Spelling suggestions: "subject:"routine.""
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[pt] Com o propósito de rotinizar agilmente suas práticas de trabalho, equipes
de projetos ágeis estabelecem metarrotinas intencionando obter alta eficácia no
processo de adaptabilidade organizacional. Rotinas são conceituadas como
padrões repetitivos e reconhecíveis de ações interdependentes realizadas por
múltiplos atores (FELDMAN e PENTLAND, 2003, p. 95), enquanto que
metarrotinas são rotinas que modificam rotinas existentes e orientam a busca e
escolha de novas rotinas (...) (VAN DRIEL e DOLFSMA, 2009, p. 52). É nesse
sentido que a metarrotina pode ser considerada o coração da agilidade, visto ser
uma rotina-chave que facilita às equipes de projeto adaptarem agilmente suas
próprias práticas de trabalho. Este estudo apresentou como objetivo investigar a
variação na formação das competências coletivas por equipes ágeis para o
estabelecimento da metarrotina do projeto. Competências coletivas estão
relacionadas aos fenômenos de aprendizagem coletiva (MICHAUX, 2011),
presentes em equipes ágeis atuam como um coletivo de trabalho (CAROLY e
BARCELLINI, 2013). É neste contexto que uma pesquisa fenomenográfica, na
qual entrevistas qualitativas foram realizadas com profissionais que vivenciaram
projetos gerenciados sob método ágil, permitiu a estruturação e teorização do
fenômeno de estudo com base nas suas concepções e dimensões explicativas
(COLLIER-REED e INGERMAN, 2013). O principal resultado do estudo foi o
desenvolvimento de um framework, estruturado como um modelo de múltiplos
fatores influenciadores para a formação das competências coletivas por equipes
ágeis, especificamente para o estabelecimento da metarrotina do projeto. / [en] With the purpose of agilely routinizing their work practices, agile project
teams enact metaroutines intending to obtain high effectiveness in the
organizational adaptability process. Routines are conceptualized as repetitive and
recognizable patterns of interdependent actions performed by multiple actors
(FELDMAN and PENTLAND, 2003, p. 95), while metaroutines are routines that
modify existing routines and guide the search for and selection of new routines
(…) (VAN DRIEL and DOLFSMA, 2009, p. 52). It is in this sense that the
metaroutine can be considered the heart of agility, since it is a key routine that
facilitates project teams to adapt their own work practices agilely. This study aimed
to investigate the variation in the formation of collective competences by agile
teams for the enactment of the project s metaroutine. Collective competencies are
related to collective learning phenomena (MICHAUX, 2011), present in agile teams
that act as a work collective (CAROLY and BARCELLINI, 2013). The
phenomenographic method was chosen because it is a qualitative approach
capable of identifying variations in a social phenomenon from individual
experiences (COLLIER-REED and INGERMAN, 2013). Semi-structured interviews
were conducted with 20 professionals participating in scrum teams, in the period
between September and December 2022.The main result arising from this study
was the development of a framework, presenting a set of influential factors in the
formation of collective competencies by agile teams for the project metaroutine
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Covid-19 pandemin förändrade förutsättningarna för de basala hygienrutinerna i primärvården : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / The Covid-19 pandemic changed the conditions for basic hygiene routines in primary health care. : A qualitative interview studyKulin, Jennifer, Strömberg, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Basala hygienrutiner är en av grundstenarna inom omvårdnad och brister inom följsamheten leder till ökad smittspridning och ohälsa. När världen drabbades av covid-19 pandemin i början av 2020 påverkades både vårdpersonalens arbetsmiljö och välbefinnande negativt. Samtidigt sjönk vårdpersonalens följsamhet till de basala hygienrutinerna för första gången i nationella mätningar sedan 2010. Syfte: Att beskriva distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta enligt de basala hygienrutinerna inom primärvården under covid-19 pandemin. Metod: Kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Individuella intervjuer genomfördes med åtta distriktssköterskor. Materialet analyserades med en innehållsanalys med manifestinriktning. Resultat: Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta enligt de basala hygienrutinerna under covid-19 pandemin beskrivs under huvudkategorierna “arbetsmiljö” och “kunskap”. Under “arbetsmiljö” uppkom underkategorierna: tidsbrist minskar följsamheten, materialtillgången påverkar följsamheten och den fysiska arbetsplatsen påverkar förutsättningarna. Under “kunskap” uppkom underkategorierna: arbetsgruppens utbildning ökar följsamheten, erfarenhet av att utföra de basala hygienrutinerna och förändrad kännedom om smittspridning. Slutsats: Distriktssköterskors erfarenheteter av att arbeta enligt de basala hygienrutinerna påverkas och förändras av deras arbetsmiljö, kunskap och av att ha arbetat under covid-19 pandemin. Detta innebär att åtgärder för att hantera minskad följsamhet av de basala hygienrutinerna behöver baseras på de erfarenheter som finns i den aktuella verksamheten och arbetsgruppen. / Background: One of the cornerstones of nursing is basic hygiene practices. Deficiency