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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh provozního ekosystémového přístupu k současnému zemědělskému hospodaření v krajině s výskytem zvěře / Design of operational ecosystem approach to the current agricultural landscape management with the occurrence of game

ŠTANGLOVÁ, Milena January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Kraniometrické vyhodnocení lebek srnce obecného předložených na přehlídku trofejí v rámci územně správního celku Kaplice / Craniometrical evaluation of skull roebuck common submitted on show trophy in terms of territorial administrative of unit Kaplice

SCHMIED, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Craniometrical evaluation skull roebuck common was realised on show trophy in term sof territorial administrative unit Kaplice in the years 2007 and 2008. In the first year of research there were measured 114 roebuck skulls o show trophy . In the second year of research there were measured 78 roebuck skulls o show trophy Twenty three craniometrical values were measured on each skulls. There were made photos of each measured skulls. Craniometric data were statistically evaluated. Statistical analysis were not confirmed with hypothesis, that all craniometrical data depend on the age.

Beteenderespons hos rådjur (Capreolus capreolus) på akustiska stimuli / Behavioural response of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) to acoustic stimuli

Ljungberg, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Humans can influence the habitats that animals use by, for example, building railways that form barriers in the landscape, which disturb the animals and reduce their habitats. During the last ten years, wildlife accidents on railways have increased dramatically, and the measures to reduce accidents, such as building fences and wildlife passages, are very expensive. Acoustic stimuli can be used to scare roe deer away from different locations. Both experience and natural selection have affected animals and their behavior when they are exposed to threats from predators. The magnitude of the perceived threat and the degree of fear motivates which behavioral response is used. Some responses to threatening situations are flight, increased vigilance, and reduced foraging behavior. The purpose of this report is to investigate which acoustic stimuli cause the roe deer to leave the location and how much time they spend eating and being vigilant. By filming the roe deer when they were exposed to six different acoustic stimuli, human voice, dog barking, warning call from roe deer, pink noise, bird sounds and silent control, at feeding stations at Grimsö Research Station, I tested the influence of different stimuli on the behavior of roe deer. The results showed the roe deer spent the most time eating during a silent control period, when undisturbed. The pink noise and the human voice can possibly be used to ward off roe deer from the railroad tracks before the train arrives. The sound of dog barking and warning calls from another roe deer make the roe deer alert but the deer most often remain on the spot. Further investigations of acoustic stimuli are required to know the effectiveness of different stimuli to best avoid wildlife accidents in train traffic. / Människan kan förändra djurens habitat genom att bygga järnvägar som utgör barriärer i landskapet vilket stör djuren och minskar deras livsmiljöer. Under de senaste tio åren har viltolyckor på järnvägen ökat markant. Genom att bygga viltstängsel samt faunapassager kan man minska viltolyckorna och djuren kan röra sig naturligt i landskapen, ett problem är dock att djur kan bli påkörda vid farliga passager och att dessa åtgärder är väldigt dyra. Olika typer av akustiska signaler kan användas för att skrämma bort rådjur från olika platser. Både erfarenheter och naturligt urval har gjort att bytesdjur anpassat sitt beteende när de blir utsatta för hot av predatorer. Hur stort hotet upplevs och graden av rädsla motiverar vilken beteenderespons som används. Några responser på hotfulla situationer är flykt, ökad vaksamhet och minskat födosöksbeteende.  Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka vilka akustiska stimuli som får rådjuren att lämna platsen samt hur mycket tid de spenderar med att äta och vara vaksamma. Rådjuren filmades när de utsattes för sex olika akustiska stimuli, människoröst, hundskall, brusljud, varningsrop från rådjur, fågelljud och tyst kontroll, vid foderstationer vid Grimsö Forskningsstation. Resultatet visade att olika akustiska stimuli inducerar olika beteenderesponser hos rådjur. De spenderade mest tid med att äta under tyst kontroll när de var ostörda. Brusljudet och människorösten kan eventuellt används för att få rådjuren att lämna tågspåret innan tåget kommer. Hundskall och varningsrop från rådjur gör att rådjuren blir vaksamma men stannar kvar på platsen. Vidare undersökningar av akustiska stimuli krävs för att veta hur man på bästa sätt kan undvika viltolyckor i tågtrafiken.

