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Spatiotemporal Properties of Coupled Nonlinear OscillatorsChen, Ding 07 1900 (has links)
Spatiotemporal properties of classical coupled nonlinear oscillators are investigated in this thesis. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to nonlinear lattices and to the concept of breathers, that are spatially localized and temporally periodic excitation in nonlinear lattices. The concept of anti-continuous limit that provides the basic methodology in probing spatiotemporal breather properties is discussed. In Chapter 2, the general approach for finding exact breather solutions from the anti-continuous limit is examined, and the rotating wave approximation(RWA) is applied to probe the spatial structure of static breathers. Numerical evidence reveals that the RWA relates the spatial structure of stable multi-breathers to a single breather of the same frequency. Chapter 3 presents linear stability analysis of static breathers and gives a systematic way to construct mobile breathers. Formation and collision properties of this moving breathers are also studied. Chapter 4 discusses dynamics of kinks and anti-kinks in hydrogen-bonded chains in the context of two-component soliton model. From molecular dynamics simulations with finite temperature, it is observed that, in a real system (eg. ice), a pair of kink and anti-kink can evolve into a moving-breather-like excitation. Chapter 5 is devoted to the understand of the effects of disorder in the Holstein model. The summary is given in Chapter 6.
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Thermal analysis and air flow modelling of electrical machinesChong, Yew Chuan January 2015 (has links)
Thermal analysis is an important topic that can affect the electrical machine performance, reliability, lifetime and efficiency. In order to predict the electrical machine thermal performance accurately, thermal analysis of electrical machines must include fluid flow modelling. One of the technologies which may be used to estimate the flow distribution and pressure losses in throughflow ventilated machines is flow network analysis, but suitable correlations that can be used to estimate the pressure losses in rotor ducts due to fluid shock is not available. The aim of this work is to investigate how the rotation affects the pressure losses in rotor ducts by performing a dimensional analysis. Apart from the additional friction loss due to the effects of rotation, other rotational pressure losses that appear in a rotor-stator system are: duct entrance loss due to fluid shock and combining flow loss at the exit of the rotor-stator gap. These losses are analysed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. The CFD simulations use the Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) approach. An experimental test rig is built to validate the CFD findings. The investigation showed that the CFD results are consistent with the experimental results and the rotational pressure losses correlate well with the rotation ratio (a dimensionless parameter). It shows that the rotational pressure loss generally increases with the increase in the rotation ratio. At certain operating conditions, the rotational pressure loss can contribute over 50 % of the total system loss. The investigation leads to an original set of correlations for the pressure losses in air ducts in the rotor due to fluid shock which are more suitable to be applied to fluid flow modelling of throughflow ventilated machines. Such correlations provide a significant contribution to the field of thermal modelling of electrical machines. They are incorporated into the air flow modelling tool that has been programmed in Portunus by the present author. The modelling tool can be integrated with the existing thermal modelling method, lumped-parameter thermal network (LPTN) to form a complete analytical thermal-fluid modelling method.
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Lactic acid purification of chitin from prawn waste using a horizontal rotating bioreactorZakaria, Zainoha January 1997 (has links)
Shellfish waste obtained from seafood processing plants contains chitin, protein and calcium carbonate. Chitin is a versatile biopolymer with many applications. Conventionally, chitin is separated from calcium carbonate and protein by acid and alkali respectively. In this project, a biotechnological approach was applied to recover chitin from scampi (Nephrops norvegicus) waste using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to produce lactic acid from glucose which lowers the pH of the mixture, thus preserving the waste from spoilage. The acid also dissolves the calcium carbonate and under these conditions native enzymes breakdown the protein (autolysis), thus affording a substantial amount of purification of chitin. LAB were isolated and identified from various shellfish waste fermentations. Studies on their acid-producing ability revealed a few potentially good strains, identified as Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus sp. The strain of Lactobacillus paracasei was used as a starter culture in the fermentation of shellfish waste in a horizontal rotating bioreactor in order to evaluate the feasibility of the process. The design of the bioreactor was such that it enabled separation of solid and liquid end products during fermentation. Several important fermentation parameters were studied including mode of rotation, concentration of glucose, temperature, rotation rates, loading capacity, type and particle size of waste. Partial purification of the scampi waste was achieved using both batch and fed batch operation, but in the latter, improved purification was achieved at the cost of increased glucose consumption and extended fermentation times. Whilst higher temperatures increased the rates of fermentation, higher rotation rates seemed to have the reverse effect. Mincing the waste helped to increase breakdown of protein whilst larger particles tended to undergo rapid spoilage. Analysis of the chitin product enabled this method to be compared with the conventional method. The results obtained showed that this method is capable of saving large volumes of chemicals and besides producing chitin, the protein liquor by-product could also be used as an ingredient in an animal feed which is not possible by the conventional method.