in compliance leads to increased spread of infection and morbidity. When the Covid-19 pandemic spread across the world, in the beginning of 2020, both the work environment and the well-being of healthcare workers were affected negatively. At the same time as the healthcare workers ́ compliance to basic hygiene routines dropped for the first time since 2010 according to national evaluations. Aim: To describe the district nurse's experiences working according to the basic hygiene routines in primary care during the covid-19 pandemic. Method: Qualitative interview study with an inductive approach. Individual interviews were conducted with eight district nurses. The material was analyzed with a content analysis with manifest orientation. Results: District nurses' experiences of working according to the basic hygiene routines are described under the main categories “work environment” and “knowledge”. Under “work environment” could the following subcategories be identified: lack of time reduces compliance, availability of materials affects compliance and the physical workplace affects the conditions. Under “knowledge” did the following subcategories arise: training of the workgroup increases compliance, experience of performing the basic hygiene routines and changed knowledge about spread of infection. Conclusions: District nurses' experience of working according to the basic hygiene routines is affected and changed by their work environment, knowledge and having worked during the covid-19 pandemic. This means that measures to handle the reduced adherence to basic hygiene routines need to be based on the experiences of the current workplace and group.
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An Investigation of Routine Repetitiveness in Open-Source ProjectsArafat, Mohd 13 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Origin, Evolution, and Variation of Routine Structures in Open Source Software Development: Three Mixed Computational-Qualitative StudiesLindberg, Aron 03 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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U.S. Elite Newspapers' Pre- and Post-tsunami Coverage, 2003-2006: A Case Study of Sri LankaSuryanarayan, Renuka 25 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Upplevleser av aktivitet hos individer som lever med bipolär sjukdom / Experiences of occupation in individuals living with bipolar disorder.Nour, Hamad, Almina, Ramic Fayak January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bipolär sjukdom är ett komplext tillstånd som inverkar på individens vardag och livskvalitet. Bipolär sjukdom påverkar förmågan att utföra vardagliga aktiviteter över alla livsområden samt delaktighet i arbetslivet och sociala relationer.Syfte: Att belysa hur individer som lever med bipolär sjukdom upplever sina aktiviteter.Metod: En retrospektiv dokumentanalys av fyra självbiografier genomfördes med den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen som analysmetod.Resultat: Den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen resulterade i temat ett komplext samspel av faktorer påverkar upplevelser av aktivitet innehållande två huvudkategorier. Huvudkategorin inneboende faktorer påverkar upplevelser av aktivitet utgörs av kategorierna måendets inverkan på upplevelser av aktivitet samt kognitiva förmågors relation till upplevelser av aktivitet. Huvudkategorin externa och kontextuella faktorer påverkar upplevelser av aktivitet inbegriper kategorierna rutiners betydelse i upplevelser av aktivitet samt omgivningens roll i upplevelser av aktivitet.Slutsats: Upplevelser av aktivitet grundar sig i ett komplext samspel av faktorer som påverkar individens möjlighet att vara delaktig i aktivitet.Implikationer: Berör behovet av individanpassade interventioner, miljöanpassningar samt fortsatt forskning om aktivitet i relation till bipolär sjukdom som kan användas för utbildning på samhällsnivå och för verksamma arbetsterapeuter. / Background: Bipolar disorder is a complex condition that affects everyday life and quality of life. Bipolar disorder affects the ability to perform everyday activities in all areas of life as well as participation in social relationships and work-life.Aim: To illustrate how individuals with bipolar disorder experience occupation.Method: A retrospective document analysis of four autobiographies was conducted using the qualitative content analysis as method of analysis.Results: The qualitative content analysis resulted in the theme a complex interplay of factors influence occupational experiences and contains two main categories. The main category intrinsic factors influence occupational experiences, consists of the categories the well-being´s influence on occupational experiences and the relation of cognitive abilities to occupational experiences. The main category external and contextual factors influence occupational experiences includes the categories the importance of routines in occupational experiences and the role of the environment in occupational experiences.Conclusions: Experiences of occupation is based on a complex interplay of factors that affect an individual’s ability to participate in occupation.Implications: A need for individualized interventions, environmental adaptations, and continued research on occupation in relation to bipolar disorder that can be used to educate at the community level as well as within the profession.
