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L'administration publique à l'épreuve de la gouvernance multi-acteurs : Le cas de la mise en oeuvre d'une nouvelle politique publique environnementale / The challenge of multi-actor governance in public administration : The implementation of a new environmental public policyPeriac, Elvira 02 December 2015 (has links)
Développement de la démocratie participative, mouvement de décentralisation à l’échelle européenne...: les dernières décennies sont marquées par la légitimation d’une pluralité d’acteurs autres que l’État central dans la construction de l’action publique. Si le développement du terme de « gouvernance » pour désigner l’action publique contemporaine décrit bien cette évolution, il laisse en suspens la question du rôle de l’Etat et de son administration dans ce renouvellement, alors même que les principes d’action et les modes d’organisation de l’administration publique sont eux-‐mêmes en redéfinition, théorique et empirique. Notre thèse propose d’étudier la question suivante : qu’est ce qu’ « administrer » dans un contexte de gouvernance ? A partir de l’étude d’un cas d’émergence et de mise en place d’une nouvelle activité (l’Autorité Environnementale) au sein de l’administration publique d’État française, nous mettons tout d’abord en lumière les incertitudes et les tensions auxquelles donne lieu le développement d’une activité administrative, certes fortement insérée dans les circuits administratifs traditionnels, mais pour contribuer à la réalisation d’une action publique conçue dans une logique de gouvernance, c’est-à-dire s’appuyant sur la pluralité des acteurs, leurs influences et leurs interactions dans différentes configurations. Nous analysons ensuite la manière dont se construit sur le terrain, dans le travail des agents publics, une action qui se révèle hétérogène et variable, ce qui constitue à la fois un problème et une ressource pour l’action publique. A partir d’une théorisation de cette hétérogénéité et variabilité dans le cadre des dynamiques de routines organisationnelles et sur la base de propositions de dispositifs de gestion, nous montrons qu’administrer en contexte de gouvernance se définit dans la capacité de l’organisation à en même temps développer et réguler l’hétérogénéité et la variabilité de l’action administrative. / The development of participatory democracy, a wave of decentralization in all Europe...: over the last decades, the legitimization of a plurality of actors, besides the Central State, has been a cornerstone of public action. The increasing use of the notion of « Governance » to describe public action is one the main illustrations of this evolution, but the role of the Central State and its administration in this new context remains hardly known, at a time when public administration, its action and its organization, are precisely in a process of being re-‐defined, empirically as much as theoretically. Our thesis ambitions to explore the following question: what does « administrating » involve in a context of governance? Drawing on the case of the emergence and implementation of a new activity in the French public administration (the Environmental Authority), we highlight the state of uncertainty and tension generated by the development of this new activity, which is rooted in the traditional administrative organization but needs to contribute to a new form of public action, conceived with a governance logic, in other words based on a multiplicity of actors with various influences and interactions in different configurations. We then analyze how a heterogeneous and variable public action is developed empirically through public officers’ daily work. It is argued that this is both a difficulty and a resource for public action. Drawing on the organizational routine dynamics framework, this heterogeneity and variability of public action is theorized. Then, based on the proposition of different management dispositif, we show that « administrating » in a context of governance can be conceived as the capacity to both develop and regulate heterogeneity and variability in administrative action.
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[pt] As organizações vêm passando por significativas transformações impulsionadas pela tecnologia, e que impactam mercados, sociedade e, particularmente, as profissões. (FARAJ et al., 2018). As High Growth Firms, fundos de investimento e aceleradoras se tornaram importantes vetores de capital e empregos (ISENBERG, 2013; IBGE, 2017). O sucesso neste chamado ecossistema de inovação e novos negócios é medido principalmente pela velocidade de crescimento das empresas, pela capacidade de antecipar produtos e processos, e pela rapidez com que dominam novos mercados (JOHNSON e LAFLEY, 2010; SALVATO e RERUP, 2018). São características que influenciam as noções temporais dos atores organizacionais, afetando suas percepções sobre competência e as expectativas dos tempos de execução e resposta (D ADDERIO et al, 2019; ORLIKOWSKI, e SCOTT, 2016). O presente estudo parte da experiência dos profissionais deste ecossistema para, à luz de uma abordagem fenomenográfica e processual (LANGLEY e TSOUKAS, 2010), compreender como a competência no uso do tempo é percebida nas rotinas organizacionais pressionadas por inovação e crescimento. Identificaram-se três maneiras por meio das quais o fenômeno é concebido por quem o vivencia: Otimizar atividades; Realizar objetivos; e Explorar possibilidades. No espaço de resultado foram identificadas ainda seis dimensões que estruturam e distinguem as concepções: Horizonte da atenção, Artefatos de estruturação temporal, Norteador da competência, Objetivos organizacionais priorizados, Nível da Competência, e Foco temporal. Os achados sugerem que inovação e crescimento influenciam de modos distintos a concepção de competência no uso do tempo. A partir deles, propôs-se um modelo teórico sobre a relação entre temporalidades, artefatos e sensemaking na geração de ciclos de aprendizagem generativa. Acrescenta-se ainda que a fenomenografia foi considerada como alternativa propícia para discutir as teorias atuais sobre temporalidade nas organizações. / [en] Organizations have been going through significant changes driven by technology, impacting markets, society and, particularly, professions. (FARAJ et al., 2018). High Growth Firms, investment funds and accelerators have become important vectors of capital and jobs (ISENBERG, 2013; IBGE, 2017). Success in this so-called innovation and new businesses ecosystem is mainly measured by the speed of growth, the ability to anticipate products and processes, and the velocity to dominate new markets (JOHNSON and LAFLEY, 2010; SALVATO and RERUP, 2018). These are characteristics that influence the temporal notions of organizational actors, affecting their perceptions of competence and expectations response times (D ADDERIO et al, 2019; ORLIKOWSKI and SCOTT, 2016). This study draws from the experience of professionals in this ecosystem to, in the light of a phenomenographic and process approach (LANGLEY and TSOUKAS, 2010), understand how competence in the use of time is perceived in organizational routines pressured by innovation and growth. Three ways in which the phenomenon is conceived by those who experience it were identified: Optimizing activities; Accomplishing goals; and Exploring possibilities. In the outcome space, six dimensions that structure and distinguish the conceptions were identified.: horizon of the attention, temporal artifacts, competence reference, prioritized organizational objectives, level of competence, and temporal focus. The findings suggest that innovation and growth influence the concept of competence in the use of time in different ways. From them, a theoretical model on the relationship between temporalities, artifacts and sensemaking in the generation of generative learning cycles was proposed. It is also added that phenomenography was considered as a suitable alternative to discuss current theories about temporality in organizations.
