Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ritual""
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Des corps en enfer. Une histoire des corps dans la région stéphanoise de la fin du XVIIIe à 1949 / Bodies in Hell. A history of the bodies in the Stephan region from the end of the XVlllth century to 1949Duarte, Mikaël 20 June 2017 (has links)
A la fin du XVIIIe siècle, la population de la région stéphanoise est caractérisée par sa maîtrise des processus industriels, une culture spécifique du corps, influencée par les rituels carnavalesques, le mouvement convulsionnaire janséniste, puis le magnétisme animal. L'industrie dépend alors des corps des ouvriers, des Sublimes. Les critiques des élites face à un système industriel passent des discours à une lente immixtion dans la chair des ouvriers qu'il faut enfermer, contrôler et rationaliser. La disqualification des corps ouvriers commence par un déclassement esthétique, qui débouche sur une racialisation, confortée par les théories de la dégénérescence. La rationalisation, la morale hygiéniste et l'éducation physique participent de cette prise de contrôle de la chair. Les nombreuses résistances des ouvriers face à une industrialisation rationalisée et mécanisée aliénante se caractérisent par une contre-culture ouvrière tenace, le maintien de la petite industrie qui maintient des espaces de liberté, et des violences, qui passe par l'anarchisme violent la grève, fracassée par une répression d'Etat. / At the end of the eighteenth century, the population of the Stephan region was characterized by its mastery of industrial processes, a specific culture of the body, influenced by carnival rituals, the Jansenist convulsion movement, and then animal magnetism. lndustry then depends on the bodies of the workers, the Sublimes. The criticisms of the elites in the face of an industrial system pass !rom speeches to a slow interference in the workers' flesh, which must be locked up, controlled and rationalized. The disqualification of the workers' bodies begins with an aesthetic downgrading, which leads to racialization, reinforced by theories of degeneration. Rationalization, hygienic morality and physical education are part of this takeover of the flesh. The many resistance of the workers to an alienating mechanized and rationalized industrialization are characterized by a tenacious working-class counter-culture, the maintenance of small industry which maintains areas of freedom and violence, which passes through anarchism violate the strike, Shattered by a state repression.
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Parcours et pratiques dans le néo-chamanisme contemporain en France et en italie / Pathways and practices in contemporary Neo-shamanism in France and ItalyLombardi, Denise 18 November 2016 (has links)
Lié aux diverses formes de spiritualité contemporaine, le néo-chamanisme offre à ceux qui y adhèrent un parcours de spécialisation basé sur des techniques d’apprentissage thérapeutique pratiquées dans le cadre de séminaires animés par un néo-chaman. Cette thèse porte sur le néo-chamanisme en tant que phénomène culturel à visée thérapeutique lié aux diverses formes de spiritualité contemporaine. La partie ethnographique, fondée sur un double terrain, en France et en Italie, a permis d’identifier dans les deux pays un fonctionnement similaire organisé autour de cinq éléments qui caractérisent cette pratique. La fascination envers un ailleurs exotique, les références à des cosmologies indigènes, la quête du bien- être et de la guérison individuelle, la sacralisation de la nature, une relation directe avec le néo-chaman, et un mécanisme de dédoublement réflexif des participants, tels sont les principes constitutifs de cette pratique. La thèse s’appuie sur trois axes: les modalités de diffusion des pratiques, la construction de la crédibilité des néo-chamans, et l’efficacité thérapeutique mise en œuvre dans le cadre des séminaires. Le premier axe montre comment les pratiques se diffusent à travers des réseaux créés autour de librairies, de festivals et de formes de tourisme spirituel. Dans ce contexte, la crédibilité que les spécialistes parviennent à obtenir auprès de leur public s’établit grâce à une mise en récit autobiographique de leur position au sein de ces réseaux, notamment de leur rapport immédiat avec des figures fondatrices. Enfin, les relations rituelles que les participants établissent avec les différentes entités du panthéon néo- chamanique médiatisent la rencontre avec soi-même et la création d’un lien avec une nature extérieure et en même temps avec une nature intime, envisagée comme résidant à l’intérieur de chacun. / This thesis investigates neo-shamanism, a cultural phenomenon with therapeutic purposes tied to different forms of contemporary spirituality. In addition to healing, the Neo-shamanistic practices being studied also offer adherents a specialized apprenticeship in the techniques as implemented during the seminars led by the neo-shaman. The ethnography, conducted in both France and Italy, finds similarities among the two countries which can be organized around five different elements that characterize such practice; a fascination with an ‘exotic elsewhere’, reference to indigenous cosmologies, a quest for well-being and individual healing, the sacralization of nature, a direct relationship with the neo-shaman and a twofold reflexivity of participants. The thesis highlights three elements; the spreading of the practices, the credibility of the neo-shaman and the therapeutic efficacy achieved during the seminars. The first element shows how practices spread via bookstores, festivals and forms of spiritual tourism. The analysis then demonstrates how the specialists earn credibility from their audiences. The third element of the thesis deals with the ritual relationships that the participants establish with the entities populating the neo-shamanic pantheon. These relationships with different entities mediate a therapeutic encounter with oneself while also constructing a bond with the outer and intimate nature thought to reside within all humanity.
