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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prissättning av Konserter : Är det Rock & Roll att Prisdiskriminera? / Pricing Concerts : Is it Rock & Roll to Price Discriminate?

Classon, Johan, Dahlström, Johan January 2006 (has links)
Svensk musikindustri har under de senaste årtiondena åtnjutit stora framgångar på den internationella marknaden. Export Music Sweden grundades för att stötta och marknadsföra svensk populärmusik utomlands. VD Christer Lundblad sade 2003 att intäkter från konserter ökar kraftigt. Anledningar till detta kan vara att den ökande illegala nedladdningen av musik ger ett ökat ekonomiskt utrymme för konserter, samt att människor idag värderar upplevelser högre än tidigare. Eftersom mer pengar spenderas på konserter blir prissättningen mer betydelsefull. Ur ett rent ekonomiskt perspektiv borde konsertbiljetter prissättas för att maximera vinsten. Ett sätt att göra detta är att prisdiskriminera. Vi har funnit att detta inte görs i så stor utsträckning inom kon-sertindustrin, vilket har lett oss till att ta reda på varför så inte är fallet. För att ta reda på varför inte prisdiskriminering sker i större utsträckning har vi intervjuat sju personer inom de grupper, i konsertindustrin, som påverkar prissättningen. Dessa grupper är artister, management, turnéproduktionsbolag och skivbolag. Vi har även studerat litteratur rörande prisdiskriminering och konsertindustrin, i form av ve-tenskapliga artiklar, böcker och rapporter. Uppsatsen diskuterar hur prisdiskriminering av konserter går till, vilka som är inblandade i prissättningsbeslutet, samt deras syn på prisdiskriminering. Den tar även upp andra faktorer som påverkar prissättningen av konserter. I uppsatsen kommer vi fram till att det finns två anledningar till att konserter inte prisdiskrimineras i större utsträckning. En anledning är praktisk och innebär att konsertplatsens attribut inte tillåter platsindelning och således prisdiskriminering. Den andra anledningen bygger på konsertarrangörers lättja samt artisters invändningar mot pris-diskriminering. Vi redogör även, utifrån undersökningens resultat, för att utvecklingen pekar på att konserter kommer att prisdiskrimineras i större utsträckning i framtiden. / Swedish music industry has, during the latest decades, been highly successful interna-tionally. Export Music Sweden, ExMS was founded to support and market Swedish music abroad. ExMS Managing Director Christer Lundblad said in 2003 that the income made from concerts is growing rapidly. The reason for that development might be that the illegal downloading of music leave people more money left to spend on concerts. Furthermore, the development might spawn from the fact that people value experiences higher than before. Moreover, when more money is spent on concerts the pricing becomes more important than ever. Concert tickets should, if seen in an economical perspective, be priced to maximize revenue. One way of doing that is to price discriminate. We have, through a pre-study on the subject, established that concerts are not price discriminated as extensively as they could. That fact has made us curious as to why that is. In order to find out why concerts are not price discriminated more extensively we have interviewed seven people belonging to groups involved in the pricing process of concerts. These groups are artists, managers, concert arrangement agencies and record labels. Furthermore, we have studied literature on price discrimination and the concert industry. The thesis discusses the pricing of concerts; which people who is involved in the decisions concerning the pricing of concerts and their views on the subject. In addition, the thesis also contains other factors influencing the pricing of concerts. In conclusion, we find that there are two reasons explaining why concerts are not price discriminated more extensively. One is practical and involves the fact that some concert venue attributes does not allow price discrimination, since the crowd cannot be divided into different sections. The other reason is the fact that concert arrangement agencies are to comfortable to price discriminate, and that artists are unwilling to price discriminate for different reasons. Furthermore, the thesis’s results indicate that concerts will be price discriminated more extensively in the future.

