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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikation in Kriegsgesellschaften am Beispiel der Evakuierung der deutsch-französischen Grenzregion (1939/40) / Communication dans les sociétés en guerre à l’exemple de l’évacuation de la région frontalière franco-allemande (1939/40) / Communication in War Societies at the Example of the Evacuation of the Franco-German Border Region (1939/40)

Fagot, Maude 24 November 2016 (has links)
Alors même que la France et la Grande-Bretagne s’apprêtent à déclarer la guerre à l’Allemagne, plus d’un million de personnes sont évacuées de la frontière franco-allemande. Encadrés de part et d’autre de la frontière par les autorités civiles et militaires, les Alsaciens, Lorrains, Badois et Sarrois, vivant entre les lignes défensives (ligne Maginot, Ligne Siegfried) et la frontière, sont transportés vers l’intérieur de leur pays respectifs. Ces mesures d’évacuation du début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale constituent pour les deux sociétés, après la mobilisation des hommes en âge de se battre, la seconde grande mesure de guerre faisant passer ces deux sociétés civiles à l’état de sociétés en guerre. Cette transformation a non seulement des conséquences au niveau social, politique et économique, mais également des effets au niveau communicationnel, ce qui constitue l’objet de cette thèse. Il s’agit, à travers le phénomène de l’évacuation, de faire ressortir les mécanismes de communication des États au niveau de leur propagande nationale, de faire apparaître les interactions et méthodes de communication entre les autorités locales et les évacués et enfin d’éclairer les systèmes de communication au sein des groupes des évacués à travers l’analyse des rumeurs de pillages des zones évacuées. Cette approche permet de retracer une histoire de la communication dans les sociétés en guerre française et allemande dans laquelle fusionnent les perspectives ascendante et descendante mais également comparative et transnationale. Ainsi, la communication des sociétés en guerre apparaît comme le fruit de négociations et d’interactions en constante évolution entre acteurs aux intérêts différents. De cette étude ressortent également les limites d’influence des deux États au sein de leur population, qu’il s’agisse d’un État républicain démocratique telle la Troisième République ou bien d’un État dictatorial aux ambitions totalitaires comme le fût le « Troisième Reich ». / While France and Great-Britain were about to declare war on Germany, more than one million persons were evacuated from the Franco-German Border. Led on both side of the border by civilian and military authorities, the Alsatians, Lorrainers, Badners and Saarlanders living between the defence lines (Maginot-Line, Siegfried Line) were transported inside their own country. These evacuations measures formed – after the mobilization on the front of the men in-age to fight – the second important measure of war, which turned these civil societies into war societies. This transformation has not only consequences on political, economic and social level, but also on communication, which is the topic of this doctoral thesis. The evacuations phenomena allow us to shed light on state propaganda on a national and international level, to reveal the communication methods and interactions between the local authorities and the evacuees and finally to show the communications systems within groups of evacuees by analysing rumours on pillages of the evacuated region. This approach highlights a history of communication in both French and German war society based on top-down and bottom-up perspectives and on comparative and transnational analyses. Communication in war society appears as the fruit of negotiations and interactions in constant evolution between agents with different interests. This study emphasized the limits of the state’s influence over the population, both in a republican democratic state as the French Third Republic and in a dictatorial state with totalitarian ambitions such as the “Third Reich”.

Verksamheters tillvägagångsätt vid bemötandet av desinformation : En studie om hur desinformation påverkar samhället och bidragit till förändringar för verksamheter