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Du foetus à l’enfant dans le monde grec archaïque et classique : représentations, pratiques rituelles et gestes funéraires / From fetus to child in the archaic and classical Greek world : representations, rituals and burialsDubois, Céline 19 December 2016 (has links)
Par l’étude des représentations sociales, des rituels et des gestes funéraires qui entourent l’enfant dès sa naissance, cette thèse propose une réflexion sur la place des plus jeunes dans la société grecque archaïque et classique. Durant l’Antiquité, la venue au monde révèle les logiques sociales dans lesquelles elle s’inscrit : la mère est enfin reconnue comme épouse accomplie, l’homme devient père avec les implications sociales que cela entraîne, et la famille comme l’ensemble de la cité doit valider l’arrivée d’un nouveau membre. A partir de ce constat, ce travail apporte un nouveau regard sur les représentations de l’enfant en bas âge (0-3 ans) au sein des différentes strates de la cité. Longtemps considéré comme exclu des relations sociales, le tout-petit n’a en effet jamais fait l’objet d’une étude particulière. Pourtant des pratiques funéraires spécifiques, l’existence de rituels d’intégration progressifs, ainsi que des registres iconographiques distincts, sont autant de témoignages du statut particulier d’un être en devenir, mais déjà membre de la société. Ces différents thèmes sont abordés par une approche pluridisciplinaire qui confronte l’ensemble des sources disponibles sur la petite enfance : les écrits des auteurs anciens aux regards des imagiers et aux données offertes par l’archéologie funéraire. En conclusion ce travail montre que la notion de rite de passage vient s’ajouter aux représentations et aux pratiques funéraires pour former à un véritable complexe rituel faisant de la naissance et de la petite enfance, le reflet des rapports entretenus entre les Grecs et l’écoulement d’un temps inscrit dans la logique de reproduction sociale. / Through the study of social representations, rituals practices and funerary acts surrounding the young children, this thesis has offered a reflection on the infancy in the Archaic and Classical Greek world. During Antiquity, birth reveal the social mechanisms they belong to; the mother is finally considered as an accomplished wife and her role in the oikos is reaffirmed, the man becomes a father and has new social duties, and the family as well as the city has to accept the arrival of a new member. Judging from this observation, this work will shed a new light on young child (0-3 years) within the different strata of the city. For a long time, children have been considered as excluded from society because of the few mentions in literary sources. Although specific funerary practices, the existence of rituals marking the progressive integration of young ones in society, as well as a characteristic iconography, all testify of the particular status of children who already belong to the society. These themes are treated with a multidisciplinary approach that confronts all the sources on childhood: literature, iconography and funerary archaeology. In conclusion, this work proposes to show that the concept of rite of passage combined with representations and funerary practices form a ritual complex that makes birth and early childhood the true reflection of integration processes into the different circles of Greek society. This study thus aims to lead to a more general evocation of the relations between the Greeks of Antiquity and the passing of a time in the context of social reproduction.