Motiv till revision i små aktiebolag och revisorns roll i dessa

Asp, Ebba, Lund, Victor January 2013 (has links)
Den 1 november 2010 avskaffades revisionsplikten för bolag under förutsättning att minst två av följande kriterier är uppfyllda två räkenskapsår i rad: En omsättning som inte överstiger 3 miljoner kronor Tillgångar som inte överstiger 1,5 miljoner kronor Max tre anställda i medeltal Anledningen till revisionspliktens avskaffande var bland annat att små bolag ska ha möjlighet att lägga pengar på verksamhetens ändamål och intresse istället för att lägga denna summa på revision. Trots detta väljer ändå en del små bolag att använda sig av en revisor. Denna uppsats syftar till att ge en förklaring till varför små bolag väljer att använda sig av en revisor trots att detta inte är något de behöver ha. Skillnader mellan bolag startade före revisionspliktens avskaffande den 1 november 2010 och bolag startade efter detta datum kommer också att belysas. Eftersom en revisors roll kan se olika ut i olika bolag kommer även detta att undersökas och därmed försöka urskilja om en revisor i ett litet bolag är mer samhällsorienterad eller internt ägarorienterad, det vill säga om revisorn huvudsakligen agerar i ett bolags interna ägares intressen eller i externa intressenters intressen. Undersökningen visar att de tre främsta motiven till varför små bolag väljer att använda en revisor är trygghet, konsultation och intressenters anspråk. Den enda skillnaden vi kan se mellan bolag startade innan respektive efter revisionspliktens avskaffande är att yngre bolag bryr sig mer om intressenten det allmänna och att göra rätt för sig i samhället. Revisorns roll i små aktiebolag är främst internt ägarorienterad där revisorn anlitas i ägarens eget intresse och bidrar till trygghet.

Lärarens roll i förskoleklassen : En studie om skolledares uppfattningar kring lärarens roll i förskoleklassen

van Luijk, Marlene January 2013 (has links)
Sedan införandet av förskoleklassen har denna frivilliga skolform blivit omdiskuterad. Olika utredningar och forskningsprojekt visar att det finns otydligheter kring syfte och uppdrag för förskoleklassens verksamhet som i sin tur påverkar lärarens roll i förskoleklassen. Förskoleklassen betecknas som någonting mellan förskolan och skolan och befinner sig i ett gränsland i vilket förskolans och skolans kultur möts. Syfte med den här studien är att undersöka hur skolledare uppfattar och funderar över lärarens roll i förskoleklassen. Skolledare tillhör en beslutformande yrkesgrupp inom skolvärlden och därmed utövar inflytande på vem som arbetar i förskoleklassen. Studien är baserad på öppna och kvalitativa intervjuer med fem skolledare och analysen är utförd utifrån ett fenomenografisk och hermeneutisk forskningsansats. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt för studien används gränslandsteori. Resultatet visar att skolledares uppfattningar kring lärarens roll kopplas till uppdraget för förskoleklassens verksamhet. Andra centrala begrepp som diskuteras i samband med lärarens roll i förskoleklassen är kompetens, samverkan, yrkesstatus och läroplanen. Skolledares uppfattningar visar båda likheter och skillnader. Samtidigt framkommer det att i sina resonemang skolledare rör sig i gränslandet.

Design and Fabrication of Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells / Design och tillverkning av ljusemitterande elektrokemiska celler

