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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do crescimento de filmes de carbono sobre silício devido à irradiação com feixes de H e He

Mörscbächer, Marcio José January 2001 (has links)
É bem conhecido que técnicas experimentais que fazem uso de feixes iônicos induzem sobre a superfície dos alvos irradiados o depósito de diversos tipos de impurezas. Este depósito é causado pelas interações entre o feixe de íons, as moléculas de gás residual no interior das câmaras de irradiação e a superfície da amostra. Apesar do fato deste processo poder alterar significativamente os parâmetros de irradiações, bem como afetar a análise de materiais tratados, os parâmetros experimentais que influenciam na deposição das impurezas ainda não são bem conhecidos e nem o depósito se encontra suficientemente quantificado. No presente trabalho relatamos um estudo quantitativo da deposição de carbono sobre amostras de Si (100) irradiadas com feixes de He e H. A deposição de carbono foi determinada em função da fluência de irradiação, variando diversos parâmetros experimentais, tais como: pressão na câmara de irradiação, temperatura do alvo, densidade de corrente do feixe, energia do feixe e o estado da carga do íon. Em todos os casos a análise das amostras irradiadas foi feita pela técnica de Retroespalhamento de Rutherford em direção Canalizada (RBS/C) e através da reação nuclear ressonante 12C(a, a´)12C na energia de 4265 keV. Os resultados experimentais mostram que se consegue minimizar a deposição de C através: a) da redução do tempo de irradiação, b) da redução da pressão na câmara de irradiação, c) do aumento da temperatura do alvo durante a irradiação e d) minimização do poder de freamento do íon no alvo.

Caracterização óptica de filmes finos de NbOx obtidos por sputtering reativo / Optical characterization of NbOx thin films obtained by reactive sputtering

SCHEIDT, GUILHERME 20 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Eneide de Souza Araujo (mearaujo@ipen.br) on 2015-02-20T13:22:28Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-20T13:22:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Filmes finos de óxido de nióbio têm sido usados em muitas aplicações tecnológicas. Existem pelo menos três óxidos estáveis de nióbio: NbO, NbO2 e Nb2O5 e cada um deles tem propriedades específicas. O Nb2O5 é a forma termodinamicamente mais estável e apresenta propriedades físicas e químicas únicas, como alto índice de refração, band gap largo, excelente estabilidade química e resistência à corrosão, baixa absorção óptica no campo da luz visível até regiões próximas ao infra-vermelho, sendo amplamente utilizados como filtros de interferência óptica de alta qualidade. Neste trabalho foram depositados filmes de óxido de nióbio por meio da técnica de sputtering reativo sobre substratos de silício e borossilicato. Os filmes finos foram obtidos com vazão de oxigênio variando entre 15 e zero sccm. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a caracterização das propriedades ópticas dos filmes. Foram avaliados o índice de refração e a espessura pela técnica de elipsometria, o band gap pelo método de Tauc e a razão atômica e a densidade superficial por meio de Espectrometria de Retroespalhamento Rutherford (RBS). Foram obtidos espectros de transmitância e refletância por Espectrofotometria UV/Vis/NIR e o coeficiente de extinção foi calculado pelo método de Hong. Todos estes parâmetros são importantes para aplicação em dispositivos ópticos. Nos filmes depositados com vazão de oxigênio de 15 sccm foi observado que o índice de refração aumenta com o aumento da espessura dos filmes e que o composto formado foi Nb2O5. Para uma vazão de 2,0 sccm foi encontrado o composto NbO2 e o filme apresentou alta absorção ótica. Os resultados sugerem que outros óxidos de nióbio ou nióbio metálico foram incorporados nos filmes conforme o fluxo de oxigênio foi diminuído. Foi observada uma relação direta entre a diminuição da vazão de oxigênio durante a deposição e um aumento da quantidade de nióbio nos filmes, acompanhados de um aumento do índice de refração e da densidade superficial. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Influência de bolhas de hélio e da microestrutura sobre a evolução térmica de filmes de alumínio implantados com cobre