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Study of pulsed electric fields (PEF) assisted inulin extraction from chicory root and chicory juice purification / L'extraction de l'inuline assistée par champs électriques pulsés : purification des jus de chicorées par filtrationZhu, Zhenzhou 10 March 2014 (has links)
Le procédé industriel d’extraction d'inuline consiste en une diffusion de longue durée et à température élevée. Ce procédé induit l’extraction des sucres mais également des impuretés. Les étapes de purification de jus deviennent alors plus complexes. Pour pallier à ces problèmes, il est essentiel de réduire la température de diffusion pour limiter l’extraction des impuretés. Récemment, la technique de champs électriques pulsés (CEP) a démonté ses avantages dans le domaine sucrier et également dans d’autres applications agro-alimentaires. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est de d’optimiser et valider la faisabilité de cette techniques dans le cas de la chicorée. Une purification par filtration dynamique est envisagée et proposée pour remplacer la purification classique. Les résultats de l’extraction montrent qu’il est possible d’intensifier l’extraction de l’inuline par application de CEP. Le prétraitement des cossettes de chicorées à 600 V/cm et 50 ms, réduit de 20°C la température de diffusion (60°C au lieu de 80°C actuellement). Une économie d’énergie importante est réalisée (gain 90 kJ/kg chicory juice). La combinaison innovante d’un prétraitement électrique et un traitement thermique (chauffage ohmique) provoque une perméabilisation importante des cellules et permet de réaliser des diffusions « à froid ». Les analyses qualitatives de jus de diffusion classique et jus CEP montrent que la pureté des extraits CEP est plus élevée (87.2% vs 86.7%). Les essais de filtration sur membrane montrent que les performances de la filtration (pureté, flux, colmatage,…) dépendent énormément de l’origine de l’extrait. Le jus CEP contient moins d’impureté que le jus thermique, est donc plus facile à filtré. Cependant, col matage de membrane restent dans les deux cas important. Un module de filtration dynamique avec disque rotatif a été utilisé pour améliorer les performances de la filtration. Ce module a permit de réduire le colmatage des membranes, améliorer la pureté des extraits et atteindre des facteurs de réduction volumique important (10). / Industrial inulin extraction requires high temperature and long duration to ensure inulin productivity. In addition complex steps are necessary to purify extracted chicory juice and to obtain inulin with desirable purity. In order to avoid the extracting of inulin at high temperature, to obtain chicory juice with better quality and to purify chicory juice with more simple operation, pulsed electric fields (PEF) and membrane filtration were applied to this study : PEF was used to intensify inulin extraction from chicory roots. By pre-treatment of chicory slices at 600 V/cm, diffusion temperature at pilot scale can be decreased to 60oC from about 80oC (industrial extraction condition) to obtain comparable juice inulin concentration. Moreover, this moderate temperature diffusion brought out interesting energy savings compared to that of conventional diffusion. For the goal of extracting inulin at “cold” condition (for example 30oC) PEF induced combined electroporation/ohmic heating pretreatment was applied for chicory tissue denaturation. Better solute extraction was observed after effective damage of chicory tissue diffusivity.Juice extracted from PEF assisted diffusion (PEF juice) was confirmed had higher inulin purity and less impurity in comparison to juice from conventional thermal diffusion process. The juice was purified by membrane filtration in order to investigate a simple chicory juice purification method. Since it contains less impurity, dead-end filtration performance of PEF juice was significantly improved, with less membrane fouling and higher inulin purity in filtrate. However, permeate flux of membrane filtration was seriously restricted by the membrane fouling. In order to improve filtration flux, rotating disk module was introduced in this study for clarification and purification of chicory juice. Elevated shear rate of rotating disk (1500–2000 rpm) could effectively control or even eliminate membrane fouling and lead to satisfying carbohydrate transmission (98%) and desirable permeate flux even at high volume reduction ratio (10). In view of energy saving, optimization of RDM assisted chicory juice filtration was carried out and yielded optimal operation conditions to maximize average flux and minimize specific energy consumption.