Elninių žvėrių gausa ir jų poveikio mitybos ištekliams įvertinimas Kuršėnų miškų urėdijoje / Cervids density and influence to nourishment resources in kursenai forests

Zeleniūtė, Vitalija 27 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo išstudijuoti elninių žvėrių (briedžių, tauriųjų elnių ir europinių stirnų) gausumą 2009-2010 m. žiemojimo periodu Kuršėnų urėdijos miškuose ir palyginti skirtingų miškų gautus rezultatus. Tyrimai atlikti 18 miškų, naudojant McCain netiesioginę elninių žvėrių apskaitą pagal jų paliekamus ekskrementus bei Aldous medžių pažeidimo metodą. Pagal atliktus tyrimus, vidutinis elninių žvėrių tankumas Kuršėnų urėdijos miškuose 2009-2010 m. žiemojimo periodu buvo 14, 7 individų tūkstančiui hektarų. Briedžių tankumas tirtame regione buvo du kartus didesnis, lyginant su vidutiniu briedžių tankumu visoje Lietuvos teritorijoje, tauriųjų elnių – labai panašus, o stirnų buvo dvigubai mažesnis. Taigi, tirtuose miškuose yra gausu stambiųjų elninių, tačiau jie konkuruoja su stirnomis. Vidutinis briedžių ir tauriųjų elnių tankumas tirtuose miškuose atitinka ekologinį ir ūkiškai leistiną elninių žvėrių gausumą Lietuvos miškams, o stirnų yra du kartus mažesnis, tačiau, atsižvelgiant į mitybinę konkurenciją, taurusis elnias laikomas pagrindine elninių žvėrių rūšimi tirtoje vietovėje, tad pagrindinis dėmesys turėtų būti skiriamas jo populiacijų gausinimui. Elniniai žvėrys pagal mitybos specializaciją renkasi skirtingus biotopus. Didžiausias briedžių gausumas nustatytas krūmynuose, tauriųjų elnių – pievose, o europinių stirnų – dirbamų laukų biotopuose. Vidutinis dendrofloros panaudojimo pašarams intensyvumas Kuršėnų urėdijos miškuose buvo 18,5 %, bet netgi didžiausi pažeidimai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study was to find out the density of cervids during wintering period in Kušėnai forests and to compare gathered data with density in different forest. The research have been conducted in 18 forests, using McCain indirect record by excrement and Aldous trees damage method. Studies have shown that the average density of cervids in surveyed areas is 14.7 individuals per thousand hectares. Moose density in this region is twice higher than average moose density in whole Lithuania, red deer – very similar, roe deer density is half lower. Therefore, explored forests is rich of large ungulate mammals, but they compete with roe deers. The average abundance of red deer and moose satisfies commercially and ecologicaly acceptable ones, also roe deer density is more than two times smaller, bur in aspect of the competition diet, red deer is considered to be the main cervid species in studied forests, so more attention should be paid to increase their population. Cervids by specificity of their species in different forests choose similar biotopes. The highest abundance of moose were in scrubs, red deer – in meadows, roe deer – in cultivated fields. The average of tree damage in stydy areas is 18.5 percent, but even the highest nutrient load does not exceed the recommended rate (30–40 %), so there is no danger to natural forest regeneration.