Camacho, Cristiano Sabóia January 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo sistemático sobre as influências do tamanho de grão de filmes finos de Al e da implantação de íons de He sobre a evolução térmica de distribuições de átomos de Cu e formação de precipitados de Al-Cu. Filmes finos de Al depositados sobre substrato de SiO2/Si através de dois processos diferentes foram implantados com íons de Cu+ e He+ produzindo uma solução sólida supersaturada de Al-Cu (≈ 2,5 a 3,5 at. %) e nano-bolhas de He. Os valores de energia dos íons foram escolhidos de tal forma a produzirem uma camada rica em Cu e He na região a aproximadamente 100nm da superfície. Tais filmes foram tratados termicamente em alto-vácuo nas temperaturas de 200ºC e 280ºC por tempos de 0,5h e 2h. Os filmes foram analisados por Retroespalhamento Rutherford, para determinação do perfil de concentração dos átomos de Cu, e por Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão, para determinação da microestrutura do Al e dos sistemas de nano-partículas Al-Cu e Al-He. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que a evolução térmica da distribuição dos átomos de Cu e a formação de precipitados de Al-Cu são significativamente afetadas pela configuração e tamanho de grão do filme de Al e pelas implantações de He. O presente estudo mostrou que existe uma forte correlação entre o fluxo de vacâncias e a estabilidade da microestrutura de filmes finos de Al (Al/SiO2/Si) implantados com íons de Cu+ e He+ e tratados termicamente. A possibilidade de controlar os fluxos de vacâncias através de configurações da microestrutura dos filmes de Al é, portanto, um tema de grande interesse tecnológico relacionado a durabilidade das interconexões metálicas de dispositivos microeletrônicos.

Hochauflösende Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie zur Untersuchung von ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium

Vieluf, Maik 28 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand im Rahmen einer Kooperation des Forschungszentrums Dresden-Rossendorf mit Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. Mithilfe der hochauflösenden Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie (HR-RBS) wurden das Diffusionsverhalten und Schichtwachstum von ZrO2 auf SiO2 und TiN im Anfangsstadium untersucht. Auf Grund der exzellenten Tiefenauflösung von 0,3 nm an der Oberfläche stand die Analyse von Konzentrationsprofilen in ultradünnen Schichten, respektive an deren Grenzflächen im Vordergrund. Zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Messergebnisse wurde erstmals ein zweidimensionaler positionsempfindlicher Halbleiterdetektor in den Aufbau der HR-RBS implementiert und charakterisiert. Außerdem wurde ein Messverfahren in Betrieb genommen, das mögliche Schädigungen durch den Ioneneintrag in die Messprobe minimiert. Durch die Optimierung der experimentellen Bedingungen und die Entwicklung eines Programmpaketes zur Unterstützung des Analysten konnte ein effizienter Routine-Messablauf erstellt werden. Im Moment einer binären Kollision zwischen einfallendem Ion und Targetelement kommt es bei kleinem Stoßparameter zu Veränderungen des Ladungszustands der gestreuten Ionen, insbesondere durch die abrupte Geschwindigkeitsänderung des Projektils und der Überlappung der Elektronenwolken. Bei der HR-RBS mit Energie separierendem Dipolmagneten muss zur Interpretation von Streuspektren die Ladungszustandsverteilung der gestreuten Projektile bekannt sein. Erstmalig konnte eine signifikante Abhängigkeit der Ladungszustandsverteilung gestreuter C-Ionen sowohl von der Schichtdicke als auch der Ordnungszahl des detektierten Targetelements, hier der vierten Nebengruppe, nachgewiesen werden. Diese gewonnen Erkenntnisse ermöglichten systematische Untersuchungen zum ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium. Zur Herstellung der ZrO2-Schichten wurde die Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) verwendet. Anhand der nachgewiesenen Agglomeration von ZrO2 auf nativen SiO2 wurde mithilfe der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) zur Bestimmung von Oberflächenrauigkeiten eine Methode konzipiert, welche die Auswirkung lokaler Schichtdickeninhomogenitäten auf die niederenergetische Flanke eines Streuspektrums berücksichtigt. Auf dieser Grundlage durchgeführte Simulationsrechnungen ergeben, dass