Janfjord, Caroline, Sandberg, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Digitaliseringens ständiga utveckling inom samhället och verksamheter har lett till nya fenomen och förutsättningar vilket har medfört nya utmaningar. Desinformation är ett avdessa begrepp som har fått allt större betydelse inom det digitala samhället som finns idag. Begreppet som har uppmärksammats alltmer syftar till missvisande, felaktig och falskutformad information. Desinformation blir allt vanligare och det problemområde som identifierats är hur verksamheter hanterar existensen av desinformation. Därmed strävade studien mot att svara på frågeställningen: Vilka tillvägagångssätt har verksamheter för att hantera desinformation i sin användning av digital teknik? Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ forsknings- och metodansats som syftar till att skapa förståelse kring begreppet desinformation, dess bakomliggande faktorer samt vilka tillvägagångssätt verksamheter använder sig av samt hanteringen av begreppet för att minska risken av dess konsekvenser. Datainsamling genomfördes genom en intervjustudie med sju verksamheter samt fem stycken fokusgruppsintervjuer. Resultatet från datainsamlingen påvisade att det finns en bred definition kring betydelsen av desinformation samt att det inom verksamheterna inte finns någon uttalad strategi eller tillvägagångssätt för att hantera desinformation. Det upplevdes finnas tillräckligt med stort förtroende för medarbetarnas egna ansvar i att agera källkritiskt. Befintlig litteratur identifierar att det finns svårigheter kring att upptäcka om informationen är sann eller inte men även att den mänskliga faktorn har betydelse för bedömningen av informationen. Även individens tidigare erfarenheter har betydelse. Det som däremot framkom som studiens slutsats var att följande faktorer var en del av verksamhetens tillvägagångssätt för att avgöra trovärdigheten i information: arbeta med kända aktörer och källor, agera källkritiskt, avgränsa hur intern information hanteras inom verksamheten och bedöma utseende av informationen såsom grammatik och språkbruk. / The digitalization’s constant development in society and in businesses has led to new phenomena and concepts that have not previously existed, which have caused problems. Misinformation is a new concept that has gotten a greater meaning with the digital society that exists today. Misinformation has received increasing attention and refers to misleading, incorrect and falsely designed information. The problem area that is identified is how companies handle the existence of misinformation. The purpose of the study was to answer the research question: What approaches do businesses apply to handle misinformation in their use of digital technology? The study was conducted with a qualitative research and method approach that aims to create an understanding of the concept of misinformation, its underlying factors and what approaches business use when dealing with misinformation to reduce the risk of its consequences. Data collection was conducted through an interview study with seven businesses and five focus group interviews. The results from the data collection showed that there is a broad definition of misinformation and that there is no stated strategy or approach within the operations to deal with misinformation. It was identified that there was enough confidence in the employee's own responsibility in acting source critical. Existing literature identifies that there are difficulties in discovering whether the information is true or not. The human factor has meaning and whether the information is in line with the individual’s opinions. The study's conclusion was that the following factors were a part of the business's approach to determining credibility in information: working with well-known sources, acting with source criticism, defining how information is handled within the business and assessing the appearance of the information such as grammar and language usage.

L’essor du fact-checking : de l’émergence d’un genre journalistique au questionnement sur les pratiques professionnelles / The rise of fact-checking : from the emergence of a journalistic genre to questioning professional practices

Bigot, Laurent 07 December 2017 (has links)
De plus en plus de médias dans le monde disposent de rubriques ou chroniques dédiées au fact-checking. Elles visent notamment à vérifier la véracité de propos tenus par des responsables politiques. Cette pratique revisite celle née aux États-Unis dans les années 1920, qui consistait à vérifier de manière exhaustive et systématique les contenus avant parution. Ce fact-checking « moderne » incarne une stratégie des rédactions web – en dépit des crises structurelles et conjoncturelles – pour renouer avec la diffusion de contenus mieux vérifiés, ainsi que leur capacité à mettre à profit les outils numériques qui facilitent l’accès à l’information. À travers une trentaine d’entretiens semi-directifs avec des fact-checkeurs français et l’étude de 300 articles et chroniques issus de sept médias différents, ce travail de recherche analyse dans quelle mesure le fact-checking, en tant que genre journalistique, valorise une démarche crédible, mais révèle aussi, en creux, des manquements dans les pratiques professionnelles. Il examine, enfin, comment la promotion de contenus plus qualitatifs et l’éducation aux médias sont de nature à placer le fact-checking au cœur des stratégies éditoriales, destinées à regagner la confiance des publics. / A growing number of newsrooms around the world have established fact-checking headings or rubrics. They are dedicated to assess the veracity of claims, especially by politicians. This practice revisits an older fact-checking practice, born in the United States in the 1920’s and based on an exhaustive and systematic checking of magazines’ contents before publishing. The ‘modern’ version of fact-checking embodies both the willingness of online newsrooms to restore verified contents —despite the structural and economic crisis of the press— and their ability to capitalize on digital tools which enhance access to information. Through some thirty semi-structured interviews with French fact-checkers and the study of a sample of 300 articles and chronicles from seven media, this PhD thesis examines the extent to which fact-checking, as a journalistic genre, certainly valorizes a credible method, but also —and indirectly— reveals shortcomings in professional practices. Finally, it discusses how the promotion of more qualitative content, as well as media literacy, could place fact-checking at the heart of editorial strategies —the latter aiming at retrieving trust from the audience.

