público / Public perception on the benefits and risks of nuclear power plants_a simplified study

Joaquim Apparecido Ribeiro Junior 09 March 2007 (has links)
A comunicação de riscos vem se tornando uma atividade indispensável à formação de uma opinião pública que avalie de uma forma racional e equilibrada a construção de novas centrais nucleares em países que utilizam ou pretendam utilizar esta tecnologia. Favorecidos pela tradição de considerar que a ciência é suficiente para convencer qualquer cidadão ao provar o domínio sobre o processo, as organizações nucleares organizam-se para tal empreendimento dando preferência às explicações técnicas, às minuciosidades relacionadas ao risco destas instalações. Entre os cidadãos comuns, no entanto, a percepção do risco é subjetiva e, portanto não é nivelada com a percepção que tais esforços de comunicação de risco tentam propor. Algumas vezes tal percepção é subestimada e, mais frequentemente, exagerada. A maximização ou até a extrapolação desta da percepção de risco é incentivada pela mídia sensacionalista e movimentos de defesa do meio ambiente. Este trabalho estuda a percepção e a considera como relevante neste esforço de promover a aceitação das usinas termonucleares propondo abandonar o discurso tradicional de riscos e aumentar os esforços em comunicar benefícios, de forma similar à propostas de marketing para produtos, serviços ou, como neste caso, a venda de uma idéia. Há uma revisão bibliográfica de conceitos de risco, de comunicação de riscos e de marketing. Em seguida, um estudo prático com base em centenas de entrevistas com estudantes de diversos níveis da região metropolitana da grande São Paulo. O estudo traz importantes informações sobre a forma como tais pessoas percebem as usinas termonucleares, seus benefícios e quais os atores que as influenciam positiva ou negativamente neste processo. / Public acceptance of the nuclear based electricity generation depends on many variables that can be affected by circumstances and interests, which although seemingly not close to the issue, can strongly influence the final outcome. Explicit or consented positions assumed by opinion makers and some segments of society are subject to episodic waves of interaction through the media and they permeate to the public in a process that is very complex to be fully understood. The modeling of such process is a very complicated undertaking, and gives no assurance of practical results concerning to what, how and who, should be given prominence in the interactions with the media and the general public. In this context, the risk communication has assumed a leading role and, as a consequence, most of the interaction with the public has been done with both defensive language and content. This study has tried a simple and practical approach to the problem, in such a way as to gather some interesting subsidies to treat this issue in a different way. The basic assumption is that in a similar way as individuals base their decision to acquire a new good or service on a \"intuitive\" cost-benefit judgment, society (as a collection of individuals) also manifest their acceptance (or not) with respect to industrial installations and undertakings by comparing risks and benefits according to their perception. An exploratory survey was carried out in a few high schools, colleges and MBA courses in the state of Sâo Paulo, Brazil. A first part was aimed to catch and understand the public perception of. (a) the Intrinsic value of the electric energy, (b) the need to universalize the access to electricity, (c) nuclear plants, (d) the acceptance deficit of nuclear power as compared to other sources of energy, (e) the benefits a nuclear plant can bring, (f) who does and who does not deserves credibility to speak about nuclear plants. The second part was addressed to grasp a picture of more relevant distortions concerned to the public perception of a nuclear power plant risks. The analysis of the survey results and the utilization of a model inspired by the marketing way of value communication suggest a different approach to the communication with the public concerning to nuclear power plants. In this proposal, named Value Strategy, a matrix of risks vs. benefits is segmented in nine regions, where the central region corresponds to the current situation and the others show the possible (hypothetical) future situations after the installation of a nuclear power plant. There are three favorable regions, inductives of acceptance and three unfavorable ones, or routed to rejection. Based on the understanding of the targeted public, as partially revealed by the survey, different nuances can be emphasized in the communication to maximize its effect, without any detour to ethical behavior. Results also disclose various complementary subsidies to help the communication strategy, mainly regarded to the communication agents and to the more effective argument areas according to factors such as: sex, age ranges and educational level.

Elabora??o de estrat?gias de comunica??o de risco para popula??es expostas ao merc?rio: o caso em Descoberto - Minas Gerais / Preparation of risk communication strategies for populations exposed to mercury: the case in Descoberto - Minas Gerais

