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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av platta tak : Utvecklingsåtgärder som förbättrar och ökar användningen av platta tak / Development of flat roofs : Developing measures to improve and increase the use of flat roofs

Dzemidzic, Admir, Fuica Garrido, Leandro January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete handlar om utvecklingsåtgärder på platta tak. Åtgärderna som tas upp är specifikt avsedda för två hustyper på Byälvsvägen i Bagarmossen, söder om Stockholm. Hustyperna är lamell- och loftgångshus som är byggda under slutet av miljonprogrammet. Båda hustyperna har platta tak med invändigt avvattningssystem. Taken ska inom några år läggas om på grund av slitage. Syftet med detta arbete är att ta fram och undersöka olika åtgärder för att utveckla, förbättra och öka användningen av de platta taken på loftgångs- och lamellhusen.   Examensarbetet har utförts med hjälp av litteraturstudier, intervjuer och studiebesök. För gestaltning av husen och de byggtekniska lösningarna har 3D-programmet autodesk Revit använts.   Arbetet innehåller förslag på utvecklingsåtgärder som är möjliga att utföra med eller utan förstärkning av tak och stomme. I arbetet tas det även fram byggtekniska lösningar på samtliga åtgärder.   Åtgärder utan förstärkning av tak och stomme: Utveckling av takutformning Utveckling av avrinningssystem Gröna tak (lätt sedumtak) Solceller   Åtgärder med förstärkning av tak och stomme: Gröna tak (intensivt tak) Påbyggnad av lägenheter eller radhus Ökad tillgänglighet i form av hiss och trappor / This thesis is about developing measures on flat roofs. The measures that are brought up are specifically designed for two types of houses on Byälvsvägen in Bagarmossen, south of Stockholm. The house types are balcony aces blocks and lamellar houses, both are built during the so called in Swedish “million program”. Both house types have flat roofs with internal drainage. The roofs will be renovated within a few years due to wear.   The purpose is to create and examine various measures to develop, improve and increase the use of the flat roofs of the balcony aces blocks and lamellar houses.   The work has been carried out with the help of literature studies, interviews and field trips. The 3D program software Autodesk revit has been used for the design of the houses and structural engineering.   The thesis includes suggestions for developing measures that are possible to apply, with and without reinforcement of the roof and frame. This thesis also brings up structural engineering solutions on all measures.    Measures without reinforcement of roof and frame: Development of roof structure Development of drainage system Green roofs (light sedum roofs) Solar panels   Measures with reinforcement of roof and frame: Green roofs (heavy roofs) Adding storeys of apartments or townhouses Availability in form of elevator and stairs

Gröna taks nyttor och värde : En fallstudie av gröna taks nyttor och värde i Örebro / Green Roofs benefits and values : A study of benefits in and values of green roofs in Örebro