金融犯罪之訴訟策略 —以我國證券交易法操縱市場案件為中心 / The Litigation Strategy for Financial Crime —Focus on The Cases of Market Manipulation of Securities Exchange Act in Taiwan

莊凱如 Unknown Date (has links)
金融犯罪近年來日益受學者與實務界之重視,而我國證券交易 法既以「發展國民經濟、保障投資」為目的,證券市場是否依自然 供需法則自由運作,而不受人為操縱行為破壞價格決定機制,顯得 至為重要。 我國證券交易法明文禁止操縱市場行為,違反者除民事損害賠 償責任外,尚有刑事處罰,且刑度非輕。操縱市場雖屬於相對抽象 之一種禁止類型,但法院實務上已經累積為數不少之判決,然而因 案件內容繁雜、法條構成要件不夠明確......等因素,造成法律見解難 以統一之現象,進而使得辯護工作難度增加。 本文擬從比較法上,參考外國法對操縱市場行為禁止之類型及 方式,檢視我國證券交易法中關於操縱市場之立法過程與構成要 件,並蒐集大量法院判決,整理分析被告提出之各式抗辯,回顧法 院判決中之見解、判斷,期待能更深入問題之核心,裨對實務工作 者能有所助益。 / Financial crimes are increasingly valued by academics and practitioners in recent years. Securities and Exchange Act in Taiwan is securities market operate freely in accordance with the law of natural supply and demand without undermining the mechanism of price determination by human manipulation so important. Securities and Exchange Act in Taiwan expressly prohibited for market manipulation and penalize who breach of regulation. They must bear civil liability for damages and seriously criminal penalties. Although market manipulation may be very abstract sometimes, court practice has accumulated a large number of judgments. However, it’s still a big challenge for attorneys due to the different opinions in practice. The relevant provisions of this order the United States, England and China on different types of legislation about manipulation, in order to find the difference of among the Securities and Exchange Law of Taiwan, as a reference to amend acts of manipulation. By studying cases selected our Court and trying to analyze how the various defenses affect the court decision.

Rolníci na Polesí během zrušení nevolnictví. Vývoj reakce venkovského obyvatelstva Pinského újezdu Minské gubernie Ruského impéria na zrušení nevolnictví v letech 1861-1864 / The peasants of the Polesie during the abolition of serfdom. The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864

Badzevich, Dzmitry January 2018 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ANTHROPOLOGY BY MGR. BC. DZMITRY BADZEVICH THE PEASANTS OF THE POLESIE DURING THE ABOLITION OF SERFDOM The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864 Dissertation abstract Prague 2017 2 ABSTRACT From the exact wording of the thesis title was this study engaged in a broader sociological and cultural anthropological discussion about the meanings and implications of the historical event as was the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire in 1861 on the everyday life of its contemporary actors. For well-devoted reader (in the different methodologies of the history and European national historiographies), it would seem that the topic of the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire and its impact on society and social and cultural sphere is largely explored. But at the moment, when the critically analyzing readers begin to think closely about how the understanding of serfdom abolition has worked during the last hundred year, it might be quite obvious for them, that no one of dozen university intellectuals and amateurs has tried to go to the heart of the historical event; many intellectuals only got all mixing up on the field of quasi-scientific abstractive terms...