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Formes et dynamiques des tourbillons en écoulement stratifié tournant / Shapes and Dynamics of vortices in a rotating stratified flowAubert, Oriane 30 October 2013 (has links)
L’océan et l’atmosphère sont des environnements fluides stratifiés en densité, en référentiel tournant : la force de Coriolis due à la rotation de la planète influence l’écoulement. De grands tourbillons lenticulaires évoluent dans ces environnements, avec parfois de grandes durées de vie comme les Meddies de l’Océan Atlantique.Dans la continuité des expériences de Griffiths & Linden (1981) et Hedstrom & Armi (1988), ces tourbillons sont reproduits en laboratoire en injectant ou aspirant localement du fluide dans une couche d’eau salée tournante, linéairement stratifiée en densité. A l’ordre dominant, les tourbillons sont à l’équilibre cyclo-géostrophique et hydrostatique, d’où l’on dérive la loi de leur rapport d’aspect, validée par les expériences et les observations. Un modèle complet de tourbillon à l’équilibre incluant les recirculations internes est proposé, en partant d’un profil Gaussien pour la vitesse azimutale, puis validé numériquement. A partir de ce modèle, un bilan d’énergie permet alors de décrire la décroissance des tourbillons.Certains tourbillons naturels comme les Meddies présentent des structures fines associées à de forts gradients de densité à leur frontière, que l’on reproduit en laboratoire autour de tourbillons entretenus par une injection continue de fluide. Ces structures en couches sont la manifestation de l’instabilité de McIntyre, instabilité qui apparaît lorsque les diffusivités visqueuse et moléculaire sont sensiblement différentes. L’analyse de stabilité linéaire de McIntyre appliquée au modèle Gaussien de tourbillon permet de retrouver les tailles et temps d’apparition associés au couches qui entourent les Meddies. / The ocean and the atmosphere are density stratified fluid environments in a rotating frame: the Coriolis force, due to the rotation of the planet, influences the flow. Huge lenticular vortices evolve in these environments, sometimes with very long lifetimes as the Meddies of the Atlantic Ocean.Based on Griffiths & Linden (1981) and Hedstrom & Armi (1988) experiments, such vortices are experimentally reproduced by locally injecting or sucking up fluid in a rotating layer of salty water, linearly density stratified. At dominant order, the vortices are in cyclo-geostrophic and hydrostatic balance, from which the law for their vertical aspect ratio is derived, validated by experiments and observations. A more complete model of vortex in equilibrium is proposed from a Gaussian profile for the azimuthal velocity, including internal secondary circulations, and then numerically validated. From this model, an energy balance allows us to describe the vortices decay.Some natural vortices, as the Meddies, have fine-structures associated to high density gradients at their frontier, that we experimentally reproduce around vortices maintained through a continuous injection of fluid. This layered structure is the expression of McIntyre's instability, which appears when viscous and molecular diffusivities are significantly different. The linear stability analysis of McIntyre applied to the Gaussian model of vortex allows us to recover the sizes and duration of appearance of the layers that surround the Meddies when eddy viscosities measured in the ocean are used.