Carlsson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Våra städer fortsätter att exploateras och kravet på ökade bostäder gör att flera av våra grönyteområden byts ut mot hårda ytor. Dessa ytor bidrar direkt till klimatförändringar och miljöproblem, så som till exempel försämrad luftkvalitet, buller, ökat vattenstånd och ett varmare klimat. Miljöproblemen påverkar även den biologiska mångfalden och påverkar människans välbefinnande och på längre sikt överlevnad. Rapporten innehåller en studie om hur grönstrukturen i Örebro kommun ser ut och även vilket värde och vilka byggnadstekniska, ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala egenskaper och effekter som finns av att anlägga fler gröna tak. För att ta reda på detta gjordes en litteraturstudie för att se hur grönstrukturen planeras i Örebro kommun. Det gjordes även en litteraturstudie för att ta reda på vilka nyttor och värde det finns med gröna tak ur ett ekonomiskt, ekologiskt och socialt perspektiv i Örebro kommun. För att tydligare kunna redovisa värdet av gröna tak i jämförelse med konventionella tak utfördes en fallstudie med beräkningar på området Södra Ladugårdsängen där två olika fall med olika stor andel gröna tak beräknades och jämfördes. Studierna visar på att Örebro kommun har en informativ och bred planering för grönstrukturen och att det samhällsekonomiska värdet av gröna tak i Södra Ladugårdsängen är mycket högt. Slutsatsen av dessa studier är att det finns god potential för att anlägga gröna tak i Örebro kommun med många goda effekter som följd, dock är den ekonomiska investeringen det kräver ett viktigt hinder. Grönstrategin i Örebro uppmuntrar denna typ av lösningar men det finns rum för förbättringar och kanske bör ett större tvång eller incitament införas för att nå de mål kommunen vill. / Our cities continue to be exploited and the demand for increased housing means that several of our green space areas are being replaced by hard surfaces. These surfaces directly contribute to climate change and environmental problems, such as reduced air quality, noise, increased water levels and a warmer climate. Environmental problems also affect biodiversity and affect human well-being and long-term survival. The report contains a study of what the green structure in Örebro municipality looks like and what value and what building technical, ecological, economic and social properties and effects there are of constructing more green roofs. To determine this a literature study was conducted to find out how the green structure is planned in Örebro municipality. A literature study was also conducted to find out what benefits and values there are with green roofs from an economic, ecological and social perspective in Örebro municipality. In order to be able to more clearly report the value of green roofs in comparison with conventional roofs, a case study was performed with calculations in the area of Södra Ladugårdsängen, where two different cases with different proportions of green roofs were calculated and compared. The studies show that Örebro municipality has an informative and broad planning for the green structure and that the socio-economic value of green roofs in Södra Ladugårdsängen is very high. The conclusion of these studies is that there is good potential for constructing green roofs in Örebro municipality with several benefits as a result, however, the financial investment it requires is an important obstacle. The green strategy in Örebro encourages this type of solution, but there is room for improvement and perhaps a greater coercion or incentive should be introduced to achieve the goals the municipality strives for.

Město místo továrny / The City instead of the Factory

Págo, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
My suggestion is trying to return to the receptive urban spaces, pedestrian trying to return to center stage, allowing them free movement and return them to healthy urban public spaces. But it also does not deny the need for transport, restrict it, but based on her wishes.

Evaluating Urban Design Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in Los Angeles

Olsen, Kerby Andrew 01 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Human interference with the Earth’s climate, through the release of greenhouse gasses (GHGs), is estimated to have already increased average statewide temperatures in California by 1.7° Fahrenheit (F), with a further 2.7°F of warming expected by mid-century. The negative impacts of increased temperatures may be especially acute in mid-latitude cities that currently enjoy a mild climate, such as Los Angeles (LA), which are projected to warm to a point that will significantly affect human health and well being. The built environment increases urban temperatures through building materials that readily absorb heat from the sun, a lack of vegetation, a lack of pervious surface area, and anthropogenic heat. Local governments can take action to help their cities adapt to future temperatures through changes to building materials, urban design and infrastructure. This study evaluates six urban design strategies for reducing temperatures and therefore adapting to increased heat in LA: cool roofs, cool pavements, solar panels, tree planting, structural shading and green roofs. The methods used in this analysis include a cost-effectiveness analysis, key stakeholder interviews, and case studies from other cities in the US. Findings indicate that cool roofs are the most cost-effective strategy for urban heat island mitigation, with cool pavements and tree planting also cost-effective. Findings from stakeholder interviews indicate that political feasibility is high for all strategies except structural shading, which was thought to be costly and difficult to implement. However, significant political barriers were also identified for tree planting and green roofs. Findings from four case studies indicate that climate adaptation policies should emphasize co-benefits, include flexible design standards, and provide financial or performance-based incentives for property owners or developers. Specific recommendations for implementing climate adaptation measures are provided for urban planners, policy makers, urban designers and architects in Los Angeles.