The use of highway crossings to maintain landscape connectivity for moose and roe deer

Olsson, Mattias January 2007 (has links)
<p>Increasingly wildlife managers and land managers are challenged to maintain the viability and connectivity among large mammal populations. Thus, it is important that effective highway crossings are identified and optimized with respect to construction cost, facilitation of ungulate movements, and ability to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions. The use of exclusion fencing to reduce ungulate-vehicle collisions is commonly installed along Swedish highways. However, exclusion fences may pose a threat to the viability of wildlife populations because they serve as barriers to individual movements and may limit accessibility to resources. Various types of wildlife crossings intended to reduce road-kills and increase habitat connectivity across fenced highways have been constructed throughout the world. Previous studies have evaluated the importance of structure design and size for many ungulate species, but few studies involved moose (Alces alces) which is the target species for most large ungulate mitigations in Sweden. The results of the studies are intended to facilitate the development of wildlife crossings and conventional road passages to meet ungulate demands.</p><p>We monitored moose fitted with GPS radio collars and characterized their space and habitat use patterns in southwestern Sweden. Moose had seasonal differences in habitat selection within their home range, and generally preferred clear-cuts and early successional forest, boreal forest, and glades, but avoided agricultural areas and open water. We used infrared remote cameras, track surveys, and GPS telemetry to monitor the use of wildlife crossings and conventional road passages by moose and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The upgrading of a non-fenced road to a fenced highway with three wildlife crossings decreased the moose movements across the highway by 67-89 %. Overpass use by moose and roe deer declined with increased traffic volume on the highway and both species walked during periods of low highway traffic volumes and shifted to trotting as traffic intensity increased. Low rates of human disturbances and proximity to forest edges increased use of highway underpasses by roe deer. Moose used large underpasses to a higher degree than small.</p>

The use of highway crossings to maintain landscape connectivity for moose and roe deer

Olsson, Mattias January 2007 (has links)
Increasingly wildlife managers and land managers are challenged to maintain the viability and connectivity among large mammal populations. Thus, it is important that effective highway crossings are identified and optimized with respect to construction cost, facilitation of ungulate movements, and ability to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions. The use of exclusion fencing to reduce ungulate-vehicle collisions is commonly installed along Swedish highways. However, exclusion fences may pose a threat to the viability of wildlife populations because they serve as barriers to individual movements and may limit accessibility to resources. Various types of wildlife crossings intended to reduce road-kills and increase habitat connectivity across fenced highways have been constructed throughout the world. Previous studies have evaluated the importance of structure design and size for many ungulate species, but few studies involved moose (Alces alces) which is the target species for most large ungulate mitigations in Sweden. The results of the studies are intended to facilitate the development of wildlife crossings and conventional road passages to meet ungulate demands. We monitored moose fitted with GPS radio collars and characterized their space and habitat use patterns in southwestern Sweden. Moose had seasonal differences in habitat selection within their home range, and generally preferred clear-cuts and early successional forest, boreal forest, and glades, but avoided agricultural areas and open water. We used infrared remote cameras, track surveys, and GPS telemetry to monitor the use of wildlife crossings and conventional road passages by moose and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The upgrading of a non-fenced road to a fenced highway with three wildlife crossings decreased the moose movements across the highway by 67-89 %. Overpass use by moose and roe deer declined with increased traffic volume on the highway and both species walked during periods of low highway traffic volumes and shifted to trotting as traffic intensity increased. Low rates of human disturbances and proximity to forest edges increased use of highway underpasses by roe deer. Moose used large underpasses to a higher degree than small.

Tick-Borne Encephalitis In Sweden : What Is Happening In My County Over The Past 35 Years?

Ejaz, Bushra January 2021 (has links)
Tick-borne encephalitis is a vector-borne zoonotic disease with more than 12,000 annual clinical reported cases globally (WHO, 2021). Tick-borne encephalitis is caused by the flavivirus and transferred by Ixodes ricinus from roe deer to human and affects the central Nervous system. Climate change also increases tick-borne encephalitis incidences in Sweden and fluctuated considerably from year to year. A quantitative study design with secondary data was conducted to analyze the spatial and temporal pattern of Tick-borne encephalitis in Sweden from 1986-2020. The distribution of Tick-borne encephalitis within age and sex, along with other factors were also analyzed. The results showed that Tick-borne encephalitis with passing each year spread across the country. Male and age group, 50-59, have more incidence of Tick-borne encephalitis. Incidents were associated with climate conditions such as temperature and precipitation, which provided a favorable environment for Ixodes ricinus for its lifecycle activities, host searching, and disease transmission. Roe deer population, other vertebrates abundance, vaccination, population interest, economy, and land change are the critical factors that facilitate the disease incidence or control. People who visit forests for hunting, trekking, leisure, and professional activities without proper immunity and preventive measures are at risk to infect with Tick-borne encephalitis. The theory One health approach showed suitable performance for the control of this vulnerable climate zoonotic disease.