keine Diffusion von Zr in die darunter liegende Schicht stattfand, jedoch eine ZrSiO4-Grenzflächenschicht existiert. Für das Wachstum von ZrO2 auf TiN wird aus den hoch aufgelösten Streuspektren ein völlig anderes Verhalten abgeleitet. Messungen zu Oberflächentopografien der TiN-Schicht liefern nicht zu vernachlässigende Werte für die Rauigkeit. Um den Einfluss der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die Form des hoch aufgelösten Spektrums erfassen zu können, wurde eine Software entwickelt. Auf Basis von AFM-Messungen ermöglicht dieses Programm das Extrahieren einer Energieverteilung aus den Weglängen von ausschließlich an der Oberfläche gestreuten Ionen. Unter Berücksichtigung des Effekts der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die HR-RBS Spektrenform konnte die Diffusion von Zr in das polykristalline TiN erstmals verifiziert werden. Die Beobachtungen weisen daraufhin, dass bereits nach dem ersten ALD-Zyklus ein geringer Anteil der deponierten Zr-Atome bis in eine Tiefe von etwa 3 nm in das TiN diffundiert. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse legen Korngrenzendiffusion nahe. / This thesis originated from a cooperation between Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf and Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. By means of High Resolution Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (HR-RBS) the diffusion behaviour and layer growth of ZrO2 on SiO2 and TiN in the initial regime were investigated. The analysis of concentration profiles in ultrathin layers and interfaces was the focus of this work, made possible by the excellent depth resolution of less than 0.3 nm near the surface. For the first time a two-dimensional position sensitive semiconductor detector was implemented and characterized in the setup of the HR-RBS for the improvement of the quality of the measurement results. Furthermore, a measurement procedure was put into operation that allowed the reduction of ion induced damage. Through the optimization of the experimental conditions and the development of a program package for the support of the analyst, an efficient measurement procedure could be routinely ensured. At the time of a binary collision between the incident ion and the target element with a small impact factor, the charge state changes frequently, especially due to the abruptly decreasing ion velocity of the projectile and the overlapping of the electron clouds. For HR-RBS with an energy-separating dipole magnet, the charge state distribution of the scattered ions must be known for the interpretation of the measured spectra. For the first time a significant dependence of the charge state distribution of the scattered C ions on the layer thickness as well as atomic number of the detected target elements, here from the fourth subgroup, was emonstrated. This new knowledge allowed systematic investigations of the ZrO2 layer growth in the initial regime. The ZrO2 layers were produced by means of the atomic layer deposition (ALD). Based on the evidence for agglomeration of ZrO2 on SiO2 a method was introduced, which takes local thickness variations into account during the simulation of the HR-RBS spectra. An accurate statement about the ZrO2/SiO2 interface was possible due to the extraction of the thickness variation by the atomic force microscopy (AFM). The boundary surface is sharp except for a small intermediate ZrSiO4 layer and no diffusion of Zr atoms in SiO2 could be detected. A quite different behaviour could be derived from high resolution spectra for the growth of ZrO2 on TiN. Measurements of the surface topography of the TiN layer revealed non negligible values for the surface roughness. A program was developed to capture the influence of the surface roughness on the shape of the high resolution spectrum. This software uses AFM measurements to extract an energy distribution from calculated path length differences for ions scattered at the sample surface. Diffusion of Zr into polycrystalline TiN was demonstrated for the first time taking into account the effect of the surface roughness on the shape of the spectra. This observation indicates that already after the first ALD reaction cycle a small part of the deposited Zr atoms diffuses into the TiN layer up to a depth of 3 nm. Such preliminary results suggest grain boundary diffusion.