Přidaná hodnota zelených střech / Added value of green roofs

Hrachovina, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
Introduction is focused on analyze green roof like a part of buiding construction, when thesis assembly principles of right proposal green roof layers. Main part describes characteristic properties green roofs at global impact. We get some added values after comparison with classic roof types. Master thesis consists of survey of added values of green roofs in these categories: life cycle assessment, microclima, outdoor climate, water retention. End of thesis devote to psychological effect of green roofs include questionnare about relationship between czech society and green roofs.

Tetos verdes e políticas públicas: uma abordagem multifacetada / Green roofs and public policy: a multifaceted approach

Mendes, Bruno Henrique Emmanuel 26 May 2014 (has links)
\"Tetos verdes\", ou a colocação de vegetação sobre coberturas de edifícios, têm se mostrado importantes ferramentas na mitigação de diversos problemas ambientais urbanos. Porém, seus benefícios coletivos apenas se tornam significativos após sua instalação em massa, sendo uma estratégia ambiental altamente dependente do agente privado -- os proprietários. Neste trabalho, buscou-se uma abordagem interdisciplinar com a Economia Ambiental e Comportamental, de modo a revelar os mecanismos de tomada de decisão dos indivíduos, tanto motivações econômicas (como sanções e subsídios), quanto motivações ditas \"irracionais\", como a imitação de comportamento. Depois, reconhecendo os tetos verdes como soluções polivalentes, faz-se uma abordagem múltipla para seu encaixe em políticas públicas existentes: clima urbano, economia de energia, poluição atmosférica, gerenciamento de águas pluviais e biodiversidade, cada uma envolvendo uma breve descrição da teoria e de políticas públicas existentes, desde o contexto mundial até o município de São Paulo. Como estudo de caso, aplica-se o índice ambiental alemão BFF (Biotopflächenfaktor, fator de superfícies ecológicas) a algumas tipologias marcantes de São Paulo, e conclui-se que o índice pode ser importante ferramenta na fomentação não só de tetos verdes, como de outras soluções ambientais de natureza pulverizada, devido à sua flexibilidade e facilidade de aplicação, podendo ser ajustada à realidade do município para melhores resultados. / The placement of vegetation on top of buildings, or \"green roofs\", has been shown to be an important mitigation tool for several environmental problems in cities. However, their collective benefits become more significant with widespread adoption, thus depending heavily on private agents, the building owners. This research took an interdisciplinary approach, making use of Environmental and Behavioral Economics in order to reveal the mechanisms that guide an individual\'s decision making process, including \"rational\" economic motivations (such as sanctions and subsidies) as well as \"irrational\" motivations, such as imitation of peers. Recognizing green roofs as versatile solutions, a multifaceted approach is taken to assess their suitability for inclusion into existing public policy; the approaches include urban climate, energy efficiency, air pollution, stormwater management, and biodiversity, each with a brief description of the theory and existing public policy, at several scales, from a global context to the Municipality of São Paulo. As a case study, the German environmental index BAF (biotope area factor) is applied to one block in different development typologies in Sao Paulo. It is concluded that the index could be an important tool for fostering not only green roofs, but many other pulverized environmental solutions, thanks to its flexibility and ease of implementation. For even better results, there is the possibility of carefullyadjusting the BAF index to Sao Paulo\'s reality.

Contêineres metálicos para canteiros de obras: análise experimental de desempenho térmico e melhorias na transferência de calor pela envoltória. / Metallic containers for construction sites: experimental analysis of thermal performance and improvements in heat transfer through the envelope.