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FROM ABRUPT CHANGE TO DAILY ROUTINES : The organizational effect of one year with COVID-19Andersson, Oscar, Pamin, Genefra January 2021 (has links)
The way we work has changed rapidly since the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down. Remote work and telecommuting have become the new norm, a trend many of us have not asked or wished for. In this sense, this research is a reassessment of how IT companies in Sweden approached and managed the sudden transition to working remotely. With the support of previous literature on the topics of crisis management, organizational routine dynamics, and telecommuting, a set of seven semi-structured interviews were conducted to better understand the long-term challenges companies face during a crisis-induced shift into remote work. Our research reveals that organizations manage to quickly adapt the core business routines and operations, while social interactions and communication issues seem to be the biggest bottleneck when moving entirely remote. This leads to a perceived loss in overall productivity and the suffering of the work-life balance among all our respondents and their teams.
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[pt] A tese é que a rotina de Governança Societária na prática é influenciada mais pelos atores humanos do que pelos sistemas formais com seus artefatos. O objetivo final é entender a influência dos artefatos na rotina de Governança Societária e assim poder realizar proposições teóricas acerca da Dinâmica da Rotina Organizacional e acerca da Governança Societária com base na experiência dos administradores. Foi utilizado o método fenomenográfico, um método qualitativo e interpretativo, a partir de um caso aplicado em um grupo de negócios. A pergunta central foi Qual a percepção dos administradores acerca da influência dos artefatos na rotina de Governança Societária. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada no primeiro semestre de 2019. Foram entrevistados 25 administradores de empresas (Conselheiros de Administração e Diretores) onde a empresa acionista possui participação societária. Conforme preconiza a fenomenografia, ao final encontramos um Espaço de Resultado que aponta três concepções explicadas por cinco dimensões explicativas, a partir das quais três proposições teóricas foram feitas, e uma proposta de evolução do espaço de resultados. Para a academia, a pesquisa contribui para proposições que vem sendo feitas sob a perspectiva teórica das Dinâmicas das Rotinas Organizacionais, considerando a atuação dos atores, o entrelaçamento entre atores e artefatos, as tréguas e a ecologia de rotinas. Para as empresas, o estudo contribui para a gestão do processo de Governança Societária na prática, em toda a sua complexidade, a qual reconheça a totalidade relacional significativa que constituí este processo. Com esta contribuição, acredita-se que será possível desenvolver e aplicar novos mecanismos de gestão que desenvolvam os atores e os processos sociais que são centrais à rotina. Para a sociedade, ao explicitar a realidade da prática empresarial, a pesquisa provê um caminho de diálogo a ser explorado pelas empresas com os legisladores, contribuindo para a elaboração e implementação de leis, bem como para uma maior conformidade, que é de interesse de toda a sociedade. / [en] The thesis is that the Corporate Governance routine in practice is influenced more by human actors than by formal systems with their artifacts. The ultimate goal is to understand the influence of artifacts in the Corporate Governance routine and thus be able to make theoretical propositions about the Dynamics of Organizational Routine and about Corporate Governance based on the experience of the administrators. The phenomenographic method was used, a qualitative and interpretative method, based on a case applied to a business group. The central question was What is the perception of the administrators about the influence of the artifacts in the Corporate Governance routine. The field research was carried out in the first half of 2019. 25 company administrators (Board Members and Managing Directors) were interviewed in which the shareholder company has equity interest. As recommended by the phenomenography, at the end we find a Outcome Space that points out three conceptions explained by five explanatory dimensions, from which three theoretical propositions were made, and a proposal for the evolution of the Outcome Space. For the academy, the research contributes to proposals that have been made under the theoretical perspective of the Dynamics of Organizational Routines, considering the performance of the actors, the intertwining between actors and artifacts, the truces and the ecology of routines. For companies, the study contributes to the management of the Corporate Governance process in practice, in all its complexity, which recognizes the significant relational totality that constitutes this process. With this contribution, it is believed that it will be possible to develop and apply new management mechanisms that develop the actors and social processes that are central to the routine. For society, by explaining the reality of business practice, the research provides a path of dialogue to be explored by companies with legislators, contributing to the drafting and implementation of laws, as well as to greater compliance, which is of interest to all the society.
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