Sandström, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Glödlampan, en gång symbolen för mänsklig uppfinningsförmåga, är idag på väg att försvinna. Lysdioder och lågenergilampor har istället tagit över då dessa har betydligt längre livstid och högre effektivitet. Den tidigare så hyllade glödlampan anses numera vara en miljöbov, och förbud och restriktioner mot den blir allt vanligare. Trots detta så är de nya alternativen bara att betrakta som provisoriska steg på vägen mot en ideal ljuskälla, som idag tyvärr inte existerar. Lågenergilampor innehåller exempelvis kvicksilver, och utgör därmed ett direkt hot mot en användares hälsa. Både lysdioder och lågenergilampor består även av höga halter av andra tungmetaller, och är väldigt komplicerade att tillverka. Återvinning är därför ett måste, och en fullödig energibesparingsanalys måste ta hänsyn till den betydande energin som går åt vid tillverkningen. Till viss del kan detta lösas genom att göra komponenterna små och ljusstarka, men för att göra en sådan belysning angenäm används istället utrymmeskrävande och ofta energislukande lampskärmar. Lysdioder och lågenergilampor är helt enkelt bra, men långt ifrån perfekta.All elektronisk utrustning är idag beroende av metaller och inorganiska halvledare, vilket gör återvinning viktig och tillverkning komplicerad. Detta är kanske på väg att ändras då även organiska material, t.ex. plast, har visat sig kunna ha elektroniska egenskaper. Idag är organisk elektronik ett hett forskningsområde där material med liknande egenskaper som plast, fast med funktionella elektroniska egenskaper, undersöks och appliceras. Något som gör organiska material extra intressanta är att många kan lösas upp i vätskor, vilket möjliggör för skapandet av bläck. Detta leder i sin tur till möjligheter för användandet av storskaliga trycktekniker, t.ex. tidningspressar och bläckstråleskrivare, vilka leder till en stor kostnadsreduktion och förenklad tillverkning av lysande komponenter. Idag har plast redan ersatt många andra material i en mängd olika tillämpningar. Plastflaskor är vanligare än glasflaskor, och ylletröjor konkurerar idag med kläder gjorda av fleece och andra syntetiska fibrer. Med ljusemitterande plast finns det helt klart en möjlighet att en liknande utveckling kan ske även för lampor.Den här avhandlingen fokuserar på den fortsatta utvecklingen av den ljusemitterande elektrokemiska cellen (LEC), som 1995 uppfanns av Pei et al. LEC-tekniken använder sig av organiska halvledare för att konvertera elektrisk ström till ljus, men även en elektrolyt som möjliggör elektrokemisk dopning. Detta förbättrar den organiska halvledarens elektroniska egenskaper signifikant, vilket leder till mindre resistans och högre effektivitet hos den färdiga lysande komponenten.Visionen för denna och besläktade tekniker har sedan länge varit förverkligandet av en lysande tapet. Den här avhandlingen har försökt närma sig denna vision genom att visa hur en LEC kan uppnå hög effektivitet och lång livslängd, och samtidigt tillverkas i luft med storskaliga produktionsmetoder. Orsaker till en tidigare begränsad livslängd har identifierats och minimerats med hjälp av nya komponentstrukturer och materialformuleringar. En inkapslingsmetod presenteras också, vilken skyddar komponenten från syre och vatten som annars lätt reagerar med det dopade organiska materialet. Detta resulterar i en signifikant förbättring av livslängden.Genom att använda slot-die bestrykning och sprayning, båda kompatibla med rulle-till-rulle tillverkning, har möjligheter för storskalig produktion demonstrerats. Slutligen har en speciell metod för spraymålning av stora lysande ytor utvecklats. / The incandescent light bulb, once the very symbol for human ingenuity, is now being replaced by the next generation of lighting technologies such as the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) and the light emitting diode (LED). The higher efficiencies and longer operational lifetimes of these new sources of illumination have led to the demise of the classic traditional bulb. However, it should be pointed out that the light sources that are taking over are better, but not perfect. The complex high-voltage electronic circuits and health hazardous materials required for their operation make them far from a sustainable eco-friendly option. Their fabrication is also complex, making the final product expensive. A new path forward might be through the use of plastics or other organic materials. Though not traditionally seen as electronically active, some organic materials do behave like inorganic semiconductors and substantial conductivity can be achieved by doping. Since plastics can be easily molded into complex shapes, or made into an ink using a solvent, it is expected that organic materials could revolutionize how we fabricate electronic devices in the future, and possibly replace inorganic crystals in the same way as plastics have replaced glass and wool for food storage and clothes. This thesis has focused on the light-emitting electrochemical cell (LEC), which was invented by Pei et al. in 1995. It employs organic semiconductors that can convert electricity to light, but also an electrolyte that further enhances the electronic properties of the semiconductor by allowing it to be electrochemically doped. This allows light-emitting films to be driven by a low-voltage source at a high efficiency. Unfortunately, the electrolyte has been shown to facilitate rapid degradation of the device under operation, which has historically severely limited the operational lifetime. Realizing the predicted high efficiency has also proven difficult. The purpose of this thesis is to bridge the gap between the LEC and the CFL. This is done by demonstrating efficient devices and improved operational lifetimes. Possible degradation mechanisms are identified and minimized using novel device architectures and optimized active layer compositions. An encapsulation method is presented, and shown to increase the LEC stability significantly by protecting it from ambient oxygen and water. The thesis further focuses on up-scaled fabrication under ambient air conditions, proving that light-emitting devices are compatible with solution-based and cost-efficient printing. This is achieved by a roll-to-roll compatible slot-die coating and a novel spray-depositing technique that alleviates problems stemming from dust particles and phase separation. A practical ambient air fabrication and a subsequent operation of light-emitting electrochemical cells with high efficiency are thus shown possible.