Kinetik des Ingestaflusses bei Rehen (Capreolus capreolus) und Mufflons (Ovis ammon musimon) im saisonalen Verlauf

Behrend, Anke 15 September 1999 (has links)
Die Verdaulichkeit langsam abbaubarer Pflanzenbestandteile (Cellulose) steigt mit zunehmender Partikelverweilzeit im Vormagen von Wiederkäuern. Die Ingestaverweilzeit im Magen-Darm-Kanal ist abhängig von der Größe der Fermentationskammern, der Nahrungsaufnahme, vom Speichelfluß und von der selektiven Retention von Futterpartikeln. Die mittlere Retentionszeit (MRT) von Flüssigkeit und Partikeln müßte sich zwischen den Tierarten unterscheiden und saisonbedingt in Abhängigkeit von der Qualitüt und des Angebotes der Nahrung verändern. Mit der Messung der Ingestapassage an Rehen als Konzentratselektierer im Vergleich zu Mufflons als Grasfresser werden Faktoren der Anpassung an das jahreszeitlich wechselnde Nahrungsangebot dieser verschiedenen Wildtierarten untersucht. Voraussetzung für die Durchführung der Versuche war die Handaufzucht von sechs Rehkitzen und fünf Mufflonlämmern. Den Tieren wurde zum dorsalen Pansensack eine Vormagenkanüle implantiert. Die Haltung der Tiere erfolgte in Gehegen mit natürlicher Vegetation. Den Rehen und Mufflons wurden über die Vormagenfistel ein Marker für Flüssigkeit (Co-EDTA) und ein Marker für Partikel (Chrom-markiertes Heu) verabreicht. Anschließend wurde 5 Tage regelmäßig alle 3 bis 4 h Kot gesammelt. Die Co-/Cr-Konzentrationen der mit Schwefelsäure aufbereiteten Proben wurden atomabsorptionsspektrometrisch gemessen. Die Berechnung der Retentionszeiten der Flüssigkeit und Partikel im Gastro-Intestinal-Trakt (GIT) und im Ruminoretikulum (RR) erfolgte nach Thielemans et al. (1978), nach Grovum und Williams (1973) und Lechner-Doll (1990). Derartige Untersuchungen wurden erstmals unter annähernd natürlichen Bedingungen vergleichend an Rehen und Mufflons durchgeführt. Die Gesamtverweildauer von Flüssigkeit und Partikeln im Gastro-Intestinal-Trakt war beim Reh (MRTFlüss.GIT = 18,1 ± 2,4 h, MRTPart.GIT = 23,6 ± 3,8 h) im gesamten Jahresverlauf kürzer als beim Mufflon (MRTFlüss.GIT = 22,5 ± 3,9 h, MRTPart.GIT = 36,0 ± 4,2 h). Die Partikelverweilzeit im Ruminoretikulum beim Reh betrug MRTPart.RR =13,9 ± 3,1 h und beim Mufflon MRTPart.RR = 24,8 ± 3,0 h. Flüssigkeit verweilte im Ruminoretikulum beim Reh MRTFlüss. RR = 8,0 ± 1,0 h und beim Mufflon MRTFlüss.RR = 11,5 ± 2,0 h. Bei beiden Tierarten waren die Retentionszeiten der Ingesta im Gastro-Intestinal-Trakt erheblichen jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen unterworfen. Sie waren im Herbst bei erhöhter Nahrungsaufnahme verkürzt und im Winter durch eine Reduzierung des Stoffwechsels und der Aufnahme von Pflanzen mit geringerer Verdaulichkeit verlängert. Rehe haben im Gegensatz zu Mufflons einen relativ kleinen Vormagen, weite Verzögerungsstrukturen und einen hohen Speichelfluß, was die kurze Ingestaverweildauer verursachen kann. Aufgrund der kurzen Verweilzeit der Partikel im Ruminoretikulum haben Rehe schlechtere Voraussetzungen für die Verwertung von cellulosehaltigen Pflanzen. Beim Mufflon hingegen schaffen lange Verweilzeiten von Nahrungspartikeln im Ruminoretikulum immer günstige Bedingungen für die Einbeziehung der Cellulose in die energetische Nutzung. Die sich saisonal verändernden Retentionszeiten der Ingesta im Gastro-Intestinal-Trakt machen die