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Thermal Imaging of RDCs and the Characterization of an Operating Map for a Novel RDC GeometryGeller, Alexander C. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Métodos estimativos de pré-dimensionamento e performance de compressores centrífugos multiestágios. / Methods for performance predicting and sizing of multistage centrifugal compressors.Pereira, José Luiz dos Santos 16 April 2019 (has links)
Diante do expressivo aumento do número de refinarias de petróleo, bem como, com a crescente modernização das tecnologias de processo, englobando também o ramo petroquímico e de fertilizantes, notou-se que o consumo de energia de compressores centrífugos e suas eficiências tornaram-se de suma importância. Uma consequência desta nova realidade, está na necessidade de melhoria dos métodos estimativos para pré-dimensionamento e performance destas máquinas, o que necessariamente implica em uma previsão precisa de sua eficiência politrópica. Além disso, tais métodos devem também estimar as dimensões básicas de cada seção de compressão. A maior parte da literatura atual, versando sobre compressores centrífugos, tipo multiestágio, não está atualizada no que diz respeito à estimativa de eficiências politrópicas, quando comparadas com as eficiências alcançadas por compressores de fornecimento recente. Sendo assim, o principal objetivo da presente dissertação foi estimar um compressor centrífugo multiestágio, utilizando métodos adequados de cálculo. Isto implicou em comparar três métodos de estimativas, refletindo três procedimentos clássicos de cálculo, normalmente utilizados. Após pesquisa foram identificados três métodos, dois otimizados recentemente e um terceiro de abordagem mais antiga, proveniente de alguns fornecedores de compressores. Os métodos em análise são: Método das relações de Semelhança Otimizado por Sandberg (2016), Método de Lüdtke (2004), com correções propostas por Busaid e Pilidis (2016) e finalmente o Método dos Expoentes Politrópicos (N-Method), apresentado por Gresh (2001) e editado novamente em Gresh (2018). Os dois métodos mais recentes, embora baseados em diferentes critérios, apresentam estimativas de desempenho, dentro de uma precisão razoável, quando comparada aos dados reais de teste, enquanto que o método mais antigo, apresenta desvios significativos. Nesta dissertação, serão estimados seis casos reais de compressores, cujos resultados serão comparados aos estimados pelos três métodos de cálculo. Analisando os métodos, à luz dos desvios indicados nas tabelas para os seis casos, pode-se afirmar que o Método Simplificado e Corrigido de Lüdtke foi o que apresentou melhores resultados. O desvio relativo máximo apresentado foi na potência de eixo, cujo valor foi de 5,1%. Considerando o Método de Sandberg, verifica-se a partir dos desvios listados nas tabelas, que não cumpriu com o limite de aceitabilidade no tocante à potência no eixo para dois dos casos estudados. Entretanto, com exceção a estes dois casos, o método mostrou-se bastante satisfatório. Finalmente, analisando o Método dos Expoentes Politrópicos, citado por Gresh (2018), pode-se dizer que este método só foi aceitável para dois casos. Para os demais, segundo os desvios indicados nas tabelas, o método mostrou-se inadequado devido a desvios significativos na sua eficiência politrópica. / With the crescent number of modern fertilizer plants and hydrocracking process units in oil refineries, the consumption of energy and consequently the efficiency of centrifugal compressors were made of paramount importance in present day. A consequence of this new reality is the necessity of improvement of the methods that estimate the polytropic efficiency of these compressors. Furthermore, new methods also need to predict the basic geometric parameters of each machine. On the other side, most of the literature, which deals with polytropic efficiencies, is not up to date with the values performed by modern compressors. The main scope of present work is to provide background information and present a comparison between two up to date methods and a third classical old method, based on different approach, but capable to predict the performance and sizing of multistage centrifugal compressors. The methods under analysis are: Sandberg (2016) Optimized Similarity Method, Lüdtke\'s Method (2004), with corrections proposed by Busaid and Pilidis (2016) and finally the Politropic Exponent Method (N-Method), presented by Gresh (2001) and edited again in Gresh (2018). Both the newer methods present good agreement with the values performed by several compressors, as demonstrated when these methods are adopted, whilst the old method presents some deviations, mainly in the gas power. In this paper, six real cases will be estimated by the three methods and compared against supplier data; the results will be justified. Analyzing the methods, in respect of the deviations indicated in the tables for the six cases, it can be stated that the Simplified and Corrected Method of Lüdtke was the one that presented the best results. The maximum relative deviation presented was in the brake horsepower, whose value was of 5.1%. Considering the Sandberg Method, it can be verified from the deviations listed in the tables, that it did not meet the limit of acceptability regarding power on the axis for two of the cases studied. However, with the exception of these two cases, the method was quite satisfactory. Finally, analyzing the Politropic Exponents Method, quoted by Gresh (2018), it can be said that this method was only acceptable for two cases. For the others, according to the deviations indicated in the tables, the method proved to be inadequate, due to significant deviations in its polytropic efficiency.