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Sjuksköterskestudenters upplevelser av basala hygienrutiner / Nursing students’ experiences of basic hygiene routinesSundberg, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: För att kunna uppnå en god hälsa och vård för patienter är det avgörande att sjuksköterskestudenter får adekvat utbildning. Det är således av central betydelse att basala hygienrutiner lärs ut för att kunna förebygga smittöverföring och förhindra vårdrelaterade infektioner. Basala hygienrutiner innefattar handhygien, användning av arbetskläder, skyddshandskar och skyddskläder. Syfte: Att undersöka vilka kunskaper sjuksköterskestudenter upplevde att de hade gällande basala hygienrutiner, hur de upplevde utbildningen av basala hygienrutiner samt vad de uppfattade som främjande och/eller hindrande för att följa dessa rutiner under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med abduktiv ansats användes. Sex individuella intervjuer med medelhög struktureringsgrad hölls med sjuksköterskestudenter från svenska lärosäten. Tematisk analys enligt Braun och Clarke (2022) användes för dataanalysen. Resultat: Syftet besvarades genom tre huvudteman. Första huvudtemat: olika kunskapsnivåer besvarade vad för kunskaper sjuksköterskestudenterna upplevde att hade gällande basala hygienrutiner och med underteman: grundläggande hygien, göra antaganden samt tillämpning av föreskriften SOSFS 2015:10. Det andra huvudtemat besvarade hur sjuksköterskestudenterna upplevde undervisningen av basala hygienrutiner med huvudtemat: strukturering av utbildning och med underteman: klinisk träningscentrum och brister. Tredje temat besvarade vad sjuksköterskestudenterna upplevde som främjande och/eller hindrande från att följa basala hygienrutiner under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. Detta genom huvudtemat: omständigheter och med underteman: gynnsamma förhållanden samt rädslor och kritiska aspekter. Slutsats: Resultatet visade på att sjuksköterskestudenterna hade ett behov av mer utbildning gällande basala hygienrutiner och att kunskapsnivån skiljde sig mellan sjuksköterskestudenterna. Att kunskapsnivån skiljde sig riskerar att påverka patientsäkerheten negativt. Med en för låg kunskapsnivå ökar risken för att patienter utsätts för vårdrelaterade infektioner. / Introduction: In order to achieve good health and care for patients, it is crucial that nursing students receive adequate training. It is of central importance that basic hygiene routines are taught in order to prevent transmission and prevent healthcare-associated infections. Basic hygiene routines include hand hygiene, use of work clothes, protective gloves and protective clothing. Aim: To investigate nursing students’ perceived knowledge about basic hygiene routines, how they experienced the training of basic hygiene routines and what they perceived as promoting and/or hindering for following these routines during operational training. Methods: A qualitative method with an abductive approach was applied. Six individual interviews with a medium structural degree were held with nursing students from Swedish universities. Thematic analysis according to Braun and Clarke (2022) was used for the data analysis. Results: The aim was answered through three main themes. The first main theme answered what knowledge the nursing students felt they had regarding basic hygiene routines: different levels of knowledge with sub-themes: basic hygiene, making assumptions and application of the regulation SOSFS 2015:10. The second main theme answered how the nursing students experienced the teaching of basic hygiene routines with the main theme: structuring of education and with sub-themes: clinical training center and deficiencies. Third theme answered what the nursing students felt promoted and/or prevented them from following basic hygiene routines during practice-based training. This took place through the main theme: circumstances with sub-themes: favorable conditions as well as fears and critical aspects. Conclusion: The results showed that the nursing students had a need for more training regarding basic hygiene routines and that the level of knowledge differed between them. The fact that the level of knowledge differed risks affecting negatively patient safety. With insufficient knowledge the risk of being exposed to a care-related infection increases for patients.