AMORIM, Ana Paula da Concei??o Fernandes de 07 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-19T17:56:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Ana Paula da Concei??o Fernandes de Amorim.pdf: 3124663 bytes, checksum: 3efcd80a29fa4dcabb2739fbe1a6d204 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-19T17:56:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Ana Paula da Concei??o Fernandes de Amorim.pdf: 3124663 bytes, checksum: 3efcd80a29fa4dcabb2739fbe1a6d204 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-07 / The results of this study were obtained from interview socioeconomic and biological analyzes of urine and hair of 94 people living in the city and environmental analyzes of soil, water and air to evaluate the presence of mercury in these environmental compartments. These results were the basis for the identification of risk and vulnerability of the population exposure to mercury in the environment, and provided subsidies for the development of risk communication strategies. In addition to the primary data, there was also a secondary data research and literature review. This study was conducted under the Project "Development of Clinical Protocols and Therapeutic Guidelines for Health Surveillance of Populations Exposed to Mercury". This study demonstrated, along with research, the population of the city of Descoberto, Minas Gerais, It is environmentally exposed to mercury. The results of environmental samples were: Hg in the air with an average level of 39,4 ? 37,5 ng m-3, Hg soil with an average of 0,37 ? 0,71 mg kg-1 and Hg in water with values ranging from 1,1 a 2,8 ng L-1, and the results of biological samples were: Hg average level in the urine of 0,15 ? 0,30 ?g L-1 with the median 0,23 ?g L-1 and mercury levels in the hair of de ? 0,096 ?g g-1 a 1,92 ?g g-1 with a mean of 0,25 ? 0,28 ?g g-1and a median of 0,15 ?g g-1.Therefore in view of the characteristics of the population, as evidenced in the results of socio-economic research, the results of environmental and biological analyzes , prepared to risk communication strategies as one of the management measures of risk exposure and consequent health surveillance. Risk Communication in this folder and DVD model in order to achieve the objective information and reach the largest number of the population. / Este estudo tem como objetivo geral a elabora??o de estrat?gias de comunica??o de risco para popula??es expostas ao merc?rio no Munic?pio de Descoberto, Zona da Mata do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os resultados desse estudo, foram obtidos a partir de entrevista socioecon?mica e an?lises biol?gicas de amostras de urina e cabelo de 94 pessoas, residentes no munic?pio e an?lises ambientais de solo, ?gua e ar para avalia??o da presen?a de merc?rio nesses compartimentos ambientais. Esses resultados serviram de base para a identifica??o do risco e vulnerabilidade da popula??o ? exposi??o ao merc?rio no meio ambiente e, forneceram subs?dios para a elabora??o das estrat?gias de comunica??o de risco. Al?m dos dados prim?rios, houve tamb?m uma pesquisa de dados secund?rios e revis?o bibliogr?fica. Este estudo foi realizado no ?mbito do Projeto ?Elabora??o de Protocolos Cl?nicos e Diretrizes Terap?uticas para a Vigil?ncia em Sa?de das Popula??es Expostas ao Merc?rio?. Este estudo evidenciou, junto com a pesquisa, que a popula??o do munic?pio de Descoberto, Minas Gerais, est? exposta ambientalmente ao merc?rio. Os resultados de amostras ambientais encontrados foram: Hg no ar com n?vel m?dio de 39,4 ? 37,5 ng m-3, Hg no solo com m?dia de 0,37 ? 0,71 mg kg-1 e Hg na ?gua com valores variando entre 1,1 a 2,8 ng L-1, e, os resultados de amostras biol?gicas foram: n?vel m?dio de Hg na urina de 0,15 ? 0,30 ?g L-1, com a mediana em 0,23 ?g L-1 e n?veis de merc?rio no cabelo de ? 0,096 ?g g-1 a 1,92 ?g g-1 com m?dia de 0,25 ? 0,28 ?g g-1 e mediana de 0,15 ?g g-1. Portanto tendo em vista as caracter?sticas da popula??o estudada, evidenciada nos resultados da pesquisa socioecon?mica, os resultados das an?lises ambientais e biol?gicas, elaborou-se estrat?gias de comunica??o de risco como uma das medidas de gerenciamento do risco de exposi??o e consequente vigil?ncia em sa?de. Comunica??o de Risco essa no modelo de folder e DVD, a fim de alcan?ar o objetivo informativo e atingir o maior contingente da popula??o.

Alcohol related health advice and the role of the General Dental Practitioner

Shepherd, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Alcohol misuse and related harm costs money, drains resource and takes lives. Alcohol brief interventional advice forms an important method to moderate alcohol consumption at both individual and population level. Alcohol exerts a significant negative influence on the oral cavity and is implicated in the development of oro-mucosal and dental disease. Alcohol and tobacco smoking are recognised a key aetiological agents in the development of oral cancer which is the 14th most common cancer, accounting for approximately 2% of new cases, killing over 2300 people in the UK every year. A crucial weapon to tackle the disease is prevention through management of those modifiable lifestyle factors. The role of the general dental practitioner (GDP) in providing alcohol advice has received sparse attention, however evidence suggests that GDPs do not routinely engage in this activity. The aim of this research was to identify factors preventing or facilitating GDP engagement and develop strategies to support them to deliver alcohol advice. GDPs salient beliefs were applied, using behaviour change theories (the Theory of Planned Behaviour and Social Cognitive Theory), to formulate a theory based questionnaire. A postal survey (n=300, RR 60%) identified that few (17%) GDPs routinely provide advice to patients exposing potential for improvement. Subsequent exploratory multiple regression analysis identified 5 key items which might act as targets. The resultant five-item model accounted for 41% of the variance in intention [Adjusted R2 for this model is .41; F = 15.34 (.001)].A theoretically informed intervention was administered as a multi-centre, parallel group, three-arm randomized controlled pilot study. The aims were to test the feasibility and acceptability of implementing an alcohol advice intervention in dental primary care. The intervention was not entirely acceptable to patients or dentists. Qualitative analysis revealed factors (not limited) to remuneration, perceived relevance, confidence, embarrassment and fear of consequences mar progress. Modifications to study processes and methods would seem a sensible prior to further study.

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