Modeling, design, development, and control of a pilot-scale continuous coating line for proton exchange membrane fuel cell electrode assembly

Devaraj, Vikram 05 April 2013 (has links)
Fuel cells are electrochemical energy devices that convert the chemical energy in a fuel into electrical energy. Although they are more efficient, clean, and reliable than fossil fuel combustion systems, they have not been widely adopted because of manufacturing challenges and high production cost. The most expensive component of a fuel cell is the membrane electrode assembly (MEA), which consists of an ionomer membrane coated with catalyst material. Best performing MEAs are currently fabricated by depositing and drying liquid catalyst ink on the membrane, however, this process is limited to individual preparation by hand due to the membrane’s rapid water absorption that leads to shape deformation and coating defects. This work models the swelling and drying phenomena of the membrane and coating during manufacturing, and then applies the results to develop and control a continuous coating line for the production of defect free fuel cell MEAs. A continuous coating line can reduce the costs and time needed to fabricate the MEA, incentivizing the commercialization and widespread adoption of fuel cells. Membrane swelling is a three-dimensional, transient, coupled mass transfer, heat transfer, and solid mechanics problem. Existing models describe the membrane’s behavior in operating conditions, but none predict the behavior during manufacturing. This work develops a novel physics-based model that describes the behavior of the membrane and coating in a continuous manufacturing scenario and incorporates effects that are missing from existing models. A model that can predict wrinkles, the most commonly observed defect during manufacturing, is presented. Simulation results from the above models are used to design and develop an improved continuous MEA coating process that includes pre-swelling and two-stage drying of the coated membrane. A prototype pilot-scale coating line to implement and test the improved coating process is designed and constructed. Finally, a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian type controller is developed using the physics-based model of the manufacturing process to optimally control the temperature and humidity of the drying zones, and its effectiveness when implemented on the coating line is discussed. / text

Toward roll-to-roll transfer of large-scale graphene for flexible electronics fabrication

Xin, Hao 16 February 2015 (has links)
Graphene is a promising material for flexible electronics due to its extraordinary electrical, mechanical, and optical properties. One of the biggest challenges today is to transfer large-scale graphene sheet to flexible substrates with minimal quality degradation. In this thesis, a bilayer polymer support for graphene transfer is proposed. Liquid PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) is first coated on graphene to conform to its surface morphology. A flexible plastic substrate is then pressed on PDMS as a durable support. After PDMS is cured, electrochemical delamination is used to separate graphene from the copper foil. Due to the extremely low work of adhesion between graphene and PDMS, the graphene film on PDMS can be further transferred onto silicon wafer or other flexible substrates by simple adhesion. An added benefit of the PDMS layer is its strain isolation effect, which could protect graphene-based devices from breaking under external loads applied on the flexible substrate. The strain isolation effect of PDMS is verified with an analytical model and finite element analysis. The design of a prototype roll-to-roll graphene transfer machine is also presented. / text