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Heating and Regenerative Cooling Model for a Rotating Detonation Engine Designed for Upper Stage PerformanceTimothy P Gurshin (6866786) 02 August 2019 (has links)
<div>Rotating detonation engines (RDE) have the potential to significantly advance the efficiency of chemical propulsion. They are approximately one order of magnitude shorter than constant pressure engines, a savings benefit that is especially important for upper stage engines. There are many challenges to advancing their technological readiness level, but one area this thesis attempts to help mitigate is the understanding of heat loads and the viability of regenerative jacket cooling.<br></div><div> A one-dimensional, steady-state heat transfer and regenerative cooling model for the upper stage RL10A-3-3A (RL10) engine is developed in MATLAB. This model considers forced convection in the boundary layer between the combustion product gases and the hot-gas-side wall, conduction through the wall, and forced convection in the boundary layer between the hydrogen coolant and coolant-side wall. Variable gas and coolant transport properties are utilized to increase physical accuracy. The model also quantifies pressure drop through the cooling channels due to wall friction. This allows for overall heat flux, and consequently hot-gas-side and coolant-side wall temperatures to be predicted along the length of the engine. Properties of the coolant can also be predicted including the jacket outlet temperature and pressure. These cooling circuit final parameters, temperature rise and pressure drop, were matched to a more detailed, three-dimensional, transient RL10 system model developed by NASA, thereby anchoring this model.</div><div> An RDE is designed to notionally meet the thrust level of RL10. Model design decisions are documented and explained, and a detailed comparison of the two engine geometries is made. The regenerative cooling model is adapted for the RDE considering such unique aspects as detonative heat flux and the centerbody/plug nozzle. Steady state heating and cooling analysis is performed on the RDE and the results are compared to RL10. Investigation into the effects of the RDE’s differing cooling jacket output conditions on the turbine are calculated and discussed.</div><div> Appendix analyses consider more realistic detonative heat flux approximations according to recent RDE calorimetry studies and the effect of altering detonation chamber heat flux.</div><div> Even with the conservative assumption of throat-level heat flux everywhere in the RDE’s annular combustion chamber, regenerative jacket cooling shows promise as a means of thermal survival. Wall temperatures are reasonable, coolant temperature rise is lower, and coolant pressure drop is lower. The reduced temperature rise presents the new challenge of correctly powering the turbine since the incoming coolant is less energized. Further studies should also look at channel optimization specific to the RDE to maximize cooling performance and ease of system integration.<br></div>
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Transient Response of Tapered and Angled Injectors Subjected to a Passing Detonation WaveHasan Fatih Celebi (6930197) 02 August 2019 (has links)
A total number of 849 tests were conducted to investigate the transient response of liquid injectors with various geometries including different taper angles, injection angles and orifice lengths. High-speed videos were analyzed to characterize refill times and back-flow distances of nine different injector geometries subjected to a ethylene-oxygen detonation wave. Water was used as the working fluid and experiments were performed at two different vessel pressure settings (60 and 100 psia). Although a minimal difference was found between plain and angled injectors due to having constant orifice diameter geometry, introduction of taper angle resulted in more agile injectors with less sensitivity to ambient and feed pressures. Several attempts were made to normalize refill times and obtain a general trend for transient response of liquid injectors.