Anpassungsfähigkeit beider Tierarten an das jahreszeitlich wechselnde Nahrungsangebot deutlich. / The digestibility of slowly fermentable/digestible plant material (cellulose) increases with increasing particle retention time in the forestomach of ruminants. The retention time in the gastro-intestinal-tract depends on the size of the fermentation chambers, the food intake, the saliva flow and the selective retention of food particles. The mean retention time (MRT) of fluid and particles should differ between ruminant species and, according to differences in food quality and availability, between seasons. By measuring the ingesta passage rate of roe deer, a concentrate selector, in comparison with mouflon, a grass and roughage eater, adaptation factors of these different species to the seasonally changing forage supply were investigated. A prerequisite for the trials was the hand-rearing of six roe deer fawns and five mouflon lambs. Rumen fistulas were implanted in all adult animals leading to the dorsal ruminal chamber. The animals were kept in adequate enclosures with natural vegetation. A fluid (Co-EDTA) and a particle (Cr-mordanted fibre) marker were applied to roe deer and mouflons via the rumen fistula. After marker application, faecal samples were collected every 3 to 4 hours for 5 days. Faecal samples were prepared with sulphuric acid and the Co- and Cr-concentrations were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The retention time of fluid and particle phase in the gastro-intestinal-tract and in the ruminoreticulum were calculated according to Thielemans et al. (1978), Grovum und Williams (1973) und Lechner-Doll (1990). Such investigations were carried out for the first time under natural conditions comparing roe deer and mouflons. The total retention time of fluid and particles in the gastro-intestinal-tract was for roe deer (MRTfluid GIT = 18,1 ± 2,4 h, MRTpart.GIT = 23,6 ± 3,8 h) shorter than for mouflon (MRTfluid GIT = 22,5 ± 3,9 h, MRTpart.GIT = 36,0 ± 4,2 h ) during the whole year. The retention time of particles in the ruminoreticulum was for roe deer MRTpart.RR = 13,9 ± 3,1 h and for mouflon MRTpart.RR = 24,8 ± 3,0 h. Fluid remained in the ruminoreticulum of roe deer for MRTfluid RR = 8,0 ± 1,0 h and of mouflon for MRTfluid RR = 11,5 ± 2,0 h. For both species, the ingesta retention time in the gastro-intestinal-tract showed significant seasonal fluctuations. They were shorter during autumn, when the animals showed an increased food intake, and longer in winter due to a reduction in both metabolic rate and ingestion of forage of low digestibility. Roe deer, in contrast to mouflon, have a ruminoreticulum characterized by relatively small size and large openings. This anatomy of the ruminoreticulum and the high saliva flow may be the reasons for the short ingesta retention time in the gastro-intestinal-tract of roe deer. Due to the short retention time of particles in the ruminoreticulum roe deer are more limited in their capacity to digest cellulose-containing plants. However longer retention time of food particles in the ruminoreticulum of mouflon provides favourable conditions for cellulose fermentation in all seasons. The seasonally variable ingesta retention time in the gastro-intestinal-tract are an expression of the adaptability of both species to the seasonally fluctuating food supply.