Modeling and Control of Parametric Roll Resonance

Holden, Christian January 2011 (has links)
Parametric roll resonance is a dangerous resonance phenomenon affecting several types of ships, such as destroyers, RO-RO paxes, cruise ships, fishing vessels and especially container ships. Worst case, parametric roll is capable of causing roll angles of at least 50 degrees, and damage in the tens of millions of US dollars. Empirical and mathematical investigations have concluded that parametric roll occurs due to periodic changes in the waterplane area of the ship. If the vessel is sailing in longitudinal seas, with waves of approximately the same length as the ship, and encounter frequency of about twice the natural roll frequency, then parametric resonance can occur. While there is a significant amount of literature on the hydrodynamics of parametric roll, there is less on controlling and stopping the phenomenon through active control. The main goal of this thesis has been to develop controllers capable of stopping parametric roll. Two main results on control are presented. To derive, analyze and simulate the controllers, it proved necessary to develop novel models. The thesis thus contains four major contributions on modeling. The main results are (presented in order of appearance in the thesis): Six-DOF computer model for parametric roll One-DOF model of parametric roll for non-constant velocity Three-DOF model of parametric roll Seven-DOF model for ships with u-tanks of arbitrary shape Frequency detuning controller Active u-tank based controller for parametric roll

Analysis of the intact stability of Indonesian small open-deck roll-on/roll-off passenger ferries

Anggoro, Suryo, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Small open-deck roll-on/roll-off passenger ferries in Indonesia have a poor safety record. The Indonesian Government is interested in means by which the safety of these vessels can be improved, and this was the main catalyst for commencing research in this area. Any solution should be capable of being retrofitted to both existing vessels and new designs to improve their stability and, hence, their safety. The research therefore focused on the intact stability of the bare hulls, and with addition of side casings, for the vessels for which data was made available by the Indonesian Government. The research covered both quasi-static analysis, based on the objective of meeting the IMO intact stability criteria, and a dynamic approach using time-domain simulation in regular beam waves. A parametric study of the stability parameters of the twenty vessels demonstrated that, without the presence of side casings, the vessels had difficulties in complying with the IMO intact stability criteria. The problems were solved by introducing side casings (watertight spaces above the vehicle deck) either inboard of the vessel’s side-shell plating, or partially inboard and partially outboard of the side shell. The minimum extent (breadth) of side casings required was determined by iteration on each of the twenty vessels, incorporating variations in the height of the centre of gravity and loading conditions. The implementation of the minimum side casings showed that each vessel then met the IMO intact stability criteria. However, the assessment of the vessels’ dynamic stability characteristics using time-domain simulation provided inconsistent results for these vessels with side casings which met the IMO intact stability criteria. For some particular conditions, the existence and the different forms of side casings could decrease vessel survivability by increasing the roll motion amplitudes for both inside and outside casings and could lead the vessel to capsize. The results of the dynamic stability analysis also confirmed the vulnerability of small vessels with small stability parameters to large waves, and the different roll seakeeping behavior of the different vessel stability parameters.

Analysis of the intact stability of Indonesian small open-deck roll-on/roll-off passenger ferries

Anggoro, Suryo, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Small open-deck roll-on/roll-off passenger ferries in Indonesia have a poor safety record. The Indonesian Government is interested in means by which the safety of these vessels can be improved, and this was the main catalyst for commencing research in this area. Any solution should be capable of being retrofitted to both existing vessels and new designs to improve their stability and, hence, their safety. The research therefore focused on the intact stability of the bare hulls, and with addition of side casings, for the vessels for which data was made available by the Indonesian Government. The research covered both quasi-static analysis, based on the objective of meeting the IMO intact stability criteria, and a dynamic approach using time-domain simulation in regular beam waves. A parametric study of the stability parameters of the twenty vessels demonstrated that, without the presence of side casings, the vessels had difficulties in complying with the IMO intact stability criteria. The problems were solved by introducing side casings (watertight spaces above the vehicle deck) either inboard of the vessel’s side-shell plating, or partially inboard and partially outboard of the side shell. The minimum extent (breadth) of side casings required was determined by iteration on each of the twenty vessels, incorporating variations in the height of the centre of gravity and loading conditions. The implementation of the minimum side casings showed that each vessel then met the IMO intact stability criteria. However, the assessment of the vessels’ dynamic stability characteristics using time-domain simulation provided inconsistent results for these vessels with side casings which met the IMO intact stability criteria. For some particular conditions, the existence and the different forms of side casings could decrease vessel survivability by increasing the roll motion amplitudes for both inside and outside casings and could lead the vessel to capsize. The results of the dynamic stability analysis also confirmed the vulnerability of small vessels with small stability parameters to large waves, and the different roll seakeeping behavior of the different vessel stability parameters.