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'Imagens' da família nos contextos funerários: o caso de Atenas no período clássico / 'Images' of the family in the funerary contexts: the Athenian case in the Classical PeriodArgôlo, Paula Falcão 16 March 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como foco a investigação das formas de expressão dos grupos familiares a partir dos espaços da morte da pólis ateniense no período inscrito entre aproximadamente 430 e o final do século IV a.C. Definido em função de um conjunto de mudanças significativas no conjunto arqueológico de contexto funerário no referido intervalo, o recorte cronológico adotado segue, portanto, as pistas de fenômenos da cultura material profundamente interligados e que nos sugerem uma forma peculiar dos grupos familiares se apresentarem e serem vistos nestes espaços. De fato, o desenvolvimento progressivo de novas formas de enterrar, de estruturas tumulares tipicamente clássicas e o surgimento de uma nova série de monumentos funerários com um repertório iconográfico tão original quanto padronizado, constituíram as bases para um estudo da categoria histórica família (para aplicarmos um termo genérico, embora desconhecido na cultura clássica helênica em questão, senão como múltiplos termos e conceituações). Partindo majoritariamente de uma documentação de natureza arqueológica, procuramos, no decorrer do trabalho, identificar os principais conceitos e valores produzidos ao longo da trajetória de uso dos espaços funerários pelas famílias e como estes significados resultantes da intervenção direta em tais espaços remetem à dinâmica de reprodução dos próprios grupos e podem ser compreendidos à luz da conjuntura histórica de Atenas do século IV, principalmente. / The research that follows is focused on the investigation of the ways in which family groups expressed themselves within the funerary contexts of the Athenian polis from about 430 to the end of the fourth century. Defined by a set of remarkable changes registered in the archaeological material precisely in this period, the chronological span adopted follows thus the hints of material culture phenomena, all of them deeply interwined, suggesting that the family groups came up with a particular way of exposing themselves to social gazes. As a matter of fact, the development of new ways of burying, the equally new typical Attic tomb structures, as well as a freshly arising series of funerary monuments with new imagery (original and standardized at the same time) set the framework for the study of the historical category so-called family by contemporary scholarship. We have chosen a set of archaeological evidences as a starting point so that it might help us to identify the main concepts and values created and performed by the families. We are interested in clarifying how the intervention of families in these spaces can lead us to the dynamic of its own reproduction and ultimately may be articulated to the fourth-century Athens and its particular historical moment.
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北魏關中道教造像記研究: 地域的宗教文化與儀式活動 : 附造像碑文錄校點. / 地域的宗教文化與儀式活動 / Daoist epigraphs of the Northern Wei dynasty, a study of the Guanzhong District's religious culture and ritualistic activities, with full transcribed texts of its Daoist epigraphs / Study of the Guanzhong District's religious culture and ritualistic activities, with full transcribed texts of its Daoist epigraphs / Daoist epigraphs of the Northern Wei dynasty a study of the Guanzhong district's religious culture and ritualistic activities with full transcribed texts of its Daoist epigraphs (China, Chinese text) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Bei Wei Guanzhong dao jiao zao xiang ji yan jiu: di yu de zong jiao wen hua yu yi shi huo dong : fu zao xiang bei wen lu jiao dian. / Di yu de zong jiao wen hua yu yi shi huo dongJanuary 2003 (has links)
張澤珣. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2003. / 參考文獻 (p. 171-179). / 中英文摘要. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Zhang Zexun. / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2003. / Can kao wen xian (p. 171-179).