Untersuchungen zu tanninbindenden Speichelproteinen des Rehs und anderer Wiederkäuer / Investigation of tannin binding salivary proteins of roe deer and other ruminants

Gehrke, Janin January 2002 (has links)
Am Beispiel der Wiederkäuer wurde unter Zuhilfenahme von biochemischen und molekularbiologischen Methoden die Adaptation von Pflanzenfressern (Herbivoren) an pflanzliche Sekundärmetabolite wie z.B. Tannine untersucht. Tannine können in nicht an ihren Verzehr adaptierten Spezies durch ihr Proteinbindungsvermögen die Nahrungsverwertung und damit Wachstum und Gesundheit des Pflanzenfressers beeinträchtigen (antinutritive Wirkung). <br /> Einige Wiederkäuerarten wie z.B. das Reh (Capreolus capreolus) haben in ihrem Nahrungsspektrum viele stark tanninhaltige Pflanzen, leiden aber nicht unter den erwähnten postdigestiven Konsequenzen. Eine Möglichkeit, die antinutritive Wirkung von Tanninen zu neutralisieren, besteht in der Produktion tanninbindender Speichelproteine. <br /> Der Speichel verschiedener Wiederkäuerarten wurde auf das Vorhandensein tanninbindender Proteine untersucht. Diese Arten wurden so ausgewählt, dass alle drei Ernährungstypen (Konzentratselektierer, Intermediärtyp, Gras- und Rauhfutterfresser) in den Vergleich eingeschlossen werden konnten. Als Referenzspezies wurde der Konzentratselektierer Reh herangezogen.<br /> Die Speichelproteine des Rehs und die der Intermediärtypen (Rentier, Rangifer tarandus; Damhirsch, Cervus dama; Moschusochse, Ovibos moschatus) banden ungefähr doppelt so effektiv an hydrolysierbare Tannine (Tanninsäure), wie die der untersuchten Gras- und Rauhfutterfresser (Rind, Bos taurus; und Mufflon, Ovis orientalis musimon). Diese Abstufung zeigte sich auch bei der Untersuchung der Bindung an kondensierte Tannine (Quebracho). Eine Ausnahme stellte Mufflonspeichel dar, dieser band ebenso gut an Quebracho wie die Speichelproteine der anderen Ernährungstypen.<br /> Über eine Aminosäuretotalanalyse konnte festgestellt werden, dass der Speichel einiger untersuchter Wiederkäuerarten prolinreiche Proteine (PRPs) enthielt. Unter Ausnutzung ihrer Trichloressigsäure (TCA)-Löslichkeit wurden diese angereichert und genauer untersucht. Die Analyse der TCA-löslichen Speichelproteine der Konzentratselektierer (Reh, Elch) ergab einen relativen Prolingehalt von über 35 %, während beim Moschusochsen noch 29 % gemessen wurden. In Damhirsch- und Rinderspeichel wurden keine prolinreichen Proteine gefunden.<br /> Für die TCA-löslichen Speichelproteine des Rehs konnte eine hohe Tanninbindungskapazität nachgewiesen werden. Diese banden 24 - 30 x effektiver an Tannine als die TCA-löslichen Speichelproteine des Rindes. Die Tanninbindungskapazitäten der TCA-löslichen Speichelproteine von Moschusochse und Damhirsch waren ebenfalls höher als die des Rindes, aber niedriger als die des Rehs. <br /> Die Kohlenhydrat-Analyse der TCA-löslichen Speichelproteine des Rehs erbrachte, dass es sich bei ihnen um Glykoproteine handelt. Mittels Gelfiltration und zweidimensionaler Polyacrylamidgelektrophorese konnten fünf Proteingruppen mit Molekulargewichten zwischen 15 und 50 kd sowie isoelektrischen Punkten zwischen 4,0 und 8,2 detektiert werden. <br /> Von 15 dieser Proteine konnten die N-terminalen Aminosäuresequenzen ermittelt werden. Ausgehend von diesen Informationen wurden Reh-PRP spezifische mRNAs isoliert und partiell sequenziert. Die meisten dieser Fragmente hatten eine gemeinsame 18 Aminosäuren lange C-terminale Sequenz PPPEEQPEE/QSPDEE/DSPSE. <br /> Die Suche nach Übereinstimmungen der analysierten Sequenzen mit anderen Säugetier-PRPs in der Genbank ergab keine