Hochauflösende Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie zur Untersuchung von ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium

Vieluf, Maik 03 June 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand im Rahmen einer Kooperation des Forschungszentrums Dresden-Rossendorf mit Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. Mithilfe der hochauflösenden Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie (HR-RBS) wurden das Diffusionsverhalten und Schichtwachstum von ZrO2 auf SiO2 und TiN im Anfangsstadium untersucht. Auf Grund der exzellenten Tiefenauflösung von 0,3 nm an der Oberfläche stand die Analyse von Konzentrationsprofilen in ultradünnen Schichten, respektive an deren Grenzflächen im Vordergrund. Zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Messergebnisse wurde erstmals ein zweidimensionaler positionsempfindlicher Halbleiterdetektor in den Aufbau der HR-RBS implementiert und charakterisiert. Außerdem wurde ein Messverfahren in Betrieb genommen, das mögliche Schädigungen durch den Ioneneintrag in die Messprobe minimiert. Durch die Optimierung der experimentellen Bedingungen und die Entwicklung eines Programmpaketes zur Unterstützung des Analysten konnte ein effizienter Routine-Messablauf erstellt werden. Im Moment einer binären Kollision zwischen einfallendem Ion und Targetelement kommt es bei kleinem Stoßparameter zu Veränderungen des Ladungszustands der gestreuten Ionen, insbesondere durch die abrupte Geschwindigkeitsänderung des Projektils und der Überlappung der Elektronenwolken. Bei der HR-RBS mit Energie separierendem Dipolmagneten muss zur Interpretation von Streuspektren die Ladungszustandsverteilung der gestreuten Projektile bekannt sein. Erstmalig konnte eine signifikante Abhängigkeit der Ladungszustandsverteilung gestreuter C-Ionen sowohl von der Schichtdicke als auch der Ordnungszahl des detektierten Targetelements, hier der vierten Nebengruppe, nachgewiesen werden. Diese gewonnen Erkenntnisse ermöglichten systematische Untersuchungen zum ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium. Zur Herstellung der ZrO2-Schichten wurde die Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) verwendet. Anhand der nachgewiesenen Agglomeration von ZrO2 auf nativen SiO2 wurde mithilfe der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) zur Bestimmung von Oberflächenrauigkeiten eine Methode konzipiert, welche die Auswirkung lokaler Schichtdickeninhomogenitäten auf die niederenergetische Flanke eines Streuspektrums berücksichtigt. Auf dieser Grundlage durchgeführte Simulationsrechnungen ergeben, dass keine Diffusion von Zr in die darunter liegende Schicht stattfand, jedoch eine ZrSiO4-Grenzflächenschicht existiert. Für das Wachstum von ZrO2 auf TiN wird aus den hoch aufgelösten Streuspektren ein völlig anderes Verhalten abgeleitet. Messungen zu Oberflächentopografien der TiN-Schicht liefern nicht zu vernachlässigende Werte für die Rauigkeit. Um den Einfluss der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die Form des hoch aufgelösten Spektrums erfassen zu können, wurde eine Software entwickelt. Auf Basis von AFM-Messungen ermöglicht dieses Programm das Extrahieren einer Energieverteilung aus den Weglängen von ausschließlich an der Oberfläche gestreuten Ionen. Unter Berücksichtigung des Effekts der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die HR-RBS Spektrenform konnte die Diffusion von Zr in das polykristalline TiN erstmals verifiziert werden. Die Beobachtungen weisen daraufhin, dass bereits nach dem ersten ALD-Zyklus ein geringer Anteil der deponierten Zr-Atome bis in eine Tiefe von etwa 3 nm in das TiN diffundiert. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse legen Korngrenzendiffusion nahe. / This thesis originated from a cooperation between Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf and Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. By means of High Resolution Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (HR-RBS) the diffusion behaviour and layer growth of ZrO2 on SiO2 and TiN in the initial regime were investigated. The analysis of concentration profiles in ultrathin layers and interfaces was the focus of this work, made possible by the excellent depth resolution of less than 0.3 nm near the surface. For the first time a two-dimensional position sensitive semiconductor detector was implemented and characterized in the setup of the HR-RBS for the improvement of the quality of the measurement results. Furthermore, a measurement procedure was put into operation that allowed the reduction of ion induced damage. Through the optimization of the experimental conditions and the development of a program package for the support of the analyst, an efficient measurement procedure could be routinely ensured. At the time of a binary collision between the incident ion and the target element with a small impact factor, the charge state changes frequently, especially due to the abruptly decreasing ion velocity of the projectile and the overlapping of the electron clouds. For HR-RBS with an energy-separating dipole magnet, the charge state distribution of the scattered ions must be known for the interpretation of the measured spectra. For the first time a significant dependence of the charge state distribution of the scattered C ions on the layer thickness as well as atomic number of the detected target elements, here from the fourth subgroup, was emonstrated. This new knowledge allowed systematic investigations of the ZrO2 layer growth in the initial regime. The ZrO2 layers were produced by means of the atomic layer deposition (ALD). Based on the evidence for agglomeration of ZrO2 on SiO2 a method was introduced, which takes local thickness variations into account during the simulation of the HR-RBS spectra. An accurate statement about the ZrO2/SiO2 interface was possible due to the extraction of the thickness variation by the atomic force microscopy (AFM). The boundary surface is sharp except for a small intermediate ZrSiO4 layer and no diffusion of Zr atoms in SiO2 could be detected. A quite different behaviour could be derived from high resolution spectra for the growth of ZrO2 on TiN. Measurements of the surface topography of the TiN layer revealed non negligible values for the surface roughness. A program was developed to capture the influence of the surface roughness on the shape of the high resolution spectrum. This software uses AFM measurements to extract an energy distribution from calculated path length differences for ions scattered at the sample surface. Diffusion of Zr into polycrystalline TiN was demonstrated for the first time taking into account the effect of the surface roughness on the shape of the spectra. This observation indicates that already after the first ALD reaction cycle a small part of the deposited Zr atoms diffuses into the TiN layer up to a depth of 3 nm. Such preliminary results suggest grain boundary diffusion.