Costa, Debora Cristina Rosa Faria da 01 September 2015 (has links)
Os contêineres metálicos foram desenvolvidos para a utilização no setor de logística e transporte, mas por sua escala adaptável à das edificações e pela mobilidade e praticidade de instalação, tiveram sua utilização apropriada também pelo setor da construção civil. Essas instalações possuem diversas qualidades ambientalmente amigáveis, mas seu aspecto térmico é extremamente insuficiente: sem isolamento térmico, demandam alta carga térmica de refrigeração e aquecimento, no verão e inverno, respectivamente e, consequentemente, um alto consumo energético. Tal característica foi crucial para que se determinassem como objetivos da presente pesquisa investigar o comportamento térmico dessas construções metálicas, avaliar seus parâmetros de desempenho, conforto e estresse térmicos, por meio de uma ampla coleta de dados experimentais. O experimento com duração de um ano - contou com três tipologias de contêiner em escala real, sendo o primeiro em aço Tipo X sem isolamento térmico, o segundo com um isolamento térmico para o fenômeno da condução e o terceiro com isolamento térmico para o fenômeno da radiação. Os diferentes tipos de tratamentos térmicos proporcionaram melhorias à envoltória dos contêineres, chegando a uma diferença nas temperaturas internas de até 9 °C. Constatou-se a extrema necessidade de adequação do tipo de isolamento térmico dos contêineres ao uso a que tais instalações se destinam escritório ou alojamento, no caso dos canteiros de obras para que as características da envoltória minimizem de fato a demanda ou mesmo atinjam a eliminação da necessidade de condicionamento artificial. / Metal containers were developed to logistics and transportation sector, but as a result of their suitable scale to human occupation, and their mobility and installation convenience, their use was adopted by the construction sector. These installations have many environmentally friendly characteristics, but their thermal performance is extremely unsuitable for habitation: without thermal insulation, the containers have high cooling and heating thermal load, in summer and winter, respectively, and consequently, to achieve thermal comfort, a substantial amount of energy is consumed. This feature was important to determine that the researchs objectives were to investigate metallic constructions thermal performance, calculate their thermal performance parameters, thermal comfort and thermal stress through a wide collection of experimental data. The experiment with duration of one year was conducted in three real scale containers: all of them made of steel (called steel Type X): the first one had no thermal insulation, the second one had insulation for thermal conduction, and the third had a thermal barrier for radiation. This different types of thermal treatment provided improvement to the containers envelopes, achieving a difference in internal temperatures about 9 °C. The findings reveal that thermal insulation needs to correctly respond to the containers intended use office or accommodation, in the case of construction sites so that the envelopes characteristics can have an impact on minimizing energy demand or even eliminate the containers need for artificial heating and cooling.

Análise do projeto de estruturas metálicas espaciais: ênfase em coberturas / Analysis of design of space steel structures: emphasis in roofs

Souza, Arnaldo Nascimento de 03 September 2002 (has links)
As estruturas metálicas espaciais de cobertura apresentam aspectos diferenciados de projeto. Existem diversos arranjos geométricos possíveis para estas estruturas, cuja escolha está associada, entre outros fatores, às formas e dimensões do contorno, aos pontos de apoio e aos sistemas de conexões empregadas. Neste trabalho, foi analisado o projeto destas estruturas, abordando aspectos históricos, os sistemas de ligação, o comportamento estrutural, as particularidades de projeto, e realizando uma análise numérica de diferentes arranjos geométricos. Foram analisados 27 arranjos geométricos quadrados (66 m x 66 m) e 6 arranjos geométricos retangulares (186 m x 66 m), todos os vãos centrais de 60 m, e com variações na quantidade e posicionamento dos apoios, na disposição das barras do reticulado, na altura e nas dimensões dos módulos. Adotou-se o modelo de treliça ideal em análise elástica linear (teoria de primeira ordem). Com os resultados dos processamentos, realizou-se uma comparação entre os modelos, abrangendo os seguintes aspectos: quantidade de nós e barras, consumo de material, deslocamentos máximos, reações de apoio máximas e esforços internos máximos. O fator que causou maior influência no comportamento dos arranjos analisados foi a disposição dos apoios. / The roofing space steel structures have differentiated aspects of design. There are many types of arrangements to these structures, and the choice is associate, among other factors, with the shapes e dimensions of the boundary, with the points of support and with the connection systems employed. In this work was analysed the design of these structures, including the historical aspects, the connection systems, the structural behaviour, the particulars aspects of the design, and a numerical analysis of differents arrangements. Twenty seven square structures (66 m x 66 m) and six rectangular structures (186 m x 66 m) were analysed, all them with 60 m span, and variations in the amount and position of supports, in the member arrangement, in the depth and in the node spacing. These structures were analysed adopting the ideal truss model with elastic linear behaviour. With the results were made a comparison between the arrangements that reports these aspects: amount of nodes and members, material consumption, displacements, support reactions and internal forces. The factor that caused the biggest influence in the behaviour of the space structures analysed was the amount and position of supports.