sinnvollen Ähnlichkeiten. Die Ergebnisse können zu Informationen über tanninbindende Proteine anderer Wiederkäuer führen. Die Sequenzinformationen stellen einen Ausgangspunkt bei der Analyse der evolutiven Zusammenhänge der Cerviden dar. / Investigation of tannin binding salivary proteins of roe deer and other ruminants: <br /> In this work the adaptation of herbivores to plant secondary metabolites was investigated with help of biochemical and molecular biological methods. In unadapted species plant secondary metabolites as tannins can reduce food digestibility and thus diminish growth rate and health status (antinutritive action). Tannins act through its astringency, that means the high capacity to bind proteins, other macromolecules and metal ions. Some ruminant species feed on tannin containing plant but do not suffer from the mentioned nutritive consequences. The production of tannin binding proteins is one possible adaptation mechanism to neutralize the effects of the tannins.<br /> Saliva of six different ruminant species was investigated for the presence of tannin binding proteins. All three feeding types (concentrate selector, intermediate type and grass and roughage eater) were included in the comparison. <br /> Salivary proteins from roe deer (Capreolus capreolus, concentrate selector) and from the intermediate feeding types (rein deer, Rangifer tarandus; fallow deer, Cervus dama; musk ox, Ovibos moschatus) bound twice as effective to hydrolysable tannins (tannic acid) as those from the investigated grass and roughage eaters (cattle, Bos taurus; moufflon, Ovis orientalis). This differentiation could also be observed investigating the binding capacities to condensed tannins (quebracho) except for moufflon. Moufflon salivary proteins bound with the same intensity to quebracho as the salivary proteins from the other feeding types.<br /> Proline rich proteins (PRPs) could be accumulated from roe deer, moose and musk ox saliva by use of its solubility properties in 5 % trichloro acetic acid (TCA). Roe deer and moose TCA soluble salivary proteins contained more than 35 %, musk ox proteins 29 % proline. In fallow deer and cattle saliva PRPs could not be detected.<br /> A tannin binding assay demonstrated for the TCA soluble salivary proteins from roe deer, musk ox and fallow deer but not from cattle, that they are able to bind tannins. Roe deer salivary proteins bound 24 to 30 more effective to tannins as cattle proteins. Tannin binding capacity of the proteins from musk ox and fallow deer saliva was higher as those from cattle but lower as those from roe deer.<br /> For further analysis of ruminant tannin binding proteins we chose roe deer as reference species. Carbohydrate analysis of TCA soluble proteins from roe deer saliva showed that they were glycoproteins. With help of gel filtration and two dimensional polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis five proteins groups with molecular weights from 15 to 50 kd and isoelectric points from 4.0 to 8.2 could be detected.<br /> N-terminal amino acid sequences of 15 of the roe deer salivary TCA soluble proteins were determined by Edmann degradation. This information led to partially sequenced roe deer PRP specific cDNA. An 18 amino acid long C-terminal sequence was common in most of the clones. The obtained roe deer PRP sequences did not match with known mammalian PRP sequences from data banks. <br /> The finding in this work can lead to information about salivary tannin binding proteins in other ruminants. The sequence information represent a starting-point for the investigation of cervid evolution.