Rolníci na Polesí během zrušení nevolnictví. Vývoj reakce venkovského obyvatelstva Pinského újezdu Minské gubernie Ruského impéria na zrušení nevolnictví v letech 1861-1864 / The peasants of the Polesie during the abolition of serfdom. The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864

Badzevich, Dzmitry January 2018 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ANTHROPOLOGY BY MGR. BC. DZMITRY BADZEVICH THE PEASANTS OF THE POLESIE DURING THE ABOLITION OF SERFDOM The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864 Dissertation abstract Prague 2017 2 ABSTRACT From the exact wording of the thesis title was this study engaged in a broader sociological and cultural anthropological discussion about the meanings and implications of the historical event as was the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire in 1861 on the everyday life of its contemporary actors. For well-devoted reader (in the different methodologies of the history and European national historiographies), it would seem that the topic of the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire and its impact on society and social and cultural sphere is largely explored. But at the moment, when the critically analyzing readers begin to think closely about how the understanding of serfdom abolition has worked during the last hundred year, it might be quite obvious for them, that no one of dozen university intellectuals and amateurs has tried to go to the heart of the historical event; many intellectuals only got all mixing up on the field of quasi-scientific abstractive terms...

興櫃股票適用我國證券交易法反市場操縱條款之研究 / A study of adapting the anti-manipulation provisions to taiwan emerging stock market

陳永明, Chen, Yung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
我國興櫃股票之交易方式係由推薦證券商(即興櫃股票之造市商)之報價主導交易進行,屬於報價驅動(Quote-driven)之交易方式,與我國上櫃股票採取「等價交易」及上市股票採取「競價交易」等均屬委託單驅動(Order-driven)之交易方式迥然不同。 按我國證券交易法第155條第2項準用同條第1項規定之適用結果,「於證券商營業處所買賣有價證券」者,仍應有第1項所揭反市場操縱條款之適用。惟有關興櫃股票交易在成交對象之選擇、成交順序、成交價格決定,乃至於成交後之給付結算作業方式等,均與我國現行上市(櫃)股票之交易及交割方式具有明顯之差異,致應如何適用證券交易法反市場操縱條款之規定,乃成疑義。 本文鑒於興櫃股票市場規模已呈穩定成長之勢,不難想像興櫃股票交易與市場操縱行為之間終將有擦出爭議火花之時,故以比較法學研究之觀點,歸納並分析興櫃股票與上市(櫃)股票交易方式之差異及其癥結所在。另蒐集瀏覽世界各國主要證券市場之交易規制,包括美國OTCBB市場、歐陸Alternext市場及英國AIM市場,分析其他採用報價驅動交易模式之先進市場當中有關造市商義務之規範,以掌握造市商義務之核心意涵。進而以造市商義務範圍及報價驅動市場之交易特徵為基礎,逐一檢測興櫃股票適用我國證券交易法所揭「違約不交割」、「相對委託」、「連續交易」、「沖洗買賣」、「散布流言或不實資料」及「其他直接或間接操縱市場」等各款反市場操縱條款規定可能引發之爭議,並提出本文意見。 / The trading mechanism of Taiwan Emerging Stock is based on quote-driven model, which is very different from the order-driven model of the Taiwan OTC securities market and Taiwan Stock Exchange market. By the Taiwan Securities and Exchange Act Article 155 paragraph 2 permitted that paragraph 1, the anti-market manipulation provisions, shall apply mutatis mutandis to securities transactions conducted on the over-the-counter markets. However, lots of Taiwan Emerging stock trading rules such as allowing the participants to choose their counterparty, the matching sequence rules, the price decision rules, and even the rules of payment and settlement practices after transaction, all have significantly differences between those of Taiwan Emerging stock market and listed stock market. Therefore, how should Taiwan Emerging stock apply to the Securities Exchange Act under the terms of the anti-market manipulation is into doubt. Taiwan Emerging stock market has shown a steady growth trend, hence, it is easy to imagine that Taiwan Emerging stock trading and market manipulation issues will eventually rise to controversy. This thesis is to study from the point of view of comparative law, by means of analyzing the emerging stock markets of the advanced countries, including the U.S. OTCBB market, the European Alternext market and the UK AIM market, to conclude the crux of the difference between the quote-driven and order-driven market models. Then, to understand the characteristics and core obligation of the market maker under quote-driven market model, furthermore, to detect the disputes may lead for adapting the anti-manipulation provisions to Taiwan Emerging stock, including the terms of "breach of contract non-deliverable", "improper matched orders ", "continuous trading", "wash sale", "spreading rumors or false information" and other direct or indirect behavior of manipulation". And this thesis proposed its discovery at the end.

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