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Varför prioriteras inte patientens säkerhet? : En litteraturöversikt om sjuksköterskors följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner och dess konsekvenser för omvårdnaden / Why is patient safety not prioritized? : A literature review on nurses' compliance to basic hygiene routines and its consequences for nursing careEriksson, Emilia, Frid Graaf, Malin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: All personal inom hälso- och sjukvård är skyldiga att följa och tillämpa basala hygienrutiner vilket är avgörande för att förhindra spridning av virus, bakterier och andra mikroorganismer som kan orsaka vårdrelaterade infektioner. Vårdrelaterade infektioner utgör en stor kostnad för samhället men bidrar också till ett lidande för de patienter som drabbas. Syfte: Beskriva faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner och dess konsekvenser för omvårdnaden. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en allmän litteraturöversikt där både kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning ingår. Totalt har 11 vetenskapliga artiklar ingått i analysen som analyserats med Fribergs analysmodell i 4 steg, tre av dessa var kvalitativa och åtta var kvantitativa. Resultat: Två teman identifierades; Temat “Påverkan på arbetsmiljön” beskriver brister i den fysiska arbetsmiljön, samt bristande emotionellt och instrumentellt stöd från vårdverksamhets chefer. Temat “Behov av kompetensutveckling” beskriver sjuksköterskors behov av kompetensutveckling och att följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner var knutet till den enskilda sjuksköterskans egna behov. Konklusion: Vårdrelaterade infektioner på sjukhus kan motverkas genom att sjuksköterskor följer basala hygienrutiner. En välfungerande arbetsmiljö med tillgängliga hygienmaterial är avgörande. Stress och kunskapsbrist påverkar negativt, men kontinuerlig utbildning kan förbättra sjuksköterskors efterlevnad och bidra till global hälsa genom renare händer. / Background: All healthcare employees are required to follow and apply basic hygiene routines, which is crucial to prevent the spread of viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause healthcare-related infections. Healthcare-related infections represent a large cost to society but also contribute to suffering for the patients. Aim: Describe factors influencing nurses' compliance with basic hygiene practices and their consequences for nursing care. Method: The study has been conducted as a general literature review, with the analysis of both qualitative and quantitative research. In total, 11 scientific articles were analyzed through Friberg's four steps analysis model. Findings: Two themes were identified; The theme “Impact on the work environment” describes shortcomings in the physical work environment, as well as a lack of emotional and instrumental support from managers. The theme “Need for competence development” describes nurses' need for competence development and that compliance to basic hygiene routines was linked to the individual nurse's own needs. Conclusion: Healthcare associated infections can be prevented if nurses comply to basic hygiene routines. A well-functioning workplace with available hygiene materials is crucial. Stress and lack of knowledge negatively affect compliance, but continuous education can improve nurses' compliance and contribute to health through cleaner hands.
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Restoring Effective Sleep Time in Post Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Quality Improvement ProjectWatts, Brooke, BSN, RN 11 April 2024 (has links)
Purpose: Restoring Effective Sleep Time in Post Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Quality Improvement Project
Brooke Watts, BSN, RN, DNP Student, Murray State University
Dr. Kristin Reid, DNP, APRN, ACNS-BC, DNP Program Director/Assistant Professor Murray State University
Aims: This quality improvement project was developed using DNP project guidelines provided through Murray State University and was designed to improve sleep in hospitalized cardiac surgery patients.
Processes: IRB approval was obtained from the healthcare institution and academic institution. This two-phase quality improvement project was designed to analyze the effects of a change in normalized hospital routines on self-reported sleep in post-cardiac surgery patients. Phase one involved no change in unit nursing routines to draw baseline data. Phase two involved the quality improvement intervention where routine patient assessments and vital signs were executed at 11:00 p.m., and at 04:00 a.m. Any non-timed lab work or routine radiological studies were postponed until after 04:00am. Patient participation for both phase one (n=4) and phase two (n=3) were determined by exclusion criteria. The Richards Campbell Sleep Questionnaire (RCSQ) was utilized for data collection and patients were asked to complete the questionnaire daily.
Results: Comparison of mean patient-reported sleep scores between the pre-intervention and intervention groups showed a positive association between the quality improvement intervention and patient reported sleep.
Limitations: Limitations for this project included a small sample size in both phases. IRB stipulations required a low-risk profile which limited eligible participants. There was a limited timeframe for project execution due to time required for IRB approval and to meet course-related timelines. The project was further limited by lack of on-site dedicated project staff overseeing qualifying patient enrollment.
Conclusions: Key findings were in alignment with sleep-related findings in comparable studies and projects where unit routines were adjusted. Execution of similar projects should occur to provide more substantial evidence supporting this quality change. With evidence of this project in mind, providers and nurses can practice mindfully and incorporate creative approaches to safely care for patients and improve sleep.
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La República Checa: mediální obraz / La Republica Checa: the media imageKrátká, Alice January 2014 (has links)
The thesis titled La República Checa: media image is focused on the quantitative analysis of media representations of the Czech Republic and its actors in Spanish newspapers El País and La Vanguardia in the period of 2011 and 2012. The main goal of this work is to determine how the media image of the Czech Republic is presented in this newspapers and how was constructed. Through the quantitative analysis based on the theoretical background determines the media space provided to the news about the Czech Republic by the Spanish newspapers, the topics in which was the media image of the Czech Republic displayed, and the measure of news values and news sources related to the Czech Republic. The basic assumption is a presence of the media routines which influence the media image. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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