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Tradice a rituály v rodině a MŠ jako východisko hodnotvorné orientace dítěte předškolního věku / Traditions and rituals in the family and pre-school education as a foundation in value making process of a pre-school child's orientationPrůšová, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis, from the theoretical point of view, is concerned with the role of each generation in the wider, multi-generational family in the present day. The fundamental subject in this study is a preschool child and his/her bond to other family members, who play essential part in the child's upbringing and socialisation (family and its changes, legal status, pro- family political movements, moral education, the role of grandparents, the full meaning of a functional family for a child's healthy development. There is a full description of the research, mapping the way and course of important festivities in the multi-generational families with a different social status, education as well as different educational surroundings in the empirical part of the research. The study examines the role of the oldest generation in handing the traditions and family customs over to the younger generations and the role each member assumes in the realization of the celebration in the multi-generational family living together. Key Words: multi-generational family, cohabition, parenthood, grandparenhood, traditions and rituals
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Do discurso à prática pedagógica: formas de resistência no Colégio da Polícia Militar. / From the speech to the pedagogic experience: forms of resistance inside Colégio da Polícia Militar.Denise Rampazzo da Silva 13 May 2008 (has links)
Pesquisa realizada em uma das unidades do Colégio da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo com enfoque na relação intersubjetiva que se estabelece entre o imaginário militar da instituição, que é movido pela idéia da ordem, da organização e da padronização, e que se propõe a preparar os alunos para o futuro, e o imaginário dionisíaco desses, voltado para a busca do prazer, por um querer viver a vida sem medida e pelo imediatismo, característicos da juventude. Através da metodologia de estudo de caso coletivo/etnográfico busca compreender a violência juvenil dentro da escola como uma forma de resistência às normas, formalismos e imposições que dominam o cotidiano da escola por vezes tornando difícil a recursividade entre o instituído e o instituinte. Para a compreensão foram feitas a análise dos imaginários em confronto a partir da antropologia do imaginário de Gilbert Durand e do cotidiano vivenciado na instiuição a partir da socioantropologia do cotidiano de Michel Maffesoli, ambas as teorias em consonância com o paradigma da complexidade de Edgar Morin. / Research realized in one of the branches of Colégio da Polícia Militar in São Paulo state approaching the relationship between the military imaginary of the institution, which is moved by the idea of order, organization and standardization, which objective is to prepare the students for the future, and the dionysian imaginary of the students, who want the pleasure and joy, which looks for living life without measure, in an immoderate way, a distinguishing mark of youth. By the methodology called study of common/ethnographic case it intends to understand the youth violence inside the school as a resistance against the precepts, rules, impositions and formalisms that control the school quotidian sometimes making difficult the relationship between the institution and the students. In order to understand this relationship was made the investigation of both imaginaries, which are in confrontation, using the theory of Gilbert Durand (anthropology of imaginary), the socioanthopology of quotidian from Michel Maffesoli based on the comprehension of the daily relationships inside the school between the students and the grown-up persons who work there. Both theories were in harmony with Edgar Morin thought about the theory of complexity paradigm.
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The importance of ritual initiation (Kgopha) as a passage for womanhood and the maintenance of marital lifeMapeke, Tlou Joyce January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (African Languages)) --University of Limpopo, 2004 / Refer to document
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Couple rituals range from everyday activities to once-in-a lifetime events. Weddings are arguably the most elaborate, complex, and rare couple ritual. Few studies have examined the association between wedding rituals and marital outcomes, yet millions of Americans marry and celebrate weddings each year. The purpose of the current study was to examine the associations between wedding ritual enactment, wedding ritual satisfaction, and marital satisfaction and commitment. The wedding rituals examined in the current study were the bridal shower, bachelor/bachelorette party, wedding reception, and honeymoon. It was hypothesized that enactment of a bridal shower, wedding reception, and honeymoon would be positively associated with marital outcomes whereas bachelor/bachelorette party enactment would be negatively associated with marital outcomes. We additionally hypothesized that satisfaction with all wedding rituals would be positively associated with satisfaction and commitment and that wedding ritual conformity would be associated with overall wedding ritual satisfaction. Our exploratory analyses examined unique predictability of wedding ritual enactment and wedding ritual satisfaction on marital outcomes. Results indicated expected and unexpected associations. Three of the predicted wedding rituals, bachelor/bachelorette party, wedding reception, and honeymoon enactment were associated with marital outcomes. Satisfaction with each wedding ritual significantly predicted marital outcomes. Lastly, wedding ritual conformity was found to be negatively associated with wedding ritual satisfaction. In our exploratory analyses, we found that wedding reception enactment was the most significant contributor to satisfaction whereas bachelor/bachelorette party enactment was the most significant contributor to marital commitment. Study limitations and directions for future research are discussed.
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Menstruace v evangelickém prostředí / Menstruation in the protestant milieuZikmund, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with topic of menstruation which is set into protestant milieu. Foundation of work consists of three interviews. These interviews help to fulfill the aim, which wants to bring the importance of menstruation to helping professions and see which clues evangelical milieu gives to women for living such experience. Respondents were three young women from Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. The work consists of seven chapters, which represent the author's pre-understanding, further describe the methodology of qualitative approach and menstruation in a bio-psycho-socio- spiritual context. Another part shows evangelical milieu, and other milieu important for their socialization. The next chapter reflects the results of the research. Work ends with discussion and conclusions that summarize the topic, critically reflect and represent practical recourses. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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