Synthesis and characterisation of 114Cd targets

Kheswa, Ntombizonke Yvonne January 2011 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / To study nuclear reactions and nuclear structures, target materials are bombarded with high-energy particles. The target material can either be in a form of a metal film or gas. A target material designed to study certain nuclear reactions or to produce nuclei to study their structure should yield as minimum as possible of competing reactions under ion bombardment. This requires a chemically and isotopically pure target material prepared as a self supporting thin film, or as alternative, prepared on a thin career foil. Additional requirement for lifetime measurement experiments are homogeneity and precise thickness of the target material. Some of the data obtained from the stopping power experiment where targets of 114Cd were used for lifetime measurement are presented. Moreover, a nuclear target should influence the spectroscopic resolution as little as possible. Thus, film thickness must be adjusted to the respective reaction under study while observing the optimum thickness homogeneity.

Historic dye analysis : method development and new applications in cultural heritage

Troalen, Lore Gertrud January 2013 (has links)
A review of the main natural dyes (particularly yellow flavonoids and red anthraquinones) and proteinaceous substrates used in Historical Tapestries and North American porcupine quill work was undertaken, and is summarised in Chapter 1. The analysis of natural dyes which have been used on museum artefacts other than textiles has received little systematic study, particularly those of non-European origin. In this research, the use of Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) for study of natural dyes found on historical textiles and ethnographical objects decorated with porcupine quill work is explored; this required a transfer of existing analytical protocols and methodology. The advantages of using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) was evaluated through a method development based on the separation and quantification of ten flavonoid and anthraquinone dyes as described in Chapter 2. These methods were then applied to the characterisation of the dye sources found on a group of sixteenth century historical tapestries which form an important part of the Burrell Collection in Glasgow and are believed to have been manufactured in an English workshop (Chapter 3) and also to the analysis of some late nineteenth century North American porcupine quill work from a collection owned by National Museums Scotland (Chapter 5); allowing exciting conclusions to be drawn in each case about the range of dyestuffs used in their manufacture. The second aim of this research was the development of methodology for the non-invasive quantification of metal ion residues on porcupine quill substrates. This was achieved through a comparative study of reference porcupine quills prepared in-house with dyebaths containing a range of metal ion concentrations (copper and tin). The concentration of metal ions sorbed by the porcupine quills was then quantified with Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) coupled to Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES) and non-invasive Particle Induced X-Ray Emission analysis (PIXE) coupled with Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) as described in Chapter 4. The responses provided by the different methods were compared and they were then applied to the study of micro-samples collected from mid-nineteenth century Northern Athapaskan porcupine quill work. Unexpectedly, the use of UPLC analysis and RBS-PIXE analysis allowed the characterisation of traded European natural dyes used with metallic mordants (copper and tin) on these samples, highlighting how European contact impacted on traditional Athapaskan porcupine quill work in the late nineteenth century (Chapter 5).

Effets d'irradiation et comportement des produits de fission dans la zircone et le spinelle

Gentils, Aurélie 15 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Certains oxydes sous forme cristalline, plus particulièrement la zircone (ZrO2) et le spinelle (MgAl2O4), sont des matrices potentielles pour la transmutation du plutonium et des actinides mineurs. Ce travail concerne l'étude des propriétés physico-chimiques de ces matrices, avec un accent particulier sur leur comportement vis-à-vis de l'irradiation et leur capacité à confiner les produits de fission. Les irradiations à basse énergie et l'incorporation d'analogues stables de produits de fission (Cs, I, Xe) dans des monocristaux de ZrO2 (phase cubique stabilisée avec Y2O3) et MgAl2O4 ont été réalisées avec l'implanteur d'ions du CSNSM-Orsay. Les irradiations à haute énergie ont été effectuées sur divers accélérateurs d'ions lourds (GANIL-Caen, ISL-Berlin, HIL-Varsovie). Les techniques de microanalyse nucléaire (RBS et canalisation) ont été mises en œuvre in situ sur l'accélérateur ARAMIS du CSNSM-Orsay pour caractériser le désordre créé par l'irradiation, et pour étudier le relâchement des produits de fission. Des expériences complémentaires de microscopie électronique à transmission ont été réalisées afin de déterminer la nature du désordre créé. Les résultats expérimentaux indiquent que l'irradiation de ZrO2 et MgAl2O4 avec des ions lourds de quelques centaines de keV ou de quelques centaines de MeV crée un désordre structural important dans les matrices cristallines. Le désordre total (amorphisation) n'est jamais atteint dans le cas de la zircone, contrairement au spinelle. Ces résultats montrent également l'influence déterminante de la concentration en produits de fission sur leur relâchement dans les deux matériaux étudiés, avec une forte augmentation du relâchement quand la concentration excède une valeur seuil, ou en présence de défauts produits par une irradiation avec des ions de gaz rares. Une exfoliation du spinelle implanté à forte concentration d'ions Cs est observée après traitement thermique à haute température.