Design And Analysis Of Energy Saving Buildings Using The Software Energy Plus

Birol, Kemal Ozgen 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Being the major energy consumer of electricity and natural gas, buildings consume more than 70% of electricity and 30% of natural gas. On the way to green buildings and zero energy buildings, investigation and improvement of energy efficiency of the buildings will result in significant reductions in energy demands and CO2 emissions / make cost savings and improve thermal comfort as well. Key steps of a successful green, energy efficient building can be summarized as whole building design, site design, building envelope design, lighting and day lighting design and HVAC system design. Energy Plus&reg / software is mainly developed to simulate the performance of the buildings in the view of the above listed points. The design of a building or the analysis of an existing building with the software will show how efficient the building is or will be, and also helps finding the best efficient choice of the whole building system. Thesis focuses on the effect of changes in building envelope properties. In Turkey, topic of green buildings has recently started to be studied. Therefore, this thesis aims to present efficient technologies providing energy savings in buildings, to present green building concept and alternative energy simulation software. In the context of this study, design, methods and material guidelines are introduced to reduce energy needs of buildings and to bring in the green building design concept. Building and system parameters to enhance building energy efficiency and energy savings together with green building principles are summarized. Moreover, whole building energy analysis methods and simulation steps are explained / year-round simulation is performed for a sample building / as a result, energy savings about 36% is achieved.

Greening the City: Exploring Health, Well-being, Green Roofs, and the Perception of Nature in the Workplace

Loder, Angela 06 December 2012 (has links)
This five-paper thesis explores office workers perceptions of green roofs and how this influences their health/well-being in Toronto and Chicago. Paper 1 examines the underlying paradigms and world-views of major research programs that look at the human relationship to nature and health/well-being, showing that despite some convergence between their methods and integration of different paradigms, continued differences and lack of clarity on the normative assumptions underlying each approach leads to confusion in the specification of ‘nature’ in health/well-being and place research. Paper 2 is a comparative analysis of the implementation of green roof policies in Toronto and Chicago. Paper 2 demonstrates the importance of ‘selling’ green roofs by linking them to larger environmental programs and of the municipal power structure that influences how and if environmental programs are implemented. Paper 3 examines the awareness, attitudes, and feelings towards green roofs by office workers with access to them (visual or physical) from their workplace in Toronto and Chicago. Using a phenomenological analysis of semi-structured interviews (n=55), Paper 3 shows that the hinterland, expectations of different kinds of ‘nature’ and aesthetics in the city, and access all influence perceptions of green roofs and sense of place. Paper 4 explores office workers awareness of and attitudes towards green roofs and the possible influence on their well-being in Toronto and Chicago from a large survey (n = 903). Participants showed a high literacy on the environmental benefits of green roofs. Chi-square analysis showed mixed results for health, but a significant association between visual access to a green roof and improved concentration. Paper 5 tests whether the relationship found in Paper 4, improved concentration with visual access, was still significant when other confounding variables were added to the model. Using a logistic regression on the same survey population (subset n =505), results found that concentration was no longer significant but that there was a trend towards improved concentration.

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