Do wild ungulates contribute to the dispersal of vascular plants in central European forests by epizoochory? A case study in NE Germany / Trägt Schalenwild durch Epizoochorie zur Ausbreitung von Gefäßpflanzen in mitteleuropäischen Wäldern bei? Eine Fallstudie aus Nordostdeutschland

Heinken, Thilo, Raudnitschka, Dorit January 2002 (has links)
The external dispersal ("epizoochory") of vascular plant diaspores (seeds and fruits) by roe deer and wild boar, i.e. the most common wild large mammals with a large home range in central Europe, was investigated in a 6.5-km² forest area in NE Germany dominated by mesic deciduous forests. The study involved brushing out the diaspores from the coats and hooves of 25 shot roe deer and nine wild boar. The results were compared with the forest vegetation of the study area. Whilst wild boar transported large amounts of various diaspores in the coat, the significance of roe deer for epizoochory was low due to their sleek fur and different behaviour compared to wild boar. Altogether, 55 vascular plant species were transported externally. Since only a limited number of seeds came from woodland habitats, the open landscape was at least as important as a source of attached seeds as the forest vegetation. Thus, most plant species occurring in the studied forest area, especially characteristic woodland herbs, showed no adaptations to epizoochorous dispersal, although being very abundant in the herb layer. We conclude that hoofed game play a particular role concerning the dispersal of ruderal and grassland species in the agricultural landscape of central Europe. However, the actual spread of some herb species in forests of northern Germany, e.g. <i>Agrostis capillaris</i>, <i>Brachypodium sylvaticum</i>, <i>Deschampsia flexuosa</i>, <i>Galium aparine</i> and <i>Urtica dioica</i>, may be mainly facilitated by wild ungulates. Though dispersal by large mammals is an important mechanism for long-distance dispersal of plants in general, our results suggest that most of the characteristic herb species of mesic deciduous forests have only low epizoochorous dispersal potentials. The implications for nature conservation and silviculture are discussed. / Die Ausbreitung von Gefäßpflanzen-Diasporen (Samen und Früchte) durch äußerliche Anhaftung ("Epizoochorie") an Rehen und Wildschweinen, den beiden häufigsten Schalenwild-Arten in Mitteleuropa, wurde im 6,5 km² großen Forst Brieselang bei Berlin (Bundesland Brandenburg) untersucht, in dem mesophile Laubwälder vorherrschen. Dazu wurden die Felle und Hufe von 25 geschossenen Rehen und neun Wildschweinen ausgekämmt und die Diasporen anschließend bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit der Waldvegetation verglichen. Während Wildschweine große Mengen verschiedener Diasporentypen transportierten, war die Bedeutung von Rehen für die Ausbreitung von Pflanzen auf Grund des glatten Fells und der im Vergleich zum Wildschwein unterschiedlichen Verhaltensweisen wesentlich geringer. Insgesamt wurden 55 Phanerogamenarten epizoochor transportiert. Da nur ein kleiner Teil der ausgebreiteten Pflanzen Waldhabitate bevorzugt, war das Offenland eine mindestens ebenso wichtige Quelle anhaftender Diasporen wie die Waldvegetation. Die meisten Waldpflanzenarten wurden nicht ausgebreitet; insbesondere solche Arten, die ausschließlich in Wäldern wachsen, wurden nicht nachgewiesen. Viele Pflanzenarten sind – vermutlich auf Grund ihrer Diasporenmorphologie – weitgehend vom Transport ausgeschlossen, obwohl sie sehr häufig in der Krautschicht des untersuchten Waldes vorkommen. Daher ist Schalenwild in der Agrarlandschaft Mitteleuropas vermutlich vor allem für die Ausbreitung von Ruderal-, Segetal- und Grünlandpflanzen von Bedeutung. Die Ausbreitung einiger Pflanzenarten der Krautschicht in norddeutschen Wäldern z.B. <i>Agrostis capillaris</i>, <i>Brachypodium sylvaticum</i>, <i>Deschampsia flexuosa</i>, <i>Galium aparine</i> und <i>Urtica dioica</i>, könnte jedoch wesentlich auf Schalenwild zurückgehen. Obwohl Großsäuger insgesamt ein wichtiger Vektor für die Fernausbreitung von Pflanzen sind, zeigt unsere Studie, dass die meisten charakteristischen Waldbodenpflanzen mesophiler Laubwälder kaum ausgebreitet werden, also nur ein geringes epizoochores Ausbreitungspotenzial aufweisen. Die Bedeutung der Ergebnisse für den Waldnaturschutz und den Waldbau wird diskutiert.

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