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Etude expérimentale et numérique des écoulements dans un étage de compresseur axial à basse vitesse en régime de fonctionnement instable. / Experimental and numerical investigation of flows in a subsonic axial compressor stage in instady regime.Veglio, Monica 02 December 2015 (has links)
La réduction de l’impact environnemental est aujourd’hui l’un des défis cruciaux de l’industrie aéronautique. La poursuite d’une moindre consommation des aéronefs a conduit à concevoir des systèmes propulsifs en géneral, et des étages de compression en particulier, toujours plus compacts et chargés. Cette tendance dans la conception des moteurs est directement responsable de l’accentuation du caractère instationnaire des écoulements internes ainsi que de la favorisation dans l’émergence de phénomènes entrainant la perte de stabilité. L’étude expérimentale, conduite pendant ce projet de thèse, porte sur la caractérisation des écoulements dans un étage de compresseur axial en phase émergente et stabilisée du décrochage tournant, grâce à des mesures instationnaires de pression pariétale et de vitesse. L’étude doit son originalité à l’utilisation et au développement de techniques de post-traitement non-standard. La transformée par ondelettes se révèle être un outil particulièrement intéressant à la détection de structures cohérentes de brève durée, telles que le précurseur de type « spike » ainsi que les caractéristiques instantanées d’une cellule de décrochage tournant. A côté de cette approche d’analyse d’un signal localisé, différentes procédures de calcul de champs en moyenne de phase ont été mises au point, chacune adaptée aux spécificités du phénomène étudié et de la procédure expérimentale suivie. Il a été ainsi possible de suivre l’évolution des caractéristiques du champ de pression du régime nominal jusqu’à l’installation du décrochage tournant. L’alignement de la trajectoire du tourbillon de jeu avec la section d’entrée du rotor est associé au déclenchement du décrochage par précurseur de type « spike ». La comparaison entre les champs en phase transitoire et en décrochage établi, amène à affirmer que le précurseur n’est que le stade embryonnaire d’évolution du phénomène du décrochage. L’approche a, en outre, permis d’apprécier la complexité de la structure « interne » de la cellule qui apparait comme la succession d’une phase de propagation de décollement, une zone fortement débitante à charge presque nulle et une phase de ré-attachement de l’écoulement. / The reduction of the environmental impact is nowadays one of the crucial challenges of the aeronautic industry. The quest to lower the consumption of aircrafts has led to more compact and higher loaded engines in general, and especially compressor stages. This leads an increase of the internal flow unsteadiness and to the occurrence of unstable phenomena. The experimental study, performed during this work, concerns the characterization of flows in an axial compressor stage during both the emergence of rotating stall and its stabilized phase, by means of unsteady pressure and velocity measurements. The originality of the work proposed resides in the use and the development of non-standard data processing methods. The wavelets transform reveals to be an interesting tool for the detection of short coherent structures, like the spike-type precursor as well as the instantaneous features of a rotating stall cell. Beside this local approach, different procedures for phase-locked field measurements were developed, according to the specification of each studied phenomenon and the experimental proceedings. Thanks to these methods, it was possible to highlight the pressure field evolution until the development of the rotating stall regime. The alignment of the tip leakage vortex with the rotor inlet section forecasts a spike type stall onset. The comparison between transitional phase and fully developed stall fields conducts to assert that the precursor represent only the embryonic stage of the rotating stall evolution. This approach led to appreciate the complexity of the internal structure of the cell that appears to be the succession of stall propagation phase, zero-loaded high flow rate region and reattachment phase
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