Abordagem matemática de roll waves em escoamentos hiperconcentrados com superfície livre

Ferreira, Fabiana de Oliveira [UNESP] 21 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-11-21Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:50:45Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 ferreira_fo_me_ilha.pdf: 819769 bytes, checksum: 88d8eb791de97678aeffb0163237a264 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Os escoamentos em superfície livre que ocorrem em canais inclinados, tanto em fluido Newtoniano quanto em fluido não-Newtoniano (hiperconcentrado), podem desenvolver instabilidades, tais como ondas em forma de ressalto hidráulico, com comprimentos bem definidos. Tais perturbações são denominadas Roll Waves. Essas ondas são comuns em canais artificiais, em lavas torrenciais e deslizamento de avalanchas. Neste trabalho, no plano teórico, é determinado um modelo matemático geral, com base nas equações de Navier- Stokes integradas na vertical, em cujo tensor de tensões é introduzido a reologia de Herschel- Bulkley. A velocidade média do escoamento é determinada levando-se em consideração que o escoamento apresenta um perfil de velocidade parabólico na região cisalhada (próximo ao fundo do canal) acoplado a um perfil linear na região não cisalhada (condição de plug), característico dos escoamentos de lamas e detritos. A partir do sistema de equações (conservação da massa e equação da quantidade de movimento) em variáveis adimensionais, uma análise de estabilidade linear é realizada, colocando em evidência as condições de formação dessas instabilidades, tanto em fluido hiperconcentrado como em fluido Newtoniano. Com as condições de formação de instabilidades estabelecidas, uma teoria analítica de Roll Waves permanente é imposta e um modelo matemático para geração de tais instabilidades é determinado. No plano numérico, utilizando a linguagem de programação Python, a validade do modelo é verificada, considerando que essas ondas são ajustadas por choques devido às singularidades existentes no modelo. Com a determinação das condições de choque e da velocidade de propagação da onda em um ponto crítico; pode-se observar a formação de Roll Waves em fluidos não Newtonianos com reologia de Herschel-Bulkley, Bingham, Power Law, como também em fluido Newtoniano. / The flows in free surface that occur in sloping canals, such as Newtonian fluid as in non- Newtonian fluid (hyperconcentrated), they can develop instabilities, such as long waves in form of hydraulical jumps, with well defined lengths; these instabilities are called Roll Waves, more common in artificial canals, torrential spillways of dams, lava and avalanche landslide. This work, in the theoretical plan, a general mathematical model is determined, on the basis of the integrated Navier-Stokes equation in the vertical, of tensor tensions the rheology of Herschel-Bulkley is introduced. The average velocity of the flows is determined taking itself in consideration that the flows presents a parabolic profile of speed in the shear region (near of the floor of canal) connected to a linear profile in the region not shear (condition of plug), categorized as flows of mudflows and debris flows. From the system of equations (conservation of the mass and equation of the momentum) in adimensional variables, an analysis of linear stability is carried through, placing the conditions of formation of these instabilities, as much in hyperconcentrated fluid as in Newtonian fluid. With the conditions of formation of instabilities established, a analytical theory of permanent Roll Waves is imployed and a mathematical model for geration of such stabilities it’s determined. In the numerical plan, using the computational consol Python, the validity of model is checked, considering of this waves are adjusted by shocks devided by the singularities existents in the model. With the determination of conditions of shock and the velocity of propagation of wave in a critical point; we can observe the formation of Roll Waves such in fluids non-Newtonians (Herschel- Bulkley, Bingham, Power law) as Newtonian fluids.

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