Pénétration intergranulaire fragilisante du cuivre par le bismuth liquide : identification de la cinétique et du mécanisme de type diffusionnel entre 300 et 600°C

Laporte, Vincent 28 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'est déroulée dans le cadre d'une réflexion sur la fragilisation par les métaux liquides, un des phénomènes pouvant limiter la durée de vie de la cible de spallation dans les réacteurs hybrides qui représentent une des solutions possibles pour le traitement des déchets nucléaires et qui sont étudiés dans le cadre du groupement de recherche GEDEPEON (GEstion des Déchets Et Production d'Energie par des Options Nouvelles).<br />L'objectif de cette étude a été d'identifier le mécanisme contrôlant l'endommagement intergranulaire du cuivre placé en contact avec le bismuth liquide. Des analyses fractographiques par microscopie électronique à balayage, spectroscopie d'électrons Auger, spectroscopie de photoélectrons et rétrodiffusion Rutherford ont ainsi été effectuées sur des polycristaux et un bicristal de cuivre (joint de flexion symétrique de désorientation 50° autour de <100>) afin de caractériser les deux paramètres suivants :<br />(i) la cinétique de pénétration intergranulaire et<br />(ii) la concentration intergranulaire en bismuth obtenue après pénétration.<br />Les résultats présentés (cinétique parabolique et concentration intergranulaire en bismuth inférieure à deux monocouches équivalentes) nous permettent de conclure que c'est la diffusion intergranulaire des atomes de bismuth qui contrôle la pénétration intergranulaire du cuivre par le bismuth liquide entre 300 et 600°C. De plus, nous pouvons ainsi conclure à l'absence de mouillage intergranulaire parfait dans ce système et aux températures considérées.

Uncovering Magnetic Order in Nanostructured Disordered Materials : A Study of Amorphous Magnetic Layered Structures

Korelis, Panagiotis January 2011 (has links)
The scope of this thesis is the study of the interplay between structure and magnetism in amorphous materials. The investigations focus on the growth of amorphous layers and the study of the influence of structural disorder and reduced physical extension on the magnetic properties of thin films and multilayers. The examined magnetic materials are FeZr alloys, as well as other amorphous transition metal alloys such as CoZr and FeCoZr. Thin films and multilayers of the studied materials were deposited using magnetron sputtering in ultra-high vacuum conditions. Their amorphous structure and layering quality was investigated using X-ray scattering techniques and in several cases with transmission electron microscopy. The chemical composition of the alloys was determined with Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry. The magnetic properties were investigated using the magneto-optic Kerr effect and SQUID magnetometry, as well as polarized neutron reflectometry and X-ray magnetic circular dicroism measurements. For FeZr alloys deposited as multilayers with Al2O3 as spacer layer, it was found that Fe-rich nanocrystallites, formed at the metal/oxide interfaces, exert large influence on the magnetic properties. The use of AlZr alloys as buffer layers promotes the growth of highly amorphous FeZr layers. FeZr/AlZr multilayers with good layering quality can also be obtained. The influence of the reduced layer thickness on the magnetic moment, Curie temperature and magnetic dimensionality of the magnetic layers is addressed for FeZr/AlZr multilayers. Thin FeZr layers in these structures are found to belong to the 2D XY dimensionality class. The change of the magnetic moment and Curie temperature with reduced FeZr layer thickness is quantified. In addition, the induced magnetic moment in the alloy element Zr was investigated in FeZr and CoZr alloy films. The possibility to imprint a preferred magnetization direction during thin film preparation was demonstrated for FeCoZr layers. Lastly, AlZr alloy films were studied with respect to their oxidation stability at room and elevated temperatures, aiming towards development of materials with passivating properties.

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